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Sal Taybrim

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Posts posted by Sal Taybrim

  1. No riding high speed lifts with drunk people!


    Max thought about giving his pal in maintenance a shout, but considering German had already started drinking he decided against it. He wasn't convinced the others wanted to spend the night out covered in Denobulan yarf.


  2. ((OOC: This JP with Noelle has been in google drive for a LONG time. So it is finally time to post it :D ))

    (( Quarters D'Sena ))

    The announcement about the Vacation planet had been ship wide, so Akeelah had heard it too. She couldn't imagine that the planet was suitable for her visit in the wheelchair and she was not yet stable on her legs. But what had really occupied her mind since then was the invitation towards families. Her own family was too busy to get all the way out here and the only family that she wanted to see even more was across the galaxy on Starbase 118.

    She sat behind her desk, the small box in her hand open, displaying a Jade ring she had not yet sent back to Jack. It had been surprisingly had for her to do so because it felt like she had a piece of him here. Her mind went back to several months ago when he had sent it to her.

    (( Flashback - about a year ago ))

    ((Starbase -118))

    There’s a lot of work that goes into planning a wedding. Seriously - like a lot. And with so much distance it’s astronomical. At least for most people. However this was Jack Gard and Akeelah D’Sena we’re talking about. There were things to decide, however, both big and small. Decision of big and little consequence. First and foremost, the ring… something not so easy.

    Jack had gone to various little shops looking for just the right ring. Something that said… Something that was ‘Akeelah’. Which seemed harder then he had originally thought. They were too small, too flashy, too… everything. Anything. Nothing was right. Computer replicas, by the thousands, took to long to sift through causing him to abandon such endeavors. It was bordering on frustrating. Why couldn’t he find what he wanted?

    It wasn’t until he received a little package in the mail. In a hand made box with ornate oriental patterns all about it. It was small and could have easily gotten lost, and yet many took care to bring it to his personal quarters, hand delivered. He sat quietly, simply looking at the box. Jack knew who it was from, the only people in his life who would send such a box. What he didn’t know was what was inside it. He took a sharp breath in, held it for a long moment while his hands reached out. One on the lid the other hold still the rest. Like a bandaid, he opened it swiftly. There was cotton-like material stuffed inside. He curiously pulled out the stuffing, a small clater fell on his table top. His heart nearly skipped a beat, as his eyes fell upon the small jade rings laying tied together.

    Those were the wedding bands that belonged to Tabby’s grandparents, before they renewed their vows and gave each other two new rings. These were old pieces of jewelry, handed down to each generation. It had been discussed that Jack and Jessica were to get them. But he had been stubborn, insisting on something new, bright and dazzling. Believe it or not, but he had been a bit foolish in his younger years from time to time. He swallowed hard, picking them up and holding them in the palm of his hand. They felt… heavy. This was not only approval of the marriage, but also an unspoken question to carry on their tradition, to keep their part of the family apart of his… apart of Tabby’s. He squeezed them tightly as his chest clenched too. It had been a long time since he thought of his passed wife. Was it selfish? Foolish of him to let his mind wonder to her, knowing he was working getting to ready to marry another… he hoped she would be happy for him, that he’d finally moved on and found such happiness and joy.

    He would send them to Akeelah, seeking her approval. There was no way for him know if she would see the honor or the taboo in keeping the rings. He wrote her a long letter, talking of all sorts of things; his had, how Tabitha was doing, and school. He asked her of her day and her health. And at the very end, before signing off, he asked her about the rings. .

    ((USS Constitution, Marchlands, Akeelah D’Sena’s personal quarters - a little while later))

    It had been a busy day full of work and rehab. Akeelah had finally returned to her quarters. She had gotten used to gauging the distance between the wheels of her chair and the doorframes or the furniture. Such a long time in this thing would do that.

    As always her first way was to the desk in the corner, where she pressed a button to activate a small holoimage that flickered into existence. The piercing warm eyes of Jack looked right at her, beneath him the sparkling bright eyes of his daughter Tabby. Akeelah smiled gently, running her fingers through the apparition, tickling over her skin as they went right through it.

    Computer: One message waiting.

    The reminder of the computer, which had noticed she was around, pulled her out of her melancholy. She missed both of them.

    D’Sena: Play message.

    Computer: One delivery for Akeelah D’Sena has been placed on the table.

    She pulled her brows together and turned her head, noticing the small package on the table top. While she wasn’t a big fan of strangers entering her quarters without her being here, she appreciated that the delivery had not been delayed or taken back to the service offices. Placing her hands on the the wheels of her chair she moved to the table and picked up the small package.

    Opening it she found a letter first and a smile played around her lips as she recognized Jack’s handwriting on the paper. It was as if she could hear his voice, telling her about his day, all the things that he and Tabby did. Her cheeks flushed at some parts that went into a lot of detail about how much he missed her. She couldn’t pretend that she didn’t feel the same way.

    As the letter prompted her to open the package inside, she pulled it out and opened the box, revealing two circular objects made of a green shiny stone. She pulled one of them out and noticed that they were heavier than expected, the light from the ceiling reflected on the smooth surface.

    D’Sena: ::mumbling:: Beautiful… but what is it?

    She went back to read the letter and her brows raised when she read the explanation Jack had included. Her eyes went back to the rings, forehead furrowed in confusion.

    D’Sena: Computer, what is the meaning of wedding rings?

    Computer: In various cultures a wedding ring or wedding band is a finger ring that indicates that its wearer is married. It can be manufactured from various materials. Depending on culture, a wedding ring is typically worn on the base of the left or right ring finger. Many spouses wear their wedding rings day and night, causing an indentation in the skin that is visible even when the ring is removed. Certain cultures consider it unlucky to remove a wedding ring once it has been placed -

    D’Sena: Stop. ::She watched the ring curiously.:: Why is it important?

    Computer: Due to their design wedding rings are seen as a symbol of eternal love and has been an emblem of love through time, a symbol of devotion and an agreement between two parties to love and cherish one another.

    D’Sena: Huh…

    It was the first time she actually had heard about wedding rings. The time off her own home planet had been limited to the Academy, the Apollo and the Constitution. She was aware of married couples, but hadn’t known that they wore something to show their unity. Since Rodulans didn’t marry this was all new to her.

    She still held the ring between her fingers and in the spur of the moment pushed it on her left ring finger. Raising her hand, she looked at the contrast between the jade green and the dark skin. The heavy material did its own to make her realize that something was on her finger. She could imagine it to be a constant reminder of her bond with Jack. Was this why people wore these? She couldn’t help but smile.

    D’Sena: Computer, establish connection to Lieutenant Jack Gard, Starbase 118.

    The computer beeped in compliance and the screen popped into a rotating Starfleet logo. Since it had to go through all kinds of relays she knew there would be a delay but she didn’t mind those few seconds of waiting between answers.

    Gard: ::somewhat concerned:: Akeelah? ::he scanned her face. He hadn’t expected to hear from her.:: Is everything alright?

    D’Sena: What? Can’t I call my fiancée out of the blue?

    His features softened, giving her one of his ‘just for you’ smiles. It was nice - more than nice really.

    Gard: Fiancée? ::he teased her lightly.::

    D’Sena: I looked up the term. I used it right, didn’t I? ::She was worried to have learned the wrong term for a moment.::

    Gard: ::a single nod.:: Yes, you did. ::he assured her.::

    D’Sena: Good. ::Relief washed through her:: I got your package.

    Ah, so that was the reason for the call. They were from two different worlds - meaning there were differences and one could make the other uncomfortable if they were cautious.

