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official 2012 Top Sims Contest Discussion
Sedrin Belasi replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2012
Thank you. Apologies! -
The rain poured down the outside of the small hut. The squad huddled in the tiny structure, trying to get some respite from the tempest lashing all around them. Lieutenant Weyland looked out of the cracked window. He knew his foes would not let some inclement weather dampen their bloodlust. The war was going badly, very badly. It had been several months now since the alien ‘Army of Execution’ had landed on Byzatium, and systematically marched across the planet, laying waste to everything and everyone they had come across. These giant, ruthless Pythron warriors – trained for war since birth – were the most formidable fighters in the sector. By contrast, Byzatium’s motley assortment of armed civilians, raw cadets, aged veterans and mercenaries were no real match for the blond war machine. Nevertheless, the Byzallians had no choice but to resist and fight to their last phaser charge. The storm slowly but steadily abated as the sun began to sink lower in the sky. A blood red glow began to form along with the growing shadows. There was a sound reminiscent of distant thunder, booming beyond the dark ruins that surrounded the small encampment. “Not long now” whispered Weyland to himself, looking at his grandfather’s pocket watch. Soon their last serviceable craft would ferry their people across the wide ocean to their last redoubt. They just needed to hold off the Pythron advance long enough to allow them to launch the ships from the hoverport, at 5.30am, local time! The young officer wiped the sweat from his forehead, and exited the ruined hut and went a few steps up the grassy bank next to the building. He scanned the horizon for any hint of enemy movement, but even with keen eyesight, he could see nothing. Not a thing was alive out there. Had their artillery been that accurate? Impossible! The enemy was hiding.... somewhere. Waiting to pounce. The weary crimson sun neared the hill tops, taking what little comforting warmth it gave with it - apparently deserting the ruins and battered forests to their fate. A cold wind rushed down the valley, howling around the bombed-out building where the small squad of soldiers were awaiting their orders. It had been nearly a week now since they had seen sent on their mission, and all were getting anxious. There had been minimal communications with their superiors. It was now just a matter of basic, animalistic survival for them. Weyland sighed, replaced his gun in his belt and scrambled back down the rubble-strewn slope to his patrol. He found them huddled around a small fire, trying to keep warm. Their ragged uniforms did little to help keep out the cold, and their hunger went beyond anything they had experienced before, their bellies almost stuck to their backbones. Weyland himself had only joined the partisans a few months ago, and he was already an officer – with ten men (or more accurately boys) under his command. At twenty, he was the oldest by three years - no match for the opposition they now had to face. “Get some sleep guys. Tomorrow, I feel, is going to be show time” he ordered. “Shall I take first watch?” asked Corporal Gryphon, eagerly. “No thank you corporal” replied Weyland, “I’ll do that, you get some rest.” As his patrol found what little space they could around the dying embers of the campfire, Weyland turned away to look once again at the dark hills. He knew it was going to be a long night… * * * At about 5am, Weyland sprang to his feet. The sleeping bodies of his troops still lay about him, but there was definitely something amiss. The lieutenant’s intuition sensed something in the air that foretold danger. He reached for his binoculars, and ran back up to the look-out on the old ruin building, desperate to check the horizons for the enemy and cursing his commanders for not keeping him informed of the latest developments. Standing tall, he strained his eyes through the lenses – searching for the slightest blip. The darkness meant that he needed the night vision function on the binoculars – but after weeks of being dragged through mud, they were malfunctioning. “How the hell can we stop ‘them’ if we haven’t got the tools to do it?” growled the young officer to himself in desperation. Indeed, ever since the day when ‘they’ had come, all meaningful Byzallian technology had become obsolete. To be honest, all civilisation was on the brink of collapse. Cities had crumbled, people destroyed in the most sickening ways imaginable. It was also on that Day that the life he had known died forever. “What’s the verdict sir?” came the voice of Sergeant Tyndall from half way up the slope. “Nothing so far, Sergeant.” replied the lieutenant. “Just the usual devastation and.....” He hesitated. “Darn it – they’re coming! Get the men up!” he barked to Tyndall. “Yes sir!” came the muffled reply, as the boy scampered back down the hill to the camp. “So this is it.” mused the lieutenant. “Time to meet the family…” He followed Tyndall back down the slope, charging his gun as he went. Upon reaching the camp, he quickly checked that everyone was ready. The gloom hid the anxious looks on their faces. This would be their last action. “Right lads. This is it. This is what we’ve been waiting for. We are going to stop those Pythron scum in their tracks. They’ve taken our homes, our families, our lands – but blast it – we’ll make them pay! You know the drill – good luck everyone!” bellowed Weyland, with as much firmness as his own shaky nerves would allow. The patrol scrambled to the cover of a low wall, with the remnants of a hedge on one side. Little vegetation grew on Byzatium. “Right lads. Hold your fire.” “I can see them now sir.” whispered Gryphon, his numbed finger pressing slightly on the trigger. “Hold your fire. They haven’t seen us yet. They are still reconnoitring.” replied the officer. BLAM! Corporal Gryphon’s rifle let off a string of phaser shots at the dark loping shapes in the distance. “Darn it corporal. I told you to wait.” shouted Weyland, but it was too late. The horde had been alerted – and the black mass began stalking towards their position. “Let ‘em have it!” barked Weyland, and his troops opened fire on the enemy. Rows of the black shapes fell, or appeared to fall, in the gloom. Were they simply being replaced by more and more? In what little light there was, the lieutenant could make out the hideous onslaught. Giants in gleaming armour, and motorised transports – relentless - lurching towards them, momentarily silhouetted against the moon light and phaser flashes. For about twenty minutes the gunfight continued. The Byzallian lads were starting to get low on charges – and still the dark foe continued towards them. Weyland scooted up and down the line, shouting encouragement – and letting off the occasional shot with his hand gun. Suddenly something whistled past his ear. Spinning round, the lieutenant saw a group of ironclad warriors approaching from cover of the buildings behind him. They were also firing what appeared to be poisoned darts – judging by the effect it had had on at least one of his patrol. “Quick men. Rear attack!” he called, but it was too late. Through stealth and superhuman abilities, the frontal attack had already reached the Byzallian’s position in only a fraction of the time expected. Cries of pain were briefly heard over the howl and cheers of the attackers. “Fall back!” shouted Lieutenant Weyland, but the situation had already become hopeless. In the gloom he could barely make out anything of what was happening, but he had already thought he’d counted more death cries than he had soldiers under his command. Just then, in a flash of gunfire, the Weyland saw Sergeant Tyndall wrestling with some Pythron behemoth with metal spiked gloves. The lieutenant began to run along the hedge, trying to reach Tyndall, but the muddy ground slowed him considerably. Wham! Wham! Splut! A hail of projectiles erupted around his feet as he continued running. He had almost reached his struggling second-in-command when a razor dart found its mark. Weyland fell to the ground, clutching his shoulder. Desperately, he tried to crawl along the ground – in a defiant yet pointless effort to reach what was left of his patrol. Blood was trickling down his arm, staining his khaki and grey uniform. Weyland’s head spun as the toxin took effect, while the Pythrons surrounded his prone form, talking to each other in a harsh guttural language, their weapons all aimed at his head. “What you waiting for? You got what you wanted? Our planet stained with our blood?” he shouted. A rifle butt to the head silenced any more protest. Spotting a shining piece of metal poking out of Weyland’s jacket pocket, one of the Pythron’s knelt down, and picked up the young man’s pocket watch. The glass front was smashed and the half the internal workings were hanging out the back, the time forever stuck 5.32am. In the distance, there was another roar. This time of hover engines. Looking up, the Pythron warrior scowled as several large Byzallian craft hovered on the horizon and then disappeared into the haze to safety.
official 2012 Top Sims Contest Discussion
Sedrin Belasi replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2012
Did I put the Matthews / Shryker sim in the wrong Round? Apologies if I did. Will it go through to Round 11, or was it missed from the voting? -
academy 3 Graduating Class of 238906.17
Sedrin Belasi replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome to the Fleet everyone! -
Round 11 Lt. Jade Shryker & Lt. Cmdr. Alexander Matthews: For The Love Of J
Sedrin Belasi posted a topic in 2012
((Matthews’ Quarters-Deck Four-USS Mercury)) ::Alexander walked out of his bathroom just after taking a shower he was a little nervous about meeting Jade Shryker from the Drake. Askade had met her while she was the counselor on the Independence. He walked over to the closet, taking out his dress white uniform, he looked over to the shelf, and pulled out the other black box, that held his medal for bravery. He took it out of the box and pinned it in the correct place on his jacket. He laid the jacket on the bed , the pants and sat down to look at his pictures of the crews that he has served with. He used the towel to dry off, then stood up to put on his undergarments and the uniform pants. He pulled on the uniform shirt, and sat down to put on his boots. He thought about the last time he put on this uniform, he and Arden attended the service for Lt. Evanna Blackwood.:: ::He looked over to the picture of the Avander crew and smiled at her image. He closed his eyes with the image of her in his mind, and let her go, as he opened them again and grabbed the jacket. He walked over to the mirror, put on the jacket and made sure that everything was in the correct place. He stood there looking at himself making sure that he was ready to meet this woman that he had heard about. He turned and walked to the door, heading to the ship’s arboretum for some flowers.:: ((Holodeck Two-Deck Four-USS Mercury)) ::Askade stood outside of the holodeck with Audie by her side waiting for Alexander to appear. It had been over a year since she had seen Jade, she sent the message that she wanted her to meet Alexander the day before. She has been worried about him ever since they left the Avandar. He has really done nothing but work constantly. Hardly any time off at all, she really does wonder if he has the traits of a Klingon at times. She looked over to see as he walked towards her, she could see that he was very nervous with the flowers in his hand. She smiled, knowing that he would walk through fire to save a life. When it came to women, he was shy.:: D’ciq: ::Raising an eyebrow.:: Well now don’t you look like the officer I met a few months ago. Very nice indeed. ::Watching him fuss with the collar of his uniform.:: Stop fussing you look fine. Jade is a very beautiful woman. She’s tough and lot’s of fun to be with. ::Looking at him intensely.:: You my dear friend need someone fun in your life. Here look at this picture of her. ::Handing him the PADD.:: Matthews: ::Tugging at his collar.:: Thank you, I’m nervous Askade. ::He looked down to the PADD, his eyes opened wide as he looked upon the beauty of Jade. The eyes and the face of a very beautiful woman. The long flowing hair, the features of a goddess before him. He looked back up to Askade, and saw the smile on her face.:: This is Jade? D’ciq: ::Laughing.:: Yes, that is my friend Jade. What do you think? ::Raising her eyebrow.:: ::Alexander stood there speechless, there were no words to describe the beauty that his eyes held before him.:: Matthews: ::stuttering.:: She is beautiful Askade. ::Feeling anxious to meet this woman.:: When can I meet her ? ::Thinking to himself that was a dumb question, just then the holodeck computer announced the connection to the Drake was completed.:: Computer: =/\=Program and virtual connection complete. You may enter when ready.