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SB118 Ops: Quotations of the Week!

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DeBaclé: =/\= There are no such events scheduled for today. =/\=

appropriate name is appropriate >.>

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20 hours ago, Nestira Aristren said:

You should meet Nestira, she will find you adorable, @Ksivi-Sava

Well, she does have a background as a counselor, right? 😏

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Tito was surprised with his own voice. Did he always sounded like that, or was it because he was now in a Vulcan body? He shook his head as Nestira, in the form of Sal, looked at them. 

It *never* sounds right when you hear your own voice speaking back to you, does it?

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I wanted to highlight this bit from @Solaris - while it isn't a particularly deep or funny, it was a great way to bring the scene back on track by removing her MSNPC for the time being, which showcases a good understanding how to gently push into the right direction and utilizing a MSNPC to help secure the mission outcome



Renot (as Tito): ::To Gil:: Are you ok? That noise was… painful. I'm not ok.. ::To Renot:: And who are you?!

Gil: I didn't hear anything. :: She paused. :: Is this some sort of joke? Prank the Cardassian instead of helping?

Garev (as Renot): ?

Eskat rolled her eyes.

Gil: I see how it is... :: She let out a puff of air, blowing up some of her bangs. :: I need some air... maybe a drink.

Garev (as Renot)/Renot (as Tito): Response?

She shook her head, locking her console and the made for the door.


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I adore this bit from @Sal Taybrim
Brings out the different takes on telepathy and empathy incredibly well, its really a pleasure to read ❤️ 




There was a constant rhythmic pounding that reached his ears like a dilapidated bass drum somewhere in the distance.

It took several moments, dragged out past the point of reason or sense for his mind to untangle what it was.

A heartbeat.

His?  Or… hers?  No.  Someone else, who was listening to the beating of their own heart thundering in their mind.

Taybrim (as Aristren): I can hear it when people approach.  The thoughts are so… loud.

Every thought was loud.

Loud and sharp and clearly delineated.  Like hard ink line drawings knocking at his brain with a startling clarity.

Black ink on a white page, with only the faintest watercolor wash of the palest colors or emotion.  An afterthought at best.  

In contrast his own telepathy was weak.  Hazy scribbled lines that sometimes faded away, but overlayed with massive bright colors of emotion.  Emotion layered in mixed media, full of texture and contrast and nuance.  

And that was the most disorienting.  His empathy was gone.  The sense that was overwhelming for him, the one he relied upon was pale and weak and hidden in the background of the juggernaut of telepathy.

Aristren (as Taybrim): You will hurt people if you do not control your telepathy.

Tell him something he didn’t know.

For a moment he looked over at his own body and his expression was pained.  How was she so easily able to control his senses, unbothered by his hypersensitive empathy, saddened at his weakened telepathy.  She was a monument standing still against a storm.  He was a canoe, barely staying afloat in the waves.

Was that unfair?

The universe wasn’t fair.

And the only way to navigate it was to choose how you acted in any given situation.



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Hit him some more!! @Solaris



Sol turned and moved to the front of the cockpit as Rustyy moved back toward the rear compartment. She had just opened her tricorder when there was shouting from out in the shuttlebay. She paused, looking up, then turned as there was a loud crash. She caught sight of Rustyy crumpling to the ground, a very angry Klingon standing over him. So much for their Security team. Of course this left her mostly alone in a hotrod shuttle with an angry Klingon blocking the only exit.

An angry Klingon that was now looking directly at her. That wasnt good. Sol let the tricorder drop, raising her hands into a defensive posture. The Klingon infront of her grinned, using his strength to pull apart the cuffs. Definitely not good.