    Gard: And? ::he asked.::

    D’Sena: Did you buy them?

    Gard: No, ::he sighed slightly.:: Tabby’s grandparents gave them to me.

    D’Sena: Your parents?

    Gard: No… ::he repeated.:: Her mother’s parents. ::hesitantly.::

    Akeelah tilted her head ever so slightly, a gesture that anyone but Jack wouldn’t even have noticed.

    D’Sena: Are these the rings you and your late wife wore?

    There was no judgement or anger in the words, just sheer curiosity.

    Gard: No, we didn’t take them at the time. ::curiously.:: does it fit?

    She looked down to her hand, the ring embracing her finger was out of camera view. With a material like that changing the size would have been hard, and how big was the chance of it actually fitting like that? It was like it was made for her. She raised her eyes again and then her hand followed, showing him the jade ring on her finger in a beautiful contrast to her dark skin.

    D’Sena: It fits perfectly.

    Gard: ::better question.:: Are they acceptable?

    The gaze of her pitch black eyes softened, something only noticeable when one had spend a lot of time looking into Rodulan eyes. She knew he tried hard. Since her people didn’t marry they both didn’t have a script to go by. There was no example on how to deal with these two cultures and traditions entering this kind of situation. All they had was their love and their compromises to make this special for both of them.

    D’Sena: They are beautiful.

    He was relieved. Part of it because he couldn’t seem to find anything he liked better and partly because of what it meant to Tabby’s grandparents. Jack offered a soft smile in return. He wished he could see her in person, how he missed her. There was a Terran saying that fit this feeling: distance made the heart grow fonder.

    He must have gotten lost in thought as she spoke up again. Her voice low with a hint of the emotion that bubbled just beneath her surface. If he hadn’t known her so well, he might have noticed.

    D’Sena: ::Lowering her hand again:: I will return the box to you, to keep them until we need them.

    Gard: Is there anything you’d like - something specific from your world or beliefs in regards to the wedding?

    They hadn’t had much chance to talk about such things in details. So it was a lot of guess-work and trying to find a happy balance. While he’d gone through the process once before, Akeelah was a different woman and her needs were vastly different from his first wife. Something he appreciated.

    D’Sena: My people do not have traditions or rituals like weddings. ::She thought:: But we have a bonding ceremony. Since I honour your traditions, maybe we can implement some of mine.

    Gard: Absolutely. ::as if she really needed to ask.:: I just need to know what.

    Akeelah began to speak of her own traditions and Jack listened to her description of something she wished to bring into their wedding. It would be a mixture of Terran and Rodulan and them. Which seemed more than fitting. He smiled softly as she explained yet another facet of her people’s culture.

    Gard: I think that will fit nicely.

    D’Sena: I am glad.

    He gave a long pause, studying her face. Memorizing her features. It would be some time still till he could be close to her. Before he could hold her again. Distance was a terrible thing in reality.

    D’Sena: I wonder where your thoughts are.

    If he had been here, she would know. But this was how things were right now. He had duty to uphold far away.

    Gard: Hmmm? ::He was pulled from his inner thoughts.:: I’m sorry - I was just thinking about … how much I wish there wasn’t so much distance between us. ::he admitted.::

    D’Sena: ::A more open smile, she placed her hand on the screen.:: I wish the same. I can't wait to see you again in person.

    ((/Flashback ))

    She took a deep breath and brushed her fingertips over the smooth surface of the ring. She missed him so much it was painful. But it would be worth it in the end. If the time apart had shown her one thing it was that her heart didn't easily change. Maybe someday soon she could tell him in person.

    Lieutenant Jack Gard

    simmed by

    Lieutenant Commander Nijil
    Executive Officer
    Starbase 118 Ops
    USS Narendra


    LtCmdr Akeelah D'Sena
    Security Officer - Momentarily off duty

    simmed by

    Commodore Jalana Rajel
    Commanding Officer
    USS Constitution B
    Image Team Co-Facilitator

  3. A really lovely character building JP, showing off what can be accomplished with a little teamwork during shore leave!



    ((Atmospheric Lab, Deck 510, StarBase 118))


    DeVeau and Kudon had just ended their meeting with Galven and were about to proceed along a few tracks to determine the best way to neutralize the Death Fog leftover on Vankoth II.  One was to separate the silicon from the silicon platinum chloride.  The second was to add ascorbic acid to chemically neutralize it.  And there was the third possibility of a combination of breaking the Death Fog molecules apart and adding something.  One way or the other they needed to get rid of the SiPtCl2.  There was also the matter of getting more accurate data from the Klingons on the level of Death Fog in the atmosphere


    Kudon: So, Commander DeVeau, shall we go to a containment holodeck or do you want to work on the models first before trying them out?


    DeVeau: Best to take things carefully I think.  Let’s work on a few models, then test.  


    The two of them headed to the Science Main Office on Deck 506 to develop the models together.  Once there, the two sat down at a computer station and started exploring possibilities.


    Kudon: I would recommend that we first translate the algorithm into Klingon and send it to them and hopefully get their data soon.  The more accurate our data, the better our models will end up being.


    DeVeau: And the sooner we get that information, the sooner we can find a solution.  Agreed. 


    Kudon: After that, I would be most interested in us starting on a model on your idea of adding ascorbic acid to see what effect that may have.


    While he was genuinely interested in DeVeau’s theory, Kudon also knew it was smart to defer to one’s superior officer.  He would get a chance eventually to try out his model.  Better to show respect first.


    DeVeau: We can run more than one model at a time.  ::Alora pointed out.::  So let’s be efficient, eh?


    Making the best use of their time would get to an answer sooner rather than later.  Alora focused her attention on the task at hand.  Translating was made a little more difficult by the fact that some of the vocabulary used was not common.  Some words didn’t have straight Klingon translations.  Eventually, however, they accomplished that task. Then they went about setting up the models.  If they gave promising results, they would then take them to the holodeck and run some tests.  While they waited, Alora leaned back in her chair and studied the man across from her.  DeVeau: So please tell me about yourself, Kudon.  


    This took Kudon quite by surprise.  He was not used to superior officers, especially ones he just met, to want to get to know him.  After a moment of hesitation he replied.


    Kudon: Well...what exactly do you wish to know.

    DeVeau: Whatever you’re willing to tell me.  


    He wasn’t sure where to begin, so he just went with the basics.


    Kudon: I am 22 Terran years old and fresh out of the Academy...plus one mission obviously.  I am from Vulcan.  


    That wasn’t surprising to Alora.  While not all Vulcans were born on Vulcan depending on what their parents did, most were indeed from their home planet.  


    DeVeau: How did you end up in Starfleet? 


    Kudon: I’ve always known I wanted to be an Engineer.  Or at least a science officer.  At the Academy, I focused on maximizing the efficiency of fusion and warp core engines when they are operating together.


    He was presenting what was his usual stump speech about what work he had done.  He usually assumed superior officers cared more about his resume than his personal life.  With Hael as quite the exception...in many ways.


    DeVeau: Surely there’s more to your life than that.  Vulcan’s weren’t generally known for being forthcoming, but Alora did prefer to get to know her comrades.  After all, they worked together, they lived together.  They fought together.  They were family - maybe not biologically, but family none the less.  


    Kudon: I spent little time off planet growing up on Vulcan.  My youth was rather immersed in a number of different Engineering projects.  I entered many science competitions and I will be honest that I won most of them.  If I may, Commander, if we are aquainting ourselves with each other, may I ask what brought you to Starbase 118 Ops?


    DeVeau: Why certainly.  I was assigned here.  Before that...well, I can’t say, classified, but before /that/, I was in the Shoals on the Veritas.  