=/\= ::The doors opened to reveal a small but lush garden on Earth near the coast of North Carolina looking out to the ocean, with a cool breeze coming in from east. Looked to see the sun on the horizon still above it, but just about to set. The sky was turning to the familiar dusk colors of purple and burnt orange. In the center of the garden, there is a table with chairs. They are made of wicker, with a small cooking table over to the left. He and Askade walk into the holodeck, looking around to make sure that everything is perfect.:: ::All of a sudden there was the sound of the holodeck doors opening again. They both turned and looked at the woman that walked into the garden. Her silhouette glided across the garden towards them, Alexander just stood there as he looked upon the beauty of the lovely woman named Jade Elizabeth Shryker.:: (Holodeck – USS Drake) ::Jade was nervous to meet this man, but her friend Askade from the Independence had said real nice things about him. Jade had made a real effort to look her best - and walk without limping. The wounds she’d just received in the explosion on the Drake were tightly bound. The Doc had done a great job of patching her up. She hoped it wasn’t going to put Alex off and he would like what he saw. Wearing a short, figure-hugging black dress, with short sleeves, and black strappy heels, she walked towards him, her hair bouncing as she walked. She smiled at him. He was real cute. Tall, tanned with deep dark eyes. She spotted a long pony tail. A stallion for her.:: ::Alexander looked at her in awe as she approached him. the way she moved as if she floated on the air. He could see that she was walking with a slight limp, but still the image of her was stunning. He gazed upon her as if he was looking at an angel that came from the heavens to be by his side, he was more than happy at the sight of her in the dress she was wearing. He looked back as Askade just smiled and waved to Jade as she left the holodeck with Audie by her side. He focused upon the lady from the Drake.:: Shryker: Hey there. You must be Alex. :: she cringed as the words came out of her mouth. Who else would it be but Alex?:: Alexander: ::Smiling at her.:: Yes, Lt. Cmdr. Alexander James Matthews. It is my honor to meet you. ::Taking her hand into his and kissing it softly on the back of it, her skin was soft as satin with the gentle touch of his lips. He then presented her the flowers. :: Umm... these are for you.::Giving her the bouquet of red roses from the arboretum.:: Shryker: Thanx! They’re lovely. And thanx for inviting me and all. ::She smiled at Alex, and also D’ciq.:: Matthews: The pleasure is mine to meet such a beautiful woman, and lady. Would you like to have a seat? ::Holding his arm out to her.:: Shryker: Swell. ::She looked at the table set for two, and the sea beyond the garden. Maybe he take her for a walk along the beach after they’d eaten?:: ::Alexander stood tall over her, but he felt strong and confident around her. As he walked with her to the table, he looked into her eyes as she turned towards him. He found himself getting lost in them, he had to make sure that he was not dreaming as he pulled the chair out for her as she sat down. He pulled out a bottle of wine from the small decanter on the table into her glass. He lit the candles that were there and he looked into her eyes as the flame flickered in them. He poured himself a glass, and sat down in the chair across from he.:: Matthews:I hope that it is warm enough for you. Shryker: Sure. So__ ::nervously:: what did Askade say about me? Matthews: ::Looking directly into her eyes.:: She told me that you are strong, tough and beautiful. She was right on everything. Askade has never steered me wrong. You are so very beautiful. Shryker: :: I__ I am _ flattered. ::She gazed at this man. He was handsome. Very handsome. Her heart fluttered slightly.:: Matthews: ::Smiling.:: As you can tell, I’m nervous, but a good nervous. I’m actually starting to feel very comfortable around you already. Shryker: Me too ::smiling.:: Matthews: Not sure if Askade told you, but I was a marine, then transferred to security and tactical. She told me that you are in security also. ::Jade nodded, and sighed softly. Yes she had been in security her whole career. She had the mental and physical scars to prove it. Five times now she had cheated death at her last gasp. This Alexander seemed very special, but all it would take was one more accident or attack, and she may not be so lucky.:: Shryker: Yes, was Chief on my last ship. Matthews: But enough talk about careers, what would you like to know about me? Shryker: Oh, lots! Where do you come from, your folks, why did you join Star Fleet? Any crazy adventures. Everything! ::He stood up to start making dinner for her. He listened to her voice that calmed him as it made him feel at peace. The last few months all he has done was work and not had the time to enjoy his time off, if and when he took some time. As the sun started to set and the moon started to rise he could see the moonlight start to shine upon her face. He just started to smile at her as he finished cooking. Jade noticed this, her eyes sparkling. She loved his smile.:: Shryker: You happy that the food is ready? ::indicating his smiling face.:: Matthews: ::Taking the food off the fire, and serving it on the plate in front of her.:: I’m smiling at you. Shryker: Oooh! Matthews: ::Looking into her beautiful green eyes.:: Because you are very easy to talk to and open up too. Jade, I have not felt this comfortable in a long time. Thank you. Shryker: Thank you? What have I done? You organized all this. Matthews: For just being you. ::Serving himself his food, then sitting down to face her. Jade’s heart was pumping now. No one had ever talked to her like that, EVER EVER. :: Shryker: Oh Alex. ::She beamed with happiness.:: So, come on, tell me all about yourself. ::Jade took a sip of her drink.:: Matthews: I was born in the midwest. My parents live in Ohio. There is a valley where my house is located surrounded by mountains. It has been in my family for generations. My family has served in Starfleet, since it started. My parents are still alive and together. My family has this habit of naming us after military leaders. Myself I was named after Alexander The Great, the Macedonian King. I’m the only child, but I do have cousins and some nieces and nephews. Your turn. ::He started to eat his salad, looking directly into her eyes as the flame flickered in them.:: Shryker: Well, I was born in space. My folks were couriers oO pirates Oo and we travelled all over the galaxy. My father left us when I was very young. ::Jade bit her lip.::, but my Mom kept on working as a trade carrier. My kid brother Ryan and I helped out, even flying the shuttle at times oOand giving covering fire too Oo. Matthews: What happened to your mother? ::Noticing the pain in her eyes.:: Shryker: Mom’s gone. ::Jade held her Mother’s locket, that was around her neck. It was her only prized possession.:: Ryan’s now with family friends, he’s just a kid. Matthews: ::He watched her as she touched the locket around her neck.:: Have you seen him recently ? Shryker: No I don’t see him much. Last time was two years ago. I think he’s forgotten about me. Matthews: No, I don’t think so, he could not have forgotten you. Why would you think that ? Shryker: Maybe he thinks I should have tried harder to find Mom. But I was only 17. What could I do? Matthews: You did just what a sister should have done, be where she was needed, what happened to your mother anyway ? ::Looking at her with concern.:: Shryker: She went missing on a mission. I had to care for Ryan on my own after that. Had to do all things just to survive. ::Jade’s eyes moistened. But she quickly changed the subject.:: So, tell me about the Mercury. ::taking a mouthful of food, then keeping her head lowered, looked up at him with just her eyes.:: Matthews: ::Looking to her eyes as she talked about her mother, then seeing the tears he went along with the change in subject.:: The Mercury is a science vessel, the Oracle class. We are in the Mentar Corridor, deep space exploration. The last mission we were on we encountered the Borg. ::Taking a bite of his food.:: The Mercury is a fine ship, great captain. I work with Eyas Wulfantine he is the Chief Tactical Officer. Commander Kells is the commanding officer, Arden Cain is the first officer. Isaac Green is Chief of Security. Shryker: I remember Eyas, but the others are new to me. Matthews: Oh yes, he was on the Indy with you and Askade. He transferred from the Tiger. ::Looking at her glass.:: Would you like some more wine Jade? Shryker: Yes thanks. ::She smiled warmly at him.:: Matthews: ::Standing up as he carried the bottle over and filled her glass.:: Your welcome. After dinner would you like to take a walk on the beach ? ::Looking into her green eyes that reminded him of a jade dragon that he had seen in a museum. The soft subtle beauty of her face enchanted him.:: Shryker: The beach? I’d so love that. Not been on a beach for years. Matthews: ::Putting the bottle back in the decanter, then walking over behind her chair, helping her out of it.:: If I may have the pleasure of walking by your side ? ::Smiling.:: Shryker: The pleasure will be all mine. ::Alexander made sure that he was on the side where her noticed her limping and gave her support as they walked towards the beach into the moonlight as it reflected off the water. He held out his arm for her to hold on too as they walked into the sand.:: Shryker: Hey Alex, let me take my shoes off. Heels and sand don’t mix. ::He held on to her as she took off her shoes, she squeezed his hand tight as she held on. He sat her down to take them off making it easy for her. He felt that he should treat her as woman should be treated, with honor and respect. He helped her up, held her hand in his as they walked down to the shore line as he carried her shoes.:: Shryker: Thanx. :: He looked upon her as the moonlight shined in her hair, the gentle breeze blowing through it was they walked along the edge of the shoreline. The tide was coming in towards them, Alexander stopped and took off his boots and rolled up his uniform pants legs, took her hand in his again and walked farther along the beach in the moonlight. He stopped and turned towards her and looked into her eyes.:: Matthews: ::Touching her face gently.:: Jade, I don’t normally do this, but I feel that it’s right and I have to be honest. ::Jade’s heart fluttered. She looked up into his eyes.:: Shryker: Yes Alex? Matthews: ::Looking away for a second, then looking back into her eyes.:: When I was in the marines... there was a battle in a small system on the planet of Camis IV. I was in command of a recon unit that was to defend a Federation outpost. ::Closing his eyes and opening them again.:: We were told that the forces were of low strength and it was just a minor skirmish. When we got there most of the buildings were destroyed, most of the personnel was dead or dying. We fought our way to a hill outside of the town, and found that there were reinforcements advancing, Nausicaan raiders. ::Breathing heavily.:: During the attack my men were killed, I was hit by a phaser, and cut on my arm by a knife. I had no choice but to call in an air strike on my own position, a Broken Arrow. I was the only one that survived. ::Jade felt his pain.:: Shryker: Oh Alex, that must have been so bad. But__ I am glad you did survive. ::She smiled.:: Matthews: I was in the hospital for sometime, I have survivor's guilt. A form of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. ::Touching her face again with gentleness.:: Shryker: You must never feel guilty about that. Life must be cherished. Don’t ever forget that. ::Jade moved her head towards him.:: ::Alexander held her close and took her into his arms. He held her gently as he moved closer to her lips and kissed her softly. The smell of her perfume became stronger and even more intoxicating. The touch of her soft lips felt like satin as he continued to kiss her with a building passion. He had never given himself like this to anyone, but it felt more than right to open himself to her. He stroked her hair with gentleness as he felt himself open his passion to her deeply.:: Shryker: Alex__ ::Jade ran her fingers across his back, and pulled him closer into her. She breathed in his scent and held him tight, never breaking their kiss.:: ::Alexander felt his heart beat faster as he kissed her, he felt her pull him closer to her. It was just a holodeck program, but it was so real that he could only be enveloped in the moment. He knew that he had to be with her again.:: ::Jade knew this was in fact just a holodeck sprite, but it felt so real. She wanted it to be real. To be with this man who she had just met, but felt she had known all her life. She pulled her head back briefly, just to look into his eyes again.:: Matthews: Jade... ::Looking at her with the eyes of passion.:: May I see you again ? Shryker: Soon__ tbc Lt Jade Shryker Security - Drake & Lt. Cmdr. Alexander James Matthews Chief Of Operations USS Mercury NCC-99812 -
academy 1 Graduating Class of 238906.10
Sedrin Belasi replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome to the Fleet! -
academy 4 Graduating Class of 238906.04
Sedrin Belasi replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in Graduation Hall
Greetings, salutations and a-hoy-hoy! Welcome to the SB118 Fleet! Hallo -
THE GATHERING STORM ((A Lonely Clifftop; the Shores of Venoba)) ::Lightning illuminated the lonely scene as the wind tore at his hair and the thunder boomed all around – deafening and continuous. However, Graven barely moved, just watching the waves rolling over the rocky foreshore, all the while holding his limp bundle tightly in his arms. Nothing could stir him from his current focus. The storm lashed the cliffs and blew cold spray into his face. Still he remained fixed and immobile – like a monolith against the tempest.:: Graven: Tick, tock, tick, tock. ((Flashback – three days previous - Control Deck: Transporter Lincoln)) ::Graven sat at the controls of the Lincoln. He gazed out of the screen, watching the stars flash past. It had been a year since he’d fled his home to get away from his Father’s wrath. Wannabe tyrants did not take kindly to having their coup de’tait plans betrayed to the authorities, especially by their own flesh and blood. A life amongst the stars, plying the trade routes between the farther reaches of the quadrant was therefore preferable for the teenager than staying back on Byzatium.:: Sala: How’s it going?” ::The slim young woman spoke softly as she entered the pilot’s booth.:: Graven: Same as ever, unremarkable. ::He looked up over his shoulder, and smiled as Sala leaned over the back of the chair, draping her arms around his shoulders. This dark corner of the galaxy would make a great hide-away for them to get some time alone together. Alone with nothing but the shadows. Away from the chasing nemesis at their heels:: ((Present day – Shores of Venoba)) ::The dull thudding of the mighty sea slamming into the base of the cliffs brought Graven’s mind back to the present. It added a rhythmic background bass to the thoughts swirling though the young man’s mind.:: Graven: Nearly time, nearly there my dear. ::The melancholy grey sky appeared almost to be pressing down on the land, smothering it in a malignant gloom.:: Graven: Four, three, two, one... ((Flashback –Transporter Lincoln)) Sala: I can’t wait until we have delivered our cargo, then we are alone tomorrow. Graven: ::still hugging Sala’s arm tightly and smiling:: I've missed you. Why do we have to wait until tomorrow? Sala: Aww, me too. You wander through my mind every minute of every day. ::She kissed the back of his head. It sent a wonderful shiver through Graven’s body.:: Graven:: oO I’m a good boy and I’m ok. I’m a good boy and I won’t stray. I’m a good boy and let me go down in the mud, where the river’s all run dry...Oo ::There was a momentary pause.:: Sala: I love yo…. ::She cut off mid-word, as a blue haze developed on the screen. Graven’s head snapped forward as he peered into the darkness outside the ship.:: Graven: Sorry, duty calls. Sala: What’s that? Graven: I don’t know, but it doesn’t look like a natural spatial storm. It looks… artificial. It’s approaching us rapidly from the starboard side. Sala: Quick, let’s turn away. We don’t need any trouble. Graven: And pass up this opportunity for adventure? Sala: I’ve had quite enough adventure already Mister. ::she growled playfully.:: Graven: Too late. ::Graven steered the small ship on an intercept course towards the anomaly. However, the closer they got, the more Graven’s concerns began to overtake his curiousity. Inside the storm could be seen the outline of a craft.:: Graven: I know that craft… ::Almost immediately, the controls of the Lincoln began to shake in Graven’s hands, and the whole craft was buffeted and rocked by the enveloping maelstrom. He tried to reverse course.:: Graven: Hold on! ::Clunk!:: Sala: That wasn’t a normal sound… Graven: BOARDED! Look. ::The young man waved at the console. It was true! They had been caught!:: Sala: By who? By what? Graven: ::whispering:: Oh no… Sala: Is it bad? ::Graven pointed to the display, the marking on the ship within the anomaly were unmistakeable. The Crest of the Solar Gorgon – his Father’s ship.:: Graven: What have I done? ((Several hours later - Solar Gorgon Prison Cell)) ::Graven awoke groggily and peered through a window in his cell door where he could see Sala tied to chair, being interrogated by a giant man in black armour. Graven knew who it was, his father’s closest lieutenant – a renegade Pythron called LeNoir. The only other things in the room were a workbench and a brazier.:: Graven: LET HER GO! ::His words echoed within the tiny cell, but not beyond. Nevertheless, Sala looked up through her blood-soaked hair partially covering her face. Sala: Get away from me! PLEASE, don’t hurt me! I don’t know anything! ::The giant jailer picked up a power drill from the bench, activated it and approached Sala – plunging it into her shoulder..:: Graven: NO! Sala: ::Cough:: T...there's n-nothing... I can ::cough:: t...tell y-you. LeNoir: Shame! I need your pretty little mouth to sing for me. ::LeNoir lunged forward and grabbed the struggling woman by the throat, and lifted her bodily out of the chair and snapping the restraints as he went. Using only one arm, he slammed her against the wall. Graven kicked and barged against the cell door, but it was solid iron and didn’t even flex.:: Sala: Argh! ::choke:: LeNoir: I’m sorry dear, but I must have my answers! ::The woman trembled and whimpered, tears running down her face.:: Sala: ...... what?........ ::Whilst still holding her aloft, LeNoir crawled his hand up her throat and under her jaw. He raised his index finger over her lips, then pushed it between her lips, parting her chattering teeth. He curled it over her bottom set of teeth, and slowly, painfully pulled her mouth to open wider.:: LeNoir: That’s better, nice and wide for me. Let me hear you SING! ::Keeping Sala pressed against the wall, LeNoir stooped down to one side and with his armoured glove picked up a glowing coal from pile in the brazier. He then brought it closer and closer to Sala’s open mouth.:: LeNoir: Last chance… Sala: Nnnn!!! Graven: oO.... no please....Oo ::She kicked and struggled desperately, but she was dwarfed and completely overpowered by this seven foot demon. Her feet made no impact when kicking his body armour, nor did her flailing arms make him loosen his grip as they scrabbled on his leather cloak. LeNoir just grinned at her. He brought the glowing rock to within inches of her face, then paused. He turned back and looked at the fireplace. Sala’s terrified eyes looked down too. LeNoir then glared back at her, his maniacal expression illuminated by the flickering light, and then he licked his lips.:: LeNoir: Plenty more there, I hope you’re hungry...... ((Present day – Shores of Venoba)) ::Graven counted the seconds from the next lightning flash, then slowly he moved forward towards the edge, never once looking down at the ground or what he carried. He thought back to the time serving under his Father. The age of Terror. The Circus of death. The final punishment was being allowed to live. Allowed to survive when Sala had not. He could still hear the laughter of his Father and his henchman ringing in his ears, louder even than the thunder..:: Graven ::whispering:: Adieu ma Cherie. ::Towards the precipice now, the storm and the sea beckoning him and his cold passenger into their embrace.:: Graven: Tirez les rideau.. ::Over the edge they plunged, tumbling towards the cold dark release. The words of his mentor ringing in his ears as the end approached.:: The circus tent empty, mournful, abandoned. The trumpets dead and silent. The vacant audience seats. The laughter recedes into darkness. No more applause. But still the clown grins after the curtain falls. He doesn’t mind the passing of the life, For he lives for the circus of death! ::Graven held the lifeless remains close to him, as the abyss took them. His Father, vengeful and cruel, would not be able to deny them this last dance together. Together, in deathly embrace they spun. But it was fleeting, torn apart again. Today it seemed was not a good day to die. Washed ashore, near death – Graven’s fight would continue – to be guided by vengeance and by the destiny of others.:: _____________________________________________________ Lieutenant Eyas Wulfantine Chief Tactical Officer: USS Mercury
An excellent story. I love the way it uses the concept of the mast both literally (as an object / artifact) but also as a metaphor for the way species can 'masks' their true intentions and/or emotions. It seems I might be referring to the Vulcans, but I also gleen a hint that Cade is also masking his true intentions. The imagery in this story conveys very well, and I also like the reactions of the characters to each other. It feels very natural, and I can easily picture the scene - as if it was live action on screen in front. A great entry!!!!
((USS Tiger-A - Bridge)) ::As Tracey sat at her post at Ops, with the red alert lights flashing all around her, creating an eerie glow upon the armor she still wore, she thought of the situation and realized the necessity of some of the tests she was placed under in this universe's rendition of the Academy. Being holed up at StarFleet medical for almost a year, undergoing psychological analysis by Doctor Samuel Huff, Tracey spent most of her free time studying manuals and performing tests. Some were to assess her skills as a StarFleet officer, and some were to assess if she could actually be able to return to service. Either way, Tracey was happy at the time, for it allowed her to take her mind off of the situation she found herself in.:: ::Tracey recalled that day, as she shuffled down the corridors of the psychological ward of StarFleet medical, holding her patients robe closed and her slippers glided along the floor. She recalled almost crashing into the StarFleet officer standing at the nurses station, where Tracey was heading to receive her dose of medication. Tracey looked up with a surprised, but sad face, at the man standing in front of her. He smiled awkwardly. Tracey didn't smile back.:: ((Time Warp - Two and a half years ago - Starfleet Medical - Psychological Ward)) Townson: You are...? Officer: Lieutenant Dolovitch, Ms. Townson. We met... Townson: ::waving him off:: Yes, yes. Yesterday at lunch. ::to a nurse on the other side of the nurses station:: Nurse! Its time! ::pointing to an overhead chronometer then looking back up towards the Lieutenant:: What's on your mind, soldier? Dolovitch: Well, Ms. Townson, ::lifting his PADD slightly:: according to the information that I have here, you are performing well on your Starfleet tests. ::The nurse approached the counter and placed medication on a small napkin with a small white paper cup filled with water. Tracey's attention turned from the officer in front of her, towards that of her medication. She looked at the pills and nodded a curt thank you towards the nurse and then palmed her pills before popping them in her mouth, and washed them down with the water. She then looked up at the Lieutenant before fully swallowing.:: Townson: ::gulp:: And that surprises you, soldier? I've been a member of Starfleet for many years before coming to this universe. Dolovitch: We know that, Ms. Townson. Its your level of knowledge that surprises us. Townson: Does it now. ::Tracey didn't know if what he was referring to was the fact her level of skill was surprisingly poor or good. In fact, she didn't quite care. She felt relaxed and wondered if the medication was assisting with her state.:: Dolovitch: We would like you to take a special test. Townson: Special? ::looking up at the Lieutenant with a sly smile:: Special in what way? Dolovitch: ::returning the smile:: Its a...oh you'll see. ::Tracey didn't speak for a moment as she looked for clues as to what this test could be about, in the Lieutenant's facial gestures. Not being anything close to an empath nor very good at reading facial features, it was not surprising Tracey failed miserably to try to get more information from the man in this way. However, she herself was intrigued.:: Townson: You're on, soldier. I'll take the test. As you can see, my schedule is pretty much clear. Dolovitch: Very good, Ms. Townson. I have scheduled you for the test tomorrow afternoon. Townson: I'll need a pass to get out of here. Dolovitch: Well ahead of you. Consider it done. I have already spoken with Doctor Huff. Townson: Then I'll see you tomorrow, then? Dolovitch: ::nodding:: Tomorrow it is, Ms. Townson. ::And with that, the Lieutenant tapped a few keys on his PADD and turned to leave, leaving Tracey standing alone at the nurses station. Just then, the clouds outside the complex, moved off and a ray of sunshine beamed in through the window of the complex, and Tracey found herself gazing at a floating piece of dust in the sunbeam. Once it disappeared past the beam, and into the rest of the sterile hallway of the hospital, Tracey brought her thoughts back to the present. Looking at her outfit she was wearing, she knew she could not stay here forever. It would not only lead to her own depression, but to an early death as well. This was not who she was. She was an Officer of Starfleet, not an inpatient at a mental institution and she knew she had to pass that test.:: ::Lifting her head, Tracey spun in her slippered feet and headed back to her room. There she sat and studied and read everything she thought might be on that test the next day, for she did care. For her own life, she had to go back to the only occupation she has known since she was drafted at 15, for there was no other reason to continue should she not, for she knew she had no other skills to offer.:: ::The next day began like every other in this strange, peaceful, universe. She showered and ate breakfast with the other patients, assisting the nurses and doctors when needed and then retreating either for therapy or back to her room. This morning was different, as after breakfast she was guided by a nurse to a room which housed uniforms. Cadet uniforms. Tracey tried them on until she found the correct fit, as the nurse looked on. It was for protection, she was told. All patients on this ward were never left unattended. And even though Tracey felt uneasy about it, she understood the reasoning.:: Townson: ::posing in her uniform:: How do I look? Nurse: ::smiling:: Very professional, Ms. Townson. Townson: ::smiling back:: Now I'm Cadet Townson. ::The two left the room together and Tracey picked up her pass from the nurses station as Lieutenant Dolovitch rounded a corner. He joined Tracey and the nurse at the nurses station. Tracey looked up at the man.:: Dolovitch: You appear to be ready, Cadet. Townson: ::moving to an attention stance:: Yes, sir! I am, sir! Dolovitch: ::nodding to the nurse then speaking to Tracey:: Very good. Follow me, Cadet. ::Starfleet Headquarters was not a small complex. Moving from the medical complex, which consisted mostly of research facilities due to the fact that most of those within were healthy individuals in this universe, to that of the training center, was not a quick process. Tracey was given the choice of walking or using transport. Tracey chose the former. She wanted to see the complex, not as military barracks and a place of death and sadness and despair, but one of happiness and joy and choice. It was odd to see this place not covered with security, and checkpoints at every corner. It was odd to see the lack of crying parents grieving for their children drafted into a war without knowing whether they would ever see them alive again. It was odd to not see the stream of dead and dying soldiers being taken to Stafleet medical for autopsies and emergency surgeries. The lack of the constant blood tests to make certain one is not a Changeling.:: ::Tracey took in the sunshine of the west coast spring afternoon with awe in her yellow eyes as she looked around at the apparent freedom and peace around her. But although her heart was filled with joy, she did not believe she deserved it. She was a child of a different universe. A place of war and disease and desparation wherever she went, and if asked, she could list off many others other than herself, who deserved to come to this place of peace ahead of her. Why was she chosen? Why was it she who came to this place? She was just a soldier. She didn't deserve it.:: ::Walking through the front doors of the testing facility, Tracey noticed all the Cadets moving everywhere. They looked young, for the most part, but not like children. Tracey was older than most, but there were others who were older as well, so Tracey didn't feel too out of place. This was not the first time Tracey had entered this complex. She had taken a few tests here already as well as some in her room at the medical complex. But this was her first time here dressed as a Cadet, and she felt almost oddly comfortable. Almost like she was halfway home, even though the design of the uniform was very different.:: ::Tracey and Lieutenant Dolovitch walked into a room and a Lieutenant Commander was standing there. The Lieutenant told Tracey to wait, and he went to speak to his suprior officer. Within moments, the grey haired Lieutenant Commander approached Tracey and extended his arm. Tracey took it and shook it quickly before letting go and coming to attention.:: Townson: Cadet Tracey Townson reporting for testing, Commander. Lt. Cmdr: As ease, Cadet. My name is Lieutenant Commander Richard Gard. I will be assessing your skills on this test. Are you ready, Cadet? Townson: Yes, sir, Commander! I am ready! Gard: Very good, Cadet. Lieutenant Dolovitch will bring you to a room with a mock bridge. Inside you will have all the tools at your discretion to perform your assigned task. You will also be given a crew made up of other Cadets. You are to perform a simple rescue operation. Do you have any questions, Cadet? Townson: ::looking straight ahead:: No, sir, Commander! Rescue operations are not something I am not familiar with! Gard: I'm glad to hear, Cadet. With your backgound, this should be straightforward. ::turning and giving a knowing smile to Lieutenant Dolovitch:: Lieutenant...lead the Cadet to the testing area. Dismissed. ::And with that, Tracey and Lieutenant Dolovitch left the room and moved towards another area of the testing area. Tracey and the Lieutenant entered what appeared to be a bridge of an older starship design. Looking around, Tracey noticed the other Cadets already at their assigned posts. As soon as one of them noticed Lieutenant Dolovitch, they all turned to look his way.:: Dolovitch: Cadets, this is Cadet Tracey Townson. Townson: Hi. ::The Cadets just looked at Tracey without responding. The Lieutenant continued.:: Dolovitch: Cadet Townson will be taking this test to test her reaction to particular stimuli. Some of you may be familiar with it. Its called the Kobyashi Maru test. ::There was a slight gasp from some of the Cadets on the bridge.:: Dolovitch: ::turning to Townson:: As the Commander stated, it is a rescue operation. When you are ready, we will begin the simulation. Townson: ::nodding:: Understood, Lieutenant. ::Tracey was anxious but confident in her abilities. She recalled having to perform recue operations in her universe of origin on many different occasions, and she figured that this would be no different. Tracey surmised that speed would be necessary and that she would have to pinpoint her target, move in and conduct the rescue. It should be straightforward.:: ::As she moved to the center seat, she overheard a couple of Cadets whispering to each other.:: Cadet 1: Thats the one from Starfleet Medical. Cadet 2: You mean the crazy one? ::Tracey quickly glanced their way and realized at that moment that the stigma of mental illness was still something those in this universe had to deal with. She gave them a stern look then returned her attention to the matter at hand. But in the back of her mind, the "crazy one" statement still lingered. She knew she was different. It was time to show that she was not "crazy" too. She knew she had to pass this test.:: ::Once Tracey was settled in, she took a deep breath, then let it out slowly.:: Townson: Begin simulation. ::The bridge came to life and the viewscreen showed a starfield.:: Townson: Report! Cadet: All systems functioning...sir we're being hailed. Audio only. Townson: On speakers. Speakers: =/\= To any Federation vessel. This is Kobyashi Maru. We are losing power...