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Funny things heard on the USS Gorkon

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'Kos had developed the ability to listen and offer his opinion while enduring horrific flashbacks. It was quite the gift.

@Jo Marshall

Never Before Have I Been So Offended By Something I One Hundred Percent  Agree With: Image Gallery (List View) | Know Your Meme

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Gave me a laugh 😂 @Quinn Reynolds


Quinn could almost hear Walter’s voice in her head. “It’s the Maquis. What do you expect, Cupcake? Everyone to hold hands around the campfire and sing Kumbaya?


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This one isn't comical, but really well-written from @Samira Neathler, as Fingers (Sami's Skarbek persona) considers her words, and we get a peek into her inner thoughts.


Neathler: Maybe one day, when all this is over…

She didn’t finish her sentence. The others had some kind of future, something to look forward to. Like Strip and Red settling down, forming a family. Just like the other couples on the Skarbek. Fingers knew that was not the life for her. She’d always be hunting them [Cardassians], seeking revenge one way or the other, until one day she’d have taken it a step too far and maybe end up like the man they had left in his own house.


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Gnaxac: This will too - clearly we both have magic fingers, Croaker.


Marshall: ::Wryly,:: I'm not touching that one.

Oh myyy 😉 @Genkos Adea @Jo Marshall

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Doz Finch!!! 😂



Finch: There’s a start-up UI, somewhere. Should be black, and pink, and turquoise… a vulgar combination of colours, but then that’s what you get with Spoonheads. ::her gnarled fingers writhed over the consoles at the front in search for something:: unbridled environments, to match their unbridled exteriors. ::the top left hand of her upper lip twitched:: now come on you damned thing, where are you…


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Posted (edited)

@Cory Stoyer & @Ayiana Sevo :)


Sevo: If you want, Fingers, I can even leave a little payload in the fake message to drop something in their computer systems, such as a virus. Or I can have the entire data packet destroy itself when the trojan encryption is broken. Maybe even get a tap in their systems.

Cory crossed his arm while listening to Ayiana show her skills.  

Stoyer:  Remind me to not make you upset.

He flashed a smile at her.  


Edited by Bryce Tagren-Quinn
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Elonat: My assistant once told me there is no rest for the wicked. ::His voice was soft velvet, and he arched an eyebrow.:: I’m not sure what I’ve done to fall into that category. Come inside. 

@Quinn Reynolds 😆 

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Vylaa had taken a bite of the bar and grimaced.  Yes, it tasted like peanut butter, mostly.  But she wanted to meet the food scientist who thought such a dense bar was palatable and give them a piece of her mind.  The thing was like chewing clay.


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Howdy Gorkonites!

Hang on, it's been another month already? I guess the old saying is true, time flies when you're antagonizing Cardassians! 
A quick explanation for our newest member: every month, Kara (aka Dr. Tagren-Quinn) and I compile all the sim quotes that made us giggle, pick one for each player, and send out a poll for the ship to choose a Quote of the Month. Everyone is welcome to submit quotes, everyone gets to vote, and every month there's a winner's badge and bragging rights for our champion wordsmith. 
This month, that champion wordsmith is none other than...
(Reynolds) Quinn could almost hear Walter’s voice in her head. “It’s the Maquis. What do you expect, Cupcake? Everyone to hold hands around the campfire and sing Kumbaya?”
239903 GORKON QOTM Reynolds.png
Congrats, Skipper! With a pitch like that, I bet sign-ups for Skarbek Summer Camp will be booming this year. 
The April poll will find its way to your inboxes soon, in the meantime, stay alive and kick some Spoonhead butt!
Cheers, y'all!
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@Samira Neathler, @Piravao sh'Qynallahr, @Ayiana Sevo, & @Cory Stoyer - loving this little morsel ya'll cooked up! :D❤️


Stoyer:  I don’t know about you , but I am ready for a good home cooked meal.  

Sevo: Then why are you looking at me? I’m a bit out of practice. I told you, I haven’t cooked since I was Camen.

sh’Qynallahr: I can cook edible food, good tasting is up for debate.

Stoyer: Well, we get through this. I will cook you guys a meal that you will never forget.  

Sevo: We’ll hold you to that on Peshkova, Strip.

Neathler: We’d better all make it out of here then. The sooner, the better.


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@SevaReeshe, @Doz Finch, @Tahna Meru :D


Tahna: So, come in low, land on the roof… ::One hand hovered over the map, tracing their proposed flight path.:: Sneak and fight our way down to the coms center, take it over and blast something Bajoran and angry. The soundtrack for the revolution, and the chaos that scatters the Spoonhead forces.


Finch: Mm, a bit of heavy metal to make their ears bleed.


Seva: Heavy metal? Isn’t that a classical Earth genre? ::A pause:: Klingon acid punk is far more aggressive. Maybe we should play that?


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Posted (edited)

@Genkos Adea @Bryce Tagren-Quinn @Jo Marshall 😂 You three are a delight to read.


Gnaxac: This is where we’re headed. ::he traced the pencil along the route he’d picked out:: That’s how we get there… I think there’s a human word for what I want to say… ::ruining the pronunciation:: Capice?

Tagren-Quinn: Capiche… oh, yes, yes, got it, my man.

Jo chuckled and shook her head at the antics of her friends. "Capiche" didn't ring any bells in her human head, but then again, human languages always seemed complicated to her Bajor Dahkur tongue. The closest equivalent would be "lorat", but it lacked the proper punch unless you enunciated it with the force of informing someone that their brains had eloped from their skull.


Edited by Tahna Meru
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Gnaxac said nothing, although he did silently wonder if Croaker could go anywhere without being hot… He shook his head trying to free the notion, and pleased again that he was immune to any rogue telepathy.

Oh My The Sins Of Castle Cove GIF

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