Popular Post Jarred Thoran Posted June 28, 2019 Popular Post Posted June 28, 2019 (edited) Today we are proud to present the Length of Service and Special Awards. Length of Service Awards are presented to members who have been continuously active for at least a year, there are also tiers for three, five, ten, fifteen, twenty and even twenty five years of continuous service. This year, 30 players have reached a length of service milestone. Of those, 13 are celebrating their first milestone, having picked-up the award for one year of active membership. Another 7 have achieved three years active membership and 5 more have been here for five years. 3 players have reached the incredible ten year milestone, and 2 have reached fifteen years! 1-Year Member For those who have been members continuously for one year. Sotak, graduated from training on March 7th, 2018. Kawakame Shin, graduated from training on March 18th, 2018 Valin Dermont, graduated from training on October 4th, 2017 Toryn Raga, graduated from training on October 4th, 2017 Serala, graduated from training on December 4th, 2017 David Knight, graduated from training on December 13th, 2017 Edward Spears, graduated from training on February 14th, 2018 Lorian Lovar, graduated from training on March 5th, 2018 Caitríona Cayne, graduated from training on March 31st, 2012 Groznin Smith, graduated from training on January 30th, 2018 Genkos Adea, graduated from training on February 6th, 2018 Gogigobo Fairhug, graduated from training on November 21st, 2017 Wallace Williams, graduated from training on April 11th, 2018 3-Year Member For those who have been members continuously for three years. Amuro McKnight, graduated from training on February 15th, 2016. Kurt Logan, graduated from training on March 3rd, 2015. Yito Seja, graduated from training on June 28th, 2016. Oddas Aria, graduated from training on May 5th, 2016. Trellis Vondaryan, graduated from training on August 27th, 2015. Jocelyn Marshall, graduated from training on April 10th, 2016. Teryn Vehk, graduated from training on March 15th, 2016. 5-Year Member For those who have been members continuously for five years. Mei'konda, graduated from training on February 12th, 2013. Aidonann Danara, graduated from training on February 11th, 2014. Alexander Brodie, graduated from training on May 10th, 2013. Sal Taybrim, graduated from training on October 6th, 2013. Jansen Orrey, graduated from training on June 7th, 2008. 10-Year Member For those who have been members continuously for ten years. Solok, graduated from training on August 26th, 2002. Ash Tristan MacKenna, graduated from training on May 4th, 2009. Nic del Vedova, graduated from training on August 1st, 2005. 15-Year Member For those who have been members continuously for fifteen years. Lluneh ''Luna'' Walker, graduated from training in October 2003. Kelrod, graduated from training on July 30th, 2003. Special Awards The Rising Star Award For members who show great promise in many facets of their participation in the group, and to whom we look to as a future leader. Jarred Thoran, USS Columbia Presented by Theo Whittaker: "Oh my! I feel extraordinarily privileged to be able to award the Rising Star Award to one of the most hardworking, supportive, loyal, talented and dedicated members of this fleet. He is, quite simply, an inspiration to us all. From the publicity team, to the image collective, to the training team, to the captain’s council, to reaching out to players on the Columbia with generous encouragement and support… nothing is ever too much trouble for Jarred Thoran. He is the living, breathing embodiment of the Rising Star Award. When he tackles something, he does with vigour and never, ever gives anything less than 200%. I cannot recall a time when he has turned down an opportunity or a request. I frequently marvel at his tireless efforts on behalf of this fleet and I know that he is here for the long haul. On top of all this is a humble and a bloody lovely chap! He inspires everyone he meets, both IC and OOC. When somebody is feeling down, he is always the first one to reach out and offer kind words and a shoulder to cry on. At times, it feels that there is nothing that Jarred cannot do. This fleet is extremely lucky to have him in it’s ranks and I cannot wait to see what this incredible person does next! Congratulations on this much deserved award!" Luminary Award Given to members holding the rank of ensign, lieutenant junior grade, or lieutenant. For those who show great promise in their future endeavours in UFOP: Starbase 118 RPG. Geoffrey Teller, USS Veritas Presented by Roshanara Rahman: "Since joining the fleet last year, Geoffrey Teller has quickly cemented himself as a stalwart member of the community. He is a brilliant writer whose sims capture and ignite his fellow shipmates’ imaginations. He’s introduced countless new elements to his ship and the other characters that populate it, whether it’s a coffee shop for the USS Veritas inspired by his captain’s caffeine addiction or a pirate adventure that involved him and his fellow junior officers. Beyond his ship, he is a regular presence on the fleet’s Discord channels, bringing both good cheer and words of encouragement and support to those around him. Like his character, Teller’s writer Brian is a problem solver at heart, always looking for ways to improve things and make both his ship and the fleet at large the best it can be. He tackles challenges given to him both IC and OOC with unbridled enthusiasm and positivity. Most of all, though, in the time he’s been with us, Brian has made a lasting impression