Dekas Posted June 20, 2021 Posted June 20, 2021 Quote Hrala: You looked quite handsome in your uniform if I may say so. He looked back up at her with these big eyes, showing both surprise and excitement. He could barely hide his smile. Kendrick: Thank you. ::almost stammering:: You look nice too. Nice? He cursed inwardly. She’s drop dead gorgeous and all you can say is “nice”? Expand @John Kendrick I had a little chuckle. Because that's how I feel any time I try to compliment someone I like even in the most friendly of settings. So that's honestly such a mood. I love him. 4
Dekas Posted June 20, 2021 Posted June 20, 2021 Quote Wyss: Okay, I’ve got to get this system checked out. ::yawn:: and then get some sleep, and then report to the Grace Hopper ::at Dekas:: Thanks for your help. Hang on a second. I have something for you. She turned to the replicator system on the arch and punched in a command. When she turned back to Dekas she handed him a hat. The very one that had been doing Houdini style magic tricks on his head the whole time. Wyss: This one should stay put. She flashed him a sweet smile and a chuckle. Expand Alright so here’s another one apparently. Cause upon giving it a second read through, @TLea this gave me strong emotions about friendship and I could just die about it. 4
John Kendrick Posted July 1, 2021 Posted July 1, 2021 Quote ((USS Juneau, Deck 1, Conference Room)) Vitor entered the conference room and raised an eyebrow. There was food, pastry and coffee. He nodded to the officers already there and went straight for another coffee. He served himself as he spoke. Silveira: Good Morning all, too bad I already ate breakfast. Good idea though. Any: Response He placed his coffee, PADD and sat down as Commander Williams arrived, heading straight to business. Williams: Does anyone have an idea what we are facing already? Vitor nodded and raised his coffee cup. Silveira: Second breakfast as it seems. Expand @Vitor S. Silveira observant as always 😄 1 3
Dekas Posted July 1, 2021 Posted July 1, 2021 Quote Dekas: That is absolutely fascinating. oO But not as delicious as my croissant. Oo R'Kala: I concur. John tried not to laugh. Expand @John Kendrick I woke up from a nap, read that response, and given I'd just woken up, had no ability to hold back the good hearty laugh I let out about Kendrick's thought processes. He may have succeeded in not laughing right there but I gave a laugh for him. He's a whole mood. 2 2
Popular Post TLea Posted July 3, 2021 Popular Post Posted July 3, 2021 Quote Oddas: There was some sort of automated system that seemed to keep certain parts of the Ring stocked with wild life, and others empty, but it also seemed to give a fair amount of warning before it just scooped things up. Vitor raised an eyebrow. In his mind a rather silly picture of a metal claw came to mind. An image from some sort of game machine you, where one would try to win a fluffy teddy bear. He smiled as he imagined T’Lea being caught in one. And then likely breaking every finger in the claw like a Super Woman. Or in her case Super Bad Tempered Romu-Vulcan. Expand I can just see the comic book pages now! Awesome! 1 4
Popular Post TLea Posted July 10, 2021 Popular Post Posted July 10, 2021 Reactions to the Captain's announcement are hilarious. I'm surprised nobody jumped out of an airlock yet. So much love and confidence can be felt. Ahh... Nice. lol From Kendrick: Quote Oddas: :=/\= Captain Oddas to the Crew, your attention please. =/\= ::pause:: =/\= Commander Iovianus has suddenly become indisposed, and while we wish him the best, the ship and the mission must move on. Please take a moment to express your welcome and congratulations to Lieutenant Commander T'Lea, Executive Officer effective immediately. She is an officer of experience, and we are lucky to have her - don't take her stand-off attitude at face value, she will appreciate any well wishes that come her way. =/\= Indisposed? That could mean anything, ranging from a sudden illness to an unexpected transfer. With that scar on his face, Commander Iovianus had that tough, almost menacing look about him. But after his last debriefing, John had learned that behind that robust Magna Roman façade was a man with a kind heart. As the Captain's announcement slowly sunk in, he suddenly shook his head in disbelief at the realization that Commander T'Lea’s had been promoted as First Officer. There was no doubt that the Commander was a capable science officer, an expert in her field for sure. But the job of First Officer required an entirely different set of skills. People skills. Again remembering the rescue mission on Orstand III, the term rogue element came to mind. Expand From Silveira: Quote Quote Vitor’s jaw dropped, and it didn’t fall because it was still attached. oO Son of a witch… So that was why she was on the Bridge...Oo He shook his head and shrugged. At least he offered her some help. He turned his attention back to his console. Expand Expand From R'Kala Quote The Romu-vulc briefly closed her eyes and faintly wagged her head. R'Kala's mouth dropped open. How could T'Lea move to command right when their friendship was starting? This almost felt like a betrayal to her. She gripped the console tightly and let out a deep breath. Expand 5