    Kudon: Interesting.  That must have been quite different than here.


    DeVeau: Yes, very.  Being on a base is quite a bit different than being on a ship, but not only that, the area was different, the people different.  Atmosphere in general.  The way you live is…


    Just then, an alert went off on the computer and Kudon took a look, Alora following suit.  


    Kudon: The first iteration of each of our three models has completed.  


    The two of them scanned over the data results on the screen.


    DeVeau: Oh, this looks promising.


    Alora pointed at the information on the screen, though it was quite unnecessary.  


    Kudon: Yes, it appears that Silicon can break off from the platinum chloride, as long as the temperature is kept within reasonable range.  The model with adding ascorbic acid is also successful.  What readings do you have on the model with both splitting the Silicon and adding the ascorbic acid?


    DeVeau: Same - results show in an effective break down of the Fog.  


    Kudon: So all three seem like effective methods to neutralize the gas.  The trouble is figuring out, which one is best.  And I don’t like the p-value of breaking off the Silicon only being .03.  97% chance of success is good, but a lot can go wrong 3% of the time.  


    While Kudon certainly wanted to go with whichever model produced the best outcomes, part of him was very hopeful that his Silicon model would work.  This algorithm that had now been modified multiple times to detect, and now destroy Death Fog, was his ongoing project and if his theory of breaking off the Silicon were correct, it would help him feel somewhat redeemed for the limitations his algorithm had faced during the mission.


    DeVeau: True.  Alora broke off, pondering the information they were presented with.  


    Kudon: We can recalibrate and try another model run, but I think we need that data from the Klingons before we can do so.


    DeVeau: I concur.  The more information we have, the better we can prepare, the better success we’ll have as well.  We’ll, unfortunately, have to wait.  


    Kudon: Very well, Commander.  While we are waiting, I understand you are from Earth, correct?


    Alora leaned back in her chair, crossed one leg over the other, then used the foot that remained in contact with the floor to twirl around.  When she was facing the Vulcan again, she nodded.  


    Kudon was rather taken aback that his superior officer was twirling on a chair in front of them.  Not that he necessarily minded, but it was not what he expected.  On the other hand, she did seem to want to get to know him.  He could show her the same courtesy.


    DeVeau: I’m an Earthling, born and bred in Georgia, spent quite a few years in Japan.  Some of my family still lives there.  Question. 


    Kudon: Do you want to ask me a question?


    DeVeau: What kind of music do you like? 


    Kudon: That is a..surprising question, but I am happy to answer.  In fact, Commander Hael is the only person I have spoken with about music since I arrived.  We both appreciate an old Terran group called Metallica.  If you haven’t heard of them, they were what was called metal.  Very emotional music.  In fact, I like most music that expresses deep feelings.


    At that point, Kudon wondered if it made sense to tell her that he was a Vulcan that had chosen to experience emotions.  It helped fit with his like of emotional music.  But he hardly knew DeVeau and he did not want to seem like he was confessing or giving up some dirty secret.  So he kept quiet about it for now. 


    DeVeau: Do you like to dance?


    Kudon: Well, metal is not exactly the type of music to dance to.  But come to think of it, I have never danced to any type of music before.  What do you ask?

    DeVeau: Just curious.  So what type of things do you do when you have downtime?  What floats your boat?


    Kudon: What floats my...what?

    Alora giggled and twirled around, this time in the opposite direction.  


    Kudon felt strange that she did the twirling again.  As someone who chose emotions, coming from a culture that does not, he usually struggled with ambiguous social situations.  And here he was not sure what the line was between professional and personal communication and behavior.  He found DeVeau to be a very nice person, but nonetheless he felt awkward.


    DeVeau: It’s an earth saying - it means, what interests you?


    Kudon: Oh I see...I enjoy cooking a variety of different dishes.  Sometimes I’ll replicate certain ingredients, but I like to make things from scratch as much as possible.  It feels very creative.  I like to cook dishes from a variety of cultures, not just Vulcan.  I also read a great deal, about engineering of course, but I took a number of Academy courses on interstellar diplomatic relations, so I enjoy reading about how different planets, empires, and so forth both cooperate and compete with one another.  What about you?  What...floats your boat?   


    Alora grinned.  A Vulcan who expressed emotions /and/ adopted idioms.  She knew they existed, but she’d never met one before.  Very interesting.  


    DeVeau: Oh, lots of things, really, but I’ll just choose one.  Singing. 


    Kudon: How long have you been doing that?


    DeVeau: Since I was born.


    Alora grinned and shrugged. 


    DeVeau: My mom’s a musician, I heard it in the womb, evidently, I came out singing myself, so to speak. 


    Kudon: What is your favorite part about it?


    That was not a simple answer.  Alora leaned back further into the chair pondering the question.  She forwent twirling about and, instead, just turned it from side to side a little as she considered the question.  What was her favourite part?  About singing?


    DeVeau: I guess...being able to express one’s self in a way that’s augmented by the music.  Pain is more painful, joy more joyful when music is added.  And then...being able to become someone else and something else, even just for a little while.  Not because I dislike myself, but because it’s interesting to explore different thoughts, ideas, and situations.  Which...kind of goes along with another thing that floats my boat - acting.


    Kudon: Wow, that does sound very enjoyable.  You should get some of the other crewmates together and we could all do it as a group.  I almost forgot to ask you, what kind of music do you---


    He was cut off by the computer alert, just as DeVeau had earlier.  The Klingon data had come in.


    Kudon: The Klingons certainly sent us the data very quickly.  It is not like them to be so immediately cooperative.


    At once, Alora was all business.  As much as she enjoyed learning about people, she also knew there was a time for chit chat, and a time for work.  She eyed the data on the screen and nodded. 


    DeVeau: Sounds like they want to get rid of this stuff as soon as possible - which is understandable.  


    Kudon: What I’d like to do is have the computer translate it back from Klingon and then run our three models again.


    DeVeau: Okay.


    Alora didn’t argue though she was fully capable of translating it.  Perhaps he wanted it written down, which she could understand.  


    As he started the translation, Kudon was starting to fill with excitement.  There was just something about the combination of abstract mathematical analysis with real life data. 


    Kudon: Reverse translation complete.  Ready to input the data into our three models.  Let’s see what kind of light we can shine on this Death Fog.


    Alora took a few moments to read over the information, though she chose to do so in the original Klingon.  


    DeVeau: Let’s input the data on all the models and see what happens.  Best not count our chickens before they’re hatched.


    Kudon: I agree that would be the best approach...I must say Commander, ::getting more and more animated:: and I think you can appreciate this as a Science Officer, there is just something so exciting about creating an algorithm and seeing it work in the real world.  It may seem silly, but I actually am nervous about what the results of our models will be.  Accurate, inaccurate?  Worse, better?  So many think of science and engineering as just brainpower, but there is real creativity and, dare I say, emotion involved.  Don’t you agree?


    So he had let her know about his emotions after all, albeit indirectly.


    Alora’s verdant eyes twinkled.  Little did he know she’d already seen that he allowed emotion - after all, Vulcan’s didn’t use terms such as ‘like’ and enjoyment when referring to themselves.  That display, however, showed that he did indeed allow his emotions to the forefront for more than simply descriptive words.  When she didn’t answer, too entertained by his excitement, he queried again. 


    Kudon: There must have been a time when you felt like this?


    DeVeau: Oh definitely.  And I agree.  More creativity is needed than people suspect, you have to think outside the books, look at things from different angles - like an artist.  


