Devlin Posted August 3, 2004 Posted August 3, 2004 Tpreen said: We should make an official anti-fan club for siskoWhat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry: Sisko was one of the best. He saved the federation many times.
Guest Posted August 4, 2004 Posted August 4, 2004 I personally like Captain Sisko/Avery Brooks. My father on the other hand, almost refuses to watch DS9 because he doesn't believe that Avery can act. I just don't think he likes Avery's style...
Devlin Posted August 4, 2004 Posted August 4, 2004 As with most actors I think it got better as the programme devolped.
+ TyrWaltas Posted August 4, 2004 Posted August 4, 2004 Another Captain that should have made the list is Chief O'Brien's former Cappy-can't remember his name, but he snapped and started hunting down suspected Cardassian weapons shipments and the Enterprise had to stop them. Good episode, lousy Captain.
Beta Posted August 4, 2004 Posted August 4, 2004 NO!!! He was a great cap he was great and figured out the cardiess plan.
+ TyrWaltas Posted August 5, 2004 Posted August 5, 2004 Doesn't matter what he figured can't just go gallavanting around blowing up ships you think are carrying weapons. That's how wars begin..
Beta Posted August 5, 2004 Posted August 5, 2004 Sorry whats your point? the war started what 6years after that so his he had the kilgons would of helped and the domiun would of be crushed
Devlin Posted August 20, 2004 Posted August 20, 2004 Wrong topic, this is the 'worst captain' poll, you want the 'best captain' poll.
Maz Rodan Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 It was tough, but I cast my vote for Harriman. The man was coward. Granted, it would be natural to whimper when you have the legendary Captain James T. Kirk on your bridge, but you should at least be prepared. I've enjoyed the stuff people have been saying about Ransom, but I don't think he was a 'bad' Captain. I just think he lost track of his morals. He was in a smaller ship, not very well equiped with weapons and such, races were picking on him. He HAD to do something in that situation. He did try to figure out a way of using the energy the beings possessed, but unfortunately the experiments were a failure and the beings died. He removed his EMH's ethical subroutines to justify what they were doing - His Doctor wouldn't question his choices of command, making the burden a little easier.In "Equinox" it did show him to be showing signs of remorse for the creatures, and ultimately it was his crew that turned against him in the bid to get home. Plus he sacrificed himself to the aide of Voyager: Harriman simply wanted to be in the Enterprises Captains Chair. Also, no more Janeway bashing... :angry:
Ssam Canaan Posted September 28, 2004 Posted September 28, 2004 I voted for Jellico, because I have no idea who he is, but no one else seems to have voted for him, and I find his name terribly silly.Jellico.Jellico-Jellico-Jellico.Reminds me of that terrible song from Cats, actually.Also, I voted for him because Janeway wasn't available. Ugh.
Darkforce Posted November 6, 2004 Posted November 6, 2004 Who was the worst Starfleet captain? J.T. Esteban - USS Grissom - Star Trek III John Harriman - USS Enterpise-B - Star Trek Generations Rudolph Ransom - USS Equinox - Equinox (VOY) Edward Jellico - USS Cairo - Chains of Command (TNG) Wow :blink: did I missed something?
Rocket Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 only three pages The wourst captain is althought the ship is very cool.Rudolph Ransom - USS Equinox - Equinox (VOY)
MedaiCyrce Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 I have to agree! Janeway is definitely the worst Capatain though I voted for Esteban since he went down without a fight. Even Harriman was willing to go manually reconfigure hios deflector array. He had some personal guts if not many, whereas Esteban and his whole ship just sucked. Janeway however was megalomaniac who did everythin herself and was completely uncompromising with her crew. She had a very negative leadership style and an enormous moral superiority complex. Worst Captain of any import.
Aeryn Skylar Posted March 8, 2005 Posted March 8, 2005 Negative style or not, I'd follow Janeway anywhere Sisko was the worst... no personality... like a card board pasteup
Tracey Posted March 18, 2005 Posted March 18, 2005 When it came to military tactics, all of them were just plain horrible. But the worst military officer had to be Riker. When he took command, if I was on that ship, I'd pray for my life, in a combat situation.PICARD: Because with the Borg threat, I have decided that my officers and I need to hone our tactical skills. In a crisis situation, it is prudent to have several options. RIKER: I still prefer brains over brawn. I think it's a waste of effort to test our combat skills -- it's a minor province in the make-up of a starship captain. WHAAAT???This kind of thinking leads to situations like these:Riker does not declare a Red Alert in Best of Both Worlds until after the Borg cube came almost within attack range of his ship. Rascels. Looses command of the Enterprise-D to two surpluss Klingon Birds Of Prey. He lets them pummel his command for some time trying to hail them, then fires a single token phaser shot without follow up, THEN lets no more then a few dozen (if that) Ferangi board and secure 800 people, when he should have shotued 'GENERAL QUATERS' and everyone pull phasers from all the arms lockers that are in every room and repel the boarding. Star Trek Generations. A relatively new battleship losing a battle to a 30 year old Klingon scoutship.Insurection where he runs from the relatively powerless So'na.It's amazing he was offered a command of his own.All command officers in Star Trak relied primarily on luck. The only decent one with any sense of military tactics was Kirk. And even Kirk had some downfalls as well.
