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Alexander Matthews

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Everything posted by Alexander Matthews

  1. ((Eyas’ Quarters; USS Mercury)) ::Mister Richards paused before he rang the chime on the Lieutenants door. He was tired but very grateful for the blunt, honest advice he had received from Walker and Rahman. This still wasn't going to be easy. He had heard the news on the grape vine that the lieutenant had been demoted and he knew he was directly responsible for that. Eyas hadn't been the one to start the firefight but, as the CO of the away team, and the tactical/security department, the buck stopped with him for any transgressions on the mission. Due to his arrogance it was rare that the young man of 29 years felt guilt or remorse for his actions or words. This was one of those times. He adjusted his collar and wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead before pressing the door chime. It was time to bite the bullet and come face to face with one of the many consequences of his actions. Although this would be difficult, starting with Eyas Wulfantine was logical. Commanders Velana and Matthews followed by newly promoted Lieutenant Bale. Issac would be the hardest to approach because he knew he would have to set aside his anger at the way the then Lieutenant Junior Grade had treated him. . He took a deep breath and pressed the door chime.:: Wulfantine: Enter… ::The tall ensign entered and stood at attention waiting to be told to stand at ease. At six feet, two inches tall, Mister Richards wasn't exactly a small fellow but, the blond Pythro male dwarfed him. Normally he would have found this intimidating but, given the situation, he felt he would have to take whatever his department head said on the chin. He knew Eyas to be an honorable man full of integrity. His dedication was second to none and this demotion would have hit the man hard. Much like for him how leaving Star Fleet all those months ago during the hologate affair had cut him up inside. Beads of sweat continued to form and drip from Mister Richards brow as he waited for Eyas Wulfantine's next move. His reaction to Alex's presence would tell the young man how to approach the situation without causing any drama.:: Wulfantine: Alex, thank you for visiting. Please sit. ::Mister Richards took the seat and gave the Lieutenant a smile. He was trying to hide his inner emotions regarding the mammoth task that lay ahead of him. His posture however, was a dead give away that the ensign was very uncomfortable.:: Richards: Forgive my unannounced visit sir but I have something I need to get off of my chest. (Beat.) I feel it unfair that I have as of yet received no punishment for my actions on Valdor III and that you have paid a great price for them. As someone who has been through both the Academy and it's fast track program for returning personnel I still have the rules and regulations fresh in my mind. My decision to break the chain of command and fire first was in direct violation of those rules and regulations and endangered the entire mission. (Beat.) A lot of us received injuries, some of us were even forced to take actions that they may live to regret. I created an uncontrolled mess and placed both the team and the hostages in mortal peril. (Beat.) For all of this, I can only apologize. I wish there was more I could say or do but I can't undo what has been done. ::Mister Richards slumped further into the chair. The more he thought or spoke about it, the more the consequences of his actions sank in. In this case, he had caused a distinguished member of staff’s service record to be marked permanently with a punishment that he felt was severe. Of course, even in his arrogance he would never dare to challenge the Captain’s decision. There was a reason after all as to why Aron Kells was the captain of the Mercury.:: Wulfantine: Alex, I appreciate your thoughts and accept your apology. But as you know, the chain of command works both ways. I was heading that away team, and I am responsible for all under my command. You acted in the stress of the moment as you saw best. If I had had my finger on the pulse of the situation better, than maybe I could have not led us into the encounter in the first place. ::Pause:: When you get to command away teams in the near future, as I am sure you will, you’ll understand why I must accept what the Captain has rightly imposed upon me. Richards: Doesn't mean I can live with the fact I'm getting off without even a slap on the wrist for my actions. Others on the ship have suffered greatly for my actions and I'm still here, in my uniform as if I had committed no transgression. Do you think the Captain will ever have faith in your abilities again? Wulfantine: I am sure I will be able to redeem some merit in the Captain’s eyes, one day, but in the short term I intend to enjoy my shore-leave as much as possible. ::The young man still needed to discuss a few things regarding the away team debacle, and they really couldn't wait. However he appreciated the Pythron's attempt to shift the discussion to small talk. Sitting with a slightly better posture in his seat, he spoke again.:: Richards: Did I do the right thing sir? (Beat.) Wulfantine: You acted as you thought was best given the situation. That’s the least we can ask. ::He could understand the tall blond man’s frustration that he was not ready to move the conversation on just yet. However, this was important.:: Richards: What I mean sir is (beat) I am well aware that one can never use the ends justify the means as an excuse. However, I was one hundred percent sure that we were as good as dead. It was something about the look in the Klingon’s eyes and his tone of voice as he issued the threat to vaporize us. You pick up a lot about peoples demeanor when you work as a barman just based on their facial expressions, posture and tone of voice. Wulfantine: Reading someone’s intentions is vital. In truth, I dare say the Klingon had lethal intentions, but I guess we shall never know. ::Mister Richards looked the Pythron male directly in his eyes before he spoke the next part. This was a difficult question to ask of the freshly demoted man.:: Richards: Hypothetically speaking (beat) do you think we would have made it off the planet alive had I not fired and knowing now, just how many were waiting for us in the hangar? Wulfantine: That is something I cannot answer, however, the fact of the matter is we DID all make it off the surface, and are here to talk about it. In situations like this, survival can be classed as a success. ::He was happy with Eyas' response. It was almost what he had expected. The ends could never be used to justify the means but, knowing that things may have been much worse helped the Ensign feel more at ease with his actions.:: Richards: I think I might need to run a few target practice programs on the holodeck. Although we made it through, my aim wasn't as true as it should have been. Wulfantine: Sounds like a good idea. Do you have any plans for our time on Starbase118? Richards: A nice romantic candle lit dinner with Marissa. She has already booked a baby sitter. I've not been away from her long this time, but it may as well have felt like years. One thing I learned in my time as a civilian is that counselors can work wonders if you let them in. I still have nightmares over what happened on the Independence last summer but they no longer distract me from my life, or my work. How about you sir? Do you have any plans? ::Eyas sighed, and looked out of the porthole.:: Wulfantine: Nothing cement. Maybe a dinner as well, maybe with someone. It depends how they feel dealing with an officer in disgrace. Richards: You are more than welcome to have a few beers with me at my old haunt sir. I wonder if the Tellarite still works there. His debating skills are second to none, though his arrogance makes me look like a saint! Be wary of his insults though, they can cut deep. The trick is if they insult you, to throw one right back. Then again, you more than likely know that. Wulfantine: ::Chuckling:: Indeed, and thank you. I’d like that. A drink to the Independence and the Mercury it shall be, and absent friends. Richards: Aye sir. Oh and sir, thank you for your time. ::Mister Richards stood and smiled at his old friend. There were many more things he wished to discuss with Eyas but for now they could wait. He walked to the doot feeling slightly better in himself and with more confidence in his stride.:: END Lt. Eyas Wulfantine Chief Tactical Officer: USS Mercury & Ensign Alex Richards Tactical Officer: USS Mercury __._,_.___
