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LCDR Aine O. Sherlock

Captains Council observer
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Everything posted by LCDR Aine O. Sherlock

  1. So many feels with this one! That log entry was perfect.
  2. Rude! Going to have to have words with someone! 😉
  3. Congratulations! Welcome to The Fleet!
  4. Congratulations! And welcome to Thee Fleet!
  5. How many times in my life have I ruined the moment simply by opening my mouth? Too many to count. This time, things will be different. I walk up quietly as she stands there staring out the window deep in thought. Gently I place my hands upon her shoulders and give them a gentle squeeze. I pull myself in closer so my face just touches her hair and I breathe in. That scent. The one only a woman’s hair produces. As I firmly wrap my arms around her shoulders and pull her in close, her hands move to mine. I squeeze as I nuzzle up to her ear and breathe out gently. Though I can’t see her face, I can feel her smile. It’s clear in my mind, you could never mistake it for anything else as her face shines when it appears. We sway in unison as if our song is playing. Time no longer exists at this moment. I feel in my chest, her silent laugh. Is she recalling a similar time? Maybe even one where I spoke too soon. She turns to face me and wraps her arms behind my neck, my hands at the small of her back. I lean my forehead against hers. My fingers spread and then close, the folds of her shirt filling them. I savor the moment as I know it can’t last forever. I open my eyes as I lean back, still pulling her hips close to mine. “Are you ready?” she asked me. Why stop here? I wonder to myself. I tell her, “No.” “Well, that’s just too damn bad.” She placed her hands on my chest, separating us by just a step. Is it anticipation? Something builds inside me. Her smile transforms into a grin, sly and devious. Her arms cross as she grips the hem of her shirt and begins to lift. Time is moving slowly. My fingers feel what hers feel. She lifts, her hair falls gently in slow motion. Her hand reaches out towards me. “Thanks for doing the laundry.” “Yeah, sure. No problem.”
  6. Congratulations! And welcome to the Fleet!
  7. Congratulations! And welcome (back) to the Fleet!
  8. Congratulations! Welcome to the Fleet!
  9. My poor sweet summer squirrel, if you only knew.
  10. Congratulations! And welcome to the Fleet!
  11. I know the whole sim got posted, but I feel this line from @Rustyy_Hael: Oh he could hug her! Saved him from a horrible death, death by fear of bugs… bugs in his suit! Oh no… he closed his eyes and pretended anything else was happening. Who prayed for warp core meltdown? He did…
  12. That tie in with how Andorians look versus the Valcarians :: chef's kiss ::
  13. Congratulations and welcome (and welcome back) to the Fleet!
  14. Congratulations! And welcome to the Fleet!
  15. I'm not sure where the holodeck safeties come in. But in one series me and another writer did I simmed a doctor on one space station on a holodeck where the program was the lab the other character was working in and he was in her lab via the EMH projector. Essentially an interactive video teleconference. All information would essentially be sent back and forth via subspace communication relays. So, I'd say something like that could be done but interaction in the distant location may be limited. The Barclay example, to me, would be on the extreme and rare end of things since he was going though that transformation that was clearly beyond human or human technological knowledge of that time.
  16. Though they weren't my favorites, I just want to give a shout out to the Remans. They really made them look like what I think a nocturnal species should look like.
  17. Congratulations @Ikaia Wong and @Kivik! You both knocked it out of the park!
  18. Congratulations! And welcome to the Fleet!
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