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Alexander Matthews

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Everything posted by Alexander Matthews

  1. Today there are events in the world of STO, one is that you will be able to have a chat session with the Executive Producer of the game to find out what is being done to improve it and find out if the ideas that the fans will be or have been integrated into the game. There is a new mission for the Klingons that is being introduced.
  2. There are some great events in STO today for those that play. You can visit Utopia Planetia today until April 9 th.
  3. Welcome to the fleet, and to the returning members. Welcome back.
  4. ((Campsite, Planet side)) ::Eerie moved through the dark camp, the moving had been done for the day, and he was going to get some sleep before the next shift started early in the morning. He moved away from the odd crew member, keeping his distance. He saw someone on an intercept course but he could not tell who it was in the dim light :: :: Blackwood left the meeting once they started passing round the booze. She wasn’t interested in it, she wasn’t really interested in anyone’s company but she did see someone she needed to talk to. She had a message to pass on, once she’d done that she’d find someplace quiet to mooch for the night. :: ::Eerie saw that the person continued to head directly towards him, then he could see the flowing hair, it could only be one person , he came to a halt:: Blackwood: Hey! Hey Buster! Eerie: ::Formally :: Lieutenant, what can I do for you? Blackwood: ::Sighing:: Just passing on a message. It’s about Peiy. When I haven’t been needed elsewhere i’ve been helping our stretched medical unit look after her. oO(Eerie) Oh,no....or it could be good news....hopefully...pleaseOo Eerie:: Sorry, …...these past three weeks, I have tried to focus on other things....I’m sure you understand, Evanna........::less formal, and letting his shoulders slump a bit :: Blackwood: ::Suddenly losing it and screaming in his face:: At least your friend’s still alive, but mines not! ::Kicking dirt at him.:: ::Brushing the dirt off:: oO (Eerie) I guess I deserved that, so stop thinking of yourself rockhead Oo Eerie ::breathing deeply :: I am sorry ….again, I know everyone is hurting......I was sorry to hear about Ensign York, I know she was a friend of yours and of DeBarres... I am sorry, just a lot of death... ::Eerie was a bit unsure if he wanted the news, but he was almost frozen in place, time seemed to stop as he heard Evanna speak :: Blackwood: ::Clearing her throat and composing herself:: Well. I’ve been working on her, she’s stable. In fact she’ll be up to having guests in the morning. She’s resting now so “don’t ask.” ::With a blinding speed for a Brikar, Eerie moved over to Blackwood, and picked her up and gave her an almost massive hug, it took a second or two for him to realise that he needed to let up and he relaxed his iron grip:: :: Blackwood wanted to scream in his face but his tight grip was making it hard for her to breathe never mind scream. She hated the fact that Peiy got to live when Penny had died. She didn’t like Peiy, and Peiy didn’t like her. She’d trade them in a second without a regret. :: :: There was a strange noise from Eerie it sounded like crying, as he set her down, he turned his face and put his hands to his face, it took him a minute, but he put his hands down and turned back to Evanna:: :: An odd sound came from Eerie and it cut through her foul mood like a knife. She’d never heard anything like it from him before. She was pretty confused about what was going on, she’d expected a smile maybe. She’d had the odd one of those from him when she’d tried super hard with him. :: Blackwood: Eerie? I thought... you’d be... happy? Eerie ::Trying to regain his composure ::: Thank the lord, Evanna that is great news. Thank you!:: realizing that his voice was above the normal tone, he tried to quiet down but he just couldn't seem to do it. ::Eerie wanted to scream for joy!!:: Eerie ::Screaming at the top of his lungs : YEE-AH! :: It appeared everyone in the camp stopped what they were doing and focused on the screaming rock man :: ::Then it hit him, what he just did and stopped immediately , and looked like the cat who had swallowed the canary:: ::Eerie walked back over to Blackwood :: Eerie :: quietly :: sorry about lifting you up, and ….the …...Evanna, I would tell you not to breath a word of this but, I think everyone heard it.::sheepishly:: :: Blackwood knew he couldn’t help but rejoice. She’d do the same if it were Penny, but it wasn’t. To her it was as though he was rubbing salt into her wounds as she gave him the most dark glare ever. :: Blackwood: That’s all I needed to tell you. ::She turned her back on him.:: ::Eerie watched as Evanna walked away from him, he was shocked :: oO (Eerie) What is going on here, this is great news, and Evanna just walks away from me? Oo ::Eerie just stood there for a few minutes, not sure of what was going on. Peiy was recovering, he knew that Evanna and Peiy did not see eye to eye, but she should be happy for any bit of good news in this tragedy of the last three weeks :: oO (Eerie) I admit I was a bit out of line, but …..what is she up to? Oo :: Blackwood went back into the triage tent to check on everyone. A few patients including Peiy were sleeping restlessly. She couldn’t blame them it was getting cold. She gave them all an extra blanket. There wasn’t quite enough to go round. She headed outside, got her own and gave it to Peiy. As she watched over the next few minutes Peiy and the others seemed to settle down a bit. :: Blackwood: Sleep well. ::To them all:: :: She went outside and sat next to the tent opening, huddled up and watched people come and go as she fiddled with her BFF charm absently. :: LT. Eerie Tactical Officer USS Avandar & Lt. JG Blackwood ACSO USS Avandar
  5. ((OOC: A little music to set the scene - ))((This sim takes place two nights prior to the campfire scene)) ((Hidden clearing overlooking Camp Avandar)) ::There were only two places on this world that S’Acul could find refuge. The first was his shack. The second was this clearing that he had found one night while exploring the jungle.:: ::True, he wasn’t supposed to be out at night, away from the camp, without someone with him - but he was beginning to find that the rules they had established in their short time here were easily bendable when they needed to be.:: ::There was only one person he had shared this secret with so far - and she was one of the few people he knew he could trust implicitly. Doc Malcolm had become a close friend and confidante in the few weeks they had been on this planet, and S’Acul had found it very easy to relax around her. It was in a much different way than with anyone else - he felt like he could relax his mind and his instincts with her nearby.:: ::And so it was that the two Starfleet officers sat quietly together on the crest of the hill, their eyes on the small figures in the camp below them. This spot was... perfect. It gave them full view of the entire camp, of the remains of the Avandar, and plenty of sky at the same time. The stars were not familiar to them, but they were still a welcome sight.:: ::They had both been sitting in silence for some time, the Caitian absently rubbing his paw against one upturned knee, his tail curled behind him, his eye gazing upward at the darkness above - only a few stars were showing themselves so far tonight.:: S’Acul: You holdin’ up okay, Doc? ::Jen stared down at the campfire in the middle of their camp - several people had gathered around it, but it was difficult to tell who they were at that distance. Most had stopped wearing their colored tunics in the hot weather, which made distinguishing the faraway figures even harder:: Malcolm: Yeah. ::she scratched the back of her neck where some nighttime bug had indulged itself:: As long as I keep busy. S’Acul: ::shrugging:: We don’t have to talk about it - not unlessss you want to. I know itssss been hard on you. Jusssst know you can talk to me if you want. Malcolm: Eh. Talking doesn’t change a thing. ::She looked over at him and scrutinized the injured side of his face:: You’re scaring is not as bad as I thought it would be. ::she nudged his leg with the side of her thumb:: I did a pretty good job. How are you adjusting? S’Acul: ::smirking:: I may not be a counsssselor, but I know when someone is deflecting the issssue. ::The Caitian sighed and tilted his head forward, his eye falling to watch the flicker of the campfire far below.:: S’Acul: I’ve been better, to be ssssure... but I’m holding up okay. For now, at least. ::smiling and shifting his eye to look at her:: And yeah, you did do a pretty good job. I’ve been debating - sssshould I use an eye patch, or just go with the scarred look? Malcolm: Personally, I think an eye patch would just be hot and sweaty. And you’d have to worry about keeping it fairly clean. S’Acul: ::chuckling and nodding, his eye shifted back to the people down below:: Valid points, Doc. I jusssst thought people might appreciate the pirate look. I ‘sssspossse I’m already ssscary enough without that. ::flashing a toothy grin:: Malcolm: You? Our resident kitty cat scary? ::She ran her fingers through the fur on the top of his hand, fluffing it a bit:: Nah. S’Acul: ::smiling slightly:: Okay, sssso I’m a big teddy bear. Ssstill, not everyone likes me. Umas, for example. ::The Caitian sighed and let his upper half fall backward to lay against the curve of the hill, looking up at the sky again, his field of vision partially obscured by leaves and fronds. His eye rolled slowly from one side to the other, silently counting the stars in his head.:: S’Acul: Not that I really blame him. Or anyone else, for that matter. ::.She thought about Umas. She shared something with the man - the loss of a daughter - so she could sympathize with his frustrations. She thought back to the night of the crash, when Umas had waited alongside her in the triage tent in the moments they’d been unaware of the fate of those inside the daycare. She shook her shoulders and pushed the thought from her mind and was finally able to catch what S’Acul had actually said.:: Malcolm: What are you talking about? ::With a sigh, the former helm officer let his eye slowly slide shut and stretched his arms out above his body before letting them fall against the hill, his body making a sort of X as his legs spread out as well.:: S’Acul: Umas... blamessss me. For the death of his wife and daughter. I think a lot of people do, for those that died. ::Jen drew her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them:: Malcolm: I don’t think that’s true. ::He chuckled slightly, though there was no humor to the tone. A light wind picked up and blew a few loose leaves down over his chest. His eye opened slowly and he tilted his head forward slightly, gazing at the biggest one.:: S’Acul: You don’t know, Jen. You don’t ssssee the way ssssome of the others look at me now... I can sssee the hate in their eyes. They might not sssay it, might not even admit it... but I can sssee it in some of them. Umas the most. ::She rested her head on her knees. Maybe he was right. People tended to look to lay the blame somewhere, it was human nature. She picked a silver leaf off of his chest and twisted it in her fingers:: Malcolm: As long as you aren’t blaming yourself. ::He was silent for a few long moments after her comment. Twisting his elbow, he lay one paw beneath his head to keep it propped up, the other moving to pick up another of the leaves from his chest. He held it over his face, studying the complexity of the veins, for a moment feeling impressed by Mother Nature’s handiwork. Laying the leaf down over his eye, he just stared at it, trying to understand its being. His paw came to rest back on his chest.:: S’Acul: I think about that a lot. Ssssome days I do... sssome days I don’t. I usually know, deep in my heart, that I did everything I could. It could have been worse. We could have all died, instead of the few that did. ::sighing:: Sssomehow, I muddle through. ::She raised her head and lifted her hand into the air, releasing the leaf into the nighttime breeze. She watched it flutter away, landing not far from them on a tuft of brown grass:: ::As the wind picked up to flutter the leaf the doctor had released, it also sent the leaf sitting atop the Caitian’s face flying - and for whatever reason, it went flying higher and higher, soaring out of the clearing and fluttering toward the campsite. Likely it would fall somewhere near the camp fire - no one would know where it had come from.:: ::As his green eye was revealed, he spotted the moon peeking out from behind some clouds. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips, and he sat up slowly, tapping her arm and pointing to it.:: S’Acul: Look, there - you can finally see the moon tonight. I think... itssss a new moon, or at least this planet’s equivalent, I think. ::scritching beneath his chin:: I’ve been trying to keep track of the moon cycle, see if I can figure out how long the days are here. ::Jen looked up at it, surprised at how much it resembled the Earth’s moon. The color was a little wrong though. It wasn’t the bright white moon she remembered watching from her porch in Iowa, it had a purplish tint to it, which was quite lovely:: Malcolm: And what did you come up with? S’Acul: ::sidling a little closer, so he can point to the curve along his arm:: You sssee the way it sort of resembles a ssssmile there? It seemsss to take about thirteen hoursss for it to show more of the moon. I was able to convert one of the remaining PADDs into a sssort of time piece, to try to keep track of our ssstandard hours. Judging by that, and how the moon moves East - ::He swept his arm across their field of view, pointing across her body.:: S’Acul: I think I’ve calculated that their dayss are not disssimilar from Earth’s. Roughly twenty five hours, give or take a few hours. ::frowning:: Honestly, though, I’m just guessing. I did figure out, though... we misssssed New Years. For good reason, of course. ::smiling weakly:: Missssed my birthday, too, but consssidering what’s happened that isn’t ssssurprising, either. Malcolm: Oh! ::It came out as kind of a pout as she punched the side of his leg:: Happy birthday. When was it? S’Acul: ::laughing, he rubbed the spot she punched and grinned:: Ouch! What about that whole “do no harm” thing? ::still laughing softly:: It was four days after the crash. New Years was two weeks ago. ::His laughter faltered into a sort-of smile, and he sighed softly. Turning his head, he looked up at the moon again, tilting to lean his head to lean against her shoulder.:: S’Acul: 26. ::She shook her head:: Malcolm: Old man. ::She craned her neck and shot him a smile:: S’Acul: ::grinning slightly, shooting a look up to her:: Break out the walker, Doc. I might need it ssssoon. ::pausing:: You think we’ll ever make it out of here? ::She looked down at the top of his head and stopped herself from answering with the way she felt, which boiled down to not really caring if they did:: Malcolm: Anything is possible. ::The Caitian frowned slightly, though he kept it hidden from view. After a moment he lifted his head from her shoulder and rolled onto his side, laying his good ear against her knee, his gaze falling once again on the people below.:: S’Acul: I don’t know either. But... for what itssss worth... Happy New Year, Jen. ::She laid her hand on his head:: Malcolm: Happy New Year, S’Acul. Fin. Lt. Jen Malcolm CMO USS Avandar And Ensign S’Acul Aveunalliv HCO USS Avandar
  6. ((Avandar Crash Site - Night)) :: Wide awake, Umas sat with the hull of the Avandar supporting his back. His good leg was bent at the knee, the other was stretched out in the dirt with a cold compress on his ankle to bring the swelling down. In his hand he loving held his daughter’s charm bracelet, eyes glistening with the threat of tears. One end of the bracelet was looped around his middle finger, allowing the piece of jewelry and all of its tiny bobbles to hang at the center of his palm.:: :: The heart shaped charm was so that Veessah would know how much her mom and dad loved her. A snorkel because she loved to swim. A firefly-like insect, which she chased around the yard at night. A fluffy pig-like animal -- the first, but not the last injured pet she rescued in the wild. A pair of shoes because she loved to dance. And a musical instrument that she was just learning to play.:: ::Birthday songs. Laughter. Presents. Fireworks in the field. The shimmering sunset. Veessah spinning like a top in her yellow sun dress until she was too dizzy and fell into her father’s arms giggling.:: :: Koltar Umas couldn’t remember any of those things. All he could see was darkness and despair. His imagination took him to the resting place of his wife and daughter, buried and killed by the ship. The ship he had put them on. Captain Vetri’s ship…:: :: His thoughts twisted once again to jealousy and hate.:: :: Vetri had her family. They had all survived. The First Officer had his wife. She had survived. Why did his family have to die? Why did *he* get to live?:: :: The flow of incoming casualties had slowed to a trickle. Evanna had been working on the minor injuries the whole day without stopping for any kind of rest. She was growing ever increasingly worried about her friend Penny, who Alexander had mistakenly accused of being dead. She was going to come in here any time now and tell her it wasn't so. She'd been telling herself that for a while now and her lack of appearance was knawing at her. It wasn't until the lights inside triage flickered on that she realised how late it was getting. :: :: She could stand it no longer inside the triage tent and scooped up the medical equipment she'd been using. She's found that of the minor injuries she was treating there were 2 or 3 pieces of equipment that she was constantly needing. She took herself on a roaming trip around the camp looking for anyone with minor injuries... at least that was the excuse. She knew Matthews, Jen, Davies and S'Acul had made it, even old buster had been seen lumbering around. There was really only one face she wanted to see right now and it wasn't the face she found in front of her. :: :: Evanna sighed as she run the tricorder over him. oOWhat a surprise, more work for me.Oo With a disgruntled grumbled she plopped onto her knees and took a better reading of the man's ankle. :: Blackwood: Well, you got off light. Let me take care of this quickly for you sir. :: Without an acknowledging word, Umas closed his hand around the bracelet, as if hiding it from unworthy eyes.:: :: He sat, stone faced for a moment and watched the woman examine his ankle. If the cold compress had done its job it would be time to set the bone.:: Blackwood: Well you have an oblique fracture. :: He slanted his head recognizing the redhead.:: Umas: You lost someone. I remember, in the triage tent. Who was it? Blackwood: You must be mistaken sir, my friends are all accounted for. oOWell mostly, but Penny isn't dead. She must be trapped somewhere.Oo :: He nodded solemnly, and hung his head again.:: Umas: My mistake. I thought I overheard something… ::Evanna took out her BBF necklace. She'd recieved it not so long ago as a Christmas present. It was probably the most thoughtful thing anyone had given her in a long long time. oO I thought we were supposed to be best friends, why hasn't she come to tell me she's okay yet?Oo She felt a little angry.:: :: Hearing the tiny jingle of metal, Umas looked up as the woman revealed a necklace. The expression on her face told him that it was as important to her as his daughter’s bracelet was to him.:: Blackwood: ::Glaring and speaking forcefully.:: He was wrong, he must have seen someone else! I'm going to find her. I have to. Umas: ::nodding:: Then you should. :: She should go back in there and tear the place apart until she found what she was looking for.:: :: Blackwood set to work with the boneknitter, it's power seemed to be getting a little low now. It had been in near constant use the whole time she'd been out here. She hoped there would be some replacement power cells in one of those crates. :: :: The small hum of the boneknitter, and the strange beastly cries from the jungle animals -- even the eerie mist that had settled on the ground, didn’t register in Umas’s mind. All he could think about was his beheaded wife, and what the ship, and the Captain, and Tan, and *he* himself had done to his own family.:: :: Killed them. They’d killed them.:: :: Rancid thoughts churned and burned within like acid, eating away at his very soul. He had not cried. He would not cry. He would not shed a single tear -- not until he got off this stinking planet and could hold his son again. Though he doubted his son would forgive him anymore than Umas could forgive himself.:: Blackwood: I'm sorry Commander, you're done. I mean your ankle. I've mended it. It might be a bit tender for a few days, so go easy on it. :: She gently moved his foot around, testing the newly mended joint ever so carefully. :: Umas: ::wagging his head:: It’s fine. Blackwood: If you want to see if how feels to walk on now... :: More head wagging…:: Umas: No. :: He mostly withdrew inside himself at that point. He almost wished she hadn’t fixed his foot because now that one pain had receded, another came to the forefront.:: Blackwood: Well i'm done here. ::Thrusting the medical kit and tools at him:: Return these to the triage tent! :: In her typical bossy fashion, completely forgetting his rank and her place.:: :: She didn't give him time to protest as she broke into a run, making her way back into the ship. It was getting pretty cool and dark out and she couldn't bear waiting any longer. :: :: After she was gone, Umas opened his palm, and straightened out the charm bracelet, losing himself in a deep, empty pit of grief and anger.:: :: Somebody had to pay for these crimes, he would punish himself, but most of all the Captain.:: :: Once they were rescued, he would personally see to it that Vetri lost her pips and spent the rest of her life in a military prison.:: --end-- MPNPC Lt. Cmdr. Koltar Umas Mission Specialist USS Avandar simmed by T’Lea & Lt JG Blackwood ACSO USS Avandar
  7. ((Triage Tent)) ::. . . darkness still? It was difficult to tell... S’Acul had been seeing flashes of something while unconscious, perhaps dreams, perhaps memories. Needless to say, he didn’t remember much after the explosion.:: ::A pained groan rumbled in his chest, and he scrunched his eyes further closed - which cause a shot of severe pain to lace through his right cheek. Frowning, he opened his eyes... no, his eye. He had to blink away the fuzziness of unconsciousness, and he was very confused as to why his right eye refused to open.:: ::His gaze focused first on the light above his bed. Good, that was something, he could make that out. It rolled slowly downward from the ceiling to the normally beautiful face of Doctor Malcolm - dirty, tired, little smears and streaks of blood on her uniform and cheeks. She was still beautiful, yes... but whatever she had been through had definitely been the worse for wear on her.:: ::He struggled to focus his eye on her face, which was still somewhat blurry. After a few moments, his vision seemed to clear... but she looked so far away. He gingerly raised his paw to feel at the right side of his face - and jerked his paw back a moment later when he felt the scarring. Blinking his remaining eye, he tried to speak - but his throat hurt. He coughed once. Twice. Finally was able to speak, though it was with a terrible rasp.:: S’Acul: Wha... what happened? Malcolm: S’Acul, you’re a the triage center we’ve set up outside of the ship. You were injured in an accident. ::She laid her hand atop his paw and waited for him to respond:: S’Acul: An accident? ::He blinked, trying to remember what had happened prior to the explosion... the ship was angling toward the planet, there was no way for them to avoid crashing... he had been piloting the ship by hand, the ship made contact with the surface... and then he didn’t remember anything else. Frowning, he reached up to gingerly press at the right side of his face again.:: S’Acul: What’ssss wrrrong with me, Doctor? ::She put her hands on his arm and pulled it back down to his side:: Malcolm: Don’t touch it. You’re still healing. You’ve had trauma to your eye and ear. Your eye was too severely injured to be saved, I’m afraid. ::He blinked again, and it was only after she mentioned his ear that he noticed he had really only heard her from his left ear. It helped she was standing on that side... his whiskers drooped as his frown deepened. Water began to well underneath his good eye.:: S’Acul: Well... that explainssss why I can’t open it... thank you for... trying, Doctor. ::His gaze dropped to his paw in his lap, then shifted over to her hand on his arm.:: (Cue music - )S’Acul: Can I... sssee it? How bad is it? ::Jen looked around her for something reflective. There wasn’t much that could serve as a mirror and everything had a significant layer of dust and dirt on it - even in the sterile environment she’d tried to create. She found an osteotractor - its shiny metal surface would have to suffice for now. She slipped her arm under S’Acul and helped him sit up:: Malcolm: Don’t be shocked by what you see. Your wounds are still fresh. ::She held the osteotractor near his face. He narrowed his eye at the bandages that covered pretty much the entirety of the right side of his face, and his frown deepened further still. The dark marks staining the bandages were enough to tell him it wasn’t pretty. There were particularly dark splotches where his whiskers would be... and it was definitely tender on that section of his upper lip. He’d only ever felt that a few times before - when a whisker was missing. He raised his paw to take the tool from her hand, holding it in front of his face, glaring at it, trying to figure out... why...:: S’Acul: . . . wow. ::Jen’s stomach tightened as she watched him. She felt like snatching the osteotractor from his hand and throwing it across the tent.:: Malcolm: I truly am sorry, S’Acul. ::Especially since with the right tools and enough time she undoubtedly would’ve been able to save his eye:: ::The injured Caitian slowly lowered the reflective tool to his lap, staring at the same spot it had been. A tear rolled down through the fur beneath his eye as he began to lay back on the bed, seemingly calm and serene, paws folding together on top of his chest. He cleared his throat.:: S’Acul: About... how long will it be before I can take off the bandagesss? Malcolm: I’ll have to change them regularly. But they should come off after a few weeks. The most important thing we have to worry about is keeping infection down. S’Acul: ::nodding slowly:: Jussst let me know what we need to do. ::after a pause:: What happened after the crash? ::She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. She hadn’t allowed herself to think about all that had happened lest it overwhelm her completely and had instead almost maniacally focused on her work. She wasn’t sure she could bring herself to tell him everything without dissolving into a pool of tears herself:: Malcolm: A lot has happened, S’Acul. But right now I want you to focus on getting well. You’ll find out about everything in due time. ::S’Acul considered arguing with her, because he had a desperate need to know what had happened... but despite everything that had happened, he found it very easy to do as she said. He nodded again and fell quiet, paws still folded on his chest, his eye focused on some point in the ceiling above him.:: ::She leaned down next to him and in an impulse of sympathy, gave him a hug, squeezing his shoulders gently. She spoke softly into his left ear, words that were as much for her own benefit as his:: Malcolm: It’s not the end of the world, S’Acul. And you will heal. Remember, you’re still alive, it could’ve been much worse. ::His ear flattened at first when she leaned down over him, but it raised again at her words. A weak smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, and his good eye closed slowly. He returned the hug, tightly, and for a few moments seemed to refuse to let go.:: S’Acul: I know, Doctor... I know. Thank you... for taking care of me. I can’t imagine what you’ve had to go through the passst... however long its been ssssince the crash. ::swallowing, finally letting her go, but his paws still resting on her arms:: It just... feelsss like it was worse. Malcolm: I know it does. ::she stood back up:: Just don’t let it overwhelm you. We need you around here as soon as you’re well. S’Acul: ::laughing softly, shaking his head:: A crummy sssspace-pilot who managed to crash the sssship, with almost no other ssssskills, a bad eye and a bad ear. Right. Malcolm: Trust me. We need you. S’Acul: ::smiling weakly:: Whatever you ssssay, Doc. Only for you. ::S’Acul knew that Jen was doing everything she could to keep his spirits up, and had done all she could to help heal him physically... but there was such a crushing weight on his soul. He had crashed the ship... true, he had kept it from impacting in such a way as to kill everyone aboard, but he had still crashed the ship, equipment error or no. He was useless as a pilot now, not only because of the crashed ship - without his eye and ear, his depth perception and sense of direction was ruined.:: ::He had a few other passable skills, certainly, but nothing that he could think of that would be of supreme value to the others. As a hunter, he was likely ruined. Anything requiring a sense of steady balance was out. He might be able to do some of the dirty work around their camp. But nothing that would make him feel... useful. A sense of supreme sadness fell over him - had fallen over him earlier, really, when he had woken up - and it was only then he realized that his purr was... broken. The Doctor might not have noticed that none of his r’s were rolling, but he had been listening to himself speak Standard for so long... it was obvious to him.:: ::Jen sighed deeply. She was no empath, but it didn’t take any extra sensory skills to detect the sadness that surrounded S’Acul or the entire crew for that matter. She let him lay on the table, and stroked the fur of his arm absently, trying to offer some comfort:: ::The Caitian helm officer truly appreciated Jen’s attempt to offer him some comfort, and offered her a weak smile - but there was no purr to accompany it.:: Ensign S’Acul Aveunalliv HCO USS Avandar & Lt. Jen Malcolm CMO USS Avandar
  8. ((Triage tent)) ::Jen looked up at the new arrivals. Blood. Amputated leg. Tan. Davies. No Ashley:: Malcolm: Davies? Where is she? ::He and Burt quickly carried Lt. Tan across the tent to the elevated cot Jen was using as her surgical table. They laid him down, none to gently, exhaustion from the lengthy, precarious walk finally taking hold:: ::Davies’ breaths came raggedly, his injured throat burning with each shallow. He looked over and down at Jen, whose fingers had clamped around his arm. His face must’ve told her what she feared, as he watched his own dread settle into her eyes. When she spoke her voice was hollow:: Malcolm: Tan said he found her. Where is she? ::He looked away, down at Lt. Tan, who’d risked his life crawling into the daycare. When had he spoken to Jen? Davies took a deep breath, preparing to tell the lie he’d been rehearsing in his head from the moment he’d given up on the little girl:: Davies: She’s with the other children. The teacher is with them. ::He had to lie to her. There was nothing she could do for Ashley now and too many people were depending on her for their lives. When the time was right, he’d break the news gently. Her fingers dug painfully into the flesh of his arm.:: Malcolm: That’s a lie. ::The venom in her voice sent a chill down his back and he felt a warm, sickening sweat burst from his pores. He turned and put shaking hands on her shoulders, stooping a bit to look her in the eye:: Davies: I couldn’t help her, Jen. ::Time seemed to pause as he waited for her reaction. The only thing reminding him that the seconds passed by were the cries from the injured around them, the sounds of medical equipment whirring while the power lasted, the noise of the generator outside the tent. Otherwise, it was as if someone had pushed pause and the woman before him had frozen:: ::And then it all melted. Her eyebrows gathered into an unhappy scowl and she stepped backwards, slapping his hands off of her:: Malcolm: Where is she!? Why didn’t you bring her here!? ::He’d never heard her scream before. Heads turned their way, startled by her outburst. He reached his hand out to her, trying to calm her and draw her back to the table and the severely injured man who desperately needed their help, but was met again with a violent slap:: Davies: Jen, Lt. Tan needs attention. ::She looked down at the table, at the wreck of the man lying beside her. She felt nothing. No sympathy for his injury. A leg? That was nothing.:: Malcolm: He can die for all I care, Davies. I want to know where my daughter is! ::Her eyes were wild and he wasn’t sure how to answer her. He couldn’t tell her that her precious little girl was lying alongside a row of corpses, wrapped in a uniform jacket, awaiting burial.:: Davies: She’s gone, Jen. ::Hands curled around the fabric at his neck and the next thing he knew he was being pulled down within inches of her face:: Malcolm: You tell me where she is right now. :: The ship’s bartender had been quietly standing off to the side for the entirety of the conversation, not really sure what to do or say. He wasn’t close with much of anyone on the crew, ‘cept maybe Whiskers, and he had really only met Malcolm in passing, much like the rest. But he felt for her... he did. Which was why he was so calm, cool and collected. His hands came to rest on her shoulders, his voice soothing as he whispered to her to try to relax.:: ::After a moment, when it looked like she wasn’t going to let go, he became a little more forceful - one hand moving to pry her fingers from Davies’ collar, the other wrapping further around her shoulders to pull her away from the other doctor. She seemed to respond a little better to that, at least until she shot the most venomous look he had ever seen in his life in his direction. His hands lifted from her shoulder and arm, and he spoke very softly.:: Burt: Doc. He did everything he could to save her, but... she was pretty much gone before we got there. She... she’s waiting for burial, right now. We cleaned her up, best we could, on the way out here. ::She ripped off the emergency medikit that had been strapped to her shoulder all day and it fell to the floor with a thud as she tore past them and out the tent:: ::She thrust a flap of material aside and instantly stepped back, throwing an arm over her eyes to shield them from the huge lights aimed at the tent. She stumbled forward, ignoring her temporary blindness. A marine caught her before she fell, and he asked her something, but she couldn’t understand what he could possibly want, what could possibly be more important than finding Ashley. Why hadn’t she gone to the daycare herself? Because she was a slave to her duty to help people – help everyone else but her own flesh and blood:: ::Only a few steps from the tent and she could barely see anything. The shadows of twilight melded the landscape into one bluish gray blur. Everything was foggy. The surrounding trees and rocks dissolved into hazy blobs, shrouded behind a layer of what she assumed was mist. She couldn’t make out the ship in the distance and wondered if this was some sort of atmospheric occurrence particular to this planet. Splatters of water landed on her chest and her eyes snapped heavenward, only to find a clear sky:: ::She flopped to the ground. She didn’t know where she was going and couldn’t see to get there, anyway. Footsteps came up beside her but she didn’t bother looking up. She knew who they belonged to:: Davies: Jen, Tan’s going to bleed to death. ::She pulled the elastic from her hair, letting it fall loose from its ponytail and ran her hands through it:: Malcolm: So? You and O’Hanlon deal with it. ::He shoved his hands under her armpits and hauled her to her feet. Outraged at the treatment, she grunted and struggled to get away from him but he dug his fingers into the fleshy parts of her arms. Jen: Get off me! Davies: It’s awful, Jen. It’s bloody awful. But you can’t afford to break down. People will die. ::He shook her, again and again until she stopped avoiding his glare and looked at him. Finally, her eyes, filled with tears, met his. Jen: Chris… ::He felt his resolve shatter and his own eyes well up.:: Davies: I’m so sorry. ::He had to swallow down the lump in his throat before he could continue:: ::She stopped fighting him and sank against his chest. He laid his hands against her back and felt her heaving breaths hit his neck:: Davies: We need your help, Jen. ::He held her, hoping she would calm down. Behind them the urgent cries of the injured mingled with the sounds of heavy construction, but above it all he could hear her sobs:: Davies: Jen? ::She pulled away from him suddenly and wiped her eyes:: Malcolm: We’ll need to cauterize the artery. ::He wiped her cheeks and pushed her hair back from her face. A sad smile touched his mouth and he took her hand in his:: Davies: Good girl. Come with me. ::He led her back to the tent and watched with quiet respect as she began working without hesitation:: TBC Dr. Jen Malcolm CMO USS Avandar and (PNPC) Ensign Chris Davies Medical Officer USS Avandar and (PNPC) Burt Inernie Ten-Forward Bartender and Owner USS Avandar as played by Ensign S’Acul
