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Overheard in the Shoals: Veritas Notable Quotables

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:: Evan closed his eyes, hoping that the captain’s next words would be anything except for what they were. ::

Rahman: We'll be paying it a visit.



@Evan Delano learns what it must be like to be in Tristam's shoes (or Moonsong's, or Del's, or...).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Delano: Mr. Kallo, I don’t suppose you have any way of cutting through all the interference? We have a larger ship out there that could provide support. It’d get you to our sickbay much faster. I can’t imagine all this radiation is good for you.

:: The smaller man offered what Evan was beginning to realize was his characteristic smile. ::

Kallo: Oh, I’m sure nothing I could offer would surpass all that wondrous Starfleet tech at your disposal.

Blake: Response?

Kallo: Well, for you, Just Commander… there was something. :: He gestured around them once more. :: Obviously, it didn’t work.


It always brings a smile to my face when someone continues an NPC's habits and trends from another writer. Kudos to you, Mr Delano. This is the beginning for poor "Just Commander Blake".

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@Mei'konda: Is the shielding interfeering with your scaans?

Greyson (@Skyfire) : I can't tell. They may've sealed it from the inside, and there doesn't appear to be a way to open it from here. ::shrugs, unclips tool kit from belt, glances through it:: Not sure I can without cutting a hole in it.

Tuk (@Trel'lis) : That would take too long and we don’t have the luxury of time. Combined phaser blasts may work faster, especially at their highest settings. Something like a blowtorch.

Mei'konda: Riight.  Setting siixteen, everyone. Let’s not mess around.


So clearly, Mei'konda, Greyson, and Tuk haven't reviewed what NOT to do with a sealed door based on horror movies...

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@Sky Blake: Core: As per usual, the dear captain needs results in the next thirty or less minutes. If anyone has any ideas, state them now or forever hold together this ship.

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Walker: That matches up to our target jump and their original coordinates. However Captain…

::Walker suddenly got this really goofy look on her face.::

Walker: …give me about twenty seconds more and I think I can provide more precise information.


On 1/25/2017 at 3:28 PM, Roshanara Rahman said:




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:: Capt. @Luna Walker looked over to the also Captain Rahman sitting next to her. :: 

Cpt. Walker: You are suspiciously quiet.



Only thing to make this better would be if imaginary Rahman were casually eating a slice of pizza when Luna first calls out to her.


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  • 1 month later...
Salok: ::in stoic Vulcan fashion:: Aye, captain. All hands on deck.
Salok: This is VJ Salok, setting a course for maximum dance.

If this doesn't belong here, I don't know what does. 

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If I had to choose a quote from "Letters From Home", it'd be this one:

Rahman: Commander Walker, your idea and execution of a quantum detonation probably saved all our lives. Some would say you're a miracle worker. I would say you're one crazy <expletive>. But since there's no crazy <expletive> award, I instead am proud to bestow upon you another citation of the Innovation Ribbon.


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  • 1 month later...

The ever helpful ship's computer to the rescue. No judgment. Just assistance when you need it:


Walker: Computer, please locate ship's doctor's on this PADD, as well as Lieutenant Danni James.  Provide a route that does not intersect current pathing to Conference room. 

Computer: Acknowledge. 

:: As Luna grabbed the set of crutches, she began the justification process.  Obviously she was stable enough to move if there were no doctors watching her.  And equally obviously, if there were crutches present.. she needed to exercise to get full mobility back.  So she was simply following doctor's orders as she would imagine them providing to her.  And the Captain would want her input for the debrief.  As for Danni.. no.. she was way too deep to get out of that yet.. and so long as her wife didn't simply transport her site to site.. she was probably safe for a few minutes.



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From @Mei'konda


:: Rahman spoke up.  The Captain’s Voice.  He’d never particularly enjoyed having it directed at him. ::


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::Roshanara raised her eyebrow at the other woman and interlocked her fingers as she listened. She doubted Walker was hoping for a trip out the nearest airlock, so she waited to be sure.::


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:: Luna looked in the direction the Captain pointed and cringed.  She'd hoped that Danni would have gone back down to engineering when she didn't find her here.  Instead she was obviously worried enough that she'd stuck around.  Which was going to make this really rough. :: 

Walker: Frak.  I don't supposed I can be sent to the brig?  Somewhere safe, with lots of witnesses?  

Rahman: I suppose at least you're already here in sickbay with medical aid right at hand.

My dear, there are no safe places...

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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Sepek: ::Nodding:: It reminds me of an ancient american old west movie. Too much violence, and not enough order.

And lots of pirates.


Edited by Blake
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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
Harik: No I’m ok. It’s just that. Well… ::She looked down at her plate.:: I’m pregnant.
Kelrod: oO ah, ok, nothing serious then… Oo 

I was mid-way through a tea when I read this "wait, WHAT?" gem and almost died. Thanks guys.


Edited by Blake
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  • 4 weeks later...

Delano: Fortunately, our proximity to Outpost 3 means we might be able to get access to some of the replicator materials they’d intended to use in the repair project. That could make things easier, but we can’t count on that just yet.

Meanwhile on Outpost 3...


Rahman: Tristam, there is *literally* a toilet seat welded onto that bulkhead to seal an atmospheric containment breach.

Core: We ran out of sealant- no, wait, that’s not the point!


