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About MedaiCyrce

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  • Location
    Ontario, Canada
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Fleet information

  • Current Vessel
    USS Steadfast
  • Current Post
    First Officer

MedaiCyrce's Achievements

Warp Speed Poster

Warp Speed Poster (13/28)



  1. Things have been getting better - lots of activity around the fleet, which is nice!

  2. Long time no speak. Just thought I'd say hey. How are things in the fleet?

  3. Yea, I'd like to hope we'd put up a better fight than that!
  4. Personally I'd like to see an end to Worf in every movie. When I watch reruns of TNG and DS9 nowadays, I realize I can't stand his character. Though I didn't think about it much as a teenager watching those shows, his character is quite ridiculous most of the time. Seldom if ever does he really do anything useful. He growls a lot, demonstrates constant arrogance and occassional incompetence. It's very cliched, this is a Klingon, 'I am a Klingon and that's why I act this way'. Though they put a lof stuff in his past, I find Michael Dorn's performance quite static. And other than comic relief, I don't think he adds anything anymore. I'd like to see some new characters, new directions for some old characters and more than anything a multi-angle story. Cyrce
  5. I have to agree with pretty much everyone. This is a shaky plot premise at best. Going back is overdone. What about the present? Aside from the enormous continuity damage inflicted by Nemesis, what is going on? I'd like to see something set now, possibly a multi-cast movie, some DS9, VOY and TNG characters. Maybe a multi-angle story, something bigger than Picard and Data or Kirk, Spock, McCoy. Anyone remember characters like Kira or Bashir? Or even when Dr Crusher actually had to learn some lines before she stepped on the set? Let's see something new. Cyrce
  6. I have to agree! Janeway is definitely the worst Capatain though I voted for Esteban since he went down without a fight. Even Harriman was willing to go manually reconfigure hios deflector array. He had some personal guts if not many, whereas Esteban and his whole ship just sucked. Janeway however was megalomaniac who did everythin herself and was completely uncompromising with her crew. She had a very negative leadership style and an enormous moral superiority complex. Worst Captain of any import.
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