  2. Welcome to the fleet!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations.
  3. Congratulations. Welcome to the fleet!!!!!!!!!
  4. ((USS Mercury - Sickbay)) ::Isaac stood in the doorway to Sickbay watching Velana work. He shouldn't be wasting time... he still had to brief D'ciq and her Marines... but Velana hadn't noticed him yet, and he couldn't help just standing there taking in the sight of her. He knew better than anyone else alive what was waiting for them on Vathor 3. He knew he may never get the chance to see Velana again. Perhaps it was better that his actions with the Cardassians had pushed them apart. It might be easier for Velana when the day finally came that he didn't return from a mission. He stood watching her for a few long moments before she lifted her head and froze, her back still towards the door. Isaac could have disappeared... could have been gone before she turned around... but for some reason, he still stood there staring.:: ::The tiny hairs on the back of Velana's neck stood at full attention. She was being watched; every instinct told her so. She glanced around, but it wasn't until she turned towards the main entrance that she found what she was looking for.:: ::Isaac Bale stood in the doorway, his intense eyes fixed on her. Her back straightened; the last time he'd seen her she'd been at her most vulnerable. She'd judged him, perhaps too harshly, and he'd walked away angry. But now he was back...and maybe she was being given a second chance.:: Velana: Lieutenant. ::She approached him cautiously, unsure of what to say.:: I hope we haven't kept you waiting. Bale: Not long. ::he lied:: I just came to brief you. We'll be arriving at the Vathor system within a few hours, and once there I will be joining Captain D'ciq and her Marines on a rescue mission to retrieve our missing crew. Velana: ::frowning:: That's...admirable, but it sounds dangerous. Bale: I have to go. I've been there before, and I'm the only one who can lead D'ciq through the tunnels. ::pausing:: And if we plan on retrieving our Captain and crew, we have only two choices... kill or be killed. They're going to need my particular skills set. ::She glanced away, drawing in a deep, but silent breath. When she looked back at him, his expression had gone cold. Velana folded her arms over her tender stomach like a shield.:: ::Isaac noticed her look away and take a steadying breath. He was a trained operative. He knew how to read people, and he didn't need telepathy to know that she was being defensive. She felt vulnerable. In spite of everything... in spite of the fact that they were completely wrong for each other, Isaac wanted to wrap his arms around the woman in front of him to make her feel safe. And in spite of himself, he knew that he couldn't. By the time Velana looked back up to him, Isaac had wiped all traces of emotion from his face. When Velana wrapped her arms around her abdomen, she confirmed that he'd been correct in his reading.:: Velana: What are you trying to say to me? Bale: We don't know how many enemies we might be facing when we get there. The planet itself will try to kill us, let alone the Klingons we find there. I wanted to let you know to prepare for wounded. Velana: We'll be prepared. We were already prepared to help the colonists. ::A moment passed.:: Is that the only reason you came here? ::There it was... a direct question that left him little choice. Was she trying to figure out how he felt, or did she already know and she was only trying to get him to admit it? Had she been more awake than he'd realized when he carried her in his arms to Sickbay? Could she hear him growling away anyone who came near as he'd watched over her in her semi-conscious state. Isaac was hard pressed to hold his neutral expression, but there were too many questions that he couldn't address right now. They had missing crew members to rescue, and he needed his head in the game. Isaac defensively deflected her question with one of his own.:: Bale: What other reason would there be? Velana: I don't know. I thought perhaps you might be... ::She shook her head.:: I'm sorry. That would be presumptuous, if not inappropriate. Bale: ::lowering his voice:: Go on... Velana: To think that you might have wanted to see me. ::Smiling briefly before rushing on to hide the bronze flush in her cheeks.:: Thank you for stopping by, Lieutenant. Good luck on your mission and please...come back safe and... ::Isaac's expression softened as she spoke. She blushed at the thought of him coming to see her. She felt... more. She was worried about him, and it was more than a professional concern for a crew member under her care. She cared about him, even after her realization that his was a life full of death. The emotions he felt radiating from her as she continued were powerful. She wanted him to come back and...:: ::She stopped when he cut her off.:: Bale: Velana... ::He took a step forward, well within her personal space. She froze, but didn't flinch. She didn't back away as he reached up toward her face. He stopped his hand just millimeters from her soft skin, and held that pose for a few very long heartbeats before pulling his hand back down to his side.:: ::She wanted to know what his hand felt like against her cheek, but he drew back, leaving her wanting. Velana could only hope that he wasn't aware of it, that her face or eyes didn't betray her longing for that contact.:: Bale: I will come back... ::Velana nodded tightly.::. ::Isaac turned and walked out of Sickbay without finishing the rest of his statement. "For her." He would come back for her. He had a very powerful motivation now for coming back from this mission, and woe to any who stood in his way.:: Velana: ::letting out her breath after he was gone:: I'm going to hold you to that, Isaac. TBC... Lt. Commander Velana Chief Medical Officer USS Mercury & Lt.(j.g.) Isaac Bale Starfleet Intelligence USS Mercury NCC-99812
  5. Welcome back to the fleet Mr. Richards.
  6. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet!!!!
