Popular Post Renos Posted June 30, 2018 Popular Post Posted June 30, 2018 Welcome to the final day of the awards ceremony. So far this week we’ve announced the recipients of the Staff, General, Length of Service and Special Awards. Today we present the duty post awards. Each award focuses on a different department from the major ones such as medical, operations or engineering to the more unique - like diplomacy, intel or marines. Even civilians have a chance to be recognised for the valuable contributions that can be made to our stories by those who prefer the path less worn. Each of these awards recognises a player for excellence in simming their duty post. Since only one award per duty post is given each year, only the very best are chosen and they are highly coveted awards. You’ll see from our spread of winners – who range in rank from Ensign to Captain – that every player has a chance to be considered for one of these by consistently simming to the best of their ability and striving to improve their craft. The Prantares Award - Medical The Prantares Ribbon is a duty post award and is awarded to those medical officers who have moved beyond competence to display a true gift for the healing arts in the context of space medicine. The officers given this award should display the ability to keep a steady hand in the often hazardous conditions in which they must practice, as well as the willingness to risk their own life to save the lives of others. Edward Spears, USS Constitution Presented by Jalana Rajel: “There are players that leave a deep impression from the moment they join the game. The first time I saw Edward Spears dive into a medical procedure I could feel the passion and love for writing details. Medical is a field that strives through these traits. I knew from his comments that he wasn't in the medical profession in Real Life, and the amount of detail and knowledge that went into his sims was impressive to say the least. Not only did he knew his Star Trek Canon medical jargon but also brought in realism that I've seen only from experienced writers before. The last mission on the Constitution required an infiltration team to turn into Klingons, and instead of doing the '10 minute and you are done' bit we got on the shows, he wrote a detailed surgery, and included recovery time as well as consequences in case something went wrong. While that was still shorter than it would be today in 2018, it made it more realistic and didn't give us the feeling that Doctors in 2394 are simply tool wielders. But it didn't end there, Edward also willingly initiated an untested Klingon holographic-mind link so that he could be aboard another ship to treat his ship mates during a potential fire fight. He triaged a potentially fatal wound of a fellow officer, which he is presently working on rehabilitating with said officer. Edward has been with us for only a few months but his imagination, creativity, enthusiasm and passion are an example to everyone. I am proud and honored to present the Prantares Ribbon to the up and coming Edward Spears. Congratulations Derek!” The Natasha Yar Pin - Security The Natasha Yar Pin is a duty post award and is awarded to those security officers who have gone above and beyond the call of duty in protecting and preserving the lives of their crewmates, even at risk to their own. Ishani Kasun, Starbase 118 Ops Presented by Sal Taybrim: “What does a player do when they want to play a counselor, but the only open role is security? If you’re Ishani Kasun you make one of the most complex and wonderfully written security officers possible. Ishani’s specialty is in Crisis Control – she’s a security officer whose main weapons to diffuse a situation are empathy and diplomatic words. At every turn in a mission Ishani has a new and clever solution to a problem that involves connecting with other characters. This is a wonderful skill in character because it means out of character Ishani connects with a wide variety of fellow players and characters creating realistic relationships across the ship. Highlights of the past year include Ishani’s continued counseling of a rescued refugee, a blossoming relationship with a fellow crewmember and making the decision to use force to protect fellow crew and civilians from Orion Syndicate criminals. She’s written wonderful scenes to help other characters cope with trauma and had a very realistic process of dealing with trauma, and growing to become a capable leader and department head with her own character. She is an officer that understands both the need for force and yet honors the non-violent tradition of Starfleet. I am so proud to be able to present Ishani with the Natasha Yar Pin!” The Voyager Medallion - Ops The Voyager Medallion is a duty post award and is awarded to those operations officers who have shown great skill in keeping a starship in working order despite near-impossible circumstances. The officers receiving this award have advanced the field of Operations, making sure duty rosters, provisions, gear, and even recreation time are available... no matter what. Randal