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Days Won
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Everything posted by Sedrin Belasi
((Assembly Chamber, Prak Zel)) ::Following Minister Haksar into the lion's den, Diego caught himself tapping his PADD against his leg and quickly flipped it through his fingers to look at the display. He had left himself bullet points to guide his speech along with the necessary logs and records from his various sources. As he was shown to the lectern in the centre of the room, he was pleased to see an LCARS interface, which was going to make the technical side of the affair relatively easy, at least.:: ::Many of the seats around the chamber had now been filled, and those that weren't were about to be, it seemed. Zakdorn were filing in through doors on the upper level. The atmosphere was entirely different now to how it had been during their previous visit. Granted, there had been tension between Haksar and Wadke but this was more electric. Anticipation from both sides laced the atmosphere; this felt comparable to the feeling that Diego often experienced at the beginning of a Parrises Squares match, with two sides staring each other down, each trying to anticipate the other's tactics and plan accordingly.:: ::Tapping at the lectern controls, Diego transferred the files from his PADD to the device, ready to start his presentation. Instantly, the viewscreen switched to a split field, with the Federation logo on the left and the Zakdorn emblem on the right. Diego turned towards Haksar, who was still positioned nearby.:: Herrera: Everything's set, unless you can think of anything else? Haksar: I have full confidence in you Captain, and you too Ensign. ::Smiling:: Just be true to your convictions and you will be fine. Herrera: Alright. ::He clapped a hand on the Minister's shoulder in thanks.:: You've been a big help. Haksar: Not at all. Thank you Captain! And it's been a pleasure working with you madam. Androsia: Yes Minister, as always you have remained a true delight and a refreshing presence here on Prak Zel. Whatever success shall be had here today, I know you have played a key role in it. Thank You again. ::The Minister left to assume his position in the Assembly Chamber. Diego looked around the room for a moment; a sea of faces looked down on his position with great interest and comments were already being passed between members, all lost in the sea of general conversation. There was a seat placed alongside him on which Ensign Androsia could sit during the address and as she was about to settle, Diego took one final opportunity to ease his nerves.:: Herrera: You'd better be ready for questions. Androsia: My dear Captain, THEY had better be ready for some answers. Do not fear, you will do just fine, of this I have no doubts. Herrera: ::Smiling:: I'm not worried. If the Minister's appetite is anything to go by, we'll be done in time for lunch. Androsia: Very true, though too I fear it is the Zakdorn and Klingon appetite’s alike that have caused this issue in the first place. But nonetheless, you must focus. ::A pre-recorded chime rang throughout the building, followed by an announcement that the assembly was in session. Diego listened as his name was announced, as was Androsia's, alongside the matter for discussion. The massed Ministers fell silent one by one and Diego left them that way for a moment before launching into his address, tapping at the lectern controls to bring up his first visual rendition of a sensor log.:: ::On the wall, the Klingon moon Praxis exploded.:: Herrera: 2293. The Klingon empire experiences a disaster that throws their home planet into turmoil. This was the trigger for one of the most important events in the history of the Federation: the signing of the Khitomer accords. Since that day, we have been allied with the Klingons, for better or for worse, for almost a century. We have traded with each other. Explored each other's culture. Protected each other. ::He paused just long enough to let that sentence hang in the air.:: There have been times when we have stood together to face unrelenting enemies. We stared into the eyes of the Dominion and we did not blink. Even after General Martok was replaced by a changeling and our two powers stood on the brink of war, we were able to patch things up and put our differences behind us. ::The viewscreen changed to a display of the Klingon incursion into the Trinity sector, depicted as a tactical map.:: Herrera: Recently, something changed. The Klingons' thirst for war reawakened. After the Hobus supernova, they were given the opportunity to exact what they would consider to be revenge against a long standing enemy. The Federation objected. The Romulans are in no position to threaten us on any major scale, after all. Their homeworld and their fleets are in disarray and it will be decades before they can rebuild. Even then, they would need our help and support and in that time we have an opportunity to forge peaceful relations with the Star Empire. It's happened before, briefly, on a range of different occasions. Unfortunately, that doesn't appeal to the Klingon psyche. ::Knowing the next part of his speech well enough that he did not need to look at his notes, Diego wandered out from behind the lectern, leaning back against it and folding his arms.:: Herrera: If we go back to Praxis for a moment... that was the start of quite a different journey. You see, the Klingons made peace with the Federation because they needed us. Their technology was not as advanced as our own. They had concentrated for too long on making weapons, ships and cloaking devices, but without resources to power them, they were dead in the water. We supported them as they asked. We took the initiative in forging peace with their worlds. Without our help, who knows whether they would have survived the explosion of Praxis and maybe the Romulans would have had a chance to finish them off? Sure, the Klingons fought alongside us during the Dominion War, but who was first onto Cardassia Prime? It was Starfleet who sent support to the Cardassian Resistance and that led to the Founder Leader being taken hostage. Who fought against the Scarlet Brotherhood when they threatened to take control of Deep Space Nine and the wormhole? Who was it who came out on top when we last locked horns? Without wanting to cause any offence, the Klingon invasion forces did not even push us into a position where a drawn out conflict ensued and that meant that we did not even reach a stage where the superior tactical minds of the Zakdorn were called into play. Wouldn't it be infuriating to engage in fight after fight alongside an ally that wasn't patient enough to listen to you? That has consistenly depended on the Federation for aid? That has lost out to us so many times when we have fought? ::Turning around, he changed the screen to a map of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants:: If our methods are so weak, why is our territory larger than the Klingons'? ::Returning to his original position, he showed footage of the first fleet engaging a Borg Cube at Earth.:: Herrera: Maybe the Klingons did employ tactics in certain situations. Where were they when the Borg attempted an invasion of Earth? Where were they at Wolf 359? Perhaps their long-term goal in that regard was to let Starfleet get wiped out while they turned a blind eye? ::Without warning, he cut the video feed altogether.:: Herrera: Or, maybe they didn't. Maybe there isn't going to be a war. Maybe we're looking at a rogue faction of Klingons that has very little support on the High Council. Think what would happen then if Zakdorn IV were to withdraw from Federation membership and join the Klingon Empire. Would you still enjoy the same privileges you do with us? There's a common misconception throughout the Federation sometimes that the founding races receive preferential treatment. I can't argue with the fact that there are still more humans in Starfleet than any other race, but we're talking non-military benefits as well here. The Zakdorn, by virtue of being members of the Federation, have access to some of the greatest scientific minds in the galaxy. There are opportunities to interact with other species and benefit from their unique talents. Vulcan logic. Human resourcefulness. Bajoran spiritualism. Trill experience. Bolian enterprise. By replacing that all with the Klingons' prowess in battle, your world would lose more than it would gain. And while the Klingon High Council might be grateful, where are the guarantees that they will look after your non-military interests in the same way as the Federation? ::He looked around the room, trying to make eye contact with as many people as possible in quick succession. When next he spoke, he had dropped his voice to a near whisper.:: Herrera: Will you sacrifice culture, science and risk your race's identity over the half-truths the pro-Klingon movement offers you? Or will you see this for what it truly is: an ill-planned attempt to switch reason for armament? I'd like you all to think about that carefully for a moment before I open the floor for questions. ::Conversation bloomed once more around the room as Ministers considered what had been said. Diego looked to his diplomatic officer for her reaction.:: Androsia: Captain...if they don’t see the logic and reason and truth and passion from what you’ve said...I don’t think they are deserving to be in the Federation from this point on. Herrera: That should provoke a few interesting questions, I hope. Androsia: Oh no doubt about that. Nows time that we hear a few challenging roars. But don’t worry, I am with you in this and you did as admirably if not more so as could ever be asked of a true StarFleet Captain. ::Another chime brought the Ministers slowly to silence. The grilling was about to begin.:: TAG/TBC Captain Diego HerreraCommanding OfficerUSS VigilantNCC-75515http://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php?title=Herrera,_Diego
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academy 3 Graduating Class of 239001.15
Sedrin Belasi replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome!!!! Great to have you with us!!!! -
academy 2 Graduating Class of 239001.08
Sedrin Belasi replied to Rykel Rior's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome to the Fleet!! -
((Counsellor’s Office)) ::Greir was running out of time and had been procrastinating about watching the news feed from Britta Daysa. He’d even gone so far as to coax Eerie into coming in for his yearly psych eval. Anyone would think he wasn’t taking his task seriously, especially given how important his task was and the greater things at stake – things that mattered a great deal to him personally.:: oOSo what was the problem then? Oo :: He knew how the battle went, he’d read the reports, talked to surviving relatives. They’d won, massacred the Klingons and drove them from their home so what was he afraid of? He cracked his fingers as he thought about it. This was hardly the first battle he’d seen or participated in for that matter. It wasn’t the first time his planet had seen strife either –there had been the Romulan occupation.:: ::The battle had been fought outside the city, in the ridge at the far end of the valley that led in towards it. A few small groups of townspeople in the city had caused a riot and some damage; he’d lost family due to that but that wasn’t the cause of his problem either. He’d lost a few family and friends from the militia, but he’d lost friends in his Starfleet career too. He had barely even bothered to keep in touch with his family and friends, now that did bother him. Those that he’d lost, he’d never have a chance to express what they meant to him or even say goodbye. He had no one to blame but himself for that and for one person in particular that he’d lost the thought was unbearable.:: oORori…Oo :: Most fielders in Greir’s family were of average ability but Rori had a lot of natural talent for it. When Greir was small he had suffered terribly with headaches and other symptoms and at times he’d been inconsolable. Rori had frequently stepped in to give his parents a break from the constant crying and fuss he’d kicked up. He could remember most clearly looking into the man’s big, yellow and copper flecked, warm eyes. He had always been so patient and kind soothing Greir with stories and song. They had spent hours drawing what they fielded. In this and other ways Rori had helped Greir learn to use and cope with his fielding abilities. This continued for years and when a new school was found for Greir it was Rori who went with him. His parents had commitments in Bondi that they could not leave behind . Greir’s older brother Loffe was at school too, he was doing well and had friends and did not want to move. There were also elderly, frail grandparents that needed constant care. Coupled with their jobs it was a lot of upheaval, so it looked like Greir would not be able to attend and would have to make to where he was.:: ::It was a great relief when Rori offered to accompany him as the two had always been very close...:: oO What are you expecting to see? It was a big battle there’s no way… Just grow a beard and be a man. Oo ::He was getting frustrated and irritated with himself.:: ::Also he was now procrastinating by considering the merits of, and imagining himself… with a beard.:: ::He slammed his hand down on the table flat and hard making the PADD resting on it rattle.:: Reinard: Do it! ::He prodded the touchscreen aggressively making the newsfeed finally begin.:: ==========THE BATTLE OF BONDI========= ((Bondi, Manar Providence, Til’ahn)) ::The Laudean militia assembled in the ridge at the far end of the valley. The invading forces had to pass through here to be able to get into the coastal city Bondi. The Laudeans were equipped with disrupter weapons and there were explosive charges and grenades ready to be used.:: ::The