+ Vitor S. Silveira Posted August 8, 2021 Posted August 8, 2021 Quote Indobri: Yes, if I am right, Nyka Wyss is down there somewhere. Some place called Chapter One. Tierney: Response Hot town, summer in the city Back of my neck gettin' dirt and gritty Been down, isn't it a pity? Doesn't seem to be a shadow in the city All around people looking half-dead Walking on the sidewalk, hotter than a match head oO More music? This has to be Nyka. Oo Indobri: I am hearing music. Old Terran music. A trademark of hers. It has to be her. She redoubled her concentration and spoke once more to Stig. Indobri ~ Stig! Stig, is Chapter One Nyka Wyss? ~ Stig ~ Response ~ Once I had a love and it was a gas Soon turned out had a heart of glass Seemed like the real thing, only to find Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind oO Oh please don’t be singing about me. Oo Expand From our good Doc Indobri. I added more to give some context . Nicely done @Serala 🤣 3
Popular Post John Kendrick Posted August 24, 2021 Popular Post Posted August 24, 2021 Quote ((First Officer’s Office, Deck 2, USS Juneau)) She wasn’t feeling at the top of her game. Agalzaprine or Pon Farr, which one would win this day? The two were working against each other in battle that could not be won by medication. But that was a problem for later. Right now, T’Lea was fighting her way through stupid paperwork, reports, and transfers. T’Lea: First Officer’s Log, Stardate 239808.24. Upon arriving at Ring 42 we found the Grace Hopper in orbit - She sighed and wagged her head. That was crap. She erased it and began again. T’Lea: A joint rescue operation with the USS Grace Hopper was launched to locate missing– That one started strong, but no sale. Frustration was creeping in. Third times a charm! T’Lea: Missing officers from the USS Grace Hopper were located— Nope! No good either. She slammed a finger into the console to reset the recording. She took a steady breath, gathered her thoughts and found the perfect words. T’Lea: Sh*t happened. We cleaned it up. The end. Computer: Would you like to submit your report. Oh, she’d like to submit it all right. Shove it right up- The door chimes censored her happy violent thoughts. Expand Poor Commander @TLea... The burdens of command 😄. 1 5
Popular Post Serala Posted August 25, 2021 Popular Post Posted August 25, 2021 This was a nugget! I almost missed it during the first read through, but this really cracked me up! Our newest Ensign is meeting the First Officer along with a couple of other new officers who are transferring in. Quote Tomas considered his options, should he sit as suggested by the First Officer. That would leave the new Lieutenant standing alone in the room. He was outranked by everyone in the room and didn’t want to be impolite. He decided to risk some humor. oO I hope you know what you’re doing Tomas Oo Falt: Thank you sir, but I will also remain standing. At the Academy I discovered I have a tendency to absentmindedly perform what my class mates called the Riker maneuver on chairs. I wouldn’t want to risk that here. Expand 1 4
TLea Posted August 26, 2021 Posted August 26, 2021 I was rolling! Best gift ever. LOL Quote Vitor smiled as she opened it and he tilted his head, pointing at the wall on the left. Silveira: I think it will look good on that wall. It’s my farewell gift to you. OOC: He smiled as she held the plaque. Expand 1 1 2
+ Vitor S. Silveira Posted August 26, 2021 Posted August 26, 2021 On 8/26/2021 at 6:35 PM, TLea said: I was rolling! Best gift ever. LOL Expand Truth be told I owe that to @LtJG Aine Olive Sherlock. I am glad you enjoyed it 2
Serala Posted August 27, 2021 Posted August 27, 2021 Our poor First Officer has tried this log entry multiple times now, with growing frustration, which sets up this selection. I had a good guffaw when I read it. Quote Turning back to the computer she noticed that she’d left the log running and it had recorded the entire conversation with Sival. T’Lea: Computer end First Officer’s log. Computer: Would you like to submit the report. T’Lea: NO! Expand 1 1
