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Academy Quips & Quotes

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I have seen some extremely good SIMs in Academy training sessions when I was conducting training. At the time, I wished there was a place to post them. This is an excellent idea for a thread. I will be looking through some of my old training SIMs to see if I can add to this. It would be from those who have long since graduated though, if that is okay. I miss training and have always enjoyed conducting training missions in whatever capacity. I can't wait to be able to rejoin that club!

I also once had a trainee who was a novelist in RL. I shook my head in disbelief in the quality of the writing, and LONG. Hoo boy!

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18 minutes ago, Tracey said:

I have seen some extremely good SIMs in Academy training sessions when I was conducting training. At the time, I wished there was a place to post them. This is an excellent idea for a thread. I will be looking through some of my old training SIMs to see if I can add to this. It would be from those who have long since graduated though, if that is okay. I miss training and have always enjoyed conducting training missions in whatever capacity. I can't wait to be able to rejoin that club!

I also once had a trainee who was a novelist in RL. I shook my head in disbelief in the quality of the writing, and LONG. Hoo boy!

I say share away!

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23 hours ago, Genkos Adea said:

Finally, a place for my genius


Take your achievement!

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1 hour ago, Jo Marshall said:


Take your achievement!

This is arguably my greatest achievement in my life so far.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tighter than an Admiral's collar.....? Drinks cabinet.....? 😇😇

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  • 3 weeks later...

Kaas tried to listen as much as possible and to register each of his commander's words in his brain ...

Oh my goodness, this is literally me and what I tell people I'm trying to do when trying to process stuff. 😄

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Rajik felt a twinge of compassion for the Worene cadet.  Diversity was a strength of Starfleet, and if the Gideon were in need of rescue, he knew that he wouldn’t care if the person saving his life had sixteen heads, as long as their intentions were noble.

A sixteen headed species? Don't give them cadets ideas @Yalu 😉

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  • 3 weeks later...

Access tunnels changing the shape from those crawling into it, nice one @Alieth. @Yalu better be careful. 😄




He'd lost count of how many times he'd hit his head, but he was convinced that one of his eyeridges was forever wonky.

The only consolation he had left was that the commander was faring even worse. His wide frame didn't allow anyone else to see down the passageway, because he was practically occupying the entire space. Surely, by the time they got out of there, the Trill commander was going to be, literally, square-shaped.



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  • 2 weeks later...

From the Narration of Jo Marshall:

Uniforms to perfection, each of the cadets looked like they were ready to eat the frog.

What did the frog do to them?  Poor frog.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just then, a second blob oozed out from a seam in the wall panel.  Then a third.  And a fourth.  The blob-to-Starfleet ratio was now far too high for Yogan’s comfort.  Their intentions were unclear, but if they’d wanted to attack, they’d have done so already.

Absolutely a bad ratio in my books too @Yalu

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cavaleri: Can you build a forge to start repairing bits of the shuttle? Call Parts R' Us?

I now need that in place in my nearby station XD

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Okay, I won't lie, I laughed too hard at this @Genkos Adea.



Plokmetto: What he said sir, but with more swamp language.

“Swamp language” being the words you could only use in the swampland; because then your parents wouldn’t hear it.


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@Wil Ukinix This opening line made me chuckle hard. 


Terran chicken eggs were a versatile *marvel*.

You can hear the enthusiasm 😄

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cavaleri: =/\= Commander, it's probably a good idea if you and Aratta join me. Three pairs of eyes will be better than one. Assuming your species has just the one pair. =/\=

One could never be too certain when it came to aliens, the Iotian noted to himself. 

@Jo Marshall did it again. 😁

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  • 1 month later...

Scene: A group of cadets stranded in front of a closed door with Samira. 

Now, those who've simmed with me, know that Sami asked the cadets to open the door.

Simtitle of one of our new cadets:


Cadet Julan Voleer - Should we knock?

It's gems like that, that stand out. 😁

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  • 4 weeks later...

T’Rosa: My Vulcan hearing is usually pretty sharp.  Someone once described me as 'a bat on steroids'.  I think I can hear footsteps – quite a few of them.

From one of our cadets.  This made me chuckle. 😄

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She was going to bet her latinum on human, they were the bunny rabbits of the universe…

Thanks Cadet zh'Tisav.  I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not. LOL

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  • 4 weeks later...

Alenari: Captain! It appears we have less than fifteen minutes to stop a warp core breach from happening. Systems are failing all over.


This, Solok thought, is not promising.

Understatement of the year?

  • Haha 4
  • 2 months later...

Thank you for the chuckle, @Jo Marshall


Pearly white lab tables with gleaming equipment and instruments dotted around. All neat and orderly. Pristine, as a scientist might want it.


Marshall: Getting any interesting readings coming through? This place is spotless. I need to hire their cleaner for my quarters. 


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@Samira Neathler @Alora DeVeau I loved this exchange 😄


Rivera: You shot the cat!
DeVeau: Are you sure that’s a cat?


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