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Top Funny Quotes <-- USS Arrow

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Zenno: ::Curt and maintaining eye contact and his hand resting on his sidearm:: Short straw? No. You speak with Zenno, acting Security Chief. Best to think of me as the trouble detector on this ship. I suffer nothing and no one to interfere with our missions and duties. ::beat:: Will I be detecting any ‘troubles’ while you are with us, Ensign? ::Tone shift:: I have read all the records.

I didn't even do anything, and yet I'm kinda nervous....😬

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Avar considered that. While she definitely had been the catalyst that had introduced them to the situation, the situation itself had existed for probably centuries. And if it hadn't been them, some other ship would have have run into the station. Probably a prospecting party that wouldn't have had the tech necessary to escape. oO And Starfleet should take some of the blame, for sending us to that system without a reason. Oo How many ships had been destroyed by anomalies over the years? Hundreds? Thousands?

se GIF


Ginny’s eyes darted around the room, back and forth between the two senior officers. No issues, of course. She was still breathing; the Arrow hadn’t yet completed its set of dead cadets, heads mounted on the wall of the Crew Mess. Her expression hardened as the theater continued.

Not "cadets", just "cadet". Do us a solid and put your head through this bullseye shaped picture frame would ya...?

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The entrance opened and a large golden animal bounded towards them. oO It's a Dog! Oo Dogs were one of the few aspects of Terran culture that Avar felt she had reasonable knowledge of. While they seemed to be your average pet animal, they were actually intelligent shape-shifters who could hover and spit lightning. They used these abilities to guard key locations or help humans hunt game animals. Avar supposed that the Dog was with Security.


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Dewitt: You realize this gathering is not about making me feel awkward, do you? I'm not being a unicorn in front of the Captain!

Things you would pay good money to see for $500, Alex. 

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Dewitt: Sounds like a pretty antiquated article that you read there.


Connor took another sip. To Nolen’s mind, this one tasted of “smug.” It was fair, though. The article was nearly 400 years old. Which was a shame, because all along the side of it there had been these teasers for very helpful “Weird Tricks” seemingly lost to time that could simultaneously prevent hair loss, win a date, lose belly fat, and grow three inches to one’s—


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Orsalen: Dog's can't shapeshift? What about hovering and spitting lighting?


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Dewitt: Thanks for doing this, Nolen. I... We can use some continuity and something to celebrate.

Hobart: Of course. ::beat:: One more question: how long can you hold your breath? Just a logistical thing.

Animated GIF

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  • Confused 1

Shayne: Feline Escape Pod, of course! If this little bugger is coming aboard, we’re treating it like family. 

The latest in pet care: chuck 'em out the airlock 

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Lacy: I’m sure it’s a fine ship and crew. I just… am not sure of the wisdom of putting me on it. When I came aboard, an hour or so ago, I felt a bit like a bacterial infection here, just before the T-cells strike.

GIF by jecamartinez

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Nolen swiveled in his seat, his face beaming with joy. “Do we have a way to” was verbal catnip to an engineer. Of course they had a way. They had three ways.

Puss In Boots Cat GIF

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21 minutes ago, Talia Ohnari said:

Poor @Nolen Hobart, forced into all sorts of social interactions due to friends....


It's insidious.

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Ohnari: Joke later, figure out how space just broke first. 

Newbie Hello GIF by Disney Channel

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From @Talia Ohnari, re: the Best Blueberry in the fleet:

Paperwork. Misnamed, as there was no paper involved, but still, the bane of a certain Haliian's existence. At one point, she tried to make a game of it, having a blueberry every time she finished a report, like a reward system. But by hour three, she never wanted to see a single PADD, or blueberry ever again....
oO Except Zenno. He can stay. He brings me bats. Oo


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Dewitt: Don't go full Hobart on me!

tropic thunder GIF

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Chloe had returned and was now getting into the water. This caused her
to do a double take, though. It seemed their Orion crewmate had seem The
Adventures of Mr. Fluffers superhero holoprogram one too many times.


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Hobart: ::muttering out the door:: “Full Hobart,” I’ll show you “Full Hobart.” Pfeh. Betcha wouldn’t even know “Half-a-Hobart” if it kicked
you in the teeth.

Dewitt: ::louder:: Love you too!

The Bromance is strong. 

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Adyr: Besides, Doctor Ohnari doesn't bite. ::With a bit of a lowered voice.:: Much.

By the Gods it was one time!!!!

Happy GIF by Disney

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Ohnari: ::eyes widening:: That is....awful. I promise the Terrans here are much more accepting. Lieutenant Hobart is half Terran. And not due to some forced arrangement...oO I think...and hope...Oo 


Nolen was trying to pay attention to the runabout’s heading, and making sure they didn’t lose the shuttle in tow on the way. But at the mention of his name, he couldn’t help but briefly join in the conversation. He was in it for just long enough to regret that fact.


Hobart: ALL RIGHT, OKAY! That’s quite enough speculation about the coital relations of my parents, thankyouverymuch.


He allowed an exaggerated shudder shimmy down between his shoulder blades as the conversation moved on.

@Nolen Hobart puts an end to that whole conversation!

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Shayne: Oh? What great sin have you committed from your biobed?

HEY! What happens in Sickbay, stays in Sickbay! 

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