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Everything posted by Hutch

  1. Federation phasers. As much a tool as a weapon.
  2. ((FLASHBACK - Vulcan, 2362)) ::She was supposed to be producing a historical analysis of the political and economic circumstances surrounding the last Vulcan intra-planetary war and the Awakening, but after the first few journal articles, T'Reshik found herself losing interest. At eleven years old she did not yet have the resistance to boredom that most adult Vulcans were disciplined enough to maintain, and besides, she could not see what possible applications this subject might have to her planned future career as a brilliant doctor and/or scientist (she hadn't quite decided which one she was going to be yet).:: ::In this light, the amount of detail she was obliged to go into seemed quite irrelevant. Before Surak, her people were violent, irrational and murderous, and eventually began to fling nuclear weapons at each other until they almost wiped themselves out; after that the philosophy of Surak spread until they all became sensible and productive enough not to play with atomic bombs any more and that was that. There's your tedious bloody essay, Professor Barok: now sod off back to your archives to look at old bits of paper and leave the scientists to get on with the interesting stuff.:: ::Knowing she would likely get in trouble for this, but not especially caring, T'Reshik dismissed the historical journals from her screen and diverted her attention back to this week's object of affection: her genetics textbook.:: ::She opened it reverently, eyes bright and hungry for the reams of knowledge within. Formulae, diagrams, long streams of symbols denoting the secrets hidden within her own flesh... she could spend all night reading this kind of thing, and in fact frequently had, much to Barok's disapproval when she started nodding off in his seminars. (It wasn't her fault that history class was the perfect place to catch up on sleep.):: ::Her small finger followed the page as she read, first in Vulcan, then in Federation Standard English, and the subtle linguistic discrepancies between the two columns did not fascinate her nearly so much as the content. She thought of her own DNA, encoded deep in her cells, its chemical signals sending out instructions like a general directing her troops from the war room, tissues proliferating and growing and shedding and dying as every day her body grew older and stronger...:: ::At first she did not realise why her eyes had paused on a specific section, re-reading it over and over before she even knew it was happening.:: T'Reshik: o O Iris coloration is determined by the below factors... Blue is largely the result of a recessive gene... Green eyes are caused by an inherited variance on the following and in Vulcans will always dominate that which causes blue and grey pigmentation if the superseding pattern for brown is not present... O o ::Will always dominate.:: ::T'Reshik closed the book.:: ::She did not need to consult a mirror. Nor did she seek, as a human child might have done, a family photograph for reference, or perhaps to try and reassure herself that she had made a mistake. The relevant faces had been burned into her mind as clearly as those damning paragraphs were now.:: ::Two blue-eyed parents and a green-eyed child.:: ::She grabbed the textbook and consulted furiously; then, after a few minutes, brought up the genetic science database and consulted that as well, scouring all the available knowledge for anything that might disprove her unsettling conclusion. There were genetic disorders that could cause this, but none that were relevant here; mutations of this kind would have caused other observable factors in her genes, none of which she manifested... :: ::Eventually her hands went slack on the inputs and she stared at the screen, her mind reaching for an explanation.:: ::She already knew a little about Pon Farr, mostly from demurely-worded biology lessons and the dubious assertions of her classmates (some of which were more reliable than others - she was fairly sure that it didn't temporarily turn you into a mountain lion, for example). She was vaguely aware that she had an uncle, Shirok, who had died of the condition, and that these sort of things were rarely spoken of.:: ::And she knew, with a cold flood of realisation, that whatever circumstances had driven her parents to conceal her true lineage - for surely a straightforward adoption would not have needed to be concealed, in a family as open and forthright as her own - they had been driven by a horrific kind of necessity.:: ::Abruptly she returned her attention to the screen and rattled out a brief and petulant set of logical arguments for Professor Barok regarding the irrelevance of historical study to the progress of modern science. Then she turned elsewhere, back to the journal database, and this time her search was fuelled with determination.:: ::As expected, there wasn't much out there about Pon Farr, or if there was it was couched too deeply in euphemism and scientific jargon for her to uncover as yet. The only thing she could find, hidden away in a second-rate offworld journal, was a case study, authored by one Professor Sutek of the local university, regarding the potential long-term uses of a particular hormone antagonist. Although the purpose of his research was not stated outright, the language in his conclusion hinted at the necessity of discussing such issues, the lives ruined and lost due to wilful ignorance where science could surely find a solution if only it were given the chance.:: ::The rest of the article was mostly beyond her understanding, but T'Reshik wasn't going to let a small thing like that deter her. She hefted her biochemistry textbook onto her desk and prepared herself for a long night of study.:: ::It was clear she had a lot of work to do.:: Ensign T'Reshik Science USS Constitution D239311T10
  3. ((D’Sena’s Quarters, USS Conny)) ::It was the battle of the wills. One vulcan-betazoid and one rodulan. Both stubborn as hell it seemed. T’Mar refused to leave Akeelah in her state, but Akeelah did not seem to be having any of it.:: D'Sena: All I want is to be left alone. :: After all everyone else was so good at it. :: ::T’Mar shook her head in the negative. She wasn’t going to give in. She may not be able to read into the Rodulan’s mind, but she had the overpowering sense that she just had to help her. There was no other option.:: T'Mar: I can’t just leave you. D’Sena: Of course you can ::She stretched out her arm to the side.:: There's the door! T’Mar: Why is it so hard for you to accept my help? D’Sena: Why is it so hard for you to understand that I don't want it? ::She retorted.:: Doubt you're doing that for everyone you feel guilty about. T’Mar: No, there’s more to it than that. You don’t understand. You can’t possible be able to understand what it’s like. ::She was talking to Akeelah, but her thoughts weren’t even focused on the woman. Her thoughts drifted to her parents, to the Vulcans that ostracized her. To Zage who got her to open up and feel.. to love.. only to disappear without a sound.:: D’Sena: Yeah you keep going on believe that. T’Mar: It doesn’t matter. ::pause:: You may not like me. You may not want this help. But you need it and I’m going to do it. D’Sena: You will not. You'll leave my quarters right now. T’Mar: Or what? You will stay on the floor for hours on end without anyone to check in on your well-being? ::It was a low blow. T’Mar couldn’t even believe she said it. Why was she angry at Akeelah? She had done nothing but gotten injured under T’Mar’s watch. Was that really something to be angry about or was she simply angry at herself and taking it out on the poor woman?:: D’Sena: Yes sure, why not? It's not like anyone cares. ::And there it was. T’Mar hit below the belt and Akeelah responded in kind. Did anyone care? She wasn’t always sure she was capable of controlling her feelings, but she did have them. And she did care in her own way.. as messed up as it was.:: T'Mar: ::repugnant:: I care.. D'Sena: You care that it happened on your shift. That's it and nothing more. T'Mar: Is that really what you think? You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself! ::Was she talking to Akeelah with that or herself? The Vulcan wasn’t really sure.:: D'Sena: You can't order me around in my personal life, your rank means nothing here. T'Mar: No, I can’t order you, but I can help you if you would only let me. D'Sena: You are not leaving before you can do your good deed of the day. :: It was a statement not a question and T’Mar knew the Rodulan woman was conceding finally. At least a little bit. T’Mar knew enough to know that wouldn’t be the end :: T'Mar: If you want to put it that way.. yes. D'Sena: Then do it so I can get my peace back. ::It would have been embarassing if it hadn't been necessary. Could just as well make it embarassing for T'Mar as well.:: I need to use the bathroom. ::Blink. Blink-blink. T’Mar wasn’t sure how to respond. Was she serious? Well, surely she wouldn’t be joking now. But T’Mar hadn’t been expecting that request. After an uncomfortable pause, she nodded.:: T'Mar: Okay. Lets go in there and I can move you. TAG/TBC --------------- PNPC Cmdr. T’Mar Security Officer USS Constitution-B as played by: Commander Sarah Mason First Officer USS Constitution-B
  4. (( Captain's Office )) ((Time index: After the conversation with Sarah Mason)):: It was quite a relief to have a new FO. Of course she would have enjoyed to keep T'Mar in that position a bit longer, but at least she had not left the ship and Sarah would have her second chance. It had something to be able to give her that. Sadly no number of First Officers could lighten the worry pressing down on her shoulders at the moment. Having turned her seat to the window she stared outside, the planet housing Starbase 11 to the right side, but most of the screen was filled by darkness and stars. Somewhere out there - maybe not necessarily in that direction though - were Sinda, Wyn and T'Reshik. While the later had not told her that she would leave, it was not hard to find out that she wasn't on the ship or the station. So the conclusion was rather obvious to the Trill. Wyn had promised to call at the first sign of trouble. That didn't change that she worried though. What if they couldn't call? What if the trouble meant they didn't have access to communication? What if the message Sinda had received and followed was a trap? Cardassian space wasn't without dangers and perils. But then, even Federation space wasn't without them. And then Wyn. He wasn't healed yet, not at all. Yes he could walk about but that didn't mean he couldn't fall sick all of a sudden. And while she was sure that T'Reshik was capable, and convinced she could handle everything, Jalana knew that the reliance on the wheelchair could also bring her disadvantages. It could be taken away and then what? A loud beeping sound made her jump in her chair, enough to spill some of her Jestral Tea - that was supposed to calm her down but failed terribly with that simple (ha!) task - on her uniform skirt. Luckily it was only luke warm. That was how long she had sat here staring out of the window? She turned her chair towards her desk, the display screen slowly moving up from out of the desk into view. Her brows moved together, forming a wrinkle between them. The logo displayed was of Starfleet HQ. What did they want? With the press of a button the accepted the call. The man she saw was a Bajoran with almond shaped eyes and graying hair in an Admiral's uniform. His dark brown eyes looked right at her, a hint of a smile on his lips. :: Saray: Captain Rajel, Admiral Saray. I hope I am not disturbing. Rajel: Of course you are not, Sir. What can I do for you?:: These people with a rank higher than her own were the only ones to receive the special honor of her not using their first name in a familiarity she portraied with everyone else. She didn't like it, but she had gotten into trouble before doing that. Not again. Saray. For some reason that name rang a bell, but she was very sure it had not been an Admiral. :: Saray: I have new orders for you and the Constitution, that might end in a longer deployment to a new area.:: Uhoh. That