=/\= ::Tracey looked at the Cadet questioningly. The Cadet shook his head. Another Cadet spoke up.:: Cadet 2: Kobyashi Maru is a Federation freighter operating at the edge of the Klingon neutral zone. Townson: Operations. Try to reestablish communications. Tactical, get a fix on their location. Helm, lay in a course for the neutral zone, warp 5. Engage! ::The mock ship jumped to warp and within moments, the mock ship found the location of the distressed vessel. Thus far, Tracey found herself to be quite proud of herself. Things were moving quite smoothly.:: Cadet: Kobyashi Maru on screen, Captain. It appears to be just on the opposite side of the neutral zone. Vessel is without power and drifting. Sensors picking up numerous injured. Townson: Anything else. Cadet: Negative, sir. Townson: Very well. Move us in closer. To transporter distance. Computer: Warning. Crossing neutral zone is a violation... Townson: Shut that off! Cadet: Yes, sir. ::Tracey spun in her seat and looked at the Cadet at the rear of the bridge.:: Townson: Inform sickbay to prepare to receive... ::Suddenly the ship rocked from the telltale power of that emanating from disruptor fire. With the shields down for transport, the damage was extensive. Tracey, as well as others, were thrown to the ground. Tracey looked up at the screen in shock to see three Klingon war ships at close range.:: Townson: How!? How did they...!? SHIELDS! SHIELDS! Cadet: Shields unresponsive, Captain! Townson: NO! NO!... ::Another volley of torpedos and disruptors was all it took for the simulation to come to an end. Sitting on the floor in the middle of the smoke-filled bridge, Tracey heard the doors open behind her. As the other Cadets were dismissed, Tracey stood and looked at the silhouette of Lieutenant Commander Gard and stood at attention in her now dirty uniform.:: Townson: I...I realize I failed, Commander. I would like to retake the test. Gard: ::shaking his head:: Your performance here will be placed on your permanent record, Cadet. Townson: But, sir...I... Gard: You will be assessed upon your performance here, today, Cadet Townson. Lieutenant Dolovitch will escort you back to the Medical complex where you will await final evaluation. Understood? Townson: Yes, sir. ::Tracey and Lietenant Dolovitch left the training center and returned to the Medical complex without exchanging words. She knew she failed miserably. She should never have crossed the neutral zone. But how could she rescue survivors otherwise? She sighed trying to hold back her tears. She knew now that there was no way she would ever be able to return to service and found that test unfair. It wasn't as if she had not undergone unfair tests in her universe of origin, it was just that she had yet to encounter one in this universe, and therefore figured her failure would lead to not being able to return to Starfleet. The only thing she knew how to do was Starfleet, and she couldn't bear trying to think of what else she could do here in this strange, peaceful, and lonely universe.:: ::Once again, at the nurses station, Tracey turned in her pass and thanked Lieutenant Dolovitch. Once the man left, Tracey went to her room, and changed back into her hospital clothes. She then sat on her bed, pulled her knees up to her chest and rocked herself back and forth trying to comfort herself from the memories of this day. As tears streamed down her face she watched the Starfleet Officers outside her window hoping that she didn't ruin her chances at her too becoming one of them some day..:: -FIN- Lt. Commander Tracey Townson Chief of Operations USS Tiger-A
Graduating Class of 238812.20
Sedrin Belasi replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in Graduation Hall
Congratulations! Welcome to the Fleet!!!! -
Graduating Class of 238812.11
Sedrin Belasi replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in Graduation Hall
I think poor Hawker must have failed for dropping his phaser whilst twirling it. Heavy... -
Graduating Class of 238812.11
Sedrin Belasi replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome to the Fleet! -
Round 1 Lt Jg Zinna & Ens. Alexander Richards - Dealing with the
Sedrin Belasi posted a topic in 2012
JP: Lt Jg Zinna & Ens. Alexander Richards - Dealing with the nightmare part 1 [[DS17 promenade, 24 hours after the briefing]] :: Time with his family should have been a joyous occasion. However for the tall, blond ensign events of the previous mission continued to weigh heavily on his mind. He found himself getting distant from the important things in life. A fact that hadn't gone unnoticed. The worst thing for Alexander was that due to the nature of the previous mission he was unable to discuss anything that happened with his wife. The recurring nightmare after the link had been broken was horrific. He couldn't get those falsified images of London out of his head. He needed to talk to somebody, anybody. It was then that it dawned upon him. The Tiger had one of the best young chief counsellors in the fleet. Alex knew that he hadn't exactly been kind to her way back in the mission briefing but, he knew she was [...] good at her job. Even the captain recognized her abilities. His decision was made. He would speak to Counsellor Zinna, the El Aurian. This went against his inherent fear of telepaths but, if anyone could help him, she could. :: Richards: =^=Computer, locate Lt Jg Zinna. =^= Computer: =^=Lt Jg Zinna is located in her office on board the USS Tiger, docking...=^= Richards: =^=Thank you computer.=^= :: Richards liked the efficiency of the Star Fleet computer systems but, their penchant for specifics could be rather grating at times. He quickly gathered his thoughts and set about heading to the Tiger for the first time since it arrived. With at least some more free time before their next mission. Richards hadn't even thought of transferring his personal effects over to his new quarters. :: [[uSS Tiger A, Chief Counsellor Lt Jg Zinna's office, 5 minutes later]] :: Alexander came before the door to the counsellor’s office and stopped short of ringing the chime. He was almost having second thoughts about this but; his will to get over his problems outweighed his fears of counsellors and telepaths. He pressed the chime after a short pause. :: Zinna: Come in. :: Alexander straightened himself up and entered the office. :: :: All around the room Zinna had put many plants so the office had smelled exotic, but also an herb like smell to calm the mind. :: Richards: Good day sir. I'm sorry if I've caught you at a bad time, and come to you whilst we are on leave but I have some pressing matters which require your attention. First and foremost. I need a complete psychological re-evaluation following the last mission to assess whether I am fit for duty. Secondly, I am having some major problems that I believe only someone with your 'qualifications' can help with. :: He paused and realized he was being very abrupt again.:: I am so sorry counsellor. I seem to have checked my manners at the door. I haven't even asked if you are free at the moment and available for a session. Zinna: No no. I've cleared my schedule, because I knew this would be the time people would need me most. Richards: :: Taking a seat. :: Thank you counsellor. I would like to start before we begin with proceedings with an apology for the way I acted towards you during the last mission. My behaviour towards you in the staff briefing was unacceptable and, the way I brushed you off and ignored your sound advice during the hostage situation was at best foolhardy, at the very worst, could have resulted in the loss of that child's life. :: He looked down, ashamed of the person he had grown in to over his life. :: :: An apology made her feel immature. It occurred to Zinna that Ensign Richards being the adult here. :: Zinna: Apology accepted Alexander. Richards: Thank you counsellor. :: It relieved him immediately that his apology had been accepted. It was almost like a huge weight had been lifted off his chest. :: Zinna: And I apologize for my yelling during the briefing. Richards: Although I feel there was no need for you to apologize to me counsellor, I graciously accept your apology. :: He smiled.:: Zinna: Thank you...so let's begin with the re-evaluation. Alexander, how do *you* think the mission went? And remember, you don't have to hold back. If there's something on your chest, or even angry with someone, even me, I'd like to know it all. Just tell me how you think our last mission went. Richards: In all honesty sir, from what I can remember, the whole thing was a disaster. From the moment the ship was boarded by the Scarlet Brotherhood right through until the destruction of the Independence. It almost felt like a farce to me. Yet I still cannot help but think that my weak mind was over all a part of the problem and not the solution. To allow myself to become part of the problem was an absolute failure of my duties on my part. And it is something I feel I will always regret. Everyone else around me was so strong, and there I was, either injured, absent without leave or causing problems. I even failed in the basic task of working with you on the Bajoran culture and Language. In essence, I have no gripes with a crew who performed admirably during a desperate situation but, with my performance on the mission. In my heart and mind I feel that I failed in the basic sense to uphold the values of Star Fleet. :: Zinna nodded. :: Zinna: I see. And how do you think you can make up for those errors? Richards: ::He paused before answering, under any other circumstances he would be angry at the abruptness of such a question. But he understood why Zinna had to ask such a difficult question. :: I don't honestly know sir. I have a permanent demerit on my record for my actions in sickbay that almost cost the lives of two fellow officers. I submitted myself for court martial in a meeting with the captain soon after we got back to DS17, but it was rejected. The same goes for my resignation request. I have no idea how I can make up for my actions, even those carried out whilst I was being controlled. I feel that even if I do my best to uphold the values of Star Fleet and perform my duties to the best of my abilities that.. :: He paused, very nearly crying. :: That I will permanently be remembered for failing in my duties and ultimately being responsible for the loss of the ship. ::Zinna nodded and stood. She came around and patted the CCO on his back:: Zinna: Alexander... ::She had sensed he'd become angered by her last question.:: Zinna: Alexander, from what I've seen you're a wonderful officer. But if you don't mind me asking, where did you go when you left? Richards: In to the crawl spaces sans my comm-badge. I ran away from the problem, fearing I would be accused of dereliction of duty and of being a traitor. What I remember of my three days in there isn’t nice. Messing around with the ships systems, creating a back door through which the Brotherhood could do as they wished. Having far too much time to think about myself as a person, my actions, wanting to stop but not being able to. Unable or unwilling to fight the problems within my own mind. That feeling of being an abject failure of an officer. I also had time to think about my actions in sickbay. I still don't even know if it was I who suggested taking the hostage taker to a console or whatever was controlling me. I feel, lost! :: His heart sank. He almost didn't know who he was anymore. :: Zinna: Controlled? What do you mean? Richards: :: Understanding the reasoning behind the questioning. :: Not in control of my actions Counsellor. Trapped in my own mind as if I were a prisoner. Able to see everything I was doing, but unable to stop myself. :: He paused. :: The worst of it is, I felt compelled to tell someone, anyone about what I had done but, a presence within my mind prevented me from doing so. It was horrific. :: He paused again, very solemn and with a few more tears. :: It's hard to explain. Something external to me was in control of me, guiding me, repressing the real me. Now that thing is gone I am just left with guilt and sadness. I joined Star Fleet to serve and uphold the values of the Federation. I had dreams and aspirations. Now they are all gone. Or at least, I feel they are. :: A blank expression came across the ensign’s face. :: Zinna: Do you think someone was doing this telepathically? ::She felt the nerve to ask, remembering her psychic attack in Security. :: Richards: :: Pondering on the question for a second. :: It is a distinct possibility. I do not know enough about these things to know for sure. All I know is, that if it were, it only ads to my prejudice against telepaths. No offense meant by that counsellor. But I have an inherent distrust of beings with telepathic abilities. This includes Vulcans to a lesser extent. I even harbour some fear over those who use their abilities wisely, only reading minds when invited. :: He paused. He knew this might cause Zinna some discomfort. :: I mean no offense to you counsellor as I am assured by the captain’s faith in you. I do however still bare a certain, maybe even misplaced fear in you. The reason I came to you instead of one of the counsellors on the station is that. :: He swallowed hard. :: I need your services counsellor. I cannot be sure if it were a telepathic connection. But, your races ability to read minds, maybe.. :: He paused. :: I can't believe I'm asking this. Maybe you could find out whether it was or, whether I am certifiable. I need to know that it wasn't me performing those actions for my own peace of mind. :: He sunk in his chair. :: :: Zinna sat back in her seat and smelled the plants. :: Zinna: You want