1,656 -
Days Won
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Everything posted by Sedrin Belasi
((Counseling Suites - Moonsong’s Office)) :: He was still calm, and was fighting back his own waves of anger. The tears that threatened to rise to the surface were being held back by a manifestation of his will. Here he was, arguing with the one person on the ship who he came to for help. None of his conversations with Sal ever went this badly. :: ::Raissa stared him down, her dark eyes sparkling with unshed tears. She rose to her feet and moved away from him. Her hands clenched into fists as she struggled for self control. She was a counselor. This was her patient. This wasn’t how she was supposed to do her job. She was supposed to be emotionally distanced from the patient. Somehow that line had blurred and she crossed it without realizing it. A mistake that could cost both of them.:: Moonsong: ::her voice was hoarse:: I’m sorry CD… Doctor Skyfire. You came to me for help and I’m failing you. ::She paused, struggling to find the words. She decided to be honest. She wouldn’t blame him if he decided he wanted a different counselor. So much for her breaking his rotating counselors streak. :: Moonsong: ::she didn’t look at him:: You matter to me. Your life matters to me. It’s not professional of me, I know. Maybe the connection is the reason… I don’t know. But the thought of you dying… so senselessly... hurts. :: He watched her, listened to her words. His eyes continued to burn with the unshed tears, his calm seriously impacted. He had just endured the wrath of Raissa, and survived it with no shields around his mind. Much like yesterday, with the wrath of Gabi. And yesterday he got punched in the jaw for it. Did he need to reschedule? Did he want her help? After this, he wasn’t sure. Yet, something in her words touched him. She mattered to him as well, though for a different reason. His own voice seemed a bit strained as he spoke. :: Skyfire: I told you...there was method to my madness… :: He trailed off, resting his right elbow on his knee and his head in his hand. He didn’t have the words to elaborate right now. :: Moonsong: ::her voice was soft:: I know… But you have to know I will never be happy whenever you choose to risk yourself again. ::She paused and turned to face him:: And you will… it’s what you do. :: Her words cut into him like a d’ktagh, a single tear glistening on his face now from her wrath. He needed the shielding. This incident proved he needed the shielding. And right now, he didn’t have it. His calm was now severely wrecked, hurt and yet humbled by her words. He hated his profession for a few moments, but missed the sense of having a family. Desperate for one, without ever finding it within Starfleet. oO Except Sal, who’s on the Columbia. Oo He didn’t know how to react. :: Skyfire: :: Without looking up :: What do I do? :: Raissa looked down at the man sitting before her. Right now she felt as if she were looking at one of her brothers. Despite the grief she gave them, if they needed her help, she was there. :: Moonsong: It… it is your choice…. I want to help you… :: She decided to stick with the honesty route. It was better for him to make his choice with all the facts. :: If teaching you to properly shield gives you even a tiny bit of protection that could save your life…. If you’re not being battered by the thoughts of others… you can think things through with a clear mind… or without outside influence. :: Raissa returned to her chair across from him. She did not sit back. She leaned forward her hands clasped tightly together. She looked up at him with clear eyes. :: Moonsong: :: Her voice was a whisper: :: I would never turn my back on family. :: He slowly raised his eyes to meet hers, another tear or two streaking his face as he echoed the last word with a burst of confusion and relief. :: Skyfire: ...family? Moonsong: :: Her voice was soft even as she looked away from him. :: It is what I see when I look at you… feel you… :: He didn’t get it at first. Much like when he confessed his feelings of brotherly love to Sal, the ginger-haired counselor didn’t follow because he didn’t know what love is. And therefore couldn’t return it. In this case, CD dawned on the realization, and asked quietly with a touch of hesitation. :: Skyfire: Do you see Alexi or Andre when you look at me? Moonsong: :: Her eyes traveled over his face. :: You look nothing like them, but you do [...] me off like they do. :: He managed a faint nod, barely able to register what she was saying. He was still a mental wreck, unbalanced by her words. CD searched her eyes with his own, hindered as he was by additional tears that threatened to spread across his cheeks. :: Skyfire: Can we reschedule? I think I need time… :: Pause, however awkward. :: ...or shields… :: Beat. :: ...or both… Moonsong: ::She nodded. She’d be lucky if she kept her counseling license after this. :: I can give you temporary help with shielding until you take your inhibitor. I can help you put up something temporary. :: He blinked away a few tears, and noted the hesitation behind her words. In this instance, though he was still learning, he could tell she was preoccupied by...something else beyond seeing one of her brothers in him. :: Skyfire: I...I haven’t taken it in two days...not since I did that stunt on the station.. Moonsong: :: She stared at him. :: Two days…. You’ve never been able to function without them that long before have you? :: It was hard for him to find the words. His Russian was still a little noticeable in his words. :: Skyfire: I can, da. I just don’t like going that long vithout them until I get control over it. Moonsong: ::her mouth tightened slightly as she considered his words.:: I… I don’t think … I mean I guess I didn’t understand what you were using the inhibitors for. I thought you were using them to suppress your talent because you didn’t have any kind of telepathic shielding. :: To that, he just nodded. She was partly correct. :: Skyfire: That too. No shielding, no control. So, inhibitors were recommended. Moonsong: ::She just stared at him. Frowning slightly. She thought she would teach him how to shield and basic controls, but….:: But something is different…. :: Again, he nodded. He had become too reliant on the inhibitors to prevent everything from exploding around him. :: Skyfire: I think my brush with death might’ve had something to do with it, but vhat do you think it is? Moonsong: ::she shook her head slightly:: Honestly I don’t know… You need basic shielding… I think you should use the inhibitors to catch up on rest… lack of sleep makes it harder…. ::she hesitated:: I can help… if you want... Skyfire: :: He caught onto the hesitation. :: You’re hesitating, Ris. Why? Moonsong: ::She stared down at her hands: Because the easiest way, the natural way, to do that is a telepathic link. But….I’m still trying to deal with my own issues that might bleed through to you. My own shielding and control is shaky as I try to rebuild them. For that matter, I still don’t know what caused my powers to spike. :: He wiped away his tears with both hands, forcing himself to breathe. He was also hesitant; he wanted her help but by the same token if he didn’t accept it he would probably be more at risk than he was already for either doing something dumb or setting someone off. Despite his battered calm, he managed to keep his voice level. His Russian faded a little. :: Skyfire: Much as I need it… :: He glanced down at her hands, then nodded faintly. He needed this shielding, and hopefully some control would come with it. oO Is this reckless too? Oo :: I accept... :: Her hands clenched together tightly on her knees, the skin white as her fingernails dug into her palms. She swallowed hard and forced more control on herself. She was taking a risk that could be dangerous. Ironic since she had scalded him with her anger about taking risks with his life. Now they could be taking a risk with both their sanity. :: Moonsong: This requires that you trust me completely. You have to let me take control. :: He managed to blink away a few tears. Despite this “little brother” role she cast him in and the sibling quarrel they just had, he gave a faint nod. He felt his hold over his emotions starting to slip, and took a breath in an attempt to force control into himself. :: Skyfire: Alright. ::Raissa hesitated a scant moment and then reached across the table to take his hands. She was shielded but he wasn’t. She dredged up every technique her grandmother had taught her about telepathy and empathy. Closing her eyes she let go of her physical self and entered a place of the mind. The mental image she conjured was that of a plain white room. There were no windows or door but light surrounded them. She opened her ‘eyes’ to look at CD and gauge his reaction to the place. Thier surroundings would waver as his perceptions took over and she needed to see how far his trust would take them.:: :: CD also closed his eyes in the physical realm, and let himself slip into the realm of metaphysical. A place he’d been before -- the construct. Once his projected image opened his eyes, he glanced around and felt nothing. No anger, no panic, no rage. There was nothing. Just Raissa, and the light. :: Moonsong: ~ You are within my shields. ~ ::for a moment one of the walls seemed to soften and then it firmed and became solid again.:: ~ This is how I see them. ~ :: Skyfire’s projection glanced around once more before meeting her eyes. He felt words on the tip of his tongue, letting himself speak. :: Skyfire: ~Lead on, then.~ ::This time her hesitation was obvious along with her concern. Though she asked for his trust, she didn’t fully trust herself:: Moonsong: ~This is a basic shielding form I learn from my grandmother…. I want you to feel these walls and place your own. Overlay mine. They don’t have to be white. ~ ::She watched him carefully. Yet the corner of her mental sight kept catching a glimpse of a disembodied toothful smile.:: :: He walked over to one of the walls and ran a hand over it, feeling the wall. Tracing the texture. He too saw the disembodied toothful grin that seemed to take shape on the wall he was examining, and jumped back as though it was going to bite him. He wanted the cheshire to go away, so he could focus. The walls rippled slightly, forming a dark oceanic blue color. Though the grin was still present. :: Moonsong: ::she was frowning as one wall became blue. The ‘smile’ was becoming persistent; ~What is that image? It is coming from you. ~ :: Chythar tried to keep his calm, his muscles tensing as he came to the realization. :: Skyfire: ~It’s...a...cheshire cat…~ Moonsong: ~ Why is it here? ~ :: Skyfire sighed heavily and tried to use his force of will to make it go away. He still had no real shielding to speak of, only one of the walls having been transformed. :: Skyfire: ~I don’t know. I saw him..it...during my brush with death...taunting me…~ Moonsong: ::Her voice was uncompromising:: ~You do know… It is coming from your mind. What does it mean? Think!~ Cheshire: :: fades into existence, head first. :: ~Cathar!~ You are a sight for sore eyes, I must say! :: His eyes closed, muscles tensing as the cat faded into existence. He wracked his brain, trying to come up with an explanation for the cat. He was silent for several moments. :: Cheshire: :: faded into existence completely. :: ~Cat got your tongue, Cathar?~ Skyfire: ~I...I think he...was the one who…~ :: He trailed off for a moment. He needed to get the rest of the words out.No matter how much he disagreed with the reasoning. :: ~He’s the one who made me reach out to you…~ ::Raissa stared at him for a moment. The wall behind her flickered with a montage of images so fast they took only a moment. A storm, trees bending in response to a violent wind, then fire burning until the wall returned to white. In a way the wall showed a representation of her emotions. She fought for control again. He needed to shield. That was all. More could come later. Except for the issue of this annoying striped cat:: Moonsong: ~Not he…. you… you reached out to me… Your mind chose this image. Only you can control it. ~ :: The cat distorted in it’s shape for a moment, and then faded completely as Skyfire gained enough control to make it disappear as he sank to his knees. He was probably too drained to maintain control of the wall, but it held. :: ::Raissa watched and for a moment the cat had smirked in her direction as if it knew something she didn’t.:: Moonsong: ~Continue. Once you’ve finished it will maintain itself. One wall isn’t enough. ~ :: His concentration was faltering a bit. He blinked and tried shaking his head to clear it, reaching his good hand to pinch the bridge of his nose. He tried to focus his energy to make the rest of the walls the same color, his left clenching into a fist for focus. The walls gradually shifted color to the oceanic blue, and his silence indicated contemplation. :: Moonsong: ::her voice was quiet.:: ~ You need to finish it. Let got of your physical self. ~ :: He slowly obeyed, letting his hands hang by his sides. He clenched and unclenched his hands a couple times as the floor and ceiling shifted to match the color of the walls. :: ::When he looked in her direction he saw she had changed. Her form was no longer solid. Transparent and floating above the floor. Barely there..:: Moonsong: ~Make sure all the joints are sealed. ~ :: It took him a few moments to comply, his muscles tensing for a moment or two. When his eyes opened, she poofed like the cheshire had done. :: :: The cheshire reappeared again, and he laughed mockingly at the doctor. :: Cheshire: ~Was that so hard, Cathar? Why didn’t you figure that out earlier?~ :: His eyes opened slowly, a wave of shock crossing his face once again. Then he snapped back :: Skyfire: ~Oh, shut up.~ :: Despite the shielding, he attempted telepathic contact with Ris. :: Skyfire: ~Can I stop…?~ Moonsong: ::her mental voice was faint and layered in exhaustion and pain she couldn’t hide:: ~ Yes… your shielding will hold… ~ :: Skyfire came back to his physical self, opening his eyes and panting for a few seconds. His muscles were tense, and he was completely wiped from the effort. :: ::Raissa had let go of his hands and had fallen back in her chair looking almost as bad as she had when she beamed up from the station. The mechanics of teaching him to shield telepathically meant he had to literally push her out while she pushed back. It was exhausting, but effective. Especially when it worked. Of course she had never explained any of that part to him.:: Moonsong: Feel better? :: It took him several moments to formulate a response. He felt silence. Felt nothing. He wasn’t even sensing anything except the exhaustion they both felt. :: Skyfire: Everything’s gone...gone quiet… Moonsong: ::She closed her eyes:: You… you’ll learn to modify them as needed. This is the foundation. At this point….. ::she took a deep breath and then let it out:: Once… you get comfortable with the shielding…. You won’t need me anymore….. ::she put both hands to her head:: By my ancestors… what did you do to me…? :: It took him only a few seconds to react. :: Skyfire: Maybe...we can revisit this...in a few days? We both need...a bit of sleep, I think... Moonsong: If you like. But now that you have a basic shield… you really don’t need me anymore. :: He picked up the cold tea and drained its contents before slowly rising to his feet. :: Skyfire: I’ll call later to schedule those tests. Checking for brain damage and seeing where your powers… :: He blinked a few times. :: ..where your powers fall on the scale now. Moonsong: ::She leaned her head back and put an arm over her eyes as if the light was too much.:: Fine, but Dr. Ven is an arrogant a--...... His nose is so high in the air the gods don’t need toilet paper. :: The doc nodded faintly in understanding. He didn’t like the man either. :: Skyfire: If you’d rather I administer the tests and so on, I will do so. Just to minimize the friction within the department. Moonsong: ::She removed her arm to peer at him.:: If I have a choice I don’t want to deal with the man. He is very competent in his field but he makes me feel like a lab rat. Skyfire: Say no more. I’ll handle the tests, you won’t have to deal with him. :: He felt the exhaustion from her. :: Tell you what. You can call me when you’re ready. We’ll talk more at that point. ::Raissa nodded. As far as she was concerned their session was over. All she wanted to do was to crawl into bed get some sleep. Ideally she’d like to crawl into Carter’s bed and… Her eyes flew open.: Moonsong: ::her face reddening:: Uh… yes. Of course Doctor. :: He disposed of his cup and headed out the door. He felt better. For once in his life since his accident with Azin, he had some shielding and a sense of control. :: ==== Lieutenant Chythar Skyfire Acting CMO USS Garuda NCC 73809 & Lieutenant JG Raissa Moonsong Counselor USS Garuda
Welcome to the Fleet!
