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Juneau's Rememberable quotes!!! IC

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Aratta:  In fact I do, Ms. Vulcan! ::he immediately stopped and covered his mouth with both hands, realizing that he had broken formality:: Sorry, I mean. Ms. Sera.

@Aratta "In fact I do, Ms. Vulcan!" absolutely sent me🤣

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Posted (edited)

oO Eriddu, pleaseeeeeee!! Don´t get in love with the first person that shows kindness to you!!! Oo

Also add-in runner up for the humor. I love him so much.


Aratta:  Sure thing, Bro! ::quickling correcting himself again:: I mean Ensign Sera.

@Aratta These are way too relatable thought processes lol!

Edited by Dekas
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Eriddu: oO Dude! Oo ::he immediately blocked that thought and whispered:: =/\= Ensign Sera, help me! ::looking suspiciously around trying to conceive his voice:: What did I do to [...] off the Captain? =/\=

@Aratta The use of "Dude" in his vocabulary/thoughts. The being a little afraid of the Captain. I'm deceased. 🤣

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You're so kind @Dekas But a guess I couldn't have written the word [...] on the post. If Captain America was around I would have heard from him: Language!!! 

I hope to interact with you too soon. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hesan: ::nodding:: hopefully we won’t need the medkits though… at least not for us.

@Tomas Falt Did... did she just make a quiet little, "Call an ambulance... but not for me." type joke? Because I love that for her. 😆

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Interesting observation from our Engineer, Ensign @Kettick:


Qinn: We’re with Starfleet, and we’re recovering some stolen merchandise that does not belong to you.  While we’re at it, we figured we’d boost anyone you had locked up in here.  ::Pointing behind her at the second cell with two Orions in it:: Not them, based on what their minds are currently yelling, they probably belong where they are.

Ah, the famous Betazoid honesty. Kettick had heard of plausible deniability like the Jem’Hadar had heard of pacifism. He had never used it, and as far as he was concerned it was probably intended for someone else. That being said, revealing their identities and objectives to a potential hostile right at the start of the conversation would not have been his first choice.


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Do Gorn accept IOU’s? I don’t think so. But then again, stranger things have happened in the Aavaro Wilds 😁.
I really enjoyed this exchange between Lieutenant @Tomas Falt and Lieutenant JG @Dekas this week.


Dekas: ::very quietly whispered:: Th-This is so Murphed. 

His eyes watered from the effort of holding it back and he hated it because even the reactionary eye-watering was going to send him into a fit of laughter if he didn’t get it together. The only thing he had going for him was the fact he was managing to be mostly quiet and not overly expressive with his hands yet.

 oO Please, Murphy, not in front of the Gorn. Oo

 Falt: What do you mean, Dekas?

 Dekas: Do you think he’d accept an IOU? 

 Falt: ::looking at the Gorn:: No, I don’t think he would.


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@Vitor S. Silveira I hope you will be thrilled to know that your boy Silveira left something of an impression on Dekas despite not interacting as much as they could have over time, because the narrative right before that was


Dekas suddenly recalled a phrase said by their ship’s former Tactical officer, Vitor Silveira, during his very first mission experience. Based on a then unfamiliar “Murphy’s law”, which he’d since looked up the meaning of. It felt fitting right about now. 

So I can tell you right now, he learned it from Silveira 🤣

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One of the departing craft was the other shuttle from the Juneau. She was surprised to see it. Either something had delayed their departure, or they’d had to wait for Lieutenant Falt to stop talking long enough for them to take off. 

@Tomas Falt So first of all, I love Hesan in general. The sarcastic inner narrative is always good. Second of all, I like that you just had one of your characters low-key roast your other one for talking too much. Excellent.

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oO No one wants to inspect poop. Oo

And also one I meant to put here the other day that I just remembered, written by @Oddas Aria writing for Gwen Kingsley. Still deserves a mention. She's not wrong. 🤣

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Aratta: So!!! Which one will tell a joke? 

Sera started.  She remembered Master Chief Graves’ telling of a humorous anecdote years ago in unarmed combat class… (You think this is funny?!  You wanna hear something funny?!  Starfleet Intelligence!) 

Sera:  Starfleet Intelligence


It's been roughly five minutes since @Sera sent out the sim with this in it, but I was having a weird moment, and then read this and it made me laugh and instantly brightened my day. The dry Vulcan humor is good every time.

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Being in a position to give orders, not just relay them with the required and approved level of field adaptation? That was engraved somewhere deep within his genome, on a slate of DNA titled “Hell to the power of nope”.

@Kettick's writing is always a pleasure to read. Always contains such gems like this 🤣

But also this from the same sim


Also, he did not believe that him attempting to flirt with the human would have any value past comedy, without disrespect to Dekas’ usual approach.

Puttin' the bird on blast there about the flirting. And it's not even wrong because it is part of his approach. 😉

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Dekas: We’ve come this far, let’s hope we have this in a bag.

Kingsley: ::dryly:: It's actually in a rather large crate.

@Oddas Aria Gwen is at it with a good, cheeky one liner. I love her.

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Deveaux: Maybe we should send him a nice bouquet. It might help with that attitude.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Qinn: I apologize for my lack of appropriate uniform.  I know black market chic isn’t generally accepted on the bridge

Accepted or not, we all know she looks awesome!

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Leix: ::to Kendrick:: Be careful, Lieutenant. ::smiles wanly:: And watch your caboose.

An absolute classic from @Lael Rosek-Skyfire!

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Kendrick: Suddenly he felt a cold shiver go through his body as the hairs on his arms stood up.

Not a laugh out loud quote, but I love how Jon writes for @John Kendrick. It's always beautifully descriptive and gives us a real insight into how the character is actually feeling. 

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@Oddas Aria showing some fire in her words! Not sure I'd want to mess with her, with a Juneau class starship to back up her words. No siree! .... Love it!



Oddas: =/\= Actually,  Mr Conroy, I expect you to let us go because if you don't, you will have made a bigger enemy today, one that you don't want to make.  One that is going to show people a better way, a different way, a way to build and create, a way to put things together instead of take things apart. =/\=

Conroy: =/\= Response =/\=

Oddas: =/\= Quit, it'll be much safer and easier for you. =/\=  Commander Qinn, take us out of here.



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@Kettick I've said it before, but I'll say it again forever. I love Kettick.


Tipton: With respect, Sir, the tripwire releasing the EPS conduit safety valves at head level was something that could have landed you in trouble.

The Remmilian, his voice slightly muffled by a gas mask, looked down from his task of removing a layer of ultra-strong adhesive from the ceiling, having just wired the gravity plates underneath back to their original state.

Kettick : Overkill, do you think?

Tipton: Considering it could have incinerated anyone standing in front of the console, yes, somewhat.


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Gotta get 'em with the Vulcan sass every time @Sera 🤣


Sera:  It would appear that her therapeutic touch is quite…satisfactory.  You appear well rested, Lieutenant Kendrick.


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As always @Kettick out here with the good quotes at all times. I swear there's probably a quotable thing every sim he puts out.


Kettick: Explore a strange new world, investigate an incredibly old civilization that we were completely ignorant about until recently, and boldly go where other people have been possibly millenia before us?

Strange. Somehow that did not sound as exciting as the famous quote from the Starfleet Cadet introduction package.


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I'm wheezing over this comment @Kalia Qinn 🤣


Han: I try not to space people while I’m in my dress uniform, that’s how you get wrinkles.


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On 4/30/2022 at 11:36 PM, Dekas said:

I'm wheezing over this comment @Kalia Qinn 🤣


What?  It's true.  Do you know how much time it takes to properly iron a dress uniform?

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