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Valin Dermont

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Everything posted by Valin Dermont

  1. Valin Dermont's ex-wife helps her family export all sorts of fabric from Betazed so she was full of advice on some of the latest fashions. She sent example after example. Eventually, he found inspiration in the form of ignoring everything she had to say and just tossing something on from his closet. At least he trimmed the beard. A little.
  2. She’s just a big ole softy!
  3. This was one of my favorite things to read today! Well done!
  4. Valin Dermont doesn’t own a lot of nice things, and he found the nicest outfit in the closet before rushing down right after his shift.
  5. Aw shucks. Glad to be back! And always a fountain of wisdom and compassion, is Mr. Dermont.
  6. Thanks everyone! Happy to be back and cannot wait to tinker with this fancy Akira class’ engines that I’ve been posted to!
  7. 😁😁 That is the plan. Application in. Now it’s in the hands of the almighty Council.
  8. Once they added movement to the Andorian’s antennae, they seal the deal. Well done.
  9. I don’t recognize the name…but pretty sure I recognize the words! Swapped those pointy ears out for some spots, eh? Howdy! And I was definitely thinkin’ about it. Missing you guys something fierce.
  10. Dermont seems to rarely leave Engineering, so any time somebody wants to have some soul searching with him, they tend to drag him into the CEO's office. It's gotta be that or the Nova Room on DS26.
  11. Very well written. Found myself holding my breath a bit until I had finished reading.
  12. Way to go, everybody! I love seeing the longevity of those that are here and the TLC that you can see they put into everything they do! Here's to 26 mooooooorrrreeeee!
  13. Another fine crop of recruits...re-recruits?...Cruits times two? Woooo! More Starfleet!
  14. Always a pleasure to yell about things while in good company!
  15. I actually almost feel bad for him. He isn't actually guilty of treason. Just being an absolute tool... And everyone on the Atlantis just keeps being so damn mean to him...😆
  16. As annoying as many people find him, I have to say Neelix. I just love trying new things and he is the man most daring in the kitchen.
  17. Well, before Starfleet, Dermont spent a lot of time piloting for a freighter, so pretty sure he'd love to get behind the helm from time to time.
  18. I almost cried real good ole wet years reading this one. Of course, no one really likes reading about themselves being fried into crispy bits o' ash...
  19. Good to see Mister Termine alive and kicking! Well done.
  20. Even though I picked Odo...isn't Tuvok a master level in like a dozen different martial arts styles? Worf who? I love Worf, but I'd pick Guinan first.
  21. I have changed my answer! The best friendship in Star Trek is clearly Toryn Raga and Valin Dermont on board the Atlantis!😁
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