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Tony, aka Rouiancet

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Tony, aka Rouiancet last won the day on January 11

Tony, aka Rouiancet had the most liked content!


About Tony, aka Rouiancet

  • Birthday 02/12/1987

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  • Interests
    indie and queer music, portrait photography, queer scifi & fantasy, craft beer, higher ed & teaching

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Tony, aka Rouiancet's Achievements

StarBase 118 Groupie

StarBase 118 Groupie (21/28)



  1. Huge and continuing thanks to @Taelon for the incredible design and art for our entries this year. They're so amazing!! Big, big thanks to @Alora DeVeau for spearheading our process this year, too. I also love to see all the entries -- this is one of my favorite events of the year! I spent quite a while staring at the Astraeus roster trying to figure out who everyone was...
  2. Lia Rouiancet -- The Hermit -- checking in. The search for truth! To quote Benjamin Sisko, "We are constantly searching, not just for answers to our questions but for new questions."
  3. Such a good start to Brent's practical mission! Bravo, @Avander Promontory and @Josh Herrick!
  4. Just endlessly impressed by the scope and talented simming on display here. Incredible work, @Lhandon_Nilsen, @Kimonzi Lahl, @Josh Herrick, @Avander Promontory, @Morro Caras, @Erik Johnson,and @Alora DeVeau!
  5. Anton is doing his level best at his first command. Cracked me right up, @Anton Richards. Excellently done!
  6. I just need to highlight again how good this moment was. I've been thinking (and giggling) about it for days. Bravo, @Morro Caras and @Kimonzi Lahl!
  7. @Josh Herrick When I saw "Lieutenant JG Josh Herrick: Opulence" hit the list:
  8. Some incredible, incredible work this year (and every year)! I want to give a huge thank-you to Jared @Lt Aine Olive Sherlock, who spearheaded the 'Oumuamua's entries from conception to creation to categorization on the wiki. I really appreciate it, and I know everyone else did as well! Huge congratulations to the winners this year -- I love seeing characters in different art styles, and Futurama AND early gen Pokemon are a couple of dreams come true.
  9. "Schisms" for me for sure. Clicking has never been the same! Plus that holodeck scene.
  10. Commodore Ossa V'Airu, checking in! "You tell me exactly what you want, and I will very carefully explain to you why it cannot be."
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