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Juneau's Rememberable quotes!!! IC

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@Quentin Collins III I'm pretty sure you just compared Dekas to an extra from The Dark Crystal, and you're absolutely right. Very Jim Henson. We're all lucky he isn't trying to steal people's very essence😆 


the other looked like an extra from The Dark Crystal in an extremely well-put-together modified dress uniform.


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*Skesis Voice* GAHH, yesssss!


it’s a movie I’ve seen an embarrassing amount IRL so I thought it only natural to weave some of that into Quentin too. I’m so, so happy you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dekas: And, of course, congratulations to you, too. You’re a very huggable Chief Science Officer. ::beat:: I… hm. ::further face floofing:: Well, I didn’t mean to say the huggable part out loud, but you are very huggable. So congrats on that, too, as a bonus.

@Dekas I had to put this one on here really...

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Kettick: To my greatest surprise, it appears there are small downsides to not being surrounded by deadly irradiated void anymore.

Yet another great line from @Kettick 😃


Kendrick: Well. ::pauses::

The new Chief seemed to give it some deep thought, a good sign in an Officer.   

Kendrick: Me neither. But sometimes we hurt people, even if it wasn’t our intention.

Ton: I did say unnecessarily.

A great bit of dialogue between @Oddas Aria's PNPC Ebiss Ton and @John Kendrick

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Suffice it to say any replicators that required an Engineer to actually show up for it rarely ever just needed to be turned off and then back on again.

Love that @Dekas just referenced the legendary IT battle cry! 

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Doctor Indobri's mother is absolutely right!!


With a sigh, she set her belongings on the floor and rolled up her sleeves, ready to get to work. As her mother used to say, “You’re a telepath, not a telekinetic. It’s not going to get done by thinking about it.”

Change never comes easy.

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As usual, @Kettick is out here being fantastic with the humor 😆


Well, Magna Roma wasn’t built in a day.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Loved this line from Fleet Captain @Oddas Aria 😄:


Indobri: =/\= There is some sort of contamination in the water, which we were investigating. There may also be some life form involved as there is evidence of telepathic activity. =/\=

Oddas: oO Awesome - we are drinking our first contact with the inhabitants of Denali. Oo


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OMG I am dying from laughter right now. 🤣



Tipping the net over the receptacle she unceremoniously dumped the tiny Wisps into the recycler and hit the reclaim command, sending them, along with her questions about John, away.

The machine whirred into action dematerializing the contents, and then ended with a great splat of fish particles regurgitated inside the unit.

The malfunction caused T’Lea to reflex backward a bit when the fish painted the walls of the recycle bin.   For a moment she stood there in shock, and then she broke-out into a short laugh. 

T’Lea:  Pâté anyone?


just killing me :D

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  • 4 weeks later...


Miller:  Well?  Let’s get this show on the road.  You are part of the unscheduled part of my day; and my scheduled part is pretty full as it is… 

Naomi would really have cried for her, but the air conditioning in the shuttle gave her dry eye syndrome.


I love this sass, @Kettick!! The whole sim was hilarious and I'll likely post it as well.

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And this description from @TLea also had me near to tears... Poor lime Jell-O. Always gets a bad rap 😂



The floor suddenly turned from a solid to a liquid.  Not really a wet, loose liquid, but a malleable fluid.  The best comparison T’Lea could think of was that awful Terran J-ello stuff that she once tried.  It was green and solid, but pliable.  At the time, she had thought the green color was pretty, but it tasted of lime (not her favorite) and was horrible in texture – like thick mucus.

It was an absurd thought, but she really hoped they were not inside the nasal cavity of some large underground entity, and that this was some sort of snot-holodeck.



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