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Valin Dermont

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Everything posted by Valin Dermont

  1. Dermont had a traumatic experience that he allowed to pretty much ruin his life. He fell into a deep, angry depression that eventually turned away his friends and family. As he pulls himself out of it, he feels Starfleet was the best way to prove to his ex-wife and his kids that he is a man worthy of their affections again. Or at least he will be.
  2. Odo and Quark...but I see how that might not be the best answer. So Julian and Garak it is!
  3. Oh Dermont would do it alright. Badly. And he would hate it. All that ceremony and posturing. But he would do it. If he had to. If ordered.
  4. Toss up between Dukat or Garak, but then I remember the terrible arc they gave Dukat that last season and it clinches it for Garak.
  5. Welcome to the fleet. Glad you guys made it through training! I hear Sevo has a habit of making people cry...
  6. More meat?! Whoop whoop! Welcome aboard!
  7. Whoop! Welcome aboard to the newest guinea pigs! Muahahaha!
  8. As an outsider looking in, I had the same tingles while reading this as I did the first time I saw Kirk and crew fly out and gaze upon the Enterprise A... Well done, sir.
  9. Glad you could make it! My door is labelled "air lock two." Drop by anytime! 😁
  10. @Tasha MacFarlane! Picard is a Captain's captain! The man of the highest moral fiber! He who others Captain's wish they could be! He is a perfect specimen of Captainliness!
  11. Glad you could make it! Hands inside the ride at all times and keep yer mitts off mah warp core!
  12. Woot! Welcome to the Space Force!
  13. A small bar with a poker table, dim lights, and a comm jammer.
  14. Welcome New Person! Another gear in the great machine!
  15. Ughh. Thanks for the love, but there are soooo many grammatical issues with this sim. 😭
  16. First of all, congrats to all the winners! While obviously my fellow Atlanteans hold a special place in my heart, all of you are truly what makes this place so special. And so real. Reading the appreciation forums reminds me again and again of the skill that most everyone here holds with the pen. And more than that. It reminds me of the heart and soul so many of you put into your sims. I am blown away to even considered in the same league as many of you. Secondly: Wooooooooooo!!!! This place has quickly become my favoritest favorite on all of the whole durned internetz. Thirdly: @Toryn Raga, awwwwwwwwwwww. I heart you too!
  17. Taking inspiration from an old holo-novel he secretly enjoys from time to time, Dermont replicated himself a classic tuxedo complete with bowtie. While personally dreading celebrations, he respects the Captain enough to represent the Atlantis properly and managed to trim his beard and mop of a head to be somewhat presentable. He does, however, still have a flask of black coffee flavored with tobacco tucked inside his jacket. These things can get boring and he might need a little pick-me-up.
  18. Congrats! Glad to have you here!
  19. This conversation got deeper than I had expected pretty fast. But based on Quark's bar alone, is it possible Starfleet gives their officers a small commission (is this the right context for this word? i dunno...) for their service when dealing with other cultures that still require currency? I feel Quark was pretty adamant about payments in latinum. And having a station full of Starfleet officers had appeared to be profitable. Before the Dominion War of course. Totally separate fact...I am very glad that this subject was brought up. A large piece of my character's backstory is the fact that he owes a large sum of latinum to a Ferengi lender for a loan from his pre-Starfleet days. I have gone on an assumption that either the replication of latinum is illegal (to not crash it's value and make it worthless) orrrr seeing as Ferengi have zero ethics and would do it anyway, that for whatever reason latinum is incapable of being replicated.
  20. Welcome aboard, ensigns!
  21. More fuel for the fodder cannon!! Muahahaha!!! Erm, I mean glad to have ya! Have fun!
  22. Seska. From the moment she turned traitor against the Voyager crew, I felt nothing but disdain for her and her choices. It was clear she was tying her own ever-tightening noose and I was pretty damn satisfied when she finally hung herself with it. (Granted that season finale was so rushed and hacked that a little of my satisfaction was taken away...but still...goodbye terrible, evil Seska.)
  23. Wecome aboard everybody! Glad to grow our crew!
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