Laudeans in the valley looked tense but very very determined as they waited on the Klingons advancing far enough into the valley for them, and the StarFleet Officers supporting them to shoot them like Meeka in a well. The Starfleet Officers were up on the ridge in strategic positions. Much preparation had gone into this - fielders, including Rori had done sweeps for Houdinis , mines and other traps before assembling in the valley.:: ::You could tell the Laudeans wanted to open fire but Daysa and his Lieutenants held them in check. Greir had so much respect for that man. Once the Klingons had come forward enough they finally let rip! The battle roiled this way and that, all sides were losing men. The sight of blood, energy burns, explosion damage, dismembered people – Laudeans was tough to behold. There were his people, fighting hard and dying for the freedom of their very planet.:: ::Greir had been blissfully unaware at the time. The news hadn’t reached him until sometime later and what a pile of dren he felt. He’d been quite comfortably sat in his officegoofing off! He’d been wasting time, flirting and cracking jokes with a terran called Aidan. There probably wasn’t anything he could have done about it even had he known what was coming prior to it, but he still felt he should have been there. He felt like he’d abandoned his people.:: ::Up on the ridge StarFleet Officers fought fiercely. They shot and dropped grenades on the invading Klingon and Scarlet Brotherhood invaders– Grier should have been among them! The Klingons were ferocious and held their own for a long time. It was the Brotherhood that crumbled first, their flank began to collapse forcing the Klingons to try and resupply them.:: ::The sound of Klingons roaring, people screaming and dying in agony filled the air, along with the boom of yet more explosions and the familiar sound of mortar fire. There was rock fall and dust as weapons fire impacted the walls of the cliffs. Greir remembered climbing those as a child but now he’d never look at this area the same again. As the battle unfolded before him it was clear that the Laudeans would be finished for if the Klingons managed to get their reinforcements up through the gully, and resupply the Brotherhood. :: ::Laudean fighters circled overhead and fired down upon the invaders relentlessly. Greir had wanted to be a fighter pilot – like many young boys – and had collected toy models and read the articles in the ezines, but had not possessed the required reflexes. A Starfleet shuttle could be seen zipping overhead as well depositing the previously recovered mines in strategic positions. :: ::It seemed the StarFleet Officers were having the desired impact because their efforts were starting to draw attention causing some weapons and mortar fire to be concentrated on their positions. A lot of that fire however was just hitting the rocks causing… more rock fall… It was actually rock fall that had killed Rori.:: ::The Laudeans were never let up or faltered, they fought with passion and determination. With StarFleet and the air support the battle was won. These were true heroes. Greir knew that a lot of them had little or no combat experience but they still put themselves forward, put themselves at risk and died for their people – their loved ones. The Laudeans finished them off while StarFleet went on to locate the cowardly leaders of the brotherhood and prevent them from sneaking off and re-surfacing to cause evil and damage elsewhere at another time.:: ==========END OF NEWS FEED========= ::As the news feed faded to black Greir slumped back in his chair, absorbing it all in a way he hadn’t had to before. He missed Rori terribly and wondered if there was some kind of memorial he could pay his respects at some day. He was sure Rori knew how much Greir had cared for him and hoped he hadn’t passed on thinking that Greir had stopped caring, that he’d abandoned him.:: ::He had to pull it together and he had to watch it again. This time he’d watch it from a more tactical and strategic viewpoint. He needed to see the battle as the Zakdorn would, he had to anticipate their reaction to this, what questions they might have. What in here had merit to the Zakdorn and how was he going to sell the Federation to the masses.:: ::He went to get a fresh drink of tea and was feeling a little jittery now. His cup trembled slightly in his hands as he pressed the button to play it again. He took notes on his PADD and drank the calming tea as he watched the second play through. Viewing it with a more focussed mind helped him regain his cool a little. When it was done he put the PADD down and set the chronometer. Ten minutes.:: ::He took out a small device that resonated energy, it wasn’t very powerful. His terran friend Aidan had seen it once and likened it to a ‘Lava lamp’ whatever that was, but it gave off soothing energy and he began a small meditation exercise to bring himself back into balance.:: _____________________________________ ((USS Vigilant, Deck 5: Counsellor's Office)) ::Happy to have had the chance to sit down with his first officer at long last, Herrera had taken to the corridors once again. The coffee he had drunk had started to take effect and had stemmed the onslaught of yawns that had begun to take hold. Quite apart from the fact he knew he needed to be alert for the task he and Counsellor Reinard were about to undertake, he knew quite well from experience that yawns were contagious. He imagined Reinard was probably a little tired himself and having the captain sat in front of him half-asleep wouldn't exactly be conducive to making progress.:: ::Pushing the chime on the door to the office, he waited to be called inside.:: oO(Greir)Is that the Captain? So soon? Perhaps not… Oo Reinard: ::Calling out:: Come on in. ::And so it was that Diego stepped through the now open door into the Counsellor's office, hefting a PADD of information he had hastily downloaded and believed would help both of them in their cause.:: Herrera: How's everything going? Reinard: Ah… well… I-uh- … Well… ::Stammering a bit:: ::He was trying to think what to say about it. He hadn’t made as much progress as he’d ideally wanted to. It seemed to be an annoying constant right now but as always, he was determined to get on top of it. By now though he was getting tired, the meditation at least had helped soothe some of the sour mood that had been forming earlier however. Even so he wasn’t half as cheery or optimistic as normal. :: ::Depositing his PADD on the desk, the captain's eyes were immediately drawn to the replicator.:: Herrera: Do you mind if I grab a coffee? Reinard: Oh. Not at all Sir, help yourself. Herrera: Thanks, do you want anything? Reinard: Yes actually, that would be nice. I’ll take a Jestral Tea please. ::Placing his order, Diego quickly returned to the desk putting down Greir's drink where he could reach it. Fighting the urge to push his seat backwards and put his feet up on someone else's desk, he instead activated his PADD.:: Herrera: So... what have we got so far? Reinard: ::Clearing his throat and cracking his fingers:: Well, I got in touch with Britta Daysa from home. The minister and I were both of the opinion that we needed something more… concrete to show them, as proof. We don’t expect them to simply trust and believe in our word and heart felt sentiments. ::Slurping his tea and gulping it down in one go.:: Hererra: I'm with you on that too. The more hard evidence we can show them, the better. Reinard: ::Rolling and cracking his neck this time:: She sent me a data packet – a newsfeed of the Battle of Bondi. It’s a bit of a … tense battle. A bit of a slaughter really. ::Pointing a finger:: …Of the Klingons. ::He wasn’t too sure what he was trying to convey right now but he was going to have to step it up quite considerably for tomorrow.:: Herrera: ::Encouragingly:: Well, that sounds like a great selling point. The Zakdorn public will definitely be interested in hearing about things that are recent, relevant and local. I figured that I'd maybe try a more historical approach that reaches further afield with the Assembly. They're more likely to be concerned about the political picture over the Alpha and Beta quadrants. Reinard: ::Picking himself up a bit:: I think that’s an excellent approach Captain, it will reinforce our position quite well I think. What will you tell them? ::He took a swig of his drink before setting his PADD to display an old mission report from the USS Challenger.:: Herrera: I crossed paths with the Klingons some time ago. They requested assistance from Starfleet to deal with a race that had suddenly withdrawn from a war they had been fighting under mysterious circumstances. When the orders came through it took me a while to understand exactly why that was a problem, until we all realised that there was something else to it. Reinard: Yes, it does seem very odd. ::Scratching his left cheek with his right hand as he mulled it over.:: Herrera: To cut through a lot of complications, we found out that the Klingons had been completely duped by a third race who they didn't even seem to know existed. I'd say it's a perfect example of a tactical blind spot and a result of their collective overconfidence. Not something a Zakdorn would necessarily approve of. Reinard: I agree. I tend to wonder, if the Zakdorn only sought ‘muscle’ in their alliance they’d have sided with the Klingon’s long before now. Klingons are not known for having great achievements in science for example. Almost all Klingons are warriors and they actually look down upon their scientists as inferior. In some ways it’s amazing they even made it out to space… don’t you think? ::Put like that, it did seem like quite a feat for them to have accomplished, although despite the fact that scientists weren't exactly top dogs in Klingon society, they had made some important advances of their own.:: Herrera: Maybe it was the urge to conquer that spurred them to develop better technology... but yes, I think we can probably play on that a little. Reinard: I know we’re short on time but what about giving a shout out to some of the technological or scientific or medical achievements the Zakdorn have benefitted from due to the Federation? ::The category of 'medical achievements' was home territory as far as Diego was concerned and the same could probably be said for Greir. They wouldn't have to look too far into those topics to find useful things that Starfleet had developed before the Klingon Empire being as the Klingons had been through a period of sharing technology with the Romulans in order to further advance themselves in the past.:: Herrera: Good call. I'll focus on military... why don't you look at day-to-day things? Hospital equipment, communications technology... the sorts of things that we can't do without. The only thing I can think of that the Klingons have that we don't is cloaking technology but even those aren't completely impenetrable any more... Reinard: I doubt it will be long before we crack it though. We have working Klingon and Romulan devices that researchers are working on and a growing number of aliens coming in with knowledge of the technology. However I agree, our alliance is not based only on one thing and it would be good to remind them of the every day things they have and take for granted that can be attributed to the Federation. : :It was as his thoughts drifted to how he might feel if he had to make the public address that Diego got the feeling that he could have been asking more of his chief counsellor than he first thought. He didn't doubt his capabilities to make the address for a second, but his mind lingered on the fact that a battle that had taken place on Til'ahn would be included as part of that event. Putting himself in the Laudean's shoes, he had the unpleasant feeling that were their situations reversed and Earth had been hit, he might have been less than comfortable. He didn't want to patronise Greir, but then he didn't want to just railroad over him without considering in more detail what he was asking him to do.:: Herrera: Greir, where... ::He stopped short of asking the question. Maybe it was just tiredness that was making him overthink it; that wasn't normally his style. Or maybe he knew he should have been listening to his own counsellor's training and continued with the question. Either way, he'd already attracted the man's attention.:: ::Greir was fidgeting and shunting his cup around with one hand as he scrolled through databases looking for some hits for the additional strategy they were going to bring in. His nostrils flared as he stifled a yawn and he raised his eyes and brow to look at the Captain.:: Reinard: Sir? Herrera: Whereabouts on Til'ahn did you say you were from again? ::He knew the answer even as it was being given. Diego had asked in the turbolift. He was from Bondi. The same place as the battle in the newsfeed.:: Reinard: ::Returning his eyes to the PADD his reply was monotone, clipped and fast.:: Bondi ::Eyes dropping to the floor for a moment, Diego sighed. Had he had to pick through a newsfeed about a Klingon invasion of Santander, he knew exactly how he'd feel.:: ::Reinard raised his hand and wiped his eye before it could shed a tear.:: Herrera: God, I'm sorry. I should have realised as soon as you said it. Are you alright? Reinard: Well I knew about it before this. Just... wa'ching it. ::Choking up a bit:: So many... dih dih... ::Strained:: lost. Terrible. Heroes. ::Greir slapped his PADD down in frustration. He was tired and mostly shocked, he'd barely just finished watching these events and after everything that had been going on he felt like his mind was still trying to catch up. He couldn't afford to lose it though. There was too much at stake.:: Herrera: ::Sympathetically:: That's not true... Reinard: What really gets me right now. Those StarFleet Officers... Fleet Captain Turner, Major Parker, Marine Captain Hella, Lt Cmdr