  9. ((Gray’s Quarters)) :: Gray finished shaving and looked at himself in the mirror. He was looking pale and slightly haggard. He hadn’t been too concerned at first but the passage of time had sharpened his fears and it was taking an increasing toll. :: :: If Davies didn’t come around soon he was sure he would go completely mad. He desperately needed to know if the man would remember the murder attempt. The questioning and suspicion originally aimed at him had died down and if he was lucky and Davies could remember nothing then perhaps a further attempt could be avoided. It would all depend on how much knowledge of that virus and murder attempt he retained. :: :: He dabbed his face dry, straightened his uniform and sighed as he made his way back to sickbay. He hoped that grouchy nurse wasn’t on duty. She made it perfectly clear his frequent drop ins should be halted and that “She would let him know about any changes.” As far as he was concerned he would just carry on popping in - just in case. :: (( Sickbay)) ::Looking down at his toes, Davies took a few deep breaths in preparation for standing up. He was finally feeling well enough to move around, and Jen had given him permission to wander around sickbay a bit to get some exercise. The hard part, however, was getting started.:: :: Gray walked into sickbay once more. He had become more familiar with these surroundings than his own quarters, which he didn’t spend much time in, from his many trips and visits. He looked around for someone to approach and sighed heavily... it was the grouchy nurse again. :: Gray: Good day, has there been any improvement? ::Donna McKay narrowed her eyes and huffed in annoyance. She knew, of course, to whom Gray referred...it seemed he’d been asking about him every day.:: McKay: Since the last time you asked? ::she glanced over at a wall chronometer then looked back at him with a frown:: Gray: Yes... ::Growing weary and adopting a slightly more aggressive posture.:: McKay: ::she sighed:: Well, you’re in luck ::She looked in the direction of Davies’ private room:: He has been cleared for visitors today. Wait here and I’ll see if he’s up to it. ::She sauntered off and disappeared into Davies’ room for a few minutes.:: Gray: Thank you. :: He paced around the room as he waited. :: ::Donna popped back out of the room and beckoned him over with a wave of her hand:: :: Gray entered the small room Davies had all to himself and found the man tentatively walking about. He shot the nurse a dirty look. He knew it would have been a mistake to allow her to “keep him posted.” Turning back to Davies he took in the man’s appearance trying to assess his condition. :: Gray: Hello mister Davies, good to see you up and about... how are you feeling? ::Davies rested his hand against the wall, leaning his weight against it. He managed a friendly smile and squinted a bit:: Davies: Mr. Gray. I’m doing better thanks. ::He looked to the nurse:: Trying to get out of here as quickly as I can. Gray: ::Smiling:: I’m sure it won’t be long now that you’re “up and about.” :: He stole a glance at the nurse, further hammering in his point.:: Perhaps since you’re mobile now the nurse will be kind enough to permit you a get out of jail free card. Perhaps we can go to the lounge or something. McKay: Absolutely not. ::Davies shot her a charming smile:: Davies: Oh come on, Donna. I know I’m not exactly dressed for the occasion... ::She shook her head at him and crossed her arms across her chest. She’d been taking care of him long enough to have learned his tricks - and while he was rather cute, this could get her into big trouble:: McKay: Malcolm will kill me. ::He shuffled over to her and put his arm around her shoulder:: Davies: Come on now. She’ll never find out. And what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. ::She sighed:: McKay: Be back in 20 minutes. ::Davies gave her a kiss on the top of her head and grinned at Gray:: Davies: C’mon let’s go before she changes her mind. Gray: You want to replicate and slip something else on before we escape? Could be a chill wind behind you... :: Turning to the grouch and giving her his most impressive and charming look. :: Gray: Clock doesn’t start until we get there right? You wouldn’t want me to have to give him a piggy back and you don’t want him to have to rush either... I’ll buzz you when we get there. :: Charming wink.:: McKay:: frowning again:: Don’t press your luck, Mr. Gray. ::she walked to a replicator, ordered up a robe for Davies and tossed it to him:: ((Lounge)) Gray: What would you like? Davies: ::easing into a chair:: Oh, nothing, I think. It’s just nice to be out of sickbay. Thanks for the jailbreak. Gray: You are very welcome. :: Gray groaned inwardly, by the looks of it he’d made a pretty good mess of the man but not nearly enough. He looked in much better shape than when he’d brought the injured man to sickbay with Jen. Much of the burnt skin had healed although some scarring remained. Even his eyebrows had started to come back and Gray hoped that would be all that was coming back.:: :: Sitting opposite and beginning his pre-made buttering-up campaign with the end goal of getting a handle on Davies memories. He figured that Davies wouldn’t want to talk about the accident or work right off. His colleagues would have already talked to him at length about things and right now he probably wanted to just feel normal. Gray could engage in small talk and be perfectly charming when he felt like it. :: Gray: So what do you like to do when you’re not studying diseases? ::Davies rubbed his eyebrows. It was becoming a habit - the row of spiky new hairs felt so strange:: Davies: Ah, well, when I’m home I like boating, but I while away my lonely hours here deciding which female crew member is the loveliest. Gray: ::Chuckling:: Are you kidding? Davies:: Oh, come on. You must’ve seen one or two ladies that caught you’re eye. :: Davies gave a raspy chuckle that dissolved into a cough.:: Davies: ::clearing his throat:: Sorry, throat’s still a little rough. Gray: Don’t worry about it. ::Smiling broadly:: Come on then who has caught your eye then? Davies: Oh goodness, there are so many. ::He smiled:: Gray: ::Smiling and nodding:: I try not to trouble myself over these matters.... ::Pause:: I’ve devoted my entire life to study and science. I have 2 masters degrees and have contributed to a great many ground-breaking projects in my area of expertise. We have a young crew. While I am hardly old I feel my youth has left me. I’ve long ago resigned to the fact that my choices lead me down a solitary path, so I don’t trouble myself... Davies: Oh, please. Anyway, I’m not talking marriage here or anything - I’m just talking a bit of fun. Gray: Very well, I’ll bite. I had the good fortune to be invited to a BBQ during shore leave and a good number of the crew were there. I did find myself attracted to Lt Tali and Lt Sylkar tends to catch my eye. ::Davies sighed. He barely remembered what he’d done over shore leave. He recalled going to his mother’s house but how he’d filled the time there was a bit of a blur. Since that train of thought was less than fruitful he let his mind’s eye drift to the image of Lt. Tali:: Davies: Yes, Tali is a fine choice. Unattached, too, I think. Nurse DeCosta is pretty easy on the eyes and I suspect Miss Blackwood keeps injuring herself just to see me. ::He gave an ironic grin:: Gray: ::Laughing:: Yeah obviously that’s the reason. It couldn’t be that she is a blundering, incompetent fool now could it? I like your reasoning better, we’ll stick with that. ::Davies laughed and had to clear his throat again:: Davies: Hey, maybe blundering incompetent fools are just my type. Gray: ::Laughing so hard he had to wipe away a tear from his eye.:: Whatever you say. Davies: I’m going to help you out with the ladies, Gray. Since I owe you one. I’m blurry on the details but Jen told me you are a big reason I’m sitting here. Gray: Blurry on the details? :: He leaned forward slightly, leaning on arms folded on top of the table. :: Davies: Well, more like totally blank. Jen keeps giving me little details to jog my memory, but I haven’t had any luck. Gray: ::Leaning back in the seat, quietly considering it.:: Hmm ::Davies was aware that Gray had aided in saving his life. Gray hoped he wouldn’t ask him about what happened.:: Davies: ::shrugging:: It’s not that uncommon. They call it post- traumatic memory loss. ::looking down at a reddened patch of skin on his hand:: I’m happy enough not remembering it, anyway. Gray: oOThat makes two happy campers then, but I’ll have to keep watch in case that memory returns.Oo Well, I guess I can’t blame you for that. Davies: But believe me, when you see the women I’m going to bring your way, you’re going to be very glad you saved my life. Gray: ::Skeptical:: Mhmm? We’ll see I guess. ::Pause:: Well, I suppose that’s about time to go back. ::Davies nodded and scooted to the edge of his chair. He held his arm out and gave Gray a winning smile:: Davies: Lend a hand, would you please? Gray: ::Grinning and going to give him a hand:: Ha! Like you need it. ::Winking:: You’re a first class chancer. I know your game. ::Chris grabbed the outstretched hand and and pulled himself up:: Davies: What’s my game? Gray: ::Nodding towards a table of ladies.:: You just want to look feeble in front of the ladies so they come visit you in sickbay and pamper you. ::Wide grin.:: ::Davies smiled and from the corner of his eye noted the motherly-type sympathetic looks he had earned by his performance - though it had been a necessary one:: Davies: Works, though, doesn’t it? Gray: I don’t know about that old chum. They will be too busy visiting chivalrous me instead. ::Small chuckle:: Davies: Well, may the best man win. ::He winked:: Gray: ::Puffing out his chest a little:: Indeed. ::Winking back.:: :: As Gray escorted Davies back to sickbay he reflected. He’d found out what he wanted to, and it was good news. The strange part was that he hadn’t expected he would enjoy Davies company so much. He pushed that aside, he was the best man, he wasn’t here to make friends, he was here to pursue his own research goals. It was an interesting idea, though... cultivating relationships. Getting to know people better would no doubt give him better access to unwitting guinea pigs for his experiments. :: (PNPC) Ensign Gray Science Officer USS Avandar Simmed by Blackwood and (PNPC) Ensign Christopher Davies Medical Officer USS Avandar Simmed by Malcolm