(( Sickbay, USS Garuda )) :: Ensign Carter Greyson had returned with the recent away team, and didn’t have time to change. He recalled that he’d seen Ris transported away at Gabi’s insistence, and made his way to sickbay to check up on her. He entered and approached her bedside, noting that she didn’t quite seem herself. :: Greyson: Hey. You alright? ::Raissa opened her eyes slowly. She felt strangely light headed and calm. Almost floating in a warm comfortable state. It took her eyes a moment to focus on the face floating above her. Her mouth curved into a warm smiles:: Moonsong: ::softly:: Carter…. You must be a dream… :: He smiled down at her, his eyes sparkling with warmth. He too was calm, but unimpeded by medication and seemingly unaffected by the projection. :: Greyson: No. I’m real. Wanted to see how you were. Gabi was pretty insistent on getting you out of there. I just got back. Moonsong: ::her smile faded:: Gabi… you’re with Gabi… not fair… ::She remembered seeing them together before she transported away. Gabi and Carter. She heard their voices in the darkness of the station:: ((Flashback)) Greyson: No, we were trapped in a turbolift. Ensign Porchevska ascended the shaft in heels and a skirt, so kudos there. I got us out with a tool kit and brute strength. Porchevska: Muscles did a great job. You should have seen him. ::Raissa suddenly felt her stomach drop. Carter and Gabi. They were together. She took a deep breath and let it out. For a moment she really hated her friend.:: ~Raissa~ ::Raissa closed her eyes, not that it made any difference in the darkness:: ~Please… Stop…. ~ Moonsong: :;hiding her physical and emotional pain:: We need to get these people to Medbay…. somehow… ::Then the lights returned and she saw them. Side by side. Then Gabi was holding her arms and pushing her away from Carter and other hands grabbed her:: Porchevska: Over extended empath. ::It was short and sweet:: Get her back to the ship. Dr. Ven will know what to do. Ocana: ::nods:: I’ve got it. =/\= Ocana to Garuda. Two for immediate transport to sickbay. Moonsong: ::frowning and shaking her head. She tried to pull away from the nurse:: No.. wait… I have to keep them calm… ::Her eyes locked on Carter. Almost pleading as she vanished in the swirl of the transporter energy:: ((End Flashback)) ::The memory seemed disjointed and unreal:: Moonsong: ::her eyes sparkled with tears:: Why… why not me….? :: Carter had a seat by her bio bed, and kept his voice low. :: Greyson: I’m not with her. She told me how you felt about me, and I realized we hadn’t spoken since my transfer to engineering. I’m not your patient anymore. I’m in love with you. ::Raissa blinked at him. She was having trouble focusing on his words. But he had such a nice voice:: Moonsong: ::murmurs:: I love your voice… I hear it in my head all the time… ::She frowned slightly:: I’m on drugs I think… You’re in my head… you’re always in my head… Can’t stop thinking about you…. :: He felt the drug-induced haze in a burst of empathy. He’d been there. Under sedation but still conscious as Chythar pried bits of shrapnel from his upper torso shortly after the console exploded. He wanted to reassure her, somehow. :: Greyson: I’ve been there...When the console blew, I was there. Lying on a biobed. Under sedation. Like you. And at that time, I thought my life was over. Now it’s not. We have a chance to be together. :: whispers into her ear :: I love you. ::Most of his words didn’t make sense. Life was over and being together? She blinked at him through tear filled eyes:: Moonsong: ‘Mmm dreaming… ::His face seemed so close. She felt the familiar warmth washed through her under his gaze.:: Carter…. why not me…? :: He took her hand into his, not realizing about the effect it would have on her. Or on him. For a brief moment, their minds linked. His mind was remarkably disciplined, but the recent talk of the exploding console brought that memory to the surface and the aftermath of his own surgery. His body seized for a moment, breathing ragged. As he let go of her hand, he panted softly :: Greyson: I...love you, [...] it... ::Raissa’s eyes were wide with shock. For a moment, while he held her hand her chest was on fire with pain. An echo of trauma that was not hers. Pain that pushed aside the mind numbing effects of the sedative. She wasn’t dreaming. He was there. The reality shook her hard as the pain faded.:: Moonsong: C-Carter…? :: He took a few moments to regain his breath, to get his breathing back under control. Then spoke once more. :: Greyson: Ris...I don’t love Gabi... I love you…. Moonsong: ::She blinked at him owlishly:: You do…? You do… I felt it… saw it… ::Her mouth trembled:: I love you… Greyson: :: he smiled at her. :: When you’re released, we can go get a drink. I’ll break out some Antaran brandy in my quarters and see what happens...what do you say? :: He glanced around, idly curious where Dr. S was. This was his sickbay, but he wasn’t anywhere in sight. Then he turned his gaze back to his love to watch her reaction. :: ::Raissa frowned. She could feel his mind. She shouldn’t be able to. “see what happens’ had a number of images involved.:: Moonsong: You’re not a telepath… :: The comment caught him off-guard. Unlike CD, his DNA wasn’t toyed with like a ball of yarn with a bad treatment. But still, that was an odd comment. :: Greyson: What? I mean...no, I’m not...what are you talking about? Moonsong: I see… glimpses… images… from you… Your mind…. ::there was a hint of fear:: Greyson: I don’t get it, hon... Something happened on the mission to trigger...something? :: This was a field he didn’t understand. He wanted to understand it, but didn’t have the faintest idea about telepaths. :: Moonsong: ::She was trying hard to suppress her fear:: Carter… I’m an empath. I sense emotion. I don’t read thoughts. I’m not a telepath. They can connect to me, but not the other way around…. ::she swallowed hard:: Something is wrong with me…. :: Concern crossed the young engineer’s face. He didn’t know what exactly that meant, but had at least a glint of understanding. :: Greyson: Does Dr. Skyfire know about it? :: He glanced around again :: Where is he, anyway? Not like him to leave a patient sedated in sickbay without being around… ::Raissa shook her head. She had some jumbled memories. All starting with an inferno of pain and her name being called. She vaguely remember seeing Skyfire and Dr. Ven arguing with a pretty Orion. Which… really didn’t make sense.:: Moonsong: I… I don’t know… my memory…. It’s jumbled. ::she shakily pushed herself into a seated position:: Greyson: I’ll stay here until one of the docs comes back, alright? We can ask then. Moonsong: You… you don’t have to stay… Greyson: :: He smiled softly. :: I’m staying because I’m in love with you, [...] it. :: Now that she seemed to be in her right mind and not loopy from the drugs, it might stick. :: Moonsong: ::she blushed. She would never tire of hearing him say it. Well, perhaps without the curse on the end of it:: I know… I was just saying… :: Greyson smiled again, his gaze locking with hers. :: Greyson: I love you. Moonsong: ::her voice was quiet:: I love you too…. ===== Lieutenant JG Raissa Moonsong Counselor USS Garuda Ensign Carter Greyson (PNPC) Engineer USS Garuda NCC 73809 Simmed by: Lt. Chythar Skyfire
round 2 Ketanya Dajhul & Gul Noraht, "The Never Ending Sacrifice."
Sedrin Belasi posted a topic in 2015
((Stateroom of Tolas & Ketanya Dajhul, Creshan'na Riyas)) ::Ketanya, despite the opinions of many around her, was not an entirely heartless woman. There she sat, at the table, with the data tablet featuring Tolas’s death certificate. She felt empty. Whilst she may have used Tolas to get into her current position, high above the typical wives of Cardassian officers, she did enjoy spending time with him - regardless of the deluded opinions. He was a peaceful man, didn’t enjoy arguments. Perhaps that was the reason she enjoyed being with him - she always won against him. ::But now, here she was. His death had been unfortunate and could not have been predicted. She was vulnerable, without a plan, but that didn’t mean she still didn’t have tricks up her sleeves.:: ::People could be bought.:: ::The chime to her door sounded, and shortly after, her Cardassian handservant entered her chambers.:: Handservant: Forgive me, madame, but Glinn Noraht is here to see you. ::Ketanya glanced up in time to see the man arrive, laying the tablet back onto the table. Not waiting for permission, he stepped around her “assistant”.:: Noraht: Ahem, Gul, actually. Ketanya: *Gul*? How convenient of dear Legate Demoric. ::He did his best to suppress a smirk. No need to be rude to a lady in mourning.:: ::He gestured for the handservant to leave them before continuing.:: Noraht: When the Union calls for service, I answer. Ketanya: Oh, I’m *sure*. Just stepping up in time of need, doing what’s right for Cardassians everywhere. Save the patriotic speech, Noraht - I have no time for it. Noraht: Hmmph. ::He could see why Dajhul had enjoyed her company. Whatever else he thought of the late Gul and his idealism, that he had been able to successfully court such a woman of fierce mindset had earned him some respect in Noraht’s eyes.:: Noraht: Actually, Madame Dajhul, I’m here to let you know Legate Demoric will not be stopping by. He had important affairs to attend to, I’m sure you understand. Ketanya: Why am I not surprised. Now that Tolas is dead, there’s no reason for Demoric to see me ever again - so he believes. Noraht: ::bows his head slightly:: I am just a simple soldier, madame. I will leave the politics to you and your ilk. Ketanya: Soldier. ::She scoffed.:: You’ve never known the meaning of the word. Tolas took you by the hand and assisted you to get where you are - as soon as he died, you of course, were *quite* happy to take his place. ::He didn’t have to take her abuse anymore. She wasn’t the wife of a Gul anymore. But, staying polite would only infuriate her more, he knew, and so that’s what he did to enjoy the moment.:: Noraht: I understand how difficult a time this must be for you. I will ensure your transportation back to Cardassia along with the gul’s body is reflective of the respect owed to you and him for your service to the State. Ketanya: Unfortunately for you, *Gul*, I have made no plans to leave the station. And until those responsible for the death of my husband are found, decapitated and torched, I have no plans of the such. Because of my husband’s sacrifice, the Union, by my understanding, should allow compensation. It is my right, and would have been my husbands wish, that I remain here, assist with Cardassian efforts. ::Noraht’s smile dropped as he realized what she was doing. Public service was integral to Cardassian society, and military service in particular was revered. Typically, the widows and families of those who had fallen in battle were compensated well, but more importantly, they were granted with a high amount of vesala -- social currency. Thus, it would be difficult, if not outright improper for Noraht to refuse her request.:: Ketanya: Starfleet has willingly agreed for me to remain here, allowed me to keep their personnel assigned to me. The Union, however, has little choice in the matter. Or must I take the matter to someone of a higher stature and intelligence? ::It took a moment for him to gather his words.:: Noraht: I’m sorry, madame. I was under the impression you were not particularly fond of your placement here. Ketanya: Never assume. If anything, I’m growing quite fond of the place. Noraht: ::through gritted teeth:: How nice to hear. ::beat:: Well, perhaps I should give you a few days to think it over- Ketanya: Oh, that won’t be necessary. Soon my Starfleet assistant will be back on duty, and I will have everything I need - provided that my current situation doesn’t change. I will, however, be sure to contact you should I require . . . *anything*. ::There she was. Playing cards back in hand. It was only a matter of time before she was indeed back on top of her situation.:: Noraht: Of course, madame. If you’ll excuse me, I have station business to attend to. Ketanya: We’ll keep in touch. ::The man didn’t answer as he turned to leave. He simply shoved the handservant aside as he exited.:: ::Noraht was a bad decision made by Tolas at a time of weakness. As he walked out, she made the decision - the station could not remain under the partial command of an unpredictable Cardassian. She needed to contact an old friend.:: ::Noraht needed to be eliminated.:: --- Ketanya Dajhul Widow of Gul Tolas Dajhul & Gul Noraht Co-Commanding Officer, Creshan'na Riyas Simmed LtCmdr Bakari & LtCmdr Core USS Garuda-
- 1
((Dreamscape/hullucination/they're not sure yet)) ::It was a counselling suite.:: ::Kinan had been one of them before, many times, for psych evals. She had felt that they wasted her time, but she answered the questions, explained her feelings, passed the evaluations with positive colours.:: ::She wasn't aware if this was reality, or if this was some form of dream. The woman in front of her had a teal uniform, the look you normally got from an expectant counsellor, waiting for your response, silently determining the mental stability of you. Kinan raised an eyebrow.:: Ari: Hello. Akyra: Hello. You must be Ari Kinan. ::Lieutenant JG Counsellor had apparently heard of her. Kinan looked the other female Trill up and down, taking as much of her appearance in as possible. Light brown hair falling just above her shoulders, black eyes and a tanned complexion, featuring darker Trill spots. She seemed . . . mature. Experienced. And safe.:: Ari: I am. ::Kinan nodded.:: I just go by my last name. Akyra: Not a fan of your first? Ari:::she shrugged:: I just prefer my last name. ::The woman nodded.:: Ari: I didn't catch your name? Akyra: Akyra Sentoss. I'm the second host of the Venroe symbiont. ::So that's what was going on. This wasn't real at all - just some weird dream her mind had cooked up to probably help with all the memories that had just been dumped into her system. Previous host personalities talking to current hosts were a surprisingly common thing.:: Ari: Oh. ::She nodded slowly.:: You're the one before me - the one- Akyra: Dying well before her time? Yeah. I was worse than Ethan, actually. If we keep this up, someone might turn around and say that the symbiont is cursed. ::She laughed once.:: Ethan: Don't scare the newbie, Akyra. ::The male pretty much appeared out of nowhere, also in a Starfleet uniform (was this what this symbiont was? Starfleet exclusive?) with a gold collar. He smiled and stuck his hand out to Kinan.:: Ethan: Nice to meet you - I'm Ethan Ocal. ::It was only logical to assume that Ethan was the very first Venroe host. Kinan shook his hand.:: Ari: Ari Kinan. ::pause:: She said that she was "worse" than you? Ethan: Death by pirate attack, age 43. Ari: *Pirate attack*? Ethan: Long story short; Security officer aboard a severely damaged Sovereign class ship, were attacked by pirates, shot in the back, lights out. ::Kinan frowned.:: Ari: A bit silly to be a host and a Starfleet Security officer, don't you think? Ethan: You have no idea how many times I was told that when I was alive . . . Ari: Why didn't you just avoid Security? Ethan: Because I'm a protector. I defend. I can problem solve, sure, but my strong point isn't sitting down and staring at people - no offense, Akyra - nor is it administrative duties. I don't have the patience for anything Engineering, nor do I have the mindset. And . . . my piloting skills are pretty bad. So I did what I did best - protect my crew. Ari: And you did that until the day you died. Ethan:::with a sigh.:: We've got a lot to talk about. ::Kinan didn't know how much time had passed, if there was time at all. She'd learnt a lot, though, just by talking to both these people.:: ::Ethan had been somewhat of a rebellious Trill in his childhood. Somehow and somewhere along the line of his life, he'd been given a "brand new" symbiont, having shown promise in the eyes of those in charge of them. And then he turned around, left Trill and joined Starfleet, despite the outrage of those he'd left behind - including that of his parents. He trained as a Security officer, graduated and was then posted to a ship, as per usual. At some point, he'd gotten an extreme distaste for Marines, and involved himself in various romantic flings. But he eventually married an El-Aurian woman, and to this day, still doesn't know how old she actually is. He was constantly contacted by the commission about his symbiont and how he had been reckless and that he (and his captain) were "required" to allow a potential host aboard