    Kudon could not contain himself to sit down so he started pacing behind the chairs they were sitting in.  He was about to respond to DeVeau when the computer did one final alert to indicate the three models had finished running.  


    Kudon: What are the results?


    Alora didn’t answer right away.  She perused the results for a moment, then turned to the pacing Vulcan.  


    DeVeau:  It looks like a combination of our ideas would work best.  It offers the most stability, and it actually speeds up the process by a whopping fifty percent! 


    Kudon: Fascinating.  I think we should let Commander Galven know immediately.


    DeVeau: Yes, yes we should.  I also think we should run it through the holodeck and test it out that way, but I suspect we’ll get the same answer.


    Alora stood, allowing the chair to finally go still.


    Kudon: I must say, Commander, I have enjoyed working with you.


    Still standing, Kudon put out his hand to shake hers, with a small, but quite obvious, smile on his face, thinking how their teamwork had led to potentially very positive results.


    Alora’s smile lit up her face and she accepted the hand warmly, though surprised as Vulcans were usually uninclined to touch due to their telepathy.  At least, that’s what her experience had been.  


    DeVeau: I feel the same, it was a pleasure working with you.  I look forward to doing so more in the future.  


    Ensign Kudon

    Starbase 118 Ops

    Engineering Officer





    Lt. Cmdr. Alora DeVeau

    Science Officer

    Starbase 118 Ops



  4. Aly - I know I'm writing this scene with you, but I want you to know that you are doing a wonderful job of realistically portraying Sheila and her struggles.  Your narrative here is growing ever stronger, and more compelling and I am so engaged in her struggles.  You have done a fantastic job!  <3


    OOC - This sim has mention of abuse, not graphic. All thoughts and opinions are of that of my character.

    ((CO’s Office – The Hub – StarBase 118))

    Bailey: It should.

    Sheila knew that she was sliding backwards. When she left home for the academy she didn’t have a reminder of her Uncle. Maybe that was because she was getting used to a whole new level of gravity. Her Uncle didn’t even come up when she was first posted to Federation starship. She guessed that her mind had just been strong for too long and it was finally time to face what he had done to her. Overall she was in a constant internal battle where she had a desire to be strong. That was now coming up against that small voice in her head that threw back everything her Uncle said to her; put it right back into her face. 

    Taybrim: ::Gently:: And why would you say that?

    Bailey: I’ve struggled, in my younger years, to not believe all the abusive things my Uncle told me. Not hurt myself in similar ways.

    Sal nodded, showing that he was listening. Sheila appreciated that. 

    Taybrim: That is one of the most difficult things you will grapple with. But you can overcome it.

    Could she overcome what he had done to her? In a way it would always be with her but she could get to a point that it would no longer bother her, that the thoughts would no longer come up and that she would no longer feel she would have to tell her commanding officers what had happened. Those thoughts didn’t come as a surprise to her. She knew the medical science behind what she was going through as she studied it in her training. Sal however made it all that much more real. He spoke reassuringly. He didn’t sugar coat anything. 

    Bailey: I feel that if someone tells you, you are a failure so many times one can not only start believing that but acting like that as well.

    Taybrim: It is, most unfortunately, a natural part of a being’s ability to learn that means that if you are taught something with enough repetition – including a destructive lie, that the brain will pick up that pattern and absorb it. You are not weak for that, you are simply sentient and capable of learning – a trait that your abuser took advantage of.

    Sheila was now feeling very uncomfortable. She had told other people but never in this much detail. It physically hurt. Not like the panic she felt during the mission but much more like someone was squeezing her. She pulled off her sweater leaving it on the floor by her chair. She also realized that yes her Uncle had taken advantage of her. He took advantage of her in so many different ways.

    He had told her that no one other than him would want her. That she couldn’t outshine others; that would draw too much attention to her. Lead to mistakes. And everytime she did something he didn’t approve of he showed her physically that she had messed up. Usually what he did was pull at her hair and throw her around. It would give her a loss of control. 

    These uncomfortable thoughts had her telling her friend, who was sitting across from her, about the worst thing he had done to her. 

    Bailey: I have a permanent reminder of what he did.

    Under her sweater she was wearing a simple white tank top which made it easier for her to show Sal the small white but still visible scar that she has on her upper spine. She turned around in her chair to do so. 

    The scar didn’t hurt anymore but it left a slight phantom pain anytime she brushed her fingers along it. She was only glad that it was in a hard to reach location as well as in a place that she couldn’t see when she looked in the mirror. 

    Bailey: You see that there? That small white scar? He did that to me and it won’t go away. ::her voice sounded desperate::

    Taybrim: I am so very sorry, Sheila. ::His voice was tender, soft.:: No one deserves to have that sort of pain and abuse done to them. No one deserves to have that reminder carried with them.  No one as bright or as compassionate as you ever deserves to have their world twisted by an abuser. I am so very sorry.

    Sal wasn’t faking his honest sympathy. 

    Bailey: I know I don’t deserve what he did to me. ::she turned to get more comfortable in her seat:: I just...feel like I’m stuck in this endless loop of failure. It feels hopeless right now. 

    Taybrim: No ::He shook his head gently, watching her move back into a more comfortable position.:: I don’t think it is hopeless or that you will fail in your career. I think you are farther along the path to recovery than you think you are, but I also know that yes, the road ahead is difficult.

    Bailey: It’s going to be hard. I know that for a hard cold fact. I studied about the subject in medical school. It’s however not the same thing as fighting the criminals of Starfleet. We go after then as we have strong evidence as to them committing criminal acts. My Uncle, he not only hurt me but after he would tell me how good I was or how much I wanted it. Words like that. 

    Working in Starfleet was easy as they had clear reasons to go after the people they did. Bailey herself knew that the “death fog” was deadly based on its chemical makeup, so in her mind it was a clear black line of bad. With her Uncle however he seemed to go back and forth between black and white so quickly and easily that she wasn’t sure if it really was his intention to hurt her. What she later learned was that yes he did have a reason to hurt her and her sisters. Of course he hurt them less then her but that never made that any easier. 

    Taybrim: I believe in you. I know you can do this. Again, you’ve already taken the first step – you recognize what your Uncle did and you called it out – abuse. You can see it, and you can talk to people about it – that’s not easy and it shows you are strong and brave.

    Sal’s tone was firm, reassuring.

    Bailey: I’ve told those I felt had a right to know. I still find it hard to tell myself that I was told lies my whole life. Even when I do it doesn’t make it better. 

    Taybrim: You learned these abusive things through repetition, continually being taught them.  You can unlearn them through repetition and continually being taught something else. And, you’re right – simply telling yourself that it’s a lie won’t help. You can know that it’s a lie and still feel those emotional welling within you because you’ve been taught that guilt and shame by a horrible person. You have to unlearn those basic responses.

    The Elaysian woman hardly knew what to say at that. In all honesty she felt a bit choked up. Her body was cold but if she put her sweater back on she felt like she would overheat. With that she left her sweater on the floor. 

    It was a silence that seemed to stretch on forever. Sheila could feel the anticipation of what Sal was going to say. Throughout their conversation it was the first time she hadn’t spoken which got her mind thinking in a million different directions. 

    Taybrim: This may be the hardest part for you. You are a medical officer, a compassionate soul who is dedicated to caring for others. But you need to re-establish your own sense of self beyond what your Uncle taught you. That means setting up a sense of self-preservation where you reinforce the self you believe in when your Uncle’s voice haunts you. ::He leaned forward a bit to explain.:: The reason this will feel so difficult for you is because you will need to be a little selfish. You may not be able to endure other’s emotional trauma while you are protecting yourself and re-establishing a new sense of self outside of your Uncle’s abuse. 