was bad news. Well usually not, but right now she didn't really want to leave. Then it dawned her. Morgenstern had been right. How had he known of this move before her? Who in Headquarters blabbered about things that were not to be blabbered about? To a reporter nonetheless. :: Rajel: New area? ::How far? Where? What was it? Why us?:: Which area would that be, Admiral? Saray: Your new orders will bring you to Starbase 104 about 15 light years south west of the Lembatta Cluster. You will remain in the area after your upcoming mission, so I am giving you the heads up to your crew can familiarise themselves with the region. :: Lembatta Cluster... that region was not unheard of. About 20 years ago the USS Farragut had been destroyed close to it by Klingon Forces, while they were to evacuate Federation colonists on Ajilon Prime. That cluster was rather close to the borders. The cluster itself inhabited by species that were known very well, same as the region around it. Exploration, seeing new words, new species. That was why so many had joined Starfleet. :: Rajel: I understand. What is the new mission? Saray: You will receive the orders shortly. I suggest you to get on your way there right away. :: There it was. How to explain it? Oh yes. :: Rajel: I am afraid we can't leave right way, Sir. ::Before he could ask she continued.:: As you know Starfleet HQ has invited the families of the crew for a family reunion and they were promised more than just two days with their families. And now that we are to leave for a far away region who knows when they will see each other again. :: The Bajoran leaned back in his big chair and seemed to think about that. She wasn't sure if he was taking it as an explanation or if he knew that she was keeping something from him. The reason he gave her, wasn't a lie, just not the whole truth. :: Saray: We can't give them the full week we have first anticipated for the reunion. You will have another day to prepare the crew and give the farewells to the families, but then you will have to leave. :: A day. One day more. She hoped that would be enough. :: Rajel: How about two days, Sir? :: That had slipped out before she even noticed she thought it. :: That would at least be more than half of the time and this departure would be rather sudden.Saray: ::sigh:: You must have been a barterer in a former life, Captain Rajel. ::He paused and looked somewhere off screen.:: A compromise. You'll have the whole of tomorrow and the morning of the day after. I expect you to leave Starbase 11 at noon of the second day from now. Rajel: ::smiling:: I take that. Much appreciated, Admiral. :: It could still be a close call. It was a risk. But every minute could count towards them being back in time. And if not, well they would have to follow. But without a QSD, like the Conny would use, it would take a considerably longer time. :: Saray: Good, we are not on a Ferengi trading post here, Captain. ::Smirking:: Your new mission orders will arrive before your departure. Good luck out there, Captain. Rajel: Thank you, Sir. :: The screen turned black and she sacked back into her chair, exhaling a stream of air that felt like she had held it in forever. A hand ran through the fiery hair as she twirled back to the window. :: Rajel: ::mumbling:: You better make it back in time... and one piece. -----Captain Jalana RajelCommanding OfficerUSS Constitution BImage Team FacilitatorA238906JL0
  5. ((Subspace Airwaves - between StarBase 118 Ops and the USS Constitution-B))::In his office, Captain Sal Taybrim gently flicked through the reports that had finally concluded in the wake of a full investigation into the actions of the so-called Jenatris Confederation (a clever cover name for the nefarious Orion Syndicate). He felt rather privileged - his place as the commanding officer of StarBase 118 Operations gave him a wide overview of the overall picture. The intel tower had generously given him a broad understanding of the puzzle pieces that had fallen into place, allowing them to focus in on some corrupted Starfleet officers and some Orion Syndicate fronts. And now it was his turn to give a call to a friend and offer her an expanded understanding.::Taybrim: Computer, please connect me to Captain Jalana Rajel, USS Constitution-B. Secured channel.Computer: Complying…::There was a flicker of the viewscreen as the interior of the USS Constitution-B came into view and focused in on the Trill he was seeking.::Taybrim: Captain Rajel? ::He offered a gentle, relaxed smile.:: Captain Taybrim from StarBase 118 Ops.:: Jalana had worked on some reports and requests after a few crewmembers had left the Constitution and was surprised to see that she received a call from Starbase 118. She had been there not that long ago and one of her crewmembers had been transferred to the station as well. There hadn’t been a problem already, right? The smile on the ginger’s face on the other side relaxed her though. Possibly not. :: Rajel: ::smiling:: Sal, such a nice pleasure to see you. Taybrim: It is good to see you, too! I hope things have been well with you? ::His dark eyes were smiling.::Rajel: They have been… ::It was that pregnant pause of a CO who had not found the right word to describe the chaos and insanity that was Starfleet life yet. :: … busy. How has it been for you?::Sal leaned back. Busy was...completely accurate. It seemed there was always more work on the plate of a Starfleet officer, a commanding officer even moreso.::Taybrim: Not bad. But things are moving - lots of change, for good and bad. It is sometimes exhausting to keep up with it all.Rajel: I believe I know what you mean. ::She paused briefly.:: Please tell me Rustyy hasn’t blown up the station yet. If he has arrived yet that is. :: She wasn’t sure if he had the luck to get there with a QSD equipped ship or not. :: Taybrim: ::That brought a smile to Sal’s face. Rustyy had, in fact, arrived and everyone on Ops was getting used to the unusual new chief engineer.:: He arrived safely and no, nothing has blown up. He’s currently shoring up a bunch of civilian racers for a very important intel operation. We are quite happy to have his help!Rajel: That is good to hear. I have no doubt he’ll be in good hands with you and your crew. ::She tried not to show how much she would miss that man and kept the smile on her lips. :: It is a surprise to receive your call. It is as if you knew that I’d want to call you as well. Taybrim: ::he offered a light chuckle:: I would blame telepathy, but in this case it’s just a canny coincidence. And a happy one at that. So, Captain, what is on your mind?Rajel: Please you first, what can I do for you, Sal? ::he offered her a reassuring smile, the sort of expression that said ‘I promise this is less painless than it could be.’::Taybrim: Ah, it is more a sharing of information. I hear you recently had a run in with the minions of a Nacien Rixx?:: Jalana raised her brows, and leaned back in her seat, possibly looking way more relaxed than she felt at the mention of the name she had only read in an after-report, received after delivering the detained members of the Orion Syndicate. ::Rajel: The head of the operation on Dagorin VI?::He leaned forward on his desk, nodding slowly.::Taybrim: Correct. Rixx is a high level power in the Orion Syndicate. He tends to operate out of the Trinity sector, but he has a far reach an sticky fingers for all manner of criminal enterprises.Rajel: ::A slight chortle came over her lips.:: Sticky fingers. Shouldn't have put them in those trees. ::Taking a shallow breath she got more curious.:: Did you by any chance have received any more intel about the tree sap they harvested on Dagorin?::The tree sap from Dagorin. As soon as the Constitution had reported to Starfleet samples of the sap were sent off to all manner of scientific and medical experts who swiftly returned interesting news on the stuff. In its raw form it was mild, but when refined through heat and the application of certain chemicals it was a terribly addictive and dangerous component of the street drug ‘All Time High.’::Taybrim: The refined sap is a key component in the street drug ‘All Time High.’ We’ve seen a marked increase in ATH use and abuse on the Federation border worlds and the independent colonies. It’s become a major problem in the last 18 months. The discovery and subsequent destruction of the Dagorin refinery had put a major damper on the ATH distribution in the Trinity and neighboring sectors. ::From everything he had heard the Dagorin mission had been hard on the Constitution, which meant Sal felt it was even more important to communicate what a big change they had made in the quadrant.:::: Jalana had heard about it being a component of the drug. She believed that Mark Two, their rather sentient EMH, and Alize Sorenson, the Forensic Doctor, had spoken about it briefly. Though the distribution and its extent had been unknown to her. If she was honest she had not heard about it before at all, which made her wonder if she just had missed it because of her change in position, or because it had not reached their ship. ::Rajel: These are marvellous news, Sal! I will have to let my crew know. It'll do them good to hear that their hardships have not been in vain.::Sal offered a gentle nod. He hated hearing that they had been caused hardships in the first place, but hopefully this was one problem that had been put to bed for a long time.::Taybrim: Certainly not in vain. There continues to be a decrease in the drug trade. Thousands, perhaps millions of innocents will be spared the spread of ATH.Rajel: What about Rixx? Any chance that he'll face ... how do human say? ... the music?Taybrim: Ah, that is the more curious outcome and the reason I really wanted to touch base with you. Starfleet intel tracked Rixx’s call to Dagorin - presumably in response to the Constitution arriving in orbit - back to the planet Raskor I. Raskor has a small Starfleet embassy and Rixx was allied with a corrupt Commodore named Allan Kinney. Kinney was the command officer over the majority of the Jenatris reach, including StarBase 118.:: The Trill blinked and stared at Sal blankly. A Starfleet Commodore was in cahoots with the Orion Syndicate? Why would anyone join a constitution like Starfleet and then turn around and work against them? For a terrorists organisation like that? Why not leave and then work with them? .oO Power Oo. She was pretty sure that several past lives in her just turned their back to Kinney and that behaviour. ::Rajel: That ... ::She let go of a trill curse word, before realizing something. She raised her head to look at Sal.:: Wait, you said was.::Sal drew in a long, slow breath. As with all stories involving villains, whether they were a criminal syndicate entrenched in a bunker or a Commodore behind a polished desk - all of them included hardships for upstanding crew.::Taybrim: Commodore Kinney ordered the USS Albion on a suicide mission to engage with a rogue Romulan warbird. Obviously we survived, but we were at a loss for evidence to incriminate Kinney until the information from your mission started coming in.:: Their information? Her heart beat a little faster. It was great to see a mission succeed, to know they had spent their time for a good goal. But to hear that it was part of something bigger, something that had an influence across the fleet, or even on one other person outside, was a thrilling feeling. She sat up straight her face lighting up. ::Rajel: It helped?::Sal leaned back and breathed a sigh of relief. Even thinking about that mission made him tense and he knew it had a happy ending.::Taybrim: Yes, with that evidence we were able to present our case to Admiral Hauke. And with the help of Fleet Captain - now Ambassador Kalianna Nicholotti - Commodore Kinney was forced into resignation.:: Kali. A smile washed over her face. She knew the woman, before and after her death and return. She hadn't had much to spend with her after but at least she'd met her on the Apollo, even though Kali didn't remember her. It was good to know that she had found a place to be. ::Rajel: I am glad to hear that. With the evidence and testimonies it may be possible to get Rixx where he belongs as well. Has he been caught yet?Taybrim: No, Starfleet Intel hasn’t caught