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Vitor S. Silveira

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Everything posted by Vitor S. Silveira

  1. Usually when I am busy I just read rather quickly my comrades sims, if my characters aren't in the action. This last week was such an example and as I read in a few minutes the lines of the many stories they write only one got my full attention and was worth reading it with time. A luxury I lacked this week.
  2. I do try my best to write two different characters. But since the author is the same... 🤷‍♂️
  3. Also I love @Jovenan innocence.
  4. Now @Genkos Adea, this was totally taken out of context.
  5. And a great sim as most in this mission. What a start for the Artemis 👍
  6. Congratulations @Jovenan and @Talos Dakora on your victory. Congratulations to the other participants as well.
  7. I have loved to see how our Science Officer @Jovenan has been dealing with this mission. But this bada... This "attitude" really got to me. Very well done. I am loving it.
  8. I just have to add that this was the most beautiful dramatic ending to a plot I have seen in years. Well done.
  9. I had the pleasure to be around when a certain Ensign Taybrim graduated. If you permit me saying @Sal Taybrim I am hugely proud to see how Sal has grown all over the years. And thank you for all the times we wrote, in the past, in the present and in the future.
  10. I believe there was a couple that should be considered. Data and the Borg Queen. Now that was a very interesting plot in First Contact and the romantic in me is still curious in that, what if, scenario.
  11. And I just realized I should proof read my posts in the forum as well, because I mentioned that but somehow didn't send it.
  12. ((USS Narendra, Holodeck, Sakura Karaoke)) Sera regained her physical composure by sheer force of will. She had heard of the beverage before but had never had a logical rationale to ever ingest the beverage…until now. How was she to know that it burned like The Fires?! Sera: ::absolutely not peeved in ANY way, shape, or form:: Why would I be resistant to a substance I have never ingested? Your comment is illogical, Intelligence Officer Tito. Sherlock: That's a new one on me. I thought you'd be able to handle it. ::shrugging:: Guess not. Tender: Hey! A rather tall skinny fellow came from the back of the bar with a tray full of bottles. His tone appeared to be…aggressive? Had they done something grossly inappropriate? Wait…it was the whiskey, wasn’t it? Tender: If you want something, then you ask me. This is not a self-serve establishment! And if you brought it, then you need to leave it. This is also not a byob! Sherlock: You're just a bundle of joy, aren't ya? Sera: ::to anyone, really:: What is byob? And we are quite fortunate then computer karaoke bar employee. We brought only ourselves…I…I think. DeVeau raised her hands at the bartender and smiled. DeVeau: Please forgive us, we didn’t see you and it’s been a long time since we’ve been able to hang…you know what, forget it. Computer, reset bartender. Tito: Easy solution DeVeau Sherlock: Sometimes, I wish you could do that in real life. Sera: Indeed. Truer words had never been spoken. If such a flight of fancy could be carried forth to it’s illogical conclusion, then Sera’s first year that academy would have been completely reprogrammed. DeVeau: Now…where were we. Oh yes…get drinks, sing songs. Tito: Is there a selection, or do we have to find out our own songs? Sherlock: ::glaring at Tito:: oOYou're encouraging this?Oo ::turning back to DeVeau:: Please say we have some choices. DeVeau: There’s a wide assortment of songs, even Vulcan ones… Tito shot a glance at Sera, and Aine did similarly. Sera’s expression was completely blank, which in her case meant she was working furiously to maintain her control. This really was a psych stress eval. Sera: How…fortuitous. DeVeau: As for going first, I feel like since it was my idea, I should *not* go first. But if y’all would prefer, we can draw straws. Tito: I honestly don’t see the logic in that. Sherlock: It's a game of chance, don't be scared. Sera: ::looking between the three officers:: Straws? A game of chance? What does a thin hollow tube used for sucking liquid from a glass or bottle have to do with this? ::looking down to her comm badge:: Is the Universal Translator malfunctioning? Sera was defaulting to parroting back what she was hearing in outright confusion. When humans gathered into groups it usually devolved into social interactions Sera found incomprehensible. DeVeau: response Tito: Since you forced us on this social exercise, I believe you should be the one to start. But like the song goes it’s your party. Why don’t either Sherlock and Sera go first, since they warmed up their throats. Sherlock: ::opening her mouth as if she were about to yell at Tito:: You can... ::pausing and taking a second to think about what she was about to say:: ...count on us. Sera: You propose I lead a Terran activity in which I have no prior knowledge or experience with? ::exhaling through her nose resolving herself:: Very well. I will volunteer to lead this exercise if that is…everyone’s preference. Confusion reigned. DeVeau: response Sera: Well, karaoke is similar to a Vulcan word which means ‘to suffer.’ Sera restrained herself from getting up and walking out of the holodeck and personally ejecting herself out of the nearest airlock. Just barely. DeVeau: response Sera: No. A…joke. Everyone else was irrational; she could make the argument that it was only logical to join in. Aine took the bottle back from Sera and took another heavy swig then all but shoved it back in Sera's direction. Sera grabbed the bottle as Sherlock slid it back across the table after taking another heavy swig. She retrieved it before it had a chance to tumble off the surface and on the floor. Sera tilted her head slightly to the side in a considering manner as she regarded Sherlock. The human woman’s behavior was transforming in an unexpected manner. She looked down at the bottle in her hands with vague suspicion. Tito: Then why don’t we all start. Isn’t there a song we can all sing? Sherlock: ::sarcastically:: Row, Row, Row Your Boat? Sera: ::to Sherlock:: What? Are you unwell? Perhaps the solution to this was more of the whiskey? Sera raised the bottle and took another pull imitating Sherlock’s actions. Oh, the taste and sensation weren’t any better this second time, but she at least was prepared. Sera might be Vulcan, but she did not enjoy being the source of others’ entertainment either. DeVeau: response Tito: response Sherlock: I have an idea. DeVeau: response Sherlock: Since we have Vulcan songs, and a variety of Terran songs...why don't we all sing a song from where we come from? Sera: ::wondering if she drank all the whisky perhaps something miraculous would happen and she would require say…emergency medical treatment?:: My people are not known for popular music, Lieutenant. DeVeau/Tito: response Sherlock: I think that might be fun oOTo hearOo. DeVeau/Tito: response Sherlock: ::acting with a little bravado and shaking her head:: Ey ain afray. Pushing the bottle back to the center of the table, Sera stood. It was logical to simply get this…over with. Sera: Very well, Lieutenant Sherlock. I am certain that my selection will give you all vast insight to who I am psychologically. DeVeau/Tito: response She walked up and climbed the two steps onto the dais. She walked over to the small table that held a box-like device that had an LCARS viewscreen and began tapping around on it looking at what offerings were available. Both of her brows rose. The only way this could get any worse would be if someone decided to order it to rain in the karaoke lounge. Sera: These songs are regional…I don’t know any of them…and…they are funeral dirges. ::peeved in Vulcan:: Who designed this program? Sherlock: response Sera whipped her head up and looked over