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LCDR Aine O. Sherlock

Captains Council observer
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Everything posted by LCDR Aine O. Sherlock

  1. Not only was this well played out, @N. Aristren aka Trovek's writer won't even take it easy on her own other characters, but the format, the splitting the scene. I love to see creative ways of simming that really do give a feel as if you're reading a script from the show.
  2. @Obsius Sill-con did great on this one! Great analogy that gets his feelings across.
  3. Agreed! I love the direction he took it!
  4. @Jack Kessler Little update on this from the guys at TrekYards. They spoke with the designers, as they know most of them personally, and the script was finalized before the design. The design actually only has the one visible shuttlebay. The designer just said something along the lines of "maybe there's three bays (decks) behind the one door."
  5. It should say epilogue, lol, very tired, writing fast. The other one too.
  6. Picard and Nella Daren. For me it was a moment when Jean Luc realized just how alone. And with the new series we're still seeing that theme.
  7. Could be near the impulse engines. Could also be the lighted squares on the bottom of the saucer as seen here:
  8. Congratulations! Welcome to The Fleet!
  9. That whole sim made me miss my 20's.
  10. R’Val: Hhlakh dyypan veruulir. Kllhe fehill’curak susse’thraiir. (Assorted Romulan expletives)
  11. Congratulations! Welcome to The Fleet!
  12. Thank you. I'd like to give a shoutout to @Sera for writing this series with me. Without her ideas of the mind meld, this never would have happened.
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