Rixx… yet. But his main personal shield is now gone and he’s on the run.Rajel: ::Smiling she leaned forward.:: If there is one thing I've learned as a cop, it is that people on the run make mistakes. Sooner or later.Taybrim: That’s what intel said, too. ::he offered a slow nod of assent.:: I believe they will find him sooner rather than later.Rajel: I certainly hope so. Please if you hear anything about that, let me know?Taybrim: I certainly will. ::He promised with a gentle, but firm tone.::Rajel: ::leaning back in her chair rather casually.:: You know, if you always bring such good news, you should call more often. Actually... you can do that anyway ::chuckling::Taybrim: I will make a point of it! ::he smiled back in a wide, gregarious manner:: Now, you said you had information for me?Rajel: What? Oh yes, my call. I actually have a favour to ask of you. It's about Rustyy.::Sal’s eyes lit up. Rustyy Hael had quickly fallen in with the StarBase 118 Ops crew and had proved himself a valuable officer extremely quickly.::Taybrim: Ah yes, Commander Hael. ::Sal was a bit more formal - not knowing Rustyy quite as well. Yet. Give it time and a shore leave.:: What’s up with Rustyy?Rajel: Well, Starfleet has awarded my crew the Shadow of War Service Ribbon, but Rustyy left before I could give him his. I was wondering if you could give it to him for me.Taybrim: Of course I will. I will also happily pass on any messages.Rajel: ::Smiling broadly.:: Thank you, Sal. Please tell him we miss him, including his 'girlfriend' Conny. ::She made quotation marks with her fingers.::::Sal nodded and offered the Trill a reassuring smile.::Taybrim: Of course. And I promise, we’ll take good care of him. Rajel: I have no doubt you will. It's quite easy to grow fond of him and his uniqueness.Taybrim: All the more reason you should bring your entire crew to dock for a visit!::Starbase 118 wasn’t too much out of the way. Well, it was a bit out of the way; but they also had state of the art engineering resources and many ships stopped for upgrades, refits or just repairs.::Rajel: ::Exhaling:: Yes I really should do that. I can't wait to see the Ashalla District again as well. I don't know when, but I will return and bring a ship full of people with me. ::smiling::Taybrim: Anything else?Rajel: ::Leaning back with a relaxed smile.:: Not at the moment. ::Then she remembered.:: Oh, I have received your files for the Temple's Reflection pool configurations, but I haven't had the time yet to give it to our botanist. I should do that. ::Smiling::Taybrim: No worries. ::he chuckled a little.:: We had a ...small incident... involving a high profile pet getting loose and taking an unplanned bath in the pool, so the monks ended up draining it to do restorative prayers and cleaning. I’m sure they will greatly appreciate assistance when they fill it up again. ::He smiled, there was good humor behind his eyes. In the aftermath almost everyone could laugh at Duchess’ journey.::Rajel: I'll let you know how that goes. Now I shouldn't keep you from your work any longer.Taybrim: Thank you for taking the time to chat with me. ::He smiled gently towards her.::Rajel: Thank you again for updating me. It made my day.Taybrim: I’m always glad to make people’s days. Take care, Jalana - and may we see each other in good health again soon!:: She couldn't help it but that smile seemed to be on her face forever now. When the screen turned black again she leaned back and closed her eyes with a relieved exhale. This had to be the best outcome she could have wished for. ::-----JP byCaptain Sal TaybrimCommanding OfficerStarBase 118 OpsE239010ST0&Captain Jalana RajelCommanding OfficerUSS Constitution BImage Team FacilitatorA238906JL0
  6. Interesting. I would accept, but have the medical crew double check everything first. The stereotype would certainly make me think that the Ferengi would want something in return, but that would be a different discussion for later - the priority is preventing deaths by whatever means necessary.
  7. T'Seva: What we do is risky...and apparently, trombones. True, true
  8. Oh she's a charmer this one; T'Reshik: My parole officer has instructed me to try and establish a social rapport with my co-workers. Therefore we could engage in the sharing of superficial personal information during our journey, if you wish.
  9. ((USS Conny - Akoni’s quarters)) ::After leaving Commander Sinda to her own devices (she’d have to check up on that later if she was still alive), she decided that some peace and quiet would be a nice way to end the evening before the early day tomorrow. She entered her quarters and tossed her PADD to the side to stroll over to her closet. Uniform, uniform, uniform, uniform… Uniform pajamas…. She realized sadly that she truly was lacking in any variety at all. There wasn’t much point in having civilian clothes when everyday was a work day. Even on R&R she would wander around the starbase in a less flashy uniform.:: ::She grabbed the pajamas with a sigh and changed out, pinning her hair up into a messy bun. Her PADD dinged from its place on her bed, grabbing her attention for a moment. Another aggravated sigh left her. All she wanted was a nice sonic shower and some time to catch up on the science department reports.:: ::Akoni grabbed the device and flipped through her messages, seeing that she was due for physical. She groaned inwardly and placed it as not important. They’d have to hunt her down if they needed her to get one that badly. She scrolled through the other messages, most pertaining to mission reports. After a few swipes, she spotted a name in the older messages she hadn’t seen in awhile. She tapped on the name and sat down.:: Hello Thomas. I hope things are going well for you! The Conny crew is finally about to get some shore leave after our last mission with the Orion Syndicate, if you haven’t heard from SF intel yet. Got a chance to sit in the big chair! But overall, I think it was enough excitement for me. I’m not really meant to be in the field. There’s a reason I started off in the science department! The labs are enough for me. Enough about the unexciting events of this ship. What about you? Are you still sitting in an office or are you finally exploring on a ship? Let me know how things with you are going when you get the chance. Akoni ::Satisfied with the message, she sent it out. If there was any luck, the other officers wouldn’t send messages to their families until tomorrow. The systems on the base usually got jammed and shut down if the data processors were overflowed with in and out communications. Finally at rest, she set the PADD back down and walked over to her replicator.:: Soriano: Computer, green tea, hot. ::The machine whirled, producing the tea in a matter of seconds. She grabbed the cup, almost immediately regretting the way she held it as the heat seeped through and burned her hands. A few curses made their way through her mouth as she set the mug down next to her console. The interface was already up, and with a few taps, she brought up the recent discoveries from Science.:: oO Ooooh, another neutron star update in the Alpha quadrant. Oo ::Right as she finished the first paragraph, a comm call interrupted her reading on the screen. Gaiana and Albanos Soriano.:: :: Akoni paused and re-read the name, wondering if her eyes were deceiving her. When the call continued to beep at her, without another thought, she reached forward and blocked the call. Disturbed, she continued reading the report. The same call came in again. And again, she blocked the call. What could her parents possibly want with her? She hadn’t talked to them in over 8 years. The persistent call came through again. The Tandaran leaned back in her chair. How long would this go on before they just stopped?:: oO Might as well answer and get whatever this is over with. Oo ::She reached forward and answered the call, waiting for the familiar, yet old faces to show up. A woman with bright red hair and a sharp nose appeared next to the more aged, grey bearded man with familiar bright blue eyes.:: Akoni: Mother, father. ::she greeted them shortly:: ::Her mother smiled brightly and leaned towards the screen.:: Gaiana: Akoni my dear! Oh, it’s so nice to see you. It feels as if it’s been ages! Akoni: ::passively:: Only 8 years. Gaiana: And I’ve missed you every moment of it. I’ve been meaning to call you sooner, but it’s been so hectic here. I’ve been accompanying your father on most of his diplomatic calls. Things are heating up with the Klingons. But nothing knew there. Akoni: Well I’m glad you’ve been able to talk regularly with them. Albanos: Now now, ::her father chuckled humorlessly, diffusing the every-growing tension:: this is a reunion call. We’ve received news that you’re an intelligence officer now! Akoni: ::furrowing her brows:: How did you hear about that? ::The old man shook his head and smiled as if they’d always been aware of her Starfleet status. It made her grind her teeth.:: Albanos: We might be light years away, but we do try to keep up with your life Akoni. And we wanted to congratulate you on your new position! Akoni: You’re just happy that I’m no longer associated with science. ::she accused, realizing the reason for the call.:: Gaiana: We’re happy for you no matter what you’re doing. ::her mother interjected.:: ::Akoni looked at the two with hurt disbelief, though she should have expected this. Her parents had never been happy with scientific interests. Not since the death of her unborn older brother. She’d spent her childhood suppressing her interests because of some freak accident that happened before she even came into the universe.:: Akoni: I don’t know how you can even say that to my face. You’ve never been interested in my life! Every accomplishment I’ve made has passed by you. If you truly knew what I was doing all these years, why not call and congratulate me at all? ::And awkward pause passed between the family. Her words had obviously had an impact on them.:: Gaiana: Akoni… you must understand. You know why we don’t share your love for science. If you brother was here, things might be different- Akoni: But he isn’t! He never has been! You spend so much time blaming this silence on science, but did you ever think of the other factors involved? It’s not as if Tandar Prime has ever had decent doctors anyways. Blame the medical field for the happenstance if you truly need to. But don’t put an accident from over 20 years ago on my life! Let it go! ::She paused and took a deep breath. This was why she’d avoided talking to them since joining Starfleet. Just like last time, the conversation seemed it would end with more yelling. Her father surprised her with a calm and quiet demeanor, nothing but understanding filling his eyes.:: Albanos: Akoni, when you were born, we thought it was nothing short of a miracle. We’d prayed and prayed, and so the Gods gave us you. We were so afraid to try again that we decided that we would simply pour all our love into you. We tried to rely on the highest technologies and advances in medicine, and it gave us a near death situation. I can’t even tell you how afraid I was for your mother when it happened. Akoni: But that was more than 20 years ago! ::The old man held up his hand, effectively silencing the younger Tandaran.:: Albanos: You’re right. It happened so long ago, and a lot of things have changed. Perhaps the world is not as we once knew it. ::He stopped and looked to his wife:: But who knows, maybe you’ll be the one to change the face of scientific discoveries. While we wish you would have chosen a different field, we are proud of what you’ve accomplished. ::Akoni scrunched up her sleeve and wiped at her eyes.:: Gaiana: Honey, we love you very much. No matter how many things we disagree on, we will always love you. Akoni: ::sniffing:: Love you too. Albanos: ::sighing:: Well, I think it’s time we let you get back to your business. We know how busy starfleet officers are- Akoni: Actually, are you both busy right now? ::The two regarded her with a surprised look.:: Gaiana: I don’t think so. Honey? ::she looked to Albanos, who shook his head.:: Akoni: Would you like to keep talking? ::she reached forward and closed the science reports tab on the interface.:: I’ve got nothing to do for the rest of the night anyways. Albanos: That would be great sweetheart ::he smiled and settled more into his seat.:: So, what have you been up to lately? ::She thought about the last mission and her chance to be Captain for a day.:: Akoni: ::leaning forward:: You would not believe what I got to do… Ensign Akoni Soriano Intelligence Officer USS Constitution-B C239210AS0