Shayne, Andaris Task Force Presented by Theo Whittaker: “Operations can- on the surface at least- seem to a rather dry role to take on, lacking the immediate excitement of Security or Science. But scratch underneath the surface and you will see that perhaps more than any other, it is vital to the ship's health and success. It a certain kind of writer to do that and I am extremely fortunate that Randal Shayne is exactly that kind of writer. Rarely have I met a writer with Shayne's enthusiasm, eloquence and drive. He dives into his role with joy and excitement. He has transformed his role in to the living, beating heart of the Andaris Task Force. Every syllable of every word of every sentence of every paragraph in every simm is thought out and considered. He brings the role and the character to life with such beauty that it is often breathtaking. I have said it before and I will keep on saying it: Randal Shayne could (and probably should) write professionally. His simms are THAT good. I am deeply honoured to simm alongside an officer who brings his role to life with such ease and aplomb and it gives me great pleasure to be able to say a few words to an officer so deserving.” The Sisko Tactical Cross - Tactical The Sisko Tactical Cross is a duty post award and is awarded to those tactical officers who have shown cunning and bravery in battle. Master strategists, and experts in targeting and shield power distribution, these officers have done the impossible to save their ship and the lives of its crew. Arturo Maxwell, Starbase 118 Ops Presented by Sal Taybrim: “Arturo Maxwell has taken a niche role and turned his character into a bedrock of StarBase 118 Ops. He writes strong evocative posts, combines a real life knowledge of military structures with a love of fiction and creates complex relationship with fellow PCs. Maxwell as a player is a good writer, and is excellent with communicating with staff and other players about mission ideas and shore leave plans. Maxwell as a character is not just a great crewmember, he's a man with a daughter, a strained relationship with his parents, a budding romance with another PC and a fantastic friend to so many other characters on Ops. Not only this, but he played through a plotline where his character was punished for IC actions -something he helped plan for character development. I was very impressed by his willingness to make his own character make a mistake, and play through realistic consequences. This made Maxwell a better rounded character with a believable story arc who became a stronger department head overall. I am so happy to recognize all of Maxwell’s hard work and so proud to present this award!” The Phoenix Award - Engineering The Phoenix Award is a duty post award that recognizes engineers. Named for the vessel that legendary engineer Zefram Cochrane piloted during his historic first warp flight, this award goes to those Engineering officers who continue this tradition of excellence in the field of engineering. By performing their tasks with enthusiasm, imagination and diligence, by managing to make their equipment perform above and beyond its rated capacities, the officers meriting this award further the mission of their ship by their superior know-how. In short, miracle workers. Valin Dermont, USS Atlantis Presented by Brell: “Valin Dermont joined the crew of the Atlantis at its launch and quickly found a home among the crew and at the side of the warp core. Not only is he technically adept in writing his duty post, Dermont's family life and friendships are thoroughly explored to our enjoyment. His character's engineering skills were learned by the seat of his pants as crew on a freighter, and he uses that unusual pre-starfleet life to enrich each and every sim he submits. His character breathes life into what can be a stiff and mechanical department.” The Cochrane Award - Science The Cochrane Award is a duty post award and is awarded to those science officers who have contributed greatly to the advance of science in the midst of their Starfleet career, by staying knowledgeable about their field, participating in the community of science, but most importantly, by placing their knowledge at the service of their ship and its mission. Sotak, USS Atlantis Presented by Brell: “Since becoming a member of the Atlantis crew she has quickly shown her aptitude for her chosen field. Getting to participate in a Duck Blind on her first full mission aboard has shown this in the attention to detail she has adhered to in preparations for the ground teams that would be altered to look like the local population. More than just a science drone Vulcan, Sotak has joined in many social situation with her crewmates. Where though stoic on the outside we as readers are treated to her internal thoughts that are anything but dull.” The Pilot's Sextant - Helm The Pilot's Sextant is a duty post award that recognizes helm officers. An award named after an old Earth navigational tool, the Pilot's Sextant is given to those Helm officers who have proven themselves to be the best of the best. From finding a safe route