Allison and Tallis Rhul among others... they've done more for my people than I have. ::Greir put his head in his hands.:: Herrera: They're permanently assigned to the Embassy, you don't get to choose where you get posted. Reinard: I should have been there! I did nothing... I didn't even touch... ::He felt shaky and despairing all over again:: ::Diego wasn't sure what the significance of the word 'touch' was, but Greir's emotions were unquestionably raw. He wished he'd had the chance to put two and two together before he'd had to go through this ordeal but hindsight wasn't going to do Greir any good. The counsellor's guilt was understandable but hardly rational and this wasn't the kind of thing that just passed like a cloud in the wind; Diego knew from his own experience that he would need support in the coming days and he had no intention of forcing him into something so difficult and painful.:: Hererra: You can't blame yourself for not being there. ::He knew that the comment would provide cold comfort if any at all.:: Would it help if someone else made the presentation tomorrow? We can find a different case file, anything that will make this easier on you. Reinard: ::Bucking himself up again. He was quite determined:: Captain. I can do this. I won't crumble tomorrow and I won't let you down. ::The captain took a second to digest that. Even in the wake of such personal tragedy, here was a man who was determined not to fail him and to do his duty. Was this what a commanding officer and service to Starfleet represented to those in its service?:: Herrera: I can't think of a way that you could let me down right now. This is one hell of a thing you've just put yourself through and lesser men would have crumbled. The truth is, I've served with Captain Turner, Hella and Parker. They're [...] good officers. But just because you're not serving on your home world doesn't mean you're doing less for your people than they are. Your actions tomorrow will prevent an alliance between the Klingons and the Zakdorn. I know that because you've put every ounce of your expertise into drawing together an address that will bring the Zakdorn who have lost their way right back to their senses. You're fighting for your homeworld just by being here and in everything that you do. Reinard: ::Nodding in agreement:: I try to see it that way too. ::One question remained and Diego purposefully pushed it to the back of his mind. At some point, he knew he would need to bring it to light but at the present time it would hinder Greir more than it would help him. Finding out whether or not he'd heard the names of any friends or loved ones on the death list would have to wait for another day.:: Herrera: I think we both could use some rest. I'd like to talk about this again some time when you're not under so much pressure. ::Effectively, it was a request for an appointment. There were enough trained mental health experts aboard that in this situation there would always be someone to counsel the counsellor if it was needed.:: It would be good to talk about some happier things too. Reinard: ::Trying to smile:: You're right and it certainly will, I'd like that but for now let's focus on the mission. Herrera: ::Nodding:: Alright. ::He stood from his chair, PADD in hand before looking Greir in the eye and offering him something that rank, position and previous training did not generate; it was a genuine gesture from one person to another.:: If you need anything, call me. I'll probably be up for a little while yet. Reinard: ::Sincerely:: Thank you, I really appreciate that. I'm going to stay up a bit more. There is some more work I need to get done on this before I will be remotely happy and i'm going to need some more meditation to focus and balance myself properly again. ::He knew he was going to have to address what had occurred here today but he needed to do it at an appropriate time. He would muster every ounce of determination and professional resolve he could and steel himself for tomorrow. It was going to be a tough day but he was a Lt Commander now, his fresh faced ensign days were long gone. He'd gotten to this stage in his career by handling tough situations, by coping with pressure and he would make this work.:: Herrera: See you tomorrow. ::Waving over his shoulder as he reached the door, Diego sincerely hoped that Greir really would be alright.:: Reinard: Goodnight Captain, rest well. ::Turning over his notes and looking to make sure he'd covered all the points he wanted to make, searching for weakness.:: A JP by: Captain Diego Herrera Commanding Officer: USS Vigilant http://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php?title=Herrera,_Diego and Lt Cmdr Reinard Chief Counsellor USS Vigilant__._,_.___
((Counselor’s Office)) ::Grier was leaning back in his high backed leather chair and listening to some Mozart as he made preparations for his speech and waited for Eerie to arrive for his yearly psych eval. He’d never listened to it before but despite his time constraints he’d done his homework and knew that Eerie listened to it. Having it play quietly in the background was as much an effort to understand the officer as it was to put him at ease when he arrived. Shame it did nothing for his, but then perhaps he was just procrastinating. That was an extremely bad idea right now. He needed to watch that news feed and get that speech prepared. He was making himself anxious now but he justified the diversion - he did really want to check in with those who’d been held hostage - and his review was due... :: ::Eerie was not pleased, another ship and another evaluation. He moved down the corridor, with purpose as always, new crewman got out of his way, but it was not for want of getting there. It was for want of getting it over with. He found the Counselor’s office and buzzed the door.:: Grier: ::Hearing the door buzzer:: Enter! ::Pleasantly.:: ::Eerie entered the office to see Counselor sitting in his chair, he was a bit surprised to find some of his favorite music playing quietly in the background. But it did not soften his mood. He stood in front of the Counselor..:: Eerie :: Lt. Commander Eerie, reporting as ordered.. ::It was stiff and formal.:: ::Grier noticed with a trace of disappointment that Eerie was every bit as stiff and formal as ever. Whatever friendliness he had glimpsed... or imagined the first day they had met was nowhere to be seen. The music however was not the only trick he was using in his ‘charm’ offensive.:: Grier: Hello Eerie, thank you for keeping your appointment and arriving punctually. As you are aware you’re here for your standard, yearly psych evaluation. Just a point of note, while we are in this room rank is irrelevant. In this case we’re the same rank but experience shows rank, particularly where there are big differences can present an obstacle in itself, so please, address me as Grier. oO(Eerie) Not a bad speech. Gets an ‘A’ for effort, so far Oo Eerie: Of course. ...Grier. if you want to address me as Eerie, that is fine. I am here to answer your questions. ...oO(Eerie) Come on rock head....what do they call it? ...little talk.Oo ::Pause:: Eerie: I hope you are settling in alright? ::It was still stiff and formal. But he tried taking some of the edge of it off. The Brikar took a quick glance at the table and saw a chess set on it.:: Grier: ::Smiling warmly and laughing lightly:: Eerie, this is not an interrogation you know. I’m not here with a purpose in mind. ::It seemed to him that so many people came in here thinking he was going out his way to find a reason to take them of duty or classify them as insane or unstable.:: However, in answer to your question i’m settling in great. We have a varied and interesting crew, i’m enjoying getting to know everyone and making some friends. How are you settling in yourself? ::Switching the focus back to Eerie:: Eerie: I am Brikar, I would not crack under interrogation. ::Stiff, but with a bit of pride.:: I look forward to getting to know the rest of the crew as well. But I am getting to know the ship. I have found the crew well trained, and do their jobs. ::Eerie’s tone was almost monologue.:: Greir: Of course not, never suggested such a thing. I am glad you’re settling in fine, but how did it feel to be held hostage like that? Eerie: I was only a hostage so, no one else would get hurt. :: His voice stiff and formal, like a textbook response.:: Grier: Okay, but how much damage can a Brikar sustain. ::He imagined it was a great deal but no one was invincible.:: Did you have any concerns for your colleagues if not yourself? Eerie: My concern was for my crewmates, Doctor. My life is to serve, it is our way, the Brikar way. I have put myself in the way of harm before for my crewmates, I will do so again.::With a bit of pride.:: Greir: Very courageous Eerie, we’re all very lucky to have you by our side! Eerie: We all use our talents, just don’t ask me to save someone from a lake. It would take me a very long time to wade out to them. ::There was minor hint of humor in his voice.:: We don’t swim.:: Greir: ::Smiling and hoping to fish a bit more:: Perhaps there’s an interesting story there you’d like to share? Eerie: Perhaps another time. ::Eerie remembered the time he almost drowned and froze. It was not a pleasant experience. :: :: He was a little disappointed but decided it was time to play his next card in his effort to get the Brikar to relax with him a little more. He knew it was a tall order given the species psychological profiles and that’s why particular care had been taken.:: Greir: While you’re here, I thought you might enjoy a game of chess as I get to know you a little better. ::Grier had only had a little time to brush up on the game, and wasn’t anywhere near as ready as he would have liked.:: oO(Eerie) Chess?.....Hmmm. Oo Eerie : White or Black? ::Eerie took a detailed examination of the the chess board.:: Oh...yes.: ::The board was on table with two chairs, and Eerie carefully eased into on. The game started with Greir using a knight to open the game. Eerie decided on a conservative approach to the unknown skill of the counselor. He remembered the conversation in the transport, and how good the counselor was supposed to be. He had checked the records of the Starbase, and had not found any record of him playing in any of the tournaments. :: ::The game progressed slowly as the Counselor, seems very tentative. Eerie started to get into the game and started to relax a bit. :: ::Grier was playing a bit cautiously and taking his time. It was difficult to concentrate on the game and also the counseling session. He had to be choosy not only about what he asked, but how and when. He had to be an attentive observer of body language, tone and general reactions. He wasn’t so much here for a chess match as the opportunity to unravel the mystery of Eerie after all. Though he was trying to anticipate what move Eerie might make after each of his possible moves before he settled on one.:: ::Grier wanted to begin the session on a positive note and chose a subject that he thought Eerie would respond positively to. Not to mention it was quite interesting in it’s own right. He’s learned from records that Eerie had been involved in a personal relationship with a Bolian. It was a huge difference in personalities but he could see how it might have worked. Bolian’s being generally outgoing, sociable and upbeat creatures was possibly the best antidote to the Brikarn’s formal and stiff demeanor. :: Grier: I hope you don’t mind me asking, but how is Peiy doing? ::The only concern was that if he was missing her terribly then bringing her up might be touching on a nerve. He took the gamble and observed carefully.:: ::Eerie could see that the last move was a mistake and he captured a bishop. He said nothing. Just letting the game continue. The question was however a bit of surprise, he missed Peiy. But he knew that it was the best situation, for right now.:: Eerie: She is fine. We are sharing personal logs. But we thought that any direct communication should wait for a while, but I am sure that we will talk again. She...is a very special person. ::He tried to keep it formal, but he soften a bit, thinking of all the good experiences that he had with her. Forcing ‘Eden’ out of his memory. :: ::Grier was slightly kicking himself for losing a bishop but didn’t let it show. Who won the match was the least of his interests and concerns.:: Grier: I’m very glad that you still keep in touch with her. What was it that attracted you to her in the first place and did you have any difficulties during the course of your relationship? ::By that he meant as much culturally as physically. It was purposefully a broad question designed to allow Eerie to interpret it appropriately for what they’d shared.:: ::Eerie wasn’t thrilled with the open ended question, by nature Brikar never talked about such matters, counselor or no counselor. But he had to say something. He paused for a moment, and took his mind off the game.:: Eerie: I worked will with her, and as she was tactical officer, we worked in close proximity. I felt some attraction to her. So we had a picnic together eventually. I was able to talk to her. We shared a lot. And she still means a great deal to me. There were of course, difficulties. Most Brikar do not have ‘relationships’ outside of their species.::Eerie’s eyes and mind focused back on the chess game, now wanting to be a bit more bold and aggressive in the game. He could now see an open path to a checkmate and hopefully and put an end to this ‘discussion’.:: ::In answering the question Eerie seemed to have been distracted and Greir thought the last move might have been a mistake. More interesting than the piece he just captured was the question about how Eerie overcame the species barrier. He examined the captured piece in his hand as Eerie looked at the board, probably thinking how to compensate for the loss.:: :: Greir’s mind was not on the