Popular Post TLea Posted September 5, 2021 Popular Post Posted September 5, 2021 Quote Sival believed we have three minds: an emotional mind, a rational mind and a wise mind. His emotional mind said that statement was ridiculous. His rational mind said that it was illogical that ‘life’ or ‘the Universe’ owes someone. His wise mind said that if emotions and logic were in agreement, then it probably was indeed a foolish sentiment. A childish and dangerous one at that. Sival had to reply. Sival: Lt. Tito, I would share these words with you. It is my hypothesis that we are owed nothing, and a great deal of suffering arises from believing otherwise. Lieutenant, things are what they are. We do not need to like them. They can ‘hurt like hell,’ to use a human expression. But to accept it anyway, radically, whole-heartedly, is the first step towards peace. Your peace, and the peace of everyone else who falls into your orbit. Immediately, Sival’s ‘wise mind’ chided him. Yet he had to stand up to this man who used his ‘attitude,’ justified most illogically and selfishly, to be unkind to others. As a healer, it was not palatable. Thus, despite the risk, Sival believed that he had said something true and good. No opportunity to say something both true and good should be wasted. Expand Beautiful! @Sival What a very Vulcan way to approach our lovable Mr. Tito. 4 1
Popular Post TLea Posted September 10, 2021 Popular Post Posted September 10, 2021 Quote Stelek: Water? When she opened her eyes Stelek was gesturing toward the replicator - either trying to change the subject or anticipate a need. oO Or both. Oo Oddas: ::smirking softly:: Can't stand the stuff. Coffee? It was true, and a way Aria could play along if it was a way to change the subject. She would perform scans of the ship, flight plans - get to the bottom of it and make sense of it. For the moment, she could take a moment. Stelek: Illogical. ::pause:: Tea? Oddas: Coffee is a kind of tea, isn't it? Expand Nice try! lol Love seeing this side of Aria. 2 1 2
Oddas Aria Posted September 10, 2021 Posted September 10, 2021 She does have a sense of humor - sometimes, if you drag it out of her.
Popular Post TLea Posted September 18, 2021 Popular Post Posted September 18, 2021 (edited) We all better be on the look out for our new Counselor. She out "tactical-ed" the grumpy Tactical officer. @Arys @Vitor S. Silveira Quote Arys: So nothing really speaks against disliking people together. Maybe have a cup of tea once in a while and largely ignore each other. oO For example twice the week for an hour in my office. Oo Tito: I don’t like tea. Arys: How about wine? Tito: I don’t drink alcohol. Since you might soon know, I am a recovering addict. Arys: Well, that is quite a predicament. Since I assume if I suggest coffee you will likely say you don’t like that either…but luckily I have a solution. Let’s meet for a glass of water. Arys smiled. He did not want to talk to her, that was fair enough. But she did expect him to say it to her face. Expand Edited September 18, 2021 by TLea 2 3
Popular Post TLea Posted September 18, 2021 Popular Post Posted September 18, 2021 The Vulcan mind and fashion hard at work. lol. Loved this! @Sival Quote It was not often that Sival got to adorne casual attire for official functions. To some, the concept might seem illogical and contradictory - how can an event be both casual and official, a Vulcan might argue. Pick one or the other. But it didn’t seem that way to Sival. To Sival, this was a “both / and“ moment, when both possibilities could be true at the same time. And life was made up of many more “both / and“ moments than “one or the other” moments. Sival’s life, especially. For this event, Sival found his most festive sweater, then he threw that aside and decided to pull out all of the stops - his most festive * turtleneck * sweater. He held it up high in front of him, nodding in approval. He smiled ever so slightly at the thought that the shade of grey might be too bright and rebellious for a Starfleet event, but Sival had already thrown caution into the wind, so he may as well go with it. (Once he got on an impulsive tangent like this, it was difficult to get him off from it, no matter how dangerous it became). He finished off his outfit with some black slacks. Hopeful that he wouldn’t cause too many gasps and stares, Sival made his way to the transporter room. Expand 3 1 1