  7. There is an error in the title. It should be Bale, Zolrak & Dreth: End Game
  8. ((USS Mercury - Deck 3, Corridor)) ::Isaac stood outside the VIP quarters shortly after making the last of his preparations. The game of cat and mouse was over. He was going to end this here and now. He took a deep breath to center himself, then closed his eyes and opened his mind, searching for his prey. It didn't take him long to find them inside the VIP quarters, along with several menials. Zolrak and Dreth stood off to one side of the room, probably whispering beyond earshot of the other Cardassians present. He could feel their excitement, their eagerness. They were waiting for the call to beam down to the planet so they could make their move. Isaac opened his eyes and growled. They would never get the chance.:: Bale: Computer, execute program Bale Delta Seven, phase one. ::Isaac removed a small device from one of his combat suit's pouches as he counted down the twenty seconds until the VIP Quarters would open before him. The device was programmed to emit a series of bright flashes and tremendously loud bangs, effectively overloading the sensory input of most humanoids. Even as he readied the device, the Mercury's environmental control systems were rapidly dropping the temperature inside the VIP Quarters to just above the freezing point. Cardassians didn't like the cold, and could not easily cope with the drastic change in temperature. The rapid climate change combined with the device in his hand would disorient everyone inside the room, and give Isaac a good 15 to 20 seconds of distinct advantage. He intended to make them count.:: ((USS Mercury - VIP Quarters)) Zolrak: What? What’s happening. The cold? Dreth: Bale... :: His eyes lowered and a sneer crossed his wretched mouth :: ::The doors opened and Isaac tossed his distraction into the room. He ducked to the side of the door and drew the compressed air gun from his hip as he waited for the flashing lights and the thunderous report to pass. As soon as it did, he was on the move. He spun into the room, bringing the gun up in front of him as he did, and quickly sorted through hostiles. Zolrak and Dreth were right where he expected them to be, though both were now reeling from sensory overload. With practiced marksmanship Isaac fired one shot into the neck of each of them, planting a small metallic dart deep enough into their flesh to require a minor surgical procedure to remove.:: Bale: Computer, execute phase two! Zolrak: Argh! You! ::Dreth rolled to one side and felt his neck. The man had shot him with something, although he wasn't quite sure what it was. He picked up the phaser rifle to his right and pointed it at the pathetic Betazoid.:: ::Recognizing Isaac's command, the door leading out to the corridor closed and sealed behind him. He would not allow these men to escape. They were dead already, they just didn't know it yet. As soon as the door sealed, a dampening field sprang into existence to fill the room. It wouldn't last long, a few minutes at most, but that was all Bale needed. The room went dark, save for the light of the stars streaking past the large view ports, and one of the Cardassian menials cried out as he recovered from the shock only to discover that the disruptor he now held had been rendered useless. Isaac charged straight at him and leaped into the air. A heavy boot connecting squarely with his nose sent that man to the floor and ended his confusion.:: Zolrak: Star Fleet…. Scum! Ooof! Dreth: Smart boy... But a boy nontheless... ::The hooded Cardassian revolutionary had seen his fair share of battles, had beaten countless lifeforms in combat, and wasn't about to quit now. He lunged at the man throwing whatever punch, elbow, knee and kick he could muster. He was having trouble finding an opening. He made a grab for his close range blade, throwing it at Bale, to which he ducked quickly sending the blade instead into the eye of one of the other Cardassians.:: ::Isaac moved like lightning. Every move... every spin, duck, dive and tumble left him perfectly in balance and continuing his momentum. With the three remaining menials in close proximity and still slightly stunned, Isaac rained blow after blow against them until all three were unconscious next to the man who had drawn the disruptor. Only Zolrak and Dreth remained. Isaac stalked toward them slowly, allowing them to regain their senses. He wanted them to see it. He wanted them to know. His eyes... his heart... held nothing but hatred. These two men were the embodiment of everything their people had done to him. They had taken everything from him. He didn't even know if Velana still lived. They had taken that, as well. These two men may not have been there all those years ago, but after what had happened to Velana, he was holding them responsible for all of it. He took that blame and draped it across their shoulders like a mantle.:: Zolrak: You… you will be punished for this! Dreth: The time for words has passed... You... Boy... You won't survive this day. Bale: I don't care. Zolrak: We will… make an… example of you… Dreth: ::He made sure to smile grimly at the man.:: An example... just as I did your girlfriend... ::A small laugh could be heard:: ::Isaac almost paused in his advance at Dreth's comment. Almost. Was that what Velana had become to him? It didn't matter now. Dreth was trying to play a psychological game. He had no idea who he was facing. Whatever Velana meant to him, Isaac had decided to kill these Cardassians. Nothing would stop him now.:: Bale: ::slower this time:: I don't care. Zolrak: But? Dreth: ENOUGH! ::he rasped to Zolrak:: Bale: ::drawing a combat blade into each hand:: I don't care. ::Isaac rushed forward at the two Cardassians. To their credit, they moved in concert. Zolrak went to the left and Dreth to the right, forcing Bale to divide his attention. He swung a blade at Zolrak's face, forcing the Cardassian to lean back and put himself off balance. Rather than taking advantage of that, Isaac had to spin around in the other direction to duck under a heavy two-handed punch from Dreth. Again he was forced to reverse direction, and he kicked one foot out to the side and behind him into the gut of the fast approaching Zolrak. He took several hits as the