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Funny things heard on the USS Gorkon

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Posted (edited)

There was one of these for the Victory and I seen other ships with a simular topic, so here is a new one for a new ship, who wants to be the first to put up a funny Quote from one of the crew??

Edited by Paul Sharpe
"The duty staff isn’t aboard yet...except maybe Harhhr. He couldn’t wait to see the new geology labs. He is a Horta, after all."

I have to declare my undying gratitude to TOS for the fact that whenever I read the word Horta the words "NO KILL I!" flash before my eyes!!!

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:: Before he could finish his thought, a ring soared up and landed around one of Chen’s antennae. He looked down at his son, who was giggling like a madman.::

Ally's not the only one having a giggle fit. :D


:: Before he could finish his thought, a ring soared up and landed around one of Chen’s antennae. He looked down at his son, who was giggling like a madman.::

Ally's not the only one having a giggle fit. :D

I bet everyone's jealous that their character doesn't double as a hoopla board!

  • 4 months later...

Kelly: How can I help, sirs?

::Alucard tried to do his best Dracula impression.::
Vess: Yer blood. Ah vant it.
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  • 2 weeks later...
VESS: ::To Jansen.:: In case the waste material hits the air circulating device, we can pull them out of there at a moments notice.

Good quote, Andrew. Very good quote.


I aim to please. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Ally: She go boom!

It was more of a whoosh, but sounds funny.

  • 4 months later...
Posted (edited)
::To her great surprise, once they arrived at his door, he darted inside and then the door clapped shut behind him, shutting the three of them out. She didn't swear, tempting though it was, but his actions certainly warranted an outburst of some kind.::
Reynolds: Oh, for crying out loud!

This is too funny, you have no idea!

Edited by Alucard Vess
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  • 2 weeks later...

They'll come at us like butts out of hell...


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  • 4 months later...

Orrey: ::The Counselor gently considered his normal tactful approach as he answered her.:: My former fiancée disagreed with the position and location of, as well as the amount of blood contained in, my nose.

This really made me laugh!

  • 3 weeks later...

Besides, EVA suits would stick out like a targ in a tribble litter.

Nice one, Aaron.

  • Like 2

Kind of funny but kind of not...from the Anuus Horribilis mission...

Sevo: Rosek, watch the output of the deflector’s energies. We don’t want to emit them too fast. I don’t know how much it can handle.
Rosek: ::nods:: Last thing we need is for this thing to blow a hole in the ship the size of Jupiter Station.
Larant: Oh come on, it would only be half that big.
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

::He felt her staring at him and he looked into her eyes. It was like phasers warming up and he was the target.::

Lt. Commander Alerta Millis

Phaser-fried Alvanian! Crispy!

Edited by Jo Marshall
  • 2 weeks later...

::He mumbled something about the mother of an Earth wheeled transport operator and shot back through the door screaming::

Ensign Hallbjorn Baldursson

I couldn't contain the giggles

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Brunsig: Oh, for crying out loud. ::He scowled.:: Someone needs to inject that woman with a sense of self-preservation. 

Fleet Captain Quinn Reynolds, "Commander Walter Brunsig - Ever Charming"

Brunsig is awesome. This post was just a riot from start to finish. 

  • 3 months later...

...an' thanks ta Commander Cleverpants o'er on the Resolute I ain't e'en had a proper wargame fer practice.

I love Connan.

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Vess: Who turned out the lights?

Quite possibly the worst thing to say in front of a Whovian.


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  • 1 month later...

:: The commander looked out over the water. Connan was impressed - even in his beach togs and looking out over a resort lagoon preparing to play with jet skis, the man managed to look as heroic as T.E. Lawrence gazing over the dunes. It must be something in the dynamic set of his jaw, Connan reckoned. He'd try it himself but he'd probably just look like he was grinding his teeth. Instead, he focused on mounting the bobbing jet-ski's saddle and familiarizing himself with the controls. The push-button start was easy enough. He liked the low, dangerous burbling rumble of the engine already. ::


Conan just cracks me up. I could picture the Lawrence of Arabia stance.

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  • 1 month later...

::While the doctor attended to Ensign Sera "Spider Bane" zh'Aella....:: 

Fleet Captain Quinn Reynolds


I'm hoping this nickname will catch on :)

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Freeman: For now, please respect what I'm telling you, and the job.


:: This…this...*child* was infuriating! What does this woman really know about the galaxy? Sevo was alive before Freeman’s precious Federation even existed! S/he fought Klingons hand-to-hand! S/he stormed the front lines of the Dominion War! Hell, Ayiana even survived an entire *year* being hunted by them in another universe! And this whelp had the audacity to… ::


:: Ayiana breathed in-and-out quietly. ::


oO No. Calm down. She is just following orders. Oo

"Whelp" lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lt. Commander Ayiana Sevo - More Than Meets the Eye

Star Fleet - o - bots!  Transform and warp out!

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Keeper4142: Happy *campers* are so glad to *smell* you, *lost*! You will cease all *red* flailings and come to *Home*, to *hearth*. This is a *silver* function. Do not have *sauce*.
:: They couldn't possibly be clearer than that. ::
34 Keepers , simmed by Ensign Connan MacMorna

Makes perfect sense to me :D

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  • 5 weeks later...

sh'Idrani: Well, any suggestions for a name? ::She looked at Talara, antennae curled.::

::Well, that was unexpected. It would need a noble name, one befitting their Andorian heritage.::

ch'Aldrashi: Penguin Hunter.


Lt.Talara zh'Aldrashi & Shral ch'Aldrashi
Simmed by:
Lt. Commander Trellis Vondaryan


Noble indeed :w00t:


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