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SB118 Ops: Quotations of the Week!

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It was almost fool proof against most technology.  But Starfleet was a particularly nerdy military force that indulged in a lot of scientific exploration.  They could track engine emissions and shield frequencies even if the ship itself was obscured.

Like tracking targs with a fart sensor in a tule fog. 


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And so, exposure at first was quite the rush…a euphoria unlike anything they had no doubt ever experienced…but that euphoria was the hook, and the sinker was increasing aggressiveness, loss higher functioning and fine motor control.  Some could theoretically die from exposure, sure; but that wasn’t the purpose of the toxin.  It had been designed to override higher functioning.  


In other words, they would become what Terra Prime saw within them…lesser animals, driven only by their baser instincts…worthy only to be ruled…or else only death.

Remind me to never get on @Sera's bad side IRL.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This was just going - so- well. Murphy had it out for them. Big time. 

Oh Rue... so true 😅

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Taelon: If your friends got out in a shuttle, the Commodore will keep them as safe as he can. And you’ll talk to them again. ::A pause.:: Or knock their lights out. Whichever.

Because that's what friends do.

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Foster: No shit, Sherlock.

Well, he would probably regret saying that later since he was absolutely sure that Zumagi wouldn’t get the reference.  And worse there was an actual person on the crew with the actual name Sherlock.

This made me giggle. 

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She shared in the excitement of the moment, feeling her heart swell in her chest as the the saucer section disengaged from the stardrive, separating itself from the vessel's core. An autonomous entity untethered from its celestial partner.

daaaang what a description! ❤️ Excellent work @Nestira Aristren!

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Zel: and while we can get out of the way, the shockwave will definitely hit the Rahuba.

Aristren/McLaren: ?

Zel: Ninety seconds before full meltdown, max three minutes before explosion…

Aristren/McLaren: ?

Oh sure, put the Rahuba right in the middle of the shockwave. 😄

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Taybrim: because if they’re going to unload at us, I want to be within kissing distance of the mothership.


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McLaren: Alright what else wants to mess with us?

Nonono, don't *invite* chaos!

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Sill-con simply took a step back now that his superiors are involved, opting to remain quiet as they spoke of their next move. He had done his duty, and he has done it well. the objective was complete and they returned mostly fine... for the first time Sill-con felt light.

Brikar and light are two words that don't really go together...

Seriously though, lovely insight into the character!

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Poor Willow in this scene…

    Willow: ::Speaking to the enemy:: You are going to talk to me. ::Haukea’s voice is stern, an emphasis on me::
  • Paxton: ::hoarsely:: No.  
  • Sh’shelor: She’s too stupid to know anything. Best to simply beat her to a pulp!


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Sill-con blinked at his superior, a moment of silence as this piece of information was dropped like a rock splitting from the mountain.

Very appropriate considering he's a Brikarian!

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A pause.  Hesitation.

And then he felt a spike of curiosity.  His empathy was like a dog thrashing at a gate to be let out, and every once in a while it got a paw through.  

Not a snarling, biting dog.  A hyperactive friendly dog that wanted to lick you to death.

But behind it was a very shy dog that had been locked up for far too long.  He needed to keep his empathy at bay if he wanted to develop his telepathy to any sort of usable degree.


I love this metaphor 

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Lt. Nestira Aristren - Shattered Constellations

Sometimes it's not just the content, but the titles.  I just really like this title and find it conjures a clear image in only two words. 

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From the narration of Ishreth Dal: 



Maybe he should have called Sherlock?  He had debated, because he would have liked to just call in security and be done.  But this wasn’t exactly a hostile situation.

No, it was more of a stupid situation.


Which one is worse?

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From the narration of Trovek Arys:



As romantic as murder was, and as much as she did not want to worry Lukin more, there was no point in lying to him, or in skipping vital information.


Because nothing says romance like murder.

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Blackwell: Oh no, I’m pretty easy going ::she said, waving any concern lightly:: I’ll try most anything at least once.

100% relatable.

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Renot: Oh! There’s a label on it! PS5? I wonder what that means… It sounds and looks ancient.

Do they have any "seedee" players?

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From the narrative of Solaris McLaren:


Well there was a third option, but she didnt think Alora or Isreth would accept 'jettison them all into space' as an appropriate solution. 

Well, we could consider it... >.>

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From the narration of Sill-con:



To the Credit of Sill-con, he was able to detect the jape all by himself. Of course, his reaction was Stoned.


This made me giggle.

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Unless one like the aesthetic of ‘well-read young historian who should be teaching lectures’ he was a relationship of benefit and interest and not fanciful romance

I am pretty sure there are enough people who are into exactly that. 

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Sherlock: Alright, fine. Officers, take this one, this one, and that one, now!

Breeder 1: You can’t do that!  I’m innocent!

Breeder 5: This is unconstitutional!

Breeder 3: Whose Constitution?

Breeder 2: What’s a Constitution?!

@Jalana, that's your cue.

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Renot: Uh… Goat Simulator 3? What's a Goat? Maybe not this thingie…


This world NEEDS a goat simulator game now!

  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, Alora DeVeau said:


This world NEEDS a goat simulator game now!


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