  10. ((Sickbay)) ::Eerie entered the sickbay and the door snapped shut, he looked around, there were a few crewmembers there, the Dr. Malcolm was not there, but Eerie had been requested to come down there for a follow up on the almost drowning, he looked around and decided to stand by the bulkhead:: oO I will try to get out of here a soon as possible Oo ::Eerie stood by the wall, watching the medical staff go about their work, sickbay was something that Eerie avoided as much as possible, but orders were orders, not that he had anything against the medical staff, however Brikar would only normally go to doctors during life or death situations:: ::Though it was hard to miss the Brikar officer, Jen had done just that. She was several feet past him when she halted and turned around:: Malcolm: Eerie. I’m sorry. Believe it or not, I didn’t see you there. Something wrong? Eerie: No, Doctor, you requested I come down for a check up at some point. Malcolm: ::pinching the bridge of her nose:: Oh, yes...I did ask you to come for a follow-up. ::She smiled and was too embarrassed to admit she’d totally forgotten about it:: Thank you for coming. ::The Doctor motioned for the Brikar to come over to biobed two, he walked with purpose, hoping to get this over as soon as possible.:: Eerie : Yes, Doctor ::Approaching the BioBed:: Malcolm: Been feeling ok? Eeire : Fine, Doctor, no problems. Malcolm: I remember we had some trouble with your body temperature...::she pulled up his medical file and reviewed the notes she’d made from the incident. She’d put a flag on it for a follow up-due to the unorthodox method she and Barnes had used to raise Eerie’s temperature, namely firing phasers at him:: Malcolm: No lingering pains or stiffness? Anything like that? Eerie : I did the hand to hand combat training with Lt. Matthews, everything was fine. ::The biobed agreed with him. He was in perfect health:: Eerie :: Changing the topic away from him:: I hope things are fine with the Captain and Davies: Malcolm: They both are recovering. Nice of you to ask. oO(Eerie) Perhaps this would be an good time to ask her, she did save you lifeOo Eerie : Doctor, could I ask you something in private? ::Eerie’s voice was a bit lower:: Malcolm: ::she nodded:: Of course. Let’s go in my office. ((Chief Medical Officer’s office)) ::Jen took a set behind her desk and gestured to the other chair:: Malcolm : Have a seat. Eerie: I prefer to stand doctor, this will only take a few minutes ::there was a slight change in his voice, but it was still correct and formal:: oO(Eerie) Come on Eerie, ask herOo ::pause:: Eerie : I was wondering about personal relationships with a Bolian female. ::A surprised smile broke across Jen’s face but she was quick to swallow it down. Not exactly what she’d been expecting to hear:: Malcolm: What was it you were wondering about? Eerie: Well, doctor, it would be inter-species relationships, and is there anything that well,..... I needed be be concerned with medically, for either of us? oO(Eerie) Restating that won’t probably get you an answer, rockheadOo Malcolm: Well, you wouldn’t want to get a blood transfusion from a Bolian, but I’m guessing that’s not what you’re asking me about. ::She allowed herself to smile this time. She couldn’t help but feel she was about to give a talk on the birds and the bees.:: Eerie: Doctor, I well, I know how to do it, …... ::Jen smiled up in sympathy at the Brikar:: Malcolm: Are you worried about being intimate? Eerie : Well, I …...we haven’t yetttt...doctor:: stuttering, just a little, he stood straight up as if at attention: ::She stood up and rounded her desk. She felt much too small while seated and looking up at the large officer. She sat atop the desk and propped her feet on the chair Eerie would’ve been occupying had he chosen to sit:: Malcolm: The only thing that might be problematic is Bolian saliva is rather acidic and can be irritating to other species. Being Brikar, you might not have that problem. Your skin is pretty tough. Eerie: I am willing to risk it doctor. Malcolm: Well, think of the fun you can have finding out. ::She gave him a wide smile:: Eerie: Doctor, I was wondering if it would be possible, I mean it is possible, cross species breeding is normally not permitted, but …..... ::Jen listened as he spoke, but her mind couldn’t help but wander to the Bolian she was guessing that he referred to. She figured it had to be Peiy, but she wasn’t going to embarrass him by asking:: Eerie : I am something of an outcast, normally we breed in species, but since I have no family name I am not beholden to that stipulation, Doctor. ::Jen took a deep breath, giving herself an extra few seconds to think about her answer. Her mind was busy going over the logistics of a Bolian and Brikar conceiving and a baby:: Malcolm: That’s a rather tough one, Eerie. To be honest, I’m not sure I have an accurate answer for you. ::She wrapped her arms around her knees and linked her fingers together:: You’ve got two of the more highly incompatible species - for breeding, as-it-were. Bolian blood is one of the least compatible with other humanoid species and Brikar physiology might make carrying a baby full-term difficult. It would take oodles of medications to pull it off and that’s not saying it would be successful. ::Eerie paused for a minute, looked away and back at the doctor:: Eerie : I do not ask this lightly doctor, I just wanted to know, I am pr..prepared to ...I mean, I am a warrior, but I would accept responsibilities of course. ::There was a tad of nervousness in his formal tone:: Malcolm: Responsibilities? Eerie : No one is going to get hurt, I mean doctor :: Eerie thought of the instructional videos in school:: ::Jen flexed her fingers and tapped them against her knees:: Malcolm: Not to be nosy Eerie, but how long have you been in this relationship? Is this something the two of you have discussed? Eerie: It has not been formally talked about, but we are progressing in the relationship, and I would like to, and I get the feeling that she would, but I of course, will not force anything doctor, I am a gentleman. ::Eerie tried to maintain a straight face and almost succeeded :: ::At that moment, Jen thought she had gotten ahead of herself with all of the baby-talk.:: Malcolm: Here’s my suggestion, Eerie. Just take things slow, and make sure you two take time to communicate with each other. That’s going to absolutely important. ::She smiled:: Moments like that...intimate moments...are not the time to be shy. :: Eerie pondered the comments for a minute,:: oOGood advice, good to get someone else’s thoughts on relationships, makes good senseOo Eerie : Thank you Doctor, and I appreciate your comments, and the person is Ensign Peiy, and it is now public knowledge. Malcolm: I thought it might be her. You picked a nice girl, Eerie. Eerie: Thank you doctor, I think so my self , I am quite fonddd... of her . Malcolm: And she picked a nice guy. I’m glad you came to me with your questions. Please feel free to come back with any others. ::Eerie nodded and left the office, leaving quickly,, but he walked with a bit of a lightened step even for the 600 pound Brikarn officer :: JP Lt. Jen Malcolm CMO USS Avandar & Lt. Eerie Tactical Officer USS Avandar
  11. ((Observation Lounge)) :: It had been a stressful day, starting with the failed effort at prising samples out of the cat-person, the incident in the hazardous mats lab and subsequent investigation, the new mission briefing and finally the meeting with Dickens. Evanna thought the day could hardly be considered the most successful one. Her shift was about up and she decided to seek refuge in the peaceful observation lounge to plan the drills she was going to have to do with some of the scientists. She’d made her way quickly through the bridge and down to the lounge and was now sitting down with a number of PADDs and some camomile tea. :: ::The Caitian helm officer had only spent about fifteen minutes alone in his quarters before feeling antsy. He tried looking out the window, but his viewport was filled with the enormous dock. He was finding it difficult to focus on the Aurora’s old logs regarding the anomaly, and harder still to focus on assignments for the first day of official helm duty. But, considering he had spent so much time getting to know the ship, he knew the perfect place to go to have a delightfully relaxing view of the stars outside.:: ::After downloading the remainder of the logs to a PADD, as well as his so far empty schedule roster, he replicated one more cup of raktajino - he’d really had far too many today, but it was helping him to stay focused anyway - and headed down to the observation lounge only to find it was already occupied. His ears raised slightly as he smiled, crossing towards the pile of PADDs that were hiding the red-headed officer.:: ::Resting a paw on the back of the couch she was sitting on, near the far end from where she was sitting, he cleared his throat, his tail flicking slightly behind him.:: S’Acul: Hello, Evanna. Do you mind if I join you? :: Evanna looked up and smiled slightly. Apparently her instruments of doom hadn’t scared him off, either that or he was crazy desperate for some company. :: Evanna: ::Gesturing for him to sit down.:: Carry on. ::S’Acul returned her smile, moving around the arm of the couch and setting his raktajino on the table in front of him - but not daring to set his PADD down, lest it become the needle in the haystack that was her own work. He turned slightly towards her, crossing one leg underneath his knee and sitting sideways on the couch, the other foot resting comfortably on the floor. He set the PADD down on his knee and leaned one elbow on the back of the couch, resting his chin against the back of his paw.:: S’Acul: Lookssss like you have a lot of work, hmm? :: Blackwood looked at her scattered mountain of PADDs and sighed before leaning over to stack them all neatly into a tower. One slipped from her grip and clattered to the floor so she had to bend right over to fetch it back. After checking she hadn’t changed the document she was viewing or entered any incorrect data she added it to the top of the tower. :: Blackwood: I sure do mate, i’m runnin’ behind a little thanks to a few unexpected hurdles. They don’t mention the acrobatics skill you need to handle this when they throw it at you. What are you working on? ::He covered his mouth with his paw to hold back a chuckle when she dropped the PADD, furry brows raising in amusement. As she sat back up, he tilted his head to the side, looking at her almost sideways.:: S’Acul: Rrrreading up on the last logs of this anomaly, and working on the helm sssssschedule for tomorrow. I have ssseveral officers to juggle and each has a different set of rrrrequests for duty shifts, plussss I have to work mysssself in there at some point. ::smiling:: Don’t feel bad that I only have one PADD - I ssspent most of shore leave working on this ssstuff, since I didn’t rrrrreally need leave like the rest of you did. ::His tail flicked to the side to curl around the handle of the mug and lift it toward his face, and he took a long sip of raktajino. He turned the PADD on his knee and flicked the screen on, sighing a little and tapping a few keys.:: S’Acul: I am jusssst not quite used to being in charge of something yet. What are you worrrrking on? :: Blackwood stared at the cat-person in amazement. She hadn’t seen him use his tail like an extra arm before. It was fascinating and she had to restrain the urge to reach over and start analysing the muscle structure of the tail which had so much strength and control. Instead she picked up a PADD and allowed her wandering fingers to walk over that instead. Suddenly she realised she was staring and wound her eyeballs back into her skull, covering it up with a winning smile. oOGood save.Oo Or so she thought.:: Blackwood: Ehhm... ::Shrugging:: Just some training simulations for the department. I’ve taken care of the most pressing jobs so i’m not behind by any means. oOThe pile just never gets any smaller.Oo ::If it had been anyone else, they might not have noticed her staring - but S’Acul’s vision was better than most, and he caught her staring out of the corner of his eye. He grinned toothily, which could have been scary at first considering his fangs were showing - but the way his cheeks turned upward and his ears raised, it was very much a smile.:: S’Acul: That’s good, this would be a bad time to be behind. ::His tail lifted the mug to his lips one more time before handing it off to his free paw, the other one still propping his head up from the back of the couch. His eyes sparkled with amusement as his tail disappeared behind him, winding around the rear of the