  10. ((OOC- Slight backsim – after Rue gets off duty from the bridge after the mission, but before doing girls things and seeing Wyn/Hael)) ::Rue got back to her quarters, grateful for the relief arriving when they did. She had an early morning apparently. She still inwardly was debating about the “girls night” but Snezhana seemed nice and exubriant and Akoni seemed like good company. She knew she also needed to build partnerships with her crew mates..and socialization was one way of doing that. She stripped of her jumpsuit and threw it in a hamper for cleaning, and switched out for a t-shirt emblazoned with a giant reindeer with the words “Made In Portland” arching over it. She fell onto the small couch that would serve for reading and watching movies, resting her head on the back. A sigh mingled with a groan escaped her lips and she was again quite grateful to the relief team. After a few moments of resting, and letting her mind wander, she got up and went to the replicator and had it “cook” a bowl of chicken and dumplings, and then a glass of fruit punch. Carrying her meal, she went to her bed and sat down and then used the panel beside her bed to display the messages she had received. The first was the reminder about the Family fest being held for shore leave. She quickly deleted that and restlessly scanned over the rest, then switched the screen to an old movie:: Ensign Blackwell: “Right. Whatever. I can already imagine Little Orphan Darcy screaming how we are all monsters and liars.” ::She took a bite of the soup, attempting to swallow down the bitterness she was feeling. As she chewed, she closed her eyes oO I shouldn’t mock her …her parents died tragically….even more tragically than she realizes.Oo. Rue opened her eyes and took another bite, and winced at the memory. It was soon after “the incident”…after Lucas and Darcy had come back from their honeymoon, and Rue was preparing to leave for the Academy. She couldn’t recall the full details, but what she remembered was asking if they would all come to see her off, and Darcy making a snipping comment. Rue had tried to stay calm, but it was when Darcy had asserted the Federation were simply monstrous murderers and dictators, and Rue had finally asked that Darcy simply “Not”. She knew what she said wasn’t that bad…but it was enough to send the new bride into a rage and upset Lucas. Her parents had seemed torn…but at the same point..had encouraged Rue to apologize and try to make amends..as if she had somehow been at fault. After that, the tension was so palpable that Rue simply left a few days early, opting to stay in a hotel near the Academy rather than try to apologize when she knew Darcy would simply use it as continued criticism. She sighed and shook her head, finishing her last bite of soup and then took a swig of juice: “Damn it.” She stood up and took care of the dishes, and remembered a night in the academy when she’d received a letter from her brother, asking if she could just apologize to make it right. She had hastily deleted the letter and then found herself looking up the accident that had killed Darcy’s parents. She had found articles, investigation reports that were open to the public, and as she read late into the night…she had found an inconsistency. The report given to the news organization was informative and yet…generic. Darcy’s parents, Jonathan and Emily Salter were engineers assisting in part of a shakedown for a small shuttle. The crew was sparse but more than sufficient for a small vessel simply “testing the waters”. What was believed to have occurred was a dire malfunction lead to an explosion on the shuttle, starting with the propulsion drive, and that “tragically, all lives were lost”. While not a regular occurrence, events like the explosion were what many considered an unfortunate fact of service – that even with the best technology, the best trained crew – things simply went wrong. It was looking at other stories looking more towards Salters themselves that Rue found something troublesome. An article, half obituary, half expose, gave the impression that the Salters, while known for their professionalism, were having trouble in their marriage, and potentially leaning towards a divorce. The author had also dug up some rather troubling reports that Emily had dealt with “severe bouts of depression, that had jeopardized her position at times. The author finally, bluntly and coldly postulated, that the explosion was no accident and in fact an act of murder-suicide, and then proceeded to argue that Starfleet should discourage married couples from going on missions together, and the concerns of mental health for Starfleet members. It was a troubling article, one that pushed Rue to leave her computer, and had given her a sleepless night. After that, she had tried to be kinder to Darcy and when she had taken a Christmas holiday to visit, tried to make amends, to bridge the gap. But it was when Darcy was given a picture of her parents by a loving..if potentially misguided family member, that things began to Fracture. The comments, the snipes and eventually the full blown insults ground against Rue until she could feel her temper ready to erupt in a catastrophic surge. She’d had found safety by playing with some of her younger cousins, keeping her safe from the “adult” conversations. The goodbyes again had been strained and tense, and since then, communication was sparse. She paced restlessly and shook her head, and finally used the replicator to summon a nightcap guaranteed to put her to sleep:: “No…no, you are not messaging them. Your just getting settled. Lets..just let the dust settle….for…a few decades. ::she snorted a bit:: “yeah…that might be enough.” ::She swigged the drink and winced at the burning, and then made her way to bed..letting the liquor and the exhaustion drag her into the darkness of sleep:: Ensign Blackwell Comm/Helm/Ops U.S.S Constitution-B G239308PB0
  11. An interesting question. I feel that the choice of ship is a very important one. Although it doesn't absolutely dictate the types of missions it certainly does influence them - a deep space explorer would be more likely to encounter new species for instance, while a Defiant-class is geared more towards combat than planetary science.
  12. (( Quarters Rajel - The next forenoon )) :: Jalana hadn’t slept well, and Jerry’s visit had taken some of her, digging through past things. But she started to feel a bit better, now that she had eaten something and was able to sip her tea in peace. It was rather cozy on her couch, and the look out of the windows showed the breathtaking sight of Dagorin VI. A decision would have to be made, not by her, but by Awern and his people. Would they really want to stay here and risk the Syndicate trying to take up the operation again? When the door buzzer went off she looked up from her seat. :: Rajel: Come in. :: As the doors opened they showed the dark haired man and the white haired woman she had just been thinking about. Getting up to her feet she waved them inside. :: Please come on in, take a seat. I was just thinking of you. Sedean: ::he nodded and smiled:: You were?::Awern stepped inside and took a seat at the chair. oO She better have gotten some sleep! Oo:::: Lirane followed, and offered a friendly smile to Jalana. It was not hard to notice that the woman was tired, but she kept it to herself. After that day before it would be surprising if she wouldn’t be. :: Rajel: Yes. I was wondering about what your decision about the planet would be.Have you thought about it? ::She lowered herself to the couch again looking from one to the other.:: ::Awern inhaled and exhaled. The decision was tough, and he required a hell lot of thinking to reach his decision. He weighed factors with other factors, and considered everything, ensuring he did not leave out any details. He had consulted the Lady, and he hoped what decision he had made was the best for his people...and it would not involve any suspicious Syndicate.::Sedean: Definitely. The decisions was incredibly difficult.Rajel: I can imagine. So what did you think? :: Merina looked from Jalana to Awern, just as curious as the Trill. Awern had not told her anything yet, so she wanted to know as well. :: Sedean: I have reached a final decision. ::he fiddled with his fingers::Rajel: Ah! Very good. What have you decided?Lirane: Yes, what is your decision? Sedean: I have decided that we should…::he paused, unsure if he wanted to say his answer. He gave in, and blurted it out::..we should colonise Dagorin VI. :: Merina smiled widely. She was pleased to hear that, as she really had enjoyed the surface, even the caves weren’t too bad, but gone now. :: Rajel: ::Her brows raised:: Are you certain? Sedean: ::he grinned ear-to-ear in excitement:: Yes, the area will be suitable for us! From what we observed, we are not affected by the sap, which is good.Rajel: That is certainly good news. The sap might as well be your protection from other species then. What about the Syndicate? :: Merina looked to Awern, since they had talked about that the night before, she thought it would be okay to take that question. :: Lirane: We decided that if they return, the planet is big enough for both parties. It should be possible to live on the planet and use it to our advantage without being in the way of the Syndicate if they wish to return. Rajel: Fascinating. Do you think the Syndicate agrees? Sedean: I’m sure they don’t know we exist. ::he tilted his head:: Why do you ask?Rajel: ::smiling:: No, I’m just making sure you took everything into account. If you are really sure that this is what you want, we will make sure to get you safely to the surface and give you the supplies you need until you are settled in. Sedean: Wonderful! ::he looked at Merina:: Can you compile a list?Lirane: Of course, I’ll put it together. Rajel: Very well, please send the list to the OPS department and they will take care of everything. We are going to get everything together until noon, so we can begin bringing you down within the next hour, if that is alright with you. Sedean: I would very much like that. Thanks, Jalana.Rajel: Very well, then I better let everyone know. ::She smiled and raised from the couch.:: Lirane: Thank you Jalana. We appreciate what your crew had done for us.Sedean: I will get my people ready for transport as soon as possible.Rajel: I’ll come by to say good bye before you leave. :: Merina smiled and with a brief nod she and Awern left the Captain’s quarters, they have a lot to do in that hour. :: ((Transporter Room 5))((1 hour later))::Awern stepped into the room, as he saw some of the Dokkarans get beamed down as well as small cargo boxes for supplies. This was finally happening; their new home and community. He walked with Merina near the where some of the other Dokkaran were gathered. He turned to Merina excitedly.::Sedean: Excited?Lirane: Very. I can’t wait to get settled and find the treasures of this planet. Vilar and Sarey will fly the ships down to the surface, so they won’t stay back here. Sedean: Wonderful. I also got Kyana to prepare the first Vizinyian tree. I believe she beamed down with the first group.:: The doors opened, and just as Jalana had promised she entered the room. Though her expression was not the relaxed and chipper one they had met before. She looked worried even though she tried to hide it behind a smile, it was obvious that it was just a facade.:: Lirane: Is something wrong? Rajel: ::Taking a deep breath.:: Yes. ::Looking to Awern:: Do you remember when I talked to you about a tracking beacon in your ship? Sedean: ::thinking:: Yes, I do. What is it?Rajel: ::nodding:: As you know, my people investigated. It clearly used a signature used by quite a number of organisations, including the Orion Syndicate. It appears that they found a trace, a kind of fingerprint in the code, that helps to track who put it together. Sedean: And? ::he wanted to know, quite