his ship in case of an emergency. This hadn't happened. ::What *did* happen, however, was the agreement that he would find a replacement host (in case of this emergency), but it would be on his terms and the host wouldn't be placed aboard the ship. Out of a class of potential hosts, he'd picked Akyra - mainly due to her unenthusiastic response to counsellors, course work, and overall anything uninteresting whatsoever (and yet somehow, she'd been accepted into the program. Weird.). She was an aspiring technician, and though she was very capable at what she did, she acknowledged that she wasn't the best of the best - not even close, apparently. Her mother worked full time as an administration manager for a company on Trill, while her father took care of her brother Meeka, of whom had a severe case of anterograde amnesia after a severe brain injury, a condition still untreatable on Trill:: ::Ethan had spent two weeks talking up Starfleet and the Venroe symbiont to Akyra, and though she was somewhat skeptical of him, she agreed to take the symbiont when required to. This had happened two years after they met - in the pirate incident Ethan had mentioned earlier. The symbiont was transferred to Akyra the next day.:: ::With a newfound patience and experience from Ethan, Akyra abandond her career entirely and chose to explore the counselling position. She claimed that the main reason behind this was due to the significant decline of mental health in the Security department whilst Ethan was still alive. By the time she'd graduated and was posted to the USS Avandar, she'd found that Security officers were normally not at all open people and struggled to assist. Akyra had spent barely a day on the Avandar before it had "crashed" into a planet by the name of Eden - she then lived a further "ten years" on Eden with her partner Alleran Tan and had two children before a supposed symbiont rejection. It later turned out that the entire thing wasn't real and was just a dream - Akyra hadn't remembered the specific details. ::Regardless, a rejection like that in the dream could occur in real life as well. When she was transferred to a different ship, her first trip to medical revealed that her isoboramine levels had indeed dropped, but only minorly. This would continue for a long time, and though she had a handle on it for a few months, it just kept happening. ::This, now, was the result of that.:: ::It was strange to meet two hosts that had had a high amount of contact between them - actually, it was strange to meet a host of whom had been hand picked by the symbionts previous. She felt as if she were imposing, that Kira should have been allowed the same choice as Ethan had.:: Akyra: So what about you? What's your story? Ari: Me? I'm an aide-de-camp. I've been a personal assistant, a diplomat, a liaison and a Personnel officer. I've been in Starfleet for ten years, not including the Academy. Ethan: The hostage situation on the USS Fox with the Iotians - that was you? ::She nodded.:: Ari: Yes, sir, 2383. Akyra:::with a slight laugh:: Care to share for the rest of the class? Ari: Fox was called to a recently colonized planet a couple of years back. We got there, did what we had to do, and then when we return to the ship, the coloney is attacked by a rogue group of Iotians, and the colony's "leaders" had been taken hostage. The Iotians demanded a shuttle off the planet, supplies and weapons in exchange for the safety of the civilians, but obviously, weapons and a ships shuttle wasn't something my Captain was willing to provide. Akyra: So what'd you do? Ari: They had one of their group talk to me. I found out that these guys weren't from their home planet - they were from a nearby planet that was suffering from a supply shortage. They'd been requesting help from the Federation for months without results, so they'd resorted to more violent means, believing they could take some of the supplies from this newest colony. So, we were able to come to the agreement that they would release the hostages on the terms that we would arrange transport and fresh supplies for them to take back to their planet. A small ship with supplies finally showed up, the hostages were released without casualties, and we escorted them back to their planet. Ethan: Were they charged? Ari: Those terms were also negotiated. Instead of the group of eight being taken into custody, the leader put himself forward to us, stating that he and he alone was responsible for the actions that had been taken. He was arrested and charged, the rest of his group remained on their planet. Akyra: I'm sure that must have been quite the achievement. Ari: It was. I'm still struggling with understanding how it'd gone so smoothly. ::There was a pause of silence between them, and Kinan looked down at her knees.:: Ari: So how does this go? I wake up, you two in my head, no idea who I really am anymore? Watch as I struggle to continue doing my job until I give into your memories and experiences and change my career at a moments notice? ::She glanced back up at the two Trill in front of her. Ethan crossed his arms, actually sitting down for the first time on Akyra's armrest.:: Akyra: It'll be disorientating at times, sure. But you're strong minded. Ari: That's supposed to mean anything when it comes to a joining? Ethan: It means that we think you can handle it. ::Her vision flickered without warning, and Kinan sat up straight.:: Ari: Is this it? Akyra: Seems like it. ::She paused.:: You're going to wake up. You're going to be fine. Medical is going to clear you in a day or two, order you to take counselling appointments to adjust to the new memories. It'll be a shock at first, sure, but you'll work through it. We have faith in you. ::And just like that, after Akyra's words, Kinan's vision faded.:: ::She awoke in the bright Sick Bay.:: Tbc . . . PNPC Lt Ari (Kinan) Venroe Aide-de-camp Deep Space 10 Simmed by LtCmdr Tristam Core USS Garuda
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academy 3 Graduating Class of 239111.09
Sedrin Belasi replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome to the Fleet!!!! -
(( Flashback )) (( Stardate: 237209.22 )) (( Angosia, Graziar Medical Center )) (( Center of intensive treatment – West Wing )) :: Camus arrived under heavy escorted. He was starting to get distressed for not seeing the mother of his son, Doctor Darci Sakth. Their romance was censored at the beginning but when Tarsii was born the situation got worst. Darci started to receive professional reprimands and everything that she did was scrutinized at the small details. They were trying to find a way to move her away from the senior staff since the baby had born, five years ago. But Darci was a superb professional in her field, psychotherapy. :: :: Besides all that, she had been deprecated to promotions in recent years. She took that lightly because she was more concerned about his son’s heath, but Camus constantly fought against that prejudice. :: :: After some minutes, the tall and slim Angosian appeared behind the transparent wall of isolation. Her expression was not good. She was sadder than usual. Something had happened and Camus could feel it in the air. He walked toward her, clenched his fists tightly, and struck the wall with both hands. The vibration caused by that action resonated for the entire wing. Soon after that, came the sound. :: CAMUS ASMARA: :: Looking straight at Darci’s eyes. :: What did happen? SAKTH: It would be better that you come in. :: She said in an emotional tone. :: But please Camus. Behave yourself. CAMUS ASMARA: :: He nodded in agreement. :: As you desire. :: Darci waved her left hand over a blue spot on the translucent wall and quickly a door appeared as per magic. Camus then entered without the escort. Both holding hands and walked toward the center of that wing. Over there, laying for almost one year in coma, was the infant Tarsii. :: CAMUS ASMARA: Is he still unconscious? :: He asked with moderate tone. :: SAKTH: I would like to talk with you about an experimental drug that came to my knowledge this week. CAMUS ASMARA: Another experiment? SAKTH: Yes, Camus. I will not give up our son. CAMUS ASMARA: But he could be suffering a lot. Did you think about that? SAKTH: Yes. I do. We have those equipments … :: Pointing to a complex set of devices connected to Tarsii at his both arms. :: … they guarantee that he is not suffering. He was barely alive Camus. CAMUS ASMARA: I know, I know. You have told me uncountable times. SAKTH: I know you love him as much as I do, and you don´t want him to suffer. :: She pauses while taking some kind of hypospray with green phosphorescent liquid inside. :: But this new drug could help our son. CAMUS ASMARA: But… :: Every experimental drug that Darci had tested came with a high price, and that one didn´t seem different. :: SAKTH: The cost of this drug is exorbitant. The program budget will not cover. CAMUS ASMARA: If it works we will figure out one way to raise funds for that. I guarantee you. :: With his right forefinger he caressed her nose. :: SAKTH: They need your consent before the procedure. :: She handed him a tablet with the authorization letter. :: CAMUS ASMARA: I will not read. I trust you. :: He imposed his right thumb over the device. Some noises were heard and soon ceased. :: SAKTH: :: Holding hands with Camus she applied the drug on Tarsii’s neck. :: Come to us son. CAMUS ASMARA: oO You must react son. You’re a warrior. You must carry my name and make your mother proud. Come to us son. Oo :: The time freeze. For some instances any reaction could be measured. The fragile body of that boy seemed to have lost the desire for life. :: CAMUS ASMARA: Didn´t work? SAKTH: :: She shrugged.:: Let’s wait! :: But almost at the same time the equipments got crazy. The little boy was in terrible pain. Other doctors appeared and started to help. Tarsii seemed to reacting negatively to the drug. :: CAMUS ASMARA: He is in pain. :: He held his son’s hand with great emotion. :: You must prevail son. SAKTH: :: She joined Camus and both held the hand of Tarsii. :: oO You are strong. You are made from love and light. You must shine. You must survive. Oo :: A small tear came from Tarsii’s left eye. The pain was intense and his parents would have to do something. Darci hugged Camus in despair and asked for a miracle. :: SAKTH: She is suffering Camus. What do you want me to do? CAMUS ASMARA: I don´t know Darci. I will not terminate his life. :: All the medical staff was looking toward the couple waiting for a decision. Darci with close eyes hugged firmly Camus. She didn´t want to see that. Camus however was strong and his instinct of survival didn´t allow him to quit his life or his son’s life. Then the equipments went silence again. Darci feared the worst. :: TARSII ASMARA: Mom and dad. I love you. :: For a fraction of second his conscious had wake up. :: (( End Flashback )) :: Tarsii was lying down on the floor and he could hear some altercation around him… some dispute. He brought his hand toward to the throat and he felt pain. Last thing he remembered was to be in the kitchen waiting to speak with Commander Mei’konda when he fainted. But now he was on the saloon of the dining hall. He didn´t know what had happened but as he stand up in his feet he could realized some Cardassians fighting against his comrades. :: To be continued… ---------- Lieutenant JG Tarsii Asmara Science Officer USS Garuda NCC-73809
academy 4 Graduating Class of 239110.21
Sedrin Belasi replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in Graduation Hall
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academy 3 Graduating Class of 239110.12
Sedrin Belasi replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome to the Fleet!!! -
(( Del's Quarters )) Rahman: But it's okay. I'm glad it happened this way. Before anyone else could get hurt. Del Vedova: That's a little, uh, dramatic. Hm? :: He gave her a quirky smile, to which she furrowed her brow. :: Rahman: How so? Del Vedova: I mean to say, no one was killed. And whatever you're carrying around your neck, Rosh, I hope it's not so heavy. ::beat:: Engineers don't work just for Starfleet. You don't need a uniform to explore the stars. :: She tried not to laugh. :: Rahman: Yeah... but it helps if your face wasn’t all over the news streams for the past few weeks with "terrorist" next to it. :: She let out another sigh. :: Rahman: I don’t know… I’m thinking I just need to go. Del Vedova: Really? And what did you have in mind? :: She looked back at him for a moment before frowning slightly. :: Rahman: ...I don't know. I haven’t thought that far. Del Vedova: Well, let’s think, then. :: He meant the implicit “us,” too; if she was going through this thing, well -- he’d done enough to add to its difficulties already. Time to help. :: Del Vedova: Do you want to stay? Rahman: Here? :: She took a quick glance around his quarters. :: Del Vedova: Here. On the ship, or the station. Anywhere nearby, I guess. :: She scrunched her nose. :: Rahman: It’s not a matter of what I want. Del Vedova: No, I guess I knew that. Well. How much say do you have? ::beat:: Any? :: He kept his face expressionless as he spoke, or he tried. He felt a jerk of muscles after the last word that meant, he thought, that he hadn’t been very successful. This was his fault, wasn’t it? In part, anyway. :: Rahman: I mean… it’s not official yet, but I’m basically on leave now until the SCE and Starfleet Command figure out what they want to do with me. Del Vedova: Ah. “On leave” -- so you do get to have some say in it, right? :: She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. :: Rahman: And I’m sure you’re not surprised that I’ve managed to accumulate quite a bit of leave somehow over the past year. :: Del shrugged. What could he say? :: Del Vedova: It seemed appropriate? :: She frowned again as she looked back at the bottle of shiraz. :: Rahman: No, I do need to get away. Ugh. If not from everyone else then at least from him. Del Vedova: Him? Him whom? Not -- him me? :: No, of course not. She wouldn’t be around if that was the case. :: :: Her eyes darted up back to him and she actually gave him one of her trademark smirks. :: Rahman: You’re not secretly in love with me, are you, Del? Del Vedova: Wait, wait, wait: You tell me first! You’re not secretly in love with me, are you? :: They stared at each other for a moment before they both ended up cracking up. :: Rahman: Oh, Del. I knew there was a reason I liked you. Del Vedova: Because you don’t like me -- I mean, let’s be clear on that. Obviously. :: But he smiled at her in a way he hadn’t so far. The laughter, perhaps wine-induced, had loosened them both us, and he felt as though the whole thing was, for the moment, incredibly funny. :: Rahman: Well, if it’s not overconfident Andorian pilots I have to deal with, apparently it’s stubborn Rodulan engineers… how goes things on your end? We haven’t talked much since Kotir left. Del Vedova: Apart from resigning, it’s been great. I mean, I’m on a bit of a post-CMO high, so maybe a lot of it looks great right now. :: She tilted her chin downward in the manner of a scolding school teacher. :: Rahman: You know what I meant. :: His sigh was as close to a breath as he could make it. :: Del Vedova: Yeah, I do. ::beat:: But there’s nothing to report. I thought -- for a minute -- but never mind. :: She sat back, pouting. :: Rahman: You’re such a jerkface, sometimes you know. :: Del shook his head. He could see the face easily, but the name, or the uniform color? Nowhere to be found. He took another sip, though that probably didn’t help. :: Del Vedova: It’s not that I don’t want to tell you. I just -- don’t -- remember. :: And he held up the glass, tipped it toward her. She returned a questioning glance. :: Del Vedova: Maybe it’s better that the memory is the first thing to go. Stops me from doing anything foolish after half a bottle. Rahman: God, you’re such a lightweight. Del Vedova: I also have twenty kilos on you. How does that work out? :: She picked up her own glass before sipping the water. :: Rahman: That’s why I don’t drink. Del Vedova: Because you drink large men under the table? :: He raised an eyebrow. No one would logically call Del “large,” probably, except maybe a Ferengi. In fact, with all the tall individuals Starfleet seemed to employ, he tended to feel distinctly short at around 170 cm. Rosh, of course, was always short. Maybe that was why he liked her. :: Rahman: Ahem. Anyway… Del Vedova: Right. Where were we? Rahman: I was just saying this stupid, stupid man… I brought him on board. Tried to make things right for him. And then he goes off and declares his love for