The Klingon lunched at her and she ducked, dropping into a short roll before popping up behind the Klingon, who had simply crashed into one of the stations at the front of the ship. She backed toward the door a bit, stepping into the rear compartment, placing herself between Rustyy and the Klingon. The Klingon turned and let out a bellow before charging her again. Sol waited for a moment as the Klingon got close enough to start his swing, ducking it and slamming an elbow into his stomach. She used her momentum and the Klingons as he stumbled past her to grab the back of his clothing and shove him toward the bulkhead. She winced slightly as he smashed into it with a groan. She stepped behing him, grabbing him by the collar and shoving him back out the hatch into the shuttle bay as more security officers finally arrived. He landed in a heap. She huffed, finding herself grateful that she had taken T'Se up on her offer to teach her Suus Mahna trying her year away from 118. The Vulcan commander had been the Deputy Director of the sector when she had been working behind the scenes setting up for Terra Prime's downfall. Calm, logical, and very accomplished in self defense. Things Sol aspired to, and succeeded in, to various levels. Less so on the logical or self defense, but always calm.

Sol looked to the security team.

McLaren: Restrain this petaQ... then escort him and his friend to the brig. They just won themselves an all expenses paid trip back to 118. :; She paused. :: Then call a medic down here.


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This was it! Death in a shuttle after being headbutted. Though he knew that head wounds were very bloody, even if not life or death serious. It didn’t help his emotional side. It did satiate the need to not see any more blood and stand on his own. 


Hael: Mmmm - ::inhaled sharply.:: Could be bet’r, yeah… 

Noooo, don't hurt @Rustyy_Hael!

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With a determined nod, Nestira stood up, for a split second hyper aware of how different Sal Taybrim's body was, and how different even the most basic of movements felt. How she wasn't even sure how to move. She had always enjoyed appearing otherworldly and vaguely threatening, but... embodying a ginger-haired Commodore known for his compassion posed a challenge.

Sal, in her body, stepped up next to her. And for a short moment Nestira forgot that Sal wasn't Rodulan, and that they weren't actually friends. Their camaraderie was superficial at best. She reached for his hand, squeezing it in reassurance, and giving a soft telepathic nudge of encouragement.

And then, a split second before the door opened, she withdrew.

Arguably a bit of a context-dependent one from @Nestira Aristren: I love how the door could refer to both the physical door they're about to step through and the earlier metaphor of a building representing another one's mind to Rodulan telepathy. Did she withdraw the hand? Flinch mentally? It doesn't matter. That's how well put it is.

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Ksivi-Sava firmly nodded a head that turned out unexpectedly full of blonde hair. Sherlock was right… yes, it was Sherlock in his body, this would take some getting used to—she was right. And with a distinct lack of uncomfortable awkwardness—or mortifying terror—provided by his brain, he seemed to be inclined to speak more of his mind than was appropriate. After all, there was no telling whether there might be some sort of active surveillance technology in the room. As inconspicuously as he could, he searched for where Willow had put the phaser, just in case. Then again, would he even be able to take proper aim? Use his reflexes? Even his… her… arms felt unexpectedly heavy, which wasn’t terribly surprising, considering the Risian probably didn’t have half-Vulcan muscle structure.

This is one of several narrations from @Ksivi-Sava that I enjoyed. Well done!

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While consciously recalling where to expect Willow’s phaser, Ksivi-Sava was tempted to stay a step behind and let the security officers do the job they were obviously rather proficient at. In passing, he found himself hoping the interloper wouldn’t end up assaulting his body in any particularly terrifying way. Well, at least he was keeping Willow’s body out of it, which was arguably the least he could do to reimburse her for having borrowed that comparatively sanguine brain of hers.

Can I just say how much I am constantly enjoying all of @Ksivi-Sava's narration!  Extremely well written and entertaining!  

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I don't know whether I should laugh or cry at this one... ❤️


Trovek: At worst, I'll end up with additional brain damage. Consider it an extra layer to my already fascinating personality. I'm willing to risk it.



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I liked this from @Sal Taybrim's last sim




Taybrim (as Aristren): And where will you be, Mr. Tito?  Doctor Garev. 
He corrected himself without a pause, like a cat falling, righting itself and then pretending that never happened.


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