Popular Post Alcyone Brennan Posted September 21, 2021 Popular Post Posted September 21, 2021 I already adore @TLea ———————— Trovek: … well I like a dark blue. Like, really dark. What’s yours? T’Lea: Black. Blunt and honest. Whatever the counselor wanted to read into her answer was, as far as T’Lea was concerned, strictly nonsense. Liking a certain color didn’t quantify or categorize a person’s mental health. Black was easy and didn’t require much thought. And it was dark and scary and made T’Lea feel good. Okay maybe there was something to it, but that’s not why she had asked. 1 1 3
Popular Post Serala Posted September 21, 2021 Popular Post Posted September 21, 2021 Okay, @Arys had a great one-liner about our First Officer. Thought I would share. oO Was… that a joke?… This Vulcan is defective. Oo 1 4
TLea Posted September 21, 2021 Posted September 21, 2021 I think that's the nicest thing anybody has ever said about T'Lea. Thank you. 3
+ Vitor S. Silveira Posted September 22, 2021 Posted September 22, 2021 (edited) Quote I already set up a meeting with someone I met earlier.. Mister.. uh, Tito? ::She glanced into the direction of the human she had met earlier:: I think he wants to scare off the new Councelor. He’ll be really disappointed when that doesn’t play out how he imagines it. Expand Smug, our new Counselor @Arys edit: Changed the word for a synonym since the original was censored 😁 Edited September 22, 2021 by Vitor S. Silveira 1 3
Sival Posted September 22, 2021 Posted September 22, 2021 I know it's a few days after the fact, but I just wanted to mention that I thought @Tomas Falt wrote a lovely and touching sim regarding his relationship with his parents. It was a joy to read. Quote OOC: This is the second part of the Sim introducing a bit more of Ensign Falt’s background. In part 1 Tomas received a strange package from his father. ((Ensign Falt’s Quarters, Deck 4, USS Juneau)) Tomas entered his quarters and allowed his body to flop into a chair. He’d hurried back from sick bay, and now his body was reminding him he still ached from the strain put on it by the high speed lateral spin that he and the Captain had experience during the Allahayer’s test flight. Easing himself up for a moment he reached over to his bed and picked up the still unopened package his father had sent him. He sat back down, this was the reason he had practically sprinted across the ship. He’d been desperate know what was inside from the moment he’d got it back to the ship. Between the test flight, his surgery, the associated report writing, and the prescribed rest time this was the first chance he had. He also didn’t have long before he needed to head to the awards ceremony, hence his rush. He again regarded the object in his hands. It was the size of a bulky PADD and had both hand and voice recognition that had been tuned to him. He took a breath and placed his palm on the biometric hand scanner. As before the device emitted a simple electronic tone as his hand print was confirmed. Falt: Let’s see what’s in here then. The scanner turned green at the sound of his voice, but other than that nothing happened. Tomas raised an eyebrow, it seemed like another command was needed to open the device. He turned the device over in his hands, examining it. There seemed to be no other input so it would have to be a specific spoken word or phrase. Tomas tried to think like his father for a moment, he was not a man prone to extended, flourishing, conversation. Tomas smiled as the command came to him. One word, simple but also unlikely to be guessed by most. Falt: Avata Finnish for open. There was a faint click, and the hand scanner lifted up a centimeter on it’s left side. Carefully using his reconstructed thumb he lifted the hand scanner up. It was hinged along the right side and opened like a lid. Inside there was a handwritten note atop an item wrapped in cloth. He picked up the note, it had been handwritten by his father. "Tomas, congratulations on your Graduation. You have made Mamma and I proud. I pass this to you now, I'm sure you will have use of it." Tomas felt a lump in his throat as he read the words. He now had a pretty good idea of what was wrapped in the cloth. He lifted the item and carefully unwrapped it. Despite having already guessed the contents he involuntarily gasped as the cloth fell away to reveal a book. He turned it over in his hand. It wasn’t an ordinary book, it was his father’s most treasured possession. Written by Lars Falt, a distant ancestor, it was an original draft copy of his wilderness survival manual. Dating from a time when Earth still had wild places to explore, it detailed wilderness survival techniques complete