me. Well, not in so many words, but… ugh. :: Again with his raised eyebrow. This time, though, he thought he knew who she was talking about. He didn’t confirm, though; if she wanted to give his name, she would. :: Del Vedova: So all the more reason to get away, am I right? :: She gave a curt nod. :: Rahman: [...] straight. Del Vedova: So. Where are we going? :: She looked back at Del and smiled again. No argument. No trying to reason with her. They truly got each other. True friendship. Or maybe that was just the wine. :: Rahman: “We?” Del Vedova: Of course. I’m no longer in charge of the medical department aboard the Garuda, and I have a lot of leave saved up, too. You didn’t think you were going to go off alone, did you? :: His look was a sort of pity, but it was couched within a smirk. He needed her to see it as impossible to escape him -- or maybe, he thought, that was a little odd. But never mind: He was going. :: :: For her part, it looked like some tears were starting to return, but she held them back. :: Rahman: I think some part of me hoped not. Del Vedova: Listen to the part, my friend. Now: Where. Are. We. Going? :: She thought for a moment, resting her chin on her hand. Then, another coy smile emerged. :: Rahman: Australia gets a lot of sun, doesn’t it? Del Vedova: You want to go home? :: His mouth hung open. Then, belatedly, he realized that he assumed: Australia wasn’t her home. :: Del Vedova: I mean, to my home? ::beat:: My old parents might be confused at first. You’re not exactly the son-in-law they expected. Rahman: Psh. And you think my parents are expecting your charming self to greet them at their door? :: But his eyes widened. Not in alarm, but with the light of an idea. :: Del Vedova: Hey, that’s a possibility, isn’t it? ::beat:: We do go home. Your home. Rahman: ::Her eyes widened.:: Oh, God. Del Vedova: ::nodding:: Yeah, it may seem that way. But, hey, I’m coming with you. You get to pick. Even if you want to pick my family. :: She sighed. There was only one way to solve this as far as she was concerned. :: Rahman: All right. Fine. We flip a combadge to decide. Heads, Australia. Tails, Lahore. Del Vedova: Sounds good to me. But how do I know you haven’t fixed yours, so it’s double-headed? :: She shook her head with a sigh before she leaned over and swiftly ripped the communicator off his chest, tossing it into the air. :: :: When it landed, they both peered over the edge of the couch to see who’d won. :: Del Vedova: ::beat:: I think I’ll have another glass. --- Lieutenant Commander Nic del Vedova, MD Emergency Medical Officer USS Garuda & Lieutenant Commander Roshanara Rahman, EngD Status: Unfit for Duty
((Ten Forward)) ::Raissa found herself sitting in a corner of the room. Ten Forward was half empty with much of the crew on the station for shore leave. She ordered her usual tea as she tried to relax after a day full of appointments. For the time being her time was her own. Oddly enough she didn’t know what to do with it.:: ::She looked out the window. The planet below gleamed with heavenly light. She knew nothing about the world. She made a mental note to find out more about it. But the sight of it was wonderful. A few years ago she didn’t imagine she would be out in the galaxy seeing new worlds and meeting new races.:: ::Her family has supported her, cautiously at first. It was such a change from her original life path. She had trained under her Grandfather to be a shaman. To be a healer, not only of bodies but of minds. To use her gift to mend what was broken by time and trauma. Wounds that did not show on the outside:: ::She had been content with her life until one of her patients had revealed a greater world. His words had cracked the door in her mind of the desire to go further, to see more, do more. The process was smooth yet exciting. But there was one thing that had changed and nearly ended her happiness. The hurt of that fateful day stayed with her.:: ((Flashback)) ::Raissa walked in the tiny apartment she shared with her fiance, Evan Martin, brimming with excitement. She had already called her parents with the good news that her application had been accepted. They both had given her cautious approval, but that had done nothing to dampen her high spirits:: ::What she hadn’t expected was to see Evan off work standing by the window waiting for her. His handsome face was a mask of neutrality and Raissa began to feel the first stirring of doubt tapping at her heart:: Moonsong: I thought you had to work today. Martin: I took the day off. I received some news that was affecting my work. Moonsong: ::she frowned with concern:: What’s wrong? Martin: A call came in while you were out. Chappy in red, with..were those pips on the collar? 4 of ‘em? Moonsong: He found me at the Center. ::she referred to the outreach center she worked out of, helping older citizens deal with the changes in their lives. She smiled at him.:: I couldn’t believe they sent a captain…. He knew Colonel Merchant… ::She grinned wider:: I didn’t know the old man had sent a recommendation for me… Martin: Recommendation for what? You’re not telling me the guy who called was actually some sort of secret service agent or something….wait a second….new boyfriend? Moonsong: ::surprised:: Of course not, Evan. ::smiles:: Starfleet… They accepted my application to Starfleet. Colonel Merchant had more connections than I realized. Martin: For the love of...oh, hell. :: He sank into a chair, looking rather dejected. A conversation he had with a few folks who decided to join the military. He never thought his girl would be the one to drive the knife into his chest. :: Moonsong: ::The smile was fading from her lips:: Evan…. you knew I would apply… I know you weren’t happy about it… and neither of us thought I would get it… But I did. This is good news… We can be together and see the universe… Martin: You’ve been so passionate at work, and you never mentioned this guy. You never mentioned Colonel whats-his-name, you never mentioned that you’d even made any contacts. It seemed like you were so certain you wouldn’t get it and you honestly thought your app was lost in the queue trying to get in. Now you’re telling me all that’s… :: He couldn’t finish. He had a life here, and to be asked to throw all of that away just seemed like one massive uprooting he wasn’t able to handle. It hurt, so much to the point that he felt he’d cry in front of her and bit back a few tears. :: ::Raissa stared at him for a long moment as if seeing him for the first time. He was unaware that he was battering her with his emotion and she struggled to shield herself from it. She felt tears filling her own eyes. Things had been going so well between them.:: Moonsong: ::Her voice was subdued:: Colonel Merchant is a patient at the center. Retired marine. Coming to terms with his disability. He tells me stories about his time in Starfleet… good and bad. ::She hesitated:: Evan… this is a great opportunity… for both of us… can’t you see that? :: Evan made no reply. He lowered his head into his hands and was fighting his impulse to cry, not ready to leave everything he’d ever known. He had a job, friends, a stable apartment, and enough to get by moderately well. To leave all that behind was a sacrifice he was unable to handle. :: Moonsong: ::She moved closer to him, laying a hand on his forearm:: Love… Think about it… Something new and exciting. We’d still be together. We could get married before I leave… :: He looked up at her, meeting her gaze with eyes that conveyed worlds of hurt, his mind a chaotic trainwreck from being asked to make this ultimate sacrifice. What future would a simple auto mechanic have aboard a starship, anyway? He couldn’t face that truth. Or that future. Instead, he replied with only four words, very faint. :: Martin: I can’t….I’m sorry… ::Raissa stared at him in shock. Her hand jerked away as if she had been burned. Suddenly he was a stranger. All these years, how could it be she didn’t know him at all? She found herself stepping back.:: Moonsong: Won’t you even think about it? Martin: I…. :: He choked on his words. He didn’t know what to tell her. His eyes said it all -- that he was too rooted here to just rip it up and leave, like she seemed to be able to do. How could he have been so clueless that she was drifting farther away from him in the last couple of months to have not seen this coming? It didn’t matter now, he couldn’t finish his thought. His head went back into his hands, and he kept silent. :: Moonsong: ::She swallowed hard against the lump in her throat:: You won’t consider it, will you? :: She gestured at the walls around them:: This is enough for you.. This life… ::She closed her eyes against the tears she wouldn’t give in to:: How could I be so wrong….? ((End Flashback)) ::Raissa looked at her cold tea on the table in front of her. It had been five years since she and Evan had spoken. She had moved out of the apartment than night and stayed with her parents until she left for the academy.:: ::She had avoided relationships from that point on. Being a counselor was an effective way to keep a distance between herself and others, but now, it was no longer enough for her. Carter was nothing like Evan. He had ambitions. Transferring to engineering was something that clearly made him happy. Despite her shields, she could feel his growing excitement over something new.:: ::Abruptly she shook her head:: oO [...] it! Stop thinking about him. He and Skyfire are probably an item now! Oo. ::Raissa pushed aside her tea and got to her feet. She had only talked to the man twice and once was a patient. She also told him to pursue another relationship. What the hell did she expect?:: ::She needed a distraction and fast. There was only one thing to do. Shop.:: ==== Lt. (j.g.) Raissa Moonsong Counselor USS Garuda Special Guest star: NPC Evan Martin simmed by Lieutenant Chythar Skyfire Acting CMO USS Garuda NCC 73809
(( Mei’konda’s Quarters, USS Garuda )) NAUGHTON: All right, I believe that's more than enough. ::He looked at Mei'konda.:: I look forward to a copy of that report. :: The Caitian nodded as Roshanara remained silent, looking down now at the floor. :: MEI'KONDA: All riight, Lieutenant. I will forwaard the report to you. :: When she finally looked up again, she saw the man catch her eyes. They both looked rather miserable, so she attempted a reassuring smile. If it were anything like the reflection of one he offered back, she hadn't been successful. :: RAHMAN: But thank you again, commander. I'm glad after everything I haven't lost all of your respect. MEI'KONDA: You haaven’t, Doctorr... when it comes down to it, Ross betraayed everyone he served wiith, hurt us, nearrly killed Captaain Reynolds... for what reason, I do not know. :: Perhaps they would never know. She frowned again. :: MEI'KONDA: But you diid the opposite. Even faacing a court martial, you riisked your life to save your crewmaates. That means a lot. And it is why I am williing to testify on your behaalf. :: She fought with every last bit of strength to maintain her composure. She wasn't going to falter now. Not in front of her former shipmate, and certainly not in front of Lieutenant Naughton. Still, the slight unsteadiness in her voice betrayed her. :: RAHMAN: I appreciate that. MEI’KONDA: Of course... If I am called to the staand, I hope it haappens soon. You may have been exploited, but you belong in this uniform. :: The sad smile returned, and she followed him as he escorted them to the corridor. As he stood at the doorway, she turned to him and he gave a final nod. She realized then that this might be the last chance she'd get to see him on the Garuda. She glanced over at the JAG officer. :: RAHMAN: Lieutenant, I'd appreciate a final moment with the commander. In private. :: Naughton exchanged glances between the three of them before letting out a sigh. :: NAUGHTON: Very well. I'll wait for you at the end of the corridor. Don't make it too long of a wait, doctor. :: After he had passed through, the former chief engineer looked back at the Caitian. :: RAHMAN: I remember when you first came aboard. How, when you suddenly found your new senior staff were about to embark on a bit of an "excursion" to help one of our shipmates, you felt uncomfortable and decided to stay behind. That was the right choice for you then. Don't ever think otherwise. But I think you understand now why we were willing to do what we did for one of our own. :: Roshanara paused for a moment as she gathered her thoughts. She needed to tell him one more thing. :: RAHMAN: One of the most rewarding aspects of this job is helping the next line of officers under your command develop from fresh-faced graduates to seasoned officers. :: She gave a final nod. :: It was a privilege and an honor, commander. Take care of the next line. ==== Lieutenant Commander Roshanara Rahman Under Arrest Awaiting Transfer to SB118 JAG
((Holodeck, USS Mercury)) ::It had been a tedious process, clearing up the Mercury. The fact that it had barely made it to DSX in one piece showed just how skilled the Engineers that put her together in the first place actually were. But now, it was Tristam's Engineering department fixing her up, getting her into a stable condition. ::The Oracle class ship's situation reminded him of how he had been stuck in a medical facility, doctors constantly working over him. The Mercury was in just as bad a shape as he had been. The only difference is that Tristam didn't know how the Mercury had gotten into this situation in the first place.:: ::The ship stable enough to have more than two teams aboard, the Rodulan had gotten to work on the holograms. They hadn't been causing any trouble recently - a few had reactivated somehow, and instead of making a nuisance of themselves, they actually assisted with repairs. Some of his teams hadn't been aware they weren't the real people, and something told Tristam that it was probably better that they didn't know. But their kindness didn't mean he didn't have to deactivate them. Until he could work out their reason for existing, he couldn't fully trust the programs. ::Surprisingly, the majority had accepted that.:: ::Tristam was up to his final few holograms. The plan had been to deactivate the operating ones, shift them onto a hard-drive separate from that of the computer core. Some of the holograms had been pretty nice to talk to, others were . . . less happy about the situation.:: Blake: Take one step towards the console and I'll fire. ::Tristam froze up, his hand clenching the PADD with the holograms details, flashing back to the situation with Rahman occurring only days before. Glancing up, he took a good look at the phaser in her hand. Type two, by the looks of things. Tristam couldn't make out what setting it was on, but he wasn't at all keen to find out. He dropped the PADD, putting his hand up in front of him, taking a step away from the console. He was cautious - he didn't want to die today, after everything that had happened, all because a hologram decided that she wanted to blow him to bits.:: Core: Okay. What are you going to shoot me for? ::She seemed to hesitate a little, eyes hard on the Rodulan and eyes blinking back tears.:: Blake: I read my file. ::Uh oh.:: ::Having heard about Alpha team's dealing with her, Tristam did that too. Sky Blake, previously holding the rank of Lieutenant Commander prior to resigning from Starfleet. Pretty interesting record, in Tristam's opinion. Blake had been all over the place behavioral-wise right up until her first-born - a daughter; Faith Blake. To make matters more interesting, Blake had apparently been pregnant with Faith whilst on board the Mercury, but Tristam couldn't see a baby bump on this holographic version. ::Had the Mercury taken that away in it's bid to do whatever it had wanted to do?:: Core: Was it a good read? Blake: After the Mercury, Lieutenant Commander Sky Blake served at the Embassy of Duronis II - Chief of Security, USS Avandar - Chief of Security, Second officer and Acting First Officer for a short period of time, and then on the Vigilant back as Security and Tactical. Resigned on stardate 239103.03, citing the need to spend more time with her growing family. ::*Growing* family.:: ::Tristam, remaining silent, could see more cracks in her composure, the hand clasped around the phaser shaking a little as she tried to regain her own composure. He frowned a little - how did the Mercury's computer lose control over its own holograms? Was she *programmed* to do this? Better yet, how had she managed to access her own file when her credentials shouldn't have been recognized? Had the Mercury changed that too? Reinstated Blake's old Lieutenant