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Theo Whittaker

Captains Council member
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Everything posted by Theo Whittaker

  1. She's not joking folks. FEAR THE MIRRA
  2. Calm down Beyoncé Lady Shadonna!
  3. Taybrim: ::Deep breath in:: Ok - and this is merely my personal curiosity talking. You're not required to answer - is there anyone you romantically fancy? - Aaron Samuels. It's Aaron Samuels. (Mean Girls reference!)
  4. Ezo: ::Smiling brightly:: ~You could always make Theo volunteer for it. For the sake of medicinal science.~ ::snickering, she could imagine the look of abject horror on his face should it ever be suggested.:: ~I bet his head is filled with engineering schematics and perfecting cosmopolitan recipes....~ Yes, yes it is.
  5. Here's a quote from @Taelon's wiki bio that had me chortling: So true!!
  6. I certainly hope so! I collect them! XD XD XD XD XD
  7. I SCREAMED with laughter when I read this. Fifty Shades Of Mirra!
  8. Is that why Flynn is sprinting to the bar?
  9. I do believe I have been well and truly sassed.
  10. Actually, the station's dedication plaque is emblazoned with "Sass... the final frontier, these are the voyages of SassBase 118, it's continuing mission... to seek out new ways to sass and new opportunities to throw shade. To boldly sass where no crew has sassed before!"
  11. Not to toot my own trumpet or anything but I'm ever so proud of this: Sanara Pran: Queen of Sass!
  12. If Diego and Aitas become a thing, we need a shipping name for them: I propose Ditas or Aiego. XD
  13. Theo is emotionally vulnerable!!!! #TheShadeOfItAll.
  14. I am most certainly here for harassing Mirra!!!
  15. I like to think than non-Opsians read this thread and go "What ARE they smoking over there?!"
  16. It just wouldn't be Starbase 118 Ops without a healthy dose of sass. Doesn't matter where or when- the crew are boldly sassy where no one has gone before.
  17. The ship design I like- but that CGI? Oh heck no! It's below even a fan film.
  18. And shamelessly inspired by our illustrious leader:
  19. I literally SCREAMED with laughter when I saw this!
  20. I believe that you speak for us all there!
  21. Let it ring forth from this time and place that the crew of Starbase 118 Operations know how to PAR-TAY!!
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