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Funny things heard on the USS Gorkon

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So a PNPC lost a limb and @Tahna Meru might have found the perfect argument why he wouldn't mind:


Had he really asked her to chop off his arm? What was he thinking? She knew Tellarites are argumentative, right? What if he was just picking a fight, didn't actually think she should disarm him? 

Maybe he just wanted a nice cybernetic arm?


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Jona tore his angry gaze from the Ferengi woman and forced himself to calm down. His clenched hands hurt and he took a moment to try to adjust his stance to a less confrontational one. He had to remind himself that he was physically imposing to the shorter woman and it wasn't in his purview to threaten or intimidate her. It wasn't his job to be an avenging smurf

@Jona ch'Ranniconfirmed :D :



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Reynolds: Or blow us all up! Damn it, Sevo, low power containment fields and phaser fire are not a good mix.

Are you sure @Quinn Reynolds? :3

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A massive T-rex was feasting on something, but now it turned its massive head with sharp teeth and looked up, sniffing in the air as if it smelt their presence.


Even if I KNOW the context of this, it makes an AWESOME out of context line @Samira Neathler :D

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4 hours ago, Alieth said:

@Jona ch'Ranniconfirmed :D :



Can we nominate scenes for QOTM? Because this entire scene has been so funny to me 😆

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16 minutes ago, Tahna Meru said:

Can we nominate scenes for QOTM? Because this entire scene has been so funny to me 😆

i SWEAR this need to be all around a QOTM


QOTM material @Tahna Meru? QOTM material for sure



Tahna: =/\= Yep. Lab coats: good for more than just looking pretentious. =/\=


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5 hours ago, Alieth said:

QOTM material @Tahna Meru? QOTM material for sure



Gotta say that was definitely inspired by this line in one of @Samira Neathler's sims: 



She never figured out why medical or science personnel had to wear coats above their uniforms. Perhaps a sign of showing off?


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The words were spoken with the soft, emotionless cadence that was her trademark, but in a way it was implied that, were it not utterly unworthy of her, she would be strangling the man right now. Or tossing a PADD to the man's forehead.


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 They had detected recent human traffic, though now Bear was beginning to formulate the opinion that the murderous Diinr had dragged bodies around the ship for the hell of it. However, being the magnanimous man he was, he relented his position, hands retreating to his hips, breath cold as he exhaled.


Bear, the Magnanimous, has some Roman Emperor ring :D

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Kero: =/\= Not exactly the ideal situation to be crawling around laboratories with yev knows what is leaking inside. Good to see you've found your feet, Ensign. Tahna will keep you on your toes. =/\=
He glanced around to his present company and smiled towards the Bajoran man.
Tagren-Quinn: =/\= I have no doubt.  =/\= oO Been on my toes all day, sir. Oo

Who volunteers to give @Bryce Tagren-Quinn a foot massage? 😄

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Kero: =/\= I haven't brought my duranium plated boots today, or my handy pocket Vulcan. =/\=



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Lephi: =/\= We could always try booting it down. =/\=



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Not as funny as a perfect concise little recall and motivation of the character for being where he is, nice work @Bryce Tagren-Quinn!



Haze. Pandemonium. Flashes of a time from long ago, of a lunar colony experiencing a meltdown. Fiery debris raining from the sky as the smell of metal and chemicals enveloped around him. It filled his nostrils, burned his heart. Warring factions, of miners and processors, descended on the medical teams that came in to help the injured and remove casualties. As a civilian doctor, Bryce had never experienced such conditions. Such death. Such despair. It was the moment that compelled him to join Starfleet, despite all the crap with his father. 


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Neathler: What if they tried to beam the entity away instead?


Loxley: Then sending it to the Gorkon would not earn us any of Nkai’s cupcakes.


Oh. That was disappointing. His cupcakes were legendary, and she would be most hurt to miss out on them.

@Corliss Got to have priorities 😄

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The Vulcan's gaze wandered from Bear to the hulking man (if Marshall was regarded as an ursid because of his size, how was this officer supposed to be considered? Like a pachyderm, perhaps? Maybe one of those extremely woolly extinct types that inhabited Earth in the past, when it looked slightly more like Andoria?)

@Alieth certainly knows how to describe giants, makes you wonder if the Vulcan has some issues with her height 😉

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In a surprising act of swiftly rising anger, Lephi turned to punch the remaining wall. Immediately, she winced from the impact undoubtedly jarring through her bones. Bryce nodded in agreement. Rix thought it was an odd way to check the walls for structural stability in the wake of the shock collapse. However, he managed to jam a stembolt into that thought in time to stop it from freely flowing out of his mouth.

@Jo Marshall staying in theme. 😄

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From Walter Brunsig narrative:



Dressed for an arctic expedition, their breath misting in the air, thick shadows pooling in red gloom, and all of them as jumpy as ferrets on amphetamines.


@Quinn Reynolds I don't think I'll ever get over this description

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1 hour ago, Samira Neathler said:

@Alieth Oi, keep them Bear alive, will ya. Some of us do like him. 😜

No promises! :P

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On 3/31/2022 at 10:21 PM, Samira Neathler said:

@Corliss Got to have priorities 😄

Ya'll the ones flinging to your deaths during Hunger Games for some chocolate cake 😂 I just want ONE cupcake!

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A silence descended upon them; full of determination and nowhere to channel it. How to achieve the impossible? Granted, the impossible was Starfleet’s bailiwick, but it felt like they were standing at the bottom of Mount Everest, trying to summit in beachwear.

That I'd like to see, @Quinn Reynolds 😁

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