home to flying an emergency atmospheric landing, pilots who have earned the right to this award know the importance of staying focused, and puts their ability to make spectacular maneuvers at the service of their ship and its mission. Na’Lae Mandak, Andaris Task Force Presented by Theo Whittaker: “I've had the distinct pleasure of working alongside the recently promoted Lieutenant (JG) Mandak since joining the Andaris Task Force in December 2017. In the seven subsequent months, I have been drawn in by Mandak's witty writing and charming descriptions of life as a Starfleet conn officer. Whether it be piloting the USS Blackwell or one of its auxiliary vessels, the writer of Lt. Mandak makes you feel as though you are sat next to her, watching her work. We even see the logistics of the job at times in her interactions and planning- and it is never a dry subject. Only Mandak could take what could have been a dull conversation about logistical planning and make it easy to follow and gripping. And I still feel like we have barely begun to know this charismatic officer! Whatever the future brings for her, consider me excited!” The Order of the Valiant Heart - Counseling This award is given to those ship's Counselor who have shown great skill in protecting the mental health of their crewmates, clearly demonstrating superior ability to care, assist, and comfort those in need. They have gone above and beyond the call of duty in assisting their crewmates with their problems, and in preventing future problems from occurring. Rune Jolara, Andaris Task Force Presented by Theo Whittaker: “Intriguing, outstanding, compelling... they are perhaps the three words that come to mind when I think of Rune Jolara. Often characters tend not to reach out to counselors out of fear or uncertainty but Rune finds a way to bring them out of her shell- whether it be by her presence or through therapy combat. On missions, she often assists diplomatically or gathering intelligence using her former background. In short: she is invaluable to the Blackwell and we are all the richer for her presence. I still fondly recall Theo's first encounter as she got settled in and even now as she deals with Klingons- the blood enemies of the Al-Leyans on our current assignment- she is utterly compelling. When I see a post from her, I'm always excited because I know it's going to be golden.” The Semper Fidelis Award - Marines For those StarFleet Marines who have shown great skill in protecting their crew, accomplishing their mission, avoiding tragic loss of life in the line of duty, and upholding the values of the UFoP in times of crisis. Kurt Logan, USS Atlantis Presented by Brell: “Though for most of his time with us in the fleet he had been a Security officer in many ways Logan always had the Marine mindset. Since transferring to Atlantis at its launch and putting on the Marine green that has been made clear. His quick and unusual thinking has also served him well.” The Black Cross - Intelligence This award is given to a member of the Intelligence community that strives to accomplish the goals of Starfleet Intelligence, while simultaneously upholding the ideals and structure of Starfleet command. This person has the cunning to gather intelligence by means of deceptive dialogue or espionage, as opposed to force drawn confessions. While matters of intelligence are often game changers, this person strives to attain those goals within the boundaries of their Commanding Officer, and the regulations of Starfleet. David Knight, USS Atlantis Presented by Brell: “Many expect certain things when they see Starfleet Intelligence, a spook, spy, taking notes on everyone. The real lives of the officers who fill this vital role are often much more mundane, with a lot of reviewing reports and data to read over. Ensign Knight shows what it means to be a Starfleet Intelligence officer. He is diligent in his monitoring of the activities of the Par'tha expanse, and the Freeworlds, as well as the comings and goings around Deep Space 26. He gives the knowledge trusted to him its due respect. He has also been quick to file his well thought out reports with his superiors, and with the greater Intel community on the Blacknet.” The Lwaxana Troi Medallion - Non-traditional roles This award is given to a member who takes a unique role outside of the normal StarFleet positions and creates a colorful and engaging character. Mirra Ezo, Andaris Task Force Presented by Theo Whittaker: “Famous- or should that be infamous?