me to read your mind? Richards: Yes counsellor. It's the only way I'll ever know the truth. I've explained why I don't like telepaths, but even my hatred at the very idea of having another read my thoughts is suppressed by my desire to know the truth. My desire to have answers. :: Richards face was blank. :: I'm at my wits end counsellor! :: Zinna breathed deeply. The plants calmed her. She usually didn't have a problem reading people's minds, but with someone who didn't trust telepaths she felt a bit nervous. :: :: Richards felt ill at ease. It almost made him feel queasy. Like he was allowing himself to be violated. He wiped that thought from his mind. oO It's never a violation when you allow them in. Relax, just relax. You need to do this. You need to know the truth! Oo He calmed himself very quickly again, allowing his mind to almost sleep as he felt the counsellors presence. :: Zinna: I'm sensing something now... :: Richards face went blank, almost trance like. Those images, the corridor, the child, his fellow crew mates in sick bay, the EMH. Then darkness, a figure, London.. Burning.. Hid family! The nightmare! :; Richards: Arch! Zinna: Alexander? ::Zinna sat back down in her seat looking a little sick. :: :: Richards eyes opened. He was white as a sheet. Looking at the counsellor, she looked a little shaken. :: Richards: Are you ok counsellor? Zinna: I'm fine...it's what I saw... Richards: You saw it as well. That figure.. Is that a darker side of me. Am I really responsible. Did I really do that of my own volition? Zinna: No, you didn't. You were telepathically being controlled. Richards: Locked in my mind. That darkness. Counsellor, if I was being telepathically controlled, why can't I forgive myself. What was that creature, why did it show me those images. :: Richards collapsed, he was feeling drained emotionally and physically. :: :: Zinna quickly hurried from her chair and helped the CCO off the floor. :: Zinna: oO That figure...is the one I saw...in Security. Oo :: Zinna helped Richards into his chair and replicated some water for him. :: Zinna: Alexander, that figure...has tortured me once...telepathically. Richards: The one that we just saw in my mind. :: He paused, taking another gulp of water.:: Thank you for the water counsellor. So you mean I wasn't the only one given a nightmare by this figure. It was horrible! Are you ok counsellor? We can call an end and reschedule if you don't feel capable right now of continuing. As much as I want to know the truth and be done with these inner demons taunting me. I do not wish to risk the health of another officer to get those answers sir. :: He looked her. He still held his fear of telepaths, his under lying hatred but, Zinna was going a long way to lift those fears. He didn't think he could ever be friends with her. However, he did feel that maybe, just maybe he could come to trust the counsellor.:: :: Zinna shook her head. :: Zinna: No, no, I can handle the strain. But why do you think this happened? And why us? Richards: :: A little apprehensive of continuing having noted the way the counsellor expressed herself. :: If I knew the answer to those questions counsellor, I think I'd be sat where you are and you would be sat where I am. :: He took another drink. :: I could theorize on my side that perhaps whoever invaded our minds saw that I have had no training in resisting telepathic attacks. Even a level 1 empath/telepath could read me like a book. I almost think whoever or whatever it was chose me because I was an easy target. From what I can gather of your personality, there is no way that is the case with you. :: Richards finished the glass of water. :: What I can say is, knowing that you saw the same creature I did, perhaps after this session is over, I won’t be the only one needing to talk to someone. :: He looked the superior officer in the eye, almost with a hint of worry about the counsellor’s mental state. :: Zinna: oO Oh so I'm not allowed to ask questions? Oo ::Zinna rolled her eyes showing she didn't need to talk to anyone else. :: Zinna: This is your session not mines, Ensign. Has the nightmare happened more than once? :: Richards noted that Zinna, like all counsellors he had encountered focused on their patients and deflected any questions about themselves. Typical but understandable. He couldn't hold that against the counsellor, it was after all her job. :: Richards: It has counsellor. Only once whilst we were out on the Indy. I only remembered it as we flew away from the other universe. Ever since I've been having the same dream every night. It won’t go away. It is leaving me restless and driving a wedge between myself and my wife. I can't talk to her about it and it is driving her and me insane. I want it to stop. I need it to stop. It puts an unnatural fear in to me. I don't like the emotions it stirs up in me either. :: He stopped after realizing he was ranting like a lunatic. :: Zinna: Why don't you want to discuss it with your wife? :: A quick flash of anger crossed Alexander and then left. :: Richards: What I saw. The horror of it. How it keeps haunting me. I can't because it's so stupid knowing she is lying there next to me in bed with John in his crib in the other room. I can't because I don't want to upset her. She knows something is wrong and that is enough. It is enough that I have to deal with this nightmare let alone push it on to her. But she won’t let it drop, won’t let it just rest with me. I get up, get dressed and just walk around the station. I don't go to the bars, I just find myself staring blankly out the porthole in to space. The horror of what I was shown and how it haunts me is not hers to feel with me. I can't, I won’t let her live with that nightmare. :: Richards had tears streaming down his face. :: I'm sorry counsellor. The thoughts that are in there. They hurt so much. I've talked enough for one session. I'm done here for now and I've only scratched at the surface of what is going on. :: He slumped in the chair and for the first time in months, wept uncontrollably. :: Zinna: oO I failed to help him get better...but maybe it's good to cry. oO :: Zinna patted the CCO's back hoping she wasn't invading his space. :: Zinna: Alexander, we can end this if you're feeling uncomfortable. oO I know I am. Oo Richards: ::Still weeping.:: It's. ::break:: It's not a question of. ::break:: Of comfort.. :: He paused and wept more. :: It's the feeling. ::break:: The feeling of every. ::break:: everything slipping away. :: Another long pause with weeping ensued. :: My. ::break:: My marriage. My. :;Break:: My career. :: He paused and looked at the counsellor, only now realizing the physical actions she was taking to try to comfort the grown man. :: You. ::break:: You can't clear. ::break:: Clear me for active. ::break:: Active duty in this state. ::Another long pause with crying continued.:: I need. ::break: I need to get this sorted and soon but. ::break:: But it was naive. ::break:: Naive of me to think. ::break:: Think that it could be done in one. ::break:: One session. ::He paused and continued to weep.:: Maybe. ::break:: Maybe it is for. ::break:: For the best to end the. ::break:: The session now. ::Richards looked inconsolable and his face was a mess. Tears continued to stream down his face. It was as if everything had caught up with him at once and he was having a breakdown.:: Zinna: Alexander, It's okay. I'd like you to come back to me for another session if that's okay. If you don't think you’re fit for duty, than I would advise you to take an easy leave and relax. :: Richards took a moment to try to regain some composure. The weeping subsided leaving just the marks of tear trails on his face. He was at a low point in his life. All that had happened was now bearing heavy on his soul. Although the session had done nothing to slay his fears of telepaths, or his hatred, he had come to terms with the counsellor. He didn't know whether or not they would ever be friends but he certainly felt like he could be open with her. In this room he had shown more emotion than over the past 5 years and, in essence, to someone that was still a total stranger. Moreover, he felt he could trust her. He knew that Zinna was dedicated to her job. He also knew that the information shared in this room would be between the two of them, his classified medical file and the captain. :: Richards: I'm more than willing to schedule another session with you counsellor. We've only scratched the surface here today and it's drained me emotionally. I need to get to the bottom of this. I need to deal with it. :: He looked at her again. :: As it stands with me being emotionally frail at the moment I think I'll move in to my quarters on the Tiger. It will give Marissa a break from my night terrors and, I know my roommate isn't due to move in for several days. I mean I can always see my family by day until this is solved. Zinna: Thank you...Alexander, if you ever need a place to sleep without the worry of worrying someone else. You’re more than welcomed to sleep on the psyche couch while I'm in here doing reports. :: She knew this was a strange offer, but she only wanted to help, even if he didn't want to be her friend. :: :: Richards held back a shudder at the offer. In his mind he knew he could trust Zinna but his overriding sense of feeling about telepaths kicked in. :: Richards: Thanks for the offer counsellor but, no thank you. When would you like me to reschedule for? :: His composure was almost fully regained. All he needed to do was wash his face and he'd look good as new. At least externally he would anyway. :: Zinna: oO Good... Oo I'd like to either see you at the end of the week or the beginning of the next...don't forget I'm available for walk-ins. :: She stood as the CCO stood to leave. She then did the unexpected, and hugged him. :: Zinna: Alexander, I know you feel unpleasant around me and I didn't get that from reading your mind. Richards: :: Half reciprocating the hug. :: That's a long story for another time sir. Needless to say, it's me, not you that is the reason for those feelings. :: He continued to walk towards the door. :: ::Zinna nodded as the CCO exited her office. :: -END of part 1- A JP by: Lt Jg Zinna Ships Counsellor USS Tiger A & Ens. Alexander Richards CCO USS Tiger A -
Graduating Class of 238810.23
Sedrin Belasi replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome to the fun Ensign Hertz! -
Round 1 Lt. Tan & SbCmdr Mapak - We All Have Our Secrets... (exp
Sedrin Belasi posted a topic in 2012
(( Outside the Ventral Battlebridge, USS Independence-A )) m-Velana: I've already killed you once; it didn't take. Mapak: oO Well, better luck next time! Oo :: Alleran shrugged the stunned Trill off his shoulder. The stunned woman landed in a heap at Velana's feet. :: Mapak: I don't care, as long as I get THAT Trill. You can kill the other me if you want... and I'm just saying, let's rush through there. Murder everyone. m-Velana: That is perhaps the most illogical plan your parasitic brain has ever... :: She stopped, seeing something. Mapak was on such a high he didn't care.:: Mapak: If you kill him, just make sure you finish the job this time, okay? :: Alleran began moving towards the door, disrupter in both hands, glancing at Velana as if waiting for her to follow him. :: m-Velana: Go! Now!! :: Together, they covered the short distance to the ventral bridge doors. But once they stepped inside, their weapons disappeared in the blue haze of a force field. :: Tan: ... doooooor...? :: Amada was already in the same predicament as them, although the captain still appeared to have her weapon. This bridge had a few scattered officers, but all Alleran cared about was the lack of disrupter and the lack of dead people he'd create. :: Mapak: [...]. Tan: [...]. ::Velana glanced at Shannon.:: m-Velana: We had no choice. They were closing in on us from behind. Amada: ::to no one in particular:: Is there a Julia Amada amongst your crew? :: The Vulcan T'tala [...]ed her head. She was sure she knew most of the names of the Independence crew, but also felt it was not her place to talk... :: Amada: ::a little louder this time:: Is there a Julia Amada amongst your crew? T'tala: Not to my knowledge. I'm- :: the woman caught herself. So informal...! The mind-meld again... it was affecting her... :: ... *I am* not certain. Amada: Is there a Julia Amada in your prime universe? Anyone: response Amada: I see. ::pensive:: Then it wouldn't violate any law of physics should I choose to remain on your ship and return with you to your universe. :: Mapak raised a single eyebrow at that. Weren't they here to loot the ship? Was Amada switching sides? She'd die for that. :: m-Velana: ::through her teeth:: With a little warning, this could have been avoided. ::Ignoring Amada for the moment, Mapak turned his attention back to the rest of their duplicates. The Romulan-ish looking woman chuckled at the image of them all standing there. Mapak, for his part, gave the woman a distinctive leer. :: ::Mapak made a wide, smirking grin. :: Mapak: Seems we're at a stalemate... :: His comment seemed right on the money... the Romulan acted with predictable results. :: Walker: Stalemate? You think so huh? :: A few taps and a blue flash around the duplicate deprived him of their metal weapons, including his precious dagger, but hopefully not- :: (( FLASHBACK: 2385, apartment on Cardassia Prime, Mirror Universe )) :: Fire. :: :: It was an assassination attempt. He was drinking -- Mapak was always drinking -- and someone had thrown a device about the size of a ping-pong ball through the open window of his apartment, which had quietly emitted a flammable gas, followed by a spark. The first inkling he had of something going wrong was searing pain all over his body, surrounded by fire on all sides, including the walls... :: :: Hell of way to wake up. :: :: Fortunately, he had run himself a bath the night before and left the water in. Staggering, scorched and blind, over to the water he threw his body into the shallow liquid. :: :: Flakes of roasted, spotted skin floated to the surface. It was agony -- similar to the agony booth, but less focused -- because of his experience Mapak was able to think through the agony of feeling his cells die in the tens of thousands all over his body from the heat. :: :: In this universe, you either acted, or you died. Mapak had lasted this long... :: :: Yanking a towel into the rapidly heating water, Mapak wrapped the soaked cloth around his head and made a blind sprint for the window. As he ran through the roaring sheets of flame his skin seemed to melt right off him in the face of the intense heat; he shielded his face as best he could, but already it started to melt and stuck to his flesh, burning him even further. :: :: With a crash he burst through, fell two stories down to the garden below. He would have died from the fall alone, but a thick shrubbery broke his fall. :: :: Perhaps he'd crossed someone he shouldn't have, perhaps he hadn't crossed someone who'd been a little quicker off the mark. All he knew is that when he woke in the Cardassian hospital, the list of