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Theo Whittaker

Captains Council member
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Everything posted by Theo Whittaker

  1. Lieutenant Tatash: The Hunt For Green October :w00t: :w00t:
  2. Lieutenant Commaner Baylen Anders: This Is Hot Got to love a double entendre.
  3. Axanar looks absolutely incredible and I love the fact that they have Kate Vernon onboard. I adored her on Battlestar Galactica!
  4. Ive seen a few of the trailers lately and I really like the idea of an Enterprise-era fan production. I'm keeping my eye on this.
  5. I'm willing to give this a chance since i really enjoy the new movies Alex Kurtzman is also partially responsible for Fringe which is a masterpiece in marrying strong character development and thought provoking science fiction. And if he wants to cast Ana Torv, I'd be more than happy.
  6. Well that giant spider will be haunting my nightmares for months on end..... thanks for that!
  7. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet! You are going to love it here
  8. Articles of the Federation is a wonderful read.
  9. I can't recommend Una McCormack's The Crimson Shadow enough. It's a beautifully written, film noir-style look at Cardassian society.
  10. Welcome to the fleet and for those joining me on the Columbia, buckle up!
  11. That is how I imagine the Caeliar cities from Star Trek: Destiny to look. Amazing!
  12. Wow!! Lots of congratulations! Thanks so much, I'm already loving the Columbia!
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