at the tactical officer who appeared to be having far too much fun than what was warranted. Her eyes narrowed imperceptibly. Sera: You…want me…to sing something I know? Sherlock/Tito/DeVeau: response Resignation. Sera: oO You must endure. Do what you set out to do and get off the stage. Oo It will be without musical accompaniment. There are no melodies that align with the song I know. Sherlock: response Sera: oO This is revenge for winning The Game…I know it. Oo Very well. Ser stepped in front of the microphone and tapping it to ensure that it was working appropriately. It was. Fantastic. Sera took a slow breath and exhaled softly. She did not experience being self-conscious in the same manner humans did, but she did not wish to be seen as inept. It was with any social species to have an inclination to conform with the majority. She began to sing a tune that originated with her clan, written long before her birth, in a clear mezzo-soprano range. Sera: <<In Vulcan, obs>> Yuk, na' sochya bru-lar k'wuhli heh ak'shem hayal, nahp svizh-tor spo' wuh fnish-tor t' wuh sahriv po' mazhiv-yon, fi' tor t'nash-veh wadi u' du, kauk svi' sochya nam-tor hau tor t'nash-veh maut hasu wuh ska' tal-muv ralash k'svi wuh goh tvelkau nash-veh had ek'wak pufai-tor –abi' wuh wak, abi' nash gad ish-veh kashek variben nuh' mau, halishau tan-tor svi' wi nash-veh is-tor tor ish-veh dungi, zhuk-fas-tor svi' wuh yon tor shetau wuh huhtik t' wun-mor wuh dor, morov na' heh skil-tor lu ish-veh ki' vesh' nash-veh ik t'nash-veh sha' dvel eku nash-veh svi' khom t' thee wuh eit'jae, wuh nufaya – oh Ket’cheleb dungau du nah-tor tor fnau wuh shaht-fam igen? t'nash-veh khaf-spol kuhsh-tor wuh yokul maf k'svi thee. nash-veh aitlun tor shaya du, u' wuh t'naehm resha ek'wakik ne'rak thy wadi hi nash-veh hafau t'nash-veh el'ru fi-tor ish-veh nak, wuh kur’s t' mazhiv heh khaf heh shaukaush spes’fam kras-tor fi-tor thy wadi du fam yehat gol'nev ra du nam-tor, ish-veh ki' vesh' pitoh svi' wuh yel hi nash-veh wuh sayonotau nekwitaya nash-veh thy korsovaya il veshau…if nash-veh dvel-tor Sherlock: response Sera raised a brow. Sure, why not? Translate the song into Federation Standard while singing it… Sera: I…I can. However, I am uncertain if it will sound…It may not translate well. Tito/DeVeau/Sherlock: response Sera’s sigh echoed throughout the karaoke bar, and she started slightly and could not help the slight flushing of her cheeks. That should not have happened. Sera: Asleep, at peace lips parted and body limp, Your thoughts linger like the scent of the storm after sandfire, Clinging to my skin as you, even in repose are bound to my very being A discordant chord within the only melody I had ever known –until the times, until this day Your mind calls too much, demands surrender Yet I hardened to your will, Forged in the fires to become the strongest of blades A prize, battled for and won When it was I who willingly set myself before thee A supplicant, an offering – Oh Ket’Cheleb shall you think to tame the Endless sky? My heart thrums to the consuming lament within thee. I want to break you, as the war rages eternal beneath thy skin But I stay my hand upon your cheek, the colors of sand and blood and passions unspoken painted upon thy skin You cannot help what you are, it was written in the stars But I am the quenching force I am thy salvation Or destruction…if I choose. Her voice trailed off to silence and she stepped away from the mic. Sherlock/Tito/DeVeau: response tags/TBC ((OOC – I NEVER want to have to make up OR translate a song into Vulcan, again. That is all.)) ***************** Lieutenant JG Sera Engineering Officer SB 118 Ops J239812S14 Edit: Sorry but somehow I deleted the introduction, here it is. " I always admired those that write non humans as their primaries, how they explore the other species culture, society , behavior and personality. But I have to give a praise to @Sera for giving us a Vulcan song (and respective translation). Honestly you rocked "
