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LCDR Aine O. Sherlock

Captains Council observer
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Everything posted by LCDR Aine O. Sherlock

  1. Congratulations! Welcome to The Fleet!
  2. Congratulations and welcome (back!) to The Fleet!
  3. And along with all the other singing posts, our new Doc had some fun with it too!
  4. Doucet's bedside manner at the end, chef's kiss. Lean into it, jab'em.
  5. First, congratulations everyone! Second, I'd like to recognize my fellow Yar Pin winner, @Zenno! You genuinely deserve it!
  6. I love when writers take a jab at their own characters in narrative. This is the one time I've seen someone have their character take a jab at their writer and I love it.
  7. I come up with three things that can potentially define the character and do searches for, for example, things like "old money, smug looking, but good at heart" and see what comes up.
  8. Big class! Congratulations all of you! Welcome to The Fleet!
  9. Congratulations! And welcome to The Fleet! You did amazing!
  10. Aine is stepping out of her comfort zone and stepping to a designer dress by renown Rihan Temaonra s'Nai. By combining traditional styling with modern materials, it brings an edginess not often seen in the Old Empire.
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