with hand-drawn illustrations. As a draft it even had the authors hand written notes in the margins. Tomas had sat with his father and learnt much from it’s pages during their early camping trips. It had been passed through his family since the early 21st Century, but despite being nearly 400 years old everything it contained remained relevant to M-Class planet survival now. What made it even more special, at least to his family, was that it had never been in storage or through a transporter. It was literally the same book his ancestor had written. All it’s page’s had been treated a micro-polymer coating to protect them, but aside from that it was as it had been printed all those centuries ago. Tomas, like his father, wasn’t normally one for an outward display of emotion but he felt tears in his eyes. He knew what this book meant to his father, his Isä. He still had a few minutes before he need to get ready for the awards ceremony so he composed himself and opened a channel home. After a short pause the call was accepted by his mother, Sofia. Falt: Hi Mamma. Sofia: Tomas my lille villkatt! I’m so glad you called, how are you? Little wildcat, that had been his mothers nickname for him for as long as he could remember. Falt: I’m good thanks Mamma, how are you and Isä. Sofia: I’m okay thanks. Busy at the university with my botany research, trying not to worry about you halfway across the quadrant, :;she smiled:: the usual. Your Isä left this morning for work, he’ll be out of touch for a couple of days. Tomas felt bad at this, he’d hoped to speak to him. Falt: I meant to call sooner but I was on a mission. He decided not to mention his injury yet, if she’d been worrying it wouldn’t help. He’d tell her the whole story later when there was more time. Sofia: We’ve been expecting your call ever since Isä got confirmation you had received your gift a couple of days ago. As he left for work he said, “If Tomas calls tell him Lars would be thrilled that his book was out there, guiding you whilst you explore new worlds.” Tomas raised an eyebrow, that was a long sentence for his father. He’d clearly guessed Tomas would try to object. Falt: I don’t know what to say Mamma. The Juneau is off on another mission soon so it may be a few weeks before I can speak to him. Can you tell him I said thank you and that I love him. Sofia: I will do Tomas, but he knows you do. He also said “tell him not to worry and to make sure he brings it with him when he comes home next, so we can go camping together.” Tomas felt the tears in his eye’s again at this. He wiped one away. Falt: I promise I will Mamma. Where has Isä gone this time? Sofia: He’s helping the Cardassian Government with a science station somewhere, it’s not a long contract this time. Tomas nodded, his father had worked on a few Cardassian space installations since the end of the Dominion war. He checked the time. Falt: I’m sorry Mamma but I need to go shortly. Sofia: Good. ::smiling as she teased him:: Don’t worry, I understand. I really need to finish cataloguing these seeds from Casperia Prime anyway. Call when you can and we can chat properly, until then stay safe my lille villkatt. Falt: Will do Mamma, love you. Sofia: I love you too. His mother ended the transmission. Tomas turned and placed the book on the stand by his bed. He had just enough time for a coffee and a change of uniform before he had to attend the awards ceremony. END Ensign Tomas Falt Science Officer USS Juneau, NX-99801 J239807TF2 Expand 3
Popular Post Alcyone Brennan Posted September 23, 2021 Popular Post Posted September 23, 2021 @Sival and the moba fruit 😸 As he took the last bite of the food on his plate, he realized that he was enjoying the moba fruit. Really enjoying it. To the point of indulgence. He instantly realized the seriousness of the situation. Usually, Sival suppressed or moderated his emotions. The only times they ‘ran away from him’ was when he was daydreaming or lost in thought about a project, and even during those times the emotion he felt was relatively mild and could be easily reined back in. Never had he lost awareness of an emotional experience and let it control his behavior, until now. oO This is what happens when I do not carefully regulate my emotions. Oo 5
John Kendrick Posted September 23, 2021 Posted September 23, 2021 Quote The negotiations had been a success and as a reward the Juneau and T’Lea’s numb [...] were now on their way to sit some more in a different sector of space. Expand Ah... the exiting life of a Starfleet officer . Poor Commander @TLea! 3
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