  13. This is such a strong and relatable sim. Another great writing from @Lt. Trovek and Lt. Seta
  14. This is really a great sim. I didn't had any nightmares, as it was intended it seams, but it really struck a cord.
  15. I just gave a few pointers, the writing was all yours
  16. Nothing like a good Doctor turned Tactical
  17. I got big dreams. I want Fame. Well Fame cost and right here is were I start paying. In sweat. And... A good dose of charm at your own taste (in my case 2 handfuls) 3/4 spoon of hard work 1/2 liter of luck Passion (all you want to put in) 3 packs of Comedy (physical, smart, politically incorrect) 20 kilos per day of Dedication total lack of self embarrassment 1 grinning smile (mental note to trademark it) 1 wink (also another thing to trademark) a bit of nonsense (carefully measured if possible, it tends to get overused easily) - mix all together and take one every morning." Sil
  18. ::sticking his head:: This line would be even better if it was meant for @TLea ::curls back with a grin::
  19. ((Bajor, Raijalla Valley)) Lukin had to admit, Bajor was beautiful. Oh it would never hold the same place in his heart as Cardassia, but it was easy to see why Cardassians so greatly desired to conquer it, and the benefits they would reap. And yet, he also knew the damage they had done. Looking at the scenery before them, there was no visual representation of all the ways the Occupation had affected the planet, but there were hints here and there in various ways still present in the culture and peoples of the planet. But Bajor had survived the Occupation, and she was as beautiful as ever. The people had survived the Occupation and were stronger for it. And Cardassia? It too would grow stronger, and without the sins of the past repeated, if he could do anything about it. In that moment, he wondered what it would be like to simply start walking and not stop, to wander among those flower studded fields, Arys’ hand in his on one side, Geleth’s on the other. It was a nice thought. Perhaps he would do so. But not yet. No, there was still much to do - at least, a lot of rubbing elbows. A moment could be taken, stolen, and it was that moment that Lukin took with Arys, who was trying to figure out if, since the Gala was not a mandatory event, she was attending as Lukin’s partner or as part of Taybrim’s crew, and if she was to wear a dress or her dress uniform. Zorkal: Are you ready? Trovek: Far from it. Makeup and hair were done, and would match both dress and uniform perfectly. It even fit to the robe she was still wearing. By contrast, he was actually ready, a suit of dark grey and deep green, the panels of the former overlaid on panels of the latter, and a silver belt clasped around his waist. Zorkal: You could simply go like that. He didn’t mind at all that she only had a robe on. In fact, he wouldn’t have minded removing said robe. Likely, though, it would be rejected as it really was neither the time nor the place…well, it wasn’t the time. Trovek: Very funny. ::she rolled her eyes:: But there is still time. And well, I was distracted. Arys glanced at the chrono, and indeed, there was time yet. She motioned for him to sit down on the bed next to her, and he did so. She hadn’t mentioned Jenis’ warning to Lukin, but she had taken action. A message had been sent to Aaron, essentially uninviting him, and another to Ferri, requesting her to change her plans and watch Geleth instead. Lukin followed and sat down, waiting for her to explain herself. Zorkal: By what? Arys hesitated. The one moment the answer was on the tip of her tongue, the other it was gone entirely, leaving only a bitter taste to remind of it. She stood behind her decision, but she was ashamed to have brought her family here, only to back out now. Trovek: Truthfully, I suppose I am asking for your forgiveness. She lowered her gaze, and a frown furled over the corners of Lukin’s mouth. As far as he knew, she’d done nothing that required forgiveness. Had something occurred? Had she made a decision that would affect him and Geleth without asking? Zorkal: Why? Trovek: I know how much family matters. I know how privileged I am to have a brother who is alive. And that I shouldn’t throw that away. Family. It was the most important thing to Cardassians, save for Cardassia itself. The family unit was generally forged with a strong bond. Men and women would weep over lost children, a matter of life on a harsh world that didn’t always have the resources it needed to support its people. It was an interesting contrast to the idea that while marriage could be for love, it was often for other reasons, and yet there was still that loyalty to the family that went beyond what others might expect from Cardassians. Lukin had lost his family. His mother, father, aunts and uncles, siblings and cousins were nothing but a distant memory. Zorkal: Arys, I’m not quite sure I know what you mean. She looked up at him and took his hands. Trovek: Something tells me it’s… ::she paused, and decided to start from the beginning:: I had offered Aaron to watch Geleth this evening… under