    Sheila Bailey didn’t completely freak out at Sal’s words. From the tension she felt she thought he was going to tell her that she was going to have to step away from Starfleet for a time. If she left she was going to break down fully no doubt about it. But was that what Sal was meaning? She wasn't sure. Sheila figured that he didn’t but thinking about it she in fact didn’t know. Her brain was torn between what she knew and what she felt. In the end her feelings won out. 

    Her feelings won out to the point that she started tearing up. 

    Bailey: You're not asking me to quit my job are you?

    Taybrim: Response 

    Bailey: I...I don’t understand. 

    Taybrim: Response 

    Bailey: Okay..Okay..::Sheila was taking deep breaths as she spoke. Her breath was shaky however, making her feel slightly more uncomfortable:: Let me backup. My Uncle abused me. That is a fact. 

    Sheila was trying to recap some of what they had talked about in order to try and understand what Sal, her friend, was asking her. Make sure those feelings that had her thinking she was going to have to quit could lose. If she broke it down then they would lose and she would be left knowing what she knew all along. That Sal was only asking her to limit herself and know her boundaries. And throughout their conversation he was guiding her through finding herself in a way that didn’t connect to her abuser. 

    Taybrim: Response 

    Bailey: I know it could affect my work, not that I’m going to let it. I am a compassionate person and work strongly in helping others. You’ve just got my brain fighting against my heart. I know your not asking or even telling me to quit right?

    Taybrim: Response 

    As she listened to the man in front of her talk she went about wiping her eyes, her breathing slowing. She had just been confronted with her biggest fear but she knew the right outcome even through the confusion. Sheila was glad that she had taken a step back and asked for clarification. 

    Bailey: Thank you. I’m just so scared. How do I move forward when I work in medicine?

    Taybrim: Response  


    Lieutenant JG Sheila Bailey

    Medical Officer

    Starbase 118 Ops


    • Like 2
  5. An absolutely devious and devastating finish to a long running side story about addiction and personal choice.  Bravo!



    ((T’Mar’s Quarters, USS Constitution))


    T’Mar and Saveron sat across from each other, each with a cup of their preferred beverage, the picture of cool Vulcan composure. 


    T’Mar: I see. ::pause to sip her tea:: You have spoken to Commander Foster.


    Saveron: Affirmative. ::There was no logic in denying it.:: He informed me of your extended use of Lexorin following a medical procedure which, I understand, resulted in unwanted effects related to your natural empathy and telepathy.


    He watched her expression, not really expecting it to change but wanting to be certain that he had the story straight. There was no benefit in proceeding on incorrect assumptions.


    T’Mar: Succinct.


    So he had understood correctly. 


    Saveron: Would you wish to talk about the procedure?


    The details were probably of more use to medical in the context of resolving the situation, but sometimes simply talking through a traumatic situation could be beneficial. Being heard was a powerful medicine.


    The clatter of the teacup indicated that he had, as some cultures put it, ‘hit a nerve’, which she tried to cover by carefully setting the cup down. There was definite trauma there, that tiny slip confirmed it, and he wondered how such a thing could have been allowed to happen. Perhaps one day she would have the confidence in him to let him work to reduce it’s impact, but first he had to build that confidence, that trust. She closed her eyes for a moment and he remained silent, giving her that space in time.


    T’Mar: Not particularly. It was done against my will. I was given medication to prevent me from blocking out the feelings and then subjected to a bombardment of emotions. It was.. Unpleasant to say the least.


    Vulcans were the masters of understatements. He couldn’t even imagine what it would be like, being subjected to the emotions of others, multiple others, against one’s will. But he would not ask her to relive that day now. 


    Saveron: Will you describe for me the changes that you experienced following the procedure?


    T’Mar: I.. ::pause:: I had a strong feeling of violation, but I also experienced an inability to properly suppress my emotions as well as my empathy.


    Hardly surprising that T’Mar felt violated, and Saveron suspected it could well have led to a distrust of other health professionals, whether consciously or unconsciously, which would have reduced even further her desire to seek the follow up she should have had. The anger that welled on her behalf was heavily suppressed. Now was a time of logic, and through logic, hopefully, the gentle unwinding of the knot T’Mar had gotten herself into. 


    Saveron: Disagreeable. ::He empathised.:: And for these symptoms you were prescribed Lexorin?


    T’Mar: Indeed. I was hesitant at first, however, it was necessary. 


    The Counsellor set his empty cup aside and laced long fingers together.


    Saveron: Entirely understandable. ::There are times when such support was beneficial; but it was never meant to be permanent.:: And I anticipate that the medication has been supportive. The question is; how to do you wish to proceed from this point?


    Saveron wasn’t aware of that particular part of her conversation with Cade, but T’Mar was exactly right when she insisted to Foster that no treatment would be efficacious, no effort to resolve her addiction succeed, if she was not willing. Given that she had been an unwilling participant in the original procedure, consent and active participation was particularly important. 


    T’Mar: I am quite content continuing on the way I have been.


    Saveron: By which, you mean continuing treatment with Lexorin?


    He paraphrased to be certain that he understood her.


    T’Mar: There seems to be this notion that I am doing something wrong, but this medication helps me, Commander. 


    The defensive tone of her words was obvious. Deep down, she knew that it wasn’t the right answer, and she’d heard accusation from him where he’d deliberately offered none. Oh, he could have, but he anticipated that Cade might have already taken that path, and was possibly not the first. He was deliberately walking a different one, since clearly the other had not been efficacious. 


    Saveron: One presumes that others have championed this notion, based on the recommended treatment protocols. 


    T’Mar: That’s a matter of opinion.


    The protocols were, technically, a matter of opinion, but a several very educated, expert opinions.


    Saveron: The general medical opinion is that long-term Lexorin use is to be avoided. 


    He said it to see what she’d say to that, whether she’d acknowledge the current medical wisdom. 


    T’Mar: I had hoped that you of all people could understand the complexity of my situation. 


    And that was a no. 


    Saveron: I am endeavouring to do so. ::He assured her evenly.:: I have never had another’s emotions forced on me, nor known what it is to be perceptive to the minds of others at range. ::Every telepathic contact he’d experienced had been individual, and consensual.:: I… cannot truly begin to comprehend such a violation, or the after effects. ::He admitted.:: Only that they would be intolerable. I understand that you would not wish to endure them.


    T’Mar: ?


    He inclined his head in acknowledgement.


    Saveron: I collated these documents for you, in anticipation of your preference, to provide you with relevant information. 


    He offered over a PADD for her to take.


    T’Mar: ?


    Saveron: I have included several studies of the long-term effects of Lexorin, including a metanalysis of the available data. In addition there is an account from a patient who was under palliative care for a terminal illness, and also on Lexorin, which provides a more personal rendering, so that you know what to expect.


    He spoke in the same, even tones, entirely professional, even dispassionate, in the way of their kind. A sharp contrast to Commander Foster.


    The analyses detailed the relative effectiveness of the medication over time, the cumulative neurotoxicity and eventual progression of synaptic breakdown. Sopek had documented his mental condition in great detail, until he was no longer able to do so. 


    Because that was the reality of what T’Mar was facing if she continued the way she had been, as she wished to. And since they were being logical, stoic Vulcans, he was simply providing her with information with which she could make informed decisions and plan for her future. Unfortunately it wouldn’t be a long one.


    T’Mar: ?


    Saveron: I can provide a prescription of Lexorin for you; it will be dependent on quarterly neurological scans. ::And be set to cancel immediately, should a scan be missed.:: Once the scans show neurological degradation, you will be discharged from Starfleet on medical grounds. 