desperately:::: Merina silently listened to them both. She had not heard about this before, at least not as much as she remembered, so she just paid attention. :: Rajel: I have to inform you, that the person who wrote the code, is an individual of your group, named Vilar. Lirane: That is impossible.Sedean: ::his brows raised:: Our pilot?Rajel: Sadly there is no doubt. My people have checked and checked again. You can take a look at the data yourself. ::She handed him the PADD.:: We do not know if he has been in contact with the Syndicate members we found here, or those that poisoned your planet. We only know that he programmed the beacon. ::All this time, he hadn’t realised there was someone suspicious in the group, and it just happened to be the pilot. No wonder during the wait for the Constitution to arrive he did not report anything.::Sedean: What do we do?:: This was the question. She had thought about it from the moment she had read the Report to now, which had been the most part of the past hour. Truth was, this was an internal matter, since there was no proof to the depths of Vilar’s involvement in what had happened to the Constitution Crew on the planet. :: Rajel: Well you have the choice. You can either leave him with us and we will bring him before a tribunal, or you deal with it internally. Since you are not a member of the Federation, though aligned with us, the choice in your hands. Sedean: And he will be convicted.Rajel: Yes, there is a chance. What you say? Sedean: ::he thought, again. The decision was hard to make, as he was not sure which he would be more effective for Vilar.:: I believe it is better if we deal with Vilar. ::to Merina:: He won’t know what he’ll be in later.Lirane: ::Nodding:: I agree. It will be better to deal with it ourselves. ::to Jalana:: Thank you for letting us know. ::The Trill understood not only that they wanted to solve this among themselves, but also why. Vilar was one of them, they needed to know what he had done and why. And they had their own justice system as well. It made total sense. :: Rajel: Of course. Transporter Officer: There are only 3 cargo boxes remaining, and only Mr.Sedean and Ms. Lirane left.:: Jalana looked to the officer and turned her attention back to Awern and Merina. :: Rajel: Looks like it is time to bid our farewells. If you need anything please let Starfleet know. :: Merina nodded and couldn’t wait to get off that metal ship. While she had enjoyed being with the people she longed for natural material under her feet. :: Lirane: Would you please say good bye to Solaris for me? Once our communication system is up, I will contact her myself but did not have the time for it now. And I hope that Wyn will recover swiftly.:: The Trill nodded in acknowledgement. Being in the same team might have lead to new friendships, which made her smile. :: Rajel: I will let them know. ::Awern nodded and turned around to walk over to the transporter pad. Before he was off Starfleet and Federation property, he breathed in the metallic smell of the starship. He looked at Jalana.::Sedean: Jalana, I can’t thank you enough for assisting in our search for a new homeworld. And thank for helping cure us of our...chemicals. ::he smiled::Rajel: Naturally :: Smiling::Sedean: ::the officer behind the station began to energize:: Live long and propser, Jalana.:: While it was a vulcan farewell it made her smile nonetheless. Having learned a lot about Dokkarans in the last two days she remembered some of their customs as well.:: Rajel: And my the Lady protect and guide you and your people. Lirane: ::Surprised, she smiled:: And yours, Jalana. :: The farewell still echoed in Jalana’s mind as the blue sparkling lights engulfed the two and whisked them away from the Conny to the planet’s surface. Jalana stood there for another moment, hoping that they wouldn’t have too much trouble down there. Everything had been brought down, they would take care of the potential saboteur themselves and so far the Syndicate had not shown up again. She knew that one of the Syndicate members in the brig had not survived, the other two were now waiting to be handed over to the authorities, which would happen once they arrived at SB 118. She would have to find out how Rustyy and Wyn were doing, as they had been hit the hardest in their away missions. With that it was time to get right on that. She raised her hand to tap her badge.:: Rajel: =/\= Rajel to bridge. Get us home. =/\= -----MSNPCAwern SedeanDokkaran Group Leadersimmed byLt.JG Chelin Ch'GaborScience OfficerUSS Constitution-BC239212CC0Featured Bio Team Member&MSNPCMerina LiraneDokkaran Scientist& Captain Jalana RajelCommanding OfficerUSS Constitution BImage Team FacilitatorA238906JL0
  13. ((Commander Cody’s Office, Deck 1, USS Athena)):: David established the security of his office before opening a comm channel through the JTSC encryption. Paranoia never really bothered him. He checked the sweep reports from his slimpadd, verifying the non-existence of listening devices, whether energy or bio-based, and entered Captain Rajel’s comm channel. He didn’t show Prendar all of his security features. That was a good way for David to get hacked. ::((Quarters Jalana Rajel, Deck 2, USS Constitution-B)):: The night in the dark quarters was rather quiet, which just played into Jalana’s hands. They had just returned from Dagorin VI, a taxing and exhausting mission. She had left Sick Bay after her treatment only about half an hour ago and the little break just to calm herself down was welcome before sleep. So she sat in the dark of her quarters, the only light illuminating from the screen in front of her. The Trill closed a report when her computer beeped, announcing an incoming message, without looking where it was coming from. :: :: On the other side was a young man and she couldn’t say she’d seen him before. She liked meeting new people, and she was curious what he wanted from her. So she leaned forward and offered him one of her signature smiles, spreading into her sparkling green eyes. :: Rajel: Good evening. :: David smiled. ::Cody: Captain Rajel. I’m Commander David Cody under Captain Faranfey’s command here on the USS Athena.:: One of Selene’s people? She knew that the crew had changed ships. The Athena was an Odyssey class, just like the Apollo-A, the ship she and her crew had been on before under Andrus Jaxx. :: Rajel: Please call me Jalana. ::A sudden thought shot through her head.:: I hope everything is alright with Selene? Cody: Actually, I was wondering if you might be willing to help me out. I have this… Thomas Prendar, who decided he wanted to come along on our ship’s next mission. After digging a little bit, I’ve found he’s made quite a bit of noise over several ships. ::with a crooked smile:: Enough for me to take a closer look at what he’s been up to over the last year or two.:: Raising both brows she squeezed her spots into her hairline. Prendar. She had met the man once, though her crew had met him another time before that. Akeelah had been acting CO back then and the report had been anything but a glowing recommendation for the man. The second time she only had gotten rid of him because Nugra had stormed into the ship and used his unique methods to make Prendar leave. Her mind wandered to Nugra and sadness washed over her, but she quickly moved it aside. This was not the time. :: :: So Prendar was on board Selene’s ship? She worried a little about that. Whenever Prendar showed up, that didn’t mean he was there to play nice. The usual chipper and bubbly Trill had trouble to not let her face fall through the ship into the vacuum of space. :: Rajel: Prendar. You have my deepest condolences for that visit. Cody: If I may, Captain, what can you tell me about Thomas Prendar and your experience with him?Rajel: Jalana. ::She smiled at him and leaned back in her seat, wondering where to start.:: Prendar was with my crew two times, but I personally met him only once. Though that was a rather impressionable visit. We had just returned from 1914. We had been pulled into a time rift and upon return learned that we’d been gone for two months. Prendar was the one greeting us. He confined me to my quarters and confiscated the ship. :: David raised a brow. ::Cody: He simply showed up right as you came out of the rift?Rajel: Yes, I don’t know if he waited for us or was just there at the right time as part of the searching party. ::Pause:: He believed that we tampered with the timeline, but in all actuality someone else had done that before us and we were the one fixing that mistake before we found a way to return. Prendar of course didn’t believe me. He investigated the mission and interrogated my crew in a manner that can only be described as him being obsessed with finding anything we did wrong. Not only pertaining the mission but anything at all.:: David knew that some officers could be a little overzealous in their investigations, and it hadn’t been long since he had talked with Dr. Foster. ::Cody: ::darkening:: Obsessed. How so?Rajel: From what I understand he was rather hostile, threatening my crew in a way that made it appear as if he followed the rules, but… you know when you just know that someone has malicious intentions. :: From one of the things that Foster had revealed, and having a bit better understanding of what might have shown up, David nodded. ::Cody: Dr. Foster and I chatted briefly. There was mention of another ship, either cloaked or hidden, within the rift. The reports are a little conflicting. I don’t know if Prendar knew about that or not, or what exactly that was.:: Jalana wasn’t surprised that he had talked to other members of the crew. He wanted to know about Prendar and the more voices he heard the more complete the image of Prendar would be. She did remember what David was talking about, though having seen the reports as she had sent them to Starfleet, she wondered why they were conflicting. :: Rajel: Why do you ask? Cody: The reason I ask is because I think it might be related to other events that Colonel Nugra had been involved with before… ::closing his eyes a moment:: Before his passing.Rajel: ::Swallowing she lowered her eyes, remembering her friend with a pang of sadness. Seeing David’s small gesture she had the feeling that they had been friends as well. :: I’m sorry for your loss.:: Although they weren’t as close as he had with Selene and Jalana, his death affected him, hard. ::Cody: He meant a great deal to me. ::taking a breath:: Nugra had a great deal of knowledge and experience about an ancient race, a symbol of which showed up the other day. I’m not sure how much you know about a couple of incidents, once at Duronis, and once on the Victory where Nugra had been.Rajel: What race… and symbol, if you don’t mind me asking? Cody: An ancient one that Nugra had come across before, Yeltan.:: She could swear she had heard that name before. Leaning back she stared at the surface of her desk and chewed on her bottom lip, as she tried to trace her steps. Where had she… oh. Her emerald eyes raised to look at David. She was not sure how much she could say, without getting either herself or Selene into trouble. She was pretty sure that these were things she shouldn’t even know about. :: Rajel: I don’t know about these incidents. ::At least that was the truth.:: Why would Prendar … ::She stopped herself. That question would lead into a deep rabbit hole. :: :: David studied her hesitation. He wasn’t entirely sure of the dynamic between her and Selene, but wasn’t sure how to approach it.Cody: Regarding that other ship, are you sure it was Romulan?:: She needed to turn around again. Fast. He had a question before she hadn’t answered. That was a good point to return to. :: Rajel: David, you were asking about that other ship before. I did mention it in my report to Starfleet, but I have the feeling that someone might have… changed parts. :: He masked a grim, somewhat bleak realization. If a report had been changed… oO Or sanitized… Oo Too many people knew how to scrub, himself included. But if there was a question regarding a potential altered report, he might be able to do something with that. ::Cody: What was the disturbance, if you don’t mind me asking?Rajel: We were in 1914 as mentioned and while our teams tried to fix the errors my bridge