game. He was considering whether it would be more fruitful to pursue this line of questioning or come back to it another day after gaining some more trust. This was just a standard psych eval, there was nothing he had observed or written in any reports that suggested there was any concern about Eerie’s mental state or ability to function. He didn’t want to needlessly push him away.:: Grier: ::Sincerely:: That was very bold of you to be able to step beyond your boundaries like that. ::Eerie watched the next move, and it was a rare move that wasn’t employed very often. Eerie watched Grier executed a ‘castling’.Moving both the rook and the king. Throwing Eeries’ attack strategy in disarray.:::: oO(Eerie) Didn’t see that move. Come on Eerie, you better focus on one thing. Oo Eerie: I had some help from one of my friends. She gave me some ‘dating’ advice. As most relationships are arranged for us. It was a good experience for me. ::Eerie tried to focus back on the game, and not doing particularly well as he lost a knight to the counselor.:: ::Grier smiled, he knew it was important to have good friends and the best ones were those that challenged you to grow. It could be hard to make truly great friends like that and a big change such as moving ship could be the death knell for some friendships but hopefully not for this one.:: Grier: ::Upbeat and merry:: That’s good to hear, do you still keep in touch with this friend? ::Eerie took his ‘hand’ off of the piece he was about to move, losing his concentration.:: Eerie: She was killed during an away mission, Counselor. ::Becoming very formal again, and stiffening back up. His focus on the game, now gone. He straighten up to regain his equilibrium.:: ::Grier knew instantly he’d touched a nerve and deduced that this was the person he heard about in the course of his foraging for information.:: Grier: ::More serious and very sincere:: I’m terribly sorry for your loss Eerie. Losing a friend is never easy. Did the two of you have anything special, or fun that you used to enjoy together? ::Eerie remembered back the the holodeck and the surprise greeting he got on more then one occasion.:: Eerie : She loved to call me ‘Buster’ and toss rocks at me to get my attention. But I got her back ‘good’ once. But it is a long story. ::Remembering the entire “Pippin Longstocking holoprogram.” ::Keeping a smile, down but his tone changed slightly.:: ::Grier checked himself before frowning and just managed to maintain the mask of neutrality. ‘Buster’? … and tossing rocks... that didn’t sound too friendly. He supposed Eerie was more than big and tough enough to handle it but still... It wasn’t his place to judge, Eerie seemed to remember it fondly enough and he figured that was all that mattered. :: ::Eerie focused again and came back to the present. The game was still in front of him.:: Grier: No one can take away those fond memories and you’re welcome to talk to me - informally even - about those good times. Eerie: Agreed. She was a great friend. My first real friend. ::There was a bittersweet taste in his mouth. He focused back on the game and make a move that would probably end the game soon.::: ::Eerie’s game seemed to be picking up again and it didn’t look as though it would be long before a winner was determined. There were just a few standard questions he wanted to ask before they finished up.:: Grier: What would you say has been the most challenging thing you’ve had to overcome? ::Eerie knew right away, but today was not the day for it and he would keep a lid on it.:: Eerie: The Eden mission, but it is not a topic for discussion. At least not yet. ::Eerie made another move, Using his Queen in a start of a systemic approach to eliminate the rest of the Counselors pieces. :: Grier: Alright Eerie, I can respect that. What are your hopes and dreams for the future? Eerie: Command....Someday.. ::The answer was simple and direct.:: ::Grier had given it his best shot and had actually done better than he’d hoped, both with Eerie himself and the chess game. There were a few turns when he thought he’d turned the game around. Eerie most certainly seemed to have the upper hand now and seemed to be pushing to get finished, presumably so he could leave. Grier noted with disappointment that he’d clammed up again. He couldn’t see a way to turn the game around but thought at least he could be a little irritating and drag it out a few more turns to get his last questions in before the big officer tried to make his escape.:: Greir: Alright, a commendable goal... what are the things you most like and dislike about your job? Eerie: I am the Chief Tactical and Security officer, other than the reports that I have to write and read. I have a great career. ::Eerie moved his rook in for the kill before there was a chance of a stalemate.:: ::Well report writing certainly could be a bit boring but if that was all he had to complain about then he was either a very good liar or a very content officer. :: Grier: I wish we could all be as content as you seem to be. ::Standing up and offering his hand.:: Well Eerie, you beat me fair and square but it was a good match. Thank you for coming to see me today, I don’t see any reason to detain you further. Please feel free to come and talk with me again any time you need anything. ::Smiling warmly: Eerie:: Eerie got up from the chair and carefully gave the man a firm shake: Commander, you may not be the ships best chess player, but tactically. ::Thinking of the Chess game and the music, he had set the scene perfectly. He should of had Turkish coffee. But Eerie was certain that one does not play all of his assets to begin with. :: I will not underestimate you... Grier: ::Watching Eerie depart:: Don’t kid yourself Commander, you've had one victory and only because I went easy on you. You’ve not had the best from me. ::Grinning jovially.:: ::Eerie turned and decided that he ‘actually’ liked this officer, there was something about him. There was some cunning as well.:: Eerie: Commander, it was a pleasure. Just be aware that you have not seen my ‘best’ game either. ::The tone was still formal and dry. But the words conveyed some warmth. Eerie turned and exited the office.:: A JP by: Lt Cmdr Reinard Chief Counsellor USS Vigilant and Lt. Cmdr Eerie CTO/CSO USS Vigilant
academy 1 Graduating Class of 238912.23
Sedrin Belasi replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome to the Fleet, and really happy to see my friend Alahndra Nevarass is back. Sedrin has missed her! -
academy 4 Graduating Class of 238912.23
Sedrin Belasi replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome to the Fleet! -
academy 4 Graduating Class of 238912.17
Sedrin Belasi replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in Graduation Hall
Salutations and greetings! -
Academy 1 Graduating Class of 238912.09
Sedrin Belasi replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome One And All! -
Star Trek: Into Darkness
Sedrin Belasi replied to LtCmdr Alexander Richards's topic in Trek Discussion
I think you can have both. Wrath of Khan, Undiscovered Country and First Contact had a good amount of 'action' in them, and personally were amongst my favourites. Insurrection, Final Frontier and Generations did not and lacked a certain ooomph for me imho, but then I am an action adventure junkie. -
academy 4 Graduating Class of 238911.30
Sedrin Belasi replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome to the Fleet! You were a pleasure to train with, and looking forward to simming with you soon. -
academy 4 Graduating Class of 238911.05
Sedrin Belasi replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome Everybody! You chaps were great in Training!!!! -
academy 3 Graduating Class of 238910.29
Sedrin Belasi replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome one and all! -
academy 2 Graduating Class of 238910.19
Sedrin Belasi replied to Rykel Rior's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome back old bean!!!!! -
academy 2 Graduating Class of 238910.09
Sedrin Belasi replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome one and all! -
((Security Office-Deck Thirteen-USS Mercury)) ::Alexander, Jade and Prianna are in the security office when Lt. Bale walked in behind them and announced that he had a plan to deal with the people that were behind the poisoning of Velana and the possible attempt on Councilor Prianna.:: Bale: I have a plan in motion to neutralize the threat to Councilor Prianna. I'll let you know when it's finished. For now I would recommend keeping her here, and putting a few guards at the door. ::Alexander watched as Bale was about to leave. He felt the urge himself, for revenge, his friend was hurt. Then he thought to himself would Jade condone such and action ? If it were her lying there he would not even say a word, there would be no stopping him, as an officer Alexander had to say something.:: A.Matthews: Lt. Bale, now is not the time for personal vendettas. ::Alexander watched as Bale turned towards him with the coldness that he has felt when he is ready to do battle. He knew in his mind and soul what Bale was ready to do. He reached inside himself and found that he would be willing to do the same if Jade were lying in sickbay.:: Bale: With all due respect, Commander, I'm not taking orders on this one. ::Alexander watched him leave, knowing that if he was in the same position he would do the same.:: ((OOC: Music for the mood of Alexander. ))((Holodeck One-Deck Four-USS Mercury)) ::Alexander kissed Jade on the on the cheek, nodded to Prianna and left the security office knowing that his duty was completed there and there was no need for him to be there. Since he was going down on the planet with the marines as the first part of the deployment, he thought it best to get in some practice in a combat situation. The last time he was in holodeck combat was with Eyas and his friend Eerie from the Avandar the night before his wedding, he smiled at the ending of the combat session. This time the simulation was to keep his skills sharpened and get him ready for battle. He walked into the black and yellow room with only one thing on his mind, combat tactics.:: ::He walked over to the computer console on the bulkhead on the left of the door, there he started to program the planet where his military career began, Camis IV. He felt anxious and nervous about going back there, even if it is a hologram, it still held memories for him. He tapped the console for the landscape and sky of the planet where he lost his friends and command as a marine officer. He looked back as the room changed to the sand dunes, with patches of grass with a warm breeze blowing from the east. The sky above was the familiar red with clouds of gray above. Off in the distance with the small gusts of wind that came towards him, he could smell smoke and burnt flesh from the outpost. His mind drifted back as he closed his eyes to remind himself that this is the holodeck and not the real thing. In his mind he heard the voices of his lost friends. The screams and sounds of battle could be heard from where he stood. He opened his eyes checked his belt for his equipment, taking the type three phaser rifle from his shoulder and walked towards the east and the dangers that faced him.:: ((Federation Outpost-Camis IV)) ::Alexander crouched down to the prone position on the sand dune on the outskirts of the town and watched as the smoke filled the air and the fire engulfed the buildings. He remembered the orders and commands he gave that day during the battle and the search for the survivors. He crawled down to the next sand dune and waited, there were sounds of a Nausicann raider patrol. He felt himself become overwhelmed by the feelings of rage and anger, he closed his eyes to shutdown the emotions, this was not the time to be clouded with anger and the old feelings of hate that swelled within him not so long ago. This was a time to use his skills of stealth and surprise to his advantage. The raiders were larger and stronger than he, but with the art of combat tactics that he was taught, he could overcome the odds, if he kept his wits about him. He waited as the last of the the raiders walked past, he left the rifle in the sand and silently pulled his dagger from its sheath. Crouching down as he approached the raider from behind, with swift motions he jumped on the back of the raider that lagged behind the others, covering the mouth of the raider he stabbed him in the back and then in the neck killing the raider instantly. The raider fell to the sand with silence, the Alexander dragged the body behind the dune. He knew that the others would soon know that one of them is missing, Alexander looked over and grabbed his rifle and tightened the sling so there would be no sound as he moved from place to place.:: ::He climbed on to the sand dune as he heard the voices of the other raiders noticed one of them was missing. He watched and waited for the to appear from around the dune as he looked through the site of the rifle, he moved the setting from stun to kill. Here in this place and time there would be no prisoners, this was combat and there was no emotion, no feeling, just to complete the objective and win. He aimed the weapon at the first raider that came into sight, the clear headshot was there, but the wind kicked up and sand went into his eyes for only a second, but that was enough for him to miss the shot. He cleared the sand from his eyes and heard the footsteps coming towards him, but from behind. Alexander rolled on to his back and fired the rifle into the chest of the raider with a full nadion burst. The raider vaporized in front of him.:: ::Alexander knew that his position was compromised and it was not safe to stay here, he looked and scrambled to his feet looking to the left and right for a new place to attack. Moving from dune to dune as the raiders fired upon him. He remembered the intense feelings of anger, rage and fear