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Everything posted by Yalu

  1. Welcome, and congratulations!
  2. When I can find it, I get New Zealand Breakfast... maybe I like the misery.
  3. OMG this made my day.
  4. Reading about the upcoming UFP presidential election has left me with some questions about how the Federation is constituted. I know the Star Trek version of the UFP was modeled after the UN, perhaps with a stronger central government, but how does the Federation operate in our SB118 variant of the universe? Is there in existence an in-character UFP constitution or basic law that outlines the various organs of government, and how the member planets interact with it? I've seen some other Trek sites that have a Federation constitution or Articles of Federation that seem to fill in the blanks. Obviously the Federation has a (mostly) common economic and defense policy, but has there ever been a discussion about the degree of federalism that exists? Are some worlds more autonomous than others? Surely the vast network of small colonies must have a different organizational arrangeemnt than planets like Earth or Vulcan. Judging by the news articles about the election, it appears the UFP President is popularly elected, and that the functions of head of state and head of government are both vested in the President, like in the U.S. system. There exists a Federation Council in canon, but is this a legislature comprising representatives from all member planets, or a cabinet? Any insights, or opinions, or suggestions, are welcome!
  5. Congratulations on making it through the Academy, and welcome!
  6. Crusher should get more votes, simply for the way she pronounced croissant.
  7. Surely there will also be an electronic version, yes? Downloadable, maybe bundled with the print version. I mean, if it's good enough for Encyclopædia Britannica, it's good enough for Trek.
  8. (( Main Engineering, Deck 24, USS Columbia )) (( 0800 – The morning after the party )) :: Like the majority of Columbia’s crew, the newly promoted Lieutenant Theo Whittaker was still on shore leave. He was not due to report as Chief Engineering Officer until the order to rescind their scheduled downtime was officially given. Given his new position, however, there was much to be done in order to make the transition easier for his department and he did not want to have to juggle those pressing concerns with whatever mission the Nebula-class starship was assigned to next. Thusly, Theo found himself entering his new domain instead of making use of Starbase 118’s vast array of recreational facilities. Feeling that it would be wholly inappropriate to begin his new role in his civilian attire, he had donned his uniform- removing the solitary black pip and attaching the new gold one he had received from Commander Brek the previous evening. As he had left his quarters, he had replicated a cup of hot water with a slice of lemon and ginger root, his regular beverage. His entrance into engineering had been surreptitious. Never one to command or enjoy attention, he had wanted to avoid his presence causing “a fuss” as his mother would call it. Luckily, none of the engineering staff who had not been granted leave or the Starbase technicians had noticed his arrival. As he reached what the staff had colloquially coined “the office” (the space in front of and to the left of the warp core, which looked upon the powerful machine) he nodded to an unfamiliar technician likely from 118. The Bajoran woman returned the gesture and went back to inputting data into the console she was tending to. He sat down on a stool at the bank of consoles than ran the length of the dividing glass that cordoned off ‘the office’ from the warp core and set his mug down on the ledge above them after taking a sip and savouring its taste. Entering his new clearance code- what a novelty that was!- began to peruse the latest reports. It was all unremarkable fare, Lieutenant Stineman from astrophysics had filed a report for a broken replicator in his laboratory, Ensign K’Chak’Krrr’A wanted somebody to take a look at her sonic shower- who knew Pak’Shree showered!- and Crewman Laplex’Vrin wanted to enquire about installing a birthing chamber in his quarters as he was approaching budding season. He had scarcely been reviewing the request log for two minutes when the sound of footsteps approaching drew Theo’s attention towards the entrance to the office where a middle aged Ullian woman was stood, holding a PADD. She was enlisted, having a petty officer 2nd class badge on her collar. The hair at her pronounced temples was beginning to thin and turn white, slight wrinkles had begun to tug at the corners of her mouth and around her soft green eyes. Upon seeing him, her mouth curled into the beginnings of a smile. :: Tish: :: she spoke in soft tones that put Theo in mind of the voice his mother adopted whenever Theo injured himself as a small boy :: “Are you Lieutenant Whittaker?” Whittaker: “I am indeed. How can help you…?” :: he left the question hanging as Tish would have no choice but the identity herself. :: Tish: “Koytra Tish. Petty Officer 2nd Class Koytra Tish that is. I’ve been assigned to Columbia as an antimatter supply manifold specialist for about six months” :: She stepped into the office a fraction, but came no father. Ever a gentleman, Theo rose from the stool and extended his hand. She took it in hers and shook it :: Whittaker: “A pleasure to meet you”. :: he wondered why he had not encountered her before, but remembering her position, he realised that she had spent most of her six month tour thus far ensconced on Deck 29. Her’s was an exacting, unsung role, yet amongst the most vital on the ship due to the potentially catastrophic repercussions of working with a substance like antimatter :: Tish: :: she smiled warmly :: “I was sure you wouldn’t be here since you are on leave but I thought I would check anyway”. Whittaker: :: curious :: “Is there something that I can do you?” Tish: “Not at all sir. I just wanted to congratulate you on your promotion and new position”. :: As she beamed at him, Theo felt rather touched and he found himself reflecting how far he had come. Four months ago, almost to the very day, he was a nervous young ensign- unsure of what awaited him. Now he was a Lieutenant, decorated and the chief engineer of a frontline starship. That Commander Brek and, by extension Starfleet, would have such faith in him as to give him such a crucial position aboard the Columbia… it was almost overwhelming :: Whittaker: “Thank you very much crewman” :: this time, she extended her hand- rather sheepishly. He shook it again :: “Make sure you don’t stay on Deck 29 all of the time. We’d like to see you up here sometimes”. Tish: “Of course sir. If you’ll excuse me, I have to report for duty”. Whittaker: “Of course” :: Tish smiled at him again one last time and walked off, down engineering before rounding a corner and disappearing. He watched the Petty Officer as she went. It was a simple gesture, but it meant everything to him. He was about turn back into the office when he was struck with the sensation that he was being watched. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end and felt a shiver travel from the top of his head all the way down to his toes. While he managed to keep his sudden unease hidden from everybody, he cast his eyes around the large chamber. At first sight, everybody had their backs to him busy with their own work and all he could hear were the faint beeps and clicks common to the background noise of an engineering compartment. He then cast his eyes upwards towards the warp core and the second and tertiary levels that ran around the rough diameter of it. He caught sight of somebody disappearing behind the warp core. Given his recent experience at the hands of a being who claimed to be an Iconian, he could not blame himself as he felt a greater sense of trepidation. For the briefest of moments he was tempted to call for security, but common sense won out. It was unlikely that anybody could infiltrate the Columbia given that it was berthed at one of the Federation’s most secure outposts :: Whittaker: oO Not that it stopped that being Oo :: The figure emerged on the other side of the warp core and the new chief engineer saw Crewman T’Laris running scans of what appeared to be a deuterium inject assembly on the second level. She was studiously looking at the readings on her tricorder. Irrational as it may have been, Theo was certain that she had been staring at him moments before, He recalled her attitude the next before after he had tasked her returning some of his possessions to his quarters. She had been sharp… almost rude. Vulcans had a habit of coming across as abrupt, but Theo had thought at the time there was something more :: Whittaker: :: he called out :: “T’Laris-” :: she did not look up. He was not convinced that she had failed to hear him but he still increased the volume of his voice :: “T’Laris!” T’Laris: :: she did not look up from her device as she curtly replied :: “I can hear you Mr. Whittaker. I am presently collating readings of the deuterium injection assembly”. :: Mr. Whittaker? He would not have been surprised to hear Commander Brek or Doctor MacLaren call him that- after all they outranked him and it was expected. What was not expected was for one of his subordinates to call him that. He took a moment to reply as he bristled against what- in other- was tantamount to insubordination. :: Whittaker: :: he tried to keep the growing irritation from his voice :: “May I see you for a moment please?” :: There was no response from the engineer as she left her tricorder resting on the rail in front of her and made her way to the small lift that brought her down to the same level as Theo. Watching her keenly he looked for any sign that something was wrong. She moved with grace, her ponytail bobbing gently as she went. Her porcelain face and cool hazel eyes were impassive, a mask of equanimity. She came to a halt before Theo and placed her hands behind her back. Approximately three inches taller than he, Theo tilted his head slight to look at her, schooling his features into his own facade of calmness. In reality he wanted nothing more than grind his jaw in frustration :: Whittaker: :: evenly :: “Is everything alright?” T’Laris: “I am… eager to resume my work.” Whittaker: “I just wanted to check because you seemed somewhat… pointed at the beach party yesterday evening” T’Laris: “I am unaccustomed to large scale social gatherings. I prefer solitude and meditation.” Whittaker: “If that’s so, why did you attend?” T’Laris: :: matter of factly :: “I received an invitation and I felt it would be impolite to refuse”. :: He could not put his finger on what it was but there was something that did not ring true. He thought of pressing the matter, but until he was certain that there was an issue and not just the musings of Theo’s overactive imagination, he stayed his tongue and favoured the Vulcan with a small, but terse smile. :: Whittaker: Very well. Thank you crewman. :: As T’Laris turned her back, Theo could have sworn he saw a flash of emotion dance briefly across her face. Somewhat stunned, he stood there for several seconds considering it. He was sure he had imagined it, but then again- her attitude the previous night had suggested something more than her being socially anxious. He watched her return to her task. She never looked up from her tricorder but there was a spikiness about her that left him unsettled. Making his way back to ‘the office’ he resolved to keep a close eye on his Vulcan subordinate, but tried to remain hopeful that he was indulging himself in another bout of over-thinking :: Whittaker: oO You are just being silly Theo Oo :: He wished he could believe that :: -- Lieutenant Theo Whittaker Chief Engineering Officer USS Columbia NCC 85279 C239203TW0