on so many of his fellow members across the fleet, and he will no doubt take his place as a future leader in the fleet. Congratulations, Brian, and thank you for your kindness, creativity, and passion in all that you do!" The Locutus Award Given to those members of the Publicity Team who go above-and-beyond their monthly requirements for participation on a regular basis. These team members show enthusiasm and flair for spreading the word about or role-playing community and take an active interest in finding new ways to invite people to join our ranks. Groznin Smith, USS Gorkon Presented by Jarred Thoran: "During my tenure as the Publicity Facilitator I have had the opportunity to work with some fantastic individuals in spreading the word about our community. For the past year there has been one person whose passion for this community shines in everything they do. Few others approach recruitment with such gusto as Groznin Smith. Groznin has shared details of our group far and wide, and I know more than a few members that he has directly recruited from some far flung corner of the internet. That alone is a fantastic achievement - but Groznin does not stop there! He is also a very active member of Discord - often being one of the first to greet new members with a warm friendly welcome. Thank you for everything you do, and congratulations Zech!" The Sarpeidon Award Awarded to members who have made outstanding contributions to the 118Wiki. Sarpeidon was the world in TOS's "All Our Yesterdays," in which the planet's population created a library containing their entire world's history. This is, in essence, what our wiki strives to become: a collection of our group's history and a simming database. Jarred Thoran, USS Columbia Presented by Theo Whittaker: "As with every other OOC commitment that Richard aka: Jarred Thoran, undertakes — he approaches the upkeep of the Wikipedia with enthusiasm, an “anything is possible” attitude and a fire that inspires others. He spearheaded the update of the Columbia Wikipedia pages, helping the transition from the ATF to the Columbia go as smooth as possible. He’s always on hand to help with any tricky wiki coding and he won’t drop and issue till he has resolved it. He essentially wrote the ATF and Columbia rulebook and did it with pride and distinction, earning our undying love and devotion in the process. He is a credit to the Wiki Ops team and I can’t think of anyone who deserves this award more!" The Boothby Award For trainers who go above and beyond their Academy training requirements. These trainers display an outstanding example of dedication to bringing new cadets to our community. Jocelyn Marshall, USS Gorkon Presented by Quinn Reynolds: "To say Jo Marshall goes above and beyond doesn't quite cover the boundless energy and time she pours into one of our most important teams! It is a rare week when the call for volunteers goes out and she doesn't answer, offering her experience and skills in any role that's required, all of which she performs to the very highest standard. It says so much that there were so many nominations — not just from those who volunteer alongside her, but from people who had passed through the academy under her guidance. Graduates spoke of how welcomed and valued she made them feel, guiding them through the class with kind, light-hearted and insightful feedback. Similar glowing comments came from her fellow training team members, who talked about how she supports them as they progress through the various training roles so that they can become competent trainers in their own right. She has left a lasting impression on everyone she encounters, a sterling example and one of our finest training officers. For this, I am thoroughly delighted to present Jo Marshall with the Boothby Award. Congratulations, Em!" Quark's Bar Quark's Bar is a special award and is awarded to members who are regularly active on the forums and have been supportive and involved in conversations enhancing the overall forum experience. Irina Pavlova, USS Eagle Presented by Oddas Aria: "When the USS Eagle launched it was a hectic time, one that saw members being added, newsgroups set up, and in general, the crew gathering its legs. During this time Irina Pavlova saw the need for the forums to be populated and ‘seeded’ with content, and did not hesitate to jump in and do so. This attitude is one she carries into the OOC group, helping keep conversations going, information flowing, and in general helping our new crew feel cohesive and integrated. It is my great pleasure to award Quark’s Bar to Irina Pavlova! Keep up the great work! " The Xalor Clan Xifilis Award Given to any simmer who overcomes any sort of disadvantage while simming. This award was originally called the "Rachel Garett Pendant," but was renamed for the 2000 ceremony to honor a respected simmer in UFOP: StarBase 118 who passed away in that year. This is the only Special Award that is given more than once per ceremony. Chloe Waters, USS Eagle Presented by Oddas Aria: "One might assume that a text-based game would be difficult for a writer depending on a Screen Reader. Chloe manages to not only participate, but to do so in an exemplary manner, one that is an example for others to follow and emulate, and one that continuously impresses all who are privy to it. Chloe is an excellent writer who manages to add her own little twist to all adventures and is an integral part of the crew. Congratulations on winning the Xalor Clan Xifilis Award. " Femi Cattan, USS Astraeus Presented by Mei’konda Delano: "When I first met Yasmine after she transferred