Nathan Baker Posted March 18, 2005 Posted March 18, 2005 I'd like to address a few of these issues brought up about Riker:Concerning Generations- Remember that the Kilingons had the shield modulation frequency. The crew had no idea how they were cutting the Enterprise's defenses, so an effective strategy was hard to come upon in such little time.Insurrection: The Enterprise wasn't modified for travel through the Briar Patch. So pushing the ship was the only way to get a message to the Federation. PLUS, the So'na had subspace weaponry which was far superior to the Enterprise's aresenal.But, I'll go ahead and agree with you on the Rascals and BoBW argument.
JSheriden Posted March 28, 2005 Posted March 28, 2005 Tactical wise, I have to disagree with you Riker was on of the best officers. Janeway stinks worse then a skunk, and Picard had Riker that's why he was good.
Tracey Posted March 30, 2005 Posted March 30, 2005 I had no idea who this Jellico guy was until I watched the two part episode once again and I recalled that name.Firstly, Picard was amazing. All that torture and not once breaking.Picard: "There are FOUR lights" (one of the best lines in TNG)Secondly, I liked Jellico, the guy was brilliant. He managed to force the Cardies invasion force to retreat and get Picard back, and he didn't even have to shed any blood on either side.Thirdly, David Warner who played the Cardassian was awsome.Forthly Deanna Troi's whine to Jellico about how the crew wasn't used to him and they need reasurance and positive reenforcement or something like that and Jellico basicly tells her where to go and get over it! Also got Troi to put on a STARFLEET uniform.Lastly, but not leastly, he found Riker to be as bad a first officer as I always thought he was.Great episode. Wish there were more Captains like him in Star Trek.
+ TyrWaltas Posted March 30, 2005 Posted March 30, 2005 I think, Tactically-speaking, Riker was one of the best Captains there was. Best of Both Worlds is mentioned as a downfall, but look at the big picture:Riker overcame a Borg cube, with the Enterprise by herself, when an entire fleet couldn't stop it. He overcame and defeated the tactical knowledge of Picard, which had been harnessed by the Borg cube. It's a fact that, each time Riker has faced Picard in a tactical situation, he's defeated him.Now Kirk, that's another story. You don't fight James T. Kirk: either ship-to-ship, or hand-to-hand.
Tracey Posted April 1, 2005 Posted April 1, 2005 TyrWaltas said: Riker overcame a Borg cube, with the Enterprise by herself, when an entire fleet couldn't stop it. He overcame and defeated the tactical knowledge of Picard, which had been harnessed by the Borg cube. If I'm not mistaken, wasn't Riker ready to commit suicide by ramming the Borg cube with the Enterprise (with the children on board). If not for Data, they'd all be dead. They defeated the cube because of luck. There was no skill here. Especially not on the part of Riker. TyrWaltas said: It's a fact that, each time Riker has faced Picard in a tactical situation, he's defeated him.In what episode did Riker face Picard in a tactical situation?
Devlin Posted April 1, 2005 Posted April 1, 2005 No no no, Sisko is the best Tactically wise. Fortune favours the brave was a class example of how good he is. send in the fighers, draw out the cardies, sees the trap, goes for it, FANTASTIC!! I would have to agree though that Riker is good tactially almost as good as Picard, but didn't think much of Kirk.
+ TyrWaltas Posted April 1, 2005 Posted April 1, 2005 It's true that most Captains have gotten by with some help from their crew. Tracey: Riker faced off with Picard in the TNG episode involving the Hathaway, a broken-down Constellation-class ship taking on the Enterprise. He used some pretty nasty tactics and was in the process of kicking Picard's rear when the Ferengi showed up and spoiled the fun.Also, the fight with the Borg cube was Riker's plan. He put the efforts of Data in motion along with Picard's rescue. And all I've gotta say in defense of Kirk is, see Star Trek II: Wrath Of Khan.
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