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Everything posted by Yalu

  1. Yogan Yalu, checking in. "And who are you? Comrade Questions?"
  2. I really enjoyed @Hallia Yellir describing the shaking of the ship thusly:
  3. @Addison MacKenzie This was just too funny
  4. Haha @Jovenan has shooting Genkostalgia.
  5. Absolutely cracking sim from @Jovenan here. Multiple plot and character elements from the ensign's short but eventful Starfleet career were expertly woven together in this dream sequence. What a delight this was to read, and the greatness continues in Part 2. Fantastic sim, Jo.
  6. I'm delighted to see that Kirky lives on in the memories of others. Thanks @Vitor S. Silveira.
  7. @Hallia Yellir Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage...
  8. @Genkos Adea chewing the scenery. It's the legitimate theatre, da'aling.
  9. Don't mess with @Jovenan.
  10. When I was researching titles for this poll, I managed to snag used copies of Homecoming and The Lives of Dax for $1 apiece. I'm about a quarter of the way through Homecoming right now, and I'm really enjoying the less-than-happily-ever-after-post-Endgame plot. I always thought the Voyager finale was a little too tied up with a bow and it's nice to see a continuation of the story where nothing is quite so tidy.
  11. @Addison MacKenzie gets the slow burn comedy award here. I imagine she’s like, “Whelp darnit, if I smack him around now, I’ll make us look bad…”
  12. I loved this from @Hiro Jones, a description of Osuna's reaction to Hiro's bit of science:
  13. This bit from @Genkos Adea has totally not been taken out of context.
  14. For your consideration
  15. The post-mission chat scene between @Talos Dakora and @Addison MacKenzie just kept getting brilliant-er as its two writers developed it. But to kick off the new Artemis quips, quaps and quotes thread, I chose to showcase this particular snippet. I'm imagining the inaccurate-but-comical impression sounds like Tina from Bob's Burgers.
  16. The pacing of the second half of this sim was outstanding. Real heart-pounder here by @Addison MacKenzie.
  17. @Vitor S. Silveira 😆
  18. This scene is cracking Me up @Vitor S. Silveira @Genkos Adea Silveira: Now let me make you a nice cup of tea... it'll relax you.
  19. When we find out that @Vitor S. Silveira is secretly offing every commander he's ever had.
  20. I came here to post a quote, which I'll do in a minute, but first I must acknowledge what has just happened here. Thank you.
  21. @Etan Iljor Plenty of letters left in the alphabet.
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