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Heya everyone

With the awards season at SB118 once again here. The question on everyone's mind is... What will you wear to the event?

Your dress whites? A gown or elegant dress?  A Terran style tuxedo that are so popular across the Federation? Formal wear from your character's homeworld?

There is still time to make an image request if you wish to add something new to your profile wiki, and join in the fun here on the forums, sharing your characters formal wear image here, and show it off as a temporary profile pic. The awards season is filled with merriment, excitement, and fun where we come together as a fleet to celebrate our achievements of the past year. :)

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All right, the annual fleet awards ceremony is right around the corner, so let's see what you're wearing!

This year, Captain Rahman heard a rumor the awards ceremony is being held somewhere particularly sunny, so like any good engineer-at-heart, she brought an extra-large hat to be prepared.



The hat also proves useful for going incognito when necessary...

"Oh, #$@%, is that what Tristam is wearing? Activate cloaking device..."


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Being the lone member of a culturally conservative species was difficult enough when it came to just about everything else, so upon learning that Terran and Al-Leyan formal attire was more or less the same in many ways it was a simple matter to have a replicated tuxedo made for him. Especially since doing so and wearing it didn't trigger the painful pinch at the back of his mind. 

Small mercies. 

Regardless, Toryn rather likes the way he looks bespoke in such finery. And as such, is mindful to have made it with a little bit of give and out of nanofiber so he's not likely to tear the fine attire by accident. He's even made sure to have the shoulders and sleeve by his wrists reinforced with extra padding in case he'd permitted to have Sylara with him. 


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Hiya Ops!

Lets see those fancy outfits you've all got. Come on, don't be shy!

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