couch and poking up just behind Blackwood. He was sitting just close enough for this to work, considering the length of his tail. The little tuft tapped her shoulder before disappearing quickly behind the couch.:: :: Blackwood wasn’t the best conversationalist and it hadn’t been the best day. Feeling the conversation peter out she turned back to her work. Barely a minute later she felt something on her shoulder and looked round expecting to see some wise guy behind her. She raised a curious eyebrow, which looked odd against her otherwise miserable face and looked about for the unlucky fool who was asking for a fist to the face. She looked this way and that but there was no one there. She ran a free hand over the shoulder, brushing it off and turned her attention back to her PADD. :: ::Hiding his grinning face behind his raktajino, S’Acul lifted the PADD from his knee and pretended to work on it as his tail moved to tap against her other shoulder before disappearing once again behind the couch. He kept his eyes glued to the PADD, and with both of his paws full he hoped she wouldn’t put it together. He saw her glance at him, and he turned his head to offer an innocent smile.:: :: Blackwood had barely clapped her eyes back on her work when the other shoulder was tapped. Her head whirled round so fast it nearly went into spasm, still she saw no one. She face crunched up in disgust and she turned right round to see if someone was crouched behind the sofa but the place was definitely empty. It was just her and S’Acul and he was busy with his work. oOIt’s a new ship it cannae be haunted. Cut that thought out right there. Ye dinnae wannae be thinkin’ o no ghosts.Oo She shuddered at the creepy thought. Paranormal subjects were best left ignored in her opinion and the less said or thought about it the better. :: ::An evil little grin flitted across his face as he saw the look of confusion on her face, saw her look behind the couch, his tail retreating quickly out of view. He thought he had played with her enough, though, and his tail snaked around one last time. It tapped her on the shoulder one more time, retreating just enough to miss the grab she was likely to make, then moved and tickled underneath her chin.:: :: Blackwood was trying to get back to concentrating on work and had a thunderous look on her face when there it was again. She slapped the PADD down on her leg, the noise whapped loudly in the silent room and her other hand snatched at air. Then came the tickle under the chin and she knew what had happened. She cracked a big grin and burst out laughing. :: Blackwood: ::Shaking her head:: Nicely done! ::He flashed that same toothy grin and shrugged a little, a purr of amusement rumbling audibly as his tail tickled under her chin one last time before retreating to his side of the couch.:: S’Acul: Thank you - mosssst people forrrget about the tail when I don’t use it regularly. And you looked like you could use a little cheering up. Blackwood: ::Still giggling and grinning:: Heh, yeah I really did. Thank you! :: Blackwood looked at the fascinating new officer and found that she really liked him and enjoyed his company. It looked like he was going to be a lot of fun. She was surprised because she’d automatically assumed she wouldn’t get on with him but really delighted that she did. :: ::S’Acul smiled warmly, green eyes sparkling with amusement and delight that he had helped cheer her up. She had such a lovely smile, and he found he enjoyed seeing it. An awkward silence came over them as they looked at each other, and if he hadn’t had fur covering his face he would probably have been blushing. He stood after a moment, picking up his PADD and mug in both paws, and started to head for the exit - but not before pausing and turning to look at her again.:: S’Acul: If you ever need anyone to talk to, Evanna, or if you ever need anything. You let me know. ::He stepped through the double doors leading out to the corridor before she could respond, his tail waving goodbye to her as he disappeared from view. He blinked as he walked back towards his quarters, still quite unsure about what had just happened. It wasn’t until he had stepped back into his room that he noticed his PADD was still empty. He swore, then laughed and moved to sit at his desk, suddenly able to focus a little better.:: ***** Ensign S’Acul Aveunalliv HCO USS Avandar & Lt JG Blackwood ACSO USS Avandar
  12. ((Sickbay)) :: Jen Malcolm never imagined that on her first day aboard the new ship she’d already have a patient in her intensive care unit. She sat with him, with the dermal regenerator poised over his forehead working steadily at repairing the scarred skin beneath. It was a slow process.:: :: Gray walked back into sickbay, he looked and felt haggard and weary. He rubbed his tired eyes and forehead and folded his arms. He was relieved to be away from that disgusting Denobulan, his constant rambling sapped his energy and will to live. Hovering near Davies biobed he knew how grave the situation was for himself and wondered how much trouble this man was going to cause him in the future. He was looking at a potential disaster and intended to monitor the situation very closely. :: Gray: Hello Doctor, may I join you? ::Jen sat up and looked over to see who had entered. She was met with the beleaguered face of Ensign Gray:: Malcolm: Yes, Gray. :::She sat back and set the dermal regenerator aside for the moment:: Gray: ::Sighing heavily:: This really is a troubling situation we find ourselves in. Malcolm: Troubling? Yes. Though I’d say a little more than just ‘troubling’ for Mr. Davies. Gray: How is he doing? Malcolm: He’s still comatose, but I do get some responses from pain stimuli, so I expect him to continue improving. ::She looked at Gray in concern - the tired eyes were the first change she’d seen in his demeanour since the incident:: Are you ok? Gray: All things considered... yes. It’s Davies I’m interested in though, can you tell me of his injuries? :: Looking at Davies he could size up the visible injuries, but he was curious to know if there was anything else of note. :: Malcolm: The wound to his head caused some swelling and bleeding. I’m not sure how badly the lack of oxygen has affected him. ::She gave him a kind smile:: The injection you administered should have helped minimize that, I hope. He’s lucky you were there. ::She sighed and clasped her hands in her lap:: O’Hanlon and I were able to repair his lungs. And there’s some damage to the inner ear. Maybe some hearing loss. Gray: Swelling to the head is a serious deal, have you had a chance to run any scans yet? Malcolm: Yes. I can’t say I’m very happy with what I’m seeing on them. Gray: May I look? ::She looked from Gray to Davies to the Padd that held Davies’ chart. She could see Gray was concerned but didn’t want to share his confidential information:: Malcolm: I know you’re concerned, Gray, but it’s still a little early to learn much from the scans anyway. Gray: I understand what you’re saying. I know you and your colleagues have enough expertise between you but as someone with considerable knowledge of physiology and anatomy I wanted to offer my...assistance. I have been working on helping a particular race of people with research into the brain, it’s something I know a lot about. ::She nodded and beckoned him over, holding the PADD out so he could have a look at the images:: :: Gray looked at the brain scan, it was encouraging. He saw there was some damage to a few areas of the temporal lobe. That part of the brain dealt with several things including recognition, learning and memory. Encouraging indeed but he would have to wait and see. :: Gray: ::Grim smile:: It’s encouraging Jen. He likely won’t have to worry about losing speech, motor control or even his personality. The damage is localised and small, mainly to the medial temporal lobe near the sagittal plane. The area is involved with episodic and declarative memory. I think he will adapt just fine, but as you say we will need to wait and see. ::He’d repeated everything she already knew, but there was nothing wrong with hearing it again and having her diagnosis supported. She looked up from the Padd to him and nodded in agreement, wondering for a moment when she’d gotten on a first name basis with him. Malcolm: I’ll be happier when he’s up and about. Gray: ::Becoming cooler and more impassive again:: Indeed. ::She patted his shoulder:: Malcolm: You did everything you could to help him. Gray: Evidently it wasn’t enough. :: His idea of “help” was a lot different to hers however. He’d helped Mister Davies into an early grave but the stubborn man had climbed back out again before he could slam the coffin lid shut. :: ::She gave his shoulder another pat before taking her hand away and returning to Davies’ beside. She picked up the dermal regenerator, wanting to get back to work on his skin:: Gray: ::Turning to leave:: If you could keep me informed of his progress I’d be grateful and I’d like to stop by again later when he comes round, if he feels up to company of course. :: He didn’t really care a shred about Davies or how he felt about anything but he knew when it was time to do some buttering up. Luckily, it seemed Jen was buying it.:: Malcolm: Of course. :: Gray wandered out of sickbay considering the scan he had seen. He hadn’t offered much information on the subject. It was one of those things where you had to wait and see which aspects had been affected and how badly. The scan was just an indicator right now and he hoped it would work to his advantage. He headed towards the turbolift thinking about some food and rest. :: Lt. Jen Malcolm CMO USS Avandar and (PNPC)Ensign Dominic Gray Science Officer USS Avandar Simmed by Blackwood
  13. ((Sickbay)) :: Zonhar headed to sick bay after being summoned there by the good Dr. Malcolm, and truth be told he was glad for a little exercise (that didn’t involve Li’ainea) and to worry about someone else’s problems others than his own.:: oO Funny- Avoidance: That one characteristic we counselors chastise our patients on, and yet cling to most enthusiastically ourselves. Oo ::Arriving at sickbay, Zonhar promptly went in and spotted Dr. Malcolm and approached her.:: Zonhar: Good day Dr. How are you? How may I be of assistance? ::She nodded toward the biobed where Gray waited patiently:: Malcolm: I need you to speak with Ensign Gray. He witnessed a highly traumatic accident. Zonhar: Hmm I certainly will speak with him. Are there any particulars about the incident you can give me before hand? I like to at least have some working knowledge before really engaging a “witness;” usually makes for an easier time knowing what is appropriate to say and probe further on. Malcolm: Ensign Davies was exposed to a hazardous chemical. It was pretty gruesome. Ensign Gray was with him in the lab when it happened. ::She craned her next around Zonhar to look at Gray perched on the biobed cool as a cucumber, looking to check on Davies periodically. He looked deep in thought as though he was considering a complicated calculus problem. :: He’s acting very calm about the whole thing. I don’t know if he’s in shock, or denial or something, but it does not seem normal. Zonhar: ::Rubbing his chin protrusion and looking Malcolm in the eyes:: I am sure the event was rather traumatic for you as well Dr., I know Davies was one of your own. I will go speak with Gray and see what I can...learn from him on the matter and do an assessment. Afterwards if you are able to get away from your medical duties long enough, I’d like to speak with you as well and make sure how you are holding up. I know something as traumatic as that can really be a difficult thing to swallow, especially when it comes to friends and associates. ::She hesitated a moment before nodding. He was right, of course.:: Malcolm: I’m almost done. I’ll wait for you in my office. Zonhar: ::Patting the Dr. on the shoulder:: Ok Dr. Malcolm...everything will be just fine. I think Davies and all of us are lucky to have someone so professional and collected and able to keep us afloat. Hang in there and I’ll be with you in a minute. Malcolm: Ok. And it’s your call whether Gray goes back on duty. T’Lea took him off-duty