    Not only for her own sake, but for that of her colleagues. 


    T’Mar: ?


    Saveron: Depending on your current synaptic state and frequency of use, and based on those studies, I estimate that you will have between two and five Standard years of service, before that occurs. The synaptic degradation curve is exponential, so once it becomes detectable you will need to enter care. I have included a list of care facilities that specialise in telepaths’ medical needs. The one on Betazed is particularly highly regarded, but has a long waiting list, so I would recommend submitting your application now. 


    Five years, maximum, and she wouldn’t be able to look after herself. T’Mar was absolutely right, it was her choice. But the important thing about the freedom to choose was that it came with the responsibility to accept the consequences.


    That was a lot of life to miss out on. 


    T’Mar: ?




    Commander Saveron


    USS Constitution-B


    ((T’Mar’s Quarters, USS Constitution))


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
    • Sad 1
  6. @Quentin Collins III- I remember when you were a newly posted ensign all full of energy and excitement on the Eagle and I am so proud of how much you have grown and developed as a writer!  You have done a great job and I am so excited to see you recognized for this award!  Keep up the great work!

    @Addison MacKenzie - You have been such a strong writer and helpful staff person this year going through a lot of changes and always managing to still write well.  I love writing with you in the Academy and the Thor is so lucky to have you!  I'm so happy to see your recognized this year - stay awesome my friend!

    @Wes Greavesand @Ben Garcia - I have seen how supportive and helpful you both are for your fellow crewmates and your ship's staff.  I'm so glad to see you both recognized.  Keep up the great work and keep on making the galaxy a bit more brilliant with your writing!  Fly high, Vikings, fly high!

    And finally,

    @Romyana Casparian - you are an absolute delight to write with.  I love your energy, I love the soft characterizations you place into Romyana.  I was touched as she made fast friends with Ensign Steiger only to see him injured on the mission and transferred to Starfleet medical.  I loved the little downtime conversation while we were playing out the clock on the bridge.  I loved the effort you put into improving Lt. Bailey's braces.  You connect with your fellow crew both in sim and on Discord and you deserve this recognition.  Thank you for being awesome and I look forward to so many future missions together!

    To all the duty post winners: CONGRATULATIONS!  You inspire the fellow writers on your ships and across the fleet.  Stay brilliant, stay creative, stay awesome. ❤️

    • Like 3
  7. Quote

    Hopper: Is it boy trouble? ::a hint of sassiness - though not the disrespectful kind. More like the ‘oh this’ll be good’ kind.::


    Blackwell: I’m not twelve or a teenager, and neither are you ::There was a bit of a shortness to that, and Rue knew it meant she was taking bait she shouldn’t::


    Hopper: ::she turned back to her drink and picked it up with a smirk.:: It’s totally boy trouble - let me guess, he’s got baggage that makes him emotionally unavailable?

    Oh, those troubles...

  8. On 6/28/2020 at 11:51 AM, Toryn Raga said:

    Let's make it happen! It's been a joy reading your sims for Cade. There's just something great about those curmudgeonly, older characters who aren't afraid to be gruff and blunt. *coughs* @Valin Dermont *coughs* I love reading every sim you write with Mark Two. Such a wonderful innocent and youthful hologram. 

    Yes!  cross ship shenanigans sounds like a blast!  :D 

    ❤️ thank you for the kind words!

    • Like 1
  9. Thank you all so much.  ❤️

    If you know me behind the scenes, I do not like to seek recognition; even pushing to see others recognized above myself.  But I am so thankful for having a fantastic and supportive crew who put forth some deep, meaningful nominations.  You are all the very best, thank you so much ❤️


    @Roshanara Rahman - Congratulations!  You are truly one of the best staff people I have ever worked with.  You're probably the most tireless, hardworking person in the game beyond Admiral Wolf and one of the biggest champions for Fleetwide unity and positive progress.  You have an uncompromising ability to look at situations fairly and from multiple viewpoints and you are an advocate for all players of this game.  Though we have never simmed together (but we should change that in the future!) I know you as one of the most dependable, level headed and responsible people in the fleet.  Thank you so much for all you do, and once again CONGRATULATIONS!

    @Oddas Aria - This really was the year that you started to shine.  From the Capstone project, the fostering of Commander Shayne through his Commander's exam and to his own launch, the building up of LtC Collins into a promising fleet staff member and the continued support of your crew to your dedication and work on the EC as our Captain at Large, CONGRATULATIONS, these recognitions are well deserved!

    @Quinn Reynolds - Your leadership of the training team has been a tremendous light and has made that team into a well-oiled machine.  You help foster all our new members as well as working as a mentor and guide for many of our new COs who all speak highly of you.  Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into this game year after year, and CONGRATULATIONS on your well-earned recognition in this new award!

    @Jarred Thoran - Thank you so much for bring a dedicated and popular Commanding Officer who had formed a model of communication for new ship launches.  I know you have struggled and overcome some difficult things in your command and have emerged as a strong CO that can confidently lead your crew moving forward,  CONGRATULATIONS on the PIke award, you have earned it!

    @Randal Shayne - Thank you for all the hard work you do with the Trivia Chat, on the Picard committee and now in transition to your new launch.  CONGRATULATIONS and best of luck for bright futures and wonderful adventures moving forward!  We have faith in you!  Or it that Faith of the Heart?!

    Congratulations everyone for helping make this game run as smoothly as it does for 26 years!

    • Like 2
  10. Quote

    Galven: ::tilts his head:: The Captain? I’ve only drank with him once before and he was a real delight. I don’t think he would mind tagging along, but it’s best to ask before dragging him off or Security might think we’re up to something strange in the neighborhood. 


    Maxwell: You give Sal a call, and I'll go find some pants.

    Pants, Good idea.

    • Haha 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Zephyr said:

    Honestly, I don't know how I wasn't awarded this before now either. I am happy to receive it. I congratulate all of the recipients.


    @Sal Taybrim - I look forward to writing another cameo on a subspace call if needed. As for meeting TIm, I think we can arrange for it. I'll talk to you more off-list.

    Yes!  We can do that JP :D

  12. A fun little perspective on the ongoing courtroom drama!

    ((Starbase 104 - Courtroom))

    Along with his quick pit stop for a snack Scooter took a stroll to stretch his legs.  He had been spending so much time recently digging through various files that he had managed to secure (don't ask him how), messaging people involved in the case for more information and comment (with almost zero luck), and writing draft after draft of the story to date.  He needed a little exercise and some time out of that dark FNS writer's room.
    His PADD gave a beep letting him know he had an incoming message.  He removed his PADD from his jacket pocket and looked at the message.  The trial was resuming.  He decided that exercise back to the courtroom would have to be enough for today.  He needed to get to the courtroom to hear some of the testimony to see how it connected to his findings so far.
    He slipped in quietly while the prosecution was finishing cross examination of one of the witnesses and took a seat in the back row.  The defense attorney rose and addressed the court.
    Maddox: I have one more witness; Commander Maxwell Traenor. He has joined the crew in Captain Rajel’s absence and with him, I would like to introduce new evidence. ::looking between Aubrey and Skepus:: Before I proceed. I want it on record that three separate Starbase 104 engineering and science teams have reviewed the findings and concur that they are authentic and accurate.

    Scooter sat up a little higher in his chair.  It seemed a little odd to him that the prosecution would provide a preemptive explanation of the evidence they were about to present so he figured this must be something good.  Really good.  Well, depending on your point of view and Scooter's point of the view was whatever story got him the promotion.