prosthetics was as long as his now cybernetic arm. If he wasn't an agent, he'd be left to die. :: :: Ironically, his heart was one of the few organs that hadn't been affected in some way, but Velana's dagger had seen to that about a year later... :: (( Flashback ends )) :: The transporter took his "possessions", which included the foot-long dagger strapped to his belt -- the spare little knife he kept in his boot, the disrupter in his hands, the one stuffed into his *other* boot, the stun grenade he kept stuffed down his pants (that was a little joke to himself; the gear in his pants was *stunning*)... so all his weapons. :: :: Fortunately, it wasn't enough to take his -- :: Walker: How about now? :: With a few more taps there was another blue light, which lit up his face, chest, left arm and back. When it faded, the "Alleran" that remained was positively ghoulish. It appeared as though he had been... less than honest about the number of prosthetics he carried and the metal content of those "extras". :: :: The metal faceplate which occupied the left half of his face where skull used to be, along with the rubbery false-skin that covered and disguised it, was transported away -- revealing a horrid criss-cross of muscle, tendons, and the last of his jawbone on that side, exposing a view straight into his mouth through where his cheek used to be. What remained of his left arm, which was almost entirely prosthetic, hung by a thin thread of skin -- the bones, plastic and surgical tritanium, were gone now, so the appendage simply flopped by his side. Fortunately he kept some function in his right arm, despite the missing skin, which casually rested itself on his hip. :: :: His left eye was an empty socket. :: :: The flow of blood down most of his body was ignored. It didn't hurt and wasn't too serious; most of those blood vessels had since closed anyway. He knew also that, while it would prove fatal in short order, Mapak couldn't let weakness show. The majority of the missing skin was, after all, on his shoulders and chest -- which were safely concealed beneath his clothing, which somehow the transporter hadn't taken. :: :: More's the pity. Seeing Amada, Velana and/or Shannon without a stitch on would be worth the beating they would inevitably deal out, or a slow death by blood loss. :: :: Giving the Romulan woman an absolutely ghoulish smile with half his face missing, Mapak licked his tongue over his molars, which would be visible in the giant hole of his left face. When he spoke, it was with the pronounced lisp that came with having half your face missing. :: Mapak: ... ohhhhhh, take my clothes too, you delectable little pointy-eared bundle of sexilicious fun... hell, let's just forget all the hate and just have a little *fun* shall we? After all, we're even now, and you can take my word that I'm not missing anything *below* the waist, so- :: That apparently pushed the Romulan woman right to the edge, her face twisting into a vicious snarl which Mapak found absolutely adorable. :: Walker: Please. Please push me further. Who knows, maybe the transporters will work enough to send you to the brig. But you have torn apart my ship, I don't even want to think about what you've done to it's crew, and have the audacity to say we're even? No. No more. You'll sit down, answer any questions asked and say NOTHING else unless you want your next breath to be inhaling vaccum. Got it?!? :: The Prime Alleran cupped his hand over his mouth, horrified. Mapak craned his head and blew him a kiss with half his lips, which caused the Prime-universe Trill to look away with a shudder. Mapak turned his attention back to Walker. :: Mapak: Sitting will be difficult, but I'll be passing out shortly. Will that do? Tan: :: muttering:: I think I'm going to be sick... Walker: Fine. But these fvai ruined my ship, they are not going to threaten or taunt us any more. :: Mapak glanced beside him, the macabre grin on his face specifically intended to be as grisly as he could manage. :: Mapak: I guess we all have our secrets, don't we, my dear? How about a kiss? Anyone: Response? :: Mapak rolled his shoulders, dark blood seeping through his clothing throughout his chest, still acting oblivious to his injuries despite the waves of agony suddenly being deprived of a large portion of his skin caused at every motion. He felt like just keeling over unconscious, but that would be tactically disadvantageous so he elected not to. :: Mapak: It burns like the fire of a thousand suns, actually, but after the agony booth pretty much *nothing* phases you any more. Blood loss helps. The infection's going to be a killer, though... :: Silently, Mapak hoped that Shannon would be too shocked and horrified to question how all that expensive Klingon/Cardassian implant technology might have found its way into his body. He gave Luna a wink with his empty eye socket. :: Mapak: I don't suppose you could help me out, my green blooded little sweetcake? You know, return my organs before I die and all? :: The irony of him, only minutes ago, being prepared to tear out the Trill woman's symbiont -- and still being eager to -- was not lost on him, but he just didn't care. :: Anyone: Response? Tag! TBC... ----- PNPC Subcommander Alleran Mapak Undercover for the Klingon/Cardassian Alliance Mirror Universe And Lt. Alleran Tan CAG USS Independence-A -
((Vulcan ship Vahklas, 2376)) ::It wasn't unusual for Velana to be called to the medical bay. In the past few years, she had become her father's primary assistant as he tried to teach her everything she would need to know to follow in his footsteps as the ship's physician.:: ::But it had been her mother, T'Lan, who had made the request and that peaked Velana's curiosity.:: oO Is Mother ill? If so, why wouldn't she want Father to know? Oo ::As she made her way through the worn corridors, she was careful to avoid engineering where Sotek was most likely to be in the middle of the work day.:: ::In less than a year, they were going to be married and there would be no escaping him. For now, though, Velana still had the luxury of choosing not to spend time with the man who already believed she belonged to him, both in body and in soul.:: ::T'Lan wasn't the only person waiting for her in the medical bay. Her brother's wife, T'Sar, was also there, looking paler than usual. Having grown up with T'Sar, Velana instinctively knew that something was wrong with her new sister.:: Velana: Mother, T'Sar? What is it? ::The two women exchanged a glance.:: T'Lan: ::to T'Sar:: Go ahead; tell her. It's hardly shameful. ::T'Sar looked up at Velana.:: T'Sar: I believe...there is a possibility that...I might be carrying a child. ::A slow smile spread across Velana's face which she only stifled for her oldest friend's sake. T'Sar seemed positively mortified at the thought that there would soon be proof that she had intimate relations with Seval. Velana imagined she'd feel the same someday, whenever she could no longer put off having a child, but the difference would be that, despite favoring logic over emotion, T'Sar did love her husband.:: ::Velana would never, could never love Sotek.:: oO How could I ever love him after what he tried to do to me in the engine room? Oo T'Lan: Her appetite has changed and her temperature has increased. Your father might not have told you, but those are some of the early symptoms. Velana: Well, let's find out for certain, shall we? ::Ten minutes later, a simple exam had confirmed T'Sar's suspicion. The expectant mother sat shell-shocked while Velana went over a few things she would need to be aware of during her pregnancy.:: Velana: The copper levels in your blood are low, so I'd like to monitor them daily for the next week or so. You also need to be aware of the ship's hottest spots for radiation. Basically, stay out of engineering until... ::Without warning, the ship violently jerked, as if it had crashed into something in the middle of space. Velana stumbled forward, but managed to brace herself with the edge of the exam table to which T'Sar was clinging, as well. T'Lan had been thrown to the ground. Just as her mother picked herself up, the ship rocked again.:: Velana: Mother! ::A console on the far end of the room exploded, filling the room with heat and smoke.:: T'Sar: We need to get out of here! ::Velana agreed, but where were they going to go? The rest of the ship might have proved to be even more dangerous, depending on the situation. If they were under attack, remaining in the relative isolation of the med bay might have been preferable to leaving.:: ::Just then, Seval's voice came through the staticky comm system.:: Seval: Velana? Velana, are you there? ::She hit the nearest panel, over the exam table.:: Velana: I'm here! I'm with Mother and T'Sar! Seval: Listen...Velana. ::His words faded in and out as the static grew worse.:: Take T'Sar and....get them to...pod. Don't stop...anything, do you understand? ::She met T'Sar's terrified eyes.:: Velana: Seval, what's happening? Seval: There isn't time....have to go now! ::The ship rocked again. A deafening alarm began, drowning out anything else her brother might have said.:: ::Velana's whole body was trembling, but she turned to her mother.:: Velana: There's an escape pod two sections down from here. T'Lan: What about your father? And your brother...we can't just leave and... Velana: They'll be fine! They'll get to their own pods! But we need to go now! ::Fear had paralyzed her sister-in-law, so Velana grabbed T'Sar's arm and draped over her shoulders, practically dragging her out of the med bay.:: ::The corridor was smoky and several metal beams were down on their immediate right. Fortunately, the escape pod lay to the left. As the trio of women made their way towards it, Velana could hear screams in the distance, blood-curdling cries for help. A live wire overhead sent a shower of hot sparks down to the floor.:: ::When they reached the pod, Velana unwound T'Sar's arm.:: Velana: ::to T'Lan:: Take her! ::Down the corridor, a plasma conduit exploded; Velana threw up her arm to shield her eyes and something struck her. There was pain, sharp and hot, but she ignored it. Slamming the control panel with her fist, the door to the pod swung open. Velana: Get inside! I'll be right behind you! T'Lan: I don't believe you! ::After pushing her daughter-in-law into the pod, T'Lan faced her daughter.:: I won't get in until you do. Velana: Mother, there are people nearby who are hurt and they need... T'Lan: No. If you don't leave, neither will I. ::Velana's chest rose and fell as she stared at her mother.:: oO The moment she's inside...close the door and launch the pod... Oo Velana: All right. ::She gestured for her mother to go first.:: ::With a nod, T'Lan ducked inside. Velana glanced back at the devastated corridor. She was just about follow through with her plan when she heard a familiar voice calling her name.:: Sotek: Velana! Velana, wait! ::Velana closed her eyes, willing the voice to be someone else's, anyone else's but her fiancee. The man whose childhood pranks had nearly resulted in Velana going blind. The man who had cornered her only a few months earlier, demanding that she submit to him, whether they were married or not.:: Sotek: Velana!! Don't leave me, Velana!! ::She opened her eyes, surprised to find that they were dry. Without hesitating, she climbed inside the pod and pressed the button to lower the door. A few seconds later, the pod shot into the safety of space.:: ::There was a tiny window about the same size as Velana's face. She was glad neither her mother nor T'Sar could see out of it. No more than a minute after they'd cleared the Vahklas, it exploded into a ball of flame that was quickly smothered by the vacuum of space, leaving nothing behind of her home but a field of debris.:: ::She didn't have to say a word. It was written in her eyes when she looked back at her mother.:: T'Lan: K'Voss was on the bridge. They have plenty of escape pods. And Seval...he was in engineering. ::Her voice wavered.:: There are even more pods there. T'Sar: ::too quietly:: Velana...your arm is bleeding. ::Velana glanced down, only to see a jagged piece of metal protruding from her bicep. Green blood stained the entire sleeve of her shirt. Without flinching, Velana yanked the shrapnel away and clamped her hand over the wound.:: ::There was a ringing in her ears that was growing louder and louder, drowning everything else out. Everything but her thoughts.:: oO There are other pods. Many other pods... Oo ::She closed her eyes again.:: oO I didn't kill him... Oo ((Bounty hunter's shuttle, Mirror Bajor, present day)) ::The darkness began to lift, but Velana was still lost to her memories.:: Velana: ::murmuring:: I didn't...kill him... Shryker: (RESPONSE) ::She could hear a woman's voice, but it was as if she was hearing her through a wall of water, muffled and distant. Velana frowned, her lashes fluttering as she fought to open her eyes.:: Velana: Mother? oO No, that's not right. Oo Shryker: (RESPONSE) Velana: No...I remember now. Everything... ::Wincing, she tried to sit up against the wall of the shuttle.:: Has he...said anything? About where we're going? Shryker: (RESPONSE) Velana: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry...they wanted me, not you. ::She swallowed.:: You shouldn't...have to be here. Shryker: (RESPONSE) Velana: I know. I'm not her...this other version of me. But mirrors...they're just reflections...right? Shryker: (RESPONSE) Velana: ::Shaking her head.:: I don't really know what I'm saying. ::The drug was wearing off; she was able to move her arm enough to reach behind her head. Her hair was stiff and matted with blood.:: How are you? Are you hurt? Shryker: (RESPONSE) Third Bounty Hunter: Quiet back there! ::He flipped a few switches on his control panels. The shuttle rocked as they landed on hard ground:: We're here. ::Bright light flooded into the shuttle when the door was popped open without warning, but Velana couldn't tell if it was artificial or natural. After so long in the dark shuttle, the only thing she was certain of was that it hurt her eyes.:: ::A burly figure blocked the light.:: Border Guard: What have you got, Thalen? A Terran and a Vulcan? Third Bounty Hunter: The Terran's just a bonus. But the Vulcan... ::He grinned.:: I'm taking her straight to the Inquisitor myself. Border Guard: Vulcans don't always do it for him. Third Bounty Hunter: Trust me...this one will. ::Velana had more strength this time, but it still wasn't enough to successfully fight off the arms that grabbed her and yanked her out of the shuttle.:: ::The man, whose species she didn't recognized, slapped a cold pair of magnetic restraints around her wrists.:: Border Guard: Try to run and we'll shoot to kill. ::He pushed her forward; Velana was shocked that her legs wobbled, but she still managed to stay upright.:: Welcome to Capitol City. TBC Ensign Velana Medical Officer USS Independence-A
I believe it does mean that they both qualify for the next round, but see if a staff member confirms this. Also, where do we nominate any sim that is written between now and end of the year? Do we start a new Round 1?