  9. Congratulations graduates!
  10. This pleases me. Never underestimate the sip of tea.
  11. Way to go, graduates! Welcome, welcome!
  12. ((Promenade, Starbase 118)) ::He lay there, dying.:: (( --> Flashback, Stardate 231706.04 -- )) ((Ocean Beach, San Francisco, Earth)) :: He lay there, dying.:: ::Edwin Purdy, a Terran boy with whom Solok had become familiar through his attendance at advanced science lectures in the Vulcan community there, called out at the top of his lungs.:: Purdy: Medic! ((Promenade, SB118, The Present)) Rogers: Medic ! ((Ocean Beach, S.F., Earth, The Past)) Purdy: Anyone, please! A doctor -- call a doctor! ::He leaned down over the Vulcan boy.:: I don't think he's breathing! Help! ::Purdy and Solok had been strolling along the beach, discussing the most recent lecture on temporal mechanics, of which Solok had clearly understood more than he was letting on. Purdy enjoyed his conversations with Solok, despite the fact that he was pretty sure Solok did not -- Solok didn't enjoy anything, really. But he walked along the beach with Purdy anyway, explaining the bits of the lecture that were most confusing.:: ::On their walk, some older boys had blocked their path, sneering and demanding that Solok go home to Vulcan -- pretty ordinary stuff, actually, for non-human teenagers living on Earth. This time, however, Solok had not done what he had always counseled Edwin was the most logical thing to do -- ignore, acquiesce, depart. Rather, Solok had talked back to the older boys -- after suggesting Edwin leave to save himself -- and, as such matters unfortunately often do, the encounter became violent. Solok held his own, administering the Vulcan nerve pinch to one of the boys, but two others had managed to grab Edwin and half-drag, half-carry him to the end if a jetty jutting out into the sea. Solok followed. When they dumped Purdy unceremoniously off the end into the near freezing water, Solok rushed them -- but misjudged his position. One of the boys thrust a leg out in front of the running Vulcan, tripping him before he could stop himself, and Solok fell head first into the water himself.:: ::It wouldn't have been a problem, but as he feel, Solok's head came down hard against one of the pilings supporting the jetty. The blow knocked him unconscious, and he sank before Edwin -- who, having regained his courage, had busied himself with driving their assailants away -- realized that his friend was in trouble. He pulled Solok from the water onto the shore, but not before he noticed the green blood trickling from Solok's temple and the fact that he didn't seem to be breathing.:: Purdy: Lifeguard! Medic! ::He turned to face his friend.:: Hang on, Solok -- ((University Hospital, S.F., Earth)) ::Solok awoke to find himself in a hospital bed with a throbbing headache. Standing over him were his father, Edwin Purdy, and a doctor Solok did not know. He wore a name badge that read "R. Mwangi MD.":: Purdy: He's awake. Mwangi: Solok? Can you hear me, son? ::Solok nodded. It hurt.:: Mwangi: Good. I am Doctor Mwangi. I've been taking care of you since your accident. Solok: It wasn't an accident. ::His voice was very quiet, but he spoke matter-of-factly.:: Mwangi: No, I suppose it wasn't. How are you feeling? Solok: My head ... hurts. ::Mwangi nodded.:: Mwangi: We can take care of that. ::He gestured over his shoulder, and a nurse handed him a hypospray. He injected Solok.:: Just give it a few seconds. In the meantime ... what do you remember? Solok: I tripped, and fell ... ((Promenade, SB118, The Present)) ::Lights flashing. People screaming. Cold. Tired. Three decks down, and then ... dark.:: ((University Hospital, S.F., Earth, The Past)) Mwangi: And after that? Solok: I -- I don't remember. Purdy: It was awful, Solok. You -- ::Solok's father's expression was grim. As usual.:: Spivak: Allow the doctor to speak, Mister Purdy. ::Mwangi gave Purdy an encouraging look before turning to his young patient.:: Mwangi: You hit your head pretty hard on the pier, and inhaled a fair amount of water. If your friend hadn't been there to help ... Frankly, you're lucky to be alive. Spivak: Vulcans do not believe in luck. ::Mwangi smiled.:: Mwangi: Well, perhaps you should start. ::Solok would hold this moment in a special place in his memory. It was the first time anyone had saved his life -- and the first time anyone had