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Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf

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Everything posted by Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf

  1. Wanted to let everyone know that the list of Writing Challenge Winners has been updated on our website to reflect all the winning entries for 2011. Also, I've created all the 2011 banners that didn't get finished, and they are now listed below. For 2012 and going forward, we'll have a new banner, supplied by The (Image) Collective team! The winners with banners below are: Cameron Bunag Jaxon McGhee Saveron Della Vetri
  2. It's a lot to ask for someone to read every single sim through the the year that comes through this contest. That's why, if we're just expecting any set of judges to read the smaller group sims that have already won a round, it lessens the burden.
  3. I think it's important that we just keep in mind the workload involved. I don't expect everyone in the fleet who votes in the Top Sims Contest to read every sim in every round. I think if you're going to vote in any given round, you should read the sims. But if I vote in one round and skip the next one entirely, that's okay. I don't want to get into a situation where we have to create an infrastructure for judging that requires a great deal of time and effort. The scalability is just not there. It's a nice thought to say we could have a rotating panel for every round, but in reality the question is where we're going to find those people. Who's going to take responsibility for ensuring that we have judges each round? That they're judging in a timely fashion? That their results are tallied and announced? FltCapt. Riley already has to do quite a bit of busy work to keep the contest going as-is, and I don't think it's fair to add more work onto that. I'll again reference back to the idea of having judges do the final round, and perhaps we can add a quarterly run-off or something, so that each quarter we cull down the group of sims to the top two for the quarter, leaving us with eight sims in semi-finals. The member base could vote, leaving the top three to go to the finals, where a panel then decides the winner among those top three? Something like that doesn't require the effort in putting together a panel of judges on a monthly or weekly basis. I'm definitely in favor of more PR for the contest, but I would mention that we already announce each round on the news, and I believe I've also posted on the fleet email list a few times for the final round. So, the PR then falls on the ships to ensure that they're doing their due diligence.
  4. Now I know someone who works at NASA! #winning with Lauren Worley.

  5. Hmm! Very interesting, very interesting! What does everyone else think about that?
  6. We can't do a judge's panel for every single round. It's too much to ask that three people read up to a 10 sims every two weeks and then rate them. However, what if a panel of judges, who are not from the ships of the top two or three sims at the end of the year, were to be the ones to decide the winner?
  7. A few people have made suggestions in the shoutbox. Please re-post them here. We can consider them together.
  8. Totally over D-list celebs coming out and everything thinking it's a huge coup for the movement. If "the children" you're allegedly coming out to give solidarity to don't even know who you are, how is your action anything more than a narcissistic ploy at reviving your career? I mean, it's great that all of the most beloved roles on TV in the 1980s were actually played by big homos, but memo to all former actors: please don't pretend like coming out 15 MONTHS AFTER "IT GETS BETTER" started, an...

  9. I just looked at a map of Maryland and realized I have no idea where I live. #newhere #firstday[...]

    1. Kane Morgan

      Kane Morgan

      HAHAHA I live in Boston and the only reason I can show someone on a map is because it's in Bold, and it's near the water. LOL Don't feel so bad.


  10. The 2011 Award Ceremony is posted! http://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php?title=Awards_Ceremony,_2011 Special Awards Duty Post Awards Staff Awards Top Sims Contest winner Member Service Length Awards
  11. Watch what happens when this bulldog is left alone with a new couch he's not allowed to play on: http://youtu.be/VT64tQ_S-Gk

  12. You rarely leave the ship anyway -- might as well just wear your pajama uniform! And instead of boots, we'll wear big fuzzy slippers as long as we're not going on an away mission.
  13. Just had my yearly sip of champagne, leading to my yearly hives and swollen lips. Happy NYE everyone!

  14. My first New Year's Even in 11 years that I'll be watching the ball drop live at midnight. Last time I was on East Coast Time for NYE was when I was in the Walt Disney World College Program with Roman Paprocki, Timmy Carolan, Stacey Elledge King, Krystal Peoples, and Justin Kerner!

  15. I have an "Epic Playlist" for when I play computer games like Warcraft. It includes: Battlestar Galactica Season 2 Soundtrack Da Vinci Code Soundtrack Lord of the Rings (Fellowship of the Rings) Soundtrack The Village Soundtrack 300 Soundtrack Eve Online Soundtrack Sins of a Solar Empire Soundtrack If you have access to a free account of Spotify, you can probably get most of them without paying
  16. Shut. The [...]. Up. Tim Tebow has an autobiography? What could a sex starved 20-smthing football player POSSIBLY have to say worth reading?

  17. Reading my first book on the Barnes & Noble nook that Hank Hedland got me for Christmas! (The Hunger Games)

  18. Glad to have you with us! Good luck in the fleet
  19. Kim Jong Il is dead. I feel like I'm handling it pretty well so far.

  20. I've never played STO, but I was heavily into WoW, on and off, since the vanilla version. I think there really has to be a big effort to keep the game fresh to keep people involved. WoW does holiday events, releases new content every other year, increases the level cap, and spends a LOT of effort to get people involved in group play like instancing and raiding. Again, haven't played STO, but I don't hear a lot of that type of stuff going on with them.
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