exchange continued, but his balance was enough to roll with the blows and prevent any serious damage. Still, he needed to end this quickly.:: ::Zolrak knew he was fighting for his life. Somehow this Betazoid had uncovered their crime, and was not going to allow them to escape. The cold and the stinging on his neck were not helping Zolrak in his actions, but he gritted his teeth and continued his life or death struggle.:: ::Dreth wasn't as dumb as he looked. He moved to the side of the advancing Betazoid and drew his secret weapon. The hypospray was primed and ready for injection. This would be the last time the young man would fight.:: ::Isaac turned his attention to Zolrak as the man grabbed a heavy sculpture off the shelf on the wall next to him. He stepped forward, shifting his weight onto his left leg and raising that sculpture high above his head. Just as Isaac was about to side step the hammer blow that was coming his way, he caught the slightest flicker of Zolrak's eyes over his shoulder. Time seemed to slow down as Isaac sent his mind forcefully into Zolrak's. He saw through Zolrak's eyes, for one brief moment, Dreth coming in behind him with one arm outstretched... and a hypospray in his hand.:: Bale: oO Now. Oo ::In one smooth motion Isaac spun around toward Dreth, flipping the knives in his hands as he did so, so that the blades extended down opposite his thumbs. Stepping inside the reach of Dreth's extended arm, Isaac brought the edge of his first blade smoothly and powerfully up across the wrist of that same arm. The razor sharp weapon neatly severed blood vessels and tendons alike, sending the hypospray flying harmlessly away. Isaac dropped down low and reversed direction as he continued his spin. He extended his arm and drove his second blade deep into the back of Zolrak's leading leg, forcing the man to drop the sculpture or go to the ground with it. His leg would no longer support the added weight. Before either of the Cardassians could react to their sudden injuries, Isaac rolled out to the side away from them both. He came to his feet a few meters away and stood at ease facing them. Dreth was grasping his torn wrist with his opposite hand to keep his life's blood from escaping, and Zolrak could no longer stand without the support of a wall.:: ::A stream of Cardassian expletives shot from Zolrak’s foamed mouth.:: Zolrak: ****** you **** Betazoid. Dreth: AAARRGGHH!!! ::Dreth collapsed to the floor looking at the dangling meat that used to be his hand. He couldn't help but notice the black marks along the incisions. He suddenly felt ill. Violently ill. He immediately puked a stream of clotted blood to the floor.:: Bale: ::calmly, coldly:: Computer, execute phase three. ::Lights filled the room once more as the dampening field disappeared, and the two Cardassians looked at Isaac with curious expressions. Isaac turned and stabbed his blades into the table next to him, displaying the slow rivulets of Cardassian blood sliding down each of them. Very slowly... very deliberately... Isaac removed the two empty sheaths that had held those blades from his belt. He held the sheaths forward, drawing the eyes of both men, and tipped them over to let the greasy black liquid ooze out onto the floor.:: Bale: You remember the Arboretum. Zolrak: Noooooo! oO It can’t be?Oo ****** you. Bale: ::ignoring the curses:: Computer, execute program Bale Delta Seven, final phase. ::It took only a moment for the Mercury's transporter system to lock onto the transponders planted in the Cardassians' necks by tiny metal darts just minutes before. As the two men disappeared in that familiar blue glow, Isaac hoped they would keep their senses long enough to feel every second of the pain. ((Planet’s Surface)) ::Dreth and Zolrak emerged alone and gasping on a rocky landscape, the air punctuated by explosions and rumbles. Zolrak gazed up, his vision beginning to blur. A horde of giant Klingons charged towards him, rifles aimed at him. He slumped to one knee.:: ::When Dreth's vision returned, his training from the Cardassian military had sprang forth once again. He tucked and rolled, getting back up to his feet. He turned one last time to see a group of Klingons surrounding Zolrak, his face crumbling from the affects of the poison they had been injected with. Dreth looked at his own stub seeing it begin to turn black. He remembered the small vial in his pouch pocket...:: Zolrak: F..Friend! ::looking and reaching towards Dreth:: Klingon: Karadat Nunaak! ::The Klingon group was closing in as Zorlak was helpless. He couldn't even run if he wanted to with the wound on his leg slowly spreading. The Klingons growled and snarled in their crude language. Dreth just watched from a small crater.:: Zolrak: Help? Klingon: Grishnak Vorndak! Zolrak: I… don’t understand. ::Zolrak's wound was growing. Black pustules were forming on his exposed skin, and he was slowly losing consciousness. The latter was in fact a blessing, as the pain of his festering body was excruciating.:: ::Dreth took the ampule of antidote from his pocket and ingested it. The course would run slower through his intestines, but at least he would survive. He would need to find sufficient places to hide, and eventually a ride off of this blasted rock. As for Zolrak, he served his purpose...:: Zolrak: Dreth.. go! I failed. ::Dreth said nothing, only glared at the man melting before him.:: ::With Dreth making his way, the Klingons surrounded Zolrak’s crumpled form, watching in fascination as this Cardassian slowly melted in front of their very eyes. They didn’t have to wait long before the spectacle was over and they could continue their charge for glory!:: ::Baren Dreth ran as fast as he could; to where, he didn't know. He was beginning to feel better by now, but a contempt filled his still-cold heart. He stood upon a cliff-like embankment staring upon the battle that raged below. He'd never lost an incursion to anyone... And soon enough, he would have his revenge...:: To Be Continued… Lt.(j.g.) Isaac Bale Starfleet Intelligence USS Mercury NCC-99812 & Zolrak Aide to Councilor Prianna as simmed by Lt. Commander Eyas Wulfantine Chief Tactical Officer USS Mercury NCC-99812 & Baren Dreth as simmed by Lieutenant Viktor Lanius Acting First Officer USS Apollo NCC-71669