ever contradicted his father in his presence.:: Spivak: Is there anything further, Doctor? Anything having to do with your medical expertise? Mwangi: No, I don't think so. ::He turned to Solok.:: Get a lot of rest, son. Everything is going to be fine. ((Promenade, SB118, The Present)) Rogers: Hang on Solok help is on the way. ::Solok was almost totally unaware of his surroundings, but even so some part of him understood the gravity of the situation. He could hear Rogers' voice and, opening one eye a crack, could make out a blurry version of the man kneeling beside him. Solok reached out one hand, moving it toward Rogers' face as best he could, relying in large part on Rogers to intuit what was necessary and move closer -- which he did. Solok's trembling fingertips made contact with the crucial points at Rogers' temple and along his jaw, and Solok whispered a few words in Old High Vulcan. They weren't really necessary, but they suited the situation -- and if Solok was going to have the luxury of last words, he thought it proper that they be in the ancient ceremonial tongue of his people.:: ::A second later, Solok's hand dropped from Rogers' face. The deed was done. Whatever it was that was Solok, his essence -- his katra -- lived now, too, in Rogers' mind.:: ::Within moments, Rogers had moved aside and Sakorra was there, next to him, trying to comfort him. He appreciated that she was there, with him, then.:: Reed: I forbid this, Sa-telsu. You are not allowed to leave. ::Her words were forbidding, but her presence was nothing but supportive. Her fingers had already found those same contact points on Solok's face that Solok had found on Rogers', and when she closed her eyes, she began searching for him, telepathically. With just enough of a hold still on his body, Solok let her find him. There was one message he needed to communicate before whatever happened to him here happened.:: Danzia: First things first, we need to stop the bleeding. ::He wanted to point out to the Counselor that he was past saving, and that expending time and energy on his behalf was illogical -- but he could not. The words wouldn't come, and besides, he was sure he couldn't operate his mouth any more.:: Atimen: Starfleet Security. ::He grumbled, his height overshadowing them.:: Keep your distance or move along. This is a medical emergency. Danzia: Captain, if you could please find a medkit. DyAmone: Here. ::She handed the medkit to Danzia and moved in to assist. :: Danzia: :: letting out a breath :: Thanks. ::Solok watched it all transpire, not as if floating above his body in some Terran out-of-body fantasy, but through Rogers' eyes. It was ... fascinating, naturally.:: Rogers:: Feeling strangely detached Will sat on the deck and watched their efforts to save Solok. He was having trouble seeing clearly and wondered if he had hit his head getting here ? Danzia: Sakorra, try and get him into a healing trance if you can. ::Solok felt Sakorra reach again into his mind, trying to help, but he stopped her as effectively as if he had laid a hand on her arm to restrain her. He felt her curiosity, her concern, her disbelief, her love. He could see the grief welling up inside of her, still contained but ready to burst forth at any moment. His spirit gentled. He let his mind withdraw fully from his body, severing the mind meld with Sakorra in the process. He exhaled without inhaling again. Every muscle in his body tensed, and then relaxed. And then his heart stopped.:: Lieutenant Commander Solok Chief Operations Officer USS Drake ((OOC Note: A few open tags in the original post were filled in ex post facto, so while 99% of the content in this sim belongs to Solok's writer, a handful other Drake crewmembers contributed to the finished product. A few, very very minor, adjustments were made by me to clip the posts together and for clarity, but do not substantially alter the post in any way. --Didrik Stennes))
  13. Isn't the Kobayashi Maru exercise won, paradoxically, by losing? I thought the point of it was to shock a potential commanding officer into realizing there's just no winning sometimes. Therefore one can "pass", only by getting oneself and one's ship destroyed. Or maybe I'm wrong. Is the point to shock a potential commanding officer into deviating from "going by the book" and coming up with an original? My memory on the details of it is fuzzy.