- for her sassy mouth and larger than life personality, I had always been quietly convinced that Mirra would make one heck of a diplomat. An unorthodox diplomatic, mind you. I'm glad I was right. From the moment she confronted the Hur'Q leader on Arndall, we all knew that we were in for something VERY special. Equal parts serious and utterly hilarious, Mirra Ezo brings joie d'vivre to her new role establishing herself in a close knit team with aplomb. She can create, mediate and solve a diplomatic crisis before breakfast, peppering those in her line of sight with a well timed comment- sassy or otherwise. In a short space of time, Mirra has worked wonders in a department rarely seen on TV and Film Trek- a true testament to her writers skill!” The Strange Medallion - First Officer Named after Commander Sally Strange, widely known as one of the most creative and dedicated First Officers in the fleet's early years, this award is given to those who perform above the call of duty in the position of First Officer. Oddas Aria, Duronis II Embassy Presented by Toni Turner: “The Strange Medallion . . . Wow, what an honor to bestow this award on my own First Officer, Commander Oddas Aria, especially coming from a nominator saying he "served with many First Officers. One (of which) he would of loved to hang naked over a burning flame." Thank goodness Oddas didn't meet that criteria! He went on to say, "Commander Oddas is one of the best XO's I have come across. She is helpful and is always there for us." Another said of her, "Cmdr. Oddas has her work cut out for her. Not only does she have the uncommon responsibility of a Federation installment and three ships to look after, but she also has some very big personalities to deal with who do not always see eye-to-eye with her. Despite this, she always does her best for the crew while allowing them to express themselves." From my point of view, she has made mentoring easier for the entire staff. Each letter she sends to our players is filled with praise, encouragement, offers of help, and suggestions of things they could do to become a better simmer or to integrate into the storyline. She keeps a detailed record of our sims and if anyone falls short of the sim requirements, she writes them a thoughtful and friendly inquiry. Her sims set an excellent example for the rest of the crew, are well thought-out, and invoke amazing responses. She is a proponent of Embassy and the Fleet at large. She is the type of player who enjoys her duty to the CO and to the players. I feel very fortunate to have her among the Embassy/Thor crew because she fulfills all the demands of the FO, and when it comes time to make difficult decisions, she does not back down and is honest with her assessment of the problems that arise from time to time. Congratulations Oddas for this well-earned recognition!” In closing this year’s awards ceremony we’d like to thank the people who made this possible and make one final, special presentation. Our thanks and appreciation goes out to: Awards facilitator Rear Admiral Renos, who is facilitating the awards ceremony for the third year running. The Awards Committee, comprised or Rear Admiral Renos, Captains Brell and Sal Taybrim, Commanders Oddas Aria and Maxwell Traenor, who voted on the Duty Post and Special Awards and who volunteered to help pull materials together to help prepare the announcements. They put in a considerable amount of time and effort to help ensure everything was accurate, prepared and ready for awards day. Their help has made this the smoothest awards ceremony yet. The commanding officers of the fleet, who put in a lot of time and effort to review the nominations for their ships and ensure that the right people are selected for awards. The first officers of the fleet, for voting on the staff awards to provide recommendations to the EC about who they should choose to receive each award, for determining the recipient of general awards where their CO was nominated, and writing awards presentations where needed. Captains Nugra and Roshanara Rahman for helping to update the wiki with this year’s recipients. All of you who submit wonderful, heartfelt nominations each year! Finally, while we're all rockin' them feels for all the awesome fun and friendship we've got going on here for a crack-a-lackin' 24 years the awards facilitator, Rear Admiral Renos, would like to give a special shout out to the community's founder, Fleet Admiral Wolf. It’s not always easy to see just how much Fleet Admiral Wolf pours into this community because a lot of his tireless work is done in the background. Whether he’s working with the website, forums, WordPress, wiki or other resources we have, he makes sure everyone has accounts, and troubleshoots issues ensuring we can all enjoy everything the community has to offer all of the time. His inbox is always open to everyone, whether you’ve been working as a staff member for years or you’re a brand new ensign. His passion, drive and determination keep this community thriving and going strong in an age where there are more real life pressures, more options for entertainment than ever before. On behalf of the whole community I want to take a moment just to that him for everything he continues to do for us. Please join us in congratulating all the winners on their hard work this year. The full awards ceremony is now available on the wiki. 7 1
+ Ferier Posted June 30, 2018 Posted June 30, 2018 Many conratz to every winner and all nominated you all do a fantastic job. Many many thanks to the organisers who did an amazing job 3
Ayiana Sevo Posted June 30, 2018 Posted June 30, 2018 Congratulations to all the winners, and for another great award season! I'm already looking forward to next year! 3