  9. Welcome to the fleet, and congratulations!!!!!
  10. Welcome to the Fleet and Congratulations!!!!!!!
  11. (( Physical Sciences Lab, Deck 29 -- USS Mercury )) :: One of the major advantages of the Cave -- the 3D projector sensor apparatus in the Mercury’s physics lab -- was its ability to directly connect to a user’s body, eliminating the few nanoseconds the computers took to relay information from system to system and then route it to the particular console and alarm. Therefore, when the unknown ship entered the sphere in which the Mercury’s short-range sensors were actively pinging, Aron was the first, by several thousandths of a second, to see it. In that time, his brain was well on its way to processing the known profile of the ship in question: Defiant-class, though he couldn’t make out the name or the registry until he zoomed in on it. NCC-75692, USS Triumphant. Hmm. Well, it didn’t mean anything to him, but the Mercury definitely meant something to the owner of the Triumphant, as it was making right for them. Perhaps it had been assigned as an additional escort, now that Jaxx was incapacitated? He shook his head; there was no way to know, outside of asking. He sent a quick message up to the bridge, instructing his officers not to busy themselves with it; he’d taken a break, so he would handle this strange circumstance. Still plugged into the Cave, he ordered the computer to open a channel, and the viewspace appeared directly in front of him, holoprojected by the Cave. In it was someone he had not expected to see. :: Kells: Captain Reynolds. What the hell are you doing here? ::Time had carved a few more lines into her freckled face, and her hazel eyes had hardened, but there had been few other changes. Still painfully thin, she stared at him with a piercing gaze, eyebrows raised, her head tilted forward as if to ask “did you really just talk to me like that?”. If that *was* what she was thinking, it wasn’t vocalised.:: Reynolds: Surely you can guess. Half of Starfleet has been sucked into the recent Klingon shenanigans. ::Even after all her years in space, her voice still carried the tell-tale lilt of someone born in the Martian colonies.:: Kells: As are we. But we’re on our way to a Romulan colony on the other side of the sector. Where are you heading? ::She smiled, the expression holding little real humour, and made no attempt to reply.:: Kells: Fair enough. Intelligence business? Reynolds: It does seem to be what I’m best at. Kells: I’ve been learning to embrace it. My intel officer -- maybe you know him, Isaac Bale? -- has become something of another appendage for me. I don’t know how I’d deal without him. Reynolds: I’ve read his file. ::She shook her head.:: Commander, as pleasant as this is, I don’t really have the time to spend on idle small talk. Kells: No, that’s not why you’re here. (beat) Why are you here? Reynolds: I need to pay a visit to your ship. Kells: Of course. Just you, or a team--? Reynolds: Just me. Kells: Directly here? All right. I assume you’re going to tell me why when you arrive? Reynolds: That’s the plan. I’ll see you shortly. :: The channel snapped off, and his holo-view returned to that of the sphere of space around the Mercury, now not only occupied by the larger Apollo but by the smaller Triumphant as well. It was the work of a thought and a moment to engage the transporter beam and sync in with the Triumphant, but in the second before he could, he received an urgent bleep from the bridge. He opened the message at once, before he transported Reynolds, and was glad for it. :: Kells: (muttering) What’s going on? :: A shuttlecraft was on its way from Starbase 118, and its registered occupant was a single human female: Captain Kalianna Nicholotti. The day of the former COs, Aron thought: But why was Kali coming in via shuttle when he’d just spoken with her? Unless her destination wasn’t the Mercury? She might be going to see Jaxx aboard the Apollo-- But, no. The flight plan specifically stated that her destination was the Mercury, and that she would be arriving within the next thirty seconds. Speaking of “next,” the Triumphant was signaling him again: Why hadn’t he beamed Captain Reynolds over? He put the confusion from his mind for a moment, and engaged the transporter. The room was a full-sized laboratory, unoccupied except for Aron in the Cave; he stepped away from it as the transport cycle completed, as he was less than thrilled to greet his first CO while strapped into the ghoulish-looking device. A moment later, there she stood: Captain Quinn Reynolds, no longer in command burgundy but in intelligence black, still as short and intimidating as ever. :: Kells: Captain. ::She didn’t say anything for a moment, her face impassive as her eyes travelled over the connections between man and machine. Her eyes lingered far longer on the technology than the person plugged into it. When she finally deigned to speak, her voice was as dry as the Vulcan desert.:: Reynolds: Very fetching. Kells: I assume you know about my, uhm, accident? ::Her eyebrows twitched upward and a worn, fleeting smile pulled at her lips.:: Reynolds: I’m not sure ‘accident’ is the right word. Kells: Well, I guess I got used to calling it what other people did. And it was certainly accidental. One day, maybe I’ll figure it out-- But that’s not why you’re here. (beat) Is it? Reynolds: No. Extract yourself from that device, would you? :: Before he could reply, there was a chime at the door, and, too late, he realized that he had locked it when he’d entered the Cave. He realized, too, that Kali’s shuttle would have arrived and she wouldn’t have found him waiting -- not that, apparently, she had taken it upon herself to wait. :: Kells: Computer, unlock door. (calling) Come in. :: To see the two of them together was to engage a Venn diagram made tangible. He respected the hell out of both of them, but where Quinn Reynolds entertained a neutral look that verged on the dour (if you were unkind), Kali Nicholotti was beaming at him. :: Kells: Captains, I have to admit, I’m a little confused. Why are we meeting in the Mercury’s physics lab? (beat) I’m sorry I wasn’t there to meet you, Kali. ::Kali waved her hand to dismiss the concern, still smiling.:: Nicholotti: Don’t worry about it. I’m not. ::She moved closer and leaned on a nearby console, somewhat of a knowing smirk on her face. Reynolds shifted her position to stand opposite her, on the other side of him, as though Nicholotti’s cheerfulness was somehow an anathema.:: Nicholotti: Besides, this is completely off topic anyways. With everything that’s going on out there... ::A momentary look of seriousness passed like a ghost across her face before the smile returned.:: We thought it important enough to do this now, rather than later. Kells: Well, then … if it’s not the current crisis … then, what? ::It would have been nicer to have had something bigger. While she wholly agreed with Jaxx on allowing promotions to be close knit and one on one, there was something about the milestone that Aron had attained that simply called for more. But what she knew about the situation out there was that things were dire. The ship and her friends were heading into more danger than she could stand to think about, and if he was walking into that, he deserved to do it knowing he’d reached that level and met that goal.:: Nicholotti: I know I would have loved to have had more time with you, but when they called for you to go, to command the Mercury...::She sighed and recalled the orders.:: I knew they were getting the best man for the job. Kells: You’re kind, Kali. In this case.... :: It was unfortunate that they had both boarded while he was trying to hide -- no, gather his thoughts. Yes, gather his thoughts for the difficult times ahead. Their appearance had, then, and against odds, helped him achieve that goal: Because he was suddenly in the midst of his -- peers? As strange as that sounded, yes. :: Nicholotti: Now you’re walking into one of the most volatile situations possible. And you’re doing it because they need you to. ::She gestured as if to mean ‘they’, as in ‘out there’, somewhere. Finally, she shook her head, sending her raven black hair flying before leveling her gaze at him and holding it there.:: Nicholotti: No one in the fleet is more deserving of this Aron. You’ve met, and exceeded the expectations that anyone could have set forth for you, and you’ve shown everyone that you were made to lead. This crew couldn’t ask for a better captain. Starfleet couldn’t ask for a better captain. ::Her voice trailed off as she thought once more