supervision, of course but while we were at the market, one of his wives sought me out. She warned me. She said that he is exceedingly good at knowing what to say. And it’s true. He always has been. And maybe that was what was bothering Lukin as well. Arys had already stated that Aaron had said the right things’ and then asked to see Geleth. What was the motivation? Was it truly altruistic? Was it really because Geleth was part of the family? Zorkal: That makes him dangerous. His hands tightened their grip on hers a little, and she nodded. Zorkal: So what do you wish to do? Trovek: I… want to be careful. I don’t think I would want him to meet Geleth, or you. ::she paused:: Not yet. Maybe never. Maybe being as far away from his as possible is the best course of action. That was unexpected. Lukin had thought that Arys was on a mission to save her brother, but now she seemed uncertain. Zorkal: If that is what you wish. If it disappointed him, or if it displeased him, he didn’t say, and Arys was grateful for his support. She squeezed his hands and got up again. Trovek: If anything, I feel more guilty about telling Ferri she has to watch Geleth. I think she quite enjoyed spending time with the Ensigns. ::she smiled:: I’ve never seen her so chatty before. Zorkal: Then perhaps we shall invite them over along with her and she can chat more with them there. But while they were on Bajor, Geleth would either accompany him, Arys, or Ferri. Since the gala had diplomatic implications, Lukin was not inclined to miss it. Arys was a part of the crew who had been invited, so she could not miss it. Trovek: I suppise you’re right. ::she sighed:: Well, let’s get ready. Zorkal: I am already ready. I can not say the same about you. Though he personally rather liked her with the robe. Even better without it. She tilted her head and took off the robe, tossing it onto the bed. Trovek: Could go like this. Zorkal: My dear, as much as I would greatly enjoy taking advantage of your current condition, we are expected at an event and it would reflect poorly if we were not to show up. And I guarantee that I would not allow you to show up in such a state, no matter how glorious it may be. In truth she was, of course, not planning on going like… that. She turned and picked the dress uniform from the table. She would have preferred something else, after all, she was there as Starfleet Officer. Zorkal: I find that infinitely more appropriate. I will relieve you of it later. Trovek: Sometimes I wonder if you even still love me. ::she pouted, but wasn’t all too serious about it:: We haven’t had a real argument in ages. Stop being so agreeable and supportive, I hate it. Zorkal: I could order you not to go to the gala, but that would be counter productive. I’m sure we’ll find some reason to disagree sooner rather than later. But if you would do something about your attire, otherwise we may never reach our destination. There was a slight quirk at one corner of his mouth, just a hint, and then it grew a little wider. Rarely, if ever, were his features ever fashioned into an exuberance that others wore, but for him, his smiles to Arys and Geleth, born of sincere love and devotion, even if he might not admit it to others beyond that carefully cultivated circle, were a Cardassian defined level of joy.. Arys decided that yes, it was time to get dressed, and did so. Now clad in her fancy uniform she walked up to Lukin, moved a hand to the side of his face, on her lips a somewhat condescending smile. Trovek: It’s adorable when you think you’re in charge, my lizard. Zorkal: It’s amusing that you think I’m not. Lukin chuckled softly, then pressed his warm lips against her forehead, one hand sliding around her waist. Zorkal: Shall we? Trovek: We shall. She nodded, and together they left for the Gala. Flirtatious mood aside, Arys was still worried. To someone on the outside, Aaron’s reaction to the withdrawal of his invitation had been cool and collected, supportive of her decision even if a little disappointed. But Arys had seen something in his eyes, a glimmer of something that was neither supportive nor disappointed. Had reconnecting with him been a mistake? Lt. Trovek Arys Chief Medical Officer Starbase 118 Ops J239809TA4 And Dalin Lukin Zorkal Cardassian Ambassador Starbase 118 Ops M239008AD0
  20. MARINER Obvious choice because she's a hard-working officer who never cuts corners problems, always obeys authority and has never always deserved any of her promotions. We can say that because it's not true. An incredibly hot mess, Mariner is a fantastic officer with an amazing intuition and drive, but possibly without ambition. Sounds very relatable
  21. I am so eager to see how this will unfold. And even if @Arys gave me a few spoilers I still think she might hold a surprise in her hand.
  22. Again @Arys gives us a great view into her character. And again I wasn't expecting the direction it took. I loved it.
  23. I admit I started reading this as one thing, then it took a surprising turn and was something else. I love it @Arys
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