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Nolen Hobart

Captains Council observer
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Nolen Hobart last won the day on May 23

Nolen Hobart had the most liked content!


About Nolen Hobart

  • Birthday 03/18/1985

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  • Interests
    Star Trek, Star Wars, Cars, Cats, Alliteration, Dad Jokes

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Roleplaying Groupie (14/28)



  1. Risky. It has never been canonically established that Hobart knows how to cook anything other that peanut butter noodles.
  2. Plus the fact that she's talking about snow
  3. Immediately after he lectured an Ensign about medical ethics, even!
  4. Can I just say that no matter how many times I have read this passage, "fluked" is not the word my brain perceives without my applying force.
  5. ::quietly hides the stray isolinear chips::
  6. The most absolutely brutal mic drop I've ever seen in a sim. Farewell, Zenno, we hardly knew ye.
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