    Maddox: Here are the original, undoctored orders for the USS Constitution-B’s mission to Zeltin IV. It shows that Captain Rajel was ordered to negotiate trade. Commander Traenor, can you walk us through how you and Ensign Foley uncovered this as well as walk us through the details of the document?

    oO Oh this is better than I thought!  Oo

    Traenor: The metadata obscuration protocols and packet traffic trace details are appendicized in the presentation to the court. I can elaborate on the technicalities if required, but otherwise will condense our findings. On Stardate 239706.01, on the orders of Commander Maddox and with the authorization of the court, Ensign Chip Foley and I completed a thorough parse of related mission communication logs embedded in the USS Constitution's computer core. File size metadata inconsistencies, elaborated in Appendix I, between Starfleet Command and the Constitution were noted. Following the packet data routing outlined in Appendix II, it was found that the communication files in question were altered on Stardate 239704.26. 
    Scooter was a little lost in the technobable jargon that was coming out of the man's mouth but he was putting the basic pieces together.  Someone had altered the orders to frame Fleet Captain Rajel.
    Traenor: Despite having a skilled decrypter in Ensign Foley giving me assistance, the terminal point metadata had been expertly obscured. We were able to ascertain that the alteration had occurred from someplace within Starfleet Headquarters, but no further. The instigator of the comm log alterations had sufficiently covered their tracks. That is, except for one small overlooked packet regarding travel distances to Zeltion IV. Once we were able to parse that metadata, it gave us the key to unlock the altered metadata on the rest of the communication logs at question. We were able to not only unlock the original orders as they were received, but were able to pinpoint the terminal responsible for the alterations, and narrow it all down to one individual, thanks to that one overlooked message.

    Skepus: Your Honor, I–  … This is highly irregular!

    Scooter was shocked.  This was not the reaction that you would expect from a JAG officer, and a Vulcan one at that.  The prosecution's case was quickly falling apart.

    Aubrey/Any: response

    Maddox: And with whom did this document originate? How high up the chain of command are they?

    Traenor: The key document, which allowed us to verify the alterations of all other listed comm documents, originated from the terminal of Lieutenant Dolen, personal adjunct of Admiral Fraser. You will find their dossiers and their personal and professional links to the Zeltion IV mission in Appendix III.

    Maddox: Please keep in mind the three independent teams reviewed this prior to my submission into evidence.

    Scooter couldn't believe his ears and from the sounds of the courtroom either could anyone else in the room.  Did he just hear what he thought he heard?  The office of Admiral Faser had given the original orders and changed them when things went south to save face as he set off into the sunset years of his life?  Scooter thought he had a heck of a story when this was about Fleet Captain Rajel but the REAL story trumped that by quite a bit.

    Aubrey: response

    Maddox: ::bowing her head::Thank you Commander Traenor. I have no further questions.

    Skepus: Your Honor, in light of recent evidence, I withdraw my case. :: To Aria, cooly :: Perhaps we will resume this at a later date.
    Boom.  And there it was.  The case against Fleet Captain Rajel was over and Scooter was sure the case against Admiral Fraser was just starting.  He was hoping for a little downtime after writing this story but it was about to get even better.

    Aubrey/Rajel: response
    The room was more than a little chaotic at the moment.  People were standing.  Some were hugging.  The room was buzzing with various conversations.  Skepus was obviously frustrated and doing his Vulcan best not to let his emotions get the better of him but anyone watching him didn't need to guess at the inner turmoil he was going through.
    Scooter wanted a comment and did his best to make his way through the crowd of people.
    McGee: Excuse me.  Excuse me!
    He continued to gently push his way through as he made his way to Maddox and Rajel.  The two were understanbly surrounded by people to whom this case was very personal.
    McGee: Well let me be one of the first to congratulate you both on the outcome of the case.
    Maddox/Rajel: ?
    McGee: Scooter McGee.  Reporter with Federation News Service.  I've been covering the case but nobody really wanted to talk on the record while the trial was still underway.  Now that the trial is over can I *finally* get a comment before we all turn our attention to Admiral Fraser?
    Maddox/Rajel: ?
    McGee: Your crew seems very devoted to you as shown by their commitment to helping prove your innocence.  And I must say I am extremely impressed by their skill and resourcefulness.  You are lucky to have them.
    Maddox/Rajel/Any: ?
    PNPC Scooter McGee
    Reporter, Federation News Service
    as simmed by

    Lieutenant Junior Grade Jacob Horne

    USS Constitution-B
    • Like 1
  13. I am loving all these looking into each crew's mind in the aftermath of a difficult mission!


    ((Quarters, Habitat Ring, Starbase 118))
    ((Time: Shortly after returning to his quarters from the Narendra))
    (OOC: I'm not familiar with using FOA, please do correct me if it's not used right)

    Drevas: Okie dokie, computer, start recording. Ensign Drevas Matthel. 

    At the confirming beep from the computer, he set about organizing his quarters proper. He hadn't the chance upon graduating proper after all. 

    Personal log, supplemental. Whew! What a first couple of days. I betcha most officers don't get shot at by five warbirds on their first day on the bridge. Kinda hair-raising if you ask me. But hey, what can you do? Starfleet life, if that's how it's gotta be I'm cool with that. I didn't sign up for the cushiest job in the fleet after all. 

    Slender fingers deftly undid the clasp on his travel case, extracting a few personal belongings of his. His father's spare earring, given to him by his mother just before he left. A pen and paper notepad, accompanied by a simple black ballpoint, which he planned to use to scribble notes if he had to. Sometimes typing while panicky didn't exactly leave behind the most understandable of words, though legible. A family photo taken when he was a little boy; a final reminder of Drevas Artur before all hell broke loose with the Dominion War. Along with a couple more odd trinkets. 

    Gotta say, I didn't expect chasing after a couple of cultists to be so complicated. What's his name? Janul? The Defense Force commander? Can't quite figure out what his deal is. He seems pretty acquainted with the captain. Don't quite know how they're related. He was clearly flying with the rest of the cultists who shot at us - so why help us? What's his game? There's definitely something I'm not seeing or knowing here. 

    On the small workdesk, next to the monitor went the picture; a small reminder of home, tilted towards him where he could see it easily if he swivelled his chair around. Over the edge he hung the earring. His family, all together in one place - they'd watch as he went about his work, surely. The Prophets would take care of them all, surely, wherever they were at any point in their life. 

    But hey, that's not the be all and end all of my first couple of days. Getting shot at is one thing but meeting the rest made things so much better. The engineers on this ship seem to be pretty well acquainted. There's Romy. Sweet girl, never without a smile for the hour or so I spent talking to her and her colleagues. Interesting attitude and outlook too. In good ways. Pretty refreshing actually! Kudon the Vulcan - definitely gotta chat to him a little more sometime. I haven't had much opportunity to interact with that many Vulcans so far. Except maybe professor T'Lang in Tactical Strategies. 

    Next a couple of books came out from the travel case, stored away on the bookshelves. Bajoran scripture text, some of it, but mostly literary works from across the quadrant. There was even a 'Learning Chinese for Dummies' manual he'd gotten at a sort of flea market held on campus once. 

    And then there's Miskre. She's an interesting one. I'll admit, I have never, ever seen a species of plant-based humanoids in my entire life. She has this sorta... ethereal quality. Kinda... drifty. A sort of carefree-ness. Y'know? Always with a smile to her. You can kinda tell that she smiles a lot. And that's okay. I'm definitely looking forward to meeting her again sometime, and finding out more about her and her people. 