crew attempted to find ways to return home. While they scanned the anomaly for traces that could help, they found traces of another ship that had been there before us. They were Romulan. We do not know why they were there, they had been gone when we arrived. But we had the theory that they were behind the changes. We never figured out why they would do it, though. So we can’t be sure.:: A couple of things occurred to David. If it had been a Hunger ship, it would have made an attempt to breech. No, it wasn’t a Hunger ship. But… he did know that Sicarius intersected with the Romulans. That made a lot more sense, but increased his concern. ::Cody: Sicarius has shown up within Romulan space.:: The Trill’s face fell and her already light skin went pale as the moon. She stared at the screen, at the man who had just mentioned the one name that still after over 160 years send chills through her whole body, out- and inside. How could it be that after all this time they were still part of her life? And why did the Romulans work with them? If Sicarius didn't change their mission Romulans wouldn't have been the species she expected to hear in the same sentence. :::: She swallowed hard and her voice was slightly shaky, no matter how hard she tried to make it sound steady. :: Rajel: Are… you sure? :: At some point, David knew he would need to make a decision. A silent breath made him decide to take a risk. ::Cody: Yes. I don’t know if you’re aware of a certain Captain’s origins, but I’m also trying to locate a friend of theirs who came along.:: Still under shock of hearing of Sicarius activity, her eyes snapped up to David’s. He seemed to know about Selene and her past… or rather future. And who did he mean with friends. Selene had never mentioned friends. The unknown Romulan who had waited for her to bring a message to Selene maybe. Or was the ‘friend’ just a figure of speech? :: Rajel: What friend are you talking about? Cody: ::after a moment:: I have reason to believe that friend knows something about everything we’re facing.:: That did sound like the Romulan. Jalana leaned back thinking and taking a deep breath. :: Rajel: What does all of this have to do with Prendar? Or ::a short break:: Sicarius?:: And there was the real rub, the real question that set David down this path. He knew it was related, he was just missing one last piece. ::Cody: ::a long breath:: I can’t go into all of it, but the short version is I think what happened to you, what happened on the Victory, at Duronis, the Apollo-A are all connected, and somehow those two are tied into it somehow.:: This became worse and worse. :: Rajel: This is a bad idea. He should stay far away from them, no matter what I think of Prendar.:: But the man had gone to collect a captured, then escaped Sicarius prisoner. David shook his head. Something wasn’t right about that. ::Cody: ::after a long moment:: Do you know something?Rajel: I know too much if you ask me. ::She rubbed the bridge of her nose.:: You are speaking with the person who delivered Mida Shayzier to the Klingons. ::She remembered the ice cold aura of that man as if it had been yesterday.:: :: If there was something that could shock David, Jalana found it. He stumbled over his throat, unable to speak as took in her Trill markings. ::Cody: ::finding his voice:: Wait… you did, or?Rajel: My former host Apria. ::She shook her head:: I still don’t know why this has anything to do with … that friend of a certain Captain. You are not telling me that Sicarius has anything to do with the Hunger? .oO Damn, walked right into that, didn’t you? Now he knows that you know. Oo.:: Closing his eyes a moment, David made sure he hadn’t said anything about the Hunger as a certainty fell. Jalana knew. And if she knew about the Hunger, then it became likely she knew about Selene… about a great many things. He thought about the best way to proceed. ::Cody: ::softly:: Shayzier went on about a great evil about to descend on the galaxy and we needed to be ready for. ::studying Jalana:: I think we both know about Selene’s history, as well as Shiarrael. Sicarius started with Shayzier, Last year, we saw the resurgence of the Sicarius, starting with the Prometheus Station incident. Sicarius played around with weaponry that created temporal subspace rifts.Rajel: ::Closing her eyes briefly she inhaled deeply.:: Yes I’m aware about his… belief. It was all he talked about, and having to strengthen the galaxy by eliminating the weak. If they are really back and responsible for that, we all have a big problem. I am sure that everyone would prefer if what Selene and her friend know remains in their timeline and does not repeat itself here. :: A sudden realization slammed home that David should have realized just a short while ago while talking with Talia. ::Cody: ::shaking his head, angry mostly with himself:: There’s something you should know. There’s a shapeshifter associated with Sicarius who goes by Que. Que captured Talia Kaji at Duronis, impersonated her, was rooted out, then Que herself was captured later by Commander Brek and the Columbia crew later on in mid 2392. Prendar went out to Starbase 118 to collect Que, and somehow she managed to escape. I know because Brek and I got together barely an hour or two later after Prendar showed up. Jalana, this Yeltan symbol that came up, it’s on the planet in the Gamma Quadrant. And we know there is a shapeshifter involved with the Sicarius.Rajel: A shapeshifter? That means she could be anywhere… anyone. David, I don’t like the sound of that. Cody: ::recalling that Prendar spent the most time on both the Constitution and Victory:: Wait… would Prendar know about you, Selene and Shiarrael?Rajel: I don’t think so. Shiarrael made sure that there are no traces of her visit here. ::She had tried to find anything but the computer had believed that nobody but Jalana had been in her quarters at that time. :: And I contacted Selene over a secure line. She did not mention Prendar being on board at the time, so he wouldn’t even know that we talked. But if Selene’s background is in her file, he could find a way to get to it.:: It solidified a somewhat working theory. David nodded, pulling in all the information that came through from different sources. He suddenly realized that the Shiarreal that came with Selene was still out there, if understood that she somehow showed up at the Constitution.::Cody: Do you believe that he could have found out?Rajel: To be honest I wouldn’t be surprised about anything when it comes to him. But why do you think he could know about that? Do you think that might be the reason he’s on the Athena right now?Cody: There’s something I haven’t told you, I haven’t told anyone, yet. There’s two event chains I’ve developed. One involving all of the incidents regarding temporal events that have and may have to do with the Yeltans and the Hunger, and then an event chain that includes the actions of a person along with the re-emergence of the Sicarius in February of last year.:: The Trill leaned forward, watching the man intently. :: Rajel: Which events? Cody: Here’s the one thing you need to know. On February 4, 2392, Lt. Commander Thomas Prendar requisitioned a ship from Starfleet Intelligence and flew off somewhere. There are two factors involved in this, one circumstantial, and one factual.Rajel: :nodding:: It is not surprising that he grabs a ship and flies off. ::But he surely had a point to what he was saying.:: What are the factors? Cody: Circumstantial, fourteen days after Prendar flew off, the first strike from the Sicarius happened at Prometheus Station. Factual, for reasons I have yet to find out, Prendar didn’t attempt to re-capture Que after she escaped from custody from Captain Shaw. I’ve read the report, and everything Shaw’s team said backs what Prendar said… but still.:: That hit her like a hammer right in the guts. There must be an explanation for that. Something. Anything. .oO Calm down, Jalana and think. Oo. Rajel: Are you sure about that?:: David assured her with a short nod. ::Cody: Every Intelligence officer has a personnel file that logs their activity, regardless of the operation. ::Rajel: What if the name Thomas Prendar is a cover he uses to protect his real identity? With him being of the SFI he has the means to do that and bury his real identity. We wouldn’t have access to that kind of information and no way to find out. Cody: ::thinking:: There’s only a couple who would. Do know you something, or is it an idea?Rajel: ::nodding:: I am simply trying to come up with alternatives, to keep an open mind about his involvement and background.:: David nodded. Always keep an open mind. ::Cody: And possibilities.Rajel: That is who we are. The keeper of open minds and finders of possibilities, seekers of truth and all that. And secondly… ::She sighed:: … The thought of Prendar being from the future and knowing about all of this is terrifying. So I have to hope he isn’t.:: With a somewhat morbid curiosity, however terrible it was, David relaxed. ::Cody: No. He’s from the Prime here and now. I’ve read his file… what was he like? Shayzier… if you don’t mind me asking.:: The Trill looked through David for a long moment, remembering that man like it had been yesterday that she stood in front of his cell trying to find out why he had killed so many people. Chills ran through her every cell. :: Rajel: Calm, calculating… He was convinced that what he did, had to be done. That the weak had to cease.:: Flinching slightly, David thought of the last Ixvapian warlord, Hadrian. The strong preserved, the weak perished, as was ordained by the Journey. He knew that deformed logic, even if he didn’t agree. ::Cody: ::entranced:: What did he say?Rajel: He told me… Apria, that it would come. .oO You can't stop it. It will come and the weak will cease. Oo. And that we can’t stop it. He smiled at me when he said that, even more when he told me I would see, when he didn’t answer to who ‘it’ was. ::She took a deep shivering breath.:: He… ::Pause:: He was obsessed with his cause, no matter the cost. But I can see why so many followed him. Cody: What was it about him?Rajel: Because despite all he said and did, he wasn’t cold. He was charismatic and passionate about Sicarius’ cause. He believed in it and could make others believe in it as well. If you ask me, that’s the most dangerous kind of fanatic.:: Closing his eyes a moment, David took a moment to digest. Charismatic, passion and belief, some of the worst people within Earth’s history possessed those traits. Yes, he could see how Mida inspired others, especially if his followers were prone to look toward someone who could lead them in those times. ::Cody: So you caught him, turned him over to the Klingons, and then?Rajel: He died the next day. I was there to personally make sure of that. He looked at me the whole time. He wanted me to see it. ::She stayed with that memory for a brief moment. :: After all we talked about today, I wonder if he knew about the Hunger.:: David couldn’t discount the possibility, given everything that happened. He wondered if Mida was another universe jumper, and somehow fell into a fever to spark this universe. He tried to picture Mida Shayzier, filling in everything from this tall, dark haired, charismatic man, to someone of normal stature, maybe with the elements of a scholar in his features. Was he clean shaven, or did he have a beard? ::Cody: What did he look like?:: For a moment Jalana wasn’t sure why David wanted to know, but it dawned on her. He tried to imagine him, something she had done many times in many lives when facing an opponent or an enemy. And without any information, it was hard to do that. Mida didn’t have pictures on files, but she had seen him, spoken with him, so the question made perfect sense. :: Rajel: Shayzier was tall, his hair brown and about shoulder length. He liked to wear it combed back… I remember him running his hands through it to move it backwards before he was executed. His eyes ::pause:: brown but not dark, though I found them dead and soulless. The kind of eyes that show you he could lose it any moment if he would allow it to himself. ::A longer pause.:: But maybe it was because he was in that cell, that they looked that way to me. ::She pulled herself out of the memory looking at the