about the hornet’s nest he was about to walk into, and she decided, ultimately, that now may be the only time she had to say everything she wanted to say.:: Nicholotti: I couldn’t ask for a better friend. ::Perhaps the outward pouring of emotion had reached some kind of breaking point for the aloof intelligence officer, or perhaps she really was short on time. Either way, Reynolds stepped forward, her hand dipping into her pocket.:: Reynolds: I’m sure you’ve realised by now that this isn’t a social call. ::She held out her palm in front of him, a solitary gold pip shining against her pale skin. She let that sink in for a moment, before continuing.:: Reynolds: I should recite the attention to orders, but that belongs in a full ceremony. So I’ll just say this: It’s my pleasure to appoint you a captain in Starfleet, to rank as such from this day forward. ::A smile tugged the corners of her mouth upward, and for the first time, the expression reached her eyes. Even the dryness in her tone couldn’t quite disguise her pride in him and his achievements.:: Reynolds: And may whatever gods you believe in have mercy on your soul. Congratulations, Aron. ::She passed the pip in her hand to Nicholotti, for the other captain to conduct the actual pinning, and then moved aside. Nicholotti, for her part, couldn’t help but smile as she reached out and attached the fourth pip of his new set. Before she stepped back, she hugged him, then moved back a few feet.:: Kells: You guys are crazy. The brass, too. Starfleet in its entirety. I don’t understand-- :: His voice broke, if slightly, and he cut himself off. Several deep breaths. He nodded. :: Kells: But thank you. Nicholotti: Our time is short. ::Her voice got quieter.:: But I wanted you to have that. Just... ::Looking away, she hid the fear, the concern, and the worry until she was able to compose herself once more. Then, she continued.:: Nicholotti: Just come back, Aron. Kells: Me? Not come back? :: He smiled the confident smile with which he’d first beamed onto her bridge. Architect knew where it had come from, as he hadn’t felt it a moment before. :: Kells: I really am indestructible. Reynolds: Before I go. ::She reached into her pocket and offered him a cobalt-blue isolinear chip.:: You may find this useful. Your destination has more than a few skeletons in its closet. :: Aron met her eye, then glanced over at Kali. He wasn’t afraid of the knowledge that the chip contained, just as he hadn’t been afraid of Brokar’s; he was only hesitant about the intervening moments in which he would have the information but not know it yet. :: Kells: It’s encrypted, hm? Any clues as to what’s on it? Reynolds: Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies. Lieutenant Bale should be able to decrypt it for you. Kells: Yes, he does have a talent for that. ::She hesitated for a moment, lips parting as though to say something more. Then she shook her head, changing her mind.:: Reynolds: Watch your back out there, Captain. :: He hesitated, then, but only for a moment: he recognized the end of the thought when it came. There was more that he wanted to say, but he wasn’t sure what it would sound like, and so he, too, said nothing. :: Kells: And you. We’ll see each other again. Soon. :: He stepped back; there would be no embrace there, not as with Kali. A moment later, she had vanished in the transporter sparkle, and Aron was left alone with Kali. He couldn’t quite meet her eye. :: ::And just like that, it was all over. A strange bout of silence descended over the room as she looked at him, a new Captain, ever aware that he didn’t seem to be able to quite return the gesture. It had to be overwhelming though, just as her own ceremony had been not all that long ago. Finally, in the dimly lit silence, he spoke.:: Kells: You came over here? Just for this? Nicholotti: ::Nodding.:: Yes. ::Sometimes, more words weren’t always needed.:: Kells: You have your own concerns. This was trivial. I mean.... ::Both eyebrows shot up at that, though she shouldn’t have been surprised. Their minds were all on the crisis. Which was why a simple reminder of why they were fighting, and why they were out here doing what they did was so vitally important.:: Nicholotti: This was far from trivial. On the contrary, it was more important now, in the middle of this mess, than ever. Kells: (quietly) Do you know what I was doing here? Why I wasn’t on the bridge? ::Remembering so many days where she wanted, and attempted, to fade into the background, she could wager an educated guess. Her thoughts drifted to a voice that echoed from earlier in the day and she repeated Cody’s words in an almost incorporeal manner.:: Nicholotti: The masks of command...::Having looked away for a moment, she returned her gaze to him.:: From my experience, there’s always at least one shadow in the closet. ::Her eyes said the rest, offering him a moment to just put it out on the table and say what needed to be said. With the slightest bit of questioning in her look, she let him collect his thoughts and say it.:: Kells: I was hiding. I’ve tried to hide from that truth, too, but (beat) I was. Hiding. I know what you’re going to say: A career of pluses isn’t negated by one moment of minus. I agree. It’s of no statistical significance. But (beat) … another but. I wish I felt more confident. That’s all. ::A bit of a nostalgic smile washed over her then. It felt like she had just had this conversation not long ago, though she had been in his shoes. Perhaps the universe was working towards the ever elusive goal of balance once more and bringing them all full circle.:: Nicholotti: Just be who you are, Aron Kells. When the dust settles, that’s what will matter. Your officers respect you, and I know they have a great leader. Just try to avoid getting into too much trouble out there. Kells: I know. And I will. Like I told Reynolds, I will see her again. And you. (beat) Do you want me to walk you back to the ‘bay? ::Holding up and waving her hand dismissively again, she shook her head.:: Nicholotti: I can find my way. Besides, you have somewhere more important to be. ::Her gaze leveled at him now and she tried to impart the confidence he would need to jump start the process of creating his own with one simple look. Perhaps it wouldn’t work, but knowing that someone had no doubts in your abilities, well, that had always helped her. And for a brief moment, she wished that Jaxx could have been there, but it was fleeting and her attention was quickly back on Aron.:: Kells: No, I suppose you’re right. To the bridge I’ll go, then. ::sigh:: They’ll probably want to have a party. ::To that, she grinned.:: Nicholotti: What are you talking about? *I* want a party. ::Then she got quiet and nodded.:: It’s as much for them as it is for you. You are the epitome of what they will strive to be, a face to their collectiveness. You and I, we are the manifestation of what they do every day, of dreams, and hopes, and so much more. Yes. They’ll want a party. ::Turning the tide back towards something less serious, she smiled again.:: Kells: Well, I’m not going to be dancing with any Pahkwa-thanh, anyway. Nicholotti: ::Shaking her head.:: No, though I have to admit, that looked rather humorous. At least you didn’t get in the way of the tail, yes? Kells: Not for lack of trying, anyway. ::With one final look over him, she extended her hand to shake his, now as a fellow Captain.:: Nicholotti: Welcome to the future. Just remember, I’m always a subspace call away. Kells: I know. (beat) I do know. And I’ll use that. Believe me. ::Winking at him, she gestured towards the door.:: Nicholotti: I’ll see you, Aron. I know you’ll make it back. And in the meantime, I’ll be plotting for that party. ::And with that, she disappeared on the other side of the doors. Pointing herself towards the shuttlebay, she forced her feet to move, though she kept her mind, for the moment, back in that room with her friend. For all the confidence she showed, there were still some very deep set fears that plagued her thoughts. But that too was just another one of the masks of command.:: Captain Quinn Reynolds CLASSIFIED & Captain Kalianna Nicholotti Commanding Officer Starbase 118 Operations & Captain Aron Kells Commanding Officer USS Mercury __._,_.___
  12. Congratulations and Welcome back Mr. West
  13. Sorry but I believe this is more Vincent Price material. Hmmm...that is possible, but I would check the original movie The Blob with Steve McQueen. In the movie theater scene the film that was running had Bela speaking. That is where I remember that line. Minus the Count Dracula.