+ Trellis Vondaryan Posted June 30, 2018 Posted June 30, 2018 Congratulations, everyone! Great job by all! Thanks especially to the facilitator @Renos and Awards Committee for all your extra hard work these last few weeks. 3 1
Popular Post Toryn Raga Posted June 30, 2018 Popular Post Posted June 30, 2018 Congrats to all thew award winners! As a relatively new addition to this outstanding and wonderfully nerdy community I have filled with an intense sense of wonder and joy for everyone who received one of these fine awards through the entire ceremony. Yet I have to give an extra special shout out to my fellow Atlanteans. Rocking Four duty awards. I am filled with an overwhelming sense of pride at the accomplishments of my incredible ship mates. As the newest/youngest ship in the fleet, given the Atlantis was only reinstated at the time when myself and Dermy joined, and a good half or more of the crew are all new to the community, to see this achievement is nothing short of incredible. We've got a fierce crew of writers. And I think we're also serving on the smallest active vessel in the fleet. @Valin Dermont @Sotak @Kurt Logan Knight. I'm honored to serve with you all and look forward to what engaging and resplendent stories we can craft during this next year. Huzzah! 7
+ Irina Pavlova Posted June 30, 2018 Posted June 30, 2018 Congrats to all, especially our own Oddas, Aria for XO of the embassy. 3
Popular Post Toni Posted June 30, 2018 Popular Post Posted June 30, 2018 On 6/30/2018 at 4:18 PM, Irina Pavlova said: Congrats to all, especially our own Oddas, Aria for XO of the embassy. Expand I'll second that congratulation, and say congratulations to all the Duty Post winners. Oddas Aria, Mirra Ezo, David Knight, Kurt Logan , Rune Jolara , Na’Lae Mandak, Sotak , Valin Dermont, Arturo Maxwell, Randal Shayne, Ishani Kasun, Edward Spears, would absolutely make a "Dream Team" on any ship or installation in the fleet! 5
Popular Post + Valin Dermont Posted June 30, 2018 Popular Post Posted June 30, 2018 First of all, congrats to all the winners! While obviously my fellow Atlanteans hold a special place in my heart, all of you are truly what makes this place so special. And so real. Reading the appreciation forums reminds me again and again of the skill that most everyone here holds with the pen. And more than that. It reminds me of the heart and soul so many of you put into your sims. I am blown away to even considered in the same league as many of you. Secondly: Wooooooooooo!!!! This place has quickly become my favoritest favorite on all of the whole durned internetz. Thirdly: @Toryn Raga, awwwwwwwwwwww. I heart you too! 5
+ Talia Ohnari Posted June 30, 2018 Posted June 30, 2018 Congratulations to everyone!!! I am truly honored to write with such amazing people. I adore you all ❤ 3
Brell Posted June 30, 2018 Posted June 30, 2018 Three cheers for all of the amazing duty post award recipients!! Congratulations! And another round of cheers to our fleet! 🎖️🎖️🎖️ , this community truly is something special. 3
Popular Post Sal Taybrim Posted July 1, 2018 Popular Post Posted July 1, 2018 Congratulations to all our duty post award winners! Thank you all for making this fleet such a special place to play! @Arturo Maxwell it has been such a pleasure watching you grow as a writer and a character this past year. I'm so happy to have you as part of my crew! ❤️ @Ishani Kasun thank you for all your help as a staff member and all the wonderful writing you do as part of Ops. You are a gem and I am so proud of you! Congratulations to @Edward Spears - you are such a joy to write with! So many congratulations to you, and this award is evry well deserved! I look forward to many awesome missions together! @Mirra Ezo - I'm so glad you have found a new niche to let your sassy flag fly. You are such a wonderful player, I'm so glad you're back with us! @Rune Jolara I'm so happy to see your writing recognized. You've been such a wonderful writer and character through so many ships and so many years. While I only got to play with you for a short time, I'm always happy to read your posts on the appreciations forums and see you on the Discord chat - Congratulations! @Randal Shayne - Trivia master and duty post master?! You are truly a Trek Fan extraordinaire! Congratulations! @Oddas Aria it is a pleasure working with you in the Academy and I'm so happy to see your recognized for all your hard work on the Embassy! And to everyone else - I hope to get to know you better over the next year. Congratulations and thank you for being such amazing writers! Keep it up! 4 3
+ Rune Jolara Posted July 1, 2018 Posted July 1, 2018 Congratulations to everyone. You are all such amazing people. I am honored and thankful to be a part of this community. 1
Jarred Thoran Posted July 2, 2018 Posted July 2, 2018 Massive massive congratulations to everybody. It truly is a privilege to be amongst such amazing people, and i'm honoured to be a part of this incredible community!! 2
