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Top Funny Quotes <-- USS Arrow

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I live to give, I’ve said it for years. 

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Shayne: XO, respectfully, I think it’s time you and your posse disembarked. 

shooting old west GIF by GritTV

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Y’all laugh but I actually HAVE PITCHED a western themed mission. 

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17 minutes ago, Quentin Collins III said:

Y’all laugh but I actually HAVE PITCHED a western themed mission. 

How many Datas are involved 

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4 hours ago, Nolen Hobart said:

How many Datas are involved 

A Fistful, naturally.  

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Niac: Speaking as someone who has a clear recollection of going through the Academy twice ::Karrod jerked a thumb towards his abdomen and Niac within::  the one thing I can say with absolute certainty is that Cadets are overconfident idiots.  You know as well as I do how long it takes to develop a new officer and how much of their real development happens after the classroom.  

He and the gut parasite aren't wrong. 

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And very, very soon this loose collection of ill-contented rabble-rousers, Black Tower washouts, fancypants Science Chiefs, and other misfit toys would know it too. Sweeter still, it was going to get them across the stage and sailing into a primo assignment (likely even beyond the rank of Ensign if he and Ginny played it right. Which he would obviously strongarm her into. Ginny might have been the "face" of the Lacy's. But Gerry was certainly the one unafraid to twist a few thumbs when required). 

Well that's kinda rude....👀

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  • 2 weeks later...

Niac: Who's ready to get bossed around by some teenagers?

So...my every day....right. 

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Shayne almost wished Wilde had chosen a less open-ended inquiry. Knowing Collins, he’d just bought himself about six hours of detailed and enthusiastic description. 

the big bang theory sheldon GIF

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Niac: Is 'incompetent' spelled with one 'T' or two?  I'm going to need to know for my report. 

Burn Baby Burn Fire GIF by Mitski

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If there's not a wiki entry for the Swamp yet, I think i'm going to make one just so I can put "crazy-town banana-pants" on there without getting yelled at.

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Daniels:  The Libris is hardly out of this fight, Commander.  On that subject, please continue observing...and keep those observations to yourself! 

Uhh....dude it's kind of the whole point of the mission...? 

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Ginny: Winning is what justifies this. Any of this. All of this! It's the only reason we're here. ::inhaling sharply, exhaling slowly:: We can use the transporter system once the core is reconnected, beam Baker to Sickbay. Alright?

Oh honey....🥺


Dewitt: Listen to me, Cadet, I am telling you the last time. There are lives at stake here. I am done with your war game bullshit. If you dare to question any of my orders again, with anything more than your intimate knowledge of this ship's systems, I will personally take care that - if we survive this - you'll never set foot on a Starfleet ship again.

Excited Lets Go GIF

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Gerry: I've taken command. And once we right ourselves, I'm gonna use it to blow your friends out of the frakkin' sky. 


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Too bad she had to be the focus of such a thing. That was just what she had signed up for - join Starfleet, be a backpack.

At least it's not a body bag...?

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oO And I just got here. Field trip it is. Oo

Don't forget the tea !!!

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Slipka: What you don't like my new beauty technique? It stings but I can manage.

The things we do for beauty. 

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Slipka:: Looking down at herself, and in a teasing manner :: Did they do a sex change procedure on me while I was in sickbay?

Not without permission. We might add a tail for a prank but that's mostly just glue....that you can prove.... 👀 

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Taking a deep breath Karrod grunted his way upwards again, one eye fixed on the turbolift car. It continued to groan in a way that made Karrod's beard itch and with barely a moments thought he picked up his pace....

Does it itch when bad weather is coming...?beard GIF

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Hobart: Listen, don't get better too quick. I'll be back, soon, and this might be my only chance to win an arm wrestle. ::pause:: No Armand allowed.

Ah c'mon!!!! I'm never gonna get to use that prosthetic....

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The Libris spat out a series of short messages at her console, highlighting contradictory directives, and a hierarchy of protocols. They scrolled down her screen, and blinked in pertinent part. Moments after she'd managed to process all this information, another torrent of messages appeared in front of Ginny, as the Libris's onboard encyclopedia began to highlight precedent and argument for recommendations it wanted to make, including to disable command review. The ship was getting more assertive, perhaps developing opinions. Ginny's disbelief and sense of betrayal from the ship melted into a kind of pride. She lifted her hands from the console, unsure of what to do next. The Libris argued for the preservation of life above its war-game protocols, which was sensible. But it also argued for the preservation of life above the reformation priorities it had digested from Ginny's personal logs.

Your own ship don't even like you girl!!! 

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