from the Atlantis, I didn't know much to think about her at first. I could tell she was a great writer, but didn't know the person behind the character. That was until through a series of unfortunate events where her grandparents died back to back a month apart from each other. I felt really sad for her so I wanted to talk to her and see how she was doing. That was when I realized the amazing heart she has for people. In the game, Cattan is a counselor as well as a Doctor. After having to go through her loss in real life, her simming was less than frequent which was very understandable. Yasmine then soon to struggle with keeping up, but I could tell she was trying her best. She has a very heartwarming personality and we all wish her the best and are ready to support her however we can as she works to deal with life’s challenges. " Kurt Logan, USS Atlantis Presented by Brell: "Paul the writer behind Marine Captain Kurt Logan found himself in a situation not many of us could even bare to imagine seeing two loved ones hospitalized at the same time which led to him needing to take a short LOA. Through all of his personal strife, and worry Pauls caring and friendly spirit remained intact. Since returning he has thrown himself into simming, posting at rates shattering his previous records, he has recently joined the ship's staff and remains an integral part of Atlantis. As well as someone I feel truly honored to have gotten to know over our years simming together in the fleet." Theo Whittaker, USS Columbia Presented by Jarred Thoran: "Over the past eighteen months I have come to know a great deal about Mikey, the writer behind Theo Whittaker, including his struggles with autism. It is something that he is not shy about sharing with other - in fact many times I have seen him share those troubles with other simmers who are in a similar situation, letting them know they are not alone. Even when at his lowest points, Mikey does not allow it to interfere with his duties as a captain within the fleet. He is a true inspiration and I am honoured to present him with the Xalor Clan Xifilis Award." The Trailblazer Award For members who originate a creative and innovative way for the fleet to engage with each other and the Star Trek universe. These participants provide unique opportunities that help to make our game an immersive and unique Star Trek experience. Ash MacKenna, USS Eagle Presented by Oddas Aria: " The Image Collective is something I, and most members of the fleet, depend on for everything from Avatar Images to Banners to just the minutiae of things that go into giving our ships, quarters, and generally everything else a bit of extra help in describing and visualizing our world. It is amazing to me that the Image Collective is a relatively new group, and was conceived by Ash MacKenna. The Image Collective adds so much to our group and our fleet would greatly diminished without it. Thank you so much for having the foresight, and imagination, to create such a group. Thank you for letting me have the honor of presenting you with the Trailblazer Award." The Community Champion Award For members who participate in – or help facilitate – simming community events, representing the best of UFOP: SB118 to other organizations by hosting events, acting as contest judges, or otherwise contributing their expertise in a way that benefits the wider community. Sal Taybrim, Starbase 118 Ops Presented by Jarred Thoran: "Community Champion. Somebody who contributes their expertise in a way that benefits the wider community - for example by hosting a monthly fleet-wide chat? This is a task that Jamie, the writer behind Sal Taybrim organises on a monthly basis - each chat helping to foster the sense of community, allowing old friends to keep in touch, for members of the fleet to engage with one another. Running the chat is no easy task, from organising a date, planning topics of discussion to keeping things moving along during the actual chat. More recently Jamie has introduced the idea of "fleet watch alongs", an event which has proven a fantastic success with fleet members. Her efforts for this alone are worthy of this award, but that is not all Jamie does! She also organises the Annual Trivia Contest, a near herculean task involving composing sixty questions and then administering them in a controlled fashion for the community to guess the answer. Whilst she is not busy planning the next chat or running Ops, Jamie also keeps a watchful eye over the Discord lobby, helping to maintain the pleasant atmosphere. Jamie puts an inordinate amount of time into fostering the community that we have all come to love and it is my privilege to present her with the Community Champion Award. Congratulations and thank you for all the hard work." Please join us in congratulating these talented players! Edited June 29, 2019 by Jarred Thoran Typo 5 6
Jo Marshall Posted June 28, 2019 Posted June 28, 2019 Congratulations, everyone! Thoroughly well-deserved awards up there. A lot of hard work and dedication, it's all very inspiring! Here's to the next year! 2 1
Groznin Smith Posted June 28, 2019 Posted June 28, 2019 Congrats everyone! and those who nominated me for the award. Wasn’t expecting that at all 😂 2
+ Hiro Jones Posted June 28, 2019 Posted June 28, 2019 Very well done, everyone! Congratulations are indeed appropriate. Your hard work, dedication, and unique flavors are much appreciated. 😁 3
+ German Galven Posted June 28, 2019 Posted June 28, 2019 Congratulations everyone! You all do an amazing job and definitely earned these special awards! HIP HIP HOORAY!!