credentials?:: Blake: A few dents and bruises, but an otherwise great record. And a great woman, too, apparently. Core: I'm sure she was. Blake: Did you know I had a family? ::This was rocky territory here. As it was, the hologram was already unstable - open *that* can of worms, and she might just all out break. ::Then again, Blake breaking herself could just be the malfunction he needed to hit the deactivate button on that console . . . :: Core: Yes. A daughter - Faith, I think her name was. You were due to be married to Lieutenant Sabor, Vulcan Armory officer aboard the Vigilant. ::There was another pause as this sunk in, and Tristam took a different route - to either talk her down, or push her towards self-malfunction.:: Core: What do you remember? Before everything? ::It was a silly assumption, thinking that the hologram may share some of the actual Blake's memories, but it was worth a shot. Maybe the Mercury knew more than it was meant to – maybe Blake was quite detailed in her personal logs. ::She took a few seconds to respond, her eyes finally removing themselves from Tristam, glancing around the room in an effort to form words.:: Blake: I was . . . on the asteroid. We were inside the cave, and I was first to be beamed aboard. That was stardate 238902.08. I remember arriving in the transporter room, and then demanding to be beamed to the Bridge . . . but after that . . . it's . . . ::There was another pause.:: I don't remember getting onto the Bridge. I remember waking up in my office, knowing that we had intruders aboard. ::That explained why she was wearing a long field jacket - a very dusty long field jacket. It was relatively reasonable to assume that her character had been "borrowed" from the transporter log from that stardate. The Mercury must have tweaked certain things.:: Blake: I just . . . accepted that . . . that the new one was in command, and that we had a job to do. I didn't even question were any of them were – Tallis, Reed, Ba'Eli . . . Parker . . . ::Saying that last name caused her some form of pain, Tristam could tell. Parker. Why did *that* name ring a bell. Was it from her file? A recent message on the subspace notice boards? One of the online forums message?:: Core: I'm not familiar with Parker. Blake: Mercury's First Officer. Or, at least, he *was*. He's FO at the Duronis II Embassy now. ::*That* was where he had heard the name - the Mercury's crew history, and a complaint about the armament of the ship. Blake was under the impression that it was early, early 2389. Where was Tristam at this point in time? He would have been on DS17, coming off his medical leave. ::Not that it was all that important. He needed Blake to drop the [...] phaser in her hand so that he could walk away with all his limbs intact. Before he could get another word in, however, she started speaking again.:: Blake: I *died*! Over *three months ago*! ::Tristam looked down at his feet. So the hologram had found that small piece of information at the very bottom of her file, too. That dreaded word in red writing. “Deceased”, it had said. It probably even stated cause of death, but Tristam had been quick to close the file as soon as he saw the red.:: Core: I'm sorry. ::He couldn't think of anything else to say, and he knew nothing that would have put the hologram to ease. Tristam didn't know the real Sky Blake. He knew that Sky Blake was a Brekkian Betazoid hybrid. She was born on Brekka. Her parents were scientists. She had a daughter, and possibly another child. She was due to be married. She had been 28 years old when she died. But he didn't know *her*. What he knew of her on a personal level was coming from this hologram – this only remaining walking and talking reminder that she was once a person, and not just a file in the Starfleet database. ::Because of this hologram, he knew that Sky Blake's green eyes were one of her most striking features. He knew that her hair was not naturally blonde, and that she may once have been a brunette. They were small details, very easy to miss when skimming a personnel file.:: Blake: I died of a brain aneurysm. ::she paused, and laughed once.:: After years of getting beat up, stabbed and shot at, I die of a brain aneurysm. ::It was as if she was simply born to die.:: Core: I'm sorry. Blake: Stop saying you're sorry! You said you don't know who I am! That you've never met me! ::He must have just missed her when he was posted on the Vigilant. He now suddenly wished that he had left DS17 a few days earlier, that he hadn't procrastinated and deliberately missed his first transport, so that he could have possibly met her. Just for this specific moment, so that he could talk holo-Blake down, comfort her in some sort of way.:: Core: You're right. I've never met nor seen you my entire life. ::pause:: But I know you – this . . . version of you. May-maybe that's why the Mercury made you. ::Tristam didn't know what he was doing, making the words up as he went along, hoping they'd form something that'd make Blake drop her phaser or at least back off a few steps.:: Blake: You're saying that my ship brought me back as a hologram because it missed me? Core: It's a possibility. The Mercury couldn't bring you back in person, so it brought you back the best way it could. In holographic form. To let you do your job, like you did back in 2389. Maybe to give you a second chance, maybe as a form of nostalgia. Maybe you were the only one that could have done the job you did, the only one with a strong enough mindset. Blake: You mean the only one to bully other holograms into that sensor pod. ::Well, that at least explained a few of the "dead" holograms.:: Core: You didn't know. You weren't supposed to know. Blake: And that makes all this easier, does it? Core: It was supposed to. You weren't supposed to know about the real Blake – you were made to assume her position, believe you were her, copy her attitude, looks, anything about her that made Skyleena Blake. It's all a piece of a very large puzzle, one that we're still trying to put together. ::Finally, she dropped the phaser, and it was then that Tristam realized that the phaser hadn't been powered at all.:: Blake: So what now? After everything I've done? Blown up parts of my own ship, killed people - real and holographic and deceived your crew. What's to become of me? ::Tristam sighed. Her admission of blowing up bits of the Mercury made his arm ache.:: Core: Your program wasn't designed for self-awareness. ::None of them were. Over the last several hours, he'd watched a few holograms corrupt themselves just at the thought of them being sentient. But Blake seemed to be handling it pretty well. He'd have to check her actual readings before any real assumption could be made, though.:: Core: I don't think taking the place of real Blake would be wise, either. ::No, that would just end in a lot of conversations he didn't want to have to participate in.:: Core: I can keep you on the Garuda, work something out for you. Blake: You can do that? ::She seemed rather skeptical, and Tristam gave her a slight shrug of his fully functioning shoulder.:: Core: I'm Chief Engineer of a Galaxy class starship. I think I'm up for a few personal privileges. Especially after this week. ::Actually, he really kind of deserved a medal after putting up with all the destruction the Garuda has brought him. But really, what was to become of Blake? Of all of the holograms? It didn't feel right to leave them on a hard-drive, orders from the higher-ups or not. They were, after all, beings. He frowned a little at his own thoughts - thinking about holographic sentience made his head hurt, especially since many people were willing to put forward just how easy it was to compare a hologram with that of a hyperspanner. He gave a slight huff before he delivered his next words.:: Core: I know it might sound offensive, but if I made you a personal project of mine - no one else involved whatsoever, I think we could make this work. ::But for what? How was this any use at all for him and the holographic Blake? He might as well just put her image in a picture frame, stand there and admire it - it'd do more good than any sort of project he thought of that he could involve her in.:: Blake: What, me be a side project, just waiting for you to show up every day and turn me on? Sit there and stare at me, wondering how to "fix" me? Core:::shaking his head.:: Not fix you. ::She stared at him, crossing her arms.:: Blake: *What*, then? Core: I don't know. But you fixed yourself somehow. The command to protect the Mercury is probably still there, sure, but you're not directed at the wrong people anymore - otherwise you would have shot me first chance you got. Maybe there's something in this universe that you could do. ::There was a pause between them as she processed what he said, tightening her arms.:: Blake: Why? Why do you have this . . . hope? You don't even know me. Core: I'm an Engineer. When somethings broken, we fix it. If its running at top performance, we keep it there. If we fail at something, we keep trying until it kills us. It's just what we do. Tbc . . . LtCmdr Tristam CoreChief Engineer USS Garuda
- 1
(( 1900, Counseling Office )) :: CD took a breath and relaxed as he rang the chime. Due to the amount of stress he was under, Gabi had ensured he had at least a sandwich to go with his tea. He was relieved when she was the one to suggest they reschedule the date they had made for this evening. Now, he was wearing the standard issue Starfleet Teal, because he was the acting boss. :: Moonsong: Come in! ::she was finishing up some notes on her padd:: :: He entered with a smile. :: Skyfire: Things got busy. Apologies. Moonsong: ::lifted her head to smile at him but it didn’t quite reach her eyes:: No problem. I heard it was something of a madhouse over there. ::she sets the padd down.:: If you don’t mind, I'd like to cover a couple things with you first. ::gestures toward the chair in front of her desk:: :: He nodded faintly and had a seat. He tried to relax a little, but all of the last several hours ranging from his promotion to not having performed the host transfer had him a bit on edge. :: Skyfire: Dare I ask? Moonsong: ::sets aside the padd she was using. She folded her hands on the desk top, her face a calm, serene mask, a faint smile touching her lips:: Yes, you may ask. Skyfire: What sort of things were you hoping to cover before we start? Moonsong: ::pulled up the file on her desktop device:: Nothing to be nervous about, Doctor Skyfire. We didn't get a chance to cover some of the details of your file. Skyfire: Alright. Where did you want to start? Moonsong: You have seen a number of counselors since you've gained the ability. I was wondering if you could tell me why you think that is? ::she knew why this was thanks to the message from Taybrim, but she wanted his side of the situation.:: :: Skyfire sighed heavily and lay back in his chair. He didn't know how to answer for a few seconds. :: Skyfire: I've technically seen four. Ensign Riverview. Last known posting: Excalibur. Not helpful because we only had one session. Lt. Taybrim, last known posting: Columbia, which was recently launched, as I understand. He was helping me learn how to control it. Lt. Collim, though an Intelligence officer, had previously been a counselor. Her last known was also the Excalibur. Said we would work on my shields, though also only one session. :: Pause. :: If you count the informal one I had with Pritzker, which happened during breakfast about 10 minutes before I met you. Moonsong: ::she frowned slightly:: You do have the option of continuing with Pritzker. As far as I know, he’s not due for a transfer? :: The doc ran a hand along his face, thinking for a long moment before speaking. :: Skyfire: I...I don’t feel that he has a good enough grasp on telepathic and empathic stuff to fully understand my situation. Moonsong: ::she was silent a moment and then nodded:: I have a reason for asking. It is important that you feel comfortable with me. This isn't something that will only take a couple sessions to fix. This requires a long term commitment, and you will need to trust me to be here for you and to help you come to terms with your gift. :: He nodded faintly as he took another breath. oO Curse. Oo :: Skyfire: I understand. Moonsong: So the question is, do you wish to proceed with me? ::she leaned forward slightly:: I feel it is important that we commit to a long term plan. Skyfire: Yes. Lt. Taybrim hinted if I didn't get it under control that I may become a liability. Moonsong: ::she decided to be blunt:: You could go insane from the constant barrage of information. :: The doc raised an eyebrow. :: Skyfire: He must've left that part out when he was talking about it. Alright. Where do we start? Moonsong: ::rises from her desk and gestures to the two comfortable chairs to the side:: Make yourself comfortable. :: He got up and stretched before removing his uniform jacket, underneath wearing a teal tank top that said "I work for Starfleet" in black lettering. As he sat down, he took the cup of tea from her and took a slow inhale of its aroma. :: :: While he was getting settled, Raissa went to the replicator and ordered a cup of tea in a large earthenware mug, then she handed it to him. She couldn’t help but smile faintly at the message on his shirt. That meant a sense of humor existed somewhere in the man.:: Moonsong: ::She sat down in the chair opposite him.:: That is a blend I developed. It's to help you relax. ::she settled with her own cup:: Let me know what do you think of the taste. :: Chythar's body seemed to relax as he inhaled, his eyes closed as he exhaled. Then he slowly took a sip and pondered over it as he savored the flavor. Upon swallowing, he gave his reply. :: Skyfire: Tasty. Like...kind of a darjeeling and a oolong combined. Similar to one I use. Moonsong: I’d like you to finish drinking it. Take your time and let your body relax. ::she paused:: You can talk about anything or not speak. :: He pondered over that for a moment. He needed to trust her, including with things that might seem insignificant. Or majorly significant. He didn’t know what the deal was with either of his moments he had today, but thought that he could use this time to make those moments clear to him. :: Skyfire: Well, to start with...do you know why today was a madhouse? Moonsong: I know you have injured, but I don’t know specifics. Skyfire: Commander Tan collapsed. I...haven’t dealt with a Trill symbiont before, and had to find a new host for him in a hurry. Moonsong: ::she looked surprised:: He didn’t look well during the last mission. I hadn’t heard that it was that serious. Will he…. they… be all right? Skyfire:I did try to keep it quiet. Far as I know, they are fine for the moment. Both are in stasis, which is the best I can do on short notice. Moonsong: ::frowns with real concern. If he had to find another host for Tan….:: What will happen to Alleran? Skyfire: :: took a breath. :: Symbiotic rejection is a serious business. The host has a week, at best. Maybe longer if stasis modules are used. Moonsong: ::she looked down at her own cup, her expression troubled:: He’s going to die, isn’t he? Skyfire: Likely, yes. There was one case in which a host was joined to a symbiont, experienced symbiotic rejection and the original host was reunited with the symbiont that was removed. Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax. Moonsong: Did the host survive? Skyfire: No. Moonsong: I… I am saddened to hear that… On the bridge… ::she shook her head.:: I’m sorry… It’s just a little hard to hear. ::Raissa struggled to push down the emotions that had risen. She didn’t know the navigator well, but after what they had shared on the bridge during the last mission, she knew she would miss him. His occasional light comments had gone a long way to help her control the fear she was feeling:: :: He nodded faintly in understanding, then took a breath. He had something else to add. :: Skyfire: I also had a moment during this crisis in which the captain called me up to her office. To promote me to lieutenant. And the host transfer is still incomplete. Moonsong: ::she could seriously relate. Her fingers absently reached up to touch the new pip on her collar. :: Apparently she sees something in you that helped her make that decision. :: Skyfire nodded faintly, and bit his lip. :: Skyfire: She also said I...have to become less arrogant and dismissive. Once that asserts itself, then my appointment to permanent CMO will be complete. Moonsong: ::There was a telling pause:: I see…. We can work on that as well if you like. :: He just nodded and had another sip of his tea. :: Skyfire: Not now, though. :: and finished up the last of it, setting the cup down. :: Moonsong: ::nods:: Now I want you to close your eyes and take some breaths. Slowly, in and out. Listen to the sound of my voice. :: He followed her instructions and closed his eyes once more. He tried to concentrate only on her words and feel the relaxation. :: Moonsong: ::her voice was soft and pitched to a soothing caress:: How do you feel...? :: Skyfire's voice sounded almost distant, as though he was 20 light years from the room. :: Skyfire: Strange...empty, almost. Moonsong: ::she frowned slightly. It seemed odd that he shifted perception so quickly:: Just flow with it... Our minds gives us images that are symbols.... what do you see? ::she planned to use visualization therapy, but she wanted to see what images came to him first instead of just imposing something on him:: :: He tried to stay relaxed, his body tensing slightly as he attempted to interpret what was in his mind :: Skyfire: My meditation blocks. Teacups. Lt. Taybrim. Moonsong: ::she leaned forward to touch his hand and stopped herself. It was instinctive to touch people to help them but she was learning that it was not a good idea anymore.:: I want you to think of a place you are comfortable. oO Don’t do it, girl. You’ve barely got control of yourself here. Focus on your patient. Oo :: He nodded faintly, imagining his little mountaintop with the roaring waves below. There was no Ensign Skyfire to share his space, which he was grateful for.. :: Moonsong: Tell me what it looks like... Skyfire: Terran sunset. The sky is sort of purple, orange and blue. I'm on a jetty which has rocks of smooth stone, a beach like setting. Beneath me, the waves crash against the cliff face, a deepish sort of purple and blue. Moonsong: ::she frowned slightly:: Do you feel safe there? Skyfire: Yes. Moonsong: ::she found it odd that he considered such an image safe, but she would find a way to work with it:: All right.... continue to breath... in and out.... now…. come back to me... :: It took him several minutes to comply, as though he was nearly reluctant to leave the beach and his solitude. When his eyes opened, that is when he began to perspire with the effort. :: Moonsong: You did really great. ::smiling:: A lot of people have trouble reaching their center the first few times. Skyfire: It seemed harder for me to pull myself back this time. Moonsong: You'll soon get the knack of moving in and out at will. Now I just want you to relax. :: His eyes closed again as he attempted to comply. After a few seconds, he forced himself to relax completely. :: Moonsong: ::she leaned back:: How are you feeling? Skyfire: A little drained. :: He felt too weak to tense up. He didn’t like that question, and hoped it wasn’t obvious that he hated counselors that much. He still had his scorecard packed away in his bag from the Excalibur. :: Moonsong: I hope you'll eventually learn to be honest with me. You tense up every time I ask you how you feel. ::she made a few notes on the padd:: What do you hope we can accomplish in these sessions? :: He wasn't at all eased by her words, and tried not to let it show through. When he spoke again, he forced calm into his voice. :: Skyfire: Develop some level of control over my abilities. oO Curse. Oo Moonsong: What do you think of your abilities. ::pauses:: Don't tell me what you think I want to hear. Tell me the truth. :: His eyes opened slowly, and he tried to keep his cool. :: Skyfire: I think it's a curse. I want to make it not a curse, and a useful tool; but until I learn how to control it, it's a curse. Moonsong: ::she nodded understanding.:: I think we did well today. You accomplished more than I expected and that is a good sign. Skyfire: Then...why does it feel like I'm still on square one? Moonsong: It's important to define what square one is. It's different for different people. Knowing what it is, is the first step in moving forward and helps me figure out the best way to proceed that is tailored to your needs. :: The words 'define square one' made him almost as uncomfortable as 'How do you feel?' Each question seemed like a trap. And he knew that both questions were not meant as traps, but given his turnover rate for counselors, they felt like a trap. :: Skyfire: Alright...? Moonsong: Dr. Skyfire, in order to help you, you have to trust me. Trust takes time. Eventually you'll get to the point you are comfortable enough to tell me what you are really thinking. Right now you're guarded and that is normal. That is why it we are starting slow. ::She paused and then straightened her shoulders:: You'll do fine. :: He nodded faintly, forcing a smile onto his face in kind. He wanted to be able to trust counselors, and wanted to overcome his hatred of them. But he stayed quiet. :: Moonsong: You should be aware that your body language tells me a great deal. Skyfire: I'm aware. Moonsong: I'm not offended, so don't worry about that. ::she set her padd on her lap:: Would you like to make another appointment? :: He stood slowly and grabbed his uniform jacket, then nodded. :: Skyfire: Yes. Moonsong: Daily? or would you like time between? It can be exhausting as you've noticed. Skyfire: Daily is good. Mission or no mission, I would like to get a handle on my cur-- :: pause. He was going to say 'curse.' Poor word choice. :: ...current abilities and not be driven insane by them. If that makes sense. Moonsong: ::rose to her feet:: Of course, Doctor. I'll see you tomorrow. I'd like you to stay on the inhibitors for now. We'll start lowering the dosage as you get comfortable with the basics. ::she smiled although it seemed a touch forced:: Skyfire: Stay on them? :: he looked a bit curious. :: Then again, it’s shore leave. I can afford to be useless for a bit. Moonsong: ::Her expression was serious:: Until you are drilled in the basics, you would be even more useless if you are comatose. Of course the choice is yours. :: That thought frightened him. He'd been sedated before just to deal with the effects. Twice. And it wasn't a fun experience. So soon after the meld, his brain nearly exploded. And he tensed up as the unbidden thought came to him. And just once, he was hoping that he’d be able to meet a counselor who didn’t bear the same no-smiles-policy as his brother did. :: Skyfire: I see your point. Moonsong: Like your other senses it can be overwhelmed. I can help, but it will require work on your part and it will take time. There is no short cut. :: He nodded grimly as he tugged the uniform shirt into position. :: Skyfire: Understood. Moonsong: I'll see you sometime tomorrow, then. ::smiles slightly:: Skyfire: Right. :: and headed out the door. What he craved more than anything was control over his abilities. And it was, for now, beyond his reach. :: ::Raissa sighed as he walked out. He had taken a big step, but until he learned to stop fighting his ability, his progress would be slow. She returned to her desk. It all boiled down to trust:. It was not just his ability he was fighting. He was fighting her. He may not have said anything, but his body language screamed at her. In a sense, she was the enemy. On a purely personal level it hurt a little, but there was no quick fix to that either. :: === Lieutenant Chythar Skyfire Acting Chief Medical Officer USS Garuda NCC 73809 Lieutenant JG Raissa Moonsong Counselor USS Garuda
Welcome to the Fleet!
(( Sickbay, USS Garuda )) :: A light chemical push. Alleran felt it as a real, physical thing; an intrusion into his sleep, forcing him awake. Forcing him to live. Open his eyes. :: :: It wasn't truly living with half a mind -- unjoined Trills were perfectly capable at any task they set their minds to, really -- but after years of having two brains, it certainly felt that way. The world was sluggish, dull, and had a strange unrealness to it; as though the dream, and the Otherplace was the reality. :: :: A shadowy figure stood above him. Alleran's eyes had not yet adjusted to the light. :: Alleran: Mum? Reynolds: Not quite. :: Oh. Through the fog came emotions; strong and raw. Embarrassment was one of them. :: Alleran: Hey. ::Perched on a stool by his bedside, she smiled at him, an expression worn and ragged around the edges. She looked pale and tired, strands of mousy brown hair falling limply about her face.:: Reynolds: How are you doing? Alleran: Oh... you know. Stuff. ::he managed a lopsided smile:: Dying. ::She tried to reply, but there seemed no words to express what she was feeling. Instead, she breathed a deep sigh, and nodded.:: Alleran: It's not so bad, really. I dunno. I'd always imagined I'd go in a... some kind of crash. Something dramatic. Lots of fire. Not like this. I don't think anyone really imagines it this way either. Just sort of... slowly fading away, and then one day, falling right over. Not everyone gets a dramatic send-off, I suppose. Reynolds: ::Quietly,:: No, they don't. :: He smiled -- strongly, more genuinely now. :: Alleran: I'm glad you're here. From the academy to the end, huh. There's a... pleasant symmetry to all this. I like symmetry. Reynolds: It's symmetrical for you, Alleran. Me, I just get to watch another friend die. ::Her voice cracked toward the end, and she looked away, taking a slow, deep breath. Yeah. He had buried friends too. It was never easy. :: Alleran: Yeah. ::She shook her head, looking back at him and forcing a smile.:: Reynolds: I'm going to miss you. :: That felt good. To know he was going to be missed. :: Alleran: I’m going to miss you too. A lot. ::a pause:: And I mean, well... I’ll still be here. Kind of. It’s complicated. Reynolds:: :She nodded.::I can imagine. I have a hard enough time just dealing with my own crap, let alone a couple of extra lifetime's worth from other people. Alleran: It would depend on the wants and desires of the new host, although it won’t be just up to them. There’s a whole host of emotions and feelings in there all mixed in together. Sometimes there’s a really desperate need to reconnect with the past host’s life -- something that’s very problematic and fraught with all manner of risk -- and sometimes... well. Sometimes they just want to get away from it all. I can’t promise anything. Reynolds: Is there anything you need? Anyone I can contact for you? :: It sounded really stupid, but Alleran had really only one request. :: Alleran: Make sure you come to my funeral. It sounds stupid, but Marlee -- my previous host -- well, she was something of a bitter workaholic misanthrope, which is easy for me to say now that she’s killing me. Accordingly, well, it was pretty empty when they put her in the ground. Couple of her old students. Some distant family members there because that was expected of them, just boredly waiting for the service to end. :: She winced. He reconsidered. :: Alleran: Actually, hell with that. No service. Just a big party. Lots of booze. Fun. Reynolds: One drunken wake on short notice. I'm sure I can organise that. :: He managed a little laugh. :: Alleran: Thanks. I’ll be kicking around for a while yet. Couple of days, maybe, on the outside. :: She nodded, her gaze dropping. He seemed to remember something. :: Alleran: Oh. And if the new host gets here, make sure that you check that they’re not crazy first. Who knows who they’ll send this far out. They might not have that many options. Reynolds: You might not want me vetting potential hosts. ::Her smile briefly returned.:: I suspect none of them would be good enough. :: That actually made him feel really, so much better about the whole thing. Just the idea that someone was going to look out for him. :: Alleran: Okay. I know you’re busy. I think I’m good here. Biobed’s nice and comfy. ::he smiled:: Take care, okay? I’ll be back soon... more or less. Reynolds: Call me, if you need anything. Anything at all, alright? Alleran: Yeah. Will do, for sure. ::She tried to say something else as she slid off the stool -- a goodbye, perhaps -- but for the second time in short while, words failed her. Instead, her hand found his, and after a brief, firm squeeze, she was on her way.:: -- Captain Quinn Reynolds Director of Intelligence USS Garuda & Lt. Commander Tan Chief of Navigation USS Garuda
(( The Otherplace )) :: Where did people go when they die? :: :: Philosophers from every species had asked this question for years. For Tan, it had always been this place. :: :: It had no real name. The Graveyard of Dreams. The Otherplace. It had whatever label was most appropriate to it at the time. :: :: A simple cottage, in a dark wood, surrounded by grass and trees. :: :: Hell. :: Alleran: Why are you doing this? :: He was seated in a warm, comfortable rocking chair, nestled up by the fire. It crackled and popped as Trill honeywood burned away, bathing the entire building in a warm, aromatic fragrance. :: :: Marlee -- aged and wrinkled, as that was how she saw herself now she was dead -- sat in her chair, avoiding his gaze. She folded her hands in her lap. :: Marlee: It's not me. It's you. You did it to yourself. :: She turned to him and snarled, her face a feral visage. :: Marlee: You were the one who hurt me! :: Taken aback, Alleran could do nothing but gape. :: Alleran: I didn't do anything to you! :: She snorted derisively, dismissively. Her anger faded. :: Marlee: Of course you would see it that way. :: Alleran leaned forward in his chair, resting his chin in his hands. :: Alleran: Tell me, then. Explain it to me. What did I do wrong? :: Words didn't come. Tan slapped his hand on the chair's armrest. :: Alleran: You need to tell me! :: Finally, her answer came out in a croak. :: Marlee: You're a broken mirror. Shards of soul all over the ground. It's better to leave you alone than hurt myself trying to fix you. :: She looked away, unable to face him. :: Marlee: I'm sorry. I'm just better off without you. I tried my best. I tried to make it work. But... the thing is, you can't be fixed. You're not a good host. :: Alleran slumped back. :: Alleran: So what? Marlee: Pardon? Alleran: So what if I'm a bad host? That I never went to the academy and I only got joined based on a random chance? Does it matter? Isn't the whole purpose of symbiosis to explore new things? You'll have a lifetime of perfect Academy graduates, chronic overachievers all of them, lining up to be a part of your life. Why not take one loser every now and then? Marlee: Because that life is pain. :: Simply stated but enigmatic. :: Marlee: You're a dreamer, Alleran. You have hopes. Ambitions. Goals. Desires. Wants. But you lack the conviction to make them happen. You don't push hard enough. You want but you don't work. You're not prepared to accept delayed gratification and earn what you want. You're talented in your own way, but lazy. And that laziness -- that lack of achievement -- hurts me. I can't just spend your lifetime being some flyboy on a rusty, outdated ship out on the edge of nowhere, getting bumped from crew to crew, constantly repeating the same mistakes over and over. I can't do it anymore. :: Alleran took offense at that. :: Alleran: The Garuda is not rusty. :: She glared at him with sour disapproval. :: Marlee: That's exactly what I mean. You didn't listen to a word I said. Alleran: I listened. ::he folded his hands behind his head:: I just didn't agree. Marlee: Well... it doesn't matter anyway. :: She relaxed into her couch and pointed out the window. Through the glass, fuzzy and indistinct, Alleran could see the world outside. The turbolift. The blood. :: :: It was a false representation. Not the world through his eyes. He could see himself slumped in the corner, a dead thing, waiting for medical technology to bring him back to life, start his heart again, fill his lungs with air. :: :: He'd open his eyes again. Speak to the others, for a time, crack a few jokes and say goodbye. He'd hang on as Alleran for a bit. :: :: But not forever. :: :: It was going to be painful. All of that. But he'd get over it. :: :: The new host would help. A fresh voice to help out. :: Alleran: So, it's you and me and whoever we get next, right? :: Marlee rolled her old shoulders and, with careful deliberation, added another log to the fire. It swelled, sparks flying out, and then settled as the bark was consumed and the heat began to burrow deeper into the wood. :: Marlee: You and me... and whoever we get next. :: They watched the false world outside, together, everything silent except for the faint crackling of the fire. :: TBC... ----- Lt. Commander Alleran TanChief of NavigationUSS Garuda
Welcome (back) to the Fleet!
academy 1 Graduating Class of 239109.09
Sedrin Belasi replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome to the Fleet! -
Welcome to the Fleet!
