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Vitor S. Silveira

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Everything posted by Vitor S. Silveira

  1. No comments because I am still laughing...
  2. From Healer Se’vayan simmed by @Arys First contact is always confusing, specially for the ones making contact with a Federation vessel like the USS Rahuba But I am sure Commander @Alora DeVeau might help with that.
  3. I love @Ikaia Wong outfit. I just wonder where the medical tricorder is...
  4. I am sorry for being totally partial here, but I couldn't let this one go without a deserved appreciation. There isn't a proper translation for the word Saudade in English, but @Etan Iljor did a great job at expressing what it means. Thank you.
  5. I have a feeling someone thought something like "Write it down". But if we ever do this I call dibs on a ball and glove
  6. Medical sims can be a challenge. Specially one like this. But again @Arys proved to be a talented writer. Reader discretion is advised as you can see from the title.
  7. Random encounter with the mother-in-law. My first thought was "I just have to share this one". Thank you for this @Genkos Adea an @Kali Nicholotti
  8. We all know how much talent is around our fleet. But I can't help to point out two of the writers I enjoy the most here. I am lucky to have them both put up with me and ever since they joined I saw they were great additions to the fleet. This is my way to thank them now that their two PCs meet. I joined the three parts so we can all read them together. I loved reading this @Lt Aine Olive Sherlock and @Arys.
  9. I knew this was going to be good when @Lt Aine Olive Sherlock asked to "borrow" Cliffhigh. But again I was surprised to see it was so much better than I expected. 🤣
  10. Our current mission has seen great sims so far. I just don't post them all here because I don't want to flood the appreciations. Thank you all for the great reading this has allowed. But this one, this one... I found it special. Perhaps the best way to describe it is fishy. I am still laughing and the only thing I hope is that we aren't hanging in the cliffhanger. Again @Genkos Adea I have questions. What does he mean with "Again?"
  11. Body swapping brings up a lot of questions, and we need answers. What was the nail color? 🤣
  12. She looks like a fine addition to the ship's Marines
  13. Sorry to barge in, but knowing Tatash it will happen if the need arises.
  14. Never lend anything to @TLea 🤣
  15. It was a great read Doc. I am glad your back writing with us.
  16. And thank you for allowing me to be part of such a well thought and extraordinary story.
  17. It looks like something else is cooking here 😉 @Arys and @Alora DeVeau I loved this one, specially the title.
  18. Just this 🤣
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