Pholin Duyzer Posted June 28, 2019 Posted June 28, 2019 Congrats all! @Groznin Smith You deserve all the love, even though you're trying to tell me on Discord now you don't. 😉 @Luna Walker 15 years... Wow! How have you managed to survive this thing for so long?! Keep being sassy. 😊 @Jarred Thoran Richard, you're someone to look up to, you do all this OOC work (including these awards, now) brilliantly and deserve the recognition! @Theo Whittaker Mikey, you never seize to amaze me, and you're simply the best captain I could wish for. Simply so caring and loving for all who need it. ❤️ 2 1
Oddas Aria Posted June 28, 2019 Posted June 28, 2019 Congratulations to all the winners! @Irina Pavlova The help you have provided from before and after the launch of the Eagle has been great. I really appreciate all of your hard work getting the Eagle forums set up and going, it was one less thing for me to worry about. For those who don't know @Chloe WatersI recommend pulling some of her sims and reading just how well she is able to describe the things around her and to make you believe you are actually there. The Image Collective has been great for the Eagle in general and me in particular, never saying 'that's impossible' so I really appreciate all you do Ash MacKenna. Thank you and Congratulations again! 2
Theo Whittaker Posted June 28, 2019 Posted June 28, 2019 (edited) Congratulations to all my fellow award winners. You are all amazing and beautiful people inside and out and everybody deserves their awards! I’m especially proud of @Luna Walker who has been here a staggering 15 years and who never fails to find a way to give Theo a headache (in the best possible way, obviously). Words can’t quite describe how proud I am of the ever wonderful, ever brilliant @Jarred Thoran for his tireless devotion to not just Columbia, but to the entire fleet. You’re an example and an inspiration to just about everywhere and you are going to be an incredible Captain one day. Thank you for facilitating this year’s award ceremony. You are utterly, utterly marvellous and a fabulous human being! Also- I’m so proud of @Groznin Smith, who is quite simply one of the loveliest people I’ve met through this fleet and whose enthusiasm for our game brings people to us from far and wide. @Sal Taybrim- you make this fleet so much brighter by being everyone’s champion. I was fortunately to write for you for two years and I can attest to how bright you shine, how supportive you are and how much of a true friend you are to us all. You’re one in a billion! @Kali Nicholotti- I never knew you were the brains behind the Image Collective but thank you for giving the members of the team another opportunity to showcase their amazing talents and for being an icon to many in this fleet x I’d also like to say thank you humbly for the Xalor Clan Xifilis Award. Autism can be debilitating for me at time but this fleet gives me a reason to keep going when times are tough. I’m infinitely grateful to be here with you all. 😻 PS: @Roshanara Rahman, DM about franchising that coffee shop to someone on Columbia...... or getting me a transfer to Veritas! Edited June 28, 2019 by Theo Whittaker 4
Karrod Niac Posted June 28, 2019 Posted June 28, 2019 This is a shocking honor and one I deeply appreciate. Thank you to all those who nominated me and to the great people aboard the Veritas and across the fleet who make SB118 the incredibly special community I've come to love. 4
Samira Neathler Posted June 28, 2019 Posted June 28, 2019 Congratulations to all winners. Well deserved, every single one of them. :-)
Gogigobo Fairhug Posted June 28, 2019 Posted June 28, 2019 (edited) Congratulations again to the worthy winners of the above awards! @Sal Taybrim never has an award been more appropriate. I'm so happy to be working with and learning from you on Ops and I'm glad to see your hard work and dedication get the recognition it deserves. The fact that there are so many winners here that I am yet to sim with shows the strength of this community, I can only hope I get the chance to write with you all in the future. Edited June 28, 2019 by Gogigobo Fairhug 1
Reema Poq Posted June 28, 2019 Posted June 28, 2019 Congratulations to all winners! But let me specifically shout out @Sal Taybrim for the MOUNTAINS of work they put in for the health and happiness of SB118 on the whole and OPS on the specific. I don't know how you find the time! Thank you! @Groznin Smith for introducing me and many others (clearly) to SB118 @Jo Marshall on a well deserved award for extensive work with cadets- having been one of those cadets, I can safely say richly deserved! 3
Serala Posted June 28, 2019 Posted June 28, 2019 Again, congratulations to everyone who was awarded one of these very special awards. Special shout out to Kurt Logan from Atlantis and Femi Cattan, who used to be one of us. Well done. Lt. Commander Serala Chief of Tactical and Security Atlantis Staff Member Training Team Member Image Collective Member USS Atlantis NCC-74682 A239412S10