(( 0700, Counseling office, USS Garuda )) ::Raissa was surprised to see Skyfire at her door, since they had agreed that she was going to swing by his quarters this morning. It was early and she wanted a chance to go over his files. She was surprised to see the number of counselors that had annotated his file and she was not pleased:: Moonsong: Lt. Please come in. ::stands:: Would you like something to drink? :: Chythar was clad in his black leather jacket, an Excalibur patch on one shoulder and 118 Ops patch on the other. It was a casual morning for him,yesterday having been crazy-like for him as every other day of shore leave he'd had since leaving the academy. :: Skyfire: Black coffee? Moonsong: ::walks to the replicator:: Would you be interested in trying something different? And please, have a seat. ::she gestured to the two comfortable chairs to the side and not the chair in front of her small desk.:: Skyfire: ::taking a seat:: So, how're you? Moonsong: ::brings over two cups of steaming tea:: I'm finding my way. ::hands him one of the cups and sits down across from him:: The real question is what is on your mind? It's not often a counselor has someone anxious to set an appointment. :: Resigned to the fact he was doomed to have some of that horrible tea that his brother Sal recommended, CD considered the fact that perhaps this particular blend of tea was something that would improve his mental discipline. That could be used to sharpen his mind, enhance his mental shields. And blast it, his neural inhibitor was wearing off. He didn't need that right now. oO I'd rather bury this blasted ability...[...] you, Azin. Oo :: Skyfire: :: sighed heavily. :: I suppose I should start at the beginning, shouldn't I? :: he blew a strand or two of his blonde hair out of his eyes and began slowly. :: Some months ago, I was involved in an accident. The exact stardate escapes my memory offhand. During the treatment of one of my patients, he lost control of the situation and I woke up with these...abilities. Making me telepathic and empathic. It only seems to work on humans. :: Beat. He stopped himself, as he thought about whether or not to add more. About Sal. oO Nah. Not now. Oo :: Moonsong: ::her eyes widened slightly yet her expression remained calm and serene:: I think I understand. ::she tapped her finger on her chin thoughtfully:: These abilities are new to you so I think the first thing we need to do is work on your control, if that is the problem. ::she paused:: Are you wide open right now or do you need to touch? Skyfire: That's just it. I don't know. I don't need to touch them to be able to sense what's going on, if that's what you meant. Moonsong: ::nodding:: Are you able to sense anything from me right now? :: His eyes closed for a moment as he attempted to use his 'curse', the inhibitor wearing off. He detected calm, but still couldn't get a solid read due to the fact she was mostly human. The other, he may've imagined; because alien genetics were alien. :: Skyfire: Calm, I think? Maybe mild bafflement that a human has this sort of power? :: He sipped his tea and managed not to blanch at how unusual the flavor was. He drank it with a schooled neutrality. It obviously wasn't his favorite blend, but that didn't matter. He was here, and getting help. Or at least, that's what he tried to make himself believe. :: Skyfire: I have no idea how to control it. When I first got out of the academy, I was surrounded by people who were telepathic or empathic to some degree. I learned how to shield, sort of. Then this accident happened that cursed me. And recently, while I was operating on Ensign Carter Greyson's life, I felt the pain he was in and my shields were gone. Had to inhibit my curse long enough to treat Captain Reynolds... :: He fell quiet, and forced himself to take another sip of the unusual liquid that seemed to be in the cup. He did manage to relax, despite how bizzare the tea was. oO Tastes like something my brother thought up... Oo His breathing slowed, his body relaxed and he noticed he was calm once again. :: Moonsong: ::she set down her teacup picked up the padd that was on the table beside her chair:: Lt... Dr. Skyfire, I think I can help you. I see that you've seen a number of counselors since this happened and I wonder why they couldn't help you. :: Chythar sipped his drink slowly oO Here we go...Oo and took a deep breath, needing to start from the beginning of the list. :: Skyfire: OK. I want to make it clear that with my first two counselors, this telepathy/empathy thing was not an issue in terms of my learning how to control it. I only had to know enough to keep myself shielded so I didn't set everyone else off. Sal Taybrim did help me, until I was assigned here. Moonsong: I'm going to ask you a series of questions and I'm sorry if you've heard this all before, but if I'm to help you succeed, I need to know. And I need you to be completely honest with me. Skyfire: Go ahead. Moonsong: Alright, if I understand correctly, you can only read other humans and it doesn't matter if you touch them or not. If someone near you is angry, do you become so as well? :: He shook his head, her interpretation being slightly off of what he was capable of. He took another sip of tea to relax himself, taking a moment to swallow it before he began to correct her. :: Skyfire: I don't need to touch anyone in order to sense anything. Lieutenant Taybrim and I shared a mental connection before my accident, and he's the only non-human I can read like an open book. I do pick up on the emotions in the room. Example, during the rescuing of the captain I felt the adrenaline surge from everyone in the group and that was the only thing that kept my curse under control. Moonsong: ::making notes on the padd and spoke more to herself:: Empathy and telepathy aren't the same thing. ::she looked up at him:: Sorry, I talk to myself. I'm trying to get read on where you rate on each scale. Skyfire: You tell me. I can't read you as well as I can read Carter, for example. I only guessed you were sensing confusion at my abilities. Moonsong: I am only one quarter Betazoid. I would have to touch you in order to establish a connection to read you. The result of that could have one or two results. You'll be able to fully read me, or nothing will change and I'll be able to empathically read you. ::smiles:: ::Raissa didn't need to be a telepath to read his frustration. It was more than understandable:: Moonsong: We can wait on that particular experiment. ::she picked up her cup again and took a sip. She had chosen one of her more relaxing blends that her grandmother had been fond of:: Based on your files, you are using a chemical inhibitor to control your talent. Which formulation are you using? :: That was one aspect he wasn't sure of. He remembered it'd been a mixture of chemicals that he composed in the lab, and tried hard to remember which ones. :: Skyfire: Cortralathin and fistalan. Fifty fifty mix. This is the first time since the accident I had to use it...but why's that important? Moonsong: Because the control needs to come from you, not the chemicals. You can't develop a dependency on outside sources of control. I'd like to schedule you for regular to start working on your mental blocks. Skyfire: I'm willing to reschedule if you have other appointments. Moonsong: I only had you so far, Dr. Skyfire. But I'd like to meet with you when you're not on the chemical inhibitors. It's the only way we'll make any progress. So we should meet daily for the next week and that will determine the best way to proceed. Skyfire: I understand. Tomorrow morning, then? Moonsong: Response :: Skyfire nodded faintly and ran a hand along his face, realizing how tired he was. :: Skyfire: Yeah, I will try to. See you tomorrow. :: He got up and prepared to leave the room, downing the last of the tea before disposing of the cup in the replicator on his way out the door. :: === Lieutenant JG Chythar Skyfire Assistant Chief Medical Officer USS Garuda NCC 73809 & Ensign Raissa Moonsong Counselor USS Garuda
academy 1 Graduating Class of 239107.06
Sedrin Belasi replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome to the Fleet!! -
((USS Garuda, Corridors )) ::Several new faces had joined the crew as of late, and one of them she'd caught sight of but they hadn't been officially introduced. Yet. That would all change very shortly. As she had been helping Delano, Alora realized she really needed to go ahead and give away some more of her babies and, she thought, it might be a good way to meet some of the newest arrivals. As she had in the past, the science officer had appropriated a cart and proceeded to place a variety of plants. There were some other species among the violets, but that particular Terran plant made up most of the varieties she had available. Plants in hand, or rather in cart, she eased the contraption out into the hallway. By the time she arrived to her first 'house call', she'd already given away two, but she had several more plants of that variety so Voss would still have her choice. She asked the computer to indicate her arrival - then waited.:: ((USS Garuda, R'raika Voss Personal Quarters)) :: Voss was sitting in one of the more comfortable cushions, the second act of Aktuh & Maylota was playing over her quarters speakers, not quite at an ear piercing volume, but still almost loud enough to be enjoyable. She twitched when the computer chimed in over her music- a visitor? Rolling off the cushion, she stood up and quickly gave her room a once over- good enough for company. She approached the door and keyed the console to open it- the cold air of the hallway almost felt like ice against her skin- standing in front of her was-:: Voss:: Lt. DeVeau, :: Voss offered DeVeau a warm smile as she glanced at the cart of plants:: I was hoping we'd get a chance to talk, would you like to come in? :: Voss stepped to the side and gestured to the room behind her:: I just finished moving in not too long ago- so don't mind the mess. ::Whoa, hot, but it wasn't completely unexpected. Vulcan was a hot planet, and Saveron had kept his quarters really hot too. Fortunately, she had a couple of plants that would do alright in such an environment while she had to keep them in miniature environmental regulators. What she did _not_ expect, however, was the smile. A Vulcan smiled. As far as Alora knew, Voss was a full Vulcan, so the sight struck her as out of place.:: DeVeau: Please, call me Alora. ::She honestly didn't see the point in formality unless they were working and it was still shore leave. Actually, Alora didn't mind when others used her first name even on the job.:: ::Voss nodded as she turned her back to the woman and walked back to the large cushion she'd been sitting in, plopping down in a less than smooth manner she looked back to Alora and the open door. :: Voss:: As you wish- but then you should call me R'raika. DeVeau: Um. Would you hate me if I asked you to turn down the heat a bit? Voss: If it gets you to come in and have a seat. Computer- lower the rooms ambient temperature to 23 degrees Celsius- vent the excess heat and recycle the current air to the desired parameters. ::As the air in the room was vented, it turned from hot to comfortably cool in a matter of moments- Voss pointed to a large cushion across from hers, the small table sitting between the two. :: Voss: Please, bring in your cart and have a seat- ::Voss bapped her head slightly:: I should have offered you refreshments- would you like tea, bloodwine, root beer? ::Alora did as invited, thankful that the Vulcan had been receptive to the idea of cooling things down a bit. She wouldn’t have been able to withstand that sort of heat for _too_ long. The cart ambled along behind her willingly until she released it and it sat, waiting to be pushed around some more. Once she was certain it wasn’t going to roll off anywhere, she accepted the proffered seat as well as the offer for refreshment.:: DeVeau: Ooo, root beer. I haven’t had that in a while that sounds good. :: R’raika gave a quick nod and rolled out of her cushion and hopped onto her feet in one quick motion. She hummed a little, almost matching the pace of the opera that was playing in the background and spoke quietly to her replicator:: Voss: Charlie, we need two large Terran Root Beers- chilled mugs, no ice. DeVeau: So, nice to meet you. Do you mind if we converse in Vulcan? It’s such a lovely language and I always enjoy being able to use it. ::Voss had just grabbed the mugs and was walking back towards Alora when she commented about speaking in Vulcan- R’raika tried not to frown at the notion but didn’t hold back as well as she could have. :: Voss: [Vulcan] We could- ::her Vulcan came out with a thick klingon accent almost, strongly reminiscent to the dialect one heard from Klingons coming from the First City. :: It has it’s place- ::she handed Alora the chilled mug :: I prefer Klingon to be honest- it is a far more honest language. ::She hadn’t expected that harsh lilt to what she normally thought of as a musical language. The gutteral intonation seemed at odds with the Modern Golic sound. If anything, it only heightened Alora’s curiousity.:: DeVeau: [Vulcan] I know some Klingon, we can switch to that if you prefer. Voss: [V] It’s no skin off my teeth- and it’s good to stay in practice. ::Voss took a long pull of her root beer before coughing a little- :: it’s the bubbles, they tickle. I once tried adding bubbles to bloodwine- my friends were not impressed. ::A small, light laugh and she settles back onto her seat. She looks at the flowers and smiles again, it’s a large smile full of teeth and it reaches her eyes as she talks :: You’ve come with flowers, why? DeVeau: [V] Yes it is. ::Which was why when she knew someone who spoke another language, Alora was always keen to use it - if she also had some knowledge of it. Sometimes it annoyed people, and sometimes it simply surprised them.:: DeVeau: [V] I plan to take over the Universe with plants. ::A grin broke out at the tease, and it was a joke that most Vulcans wouldn’t have gotten, but this Vulcan seemed a far cry different from those she had met before. In a way, she was testing the waters.:: :: Voss nodded, a serious expression on her face. :: Voss: [V] The Jo’ran Sah of the Delta quadrant tried a similar tactic using fungal spores. Their tactics-- ::Voss paused, and lost the serious tone rather quickly, her nose scrunched up and she gave up on being so Vulcan:: So, a plant army then? ::She sipped her root beer with utter seriousness, she even arched an eyebrow.:: ::That spurred a giggle which DeVeau couldn’t and didn’t bother to hide. A Vulcan with a sense of humour - who’d have thought! Although the woman was setting her at ease, Alora didn’t want to try anything _too_ familiar - at least til she got to know Voss better.:: DeVeau: [V] Yep. A plant army. I want some in every room of the ship. Gotta start small, build my way up. :: Voss nodded again, sipping her root beer, she studied the bubbles a moment and smiled:: Voss: [V] Well, you have very pretty soldiers- :: she paused:: you don’t think my quarters will prove too hostile an environment for them? I’d hate to lock them up in little cells- the beauty of a flower is only really part of the joy they bring- there’s the scent- the tactile feel of the petals, the sense of life they bring to a place. It would be a waste to see them diminished by being locked behind glass. DeVeau: [V] They are lovely indeed. ::African Violets were one of her favourite plants, and certainly the favourite among Terran species. Her mother had a few, but not as many as her grandmother had. SHe’d had rooms filled with the fuzzy-leafed plants, all of which Alora took when she had died. :: DeVeau: [V] And yes, the heat would kill them, but they enjoy the environmental regulators and can break out when they really want to. ::She rose then to pluck a plant from the cart so she could carry it over to the Vulcan and plopped back in her seat once more.:: DeVeau: [V] That’s a ‘Buckeye Cranberry Sparkler’ - the name of the variety, that is. I have other varieties with all sorts of colours. And yes, it is nice to smell and feel, but these flowers don’t have any scent and you can always turn down the heat when you want to cuddle them. I wouldn’t touch their leaves _too_ much though. :: Voss accepted the flower and ran a longer finger across one of the petals :: Voss: [V] More of a look but don’t touch… ::she sniffed the flower:: It’s not a floral scent- but it smells green. Alive. It would make a suitable soldier for deployment here I would think. Did you bring one of these environmental regulators with you? ::Alora shook her head. They were easy to obtain but she generally used hers for plants that didn’t fare so well in a more terran environment. Although she loved her violets, Alora also enjoyed other types of plants and it was the only way she could keep certain species alive.:: DeVeau:[V] I don’t have any with me, but there’s a replicator programme for them already so you should be able to get one really easily. :: Voss stood up and moved to the replicator, as she keyed in the parameters for the environmental regulator-:: Voss: [V] Alora, you first joined the majority of this crew when they were on the Mercury in 2390, and transferred over when that ship was ‘retired’ and the Garuda took it’s place- correct? :: As the regulator materialized, Voss