  14. Congratulations, and Welcome to the Fleet.!!!!!
  15. Where is Bela Lugosi ? "Yes, I am here waiting for you to become one with me!!! Count Dracula!!!!!" This one gave me the chills. LOVED IT!!!! Yes I was waiting for Bela to speak.
  16. Welcome to the fleet we are glad to have you with us.
  17. Welcome to the Fleet! We are glad to have you with us.
  18. ::The story so far… it is over a year since disgraced Master Engineer Victor Handley-Page and his lady Lucinda Mountbatten-De Havilland managed to escape from Star Fleet’s clutches after yet another unfair court martial. Following a short and unsuccessful attempt to become trampolining acupuncturists, Handley and Lucinda have sailed for pastures new, but not before a chance meeting up with Leo Beaufighter, our hero - gentleman adventurer, author, artist, activist, astronomer, professional daydreamer and rural spaceman. Leo had already resigned from the USS Tiger-A after the Hologate Affair – and was in search of new adventures. The wise and venerable Handley-Page showed Leo numerous ways to enhance his own spaceship, and was even able to add his own consciousness to the ship’s database, giving it the ability to learn and evolve. Also, Handley was able to pass Leo crucial information on the modus operandi on the evil Mons Vor (Leo’s biological father) who with his Pythron army was laying waste to the planet of Byzatium. With this knowledge now known to him – Leo has assembled a team of friends old and new – and returned to his homeworld on a new mission – to thwart the megalomanic plans of the evil Mons Vor once and for all.:: ::Now read on… dot dot dot dot dot… dot…:: ((Stream of Consciousness Shuttle; Approaching Byzatium)) ::Leo approached Scania, and brushed her long hair away from her face.:: Beaufighter: It’s been too long my dear. Calderan: Aye. And to think I found you adrift in space. Beaufighter: Adrift? I was merely dozing. Calderan: Is that what they are calling it now? Beaufighter: You can call me anything you desire old girl. Calderan: Less of the old. Beaufighter: Just a turn of phrase, ma’am. I’ve called you a lot worse, ne c’est pas? Calderan: That is true. Beaufighter: So, any news from my old man? Calderan: Nothing so far, I think you are in the clear. Beaufighter: Then that is tickety-boo indeedy. Calderan: Never say never. ::Leo adjusted his white tunic.:: Calderan: You look frightfully dashing Sir. Beaufighter: Frightful AND dashing? That’s an improvement. Calderan: You know what I mean. Beaufighter: Someone has to. Calderan: Why do you say that? Beaufighter: You are mystery my dear, one of the great mysteries of our age. Calderan: I’ll take that as a compliment, although I’m not sure it is. Beaufighter: Everything I say is with the best of intentions, you know that. ::He winked at her.:: Calderan: Smooth talking will get you everywhere. Beaufighter: That’s the plan. ::Pause:: oh, thank you for meeting me here today. Transports are so hard to come by now. Calderan: I’m not a taxi service. Beaufighter: Never crossed my mind. ::The starfield zoomed past the shuttle as it sped towards it destination. The war-torn planet of Byzatium.:: Calderan: Almost there, I better turn off auto-pilot. Beaufighter: Not a moment too soon neither. Sedrin looks like he’s about to fall asleep. ::Leo’s ship rendezvoused with the others of Nova Fleet X as they entered the atmosphere over Byzatium. Nodding once again to Scania, Leo turned and went to the back of the control room. He lifted the crystalline helmet over his head and typed the necessary buttons on the console in front of him.:: Computer: Transferring neural net patterns to master databank. Beaufighter: Jolly good show. Computer: The Handley-Page mindscape is locked in. Shuttle transmogrification complete, welcome back Sire. Beaufighter: It’s good to be back. Now his mind is running the whole bally craft. Computer: Space Shuttle Handley-Page, at your command. Beaufighter: First class! ::He tapped the comm button.:: Beaufighter: This is Leo Beaufighter of the Handley-Page to Nova Fleet X. We are preparing to land upon the surface at 10:00hrs. Check your predefined plans and locate the second rendezvous point. ::There was a signal of acknowledgment from the other six craft, and they moved forwards into the clouds below.:: Beaufighter: How are you doing ma cherie? ::Scania looked over her shoulder at Leo, her long auburn hair resting prettily on her forehead and shoulders.:: Calderan: Fine thanks. Sedrin here is doing all the hard work. ::She smiled and nodded to the pilot next to her.:: Belasi: Heeeeeyy… ::he said in his normal chilled out tone.:: ::There was a clunk, and behind approached a small lumbering shape. One of Handley’s creations.:: Trundlebot: Noooonaaanoonaaah Beaufighter: Ah dearest Trunders, are you also patched into Handley’s mainframe? Trundlebot: Neeeenaaaanoooneeenah! Beaufighter: Excellent! ::There was a squeaking, and from the shadows a small, furry, excitable little creature bounced into view and sat atop Trundlebot.:: Beaufighter: Little Smidgey, can’t leave you behind. Smidgey: Wheee, it looks spooooky out there. ::Squeak:: Beaufighter: Where’s you sense of adventure? Smidgey: ::higher squeak:: Like sleeeeep more than venturessss. ::Leo smiled and patted the Smidgey on the head.:: Beaufighter: Alrighty, let’s see what delights this war-torn hell hole has for us. I doubt I’ll have a welcome home party. ::With a gentle splot, the Handley-Page touched down on the muddy surface.:: Beaufighter: Follow me! Calderan: Right behind ya! Belasi: Yeeeeeaaaahhh Trundlebot: Neeennooo nanana Smidgey: It is spoooooky out here! ::Service phaser in hand, Beaufighter led the team into the wastelands.:: To Be Continued… Leo Beaufighter (PNPC) Adventurer, Author, Artist, Activist, Astronomer, Professional Daydreamer and Rural Spaceman; Commander; Nova Fleet X Simmed by: Lt.Cmdr Eyas Wulfantine Chief Tactical Officer: USS Mercury