until our departments cleared him. Zohnar: Fair enough, I will make an honest evaluation, as well as see what else additional I can learn. I’m sure everyone was thorough, but there always seems to be more than meets the eye in some of these situations. ::Turning then, Zonhar set his full sights on Gray, centering himself and pushing aside his bristling attitude that he was naturally predisposed to have to the man after their last...”encounter.” He would get to the bottom of this, and find out what exactly had been going on before Malcolm had arrived.:: ::Approaching Gray slowly and cooly, Zonhar attempted to maintain a very neutral facial expression. His full counseling brain was locked in now, his potential stresses and strains from his marriage pushed to the very back corners of his mind. Stepping in front of the man, Zonhar looked him up and down using only his eyes and let out a pleasant if not standardly professional smile. Holding out his hand he offered for the man to shake.:: Zonhar: Ensign Gray. What a rather tragic and peculiar set of circumstances to meet you under again. How are you holding up? Gray: :: Steely blue-grey eyes settled on Zonhar:: Ah Counsellor it’s been a while. I’m holding up just fine thank you. Tell me, did you enjoy shore leave? ::Zonhar noted instantly the deflection away from the central issue, but nonetheless was willing to engage in the little “game” that the man was very likely hoping to play at, at least for a little bit until he could ascertain Gray’s particular reasons for being so deathly calm after what he could only imagine would have been a very traumatic event to witness for most people. After all even the good Dr. Malcolm had been noticeably shaken by what she witnessed and had to do in caring for Davies. Granted she could very well be closer to the man than even Gray was (they were from different departments.) but still they were fellow crew members.:: Zonhar: ::Smiling thinly as if to an old combatant:: Why Yes Ensign Gray, it has been a while. My little sabbatical has proven very beneficial and enlightening to me. Not to mention it has proven to be a very...blessed event. My wife was able to join me and has actually been selected to be the representative ambassador from Deltan on board the Avandar. Which is of course, exhilarating. ::Pause:: But surely you don’t wish to speak to me about my personal life..shouldn’t the events of today be much more...disconcerting and pressing for you than the love life of one denobulan? Gray: I didn’t enquire after your love life specifically. I asked a general question relating to shore leave and your enjoyment of it. “Good” would have sufficed. Zonhar: ::smirking wrilly:: Of course it would have sufficed, but then again, so would have a direct answer to my original inquires about the event and how you are managing to be so calm and nonchalant when a man was pretty much burned alive by chemicals a few feet from you, wouldn’t you say? Gray: What can I tell you counselor, I have a calm disposition. Davies will survive, I am sure he will make a fine recovery. :: Gray wasn’t overly fond of this thought but the medical evidence was there. He was going to need to keep a close eye on Davies and see where this went. :: ::Zonhar nodded realizing that if they continued in their standard manner of address they would get nowhere, and merely make pure enemies out of each other, if that wasn’t already the case.:: Zonhar: ::sighing:: Very well then Gray. Please tell me in your own words what you were doing shortly before the accident, what happened as Davies came in the room and everything that followed? I’d like to get a better feel for what exactly went on and I’m sure you would be able to enlighten me better than most. Gray: ::Talking smooth and calm, though he was growing weary of repeating himself:: I was in the lab working with an explosive chemical. It’s found in nebulae and gaseous anomalies and makes a great power source. I have been researching ways to make it more stable because if it wasn’t so hazardous it could be more readily used as an abundant, cheap, and efficient power source. I had prepared well for it and it was running without a hitch. Davies came to the lab carrying a hazardous material which had been sent to the wrong lab. It needed to be stored safely immediately. Since my work area was secure with a level 8 force field I deemed it safe for him to bring it in. He placed it on the counter and was about to go back to his lab when the console overloaded causing the accident. I commd sickbay for help, purged my work area, lowered the force field and helped Mister Davies as soon as I could, administering anti-inflammatory medicine to reduce the swelling and open his airways so he didn’t suffocate. Jen arrived quickly on the scene and as soon as the room was deemed free from contaminants the safety restrictions were lifted and we were able to beam to sickbay. ::Zonhar nodded to himself and noting the series of unfortunate events which had led to the accident, and yet, he couldn’t help but think of one very troubling fact in the whole scenario: The console shorting out on a bran new Luna Class. Certainly there were always some glitches and such in any new system, but to short out at precisely the same moment that Davies was carrying the biohazardous material was...needless to say very odd.:: Zonhar: Gray how about a little walk? Id like for you to come with me to my office. This place is not nearly as private as needs be to discuss things. The sooner we can talk and get things sorted, the sooner you can be back and off to your...various projects. agreed? :: Gray quickly weight up his options and stood up off the bed ending up a bit too close to Zonhar.:: Gray: ::Maintaining eye contact and a neutral expression:: Agreed. ::He walked alongside Zonhar:: ::Zonhar led the way back to his new counselor’s office but purposefully took a very round about way to get there. In fact he had quite a little plan at trying to make a stab at making a crack in Grays hardened shell. At this point he wasn’t sure if the man was suffering from shock, or if he was purposefully a rather tight “drum” about his inner emotional and mental states but Zonhar at least wasn’t near ready to give up on a patient...even if secretly the man made his skin crawl.:: ::Pausing as they came up to one of the Mess Halls, he suddenly stopped and whirred around on Gray, smiling a purposefully rather obnoxiously bright smile at the man.:: Zonhar: It occurs to me that I know exactly what this situation needs.... Gray: ::Smirking back:: Whats that? Zonhar: Pie! Lots and lots of pie! And Tea with creame and sugar! Just this way...the old mess hall needs a good breaking in anyways. ::Zonhar said enthusiastically heading into the messhall without giving Gray even a moment to object.:: Gray: ::Staring after him as though he was mad and speaking in a tone of disinterest:: Help yourself but I am not hungry. Thanks all the same. ::Spinning on his heels and walking backwards in a way that seemed very effortless for a man that under most circumstances sported a slight limp, Zonhar faced Gray as they approached the serving counter.:: Zonhar: What? Come on there’s always room for pie! You can’t tell me you don’t like pie Gray. There are so many types and flavors. Pumpkin, apple, coconut creame, chocolate creame, pecan just to name a few of your native varieties.:: Gray: ::Grinding his teeth slightly:: I like pie fine counselor, when I am in the mood to eat it. As it happens I am not hungry. ::Zonhar looking completely unabashed, as he approached what he affectionately had come to know as the “Pie wall” which was actually a wall full of slotted containers which held all manner of fresh desserts for the crew, the favorite of which seemingly to be all manner of delicious pies.:: Zonhar: Suit yourself then, but I hope you will not object if I partake of a few...delicacies while we chat. ::Zonhar promptly then selected at least a half dozen slices of pie, pileing them high on his tray and carrying them over to a small table in the corner near the window looking out at the vastness of space.:: Gray: I refer you to my original statement... help yourself. Although if you have nothing better to do than eat pies perhaps we can continue this at another time? ::Plucking up his fork and spinning it around in his hand as if trying to decide which pie he would select from first, didnt hesitate in his reply though his attention seemed to be fully on his pies. This of course was actually a ruse, as though he did quite fancy a few bits of pie, it was mainly more of a counseling tactic which he was adopting with Gray. A small game of chicken as it were...to see which one of the two would break first. Zonhar knew Gray had to be feeling some deeper emotions or thoughts not only about the accident but even about himself, and Zonhar could think of no better way to test the rather stoic and biting man’s resolve than to be...well...as he would put it...highly obnoxious.:: oOKill em with kindness. And Pie.Oo Zonhar: I assure you...Dom...that after counseling all the years that I have I am fully capable of listening to you and and discussing your feelings and emotions of the previous incident...while enjoying a few delicious bites of pie too. Chewing takes rather surprisingly little effort after all. Especially when its so good it practically slides on down on its own! :: Sitting at the table with him Gray’s jaw clenched ever so slightly and he steepled his fingers. The way the denobulan was waving his fork around and the description of his eating habits was starting to make his stomach churn slightly, it was disgusting. :: Gray: ::Clearing his throat:: I would prefer if you could address me properly, my name is not “Dom”. ::Nodding slightly Zonhar and continuing unabashed as he plucked a small plate holding a rather large piece of pumpkin pie with an equally large slathering of whipped cream on top and holding it in front of his hungry eyes and addressing Gray:: Zonhar: Very well Dominic...if that is more to your liking. You know...the thing I love about pie is...If done correctly it is such a marvelous thing. But In all truth...it takes a lot of hard work to put together a perfect pie. A lot of planning and scheming and cooking up to make everything come together so effortlessly and perfectly. Though of course, not every time we endeavor to make a pie does it come out so...nicely. Sometimes it is disastrous. Like Robert Burns said, “the best laid schemes of mice and men do often go awry.” I think so too it is with pies. :: Gray was starting to get incensed, his nostrils flared in annoyance. :: Gray: ::Slamming a fist down on the table:: It is the plans of lesser men that go awry. :: He paused, looking at Zonhar with disgust. He couldn’t quite believe what he’d said, but quickly recovered the steely calm. :: ::Zonhar looked up from his pie and met Gray’s eyes as an unsettling calm took place over the two men. Certainly Zonhar had struck a little nerve with his last statement, and there were greater implications as to what this possibly meant, however he did not have near sufficient evidence or information to truly speculate on any point. He decided instead that continuing, all beit a little more cautiously was in order.:: Zonhar: Am I to understand that some greater and higher plans of yours have gone awry today? Other than of course Davies misfortunes? Gray: It is frustrating that through the most bizarre misfortune my experiment has been ruined, my lab has been exploded and I am now subject to a bombardment of questions, the same questions from different people. Zonhar: That is very understandable...of course...I did at least offer you pie. ::Gray looked at Zonhar in bewilderment and disgust as the denobulan let his long horrid tongue out of his mouth and took a long lick at his pie, scooping off the whip cream in one go before snaking it back in his mouth again.:: Gray: ::Delivering a glare through narrowed eyes that could pierce armor and leaning forward menacingly:: This day has been a series of unfortunate events, now if I may leave you to your pie? I am sure I will have to write up a report to supplement my numerous interviews. ::Setting