gave it a small poke before picking it up and taking it to her desk- she brushed the crumpled up papers to one side and set the regulator down- :: ::Oh, so was she being interrogated? Alora’s mouth quirked a little in amusement. She supposed it didn’t matter if the Vulcan was an intelligence officer or not, it only made sense to inquire after crewmembers, learn something about them.:: DeVeau: [V] That I was indeedy. ::Her eyes followed the Vulcan’s motions as the plant was placed in its new home:: If you set the humidity factor to about eight, that will generate enough water so that you don’t have to take it out of the regulator just to water it. These plants will soak in moisture through their leaves. :: Voss keyed in the parameters for the plant and sealed the case- she gave the little flowers a sad sort of smile and then walked back to her cushion. Sitting down, she gave Alora a friendly smile :: Voss: [V] Thank you very much for the flower, she’ll make an excellent guard for my desk… ::she sipped the last of her root beer and set the mug down. :: I would like to discuss the evidence you found that implicated both the former First Officer Harrison Ross and Captain Quinn Reynolds. I would like to hear, in detail, about the genetic material you found on the device- how much was intentional contamination versus incidental contact, and could it be shown that one person- more than the other had more contact with the device- ::she paused, looked at her mug and seemed sad to see it empty :: the devices correlation with 83 Leonis, and if you can you verify that as fact and not speculation. DeVeau: Oh. ::Well, so much for a friendly visit and pleasant conversation that was intended to get to know the other officer. It was, indeed, an interrogation though Alora hadn’t planned on discussing business. DeVeau: Um, well, have you... :: Voss stood up and moved to the replicator- she held her hand out to forestall Alora’s response to the questions and Alora paused mid sentence. :: Voss: Charlie, a small glass of bloodwine, 2306- carbonated. ::Voss took the small mug from the replicator and turned back to face Alora. :: [V] This is an informal environment for such an inquiry- and I would understand if you would prefer a more formal setting- your office for example. ::Voss paused and took a small sip of the bloodwine. :: I would prefer to avoid any formal settings at present though. Ross is a known traitor, and Captain Reynolds, though apparently badly beaten, could still be seen as a ::Voss paused:: a risk. It is my obligation to sift through the evidence and send in a report to Starfleet Intelligence. I am going to be impartial- though in confidence here, I would say the situation leads me to favor Captain Reynolds. ::Voss took another pull from the mug:: But that kind of favoritism won’t do anyone any good if we can’t put a picture together that will convince Starfleet… ::that said, Voss drained the rest of her mug:: Thoughts, questions, and answers- please. DeVeau: [V] I just have to admit, I didn’t really come here expecting an interrogation, but I’ll answer any questions you may have. Though, really, if you want to look at the report I made I can forward it to you. I’m always quite detailed because I want whomever is reading it to get the entire story. Voss: [V] Interrogation? ::she laughs softly:: I could make it into an interrogation I guess- make you drink warm root beer and raise the lights up to a hundred percent… ::she moves back to the floor cushion and sits down:: I’m not ::she pauses:: you seem like someone who is very down to earth- practical even. I’m not after exact facts- more like impressions. For example- what are your thoughts on the Myr Luuk or the Community- were the former XO or Captain ever exposed to either party. The Myr Luuk’s new partnership with the Cardassians- does any of that tie in to what happened on the Garuda… a lot of strings to reach at and pull. DeVeau: [V] Cold root beer is so much better though. ::Alora pitched her voice into a very unVulcanic whine, then sipped at that root beer as if she might fear R’raika would make good on her threat. She processed the questions as she consumed a little more of her drink then furrowed her brow.:: DeVeau: [V] Ross was on the away team with me so he had contact with the Bodhisattva, but...well, my Impression is that they’re kind of reluctant to deal with new people. They dealt with us and weren’t rude, but it was more like they did it because they didn’t have much choice in the matter. ::Which was pretty much the case.:: DeVeau: [V] Um. I’m not sure about the Myr Luuk. I didn’t really have contact with them at all, though the partnership is...interesting. I mean, they wanted an end to this war and I guess they felt like that was their only alternative. ::And of course the Cardassians would take advantage of anything that might be beneficial to them. There had to be something the Myr Luuk possessed that they wanted.:: DeVeau: [V] as to how it ties in, I’m not really sure. It might tie together in ways we’ve yet to see. TBC ****Lt. Alora DeVeau Chief of Science USS Garuda & Ensign R'raika VossIntelligence OfficerUSS Garuda
((Sick Bay, USS Garuda)) Core: I'll talk to her tonight, see if she's willing, and then if she agrees, we'll come here. Del Vedova: Good. Let me know when you're coming, and I'll set aside a private room. Core: You can do that? Del Vedova: It's one of the perks to being chief of a department. Core: I guess it is . . . but I can only ask. Del Vedova: Let me know, Commander. But don't wait too long. I'd like to know as quickly as possible, and it can only help whatever case we may build by hurrying. Core: I’ll ask her tonight then. Maybe I’ll actually have good luck for once. ((Roshanara Rahman’s quarters, later that evening)) Rahman: Are you $%@#-ing serious? ::Well, so much for good luck.:: Rahman: After everything that’s happened, you thought we’d still have a dinner date? You’re lucky I didn’t send a feedback pulse through the door lock -- which you *deserve*, by the way! Core: That wasn’t my intention. I’m here to make sure you were okay. ::The Kriosian gave another frustrated breath before turning away.:: Rahman: All right, you came and saw that I’m still alive and fine. I appreciate it. ::She turned back to him and pointed to the door.:: Rahman: Now *get out*. ::This was getting out of hand. He needed to actually talk to Roshanara, not be kicked out of her quarters. He couldn’t let this happen - not yet.:: Core: Roshanara- ::Her eyes narrowed, and her voice was firm.:: Rahman: That wasn’t a suggestion. Core: I don’t care. You know what? I outrank you now. And I’m not leaving. Rahman: ::scoffs:: Oh, so now you’re going to lecture me about respecting the chain of command? ::This was getting him nowhere, but he sure as hell was not leaving these quarters. It was now just a matter of making sure she knew that.:: Core: [...] straight. I am not leaving whether you like it or not. You want to be a &@$%#? Fine. Let’s go. ::He held his arms out.:: Have at it, Commander. ::She returned a look of disbelief.:: Rahman: *What* are you doing? Core: You obviously require stress relief. Rahman: You obviously require a mental check. Core: I could say the same for you. ::It was as if every sound in the room vanished at that moment. Roshanara gave a look that would have turned men twice Tristam’s size to stone.:: Rahman: *What* did you just say? Core: I talked to del Vedova. I know about your neurodegenerative disease. ::Well, so much for breaking it to her slowly. But in all honesty, the Rodulan didn’t see any other choice but to put it to her bluntly.:: ::The invitation he had given earlier for her to hit him was really tempting her now. She closed the distance between them into striking range. Her voice was raw with fury.:: Rahman: You don’t know *anything*! And you had no right to talk to him! Core: You’re right. I didn’t. But you gave me no *choice*, Roshanara! I’ll be [...]ed if someone hauls you away from this ship without trying to prevent it first! ::She looked up at him, and for a moment, it looked as if Tristam was going to get slapped. Instead, though, Roshanara abruptly turned away and headed for the door.:: Core: Where the hell do you think you’re going? ::She didn’t answer as she exited into the corridor.:: Core:::muttering.:: For f- ugh. ::He started to follow her.:: Rahman! Rahman: Leave me alone! Core: Not until you tell me what the hell is going on with you! And certainly not before I’m certain you remain aboard this ship! ::She made it to a Jefferies tube access hatch, but when she tried to pry it open, the computer answered with a resolute chirp of denial.:: Rahman: ::under her breath:: [...] it, you piece of #$*%! ::She pounded the side of her fist against the hatch.:: Core: You can’t hide from me, Roshanara. ::She turned back to see the Rodulan closing in on her. She hit her hand hard against the closed hatch again, the pain shooting across her knuckles.:: Rahman: Stop. Just stop already! What do you think you’re going to do? Come save the day? Go back in time and prevent what happened? Rescue me? Core: You and I both know that all of those things are impossible. I can’t change what happened, I know that. But at least I can prevent it from happening again! ::He gave a frustrated sigh, a hand flying up to scratch the back of his neck as he begun pacing again. But when he looked back at her, he saw now tears welling up in her eyes.:: Rahman: You *can’t*! All right? There’s nothing you, Del… nothing *anyone* can do to prevent it from happening again! Core: That’s not true. Rahman: I thought I had time. Captain Kells tried to warn me. But it’s too late now... ::Tristam frowned. Kells? The ex-Captain who hadn’t wanted to take a leadership role? Hadn’t there been *two* Kells?:: Core: You mean the Kells that disappeared, right? Not the one that I met on Bocasa? ::She nodded, wiping her eyes. She proceeded to tell him about the future that Aron Kells had remembered. A future where one year from now, Roshanara had been not only removed from her post but dismissed from Starfleet entirely before spending the next ten years in various medical and mental institutions. The last time he had seen her before he had returned to the past, she had apparently been living as an outcast on a desolate world.:: Rahman: You can’t prevent it from happening again, Tristam, because it’s *not* a disease! It’s who I am. Core: Roshanara Rahman. ::He shook his head, crouching down to be eye level with her.:: I thought you were better than this. ::She sniffed her runny nose.:: Rahman: Better? Core: It’s the *future*, Rahman! Nothing is ever *definite*. Every little decision, choice, comment, *anything*, changes what happens tomorrow, next year and even *ten years from now*. Sure, maybe you have this . . . thing that’s you, but you can’t believe in a future that you were told by a Kells that wasn’t even real, a future that - even if it was real once - has obviously changed from the moment he told you. Rahman: *Physiology* doesn’t change! ::She balled her hands into fists, but she let the anger subside into sadness and frustration. He didn’t get it. And so finally, she said aloud to Tristam what Aron Kells had said to her that night in sickbay that had changed everything.:: Rahman: Tristam, I’m a metamorph. ::Her voice trembled as she said the word, as if it were a shameful epithet.:: ::Tristam blinked. Having a father that was familiar with everything telepathic and empathic, Tristam found himself well-versed in other telepathic species - something that happens when your father calls you every morning with nothing but work to talk about.:: Core: A metamorph? But . . . ::he frowned again.:: On the Pioneer, you weren’t . . . Rahman: I know. ::She looked away, unable to face those dark eyes and their judgement.:: It’s called the Finiis'ral. Basically a stage of life where a metamorph prepares to imprint on someone for the rest of his or her life. ::Tristam nodded. He hadn’t known the specific term, but he was already familiar with the whole concept. Kriosians were an odd bunch. Spots like Trills. People that could become someones “perfect mate”. Sure, empathic abilities were a pain in the behind sometimes, but they could be quite useful at times, too. He didn’t see why this was such a bad thing in Rahman’s eyes. . . ::Oh . . . no. Now he kind of understood.:: Core: Ross . . . He wasn’t . . . right? You two weren’t . . . ::This was going to be an awfully awkward conversation if he *was*.:: ::She returned an indignant look.:: Rahman: No! Absolute not! Core: Then . . . You’re going to have to explain this to me. I only know so much about metamorphs, and I honestly don’t know what the problem is here. Rahman: The problem is I tried to fix something when I didn’t know what was really going on. ::Tristam’s eyebrows shot up. That was basically breaking one of the main rules in the book! As an Engineer, you don’t go poking something that just *acted* broken - you had to get a good look at it first, determine if it was still doing its job, and just make sure it didn’t need a little oiling instead of a replacement. ::This is what happens when you’re a propulsionist.:: Rahman: Two years ago, when the changes first started, I was scared. Del and the other doctors didn’t know what to make of me, and then when one of the neurosurgeons onboard offered a chance at an experimental procedure that could solve everything, I took it. ::Gamighan Core would have tied her to a chair, rattling off all the risks and consequences that may occur before he’d let her go through that procedure. Tristam pinched the bridge of his nose, already hearing his father’s possible reaction to all this..:: Core: Well it’s obviously too late to scold you. Rahman: I know. I knew the risks, and I know it’s my own fault now what’s happened. ::But what had happened? She still hadn’t said it yet.:: Rahman: Dr. Ven had hoped the use of specialized nanites would help strengthen the neurons that appeared to have been weakened by that unknown “neurodegenerative disease” you mentioned. Core: And? Rahman: Well, the procedure worked. Except, strengthening the neurons of a metamorph meant that the neuroplasticity was reinforced. In other words, Tristam, I’ll *never* finalize on someone. I’ll always change based on those around me, and what Captain Kells saw in the future--what he had warned me about--was that eventually, I had become unable to live with the stimulus of those around me. Unable to lead, unable to serve in Starfleet. Unable to function in daily life. ::The Rodulan took a solid seat on the deck in front of her, running his hands through his hair.:: Core: . . . that’s how Ross got you to disable the security feeds. He found out you’re a metamorph and used that to help him sabotage the ship. ::Now Tristam *really* wanted to punch him when and if the Rodulan ever saw him again.:: Rahman: Do you have any idea how humiliating it is? To know that you can become so vulnerable to someone else’s whims? That it is only days later that you wonder why you did something, and yet another part of you still feels there was nothing wrong about it? That you’d do it again in a heart beat because of how good it made you feel? Core: No . . . ::She wiped her eyes again.:: Rahman: [...] it, Tristam, I’m the chief engineer of a starship in the Federation Starfleet! ::Or, she *was*.:: Rahman: But none of that mattered when he came to me. I was just a simple cog in the system he found useful to manipulate. And I did so. *Willingly*. ::Tristam sighed again. She’d admitted to doing it, yes, but Tristam could still see a part of her fighting.: Core: Don’t think for one minute that you did what you did *willingly*. ::She looked down at him, sitting in front of her, doubtful about how true that was, but she *wanted* to believe him. Maybe it was true? She listened earnestly as he explained.:: Core: When I watched that tape, the angle you came in, your hesitation, every little action you took *before* you disabled the systems? Maybe you did them subconsciously, I don’t know. But it looked to me like you were deliberately trying to get caught. That you *knew* it was wrong. ::He wasn’t going to accept the possibility that Ross had completely gotten into her head.:: Rahman: ...I hope you’re right. Core: I’m always right. ::For the first time in the night, Roshanara let out a small smile. Somehow, Tristam had managed to surprise her.:: ::And then, it was at that moment, alone in the small corridor of Deck 35, that Roshanara realized how clearly she felt here just with Tristam and her. It made sense, though, didn't he? With that four-lobed Rodulan brain of his, it meant that Tristam was immune to the prying minds of telepaths and empaths, including Kriosian metamorphs.:: ::She sat down next to him and wrapped her arms around him in a hug, resting her head on his shoulder.:: Rahman: God, you are unbearable, you know that? Core: Nothing I haven’t heard before. ::he chuckled:: ::As surprised as he was from this strange act from Rahman, he pulled her into a proper hug. They could get through this. Even if your physiology was making it difficult, or even if a strange man from the future said things would end badly - there was always a way.:: --- Lt. Commander Tristam Core Acting Chief Engineer USS Garuda & Lt. Commander Roshanara Rahman Under Investigation Awaiting Transfer into Custody of StarBase 118 JAG