during the battle, he was younger and on his first command assignment. He continued to run duck and hide from the raiders firing the rifle as he moved. He killed two but there were three more hunting him. He looked and thought to himself that there would be more cover in the ruins of the outpost. Ducking from the weapons fire of the raiders he swiftly made his way towards the burning and smoldering buildings for cover.:: ::Alexander made his way in to the outpost and hide among the building ruins where there was a fire to masks his thermal signature, to give him a chance to rest and think for at least a few seconds. He thought about the day of the battle again, running his actions around in his head, thinking that was there something that he could done differently to change the outcome of that day, but then his thoughts were interrupted by the voices and sounds of the raiders coming towards his position. Crouching down to take advantage of the cover he found he made sure that he could not be found so easily. He watched as one of them passed by just close enough for him to make the silent blitz attack with the dagger, but as he placed the rifle down to move there was a sound behind him, he tried to move but it was to late and one of the raiders grabbed him, and lifted him off his feet. Alexander struggled as he was thrown across the room. He fell upon the floor and debris feeling a sharp pain in his back as the raider drew closer towards him.:: ::Alexander pushed himself up to his feet as the raider tried to grab him again, but this time there was a blade in the hand of the raider, Alexander pulled the dagger from the sheath into his hand he watched the movement of the enemy, scanning the body language for the attack. They both circled and made gestures of movement towards each other, but then the raider made the move, Alexander sidestepped as the raider slammed into the wall and fell back on to the a metal post that impaled him. Alexander walked over to cover the mouth of the enemy and snapped the neck to silence it quickly. Still feeling the pain in his back Alexander reached behind him to find a shard of metal there. He closed his eyes to focus and pulled it out swiftly. He grunted as the pain eventually faded, but there were still two raiders left and he needed to find them first.:: ::Alexander took off his tunic and placed his comm badge on his belt, then tied the tunic around his wound. There was a trickle of his blood flowing, but it was a steady flow and he had to end this simulation fast. He bent down to pick up the rifle, scanned the outside of the building in search of the raiders. He looked around the area with caution as he stepped out to make a dash for the next building, but there was the discharge of a weapon the just missed him as he hid behind the wall again. The shot came so fast the he did not see the direction. He cursed himself for not being able to see if faster. He stood up slowly to take a look around the area again, then he saw a flash from the building on his left flank. He pulled the rifle up to his shoulder,taking aim in the direction of the flash.:: ::He could only guess where the the raiders were hiding, the best way is to fire with a full burst into the wall and try to draw them into the open. He closed his eyes and thought about one weapons evaluation that he conducted on the Aurora, his own. He was able to overcome the last enemy, by overloading his rifle and using it as a type of grenade. This time he thought of something different. He aimed carefully at the wall supports the held what was left of the building. He waited for the flash again to confirm that there was a raider still inside. His eyes widened as the flash appeared, he fired with the full nadion bursts as the walls and roof came tumbling down above the one raider the was in the building. Just then the other screamed as he looked up from behind the other building firing his weapon at Alexander, then he looked and opened fire and vaporized him.:: ::Alexander stood up breathing heavily after the rush of conflict started to leave his body, he walked out placed his rifle on his shoulder and walked towards the the exit, he still wondered how he was wounded, and the blood still flowed from his back. He called for the computer to end the simulation and checked the safeties to find that the level of the simulation was higher then usual. He felt a bit more relived, but then moved on out of the holodeck to sickbay and get his wound checked. He looked back as he felt a bit better about his engagement on the planet of Camis IV and the outcome, but still the healing is an on going process.:: TBC -- Lt.Cmdr. Alexander J. Matthews Chief Of Operations USS Mercury NCC-99812
((USS Tiger-A - Bridge)) Delores: lloann iumnahna? I believe I heard that word before... ::Tracey turned towards the Tactical officer who had just spoken. There was a pause before the Vulcan Science Officer spoke also in Romulan.:: T'Mihn: ::Looking over at Tracy, ::In a very surprised tone. :: rhanne ssuaj khla, riov. ( I understand you commander) Idh iumnahna. (- (they are Very desparate.) Delores: Captain, maybe we should contact some other ships in the Federation, because it seems that we are in a desperate situation. ::Tracey nodded. She agreed with the idea of the tactical officer. Further information would be key.:: <Responses> ::After a long moment Sidney looked up from where she sat thinking. Her bright green eyes were fixated on the viewscreen.:: Riley: Agreed Lieutenant Delores. I will be... ::The look of surprise on those she was facing forced Tracey to revert her attention forward. Looking up at the main viewscreen, the Klingon vessel had disappeared, to be replaced by just a star field.:: Wilde: Cloak and Run? ::scoffing:: Not very Klingon! Riley: We're going to need to track it... Clack: That might be hard to do... Wilde: I'm sure we can extrapolate their heading? Riley: I have a feeling I know where they are going... Townson: ::turning back towards the Captain with a quizical look. Tracey knew that the Captain was not telepathic.:: Where to, Captain? Anyone: <Response> Riley: Well, there is only one Romulan Colony in the Ithassa Region...::She looked over at Townson and then Clack...after a very long pause.::....Bilire IV..... Clack: Bilire.... ::he paused:: Somehow I knew we would be going back there. Clark: That makes sense. ::Tracey slowly turned back in her seat as her thoughts once again went to the past. But this time more recent events, and events in this universe. The idea of returning to Bilire was not one Tracey was looking forward to as she let out a sigh of memories incurred from that mission.:: ((Bilire IV - Year ago)) ::Tracey ran. She ran as fast as she could. With each footfall to the muddy ground, Tracey counted the seconds. She knew she would not make it to the conference on time, and being late was never Tracey's way. But Tracey had a second chance, to right a wrong she did years earlier. Even if it meant a poor mark on her service record, Tracey was not about to do once again what she did years earlier.:: ((Time-Warp - City of Solius - Romulus - Otherverse - Years Ago)) Tal'Aura: Beautiful evening, isn't it? ::Tracey had just finished work at the office and she was sitting at an outdoor terrasse at a Romulan version of a cafe. All day, Tracey had seen the sunlight beat in through her office window, and she knew that after her day of work, she wanted to relax. The Romulan Cafe was just on the ground level of the offices she worked at. Tracey was sitting, enjoying the setting sun of this alien planet as the Romulan soldiers patrolled the streets. This was a bustling, military city, where 90 percent of the soldiers were Romulan. The other 10 percent was made up of a mix of different alien species, with her being one of them. Humans who were assigned to Romulus were dispersed all over the planet. Since her arrival, Tracey only counted a handful of humans assigned to the city of Solius. And only about three times that amount who were members of starfleet.:: ::Looking up from her PADD, Tracey squinted through the setting sun over the man's back. Placing her hand over her brow to protect her eyes, Tracey looked up and smiled.:: Townson: Why yes it is. ::gesturing towards a seat opposite from her:: Would you care to join me, Commander? Tal'Aura: Why thank you Cadet. ::pulling out the chair and sitting down:: ::Tal'Aura ordered a drink and when it arrived, he took a sip.:: Tal'Aura: Still working I see. ::gesturing towards Tracey's PADD:: Townson: Just studying, Commander. ::Tracey watched as the well-built Romulan sitting across from her took another sip. Tracey found him to be quite handsome, and if her situation would have been different, if Tracey was not with Jaxx, Tracey would have probably tried her luck. But She also knew it was completely inappropriate to think the way she did. But her loneliness of being away from her Betazoid boyfriend for so long, and the lack of any relationships in her environment, Tracey found herself to be flirting with her superior officer. To Tracey, it was as if there was an internal battle between her brain and her body. And up until today, her brain had won out. But all that was about to change.:: Tal'Aura: Very good, Cadet. I am very proud of your progress thus far. Townson: Thank you, Commander. Tal'Aura: Please, Cadet. In there, ::referring to the office building they both worked in:: my name is Commander Tal'Aura. Out here, my name is Hvaid. ::smiling:: Townson: ::placing her PADD on the table in front of her and looking at the Romulan with a mischievous smile:: Thats very unprofessional of you, Commander. Tal'Aura: ::feigning a broken heart by holding his hands to his chest:: My, my. Are you going to report me, Cadet? Townson: ::smiling:: Only to say that you are one of the best teachers I've ever had. And only if you stop calling me Cadet. Tal'Aura: ::taking one last sip then putting his empty glass on the small round table.:: Then we have an agreement. We call each other by our first names. ::Tal'Aura looked around the landscape of the city before returning his gaze on Tracey.:: Tal'Aura: Have you had the chance to tour this city, yet, Tracey? Townson: ::nodding:: I took the primary tour upon arrival and I have walked around the center core near my place. Why do you ask? Tal'Aura: Well I know this city very well. My grandmother used to live here. I used to visit quite often as a child. I know places here the tour guides would never show you. Townson: Is that so, Hvaid. Tal'Aura: Would you like me to show you? Townson: ::smiling:: Yes. Since I've come to Romulus I find it all to be quite enchanting. I would very much like to see the rest of the city. ::And with that, the two stood up and left the little table at the cafe and walked. The two walked for hours throughout the evening, as soldiers wound past them at every turn. They went into various shops and tried different local treats. Tracey practiced her Romulan with each shop they'd enter and look around in. The two laughed and spoke the whole evening through, despite the ever present backdrop of the familiar war-zone they both lived in. Several hours later, the two found themselves on top of a mountain on the edge of the city, looking down at the city lights, while sitting on a bench.:: Townson: Thats it! ::pointing to building in the distance:: Tal'Aura: No, no! Thats it! ::pointing to another building close to the one Tracey was pointing to:: I'll bet you dinner thats it. Townson: No...Look at the markings on the roof. Thats our office building. Tal'Aura: Oh...yeah. I guess you are right. ::smiling and looking at Tracey.:: It looks like I owe you dinner. Townson: ::looking up at Tal'Aura and smiling:: Yes you do. ::On the bench next to theirs, a young Romulan couple were embrasing one another.:: Tal'Aura: Young love. Townson: ::looking towards the shadowed couple then back to the city lights:: Yes. Tal'Aura: How is Jaxx? Townson: ::without averting her eyes from the lights below:: Far away. Tal'Aura: You miss him. ::Tracey just nodded.:: Townson: I hate this war. Tal'Aura: Don't we all. It makes us all very lonely, and we could all die tomorrow. Townson: ::turning to look at Tal'Aura:: Is there someone special in your life, Hvaid? Tal'Aura: ::shaking his head and looking down to the ground:: I have placed all my efforts into the military. I had no time for much else. I had to work hard to earn the rank of Commander at such a young age. Plus with the war...::trailing off:: Townson: I know. ::The couple at the opposite bench stood up and walked away hand in hand as Tracey and Tal'Aura watched them leave. Tal'Aura turned to look at Tracey and their eyes locked for a minute. Tal'Aura gently took Tracey's hands in hers and Tracey didn't pull back. She knew what would happen next, and for the first time in years, Tracey allowed her body to overrun what was going on in her head. Tracey took a deep breath, and the two embraced.:: ((Later)) ::A light misty rain was coming down over the city of Solius, as Tracey an Tal'Aura were walking down a laneway, hand in hand, leading to Tracey's temporary home. When they arrived, the two stopped.:: Townson: Thank you...for a wonderful evening Hvaid. Tal'Aura: And thank you too, Tracey. ::pause:: Back to work tomorrow. Townson: Yes. Back to work tomorrow. ::The two kissed one last time, and then Tal'Aura started walking away. Tracey watched as the man became a shadow under the lights and then a message came through her PADD that drew her attention. Tracey quickly scanned the message which said she was being recalled from Romulus in the morning. Tracey looked up at the retreating Tal'Aura in the distance and opened her mouth to shout something. But before she did, she closed it and watched the man disappear into the night of this alien city. Tracey never saw Commander Tal'Aura again.:: ((Bilire VI - Present)) ::Tal'Aura had been reading and the more he read, the