Evan Delano Posted July 2, 2018 Posted July 2, 2018 Congratulations to all this year's award recipients! Also, thank you to everyone who helps to put these Awards ceremonies together each year. I know it takes a lot of work, but I think that it's wonderful that our community takes so much time to acknowledge our members' efforts each year. As always, I'll be looking forward to next year's event. 2
Popular Post Randal Shayne Posted July 2, 2018 Popular Post Posted July 2, 2018 (edited) Better late than never. Wow! Where do I begin? Well, I suppose I should start by offering my most hearty congratulations to every single person here. This fleet is incredible because all of you are incredible, and I'm so delighted to see so many fantastic members receive the recognition they deserve for excellence and creativity beyond the norm. I’d just like to say a few words in particular, now that I have the opportunity. @Jarred Thoran, you are simply amazing. I have never seen someone do so much, so quickly and so cheerfully. This has been a long time coming, and I am so thoroughly pleased that you’ve earned the TOSMA, Khan Award AND Sheathed Sword, not to mention the Locutus and Boothby Awards! Such a feat is deeply impressive, but the fact that you also earned your One Year Member Award this time around makes this truly staggering. ONE YEAR! Only someone with the dedication, skill, and aptitude you’ve shown could have pulled it off. From the beginning, you were quite a good writer, but you’ve truly spread your wings, I feel, and you’ve set the bar higher by your performance. That said, you’ve been a personal guide for me. The mentee has become the mentored in this case, and I am all the gladder for it. You’ve been nothing but kind, understanding, helpful, friendly- all in all, the perfect friend, and I couldn’t- I wouldn’t- ever ask for anyone better. It is my sincere pleasure to know you, and thank you for all that you do for the fleet. I cannot imagine the ATF being the same without you. @Anath G'Renn, you are awesome. From your writing skills to your commitment even in the face of adversity to your utterly encyclopedic knowledge of Star Trek lore (seriously, folks, when we speak, Anath gives me a run for my money on that score!) you have somehow managed to make the Andaris Task Force even more fun to write with. I have watched you grow and gain confidence, and I am honored to have acted as your mentor. I’ll be perfectly honest- there was no doubt in my mind that you’d earn the Russ Bar this time around. You’ve proven again and again just impressive you are, particularly in that regard. And Anath is so much fun to read! Her conflicts, thoughts, feelings, all of it is just lovely, and your B-Plot Award is well earned. And of course, there is your Neelix Award, for which I feel exactly the same. The wiki is scary! I’ll be the first to acknowledge that. And yet, you dived in, and have been making improvements ever since. Thank you, Anath- you really are a star. @Krindo Pandorn, you are the first person that I’ve mentioned here that I haven’t had the pleasure of mentoring, and that’s something I regret. Nevertheless, even from an pseudo- outsider’s perspective, you have shone in the ATF, improving vastly and never giving up. You’re an innovative writer, both in what you write for Pandorn, and how, and your dedication is inspiring. On top of that, your wiki-gnoming is such a help to all of us, and keeps our part of the wiki spick and span. So huge congratulations, Krindo! You’ve absolutely earned the Genesis Award, and thank you for being such a steadfast and great part of the ATF! @Mirra Ezo, you lovely, sassy person you! You’ve only been with the ATF a few months, and you’ve already made a name for yourself. I remember reading your sims and hearing of your adventures on Ops, and thinking, “Man! I hope I get to sim with her one day”. That day has come, and I couldn’t be happier. You are a truly talented writer, and an absolute moral booster to boot. I don’t think you’ve sent a sim yet that hasn’t left me feeling something, and most of the time, that feeling is genuine mirth. Your sims aren’t just fun- they approach therapy for someone who can get down from time to time. Your Scotty Cross and Lwaxonna Troi Medallion are just proof and recognition of what we’ve already had the pleasure of seeing. I can always count on you for something genuinely healing, hilarious and heartwarming, and I am so happy to have the privilege of simming with you. @Na'Lae Mandak, you write with a flow and a brilliance that are so unique and effective that I often feel twinges of envy. You have a mastery over description, a way to make every scene, every movement, seem so utterly present and fluid. I feel like I’m their with her, a fly on the wall. You truly deserve the Nebula Bar for your stellar (I’m so sorry) abilities. And the Pilot’s Sextant! I had the distinct feeling that it was going to be yours at some point, and I’m pleased with just how right I was. You bring the post alive, and make a challenging position truly engaging. You’ve done a masterful job all around, and I am delighted to sim with you. @Rune Jolara, your writing