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You know, at first I thought "She's a Sassy One, Isn't She?" was referring to this particular moment by Rahman;

Roqeth: How dare you impede my-
::Roshanara put her hand up to stop the man from talking.::
Rahman: We're really not going to go through all this again, are we?

But then I kept reading and found this gem;



Slater: That tells us very little about who is behind this. ::She paused.:: We have a location, and nothing else. We don’t know if the Outpost is the destination of the felicium, a distribution hub or even just a stop. ::She turned to the Klingons.:: I hate to break it to you but *this* is square one.

Roqeth: Square one? ::He turned to Slater.:: I’ve been investigating this since before you graduated, Ensign.

Slater: And yet, you are no closer than me to having any actual hard evidence as to who’s moving that felicium, sir. ::She fired back, making sure that the last word sounded just as insulting as his.::



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Core: The more the merrier.

::His gaze landed upon the Klingon, whom was looking at the Rodulan as if he had two heads.::

Roqeth: What *are* you?

::Tristam's eyebrows rose high, impossibly wide. After a few seconds frozen like this, he recomposed himself, giving an answer laced with sarcasm.::

Core: I'm your messiah. Careful, else I'll melt your brain.

Roqeth: You *dare*-

Core: Relax. I'm a Rodulan. And incredibly disappointed in your education system.


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  • 1 month later...

:: Kelrod decided to impress the young lieutenant with his knowledge of her and after a summarization of certain general facts with a bit of specific ones, he felt he’d achieved his goal. ::


Rosek: ::chuckles:: Pretty detailed. Though I don’t imagine you skimmed over my time aboard the Gorkon where we got stuck in an alternative universe. ::smiles:: Though I am slightly surprised you knew the details behind why I changed my major at the Academy. I thought they had that under lock and key.


Kelrod: Priviledge of rank and position. oO In fact he didn’t know the details, but the change in the courses told him that something happened to make such a switch, and it seemed that he’d hit the spot with that blind assumption.::

Kelrod is a player, sometimes he bluffs, sometimes he don't. Sometimes, bluffing works

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


Rosek: ::pauses:: I wonder if we could use the shuttles to help with maneuvering. We could modify their tractor beams to take more stress. That would take some of it off of the Veritas’ tractor beam and maybe increase our mobility. It would require a coordinated effort with the Astraeus, but I think it could work.

Walker: :: Nodding:: Yeah, I think that could work. And for once a plan that doesn't require bending the laws of physics. :: She turned with a mock disapproving look toward Lael. :: I thought I warned you about coming up with those sort of realistic and possible ideas.

::Lael grinned. It was almost strange how much more relaxed it was between them. It hadn’t been but a few months ago that they’d been arguing fairly aggressively in front of not only the Captain and the entire senior staff, but also in front of Antor II’s governor as well. She didn’t expect things to always be candy canes and lollipops between her and Luna.::

::They were going to butt heads on occasion. They were both naturally stubborn, opinionated people. The important thing was that they addressed their disagreements in a professional way without making it personal. Given their recent conversations, Lael had hope that they would at the very least develop a working relationship based on mutual trust and respect. Though she did secretly hope they could be friends outside of duty, too.::

Rosek: You’re the boss. I just work here.

Walker: Well just don't let it happen again.  Your next idea had better make Admirals sweat in terror to hear of it. :: She chuckled and shook her head. ::

Rosek: ::laughs:: You’ve got it, boss.

:: At that moment, the yellow alert flashed. Lael had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. It was always someone out here...especially, she was finding, in areas beyond the edge of frequented space like the Shoals. It was a damn good thing her time in the other universe had taught her how to adapt quickly to changing circumstances. She doubted she would have lasted a day out here as a green Ensign.::

Walker: And that is why we can't have nice ideas.  



Edited by Skyfire
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Tristam in "Captain on the Bridge"


Core: Aha . . . yeah, I can’t leave my project. My many apologies, but given there’s only two officers now attached to Loa, I’m afraid I’ll have to remain here.

Five minutes later, Roshanara after sending Tristam to her quarters in "Captain on the Bridge"


Rahman: Thanks for keeping the seat warm, Commander.

:: She beckoned towards the stars that lay ahead on the viewscreen. ::

Rahman: Now take us home.

And then there's me after those lines:




For the record, Tristam remains onboard.

Edited by Sky Blake
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6 hours ago, Sky Blake said:

For the record, Tristam remains onboard.

Rahman: So then he's all, "I'm leaving," and I'm just thinking...


...hahaha. No.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Blake: Writing up a report for Lieutenant Vistain?

::The officer turned with some measured speed, apparently startled by Blake's appearance (in the brand new, double-breasted mustard yellow uniform with her pips on the right hand side of her chest rather than her collar - Starfleet were apparently in the slow process of ditching the all-greys and blacks in favour for some more colour).

Meanwhile, Rich is all :w00t::w00t::w00t: and


Edited by Blake
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  • 5 weeks later...

Shall we officially go to the tailor to change our uniformes style?

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I've taken to using the ST:Beyond suit (see Carter Greyson's marine image) for some experimentation.

  • 3 weeks later...

@Alex Blair as Captain Niraa:


Niraa: Besides, I’m sure Kallo would behave so much better if you were to stay in our company. I’d hate to see him sneak off to my quarters in the middle of the night. ::pause:: It would be such an inconvenience.

:laugh: I like Niraa. We should make her a recurring character.

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