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Funny things heard on the USS Gorkon

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Alieth: The other one, well, miss Tahna…::Only when she verified that she had the young woman's undivided attention did she continue.:: and if you ever trespass into my quarters again... I will yeet you off the starship through the nearest airlock myself.

@Alieth I'm dead, deceased, broken down into atoms and scattered across the universe.

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5 hours ago, Bryce Tagren-Quinn said:

Gasp! @Tahna Meru!! 😳

Tsk, tsk, @Alieth! I thought doctors weren’t supposed to do any harm 😂

In the words of the eminent doctor Phlox


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All this gold in one sim, Asra! 😂


Tagren-Quinn: I’m not much on weaponry myself. I had a hard time with phasers, honestly.

Asra: Then you might have preferred one of the improvised weapons, the long-hypospray, also known as the hypospray-on-a-stick. 

Tagren-Quinn/Sirin: Response

Asra: It's a hypospray on a stick. I don't know what else to tell you. 


If there was a lesson taught that day other than "don't fight anyone in power armor without a weapon", ze hadn't learned it. Possibly the lesson had more to do with learning to lose; ze was suspicious the lesson was actually "it is hilarious to watch a bunch of cadets go from arrogantly challenging an idiot in metal armor to scurrying in fear when they realized they were going to get their asses handed to them", which would explain why Professor Zeme had brought popcorn. 


Asra: I assume it's somewhat the same for you? Like do you ever come back from a conference going "Man, now that I know this cool eye-growing technique, I really hope someone gets their eye gouged out?"


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@Alieth - I'm dying 😂


She shook her head slightly and took a sip from her glass as people milled about on the makeshift dance floor, some doing a slow, rhythmic dance display with their partners, while others wiggled a little spasmodically in one corner, as if they'd had a fit of an odd type of chorea. One of the most chaotic of the lot was young Dr. Tagren-Quinn, who seemed to be all legs and left arms and not a hint of coordination in them in the Vulcan's eyes.

She let out a low snort. At least it seemed his back was as good as new.


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zh’Tisav: I saw a film like this once. Someone’s going on a quest...
((Later – Cockpit - USS Kerla))
zh’Tisav: oO ...I didn’t mean me specifically. Oo


@Vylaa heheheh

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@Tahna Meru Hah. 😂

Tahna: I’m cross-checking the data we have with other rogue and recently-disappeared planets. Honestly, how do you lose a whole planet? 


Under less serious circumstances, she might have laughed. She imagined a lonely Starfleeter at an isolated research outpost, face awash with confusion. “Hey, anyone seen Barnard 563b lately? I took a nap and it seems to have wandered off.”



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Tahna: I’m cross-checking the data we have with other rogue and recently disappeared planets. Honestly, how do you lose a whole planet? 


Reynolds: The perils of failing to check down the back of your sofa. ::Dry as a bone. She shook her head.:: I don’t know. If it was in or near the Demilitarised Zone during the war, perhaps it escaped notice with everyone so focused on the conflict.

@Quinn Reynolds Sofas, man! They'll eat anything. 

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@Corliss-IKR?! The snacks 😭



Looking above showed…well…not fireworks.

A planet. Just. There. Just there where none had been there before.
She stared above as everyone else started moving, slowly, still shocked by the sudden turn of events before urgency took them over.

…well…there went the snacks.


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@Vylaa 😁 Could land the shuttle on the shooters instead. 😉


zh’Tisav: We were hit from starboard, best keep going to port! oO You know, away from the shooting!Oo


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Posted (edited)

Love this @Jo Marshall, @Corliss & @Vylaa


zh’Tisav: Please tell me you popped the hatch.


O. Marshall: Not me. I thought you did.


zh'Tisav reached for her phaser and Bear did the same, unholstering it from the thigh strap and lifting it up to the entrance. The weight familiar in the palm of his hand, reassuring almost, and at the point of death, quite helpful. 


zh’Tisav: Ooooh, I hope that’s Starfleet…


Fortune: …maybe it’s the Kerla doing it automatically as a safety measure, or… something? I don’t feel anyone out there.


O. Marshall: What's the chances it's Starfleet? A million to one?


Edited by Bryce Tagren-Quinn
Fixing text
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9 hours ago, Bryce Tagren-Quinn said:

@Vylaa 😂


She wouldn’t mind some escape planning. Her first real mission and she got captured in the first hour... Really damn embarrassing…


@Vylaa twinsies! 

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Loved this, Asra & @Samira Neathler 


Asra: I’m definitely going to need a hat. ::ze started looking for a simple forehead-covering that wouldn’t look out of place.::

Too bad they had no access to Loxley’s elaborate cap collection. Maybe he’d have the perfect cap, one that carried the words: No Boring Forehead.


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Catching a lot of SIMs afters these weeks out and SWEET SURAK BEAR @Jo Marshall 😂



Did she mean "gravely" or "gravelly"? The hills ahead of them looked like they could be strewn with loose detritus and rocks ready to cause slippage and a workplace incident, but also as if they housed the dead bodies of several hundred Starfleet officers and enlisted, sent there to defend a rogue moon from invading forces. Starfleet baffled him sometimes. 


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Yeah, teenager was the word they used for the sullen semi-grown members of their species. Maybe an older one. Still a brat.


OMG @Vylaa 😂

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  • 2 weeks later...

Twin screams echoed as the rope hung like one of Cheesecake’s chewed up pull ropes, and for a moment her mind sluggishly couldn’t understand what, exactly just happened.

@Corlisshow you DARE to make this dramatic scene this hilarious, bad betazoid, BAD

Bad Kitty GIF - The Summoning Bad Cat - Descubre & Comparte GIFs

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From rifles with a 25-year out-of-warranty stamp under the butt plate, zips of energy blasts flew past them.

Damn it @Jo Marshall  , with the expired manufacturer's warranty I can't ask for a refund for those blasts!

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