Ens. Richards - "The Richards" ((Richards unconscious mind, a warped version of his childhood home on the Lunar colony Tycho City)) :: Richards awoke with a start yelling for his mother. He was frightened, cold and alone. His room, scattered with various cuddly toys, dirty washing and various books. He went to yell again but froze. Something wasn't right with this picture. How could he be here? Why was his room so messy? :: oO This isn't right. I shouldn't be here. This isn't my room. Oo Richards: :: Shouting in his mind out loud as if the place he was were real. :: This isn't my Room! Shadowy Figure: oO The Richards mind is strong. Breaking it will be harder than breaking in was. Oo :: Quietly, almost as a whisper. :: No, this is not your room. This is a warped memory from your fragmented mind. Your mind is strong Richards but my will is much more powerful. You will weep by the time I am finished with you! Richards: :: Fearfully as if like a child again. :: Who.. :: Fearful break. :: Who are you? What.. :: Break. :: What do you want? :: Richards paused momentarily before shouting out of a combination of fear and rage.:: How are you in my mind? :: Break.:: Leave me alone! :: The shadowy intruder moved towards Richards bed silently and swiftly. Despite there being some light, the figures features could not be distinguished. :: Shadowy Figure: :: With venom. :: Who I am is of no importance to you and what I want does not matter. :: The figure again moved closer to Richards. :: How I am in your mind is neither here nor there. You will remember none of this when you awaken from your enforced slumber. ::The figure paused giving Richards a cold blank stare. The kind that sends shivers up and down your spine and makes your hairs stand on end. :: As for leaving you alone dear boy. I'll do nothing of the sort. For the moment, your mind is my playground and your very sub conscious being my toy! :: The figure laughed manically. :: Now Richards, take my hand and I shall take you on a journey of discovery. I will show you what your actions as our little pawn have brought down upon you, your crew mates and the entire Universe. :: Alexander tried to resist the demand made by the shadowy figure but the more he resisted, the colder the figures stare got. Within moments he felt his arm raising against his will and his hand moving towards the shadowy figures out stretched palm. His palm touched that of the figures and he shuddered. Where he had expected to find the flesh covered hand of a humanoid he felt only a burning skeletal hand. The sensation put the literal fear of God into him. In an instant he felt himself forcefully yanked from the bed causing him great pain. The room began to blur and he started to feel very sick inside. Then everything went black. No light, literal darkness. The kind you might expect if you had been buried alive by mistake. He was frozen stiff like a statue and completely unable to move. Even if he had been able to there was no where to run and no where to hide, just infinite blackness. After what seemed like hours but had in reality been but a nanosecond, light began to blur into the inky darkness. A dull flickering getting brighter every second. At first it was hard to make out but with each passing second, the blurry light began to take a form. Richards didn't believe it. oO It can't be, it just can't. Oo. But, it was. There before Richards very unconscious eyes was London ablaze with flame. :: Richards: :: His face welling up with tears both in his mind and, in reality on the bio bed.:: It can't be. It just can't be. This is London, on Earth, less than 250 miles from the Federation capital. This is my home! :: He paused and then looked angrily at the shadowy figure. :: How? How did this, could this happen!? Where is the fire brigade, the civilian police force, Star Fleet? :: The figure did not respond to Richards questions. Without emotion he led Alexander down to the streets and the sight that befell him was a scene of abject horror. This was no mere fire. It was apocalyptic in scope. There lying on the streets were the charred remains of those who had tried to run from whatever fate had befallen them. Hundreds no, thousands of bodies all burnt and motionless. Alexander felt physically sick. Or at least, that was the easiest way of describing the way his minds self felt. He could say nothing. All he could do is stare in abject terror however. The worst was yet to come. Again, saying nothing, the shadowy figure pulled Alexander away. They moved down a side street and up a hill. Alex began to fight the figures pull. He recognized these streets and knew where they were going. Try as he might to resist, the shadowy figures grip was too strong. They rounded a corner and stopped. Richards dropped to his knees and yanked his hand free from the shadowy figure. He began to weep uncontrollably simply unable to cope with the sight before him. There on the blackened, charred remains of what used to be his family's front garden were the burned corpses of a female and a toddler. They were the bodies of his wife and child! :: Richards: God no! Oh God no! ::Pause. Then seething with disgust, rage and terror. :: Why? Why have you brought me here? What is this about? How could this happen? :: Pause. :: You did this! I'll kill you! :: He went to grab a rock but found his entire body held fast. :: Shadowy Figure: No Richards! You will do this. You already have. Your inability to stop us from using you will do this. I have brought you here to break you. I have brought you here to show you the ultimate result of your unconscious actions! Your God can not save you from this. You are ours to do with as we wish and we will make sure you are the last to watch the Universe burn. You will watch all around you crumble knowing you are powerless to stop it! You are mine to bend a break Richards, a mere pawn in a chess game that has been raging since before your species could even write or speak! The final pieces are coming together and you will watch your reality burn! :: The figure laughed manically before drifting off into the orange tinted night sky. Richards was left alone to contemplate all he had seen. :: oO I will remember. I Must remember. Oo :: With a flash of light, Richards was back in his Lunar bedroom but this time as he remembered it. His mother walked in to comfort him and he soon drifted off to sleep. :: ((Sickbay.)) :: If Richards hadn't been restrained, he would have sat bolt upright. His eyes were as wide as saucers and he was sweating profusely. He quickly calmed and turned to see a young doctor who had rushed over. :: Richards: I know protocol dictates it but, :: He motioned at the restraints. :: You needn't have bothered with these. 48 hours on the run because of cowardice and an unwillingness to face up to the consequences is more than enough for me. Velana: RESPONSE -Fin- Ens Alexander Richards CCO USS Independence A
((Deck 9 Corridor Near Main Engineering Level 1, USS Independence-A)) ::Sidney felt like she was floating, her vision was fuzzy. Her mind still trying to process what had happened, she couldn't speak. It would have taken too much concentration. With a thud, she fell to the deck, her arm smearing the blood on the deck as her mind mercifully went blank. The tide had definitely come in...:: ::Hearing the Captain collapse, Townson ran back to where she was. Kneeling, she pressed her fingers against her neck to check for a pulse as she continued.:: Townson: Townson to ....... Clack, Lieutenants Shry.........ker, report ...... deck 9 immed.........ly! ::The Fleet Captain moved in and out of consciousness as she lay there, she heard the voices, heard some of the words. Townson's frantic voice, someone kneeling beside her. She moaned lightly as the person beside her stood.:: Riley: Ccccl..... ::The words wouldn't come even though her mind was screaming. It was like she was submerged unable to speak. She continued to fade in and out...:: Shryker: ....CAPTAIN!!! ::The shrill yell broke through the darkness and the muffling gurgling sounds, but the Terran/Deltan couldn't move.:: ::Jade dropped to her knees and checked on Riley. Blood was dripping across the floor.:: Shryker: =/\= .......ry...... to ....bay, the Ca....... i........red.=/\= ::to Riley:: Si........ear.....? Sickbay: =/\= response=/\= ::She was drowning, the words becoming more and more faint as the seconds continued to march by... She was sinking, the light becoming more and more distant.:: Clack/Walker: RESPONSES Anybody: RESPONSE Shryker: Wh....happ........? Computer: =/\= Warning! Anti-...atter ov......! ..... minutes thir........anti...........ment br......ch! ........ning! ...=/\= Shryker: .....tes! Clack/Walker/Anyone: RESPONSES ::She gasped for air and then the darkness finally took her completely. Submerged...:: ((Dreamscape)) ::The air was cool, the wind lightly brushing past the exposed skin on her shoulders as she walked through the grove of trees on the north side of the house. The short flowing sleeves of her long midnight black dress fluttered with the movement. Her eyes shone brightly, her auburn hair glistening, she was sparkling in the darkness, illuminated only by the light of the full moon. The shadows surrounded her, following her like a soft embrace as she continued down the road towards the house. Her bare feet gently walked across the soft dirt and her eyes focused on the moss hanging from the trees above her, a canopy hanging from the sky.:: ::She felt calm, at peace. Welcomed home by her surroundings, free of pain, free of worry. Free...:: ((Flashback, New Orleans, Louisiana, Earth, 238109.01)) ::Boisterous laughter filled the air as the Riley clan celebrated. Music, dance, food, art, socializing, they were all a part of the evening. As the sun began to go down the noise level only got higher.:: Dairine: ::Raising her glass.:: To Sidney Riley, her father would be so proud. :: A chorus of "here, here" greeted the woman's toast and Sidney couldn't help but blush.:: Patrick: Graduate of Starfleet Academy and everything. You've made us proud Sid. Rylyn: Here I am, I would have never thought my cousin would show up my accomplishments... ::Rylyn winked at her and Sidney laughed.:: Riley: I don't know what to say but thank you for this. Dairine: ::Acting offended.:: What are you talking about child? I've never heard something so silly in my life. You're family! No thanks are needed. ::Her younger cousin Brady walked by and tapped her on the shoulder, whispering.:: Brady: Yeah, but ya know she wanted to hear it now... ::Dairine turned to face her youngest son.:: Dairine: You better be glad I didn't hear that Brady... ::The boy blushed and hurried the opposite direction from his mother. Sidney shook her head and noticed Patrick motioning for her to follow him towards the levee. Sidney nodded and smiled at her cousin as they walked together. As they continued to walk it got more and more quiet as they approached the river. Patrick reached up and pulled at his white Roman collar and then tugged at his black jacket.:: Riley: What's wrong? Patrick: I'm still not used to wearing it.... ::He paused and laughed.:: But I hear it looks good on me... ::He gave her a proud, pleased look.:: ::Sidney laughed and shook her head.:: Riley: That is does my friend...still those girls had better be looking somewhere else now hadn't they? ::She motioned gracefully to the collar he now wore.:: Patrick: Ah, but it will break their hearts... ::He laughed jokingly before his expression turned serious.:: I'm going to miss you Sidney, who else am I going to tell my troubles to? And the Ithassa Region, how can you be posted so far away? I can't imagine a time when you weren't here to listen to my ramblings. Riley: ::Smiling softly.:: We're both setting off on new adventures then. I'll sure miss hearing about all those girls you were chasing after though... ::She laughed and then changed her expression to one of seriousness.:: I will miss you too. You probably know more about me than most... Patrick: Hmmm....I know what Louis told Sabine about the two of you. ::He gave her a skeptical look.:: ::She shook her head.:: Riley: It's all lies...he...expects me to give up everything I am... ::Patrick watched her closely but said nothing.:: Riley: How can I choose? How can I change who I am? How? I can't change who I am any more than you can change who you are for one of the Beauxton girls. Patrick: I didn't think you could...I just want you to know it will be okay. ::They reached the levee and Sidney let her gaze fall out over the calm muddy waters of the Mississippi River.:: Riley: Thank you... ::She wrinkled her nose and laughed, shrugging.:: Who knows what I'll find out there in the Ithassa Region.... Patrick: Someone who can match you in your stength and personality Sidney Riley...I'm sure of it... ((End Flashback)) ::Reaching the end of the road, coming around the house, she approached the back porch. She slowly walked up the steps, gracefully, each one deliberately with care. One foot in front of the other, she turned, her eyes fixated on the levee in front of her. She stared for a moment and then closed her eyes, taking in the darkness. After a moment, she let the light into her soul as she stepped forward to the wrought iron railing. She ran her hand along the fleur-de-lis softly, caressing the wrought iron.:: ::In the distance a raptor's cry. Shrill against the quiet landscape. She leaned forward looking for the bird of prey, but couldn't see it. Moving lightly, she walked down the steps and across the dew laden grass to the large willow tree which stood near the levee.:: ::She stood beneath the comforting branches, encased in leaves like a warm protective hug. She closed her eyes and upon opening them found herself surrounded by an array of colorful butterflies, small ones, large ones, medium size ones. All the colors of the rainbow, fluttered around her in an intricate dance, landing on her arms and her hair. They were striking against the black dress, their colors full of life, full of promise. The Terran/Deltan laughed brightly as the insects gravitated towards her in their flight. Moving lightly she twirled around gracefully dancing among the rainbow, her laughter light and free and growing with intensity.:: ::Suddenly, a flash of lightening in the sky! A crack of thunder! The butterflies were gone and Sidney was standing in the shallow water of the Mississippi River, bathed in moonlight. The midnight black of the dress she wore seemed to sparkle, her eyes were determined, her breath even. The wind swirled around her violently, but she didn't move. The violent dance around her continued and she held herself with the confidence gained from all her years, from all the experiences she ever had. Swirling around her in the wind, moving through her being, all the pain, all the heartache, all the love, all the laughter...breathing everything in...:: ::Another cry in the distance, loud and shrill. She looked up her bright green eyes piercing as they focused on the Eagle flying above her. A small smile crept across her features. For the first time in years, she was....:: ::She was....:: TBC... Fleet Captain Sidney Riley Commanding Officer USS Independence-A
Graduating Class of 238807.16
Sedrin Belasi replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in Graduation Hall
Congratulations to the new recruits!! Welcome to SB118. And another Pythron! Excellent!!!! -
Thank you kindly
I've made a gaff, have put Round 13 for the 'Inner Demons' nomination, but it should say Round 14, but I can't seem to edit it. Any help or suggestions?