    Finally, he replicated himself a proper dinner: A bowl of Chinese lotus root and peanut soup made with pork ribs. Delicious. He'd fallen in love with the stuff when his classmate introduced it to him, thinking that he might like it considering his resemblance to the race of humans that invented it. And she'd been right. Taking a seat at the coffee table he took slow sips of the piping hot broth. 

    For now I've got answers to find. Who's Janul? Who is he to our captain? What are the staff like? Where can you get the best synth springwine on base? Lots more, but hey, one step at a time. The Prophets never gave anyone answers that easily. Reap what you sow. Slow and steady. 

    And you know what? I'm happy to wait and get those answers nice and slow too. In the meantime I've got a lot of exploring to do, lots of people to meet. Checkup first thing in the morning tomorrow - gotta look presentable. It's gonna be a long journey ahead, but hey, who's to say that's a bad thing? If the Prophets will it then so be it. I'm not walking this path alone, anyway. I've got others to accompany me. 

    With that he put down the bowl of soup, half-finished, and began typing out a letter to his mess hall companions that night. Perhaps they'd be open to meeting one more time. And who knows? It might just become a regular gig.

    To: Ensign Romyana Casparian, Ensign Kudon, Crewman Miskre Swenhart
    From: Ensign Drevas Matthel
    Subject: Meet again sometime?

    Hey! So nice to get to know you all that night on the Narendra. Crazy experience, huh? How'd you all like to hang out sometime? Visit the holodeck, walk the commercial district, or maybe just go into the depths of the starbase and find our way back like explorers. We'll see! Now that our nerves aren't quite so buzzing I think it's going to be something awesome for all of us! How about... this weekend? 1000 hours? I'll follow up with a meeting place. If anyone else wants to come along that's perfectly fine!

    Drevas Matthel


    Message sent he put his PADD away and finished the last of the steaming hot broth. Something like that never failed to warm him up before bed. 

    Mother used to tell me that we're all authors, writers penning the story of our own lives for others to read. Every stage in life is a new chapter. A new arc, with new characters sometimes. My Academy days are over - one chapter closed. And today I've written the first few words of the next one.

    And I can't wait to write the rest. 

    Drevas: Computer, end log. 

    With that he recycled the now-empty bowl and lay down in bed. Tomorrow was a new day and he planned to clinch it. And he couldn't do that sleep-deprived. 

    Casparian/Swenhart/Kudon: Response 

    Ensign Drevas Matthel
    Tactical Officer
    Starbase 118 - USS Narendra



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  14. ((Starbase 118 – Meeks’ Quarters))


    What a bang up first day at his first duty assignment. After arriving back at the Starbase, Anthony received his crew quarters assignment and quickly found where he would be living for the immediate future. Having rested on the Narindra, Anthony was ready to get to work.


    Training for a Marine was more like leisure than work, so making reservations for a training holodeck was no burden for him. He hadn’t been integrated into the Marine unit on the station, and while he waited for those orders to come through, he figured he might as well sharpen his skills. It was never fun to train alone, so he tapped his combadge while he walked.


    ((Starbase 118 - Glover's Quarters))


    It had been a hell of a first mission for Glover but he came out of it unscathed.  The ride back to the Starbase was one that Noah spent in quiet contemplation, allowing his mind to settle around the events that had taken place.  Having been through such an ordeal and looking death in it's nasty eyes, Noah was thankful for those moments of solitude.


    Now that he was back on Starbase 118 he spent the early part of the day getting settled into his new crew quarters.  They were bigger then he had expected, being more roomy then the crew quarters that they had showed them in the academy.  That was one of the big perks of being assigned to a Starbase.  Unpacking didn't take long, just some clothes, a few pictures from home, and some of Noah's favorite books.


    Meeks: =/\=Meeks to Ensign Glover=/\=


    Glover: =/\= Glover here =/\=


    Meeks: =/\= I have an hour of holodeck time and I’m going to do some training. Wanna join in?=/\=


    Noah perked up at this.  Anthony and Noah had served together during the academy and during their recent mission the Captain had assigned them both to the Klingon shuttle together.  Noah liked Anthony, he handled himself well during the mission.


    Glover: =/\= I would love to.  I will suit up.=/\=


    Meeks: =/\=Copy that. I’ll meet ya on Training Holodeck Thirty-Two.=/\=


    ((Starbase 118 - Training Holodeck Thirty-Two))


    Anthony tapped the console outside the door of the holodeck and loaded the program. With a chirp, the computer acknowledged the command and the holodeck doors slid open. Stepping inside, Anthony found himself standing in a mid sixteenth century Japanese dojo. The walls were dark wood framed rice paper and the floor was bamboo matting. Racks of period weaponry lined one of the walls. Taking the time while he waited for his new found friend, Anthony started a stretching routine.


    Noah arrived outside the Holodeck shortly there after.  He was unsure exactly what training program they would use and felt it best to be prepared for anything while in his uniform,  so he opted to wear his Starfleet uniform.  Noah smiled when he entered and noticed Anything was already there and stretching.


    Glover: Ah, great choice on the program.  I love the martial arts.


    Meeks: I figured we’d start slow with some stretches, then work our way into some jujitsu and aikido. How’s that sound to you?


    Noah smiled and nodded then quickly joined Anthony and began to do some stretches, making sure his body was prepared for the work Noah was about to put it through.  He was happy to have made friends with a marine, he knew that Anthony would keep him challenged which would prove very useful in his line of work as a security officer.


    Glover: I will never get tired of the magic of the Holodeck.  It is like we are really in Japan, I can even smell the Japanese wood.


    Meeks: ::Unable to suppress a smile:: It is pretty amazing. Sure beats a sweaty ol’ gym.


    Once they were warmed up, the pair moved to the center of the room. They squared up on each other and Anthony moved first. He was a little surprised when Noah slipped to the left of his advance, and before Anthony was able to regain his balance, he found himself on the floor. Rolling to his back, he took up the guard position as Noah mounted him. Bracing himself, Anthony arched his back and locked his legs around Noah’s waist. This kept Noah from being able to strike. They struggled for a few seconds in that position then broke, regaining their feet. 


    Meeks: Smooth, Amigo. You got some moves, my friend.


    Glover: Your defense game is on point.


    Meeks: Let’s try that again.


    Glover: Brace for impact Lieutenant. ::chuckles::


    Once the motion started, it was Noah who found himself on the floor again. He had dropped to lunge under Anthony’s raised arms and Anthony stepped into his advance. Anthony grabbed Noah around the waist and twisted, throwing Noah onto the bamboo mat. Before Anthony could advance on him, Noah rolled onto his knees and to his feet. It appeared to Anthony he had found a worthy sparring partner in the young Ensign. 


    The twisting and turning grappling match went on for the full hour, and by the time the chime sounded, signaling their time was up, both men were sweaty and maybe a little bruised. Anthony grabbed a couple of towels from the rack and tossed one to Noah.


    Meeks: Now the only thing left for me to do, is buy you a beer. You game?


    Glover: A beer sounds perfect.


    Meeks: Promenade in an hour?


    Glover: I will see you there.  Thanks for the workout Anthony.  ::smiles and waves goodbye as he exits the Holodeck::


    ((Starbase 118 - Glover's Quarters))


    Noah stepped under the warm water of the shower and released a long sigh as the water massaged his sore muscles.  He couldn't help but smile as he thought back over the past few days, his dreams of being a Starfleet Security Officer finally a reality.  The fact that he had already made friends with Anthony made it even that much better.








    Ensign Noah Glover

    Security Officer

    Starbase 118 Ops





    2Lt. Anthony Meeks

    Marine Officer - 292nd TMR

    Starbase 118 Ops


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