  14. It's been a while since I've seen it, but I don't think Generations explicitly stated the El-Aurian refugees aboard the Lakul and the Robert Fox were escaping the Borg, though I suppose that is implied given what we know about both El-Aurian history and the nature of refugees. I always assumed the El-Aurians in Generations had been expelled from whatever planet they'd resettled on, thus their refugee status. Considering the long lifespans of the El-Aurians, and the fact they'd already become scattered about the galaxy by Earth's 19th century, it's possible that the El-Aurian home world lies somewhere deep in the Delta Quadrant, and could have been one of the earlier species encountered and assimilated by the Borg. In Earth's 15th century, the Borg controlled only a handful of solar systems, and by the mid 21st century, they'd still not left their Quadrant, save for the events of First Contact. A species with ships capable of warp 6 could travel 70,000 light years from the DQ to Earth in just under 180 years, so it's not an unreasonable assumption. A secondary explanation: Guinan is a bit of a weirdy, and has a habit of showing up whenever the Enterprise crew needs to learn a valuable lesson about themselves. She probably planned the whole thing ages ago.
  15. I think the skant deserves a comeback.
  16. Well done, graduates. Congratulations, and welcome!
  17. Commander Karynn Brice - Consciousness ((Karynn’s Quarters)) ::The first thing she noticed was how dark it was. In the pitch-blackness, for a moment she wasn’t sure whether her eyes were closed or she had lost her sight or the room was just really dark. The second thing she noticed was the pain. Her head throbbed. It felt like it had been caught between a hammer and an anvil. Or a spike had been driven through it.:: ::A moment passed by and she determined that yes her eyes were open. But she still wasn’t sure if that meant that her sight was gone or the room was just that dark. She felt nauseous. And dizzy. She put her hand to her head and felt warm sticky liquid.:: Brice: Computer, Lights. ::The room lights blazed forth in full splendor and suddenly the Haliian officer realized that her request had been a mistake. And that her eyes were working just fine. She quickly shut her eyes as her head throbbed even more than it had been. At least it had helped her figure out where she was - she was laying on the floor of her quarters, not far from her coffee table.:: Brice: Computer, lights 5%. ::The lights dimmed significantly. Karynn tried to remember how she had gotten there. Part of a memory flitted back to her.:: ((FLASHBACK - Shuttle Portobello)) Brice: ::activating the link again:: =/\= Commander Brice to the Bridge, we’re ready to depart. =/\= ((END FLASHBACK)) ::She and her group had departed from the Drake, listening to the comms chatter as they went. She remembered being excited at their opportunity for an up-close flyby on the new species. But they hadn’t been gone long when something else had happened. She found herself in another world.:: ((DREAM)) ::The light faded to blackness as she rolled on her side in the snow. It was so cold... and the dampness was beginning to soak through her thin clothes. Her teeth chattered and she couldn't see. She gasped again as another wave of intense pain washed over her body.:: ::Squeezing her eyes closed tightly, she willed for the pain to go away - a maneuver which rather expectedly didn't work. However, as she opened her eyes, she could see again - although the scene had changed. The room she was in was dimmer than the bright light of a snowy outdoors she had just been in. Around her, familiar people either stood or sat in chairs, although none of them seemed to notice that she was on the floor.:: ::Although she was still in pain, she managed to stand up and look around. Nearby she spotted Ethan and with only a few strides, she managed to cross to him. He didn't seem to notice her, so she reached out and brushed his arm with her hand. At that moment, he slumped forward. From somewhere she heard a voice.:: Voice: He's failing. ::She felt like she'd been kicked in the stomach. She heard quick small footsteps and turned to see Matthew rushing past. Not wanting him to discover his now-dead father, she reached out and grasped his arm. Again, as she made contact, he suddenly went limp and fell forward in a heap at her feet.:: Ehlanii: ::screaming:: NO! ((END DREAM)) ::She had nearly screamed as she came out of the dream state. A panic had flowed through her veins and her hands trembled. For a moment she hadn’t known where she was. And then she realized that she was in the shuttle. All she had wanted to do for a moment was call Ethan and check on Matthew. It took all her will and training to focus on figuring out what had happened - and where those images had come from.:: ::It had taken a moment because they came from deep within her subconscious, a dream she had dreamt before. Several years previously someone, for reasons still unknown to her, had made an attempt on her life and that was the dream she had experienced while she was unconscious. She had taken a