+ Velana Posted March 7, 2012 Posted March 7, 2012 (edited) While I was helping my friends pack up the house they've lived in for 20 years, I came across their old collection of (mostly) fan-written/complied Star Trek manuals and guides. One in particular caught my eye and I felt compelled to copy it and share it with all of you. I've adjusted some of the phrasing for clarity's sake, but this is mostly word-for-word from the Starfleet Marriage Manual. There was no date on the pamphlet, but judging by the others around it, I'm guessing circa 1980. Pre-TNG, for certain.*****Starfleet Marriage RegulationsClassified Files 1902-A through 1902-O1902-AAGE: The legal age of marriage for all Human Starfleet personnel is 16 years from the date of birth. Legal age for all non-Human lifeforms under Starfleet command shall be determined by the customs of their individual culture.1902-BAPPLICATION: Applications for permission to be married are available to all Starfleet bases and from all Starship captains. The applications must be approved by the Commander of a Starfleet base as well as a Starfleet Medical Command Officer or Starship Captain. Said application must be filed with reports from the examinations outlined in paragraphs 1902-A thru 1902-D.1902-CPHYSICAL EXAMINATION: A physical examination must be submitted by all applicants. This examination must be performed by a Starfleet Medical Officer. The requirements for the examination to be performed are laid out in Form 6683AM provided to all Starfleet Medical personnel. 1902-DBLOOD TESTS: All applicants must submit to blood tests. These blood tests must be performed by Starfleet medical personnel. Requirements for said blood tests are outlined in Form 6683PS provided to all Starfleet Medical Departments.1902-EMENTAL PROFILE: A mental profile is required of all applicants. Examinations to determine mental profiles must be performed by a Starfleet Medical Officer or Counselor. The requirements for this examination can be found in Form 6683AT provided to all Starfleet Medical and Counseling departments.1902-FHUMAN/NON-HUMAN EXAMINATIONS: Accompanying an application where a Human and a non-Human want to marry, special examination reports must be filed. Both applicants must submit to a special physical that includes blood, genetic, and psychological testing. All special testing requirements are outlined in Form 6686AM provided to all Starfleet Medical Departments. 1902-GFAILURE TO MEET STANDARDS: Failure to meet the normally accepted standards of the examinations mentioned in sections 1902-A through 1902-F shall result in the non-approval of the marriage application. 1902-HREAPPLICATION: In the event a marriage application fails to be approved by reason of physical or mental examinations, said applicants may reapply after corrective treatment (a statement from a Starfleet Medical Officer must accompany the application), or after six months, whichever comes first.1902-IGENETIC DEFICIENCIES: When one or both applicants show genetic deficiencies in the examination, a childless marriage must be agreed to. A person with any genetic deficiencies must submit to treatment to eliminate the possibility of the birth of deformed children. Failure to submit to the above will result in the non-approval of an application. 1902-JMARRIAGE CONTRACT: When the application is approved, the marriage contract shall be presented to the official in charge, with the approved application, in order to make certain said contract complies with the application.1902-KMARRIAGE TERM: The term of the marriage contract can be set for any period of time from one year to natural death. Starfleet suggests that for the first marriage, the two parties set the marriage for one year as a trial period. After the one year trial period is over, if the parties desire a longer term, a new contract can be established.1902-LDELETED. See Starfleet memo 2410-M, #3.1902-MMARRIAGE CEREMONIES: For all Human Starfleet personnel marrying another Human, the only acceptable ceremony is the standard Military Wedding. For all Human Starfleet personnel marrying a non-Human, two ceremonies can be performed: the standard Military Wedding plus the ceremony traditional to the non-Human partner's culture. Said Military Wedding must be performed by a Starship Captain or an officer of higher rank, or by a Starfleet Chaplain. 1902-NMARRIAGEABLE ALIENS: Some aliens, for a variety of reasons, have been declared illegal for Starfleet personnel to marry. Current lists of ineligible aliens are available at any Starbase document center, or from Starfleet officers of the rank of Starship Captain or higher. 1902-ONEW ALIEN LIFE FORMS: When new alien life forms are encountered, it shall be illegal for Starfleet personnel to marry a person of that species until the Starfleet medical, sociological, and biological teams have declared that life form to be reasonably compatible with Humanoids.*****Would love to hear your thoughts on this Edited March 7, 2012 by Velana 1
Blake Posted March 7, 2012 Posted March 7, 2012 What's with all the medical tests? I feel like I'm reading something to do with an old life-insurance application from the 1970s backwards, not something to do with marriage.
+ Velana Posted March 7, 2012 Author Posted March 7, 2012 I thought it was odd, too, but it was written thirty years ago;) Maybe we should try to update it?