more he was fascinated by this Starfleet Officer. The tales of battles and near death experiences were quite extraordinary. This one was not afraid of confrontation. Tal'Aura would look up from his reading once in awhile, hearing the moans of agony coming from the hospital, and he cringed each time and look towards the drawer wher the cure to the disease lay. And he would fight himself to not just take the hyposyringe and walk over to the hospital himself and cure all those suffering. But he knew Arrhae would kill him. Literally. He was under the watchful eye of the Tal'Shiar continuously. He was the chosen one to infiltrate Starfleet and introduce the "wrath". But so far, it was the Romulans who were dying. And Tal'Aura was torn man.:: ::Tal'Aura was interrupted by a knock on the door. He quickly hid his reading material and went to the door fully expecting Arrhae to be on the other side. But to his surprise, it was not.:: ::Huffing and puffing, Tracey found the door to her former superior officer's abode. She quietly chided herself for being so out of shape, despite the fact that running through mud was quite physically demanding. Tracey quickly caught her breath and knocked on the door.:: ::The door opened and Tal'Aura stood and looked down to the petite human standing in front of him. She was dirty and muddy and appeared to be catching her breath.:: Townson: Hvaid. I've been ordered back to the ship. ::Tal'Aura just nodded.:: Townson: I didn't want to just leave again without telling you. Tal'Aura: Well thank you. ::Tal'Aura was curious as to why the human used his first name.:: Townson: I never told anyone. I...I tried to forget. It would have been impossible. Tal'Aura: ::with no clue what the human female was talking about, but nodding nevertheless:: I know. Townson: Then you are not angry? Tal'Aura: If I was, I would have told you last night. Townson: ::smiling:: Thank you, Commander. Tal'Aura: Return to your duties, Commander. Dismissed. Townson: Aye Commander. ::Just as Tracey was about to leave the doorway, she became very weak and her world began to fade. Tracey then passed out as blood trickled out of her mouth. But she was once again caught by the Romulan and kept from falling. Tal'Aura then brought her inside and lay her down on his small couch, and placed a small saucer under her mouth to collect the blood. He then stood and looked over her unconscious body and recalled all the adversity this human had gone through in her short life. Despite her tiny frame, there was an obvious strength to the human that he admired. Besides, from the short conversation at the doorway, there appeared to be more going on than what was written in the Medical logs. Tal'Aura was just a minor Centurion in this universe and he was finally given the chance to be someone by helping in this mission. He grabbed it at the time, just to get out of the doldrums of life. But from the readings of the human lying in front of him, Tal'Aura knew he could be more, without having to kill. Without having to watch people suffer. Without thinking, Tal'Aura went to the drawer where the hypospray with the antidote rested, opened it, removed it and headed to the couch where Tracey lay. He pushed asside her long, black hair and pressed the hypospray to her neck. The audible hiss sound emerged and Tal'Aura returned the device to the drawer and then washed the blood from the human's mouth and waited till she came back to consciousness.:: ::Tracey sat up and looked up at Tal'Aura.:: Townson: I...what happened, Hvaid? Tal'Aura: ::smiling:: I believe you may be overworked, Tracey. You should get some rest as soon as you get the chance. Townson: That's never happened to me before.::sitting up:: How long was I out for? Tal'Aura: There's always a first time. You were only out for about five minutes. I gave you some smelling salts to revive you. So are you going to follow my order or not? Townson: Hvaid? Tal'Aura: Your dismissed. ::smiling:: ::Tracey stood, came to attention in front of the Romulan for a moment, then turned and headed to the door. But just before leaving, Tracey turned back to face the Romulan.:: Townson: Thank you once again, Commander. I will be back. Tal'Aura: I am looking forward to it, Commander. Townson: This colony is lucky to have someone like you here. They could learn alot from you. You have always been the best teacher.::smiling:: Tal'Aura: oO As have you, Lieutenant Commander Tracey Townson, and that is why I could not let you die. Oo You are wearing out your stay, Commander. ::smiling:: Townson: ::tappinhg her com-badge with her prosthetic hand:: Townson to Independence. One to beam up. ::Tracey took one last look at Tal'Aura then took a deep breath, closed her eyes and waited for the transporter beam to envelop her.:: ::Tal'Aura stood in the doorway looking at the spot where Tracey was standing seconds earlier, with a smile, then a look of shock overcame his face as he felt the blade enter his back. Then nothingness.:: ((Present - USS Tiger-A - Bridge)) ::But that decision to return to say goodbye to the man Tracey was led to believe was the same as that from her universe of origin, turned out to be a ruse. A plant. But for what purposes, Tracey would never know. One thing was certain, however. Going back to say goodbye that day certainly came with a cost. For she was late to a conference. And that tardiness, to Tracey's surprise, led to her demotion a few days later.:: ((Lt. Commander Karynn Brice's Office - USS Independence-A - year ago)) ::The Haliian First Officer was expecting her at any moment. She had asked the human Chief of Operations to come to her office to discuss an unresolved issue: the woman’s tardiness to Karynn’s meeting. Karynn had been able to give the whole situation some thought since their discussion after the briefing and had come to a few decisions.:: ::Tracey hobbled to the door of the First Officer’s office. She had no idea what to expect from the Halian, but she figured that it had something to do with her tardiness to the conference.:: ::Tracey figured she would probably just get a slap on the wrist. She figured that conferences in this universe were free for alls in any case, what with the drinking and the smoking, that what could be so bad about showing up a few minutes late?:: ::So Tracey walked up to the First Officer’s door and pressed the chime.:: ::Karynn looked up.:: K. Brice: Come. ::The doors opened to reveal a medium sized room, and Tracey stepped in. It was decorated in a spartan fashion, and Tracey was curious as to why. The Haliian seemed to Tracey to be a lot more of the type who might collect objects as treasures. Emotional keepsakes, if you will. She was after all a former Counselor. And how many people actually had the opportunity to visit the worlds that the First Officer of a Starship could? But asking questions along this line was not the reason Tracey was here. She knew why she was here, but decided to ask in any case. She wanted to be sure of her gut feelings.:: Townson: ::standing at the doorway and at attention once the doors opened:: You asked to see me, Commander? ::The Haliian rose, her bright green eyes studying the human woman in front of her. She nodded slowly, indicating a chair across the desk from her own.:: K. Brice: Yes. Please come in, Lieutenant Commander Townson. Have a seat. Can I get you something to drink? ::Tracey shook her head and gave a slight smile, as she entered the room.:: Townson: No thank you, Commander. But thank you. ::She approached the chair offered and winced a little as she sat. She maintained her posture while in the seat and looked across the desk at the First Officer.:: Townson: How may I...be of assistance? ::The Haliian sat after the other woman did, settling back in her seat. She clasped her hands in front of her and smiled ever so slightly.:: K. Brice: I wanted to discuss what happened at and after the meeting. ::Tracey held back a smile. She knew this moment would come, and she had the feeling it would be now. What Tracey was curious about, was what her punishment would be. Tracey knew that if it was her on the other side of that desk, she would not have treated herself anywhere nearly as polite as the Halian was doing this moment. It would have been over and done with in a matter of seconds, and not precious minutes that could be used for better purposes.:: Townson: I understand Commander. And I am prepared to deal with the consequences of my actions. ::The green-eyed first officer nodded slowly.:: K. Brice: Good. ::pausing:: As you know, I found your actions to be disrespectful of both the crew and the chain of command, particularly for the reasons given. A personal matter, simply stated as that, is no reason to ignore a commanding officer’s orders. Townson: I fully understand, Commander. And if I were in your position, I too would be...disappointed. I don’t expect to be treated differently than any other crew member who would do such a thing as I did. Not only did I disrespect you and my fellow crew members, I showed a poor example to the junior officers. K. Brice: ::Nodding:: Only a few hours later, our counselor was traipsing about the ship blatantly ignoring my orders. I can’t help but feel the incident was related. Townson: ::Looking down in front of her at the top of the desk for a second, then looking back up at the First Officer:: I’m aware of the situation. However, if I had to do it again, I probably would. The benefit to myself, and to my well-being...I had to right a wrong, Commander. Something I did in my youth. I never thought I’d have this opportunity again, especially with my coming to this...peaceful universe. I...I don’t expect you to understand. ::The Haliian tightened her lips slightly, in thought. She’d had a few wrongs she would have liked to right in her life... but that didn’t change the severity of the situation. And the fact that the woman would do it all over again. That itself was serious. She took a deep breath in.:: K. Brice: On one level I can understand, but I can’t allow this action to go unpunished. I’m disappointed that you would repeat it given another opportunity. ::she cleared her throat:: As such, I’ll be placing an official reprimand in your file. ::Tracey stared at the woman in front of her and showed no emotion. A Vulcan would have been proud.:: Townson: I fully understand Commander. It was a matter of poor timing. I was in a no win situation and I chose to salvage one that was of personal benefit to me. It was selfish of me, and I fully understand your responsibility. I chose to place my personal feelings above those of my crew and responsibility, something I was drilled for years to never do. But my heart pulled me away from that, and for a fleeting moment, I figured if I could just steal myself away from everything, and do what I knew in my heart was the right thing to do, then perhaps the universe, at least mine, would be just a little more comfortable to live in, despite the price I knew I’d pay. ::The Haliian almost felt sad about what she was going to do next. But she didn’t really feel as though she had much choice in the matter either. In all logic she did - it was her choice. But it was a necessary action she had to take. The effects had been too serious.:: K. Brice: I’m not without sympathy. I can understand your motivations. But there’s more. Because others followed your example, and you’ve expressed the intention to do it again if given the opportunity... I hereby demote you to the rank of Lieutenant. ::she paused, letting out a sad sigh before rising and holding out her hand.:: Please hand me your half pip. ::Tracey’s mouth opened a little and she showed a little surprise. But she quickly closed it and returned to her previous form. Tracey had no idea that this would happen. It was one thing having a mark on her permanent record, but it was quite another losing a rank. For goodness sake, she thought, she was only fifteen minutes late. Would she be drummed out of Starfleet if she was on hour or an hour and a half late? Whatever it was, Tracey considered this to be overkill, but she was not in charge and she reached for her pip with her prosthetic hand, felt for the one at the top of her collar and removed it as it fell into her palm. She then, for a fleeting moment, considered crushing it in her palm, but chose otherwise, letting it fall onto the desk in front of her.:: Townson: ::looking at the pip in front of her, then back up at the Halian First Officer with a slight smile on her face:: I knew this day would come. I’m not cut out for command in this universe. I never was, and probably never will be. If I had to do what you just did, I would have just asked for the pip to begin with. No questions asked. Or send a notice to said officer of his or her demotion and to remove a stripe. I am actually happy in a way. Thank you Commander. ::Tracey was lying through her teeth, but she did not want the First Officer to know how she truly felt. Tracey figured she didn’t deserve that knowledge.:: Townson: ::standing:: If that is all, Commander ::coming to attention:: K. Brice: ::hesitating:: Lieutenant... I believe that you have much potential for command, even in this universe. I have no doubt that you will return from this setback soon, and more prepared for command. Townson: Perhaps, Commander. ::Tracey couldn’t help but see a genuine look of, was it regret? on the Commander’s face. It appeared that she too was learning the ropes of the hardships of Command. The decisions that had to be taken no matter ones personal feelings. Decisions for the greater good. Tracey was beginning to understand this Halian better and she was beginning to see that her role was hard for her as well. In a different way, mind you. But difficult nonetheless.:: Townson: Permission to speak freely, Commander. K. Brice: Permission granted, Lieutenant. Townson: ::relaxing her posture just a bit:: As a former Counselor, I am hoping you would understand that