deep breath in, forcing herself to remain calm, to focus on the shuttle around her. It had taken all her effort, so she was quite relieved when they were summoned home by the COO of the Drake.:: ((FLASHBACK, Shuttle Portobello)) SOLOK: =/\= USS Drake to Commander Brice. =/\= BRICE: =/\= Brice Here. =/\= SOLOK: =/\= You have new orders, Commander. Abort your mission and return to the Drake immediately. =/\= BRICE: =/\= Aye, on our way. =/\= ::She nodded to the pilot who plotted a return course, thankful that she didn’t need to issue any other instructions.:: ((FLASHBACK ENDS)) ::Karynn had initially had every intention of going straight to the bridge, but after the shuttle docked she still felt distinctly off, as though someone had been mucking around in her brain. Hoping that a splash of cold water and perhaps a change of uniform would help (she was feeling particularly damp from the cold sweat her re-dream had triggered), the Haliian had headed to her quarters.:: ::The next event was still a bit blurry to the touch empath. She remembered being overwhelmed with anger shortly after entering her quarters.:: ((FLASHBACK - Chief Engineer’s Office, USS Ronin)) ::Her arms were folded solidly across her chest. Luckily she hadn't needed to wait long after her meeting, but ever since the incident her thoughts had been racing and her frustration had been building. Now that he had finally arrived, she let it out in a controlled stream. Her voice was quiet but icy, her words were crisp and separated.:: Ehlanii: How... could... you? :: He slipped his hands into his pockets and looked down. Weight of his world on his shoulders. He didn’t have an answer for her; he’d done what he thought was best, what he had deemed to be the safest way of controlling things.:: Ehlanii: You couldn't trust me to do my job? We were making progress. Your decision set us back. We don't even know how far back. HOW COULD YOU, Ethan? :: He leant on a rung of the ladder and looked at her. He hadn’t spoken a word so far but he didn’t doubt that the conversation wasn’t one sided.:: Brice: I did what I had to do. ::Her voice rose a few decibels higher:: Ehlanii: Were you even listening? Did you care that you put all of us in danger? You put me in danger with your stupid stunt! What if she had thought that I was complicit in it all? You used my conversation with her to cover your actions! If you didn't care about yourself you could have at least thought of that. Or Ben! As it is, she suspects that he had something to do with it. She might even think it was his orders. He's your friend. Or at least he used to be. ::She took a breath, which gave him an opportunity to say a word.:: Brice: I didn’t think about that, alright? I… I thought you’d all be okay, Danny would beam you all back- ::His time was limited. She wasn't finished and she wasn't yet ready to hear his response. Her voice quickly cut him off again.:: Ehlanii: And that's not even including Sarion and Commander Maria. Or the whole ship! What if she had decided to blow us all out of the sky? Its not like she doesn't have the power to do it! :: His jaw tightened.:: Brice: That’s not fair play! I endangered myself, she wasn’t going to harm the rest of you when the blame was all on me! I did what I had to do to get her on our side, I didn’t see anyone else trying anything! ::Her eyes flashed with anger.:: Ehlanii: I was. I had quite a profile going. I was preparing suggestions to give to Commander Walker. I was probably close to finding the right motivation to get her to help us. Why couldn't you just control yourself? ((END FLASHBACK)) ::That was really when things got murky for the Science Officer and Former Counselor as she tried to piece things together in her moments after waking. As she had been overwhelmed by the memory, she had lost consciousness - and muscle tone. She’d passed out and (although she didn’t quite know it right now) managed to hit her head on her coffee table on the way down. She vaguely remembered ever so briefly regaining consciousness (with a headache) once in the dim light and had some recollection of the ship shaking violently at which point, as best she could tell, her head hit the coffee table again and she lost consciousness.:: ::As she attempted to piece it all together in the fleeting moments, she became aware enough to recognize that she needed a bit of help from the ship’s medical types. She reached up and tapped the comm badge on her uniform.:: Brice: =/\= Brice to Doctor Shelley =/\= Shelley (or other Medical): =/\= RESPONSE =/\= Brice: =/\= I believe I may be in some need of medical assistance. =/\= Shelley (or other Medical): =/\= RESPONSE =/\= Brice: =/\= I am not sure. I haven’t tried to sit up yet. My head is in significant pain and I appear to be bleeding. =/\= Shelley (or other Medical): =/\= RESPONSE =/\= Brice: =/\= I believe just from the head. At least as far as I can tell from my limited self-survey. =/\= Shelley (or other Medical): =/\= RESPONSE =/\= Commander Karynn Brice Chief Science Officer USS Drake
  18. Welcome and congratulations, graduates!
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