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Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf

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Everything posted by Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf

  1. After lots of tests and computer model runs astronomers Martin Jutzi and Erik Asphaug came up with the scenario to explain why the moon’s far side have so much more hills than the one that is always facing Earth. The theory outlined in the journal Nature comes with an artist’s render of the collision of[.....] View the full article
  2. Continuing in our vein of seasonal topics, September/October brings us a theme inspired by an episode title from Star Trek: The Original Series. The topic selected for this round is “Where No Man Has Gone Before”. With a topic that’s so quintessentially Star Trek, the judging team will be looking forward to seeing entries from[.....] View the full article
  3. Others includes Romulan, Orion, Al-Leyan, Android, Ba’ku, Dachlyd, Denebian, Denobulan, Gideon, Iotian, Laudean, Pythron, Angosian, Brekkian, and Cardassian. View the full article
  4. Congratulations to the following officers on their promotion! Dero Goi to Lieutenant JG Arden Cain to Lieutenant JG Rogg d’Squamos to Lieutenant View the full article
  5. Congratulations to PNPC Davies and DeCosta for “Going Viral,” the Round 19 winner, which is continuing on to the semi-finals, at the end of the year. View the full article
  6. Yes, it’s time to listen to that voice inside you that secretly supports the villains in the struggle of good versus evil, as Poll of the Week asks you to tell us who you think is the best of the TNG movie bad guys! Were you rooting for Lursa and B’Etor to finally get one[.....] View the full article
  7. The away team on Farius Prime arrived to a brotherhood bunker where they’re tested by an Orion slave named Jalen following orders of Major Talar to discover if they’re of the Brotherhood or faking. The team managed to uncover themselves Lt. Tali managed to make Jalen sympathize with them and get her help for the[.....] View the full article
  8. Congratulations to Ensign Velana and Ensign Zinna for “Tell Me About Your Childhood,” the Round 18 winner, which is continuing on to the semi-finals, at the end of the year. View the full article
  9. If you’re reading this you probably enjoy writing Star Trek stories. Did you know that it was a Star Trek story that won the Flashback Week competition back on August? It was a fantastic story where a team who had crashed on a hostile Cardassian planet had to fight to survive, you can read the[.....] View the full article
  10. First contact episodes of Star Trek give us an interesting look at the law both in and outside of the Federation. Let’s take a look at a few of the more unique legal systems encountered by Enterprise crews! Argrathl Instead of incarceration those sentenced to prison for serious crimes on Argrathl are actually implanted with[.....] View the full article
  11. I just met Steny Hoyer. And then I forgot to introduce myself to Steny Hoyer.

  12. While the Federation Standard for Starbase 118 is English, not all of the writers in the group hail from English speaking countries. There truly is a melting pot of members throughout the different ships and bases here, each with their own level of writing skill. It is for that reason that we delve into the[.....] View the full article
  13. You can now vote on the submissions from Round 20, and submit new sims for last round of the year! Head on down to the Top Sims Contest forum and get to voting! View the full article
  14. Life was good on Ba’ku. Captain Tyr Waltas and his first officer (pro tempore) Eden Redstone were finally wed in a romantic ceremony and subsequently serenaded, wined and dined by their celebrating crew. The crew enjoyed a luxurious end of shore leave and the captain and his new first officer, for the moment serving in[.....] View the full article
  15. .@wmata single tracking delays? SHOCKING.

  16. Halloween is right around the corner, and this year StarBase 118 is celebrating in style! Head on over to the forums to get in on this year’s 1st Annual Halloween Avatar Contest. Anyone who wants to participate must form a team with their shipmates and decide upon a theme that provides plenty of opportunity for changing[.....] View the full article
  17. Please welcome our newest class of Academy graduates to the UFOP: StarBase 118 fleet: Dukath! View the full article
  18. After an assassination attempt on Captain Sidney Riley, the USS Independence continued to the Bajoran System under the temporary command of First Officer, LtCmdr Darius Clack. Interrogation of captured assassins, believed to be members of the Scarlet Brotherhood, took place with little useful information obtained. Numerous attempts to disrupt the ship’s systems were attempted by[.....] View the full article
  19. This week, Poll of the Week asks you which other sci-fi shows you watch aside from Star Trek (so in other words, if you’re desperate for a sci-fi fix and Trek just isn’t available!). In those situations, do you find yourself rushing for the nearest blue-painted telephone booth, or climbing into the cockpit of a[.....] View the full article
  20. This month started with the crew still on shore leave on the planet Vulcan. On a planet renowned for the ascendancy of logic over emotions the crew of the USS Drake NCC-1987 managed to chalk up an impressive number of emotional encounters. Some of the highlights were as follows. To the general excitement and acclimation[.....] View the full article
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