I find it very difficult in this place. Doctor Huff once told me that I may never really come to terms with where I am, but I must live in it. For my own sanity and for my own peace of mind. I just wanted to tell you the same, Commander. I am sure that you have not had many people counsel you in your career. I just wanted to let you know that I admire and respect you. I may not agree with you at all times however. ::smiling:: ::The Haliian rose, standing in a relaxed position. Her stern, slightly sad expression relaxed, a hint of a smile pulling at the corner of her mouth.:: K. Brice: Thank you. ::pause:: I think its rare for any officer to always agree with everything their superior officers do. Townson: ::standing back at full attention, despite the sudden bout of pain from her recent surgery:: I wouldn’t know. I’ve not been here long enough. But I plan to learn, Commander. I plan to endeavor to be the best I could be. Starfleet keeps me alive and sane. My work allows me to forget all I lost. And this extra time may be whats best for me. At least, I hope so. ::pause:: Permission to be dismissed, Commander. K. Brice: ::nodding:: Permission granted, Lieutenant. ::smiling slightly:: Heal soon... ::Tracey nodded and with that, turned and left the room. Once she exited the room and watched the doors close behind her she noticed the crew looking at her as they walked by. She reached, with her good hand to her collar and felt her two remaining pips. She forced a stern, military look onto her face as she took off quickly back to her quarters where she knew she would cry for hours. But there was no way she’d allow anyone to notice her weakness. She was a soldier and an officer. She wouldn’t allow her emotions to affect anyone else again. She lived and would die for Starfleet, and it was her emotions that caused her to almost lose it all. She’d never allow that to happen again.:: ((USS Tiger-A - Bridge - Present)) Townson: Never again. ::mumbling the words as the Captain stood.:: Riley: Mister Clark, set course for Bilire IV, Warp 5. Clark: Ummmmmm............. The warp core is offline, Captain. It was shutdown by the engineering crew. Riley: Commander Clack, I need an estimated repair time from engineering and a casualty report from sickbay. Clack: Very well. ::Sidney then addressed the entire bridge.:: Riley: I will be in my ready room reviewing files and finding out more information. ::She looked back at her FO.:: Commander Clack, you have the bridge, oh and....there will be a field promotion ceremony in the conference room in an hour. Clark: Understood, sir! ::The bridge fell quiet for a little while as the crew busied themselves. Commander Wilde's voice broke the silence.:: Wilde: There's one thing I don't get. ::He said to no one in particular.:: Townson: What would that be, Commander? <Responses> Wilde: Why not simply invade when Romulus was lost? The Romulans were never in a weaker position than then, yet the Klingons did nothing. The Federation gave them aid, helped them resettle some people. Now, once the Romulan Government is stronger and they are picking up the pieces, the Klingons attack. Townson: ::shaking her head:: Red tape? Anyone: <Response> Wilde: Well the trouble with Klingons is their stubborn belief in honour. ::He turned to Clack.:: Wilde: No offense. Clack: <Response> Wilde: Even they don't succeed in conquering the Romulan Empire, many great songs will be sung of the fallen warriors who tried. In that respect, who cares who wins and who loses? Townson: No one, Commander, wins in war. ::turning back towards her console and work as she recalled her encounter with the reaper in sickbay days before her demotion.:: In war, Commander, even angels lose their souls. ((Sickbay - USS Independence-A - year ago)) Townson: Do it Lieutenant! Shoot! That's an order! ::At that moment, an Ensign in gold uniform entered the Sick Bay who also drew his phaser and aimed it in the direction of the threatening Reaper.:: Shryker: With me, after three, fire at the one with the yellow eyes, full stun! Reaper W’tine: No, don’t do it *Lieutenant*. Do as I tell you! Kill him! ::pointing at the real W’tine.:: Real W’tine: Don’t listen to him Shryker, stun him now. ::Tracey looked up quickly towards the second W'tine, then back to the one with the glowing, yellow eyes. There was no doubt which W'tine was real and which was not, and Tracey was curious how those in sickbay could have missed it.:: Finnegan : On your word, sir. Shryker: Three! ::They fired full stun at the creature, now looking less and less Star Fleet and more and more the stuff of nightmares. It fell to the ground.:: ::Tracey watched the creature slump and looked more like she remembered it from the bridge. Tracey turned towards Shryker and pointed behind her towards where the creature was.:: Townson: I want it confined. I don't care where. I just want it out of my sight and somewhere where it could cause no damage. Shryker: Don’t worry Sir, I’ve got it covered. Finnegan: I think his “brother” is in a cage in the cargo bay. I'm sure they could throw together a second one. ::Tracey spun on her bare feet and began to head back to the room from where she came, while she ignored what the creature had to say. Tracey was happy that a creature as strong as it was, apparently had the level of intelligence of a flea.:: Reaper W’tine: You foolish girl. Couldn’t you see, he is the REAL danger to this ship, not me! Z'Leah: ::Weakly.:: No! ::Tracey continued walking while snickering. But her smile quickly faded when she heard a sound of something dropping to the floor. Tracey spun quickly and watched in horror, for a second, as the creature grabbed Lieutenant Shryker by the leg, as her phaser was lying precariously close to the creature.:: Reaper: YYEEEESSS!! You are MINE!!! Shryker: No, I _ am _NOT YOURS! Get away _ from me. ::break:: Some help here? ::Tracey took off towards the creature in a run as she noticed others doing the same in her now sharpened peripheral vision, due to her sudden rush of adrenaline.:: Real W’tine: Jade, I’m coming! ::Eyas tried to move to help her but he just stumbled forward down onto all fours.:: ::Tracey could feel her newly knitted bones and flesh coming undone at the seams as she dove and quickly snatched up the weapon off the floor with her good hand and grabbed onto the extremity of the creature which was gripping Shryker by the leg, with her prosthetic hand.:: Reaper: Muwahahaha!!! ::Tracey increased the phaser level to the highest kill setting as she lay there with reopened suture wounds, and blood stains on the floor and on her hospital gown. Tracey then placed the phaser at the creature's head as she gripped the creature so hard, she could hear the crunching of bones and a brownish fluid began seeping out from between her prosthetic hand's fingers.:: ::With anger in her voice and staring at the Reaper closely at its yellow eyes with her own tiger-like yellow eyes, and with an evil smile on her face.:: Townson: You make a poor changeling. You have no idea who you're dealing with. ::as she strengthened her grip:: Reaper: I may make a poor changeling, but you my dear would make an excellent Reaper. You are wasted here amongst these rodents. We would be good together! Townson: I don't care. Let go of the female, and I may let you live. Without your magic toys, you're nothing. Reaper W'tine: And what would you be without your robot hand and gun, eh? I could kill you all if I wished. But if you kill me, your pythron officer's soul will die too. Townson: Your threats are meaningless now. The Starfleet Officer, Lieutenant W'tine, would make such a sacrifice if it meant saving his ship and crew, and he would understand if I killed you now. But I am giving you a choice. ::as blood started flowing down the side of her mouth as she maintained her wicked smile:: You let go of the female and return whatever you have the belongs to Lieutenant W'tine, and I let you live to see another day, or I turn your whole body into goo like I'm doing to your limb. You have ten seconds to decide. ::spitting out blood:: ((USS Tiger-A - Bridge - Present)) ::Recalling that painful day with vivid clarity, Tracey recalled her feelings at the moment that Reaper died on the sickbay floor. Tracey felt sadness. But not due to its death, but because she could no longer torture it. That feeling on that day haunted Tracey to this day, whether that feeling was placed into her consciousness by the reaper, or by her own internal demons, was something Tracey will probably never know. But something that scared Tracey nevertheless.:: Wilde/Anyone: RESPONSE -TBC- Lt. Commander Tracey Townson Chief of Operations USS Tiger-A
- 1
((Sickbay, USS Mercury)) Del Vedova: Right, Commander, walk this way. ::Roshanara followed the doctor over to the empty area of the medical bay Velana had gestured to earlier. The engineer had been focusing on the man's strange gait, and she was caught off guard by his next statement once she had propped herself onto the biobed.:: Del Vedova: All right, Lieutenant Commander. Spill. Rahman: Excuse me, doctor? Del Vedova: I'm not going to waste your time with a lengthy work-up. My 'corder says you're fine, and if they didn't find anything major at MS253, I'm not going to find it here. ::This was certainly not what she was expecting. Most doctors she had known couldn't help themselves to their curiosity. The look of surprise must have been plainly evident as the man continued.:: Del Vedova: Breathe in. Okay, now breathe out. Great. You're fine. Now, tell me how, exactly, this happened. ::He gestured toward her left arm, still covered by the sleeve of her uniform jacket. She looked down at it herself, turning her hand slightly and extending her fingers. Two mechanical ones had replaced her fourth and fifth digits. Cosmetically, they were an exact match to her skin tone and even had such fine details as the tiny wrinkles that ran across the knuckles and the warm, blended colors of the nail beds. Yet, with their lack of scarring that covered the rest of her hand, the "perfect match" was anything but.:: Rahman: Sounds like you already know what happened. ::The man wasn't going to let her get away with that.:: Del Vedova: That it happened, yes, I know this -- but your records are mysteriously nonspecific as to why it happened. Tell me. ::Why it happened? Because working in Starfleet was a dangerous profession? Because it was insane to put hundreds of people in a tin can going faster than light and not expect something could go wrong at any moment? Because a commander's first duty is to the ship?:: ::Because she had made a choice.:: Rahman: It was an accident. What else is there to know? Del Vedova: It's the holistic approach, Lieutenant Commander: I can't do anything about your arm, of course, but in knowing what part you played in the accident that led to its trauma, I'll know more about you. If you were the daredevil who caused it, for example. ::She chuckled at the suggestion.:: Rahman: No, it wasn't anything like that... ::It had been about desperation, not recklessness.:: Del Vedova: But of course. It's yours to speak about if you wish. But should you wish to tell me, I'll be glad to hear the full story. ::She looked at him skeptically.:: Del Vedova: The highlights, then. ::She sighed as the sound of alarm klaxons came back to her.:: Rahman: We were working on some refinements to the Tempest's intermix chamber. It was supposed to be a simple test run... ((FLASHBACK: Six Years Earlier)) ::The Tempest shook violently as the engineering crew scurried about main engineering. Standing near a diagnostic monitor near the ship's massive warp core, Lieutenant JG Rahman called out to her department chief from the monitoring platform.:: Rahman: Core temperature is continuing to rise, commander! Plasma coolant pressure exceeding 240% of optimal. ::Lieutenant Commander Montanez shouted back from his console behind the window of the chief engineer's office, partially obstructed by the smoke.:: Montanez: Just keep feeding the angry [...]