Popular Post Sal Taybrim Posted January 18, 2022 Popular Post Posted January 18, 2022 Quote Though it sounded a bit morbid, even to him. And he was one that had lunch with his girlfriend next to the freezer full of corpses…. Marginally better if you know he's dating the base's forensic expert... 🤣 9
Popular Post Alora DeVeau Posted January 22, 2022 Popular Post Posted January 22, 2022 Quote Sherlock: If I’m honest, it looks a little intimidating. I find that fascinating in a way. But, here I am in a Cardassian area, with a Cardassian I don’t know. ::with a look of mock curiosity on her face:: You’re not going to like, kill me or something are? The woman halted her steps and peered at Aine. Emlott: Are you an enemy of the state? If so, I might have to. At least you know where you stand. 1 4
Alcyone Brennan Posted January 22, 2022 Posted January 22, 2022 Quote Zorkal: I don’t think you did, Ferri. Look around you. Take a good look at ourselves. We don’t have to give up who we are to move forward. Think about that . Think long and hard about it. He grinned then, a predator-like expression, his grey eyes seemed to lighten, sharpen, the lines of his face etched deeper as his lips spread wide. Zorkal: And feel free to tell. Feel free to speak what I’ve said. But think about this. Why does our government endeavour to work *with* Starfleet? Look at Terok Nor. Look at Deep Space Ten. Look at all the places where, though there is no official alliance between us and the Federation, we yet work alongside each other. Because it will benefit all of Cardassia. I liked how this brings out a very different side to Lukin. 4
Popular Post Alcyone Brennan Posted January 30, 2022 Popular Post Posted January 30, 2022 Quote Kasun: Or take a cooking class, sign up for a group tour or join an online roleplay group centered around a fictional show you like. Plenty of options that aren’t getting drunk in a bar to the point where you’re puking it up in the street. 2 3
+ Arturo Maxwell Posted January 31, 2022 Posted January 31, 2022 On 1/18/2022 at 3:45 AM, Sal Taybrim said: Marginally better if you know he's dating the base's forensic expert... 🤣 Marginally...... 😂 1
+ Arturo Maxwell Posted January 31, 2022 Posted January 31, 2022 9 hours ago, Arys said: Waiiiiit....... 😮 1
Alcyone Brennan Posted February 2, 2022 Posted February 2, 2022 Quote The Denobulan hybrid had done very little since their conversation the afternoon before. He’d spent some time with Wyn, making sure to spoil the Andorian a bit more… he always like that, and slowly the walls were crumbling down. They were learning to trust each other. It was also a nice distraction that got him into the next day, encased in warm furs and enjoying not being alone But he did more reading as Wyn did most of the sleeping. The few times he nodded off, the data pad slipping into his lap still bright and redshifted in the dark of the night, he got perhaps an hour of sleep before the swirling visuals and violent imagery knocked him awake again…leaving him in need of catching his breath, as if he’d been running instead of sleeping, a cold sweat gripping him. Once he had lashed out, as if he were striking out at some threat… thankfully, he didn’t actually hit Wyn. Blessedly, he thought he failed to disturb the healing Andorian. At least, if the gently snoozing blue gent next to him was any indication, he hadn’t. With Rue away on the mission, he was going to redouble his efforts to be there, to help. And he needed to be in one piece for that. More than that, he needed at least a baseline amount of rest before Harper came. He managed two uninterrupted hours in the wee hours of the morning, before the diurnal system of the station kicked in for the “morning” shift. That was good! It may have been in pieces, but he’d gotten the requisite four hours most Denobulans needed. That meant it counted, right? He’d tidied up a bit the rest of the morning, more as a way to fill the time rather than it needing it. There was a steaming hot carafe of coffee on the coffee table, and two of the Denobulan style, wide based, bottom heavy mugs. When he smoothed over the comforter on the bed for the third time, the door chime told him someone was present. It was time. Very nice description of "I really should sleep but I CANT!" 2
Alora DeVeau Posted February 7, 2022 Posted February 7, 2022 Quote Dal: Fortunately we have the assistance of probes and scientific study on our side. Maxwell: As long as we're no hanging about the place too long, I'd no worry about finding our corridors filled with dancing tattybogles. Dal: Tatty… bogles? Lost in translation... 1 2
Sal Taybrim Posted February 8, 2022 Posted February 8, 2022 Quote Bailey: There are several old fashioned forms of treatment which can be used to draw the radiation out of the body, preventing absorption, such as potassium iodide, prussian blue and diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid. Velix: ::with a genuine smile:: Oh that’s charming - it’s like using leeches, right? ::pause:: And, given that we have the necessary medication, what would you give in the here and now? Just like leeches... >.> 1 3
Sal Taybrim Posted February 13, 2022 Posted February 13, 2022 Quote Yael: Tomorrow. ::smiling through the concern he tried to tuck away as Sal’s insistence lessened its intensity:: I’ll bring a copy of Exploding Kittens. That just sounds like you're asking for trouble... not that we've ever actually had exploding kittens mind you. But there was that exploding tribble incident... 3
Sal Taybrim Posted February 15, 2022 Posted February 15, 2022 Quote Wincing, Alora pressed a little harder, though it did nothing to quiet the drums that insisted on setting a resounding rhythm inside her head. Stupid drummer. pa-rum-pa-pum-pum indeed. 1 1 2