  19. There is a typo on the title. It should be Cat's Cradle
  20. ((Officer's Quarters, USS Mercury)) ::As she approached the door to Velana's quarters, Alaxa looked down at the furry bundle in her arms.:: Alaxa: We're almost at your new home. Try to look as cute as possible. ::The black and white kitten stared up at her with huge eyes and let out a tiny meow.:: Alaxa: Perfect. Keep doing that. She won't be able to resist you. ::The kitten batted at the end of Alaxa's long braid.:: Alaxa: ::moving her hair off her shoulder:: Not that. No one likes that. ::Upon reaching her best friend's door, Alaxa pressed the chime and redjusted her hold on the kitten while she waited for Velana to respond.:: Velana: Come in. ::Alaxa could smell Velana's favorite incense. For a moment, it was almost like they were back sharing a room at the Academy. She missed those days. Velana couldn't stand clutter, so Alaxa had never really had to clean up after herself. Her clothes had always miraculously found their way back into her closet.:: ::Her best friend was sitting at her desk, reading something on a PADD when Alaxa entered. She looked up and immediately zeroed in on the kitten.:: Velana: Oh! ::She stood up.:: You got a cat! Alaxa: Well...sort of. ::The kitten meowed as Alaxa held her up to Velana.:: I got her...for you. Velana: ::blinking:: What? Alaxa: Lieutenant Lerner's cat had a litter about six weeks ago. Once they were weaned, they were all adopted pretty fast, but she still had this one baby left. I just thought you could use a little companionship. ::After a second, Velana hesitantly reached out to touch the kitten's soft fur. She pulled back her hand at the last second.:: Velana: I don't know. Alaxa: What do you mean, you don't know? You like cats. ::She frowned.:: You do like cats, don't you? Velana: Yes, I like cats. Although you might have thought to ask me that before now. Alaxa: Noted. So, what's the problem? Velana: I'm just not certain I have enough time to take care of a pet, at least not as much time as one deserves. Alaxa: It's a cat, Vee, not a dog. Cats don't like it when you get too clingy. It cramps their style. ::She held the kitten out to Velana.:: You can't deny her; she's ridiculously adorable. ::A slow smile turned up the corners of Velana's lips.:: Velana: She is precious. ::A moment passed before she took the kitten from Alaxa. Immediately, the little furball started rubbing her head against Velana's chest, purring loudly. Velana laughed.:: And she likes me! Alaxa: 'She' might be a 'he.' We should probably check. ::But Velana was too busy scratching underneath the kitten's chin to pay attention.:: Velana: ::to the kitten:: You'll need a bed and some toys and a litter box. A water bowl...maybe a scratching post... ::She looked at Alaxa.:: I know what I'm going to name her! Alaxa: Mr. Something? Really, I think it might be a boy. It likes your chest a lot. Velana: ::ignoring her:: Matya. Alaxa: Um...doesn't 'matya' mean 'cat' in Vulcan? Velana: You don't like it? Alaxa: You're going to name your cat 'Cat'? Velana: When someone gives you an animal completely out of the blue, you can name it whatever you want. ::She carried the kitten to the replicator.:: Are you hungry? Let's get you some dinner. ::Alaxa watched, amused, as her Vulcan friend replicated a dish of feline supplement specifically designed for young cats. She set Matya down in front of it and smiled when the kitten started nibbling at the mush.:: Alaxa: Well, I'll let you two get acquainted. Velana: Allie. ::Walking to Alaxa, Velana put her arms around her friend.:: Thank you for always knowing what I need when I don't have any idea myself. ::Alaxa hugged her back for a second before drawing away.:: Alaxa: Listen, I know the wedding was hard for you. Velana: ::shaking her head:: I am so happy for Jade and Alex. Alaxa: Didn't say you weren't. But it was still hard...right? ::Velana glanced away.:: Alaxa: You have to let him go, Vee. He's just not worth it. He never really was. oO Even if he had married you and given you babies of your own...he still wouldn't have been worthy. Oo Velana: I wish it was that easy, but... ::She was quiet for a second.:: It's been seven years. Any day now, Allie...any day, it will hit me again. The real thing this time. And I have no idea what I'll do when it happens. Alaxa: In case you haven't noticed, this ship is lousy with good-looking men. Velana: I'm sure I could find a willing partner, but I want someone who will stick around afterwards. ::Before Alaxa could say anything, Velana shook her hand, dismissing the topic.:: Never mind. It's fine. I'm sure it will work out. ::Alaxa studied her friend for a second. Did Cade Whitman have any idea of scope of the damage he'd inflicted on Velana? Probably not. If it hadn't been for Alaxa's strongly-worded suggestions to keep his distance, he might tried to worm his way back into Velana's life by then, especially if he knew she was about to go through another pon farr. But Cade wouldn't have stayed. It wasn't in his nature. And Velana deserved someone who was willing to put her first.:: Alaxa: All right. I'm going to go. ::She pointed at the kitten who had abandoned her food in favor of exploring Velana's meditation area.:: You'd better watch out. Lerner says the kittens aren't fully litter box trained yet. ::As she left, she could hear Velana gasp as she scooped up Matya just in time to save her Triaxian silk floor pillows.:: Lt. Sen Alaxa (PNPC) Communications Officer USS Mercury with Lt. Commander Velana Chief Medical Officer USS Mercury __._,_.___
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