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Vitor S. Silveira

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Everything posted by Vitor S. Silveira

  1. Congratulations to all. It is a well recognition to every one of you and a huge thank you for your work. If it wasn't for that we wouldn't have a place to write.
  2. Congratulations. A special word to those that I have, and had, the privileged to write with. Very well done.
  3. Congratulations and thank you. Writing and reading with you all is reward enough but its always nice to have your peers recognition.
  4. ::walks in discreetly just to drop something and runs out::
  5. Keeping this saved for the next time... Lieutenant
  6. There are too many reason for this to be appreciated. From @Addison MacKenzie description, to @Gila Sadar reaction it really is a great reading. But honestly it is the opportunity to tease @Gila Sadar who secretly aspired to be in the Harry Kim Club (or Ensigns Forever Group) and again tell you: Hit the Sickbay Doc You ain't an Ensign no more, no more, no more
  7. You all should know by now not to fuel my chaotic plot writing mind
  8. EDIT: Vitor Silveira checking in... I don't know this Pokemon name, but I was told it fires phasers and torpedoes, so I had to catch it.
  9. Most of us know that the last sim we write on a ship is always a tough one. @LuxaLorana has already said her goodbyes to the crew, but our mission that as taken us to another universe, with different characters, have give us such great scenes. And here we have the final scene from Lux, Lorana's alter ego, in one of the most heartbreaking goodbyes I have read. And I have read quite a few. I know you will enjoy the Ronin as much as you enjoyed the Artemis, but allow me the selfishness to say that I am sorry to see you go.
  10. I appreciate the mention but credit is due to where credit is own. That's actually by @Cirus Almonaster V
  11. Vik isn't Sil... But weren't we supposed to keep somethings from our prime characters 🤷‍♂️
  12. I honestly just admire the risk you took creating her, you can have chosen just making another warrior character like most of us, but the spin you have given us with "this" Jovenan is awesome. You would rather Vik used his first choice? ::rubs ribs::
  13. Sorry, but not sorry to keep flooding the Apreciations these last days. I have already posted here the amazing mission start by @Yalu. And yesterday I had to post the sim from one of our newest writers @Ensign Sadar. But this one is from someone who's been with us a little while longer, and has proven time and again her quality as a writer and as a player. Unlike the majority of the crew in this "different" mission she chose to create a dubious character, and one I had quickly related to, although IC she will certainly only be a step away from a "favorite enemy" the way @Jovenan presented her Shint Universe counterpart deserves a full reading.
  14. I was eagerly waiting for this one to came out. Magnificent work @Ensign Sadar. With a little help from @LuxaLorana
  15. As you all will agree, we started this new mission of ours with quite a push. And honestly I would likely post everyone's introduction of their characters in Appreciations, but at the fear of over flooding it I have to put in the first lines from @Kuva and @LuxaLorana that really sold me.
  16. We all know that a good mission start is important. Our next mission in the Artemis will take us to another universe, with other characters based on our prime ones. By the looks of it we are starting with a bang, @Yalu with his huge talent has given us a new world to explore. Let this not be the last battle of the Desdemona.
  17. Well, Arys doesn't think he can take care of Garev... 😒
  18. @Hiro Jones and @Genkos Adea this one just...
  19. Congratulations. Also, a thank you to all my ship comrades, past and present for putting up with Sil all these years. My award wouldn't be possible without you.
  20. Congratulations, but also a heartfelt thank you to all members of the staff. Not only do you carry on writing your wonderful characters, but you put up the extra workload that is necessary to keep the fleet running. Thank you all.
  21. Again congratulations to all, winners, nominees, not nominated, for making this such a wonderful community
  22. Congratulations to all the winners, nominees, staff and every member of the fleet.
  23. I have been, and always will be, a Lurys fan. Dammit @Nestira Aristren again you wrote a very powerful and relatable sim that really shook me.
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