Theo Whittaker Posted June 28, 2019 Posted June 28, 2019 On 6/28/2019 at 6:58 PM, Caitríona Cayne said: Condragulations everyone Expand I approve! *tounge pop* 2
Minxing Shimisi Posted June 29, 2019 Posted June 29, 2019 On 6/28/2019 at 4:37 PM, Theo Whittaker said: Congratulations to all my fellow award winners. You are all amazing and beautiful people inside and out and everybody deserves their awards! I’m especially proud of @Luna Walker who has been here a staggering 15 years and who never fails to find a way to give Theo a headache (in the best possible way, obviously). Words can’t quite describe how proud I am of the ever wonderful, ever brilliant @Jarred Thoran for his tireless devotion to not just Columbia, but to the entire fleet. You’re an example and an inspiration to just about everywhere and you are going to be an incredible Captain one day. Thank you for facilitating this year’s award ceremony. You are utterly, utterly marvellous and a fabulous human being! Also- I’m so proud of @Groznin Smith, who is quite simply one of the loveliest people I’ve met through this fleet and whose enthusiasm for our game brings people to us from far and wide. @Sal Taybrim- you make this fleet so much brighter by being everyone’s champion. I was fortunately to write for you for two years and I can attest to how bright you shine, how supportive you are and how much of a true friend you are to us all. You’re one in a billion! @Kali Nicholotti- I never knew you were the brains behind the Image Collective but thank you for giving the members of the team another opportunity to showcase their amazing talents and for being an icon to many in this fleet x I’d also like to say thank you humbly for the Xalor Clan Xifilis Award. Autism can be debilitating for me at time but this fleet gives me a reason to keep going when times are tough. I’m infinitely grateful to be here with you all. 😻 PS: @Roshanara Rahman, DM about franchising that coffee shop to someone on Columbia...... or getting me a transfer to Veritas! Expand You know... Maybe in the future we'll make a restaurant too... Just, wait for it! 1
Minxing Shimisi Posted June 29, 2019 Posted June 29, 2019 On 6/28/2019 at 3:58 PM, Pholin Duyzer said: Congrats all! @Groznin Smith You deserve all the love, even though you're trying to tell me on Discord now you don't. 😉 @Luna Walker 15 years... Wow! How have you managed to survive this thing for so long?! Keep being sassy. 😊 @Jarred Thoran Richard, you're someone to look up to, you do all this OOC work (including these awards, now) brilliantly and deserve the recognition! @Theo Whittaker Mikey, you never seize to amaze me, and you're simply the best captain I could wish for. Simply so caring and loving for all who need it. ❤️ Expand Another survivor around here. I still remember when our characters were so young.... Ah... Nostalgic mode on! 1 1
Toryn Raga Posted June 29, 2019 Posted June 29, 2019 Woohoo! Congratulations to all of you wonderful, beautiful people! You all are part of what makes this community so absolutely engaging and one of the best parts of my life. I'd like to give a special shout out to @Kurt Logan, it's been a pleasure simming with you and seeing the friendship between Logan and Raga devlop being the two on the ship with the strongest Martyr complexes. And to @Femi Cattan. I've said it before and always will. Once an Atlantean, always. No matter how far in the galaxy you go, and what posting you're on you are an Atlantean. Congrats!!
Jarred Thoran Posted June 29, 2019 Author Posted June 29, 2019 Congratulations to you all - some truly inspiring write ups there!! @Luna Walker & @Kelrod 15 years is an absolutely mind blowing length of time to have been here - I can only imagine the things your characters have seen during their tenure here. @Groznin Smith Again - congratulations and thank you for all you do to bring in new members. @Jo Marshall Don't think that this recognition in any validates you always turning the class into a Lovecraftian horror tale @Theo Whittaker You never cease to amaze me in everything you do! @Kali Nicholotti Wow, congratulations - that is one legacy to leave behind, and i'm sure countless members are grateful to have the opportunity to have such beautiful avatars - all because you set up the Image Collective! 1 1
Blaidd Vescori Posted June 30, 2019 Posted June 30, 2019 Congratulations to all for setting examples and offering inspiration to everyone!
Kurt Logan Posted June 30, 2019 Posted June 30, 2019 If Logan knew what you meant Raga he'd probably agree lol seriously to all those mentioned your example is what the rest of us look up to and keep going forward with our own writing Congratulations and Thank you all 1
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