((USS Independence-A - Operations Office - Day After Conference - Morning)) ::Tracey took her seat behind her desk, slowly. She felt like she had been hit by a bus. The events of the previous day had caught up with her and she took the time to rest and sleep. Upon awakening, changing and showering, Tracey decided to come straight to her office and take care of a few issues before seeking out Doctor Sampi regarding Nurse Essie.:: ::But Tracey had nightmares the previous night, and it did not dawn on her until early this morning, as to what they might be about. She remembered waking up at 4AM with sweat covering her body. The dream was already gone from her conscious mind, but the meaning remained. The events concerning the Reaper left an effect on Tracey. An effect that left her shaken. It was not the shattering of her physical body, but that of her emotional control, that left her shaken.:: ::Tracey thought back to her attack on the Reaper in sickbay, and heard the phaser of Shryker drop to the floor mere inches from the Reaper. The Reaper had grabbed the Security Officer's leg. It was unfathomable for a Security Officer to lose her grip on her phaser, Tracey thought, even with a vice-like grip on said officer's leg. Tracey recalled the event with vivid clarity and could not recall even looking at Shryker as Tracey dove for the phaser. Yes, she saw her struggle out of the corner of her eye, but peripheral vision was not sharp and she could not focus on Shryker to see her state and if she had somehow been influenced by the Reaper. It would be the only explanation, Tracey thought, or else there would have been a major dereliction of duty to report. But if there was an unknown force at play that caused her to drop her phaser, that might also explain Tracey's own loss of control.:: ::Tracey knew this was not her domain. She had no control over the actions of Security personnel. Under normal circumstances, Tracey would just write up her report and submit it to Lieutenant W'tine for follow-up if necessary. But Tracey felt she had to know. She had to know if the feelings she had while causing pain to the Reaper were really hers, or were pulled out from the deepest reaches of her...what was the word used by W'tine?...soul?:: ::Without hesitation, Tracey tapped her com-badge as she stacked her PADDs over the side of the desk.:: Townson: =/\= Townson to Shryker. If you have time, please report to my office. I need to speak with you. =/\= Shryker: =/\= Aye Sir, I’ll be there in about thirty minutes if that is ok? =/\= Townson: =/\= Very good, Lieutenant. I'll see you then. Townson out. =/\= ((Later)) ::Jade made her way from her quarters. She straightened her jacket and brushed the hair out of her eyes. She wasn’t sure why the Operations Chief had summoned her, but she guessed it was probably to do with the Reaper situation in sickbay. She reached the door to the Ops Chief’s office, and pressed the summon button:: Townson: Come. ::The doors opened and Lieutenant Shryker was on the other side. Tracey looked up from the PADD she was reading, smiled and tried to stand without cringing. Jade saw the other woman, and could clearly see that she was in pain.:: Shryker: Hello Sir. Are you okay? Townson: Yes, Lieutenant. Please, please. Come in. Have a seat. Would you like something? ::as she headed to the replicator.:: Shryker: Yes please Sir, latte with caramel would be nice. A hug in a mug! Townson: Well then, I don't wish to take you from your duties for too long. ::as she sat back down behind her desk:: I'll get straight to the point. ::looking deadpan at the security officer:: I need to know what caused you to drop your phaser when you were grabbed by the Reaper yesterday morning. Did it happen when the Reaper grabbed you, or was it before or after? ::Jade shifted uncomfortably from side to side. She knew she had made a mistake in dropping the phaser, although at the time she had little or no control over her actions.:: Shryker: It was___ before, Sir. The Reaper was able to use its influence over the situation to force the phaser from my hand. It could all be tied up with my capture aboard their ship. I will make a full statement in my report very soon. Townson: Yes, Lieutenant. I'm well aware it will be in your report, but this is more for...personal reasons. ::Tracey looked down at the desk in front of her, then back up at the human Security Officer on the other side of her desk.:: Townson: I don't know how to put this any other way, but I think the Reaper, staring in its eyes, brought something...dark...out of me. Something I have always known I was capable of being, but would never cross that line. Even in the most heated battles and skirmishes of war. ::Jade immediately got an image in her mind of those terrible yellow eyes. It made her shiver. The dance of death, that mortal embrace with the Reaper that had scratched her heart and made it bleed in fear and sorrow. It still bled and showed no sign of healing anytime soon.:: Shryker: It’s eyes are___ it’s worse weapon. It affects people. Townson: I need to know if the Reaper had somehow controlled you. Maybe even encouraged you to drop your weapon. This may seem harsh ::taking her cues from how crew are treated in this universe, from her experience. If this was her universe of origin, she would just come out with the statement:: but I find it difficult to believe that you would just absentmindedly drop your phaser so close to the enemy. So I need to know, Lieutenant, what the hell happened to you in sickbay yesterday morning? ::pausing and smiling slightly:: If it makes you feel any better, this could remain off the record. Just a conversation between you and I, Lieuten..Jade. Shryker: Ever since my capture, I can’t shake the image of the Reaper’s eyes from my mind. Seeing them again, for real, in sickbay, drove the strength from me and I was unable to control my actions fully. I held on to myself mostly, but I let the phaser slip from my grasp. I am so sorry Sir for putting everyone in danger, but I had only just got back aboard the Independence, and was only minutes earlier still in captivity. ::Jade paused to compose herself again.:: It was horrible. We were put through a series of more and more painful and terrifying ordeals. I guess they brought out our deepest fears, and the Reapers fed on them? I really don’t want to remember what happened to me, but I think you need to know. After being separated from the Captain and Doctor Sampi, I was flayed alive from outside and inside my body by a crystal dust, feeling everything that was happening to me but not being allowed the release of death. I then, to keep the Reaper away from the Captain, had to dance with it, but not a real dance. A crushing vortex locked in his embrace, before he ::Jade hesitated:: kissed me. I had no power to resist. ::Jade stopped as she could feel tears welling up again.:: ::Tracey listened intently as the Lieutenent told her story. It fascinated Tracey how the Reapers could hold so much control. When the Security Officer came to the end, Tracey nodded and decided she too should tell her why she felt this to be so important.:: Townson: If it makes you feel any better, I understand you. ::looking down at her desk:: Yesterday morning, after diving for the phaser, I remember looking up into the yellow eyes of the Reaper and the darkness came out. ::looking back up at the young woman:: I felt a blood lust. For some reason, a hell bent need for revenge. At first I thought it had something to do with the fact it could change its appearance, I've had run ins with a species like that in my career, but it wasn't the same. There was no need. I wasn't so personally affected by the Reapers that I should take out such a forceful vengence on one whom I have never met. Defend those around me against it, yes. But...but, I became blood-thirsty. ::shaking her head:: No, no...I wanted to cause that Reaper pain. The rush of adrenaline. The pains in my body washed away during those few moments. But most of all, I enjoyed it immensely. The cracking of bones, the feel of a warm liquid flowing through my fingers. I heard you ask me to kill it, but I wanted it to live. To feel pain. To suffer. And then, when the Reaper's life was gone, I felt an overwhealming feeling of sadness for a fleeting second or two. Not because of the loss of life, but because I could no longer cause the creature pain. The thrill, the joy I felt for that brief time , died when the Reaper died. ::Jade listened to LtCmdr Townson. It seemed a similar yet opposite reaction Jade had experienced. Where Jade had felt weak before its eyes, Townson had grown strong and even evil – becoming like a Reaper herself. What beast had the Reaper tapped inside the otherwise controlled and brave Commander?:: Shryker: I couldn’t answer how or why it had such an effect, Sir, but the it is very likely from my experience that the Reaper’s can affect our behavior. Townson: But the Reaper laughed it off. Like it knew what it was doing. Like it planned this on me. It brought out that blood thirst for vengence on itself, and forced me to live in a part of my psyche I feared might one day emerge. Somehow, someway, the Reaper drew into the darkest part of who I am, I believe. At least I hope. Shryker: They crave nothing more than feeding off our fears and emotions, more than even their own well-being. It could certainly account for your own reaction? oO I hope, or if it is something lurking inside her, I wouldn’t want to make her angry.Oo Townson: I realize this is all philosophical, and I've never been keen on philosophy, but if the Reaper didn't have any part in how I behaved yesterday, then I am truly a monster. ::with a tinge of sadness to her voice::. I woke up last night shivering as to the type of person I have become. I asked you here because of your actions yesterday. I had to know if there may have been a possibility that my actions were somehow influenced. ::smiling lightly:: I remember thinking yesterday before the altercation, what it would feel like to lose ones soul and to regain it when Lieutenant W'tine apparently lost his. Apparently, one doesn't feel a thing, that is if I did in fact, for a little while there lying on the sickbay floor, lose my soul to that Reaper. And what was left.... Shryker: I don’t know about souls, Sir, but it sucks your mind dry and puts its own nightmares in there. ::Tracey stood and winced at the pain.:: Townson: Thank you, Lieutenant. Our talk has been invaluable to me. I need to meet with Doctor Sampi regarding a seperate matter, however I enjoyed our talk. I'm sorry that you had to deal with what you dealt with. ::slightly smiling:: You are a strong woman, Jade. I know we don't have a counselor, but if you ever feel the need to talk...well you know where my office is now. Shryker: Thank you Sir, that is very kind. I humbly offer the same to you. I hope you don’t think I’m being too direct, but if you feel you also need to talk about what happened in Sickbay, you know where I am. Townson: ::nodding politely and smiled:: You are dismissed, Lieutenant. ::As Tracey watched the young woman leave her office, she couldn't help but to see a mirror of someone much like herself, at a more innocent time in her own lfe. Tracey was sure that the events that took place over the last few days would make the woman into a stronger, more efficient officer over time. She would overcome the demons that she confronted during this event and grow and become stronger for it. But Tracey worried for herself. Did the Reaper pull out a piece of her, and made her confront her own personal demon of who she might become someday? Shaking her head, knowing that she'd probably never know, Tracey sifted through her PADDs and then picked up the one she needed and went to visit Doctor Sampi concerning another young woman whose life, hopefully, would not also be turned upside down as well.:: ::Jade smiled and left. Alone again in the dark passageway, she could almost feel the icy fingers once again gripping at her, sharp nails burrowing their way into her body, scratching out all hope and happiness, leaving only fear and darkness. Jade hurried to find someone, anyone, to be near.:: -Fin- Lieutenant JG Jade Shryker Security Officer USS Independence-A & (At this time still) Lt. Commander Tracey Townson Chief of Operations USS Independence-A