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Found 17 results

  1. Please post any funny lines or memorable quotations from sims from our crew!
  2. I figured instead of having a monthly thread, we could just keep a running thread of funny instances in our sims.
  3. There was one of these for the Victory and I seen other ships with a simular topic, so here is a new one for a new ship, who wants to be the first to put up a funny Quote from one of the crew??
  4. The post-mission chat scene between @Talos Dakora and @Addison MacKenzie just kept getting brilliant-er as its two writers developed it. But to kick off the new Artemis quips, quaps and quotes thread, I chose to showcase this particular snippet. I'm imagining the inaccurate-but-comical impression sounds like Tina from Bob's Burgers.
  5. Going to kick off the new quotes thread for the Astraeus with one from our Vulcan doctor, @Solok. I just love me some dry, Vulcan humor 😂
  6. Let's kick off our new quotes thread with some inspiration: And insight: And of course, some out of context:
  7. Did someone on Denali Station say something funny? Gut wrenching? Thought provoking? Feel free to post those things here. I'll start. --- Absolutely classic @TLea being secretly excited about the prospect of something blowing up. It's good every time. 😉
  8. I guess you may already know that but USS Arrow simulation was just launched last Monday. In order to celebrate such unique event here are the nominations for the Top Funny Quotes of the Season. 🤣😆😂😝
  9. Quips, quotes, advice, it all goes here! What's happening on the Oumuamua? And should we be afraid?
  10. @Rustyy_Hael You're picking up what I'm putting down. Made me laugh and smile.
  11. Did someone write something that you loved? That made you laugh out loud, or gasp? Please share it here, on this post.
  12. Paraphrasing our first officer and since we didn't have a quotes thread, let's start one! From "Minefield, both metaphorical and literal" Allegedly Lia Rouiancet, in fact @Tony, aka Kells You've KILLED me with that, Skipper XD
  13. New thread for a new ship...
  14. I found this probably a little too funny...
  15. There are many times that I love small snippets of SIMs so deeply that they could be a reason to throw the whole post to the appreciation forum, but as I would basically spam that place every time any of you sends an email, I will open a thread just to include those great moments that can be read in the Thor. To initiate it, I would like to highlight this moment from @Alex Brodie I don't know why, the scene play in my head as the perfect comic moment, without the need to say anything and I chuckle every time I read it. Good job, Brodie! What other moments have you enjoyed? Share them with everybody else!
  16. This topic is for any funny, motivational, inspiring (add any adjective you want) quotes which have been uttered aboard the USS Atlantis in it's many adventures.
  17. I wanted to recognize this great line of dialogue earlier this month from Dr. Hawkeye:
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