+ Saveron Posted March 7, 2012 Posted March 7, 2012 Fascinating. Presumably the medical tests are to ensure that a) neither have any STDs or in the case of cross-species marriages are likely to cause each other physical damage during sexual intercourse and that any children resulting from the union would be healthy.It's interesting that no mention is made of the sexes of those involved, but the assumption appears to be one male, one female based on the clause about genetic deficiencies and children. I would assume that by that time in the future the sex of those involved would not be an issue and that same-sex unions would be quite normal, and of course there are species such as the Andorians who have four sexes.Hmm, another interesting point. How might these regulations recognise relationships involving more than two individuals, given that one of the five founding species of the Federation requires unions between four individuals?There is also the whole question of extra-marital relationships and species who make their own arrangements, e.g. Vulcans. "Marriage contract? Who needs a marriage contract. We're bonded."
+ Velana Posted March 7, 2012 Author Posted March 7, 2012 I do think it was written based on male-female relationships and if it were to be updated, same-sex and multiple partnerships would need to be taken into account.It could be that a marriage manual is outdated and doesn't apply at all, but it's interesting to note that at one time, fans though there needed to be one enough to draw it up, print it and sell it at conventions.
Kendra Eberhart Posted March 7, 2012 Posted March 7, 2012 (edited) Yes you make a couple of good points Saveron. These regulations do seem very human-centric. I would imagine that at the time this was written humans made the bulk of Star Fleet officers etc. If we were to update it, I would think that medical concerns (more specifically regarding genetic deficiencies) would be less of a concern based on current medical technology. Edited March 7, 2012 by Arden_Cain
Hannibal Parker Posted March 7, 2012 Posted March 7, 2012 An updated version sounds like a good thing just to have in the wiki....Parker would most likely use it for target practice....
+ Velana Posted March 7, 2012 Author Posted March 7, 2012 Any suggestions for additions/deletions/changes?
Hannibal Parker Posted March 7, 2012 Posted March 7, 2012 Absolutely have provisions for multi-partner relationships which would cover races like the Andorians and "arrangements" such as the Vulcans have. There should also be some sort of provisions for offspring I would think...
Kendra Eberhart Posted March 7, 2012 Posted March 7, 2012 Maybe even add a section outlining appropriate behaviour while on duty. On the lines of decision making cannot be swayed by attachment to ones spouse etc etc. Although it would appear to be common sense, its logical to include it.
+ Saveron Posted March 7, 2012 Posted March 7, 2012 Exactly. One's emotions should not be permitted to affect one's actions and descisions. Embrace logic!
Renos Posted March 7, 2012 Posted March 7, 2012 Wow, thats really interesting. It would definately be quite cool to updates this along the lines suggested and have it on the wiki.
Kalianna Nicholotti Posted March 7, 2012 Posted March 7, 2012 (edited) I think, if you wanted to develop something like this for our time, you should probably start from scratch. There is so much here that makes me stop and shake my head, though I totally believe it's cool that someone thought to write it up and sell it at a convention. Back in the golden age of conventions before we had the internet en force, we actually had to gather in one physical area to share our crazy love of Star Trek... Fascinating. Presumably the medical tests are to ensure that a) neither have any STDs or in the case of cross-species marriages are likely to cause each other physical damage during sexual intercourse and that any children resulting from the union would be healthy.I am going out on a limb here, but I'm going to guess that most, if not all STDs, like headaches, don't exist anymore at this point in the future...It's interesting that no mention is made of the sexes of those involved, but the assumption appears to be one male, one female based on the clause about genetic deficiencies and children. I would assume that by that time in the future the sex of those involved would not be an issue and that same-sex unions would be quite normal, and of course there are species such as the Andorians who have four sexes.Hmm, another interesting point. How might these regulations recognise relationships involving more than two individuals, given that one of the five founding species of the Federation requires unions between four individuals?I think that this may have been written back when such things were absolutely taboo and could not be put on TV, or really spoken of, so there was no need to address that which was not socially acceptable then. This document definitely reflects the human values of the time in which is was written.There is also the whole question of extra-marital relationships and species who make their own arrangements, e.g. Vulcans. "Marriage contract? Who needs a marriage contract. We're bonded."Indeed. What's to stop two people/aliens from procreating without said contract or approval from the Chief Medical Officer. (Again, a reflection of the times in which it was written).Yes you make a couple of good points Saveron. These regulations do seem very human-centric. I would imagine that at the time this was written humans made the bulk of Star Fleet officers etc. If we were to update it, I would think that medical concerns (more specifically regarding genetic deficiencies) would be less of a concern based on current medical technology. That's what I was thinking too...so if you updated it, we would almost have to lose all the medical testing and so on. Are genetic issues widespread enough to even worry about in the Trek future? Wouldn't the most that it would require is a look over of medical records to determine anything?Anyways, I think, if you wanted to tackle this, it might be interesting to have - but it might be easier to just start from a blank page and go from their rather than try to rework this particular list. Cool find though. It's very interesting to see how Trek has changed with the times around it, and perhaps, how we have changed because of Trek? Edited March 7, 2012 by KNicholotti
T'Mihn Posted March 7, 2012 Posted March 7, 2012 It makes sense to revise.If marriage between two beings of different species is compatible on the emotional, physical but not on the genetic level, they merely won't have offspring. Considering information being readily available to a Starfleet officer,he or she may not need genetic testing unless they intend to produce children with a genetically incompatible being. Or testing is requested by parties involved. Example, an Androian requires four people to create offspring, how would that be handled if a human and Andorian wish to marry and produce children. The paragraph to consultant one's CMO is logical.Seems to be a lot of "red tape" to go through, wonder how many illegal marriages there are.
Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf Posted March 7, 2012 Posted March 7, 2012 What a great find, Velana! Thank you for sharing it with us. It's interesting that no mention is made of the sexes of those involved, but the assumption appears to be one male, one female based on the clause about genetic deficiencies and children. I would assume that by that time in the future the sex of those involved would not be an issue and that same-sex unions would be quite normal, and of course there are species such as the Andorians who have four sexes.This timeline on Wikipedia is an interesting look at the history of same-sex marriage. Before the late 90s there was very little activity on same-sex marriage in the US, and it was considered a rather ridiculous notion by even most gays and lesbians. Activism in that era was more focused on employment rights (which we still don't have protections for, here in the US) and the AIDS crisis, especially by 1985. So, I'm sure to whoever wrote this pamphlet, the notion that same-sex marriage would exist in the future was something that never even crossed their mind!
Toni Posted March 7, 2012 Posted March 7, 2012 Very interesting. Thank you for making this available.
Tracey Posted March 8, 2012 Posted March 8, 2012 1902-EMENTAL PROFILE: A mental profile is required of all applicants. Examinations to determine mental profiles must be performed by a Starfleet Medical Officer or Counselor. The requirements for this examination can be found in Form 6683AT provided to all Starfleet Medical and Counseling departments.I am curious about Form 6683AT. If its like a standardized psychological test, like an IQ test or MMPI test then it is general knowledge that such a test is not infallible and different types of humans, respond differently depending upon many different factors. For example, any psychological test directed at a human but given to a Vulcan, lets say, would probably lead to said Vulcan rating high on the Narcisistic and Anti-Social scales with pent up emotional stresses which come out in terms of explosive sexual drives once every seven years. And that would probably be your typical Vulcan, at least from what was portrayed on film. Would that mean that every Vulcan would be denied the opportunity to marry? I am certain that if a human had the traits of a typical Vulcan, they would probably be denied.
Maz Rodan Posted March 9, 2012 Posted March 9, 2012 Marriage Term!? Starfleet recommends a marriage for one year if it's you're first marriage as a trial.Lol"I'd like a marriage for two and half years please. It's my first marriage and I'd like to make sure I like it..."Astounding.I think the medical exams and blood works etc would be in case of procreation. It's been noted a few times in the shows that certain species simply cannot have children with each other because the DNA just isn't compatible.
+ Velana Posted March 9, 2012 Author Posted March 9, 2012 Yeah, I've already started to rewrite them. The stuff about the marriage contract...I'm not feeling it either. Plus I don't think there's any canon basis for it.
+ Velana Posted March 9, 2012 Author Posted March 9, 2012 What a great find, Velana! Thank you for sharing it with us.My pleasure, Admiral!
Kendra Eberhart Posted March 9, 2012 Posted March 9, 2012 Yeah, I've already started to rewrite them. The stuff about the marriage contract...I'm not feeling it either. Plus I don't think there's any canon basis for it.Perhaps the marriage contract serves a dual purpose. I agree that the length of the contract seems a bit bizarre but does it also formalise the union in a "legal" capacity similar to what happens in the real world. Surely something similar would occur in the 24th century.
Sakorra Jefferson Reed Posted March 12, 2012 Posted March 12, 2012 Marriage Term!? Starfleet recommends a marriage for one year if it's you're first marriage as a trial.Lol"I'd like a marriage for two and half years please. It's my first marriage and I'd like to make sure I like it..."Astounding.Right? And after the requested alotment of time, you can just say you want a divorce because the honeymoon phase is over, reality set in, and you realized marriage is HARD!
Toni Posted March 12, 2012 Posted March 12, 2012 Marriage Term!? Starfleet recommends a marriage for one year if it's you're first marriage as a trial.Lol"I'd like a marriage for two and half years please. It's my first marriage and I'd like to make sure I like it..."Astounding.I think the medical exams and blood works etc would be in case of procreation. It's been noted a few times in the shows that certain species simply cannot have children with each other because the DNA just isn't compatible.Looks like they found a way to do without divorce lawyers, which isn't a bad idea. This is truly a no-fault kind of divorce. question: How long do you want to be married?Answer: Over the weekend is fine. LMAO 1
+ Whale Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 I think one-year trial marriages are brilliant. I can think of a few people I know who should have gone that route -- would have same them a load in legal fees.
+ Velana Posted March 13, 2012 Author Posted March 13, 2012 Maybe there's a better way to word that clause. Any suggestions?
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