man on the screen.:: I was focusing on containing my rage against him when we met, so my impression might have been tinted by that.::Nodding, the deep black skin of the Ixvapian warlord and his dark, glittering, proud glean ghosted out of memory. David met people like Shayzier.::Cody: Those who are firm in who they are and what they believe.Rajel: He looked like the kind of man you would trust with your life, when meeting him as part of your crew. If not for those eyes.Cody: ::struck by a thought:: Any sons or daughters?:: Jalana rubbed over her face with one hand. All this talk about Shayzier made her nervous. It had been so far in the past, somewhere in a dark corner in the darkest room of the void called memories of forgotten past. And then this article had brought it back up, now David asked all these questions. It made it difficult to focus on anything but these memories. They were as fresh as the day it all happened. :: Rajel: Yes two daughters. Hope and Futureia. Why do you ask?Cody: Just free thinking, more than anything. Sometimes the cause of a father is inherited by the sons and the daughters ::humans were just as bad about that alongside both the Klingons and the Romulans at times::Rajel: I see. ::pause:: Well his wife, Leia, and his daughters were not there when we got him. We were sure that he made sure of that to get them to safety. We were unable to find them, no matter where we looked. I assume he had some powerful friends with means to take care of that.::That clinched a few things David learned during the course of this year, making several notes.::Cody: Would you be willing to tell me about them?Rajel: The girls were teenagers, that means they grew up with his convictions, possibly were influenced by it. That means unless he kept family and Sicarius apart. Though with his strength of belief that is hard to imagine. But I can’t say if they followed it as well.::A sudden feeling traveled the course of David’s spine, based on what he had learned about the initiates.::Cody: Jalana, you are a lifesaver.:: The Trill smiled slightly, she hoped she didn’t look as tired as she felt. With a gesture that had gone over into her blood she fluently pushed her hair behind her ear and lowered her hand again. :: Rajel: I am glad, if I could help. I appreciate that you shared the information you have. If you don’t mind I would like to stay updated on this.:: David leveled her a warm, somewhat devious smile. ::Cody: Something is going to happen in the near future. Something very large, very splashy, and very public. I won’t spoil the surprise, but I think you’re going to like it.:: The smile and the sudden excitement was more than a little curious for Jalana. Coming from such a dark subject to this of course made her want to know what had happened in this man’s mind, what was the mysterious event going to happen soon. But she also knew asking would be futile. She would have to wait.:: Rajel: I can’t wait to see what it is, David. And good luck with Prendar. Cody: Thank you, Captain. For everything. I’ll keep you in the loop.:: She nodded, offering him another smile, before pressing the button to end the connection. She closed her eyes and took a couple of deep breaths. This had been an emotionally taxing conversation, with memories she would have preferred to stay away. The day had been long and straining, so what she really needed was sleep. Opening her eyes again, she wanted to see if she had much urgent paperwork to do tonight, when in the corner of her eye she saw something, that made her heart jump and her body followed, pushing back the chair into the shelf behind her. She twirled towards the shape she saw standing at the window. ::Rajel: Computer light. NOW! :: The light turned on immediately, hurting her eyes briefly so she closed them for that moment. As she opened them again, there was nothing, but her rapidly beating heart. She could have sworn she saw someone standing there in the window, dimly illuminated from behind by the passing stars. :: Rajel: Computer, has anyone but me been in my quarters within the last 24 hours? Computer: ::beep:: Negative. :: The Trill exhaled. The conversation with David must have put her more on edge as she had thought. In combination with the taxing day her mind could play tricks on her. Yes, that must be it. Simple trickery. But that didn’t mean she would sleep with her lights out tonight. Clearly not. :: JP byCommander David CodyMission SpecialistUSS Athena, NCC-97780P237106MB0hoodsdavid@gmail.comFNS Team | Training Team | Top Sims Judge& Captain Jalana RajelCommanding OfficerUSS Constitution, NCC-9012-BA238906JL0werner-jessica@gmx.deImage Team Facilitator | Top Sims Judge
  14. (( Quarters Sherana )) ::Well shoot… He hadn't meant to draw attention and join in this conversation. That’s what he got for opening his mouth - he inserted his foot right away. His eyes looked between Sherana and her… parent of sorts. A hint of an idea sparked and lit his face ever so slightly.:: :: Sherana could just stop herself from rolling her eyes. Of course he had to say something, he couldn’t just stand there waiting until the call was over. Bloody doctors. :: Sherana: That is Nijil, one of the Constitution’s doctors. Nijil: ::a curt nod.:: I am your… ::pause.:: daughter’s ::he was sure he had picked up on that correctly.:: attending physician. Grawn: Attending Physician? ::He took a closer look at Sherana:: She doesn’t look like she needs one to me. :: Sherana didn’t believe what he was doing and opened her mouth, but didn’t even get a single word out. :: Nijil: ::he cut of Sherana’s protests.:: On the contrary - she was injured recently and was careless about it. ::Did he talk too much? No He had a knack for getting people in trouble and that trouble turned into them doing what he had asked for in the first place. So it worked for him just fine. Though his cold exterior might have made it seem malicious. But it wasn’t … Entirely.:: :: Hearing these words had an obvious effect on the Klingon on the screen. His shoulders seemed to grow even more as he sat up straight and stared down Sherana. His voice had become a growl, as he was obviously displeased. :: Grawn: Sherana! Sherana: I am well. It was not a big deal. .oO A Klingon does not complain about physical discomfort. Oo. :: Her father had taught her that. :: Nijil: ::heartlessly.:: Unless You call being found nearly dead “not a big deal” ::that was slightly exaggerating it.:: Grawn: VIt jatlh! * :: A mountain of a Klingon raising his voice in a growl made even Sherana wince. Oh she hated Nijil for putting his nose where it didn’t belong. He would pay for that. :: Sherana: During the last mission I was stabbed with a knife by a scared crewmember. I was treated and told to give it some rest. I worked, I carried things, I collapsed last night and Doctor Nijil treated me again. :: The Klingon stared at her and sighed shaking his head. :: Grawn: You have been careless, daughter. You can’t die with honor in a sickbed. You should listen to Doctor Nijil. Nijil: ::he rolled his eyes and mumbled.;: That is what I’ve been saying... :: Sherana turned her head and glared up to the Rekarian. She dug her fingernails into her palm, feeling the pain to keep herself from jumping at the guy’s throat. :: Sherana: ::Snarling under her breath:: I’ll show you how I’ll listen… Grawn: Doctor, I want the truth about the extent of her injuries. :: Sherana crossed her arms. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her father really wanted to know more about that and not from her… from the doctor who had stabbed her in the back like a bIHnuch. :: ::Oh yes, he could feel the irritated death glare attempting to bore holes into the side of his head. True, at the time of the secondary incident he had said something along the lines of “he wouldn’t tell”. But that was then and this was now. And now was a good time to share he thought.:: Nijil: She has a deep wound in her abdomen, which has been subjected to excessive movements. It caused precariously sealed injuries to become agitated and more heavily bruised. :: The warrior didn’t seem to be pleased. Well, he wasn’t. While he admired his daughter for living Klingon life so far from the Empire, he did not admire that she had been so careless, as being almost killed after a coward stabbed her, was not the death of a warrior. :: Grawn: I hope you have a good reason for this behaviour. Sherana: I had a job to do. I could hardly stop doing that. Nijil: ::he gave her a long sided look.:: I know she has a job to do, but those kinds of injuries need to be allowed to heal. With overextending herself,::he looked back to Grawn.:: Miss Sherana wound up bleeding internally, something that takes time to stop. ::He looked at Sherana:: Something not stopped in time means death. Grawn: You do not want to die outside of battle, daughter! I taught you better. :: She had crossed her arms tighter, almost as if trying to wrap them around herself. She did not like when her father had to remind her of things. It made her feel like she was a child again and she was too old for that. Too bad that Nijil made it impossible to see that, because he kept listing all the things she did wrong and not what she had done right. :: Sherana: And today I haven’t lifted anything, so you can stop riding on that now. ::Towards Nijil:: Nijil: So long as she actually listens, she shouldn’t have any more complications. ::he sighed.:: I am just making sure she is abiding by the instructions given. Grawn: And she will. Won’t you, daughter? Sherana: ::growling:: HIja', vavDaj! * Nijil: Oh. ::he said rather dully.:: Do you know where any Klingon Opera’s might be being performed? Or perhaps… metal Klingon music? :: The change of subject seemed to distract well from the former subject. The man on the screen swelled with pride and a smile showed on his face. :: Grawn: Why on Qo'noS of course! Sherana: A shame that the times of killings on stage have yielded to acting. That gave the Opera the extra fire. ::Nijil nodded in agreement. That is definitely something he would have gone to see. Even if he couldn’t understand anything. Like the language or plots…. At least there would be rare emotion from the viewers and the performers. That would give him all the information he would need to enjoy it. Though it could have been due to beingsuch a people watcher.:: Nijil: Indeed, a shame in 2197 they decided that wasn’t such an appreciated bit of work. Grawn: Oh you know our history, Doctor. ::He looked surprised but at the same time impressed.:: Only in very few locations you will see the old way of the Opera and you do not want to visit those places.::A belly laugh shook the man.:: Nijil: ::nodded. Yes anywhere illegal work was performed were nasty areas to avoid.:: I would believe you are quite right. Sherana: Why would you want to listen to it anyway? Grawn: Enjoy that he is cultured enough to enjoy an acquired taste, Sherana. You still do have the collection I gave you when you left, don’t you? ::Nijil chuckled internally. It wasn’t exactly his interests or likes. At least not yet. He had just been recently exposed to the work in a new light. However, the Klingon home world was a little too far away for him to get Alize and himself to and back before anyone realised they were short a field medic and the mortician. :: :: She stared at her father, knowing where this would end. But lying was out of the question, it was a coward’s way out. :: Sherana: I do. Grawn: Then share with the Doctor. It will do you good to share a common ground, as he is taking care of your physical well being. ::He perked up a little. Not from excitement or anything, but because there was the sudden feeling of a knife to his back that made him stand up a little taller. There wasn’t physically one there, but the daggers he felt from the steaming woman beside was enough. Nijil found it more amusing than anything.:: Nijil: Posh.. That’s not needed. ::he waved his hand.:: Sherana: I agree. .oO Now that’s a rarity. Oo. Grawn: It is. My daughter should show a bit more gratitude towards the man who saved her life. ::The look the Klingon gave her could have stabbed the wound right open again. Sherana couldn’t believe her father would say these things to reprimand her in front of others. But at the same time