Sal Taybrim Posted February 15, 2022 Posted February 15, 2022 Quote Blackwell: Hold on! At least that is what she thought she said - The words were lost in the tumultuous din of lights, sirens, and the ship being slammed by the unknown force. All at once, she felt as if she were outside of it all, seeing nothing but pitch black, and then the blur of sensors and lights, and then back to the darkness. It then seemed that the words, and everything were far away. Simply a memory within a dream. And then a voice pulled her back to the reality. Just a really lovely bit of description ❤️ 4
Alora DeVeau Posted February 24, 2022 Posted February 24, 2022 Quote Maybe Ozai should have built a slightly sociopathic capybara or something. Nobody could hate a capybara. And it couldn’t leap off a wall and grab peoples faces. How could anyone hate a capybara? 3
Alora DeVeau Posted February 24, 2022 Posted February 24, 2022 From the Narrative of Y'zyr: Quote But they were *small* fires, and the crew was already putting them out. Nothing had exploded or been destroyed. So it was fine! 2 2
Alora DeVeau Posted February 24, 2022 Posted February 24, 2022 From the narrative of Y'zyr: Quote And if it *had* survived, did it need killing? Because he could volunteer for that duty if so. Down boy. Take it easy. 3
Ashley Yael Posted February 25, 2022 Posted February 25, 2022 Narration by Arys Trovek ~ Quote She had cut off a woman’s leg. … She had cut off a woman’s leg! … SHE HAD CUT OFF A WOMAN’S LEG! … She opted to sit herself onto the floor, taking a few calming breaths, and considered to administer a sedative. Was she having a panic attack? No, she was pretty sure those felt different. She had cut off a woman’s leg. In a cargo bay. In a cargo bay! The closest thing she had done before was deliver a half-Klingon baby in a hall decorated with antique weapons while it’s mother threatened to rip her heart out, and the human father had fainted. They were a lovely couple. They still sent pictures of their daughter every now and then. An honorable birth, by Klingon standards. 2
Ashley Yael Posted February 26, 2022 Posted February 26, 2022 Narration by Sal Taybrim while communicating over comms with an unknown species ~ Quote There was a happy little trill, one that sounded charming. Empathy would tell him more and he hoped that wasn’t a sound of glee at being able to jump into a Starbase and use the people onboard like an all you can eat buffet. RIP Starbase 118 Ops by Buffet Dinner. Because inviting a new species to an all-you-can-eat buffet might not translate perfectly, and "Please, come and join us for dinner" might well become "Please, come eat as many of us as possible" with a single mistaken intonation. 3
Sal Taybrim Posted February 27, 2022 Posted February 27, 2022 Loved this bit of insight from Blackwell: Quote Dal making a joke - perhaps they would be all right. Or perhaps he was as scared as she was. And that was a thought - she was afraid. Rue detested fear. She knew it was a survival instinct. She knew it was a necessary emotion. But she hated it. She hated when she felt it. She hated when she felt weaker.. But perhaps it could be more palpable when one realized..others were subject to it to. Blackwell:She moved to focus on her console and kept the ship steady. The ionic storm would toss them as it crashed around them - and what Rue knew as a rule of thumb - try not to fight it, ride it. Only do as much as needed to keep from crashing into something else…like strange ships, but don’t fight.:: Holding steady, sirs. 2
Alcyone Brennan Posted March 1, 2022 Posted March 1, 2022 From the narration of Y'zyr: Quote She was petite with complicated hair and beautiful features. Ozai couldn’t help his mechanical eyes setting on her for a moment that was likely too long to be considered polite… but he hadn’t seen many Trill, not for years. Despite being members of the Federation they were often a minority in the population. And when he *did* see one, it left him with a feeling as complicated as her hairstyle. Something multifaceted he couldn’t really explain… he’d never been one for deep psychological stuff… 3
+ Vitor S. Silveira Posted March 1, 2022 Posted March 1, 2022 From Healer Se’vayan simmed by @Arys First contact is always confusing, specially for the ones making contact with a Federation vessel like the USS Rahuba Quote Se’vayan, while attempting to look as dignified as possible, made his way to one of the consoles and glanced over what they knew of the these strangers. Their ship looked interesting, and so very different from the Si’laan. It was flat. He wondered how they fit their trees in such an environment - and then wondered if they even *had* trees. But I am sure Commander @Alora DeVeau might help with that. 2
Alora DeVeau Posted March 1, 2022 Posted March 1, 2022 From the narration of Sal: Quote A damaged ship, an impending quarantine and a first contact. That sounded like the perfect opportunity to reach out and meet someone.
Alora DeVeau Posted March 6, 2022 Posted March 6, 2022 Quote Trovek: Good point. ::she glanced at Dal, who, all things considered, looked the most distressing. He was blue.:: I'm blue, daboo dee, daboo dai, daboo dee daboo dai... 1 2
Alora DeVeau Posted March 8, 2022 Posted March 8, 2022 Quote Pa'rhi: It is a very vast place. We sold the beginning of it. Shall we see the end soon then? Taelon: Sold? Saw? Maybe it was a mistranslation. Or a typo. LOL 2 1
Alora DeVeau Posted March 10, 2022 Posted March 10, 2022 Quote Dal: I’ll let Alora know. It killed him to use first names, but he was deliberately avoiding rank and mirroring the Risuan’s titles. Healer. Engineer. Speaker. Commander might be construed as hostile. And they had recently fended off a hostile attack. So, ancestors forgive him, he called her Alora. *gasp* The *HORROR*. 1 1
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