! ::He turned to two other engineers and barked additional orders when a call from Captain Coracin came through.:: Coracin: Mr. Montanez, we're reading up here that the core is in danger of overheating... Montanez: Aye, captain. I'm working on it... ::The captain did not sound convinced.:: Coracin: Prepare to eject the core. If you can't get a hold of the situation within the next few minutes, dump it. ::As the chief engineer tried to reassure the captain, Roshanara continued redirecting more coolant to the system. She had to manually override the computer by dropping the containment forcefield around the core. Next, she went around to the individual plasma coolant tanks and locked their injectors into a full-flow, unrestricted feed.:: ::It was a losing game; however, as each additional increase in coolant was quickly outpaced by another rise in core temperature. Eventually, all of the plasma coolant tanks were actively feeding the core, and there was still no sign of temperatures leveling off.:: ::She turned to Petty Officer Reez standing on the other side of the core.:: Rahman: We have to eject the core! It's too late! ::The Denobulan shook his head, still trying to establish a stable intermix ratio from his own console.:: Reez: We can't eject now, ma'am. With the injectors locked into place and actively feeding the core, you'd rip apart the entire coolant system. This whole area would be flooded. Rahman: There's nothing else we can do! We have to go! ::It seemed Commander Montanez had come to a similar conclusion as she heard a new alarm klaxon sound. She looked over her shoulder to see the heavy isolation door coming down. By now, Montanez was barely visible in his office as smoke filled the room. Over the noise and computer's countdown to a warp core breach, his voice piped through Roshanara's combadge.:: Montanez: =/\= Rahman, Reez, it's a lost cause. Get out of there before the whole compartment gets flooded with coolant! =/\= ::The two engineers exchanged a resigned look of understanding and headed towards the ladder to get off the warp core platform. Reez gestured for Roshanara to go first, and she quickly started climbing down. However, as the petty officer stood above waiting his turn, one of the plasma tanks cracked from the pressure, spraying a fine mist of coolant across the man's face, blinding him. He cried out in agony as he fell to the platform grating.:: Rahman: Reez! ::She climbed back up to get to his aid. The man moaned as she tore some of her left sleeve to bandage his wounds. She heard the distinct sound of the isolation door slamming shut and then Montanez's voice.:: Montanez: =/\= Lieutenant, what are you doing?! =/\= Rahman: =/\= It's Reez, sir. He's been hurt. We have to transport him to sickbay. =/\= Montanez: =/\= You know full well with the radiation levels around the core, there's no way they're going to get a transporter lock on him. =/\= ::Roshanara frowned as she continued to watch Reez groan in pain as his eyes bled. She did know. And yet, she couldn't have just left him there to die.:: Montanez: =/\= ...or you. =/\= ::She looked up and towards the commander through the window.:: Rahman: =/\= Sir? =/\= Montanez: =/\= ...I'm sorry, lieutenant. There's no more time. =/\= ::With a solemn look, she saw the chief engineer activate the core ejection sequence. Roshanara heard the sound of the explosive bolts detonating around the EPS conduits. She gasped as she realized what was about to happen: she was going to die as well.:: ::The sound of Reez wincing as he called out brought her attention back down to him. She held his hand in hers.:: Reez: I'm so sorry... you should have just left... ::He coughed, and some blood trickled down the side of his mouth.:: ...when you had the chance. ::She hushed him quickly.:: Rahman: Now's not the time for sorries. Reez: You should try to find cover. Rahman: If I wasn't going to leave you a minute ago, I'm not going to leave you now. ::She squeezed his hand to comfort him. He was right though. If only they had something to shield themselves.:: ::And then, an idea hit her. It was crazy, but at that moment, crazy seemed infinitely better than dead.:: Rahman: Come on, get up! ::She hoisted the man to his feet, with his arm around her shoulder.:: Reez: ...where are we going? Rahman: Down. ::Before the man could ask, the external hatch for the warp core opened several decks below and the warp core began its rapid descent out of the ship. The plasma coolant injectors snapped off, and the distinct hiss of coolant leaking into the air pierced their ears. Once the warp core cleared past their faces, Roshanara grabbed Reez tightly.:: Rahman: Jump! Reez: Jump? Rahman: Yes! ::She didn't wait for him to respond as she took the both of them and dived after the core. She could see the core ahead of them falling out into space. For a brief second it looked like they were going to follow it into the void, but instead, they landed hard on the forcefield over the open hatch. From the sound of crunching bones, Roshanara was sure they had both sustained their share of fractures.:: ::Rolling over, she saw the decks above filling with the sickly green cloud of plasma coolant that was now descending towards them.:: Rahman: Computer, reactivate core containment field! ::Around the two engineers, the transparent cylindrical shield reformed before the green cloud could engulf them. However, some of the plasma coolant had been trapped as well inside the forcefield and continued to expand down towards them. She raised her left arm to protect herself and rolled back over Reez, trying to cover him. As the plasma coolant reached her and began liquefying the flesh on her arm and hand, she cried out briefly in pain before blacking out.:: ((END FLASHBACK)) ::She kept the details to a minimum as the doctor took his notes. In the aftermath, both Reez and Roshanara required lengthy rehabilitation at Medical Starbase 253. The Denobulan's eyes had been destroyed, but he was eventually outfitted with ocular implants. Meanwhile, Roshanara's Kriosian physiology proved not as responsive to standard dermal regeneration treatment, leaving her with a souvenir set of scars on the left side of her face that run across her cheekbone, but it was her left arm that fared the worse.:: ::It had been so badly damaged from exposure to the plasma coolant that the medical team initially feared they would need to replace it with a prosthetic. They were ultimately able to salvage the limb and restore function through the use of myoelectric implants to supplement destroyed nerve and muscle tissue. Her fourth and fifth fingers on her left hand were amputated and replaced with mechanical substitutes.:: ::She didn't mention how Commander Montanez was later given a commendation for saving the lives of over 300 people aboard the Tempest, how he had apparently visited Reez and her every day while they were unconscious but recovering in sickbay, and how he didn't say much to her when she was finally awake.:: ::She wasn't under any gag order, but the full report had been quietly filed away in a records office somewhere. It was fortunate no one had gotten killed, or else it would have been another nightmare for Starfleet with the press after the recent incident aboard the Auckland.:: ::Still, she preferred to keep the most vivid parts to herself, and the entry of new visitors to sickbay that would bear witness to her impending physical exam caused her consternation.:: Rahman: Excuse me, doctor, I don't believe I caught your name earlier. Del Vedova: Nic del Vedova. Del, if you want. Rahman: ::nods:: Well, Andorian pilots or not, I would be more comfortable continuing the rest of this examination somewhere with a bit more privacy. Del Vedova: That won't be necessary. ::She suddenly felt betrayed for having trusted him. She should have known better than to let her guard down around someone wearing medical blue. Her voice was firm.:: Rahman: Doctor Del Vedova, I must insist- ::He quickly interjected.:: Del Vedova: Because you're done. Unless your fingers fall off, Lieutenant Commander, in which case you should come back and see me. But I'm relatively willing to bet that they won't. ::Yet again, he had managed to surprise her, and though she usually thought herself good at reading people, she was decidedly unsure of what to make of this doctor. Was he amused? Sympathetic? Bored?:: ::She looked at him warily, as if to decipher his true intentions, but then grabbed onto his hand as he helped her off the biobed. He gestured towards the door silently, and she turned to leave likewise without saying anything. However, she then heard him call out to her.:: Del Vedova: Good to meet you. Let me know if you have any more troubles with what's-his-name. Rahman: Thank you, doctor. I'll keep that in mind. ::She made her way to her new quarters aboard the Mercury, deep within the lower decks of the ship that put her close to main engineering. Her things had been dropped off earlier by the ever thoughtful Lieutenant Chaun--which meant also that he knew where she lived now, she supposed. Ah well. Another challenge for another day.:: ::She took off her uniform jacket and tunic, hanging them in the closet. She slid the door shut, revealing her reflection in the mirror. With her upper limbs now exposed, she glanced down at what was left of her arm. The flesh was scarred from her finger tips to her shoulder, and the arm was noticeably thinner than her right, looking as if it had been gnawed away. She took a moment to look over herself, as she had done so on StarBase 118. Had it really only been a day? She was exhausted.:: ::As she went back to unpacking her things, she thought of one other thing she didn't mention to Dr. Del Vedova: the last time she had talked to Commander Montanez.:: ((FLASHBACK: Medical Starbase 253, one month after the accident, 2383)) ::Roshanara heard her name being called and slowly opened her eyes. It was her former chief engineer, holding an assortment of flowers, and Doctor Mol.:: Mol: I'll just be outside if you need me. Montanez: Thank you, doctor. ::After the elderly Zakdorn left, Montanez put the flowers down on a nearby desk.:: Montanez: They're from the department. Rahman: If you could relay my appreciation... Montanez: Of course. ::There was a moment of silence before the commander spoke up again.:: Montanez: So the doctor tells me you're making good progress. Rahman: He's cautiously optimistic. Montanez: There's no rush. If and when you're ready, we could use you back at your post. ::He smiled. She didn't.:: Rahman: I've been told rehabilitation might take several years or more. I haven't decided yet what I'm going to do. Montanez: Well like I said, no rush... ::There was another moment of silence before the man finally sighed.:: Montanez: Look, I don't expect you to understand. Not now anyway, and maybe not ever. And if you want to hate me for it, that's fine. ::She quickly replied.:: Rahman: I don't hate you, sir. Montanez: ::nods:: I just hope you never have to make *that* call yourself one day. ::He glanced towards the window for a second and then back at her.:: Montanez: All right, I'll let you get some rest. We're all rooting for you. ::He turned around and headed towards the door. She called out to him.:: Rahman: Commander. ::The man paused for a moment and looked over his shoulder.:: Rahman: I did make *a* call that day, sir. ::He stood still for a moment before turning back towards the door.:: Montanez: Good night, lieutenant. ::He walked off as Roshanara looked over at the flowers once more before closing her eyes again.:: --- Lt.Cmdr. Roshanara Rahman Chief Engineer USS Mercury
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academy 2 Graduating Class of 238909.24
Sedrin Belasi replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in Graduation Hall
Congratulations and welcome to the Fleet! -
((Officer's quarters, USS Mercury)) ::When her shift in Sickbay was through, Gypsy went back to the quarters she shared with Rick. She wasn't surprised that he wasn't there, just like she wasn't surprised that he hadn't put yesterday's uniform in the cleaning processor. She smiled, rolled her eyes and did it herself, making a mental note to remind him that as she got bigger, it was going to get harder to bend down and pick up his discarded clothes. A little guilt would go a long way.:: ::Before she was through tidying up the room, her stomach growled.:: Hawker: ::to her belly:: Are you hungry, too, little one? ::She gently rubbed her abdomen, which seemed to her to grow firmer and rounder every day, as she made her way over to the replicator.:: Hawker: What do you think Daddy wants for dinner, hmm? Pot roast and mashed potatoes? Spaghetti and meatballs? Chocolate-covered pickle chips? oO Wait. That might just be me. Oo ::Gypsy was trying to decide between pork chops smothered in stewed onions and tomatoes or macaroni and cheese with ham when she heard her fiancee's voice through the comm.:: Rawden: =/\= Rick to Gypsy.=/\= Hawker: =/\= Gypsy here! You've got good timing, honey. I was just trying to figure out what to make for dinner. Are you in the mood for anything special? =/\= Rawden: =/\= Sorry angel, I’ve got to go on an away team.=/\= ::Her throat closed up. Those were words no spouse or soon-to-be spouse ever wanted to hear from their partner. The last time she'd gone on an away mission, she'd come back infected with alien DNA that had nearly killed her and the baby growing inside her. What might happen to Rick? She couldn't imagine. Didn't want to imagine.:: ::But that was life in Starfleet, wasn't it? Nothing was ever certain, and all you could do was to make certain that the people you loved knew, without a doubt, that they were loved. Because tomorrow was not a guarantee.:: Hawker: =/\= Oh. Well...I guess I can have chocolate-covered pickle chips, then. =/\= Rawden: =/\= RESPONSE =/\= Hawker: =/\= Nothing. I was kidding. Mostly. =/\= ::Hand on her belly, she drew in a deep breath and released it slowly.:: =/\= Be safe and we'll see you when you get back. =/\= Rawden: =/\= Take Care of Junior=/\= Hawker: =/\= I will. =/\= ::Her lower lip trembled; she caught it between her teeth to steady it.:: =/\= I love you, Rick. Rawden: =/\= RESPONSE =/\= Hawker: ::whispering:: =/\= Bye. =/\= ::Although she'd lost her appetite, Gypsy replicated a bowl of split pea soup, her favorite comfort food, and managed to get down most of it, for the sake of the baby. After she finished, she retreated into the bedroom, curled up with Rick's pillow and surrounded herself with his soap and sandlewood scent. It must have been the pregnancy that made her eyes slowly close, because otherwise she would have been wide awake until he returned.:: ::Gypsy's last thought before she fell into a dreamless sleep was that she would gladly pick up Rick's uniforms for the rest of her life as long as he was there to leave them on the floor.:: Crewman Gypsy Hawker Medical Crewman, First Class USS Mercury Simmed by LtCmdr Velana CMO: USS Mercury
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academy 3 Graduating Class of 238909.04
Sedrin Belasi replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome to the Fleet guys!!! You did great! -
Congrats to Velana, and also to everyone else who entered. They were all great stories!
academy 3 Graduating Class of 238908.12
Sedrin Belasi replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome to the Fleet, Ensign Amman and Ensign Williams. You did great in training and will be a credit to your ships! -
academy 1 Graduating Class of 238907.30
Sedrin Belasi replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome One and All!!!! -
academy 4 Graduating Class of 238907.23
Sedrin Belasi replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome to the Fleet everyone. I'm sure you're going to have great adventures!!!