it shouldn’t surprise her because he had done that when she’d been a child as well. All parents had done it to teach children through humiliation. :: Nijil: I would not impose into her personal life ~as~ much. ::he snarked.:: I will tend to her medical needs regardless. ::he assured the burly man shoved into the tiny screen before him.:: Grawn: ::nodding:: I wouldn’t expect less from a doctor honoring is oath. Nijil: Though should you come across a live performance closer, I’d be interested in knowing the details. ::he eyed the woman.:: :: Sherana quietly looked at her father, despite her feeling Nijil’s eyes on her. She hoped he was almost done bonding with her father. Nobody here even knew him or had heard of him other than Solaris, because the Intel woman had helped her to find him. It really went against her preferences that Nijil, someone who rubbed her the wrong way, would meet him during the first conversation she had with him in years. :: Grawn: I will send word to Sherana if I hear something. A good opera should best listened to in person and intoxicated. ::He laughed that belly laugh again. Then he looked up as if listening to someone beyond the screen and nodded, before looking to Sherana again. :: I am needed on the bridge. Sherana: JIyaj. Qu' 'ej batlh, vav. Grawn. Qapla', puqbe' vIghaj. ::He turned his head to Nijil:: Qapla’ Doctor. Nijil: Good day. ::he said simply and bowed his head slightly.:: :: With that the screen went dark again and showed the Starfleet symbol. The Orion finally turned to Nijil and stared at him. :: Sherana: You just couldn’t resist to shame me in front of my father, could you? Nijil: ::pause…. Oh so sarcastically.:: Whatever~ do you mean? Sherana: ::She ignored the tone and what he said.:: For how long will I have to … take it slow? Nijil: ::he raised an eyebrow.:: As long as it takes. ::beat:: simply enough? Sherana: ::snarling:: The vagueness is incredibly… unhelpful. ::He had done quite a bit, some good some not so good. But all in all he had accomplished more by dropping by then he thought he would. He had such impeccable timing.:: Nijil: I will leave you now. ::he turned on a heel.:: Sherana: Finally. ::She was so annoyed by him that she had almost lost her manners. Even though some people didn’t think she had any. They were there, but hidden and edgy. :: Fight well. ::Nijil bobbed his head and headed back for the door. There was overstaying your welcome and there was committing acts of war. He was familiar with both, though liked to toy on the line, he knew it was time for him to leave.:: Nijil: One last thing - you have a check-up scheduled in four days… ::with that he stepped through the door without waiting to hear a lovely line of most profound wording.:: Sherana: ::Sarcastically, while the doors closed so only part of it passed the threshold.:: I can’t wait. ------- Translations: Puqbe - Daughter Vav, qalegh 'oH QaQ 'e' - Father, it is good to see you VIt jatlh - Speak the truth bIHnuch - Coward HIja', vavDaj - Yes, Father JIyaj. Qu' 'ej batlh, vav. - I understand. Duty and honor, father. Qapla', puqbe' vIghaj. - Success, my daughter. ____________________________ PNPC Lieutenant JG Nijil Field Medic Simmed By Lieutenant Commander Rustyy Hael Chief Engineer USS Constitution A239202RH0 & PNPC Sherana Botanist Simmed By Captain Jalana Rajel Commanding Officer USS Constitution B Image Team Facilitator A238906JL0
  15. Mark Two was waxing as philosophically as a hologram could wax. This pleased me
  16. Yep, I've been playing for a while. I did try and find a SB118 fleet but was surprised not to find one, so set up one - didn't find anyone else playing it back then though.
  17. I'm surprised there are no votes for Spock. I agree he is half human, but his character archetype is the 'outsider' design to give an outside view on humanity and, perhaps more importantly, lean from it. Every Star Trek show since has had a "Spock", as this list shows. I've voted for Data as he took what Spock started and expended upon it, making it more obvious. In many ways, he was more Spock than Spock, which I'm sure they both would have found "fascinating."
  18. I just came on here to post that exact same quote!
  19. I'm behind the curve when it comes to technology. It means I never have the top-of-the-line item, but does mean I get to benefit from reviews and updates when I finally get around to catchin up with everyone else! in this case, all those messy transporter accidents will have been dealt with after a few years and then I'd be happy to try.
  20. Congratulations, Ensigns!
  21. A ship is as good as her crew!
  22. There are quite a few fun ones out there now that I think about it. Vic's Lounge looks like the best place to hang out, but I think the holodeck is much more about fun and adventure than a place to drink virtual booze. Dr Bashir's Secret Agent certainly provides the fun, but I think it's pipped to the top of the entertainment pile by the amazing Captain Proton.
  23. More stuff I've just read - the focus of the show won't be on the Captain, but on a female Lieutenant-Commander which I think could be very interesting. Having the Captain and First Officer as slightly more distant figures could be really good. Puts me in mind of the 'Below Decks' episode of Voyager and the one in TNG where Picard was just a science Lieutenant. However, reading some other comments elsewhere raises some interesting concerns - it's going to be set 10 years before TOS, but there's talk of 'redefining that style' which is a term which always makes me nervous! Guess we'll see. The other interesting point was why not set it in the reboot universe? They've picked a time period almost the same as the reboot timeline, just 10 years different, which seems a bit odd.
  24. I was hoping for something set in the 'missing years' between TOS and TNG. With the ink on the peace deal with the Klingons still wet, there could have been a good amount of political story lines, and still plenty to explore Plus they had the best uniforms... Enterprise has already shown how hard it is to do something pre-TOS so I can only hope they've learned from the mistakes! For some reason I get the feeling that Discovery is going very much like TOS, and that could be a very good thing. Currently feeling - cautiously optimistic
  25. ((USS Constitution-B Williams quarters)) ::Alex was still sitting at his desk checking the local news from Earth when the door buzzer sounded. Wondering who would need to see him this early he grabbed his cup of tea from the desk and made his way to the door.:: Williams: On my way! :: As the door opened up Alex assumed it was Snezhana to report for her extra choirs but it turned out to be Rajel. Since to two of them didn’t meet in their quarters Alex assumed bad news. Someone was sick, dead or missing, it had to be… The somewhat sad look on her face left little doubt :: Rajel: Alex, good morning. I'm sorry to intrude into your time off, but I need to talk with you. Williams: Come in… I assume this inst a social visit? :: Alex prepared himself, names were going through his head like crazy.:: oO Father, Mom, my brother or sisters, SUN! Rajel: Thank you. ::As Rajel took another breath Alex was prepared to grab the PADD from her and see who it was but then she spoke:: Let me get to the point since this isn't getting easier. oO Oh dear here it comes.. By the Prophets of Bajor and the God of my father, please let this sad news pass me…Oo ::He knew what was coming but he still didn’t want to hear it:: I have received transfer orders for you. Williams: What?! oO That’s all!? Oo ::Relieved everyone was alright Alex calmed down. He was relieved to hear no one died but as he thought about what she said he realized this wasn’t any better… He was leaving the Constitution-B! :: Rajel: Believe me, I am not fond of it either. ::Raising the PADD she handed it to him.:: You will be Chief of Tactical and Security on the USS Za. Williams: The Za? :: Alex wondered what talented mind in Starfleet came up with a name like that but before he could ask Rajel told him there wasn’t any time for questions. :: Rajel: Fleet Captain Solzano expects you as soon as possible. So you will have to leave right away. I know it is short notice but ... Williams: Right… Well uhm… that’s a lot to process captain. I thought you were here with bad news about a friend or family. So somewhat relieved it’s not that.. but this isn’t much better… I was really starting to feel at home here. :: It had taken a year to recover from his injuries after the Excalibur and in the past few months he’d finally started to feel useful again. Sinda’s offer to make him chief tactical was certainly a step in the right direction although truth be told he was eager to take on security as well:: ::Alex looked at the PADD, it was his name on the transfer order and he had to admit the position and shortly described mission of the Za seemed very promising:: oO Back where I belong, at the frontier. Oo Williams: Well…::taking a deep breath as he looked around his quarters and thought about the unpleasant job of moving all this things:: I guess I better start packing then… Rajel: Watch out for yourself, Alex. And if you need anything I'm just a call away. Williams: Yeah, I guess this is good by then… really hate to move on sedge short notice but duty calls I guess. ::He walked over to Rajel, shook her hand and wondered if she would welcome a farewell hug. They had known each other for many years but besides his time with Sundassa, Alex wasn’t really the hugging kind of man. :: Williams: Make sure you keep her in one piece captain. She’s a fine ship. ((timeskip)) ::It took Alex about an hour to get all his stuff. It wasn’t that much. Some clothes and a few uniforms easily fitted in his travel bag. The items that took some more time to pack were his weapons, his bow in particular, and the muskets and large painting from his office. He put it all in a cargo container and made sure it would be transported to the runabout that was ready to take him to Starbase 32. When he got to the hanger he thought of all the people he couldn’t say goodbye too, Rustty, the somewhat crazy speaking man in engineering and his sidekick Sindri. There was Wyn, the man that took care of him when he was still crippled and what to think of Milsap and Dial? T’Mar, his old buddy from the Apollo who joined them again as First Officer. The list was longer when he started to think of it. The new helm officer he just met, Sinda, EsAlah, Daniels and Snezhana from his own department. There was Ch’Gabor from science who he never really understood since he talked about things he didn’t know that much about and finally the people from Intelligence. They always had fun in their sealed office and until now Alex never really understood what they did all day. And last but not least there was Zogi. The man that had been with him for almost his entire career. Somehow Alex doubted he’d seen the last of that Ferengi. As Alex made his way to the Runaboat he was welcomed by Porus, a name that hadnt come up yet but was definatly someone he didnt want to leave behind.:: Porus: Sir, we are ready to leave, bridge has cleared us for departure. ::Alex set down next to his Klingon bloodbrother at the co-pilot seat of the Runabout.:: Williams: Its nice of you to fly with me Porus but you don't have to. I'm sure i can find my way to Starbase 32. Porus: Alone? I have swore an oath to protect you, and when commander Sinda informed me of the changes I headed straight for the captain and requested a transfer. She and captain Solzano agreed. So I'm with you on this one Sir. Williams: Are you? That is best news i heard all day my friend. Honored to have you with me. ::knowing the Klingon would keep this professional as always he didn't even think about shaking a hand or giving a hug. He simply smiled at him. And then the console bleeped to signal they were cleared for departure. The last moments of the Conny were here.:: Porus: Bridge reports we are cleared for disembarking sir. Williams: Then take us out Luitenant, full speed to starbase 32 and new adventures… =========================== With great pleasure written as: Lt. Cmdr. Alexander Williams Chief Tactical/Security Officer USS Za
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