and your backstory, combined with your fascinating character model, make me wish I’d chosen someone besides a human to sim. You interweave such a tangible richness into your words, a history and an exploration of another alien culture through the eyes of a single individual- and you make it look easy. You are absolutely the right person for the Laudian Commendation, and I’m most happy to see you finally recognized for your fine work and undeniable abilities. And now- the Order of the Valiant Heart. When you deal with a group of characters as unique and varied as the ATF’s crew, the skills of the counselor come into full focus. You’ve absolutely risen, and the honest, competent care you provide makes you the perfect recipient for this honor. You set the example for counselors to come, and it is a privilege to sim with, and learn from, someone of such high commitment and talent. @Theo Whittaker, I’ve been looking for an opportunity to say the following things for quite some time, and now is perhaps the best opportunity I’ll get. When James stepped back from command, I admit to some initial doubts. Seven months of your dedicated leadership later, those doubts have completely dissolved. In their place lies nothing short of absolute respect, thankfulness, and an inspiration that you sparked. I am incessantly awed by your grasp of command, and the realistic manner in which you write. It’s like you’ve been a starship captain for twenty years, and write not from the seemingly bottomless imagination you possess, but actual experience, and these are just recountings of your stories. You have done nothing but encourage and inspire me to grow and develop, and take risks. Your words mean more than I can possibly express through this clumsy language of the solids. Despite some turbulent times, you have thrived, and more than that- you’ve guided the ATF in order for it to thrive. No one could replace Renos- but you’re the very best successor I think we could have possibly received, and I am genuinely thrilled and honored to sim with you, and to be a member of your crew. @Maxwell Traenor, I am in your debt. You have been a mentor, a friend, an advisor, a guide, a confidant, an example, a cheerleader, and a damn good writer. I cannot remember even a single instance where you have been anything but exemplary, and a credit to this fleet. I’m so delighted you’ve been recognized, and that you’ve got that promotion! It’s been a long time coming, and I can think of no one more deserving. I don’t know where I’d be without you here, and for all the work you do with the News Team, and for all the past labors you’ve gone through to help me and others, I just want to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. @Renos! I know I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating. My time on the Darwin and ATF under your leadership taught me more than I ever thought possible. It has been such an education, and I really did learn from the best. I cannot even guess at how many hours you’ve spent with me, guiding me through the ropes, writing with me to strengthen my character, advising, offering encouragement, and so much more- and that’s just me! You have done so, so much for this fleet as a whole, and you have absolutely left a massive, utterly positive mark on our organization. We owe so much to you, and I look forward to seeing your writing for many years to come. @Brell, congratulations on the James T. Kirk! I admit, when the Atlantis became its own ship, I was worried- so much had happened that might bring down a new vessel, no matter how fantastic the commanding officer was. But months down the line, you’ve proven that you are every bit the fantastic leader, writer and mentor that I came to know on the Darwin, and I’m so pleased to see the Atlantis chugging away. You should absolutely be commended for your work, and I want to thank you. Your sims really helped me flesh out my own character’s, especially now that he is an Ops officer. You laid a template, in more ways than one, and the fact that the Atlantis is so well represented is a testament to that fact. Well done, sir! I also want to take the time to thank every member of the Executive Council, the Captain’s Council, and the First Officers of the fleet. You do incredible work to make this game as brilliant as it is, and each of you should stand tall. I am so honored to be here among each of you. I’m still fairly speechless that I was awarded so much this ceremony, and “thank you” just seems inadequate. I’m truly touched, and so grateful to be here. Thank you again, and live long and prosper. Edited July 2, 2018 by Randal Shayne 5 5
+ Krindo Pandorn Posted July 4, 2018 Posted July 4, 2018 My most humble thanks for the honor of the Genesis Award. I do get a little nervous about my writing, and this award is a great confidence boost. Thanks again and I'll see you around the galaxy!!!! 3
Gogigobo Fairhug Posted July 6, 2018 Posted July 6, 2018 Congratulations everyone! Thoroughly enjoyed my first awards ceremony. Roll on next year! 😁 2
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