his plate down, Zonhar turned his direct attention on Gray for the first time since they arrived at the Mess Hall. He had been taking careful notes mentally and judging by the mans little outburst, he knew future sessions would prove to be rather interesting to say the least. However He knew pressing the man any further could prove an all too unfruitful move. As he saw it, there was nothing that would prevent the man from carrying out his duties as it were. This did not however put Zonhar at ease about the situation, so he decided to put a small stipulation along with it.:: Zonhar: Very well Gray...I can tell you must be very stressed from today’s events and your failed project. As I see it I see nothing that would ultimately prevent you from returning to active duty, however, I am going to ask that you meet with me during more weekly sessions at least for the time being so I can monitor your progress. A general precaution as it were. Gray: ::Folding his arms and looking unimpressed:: I suppose this is not an optional request? Zonhar: No not quite I’m afraid. Though hopefully in the future you will take me up on offers of pie. I hear next week its “Tamale day.” Gray: ::Shuddering at the thought:: I think I shall soon be put off pie for good. I will keep your appointments but I don’t know what you hope to achieve. Zonhar: And that is a counselor’s prerogative Gray. For me to know at this point in time. Don’t you worry about what I have planned, just get yourself there and I will try to make our sessions as pleasant as possible. :: Gray smiled but it was not a friendly gesture. He got up from the table and left the Mess Hall. He wanted to check on Davies progress, though not out of any real concern for the man and headed to sickbay. :: ::Zonhar sat there a moment, looking at the exit of the Mess hall a few moments after Gray had left, then let out a low sigh and proceeded to take various forkfulls of the different pies in front of him. Though the encounter had been more souring than pleasant, he wasn’t about to start crying over a little spilt milk.:: ::Suddenly Zonhar shot bolt upright, a troubling thought occurring to him as he smacked his lips.:: Zonhar: I forgot some milk. ::And with that he ambled over to get some milk to wash down the aftertaste of pie and troubling conversation.:: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lieutenant Jen Malcolm Chief Medical Officer USS Avandar & (PNPC) Dominic Gray Science Officer USS Avandar as simmed by Lieutenant JG Evanna Blackwood ACSO USS Avandar & Ensign Zonhar Counselor USS Avandar
  14. ((Sickbay)) ::Jen sank heavily into the chair behind her desk. She cracked then flexed her knuckles to ease the stiffness out of them from holding the delicate instruments that she had been using to repair some of the damage done to Davies eyes.:: ::She sighed, and using her arms as a pillow, rested her head atop her desk:: ::As Zonhar finally made his way to sickbay, carrying the small box of goodies he had brought specifically to help cheer up the good doctor, he couldn’t help but be more than a little worried about her and how she was holding up. Though he had only made her acquaintance the one previous time before, she had actually been one of the few members of the crew who had not gone literally running at full speed as far away from him as possible (or else in the case of T’lea literally run him off the ship!). He wanted to make sure she was holding up ok, and that he could do what he could to alleviate some of her stress and concerns.:: ::Walking through sickbay he quickly made his way to her office and was about to knock when he saw Dr. Malcolm with her head in her arms atop her desk. Almost thinking he should come back another time, he decided speaking to her would still be best and lightly wrapped his knuckles on the door frame.:: Zonhar: Excuse me Doctor, I hope I’m not disturbing you too badly. ::She raised her eyes, then sat up quickly. She knew this meeting had been coming, but thankfully she’d been so busy tending to Davies that she’d had little time to think about it.:: Malcolm: No, come in. ::She watched him move into the room and thought about the last time she’d spoken with a counselor. It had been under orders during a stay at Starfleet Medical.:: Zonhar: Thank you Dr. Malcolm...it has been a while...May I call you Jen? My visit here believe it or not is every bit as personal as it is professional. ::Smiling at her gently, and walking over to her desk he placed the box on her desk in front of her.:: And I come bearing gifts. ::She spared the box a quick glance:: Malcolm: Thank you. Have a seat. And yes, please call me Jen. Zonhar: Thank you Jen. ::He sat down lightly and rubbed his hands on his legs rubbing his muscles slightly. The Avandar was a much larger ship and he had been making quite the circuit of it lately in attempts to learn every nook and cranny that he could, and of course to give himself much needed respite from his time spent with Li’ainea. He loved her dearly but it would take time for him to get used to having his mate so close to him again. Pushing those thoughts aside however he focused on Dr. Malcolm, with calm sympathetic eyes, knowing from her file and previous life experiences that today would have been a very challenging day for her indeed.:: Zonhar: I hope you will like what is in the box...I think i must have raided the Mess Hall for every known type of apple that they possibly had. Mackintosh has to be one of my favorites...hopefully there won’t be any cores left in the box. ::He chuckled:: ::Jen opened the lid of the box and the aroma of fresh apples filled the room, instantly reminding her of home. A smile found its way to her lips at his thoughtfulness:: Malcolm: Thank you, that’s very kind of you. ::She took one out and set it on her desk. There was a joke scratching at the back of her mind about this being an attempt to keep her away, but she couldn’t muster the humor to actually say it:: ::As if reading her thoughts, Zonhar knew himself the old joke about keeping the doctor away as she placed the apple onto the desks surface. He knew that she must be very weary, but thought it best to slowly help her unwind before asking any of the really deep questions. Sometimes it was much more effective with patients to let them speak about things in their own time, than to consistently badger them to death, even he knew that. oOThough badgering is so effective sometimes, but not such when you have such kind-hearted patients.Oo :: Zonhar: And before you mention it...no I am not trying to keep you away, good Doctor. ::light chuckle:: Quite the contrary...I just knew how much you seemed to love apples on our first meeting, and with all your hard work and struggles you’ve had to endure just since coming aboard the Avandar again...I just thought it would be a small gesture to help show how important you are and how much all of us are thankful to always be in your capable hands. ::Jen cracked her knuckles again and nodded.:: Malcolm: So, could we proceed with what you wanted to ask me? ::Though he’d only been in her office for about two minutes, every second that prolonged the inevitable was just increasing her suspense:: ::Zonhar nodded:: Zonhar: Of course, Jen. Not meaning to draw things out. Of course I know today’s events had to be especially traumatic for you. Davies was a close colleague and friend was he not? One of your own? ::She laid her hands on her desk to keep herself from repeatedly cracking her knuckles.:: Malcolm: Yes, it’s hard to seeing him like this. ::She looked up at him:: And, the situation reminded me of one I was put in a long time ago. Zonhar: I have read your file. I was quite certain it had. I know that the situation today must have really brought a lot of painful memories and feelings back to the surface. I could tell you were rather shaken eariler, though you have always managed to put up a rather professional face to those around you Jen. But right now...at least here with me, you don't have to have your guard up. I’m not here to send you to a locked room because you had a hard time seeing a close friend suffer so while having to rush to save his life. ::Pausing slightly:: Zonhar: I know those in our line of work are supposed to almost be impartial and objective individuals in the face of some cold realities, but the truth is...you are only human. And even I have had many a time where I got too close to a patient because I genuinely cared for the outcome. It is natural. And actually should be what drives us to be in these professions anyways. ::She looked across the desk at him, wondering if he expected a response from her. Maybe to agree with him? As there hadn’t been any sort of a question from him, she kept silent, thinking. It took her a while to start speaking, and when she did, it was slowly:: Malcolm:: folding her hands:: So, you’ve read my file and know I was under a counselor’s care at Starfleet medical for a while... ::She squeezed her eyes closed. Working on Davies reminded her so much of the operation she’d preformed on Jonno, who would later become her husband, the operation she’d been unable to finish, the one that had her questioning herself whether or not she was still fit to be a doctor. She picked up the apple from her desk and clasped it in her hands:: Malcolm: It took me a long time to get my confidence back. ::She took her eyes from the apple and looked up at him::: I worry that one day everything I’ve worked back up in myself is going to come crashing down again. ::It had happened once, after all:: ::Zohnar nodded at her words, sizing up everything that Jen said to him. He could certainly relate to her on many levels, perhaps for even graver reasons than hers. After all...she had never had a patient wield a scalpel on her in desperation because she had pushed too hard. He knew how long it had taken for his own confidence and vigor to return to him, and even now he still carried the same “scars” with him. He straightened up in his chair, and crossing his arms, looking at a point just to the left of Jen focusing on his thoughts more and the right words to say to her.:: ::Suddenly when it had seemed like the silence was about to become awkward, finally an idea “struck him” much the way as it had the man in his story that he wished to relate to the good Dr. Malcolm.:: Zonhar: Tell me Jen...by way of arriving at a rightful and proper point of reasoning and insight...can you tell me the reason why, that fruit in your hands is unquestionably of superior reigning importance out of all the fruits on your homeworld of Earth? ::She let her fingers fall from the apple and looked at him in confusion:: Malcolm: Huh? I mean, what? Zonhar: What I am meaning to say dearest Dr. is the reason the apple is the most important fruit in all of human history, is exactly the same reason you are such a vital and fully capable doctor in your own right. For, as you will remember...it was the supposed apple that fell upon sir Issac Newton’s head one day that struck him and instantly formed in his mind the very concepts of gravity. Which would only later fuel all his other great works as the Father of Physics. ::He paused letting his words sink in a bit.:: Zonhar: But in order to understand that importance of that single moment, and to understand your own life in a more positive uplifting light, we must examine that very self thing which is quite literally...the apple of your eye. ::Smiling he reached over and plucked a big golden apple from the box:: Jen...what do you personally love about apples? Why do you enjoy them so? ::She narrowed her eyes, uncertain about his line of reasoning:: Malcolm: They taste good. And they remind me of home. Zonhar: Yes, they are quite lovely, a very luscious and thirst quenching type of fruit I have always found. You say it reminds you of home. Tell me, I bet you have picked fresh apples many many times have you not? ::She shook her head:: Malcolm: Yes, plenty. I’m sorry, counsellor, what’s your point? Zonhar: My point, Jen...is that youve witnessed and been apart of the very parable many times in your life that you have actually displayed with your very life up until this point. Allow me to explain. You know as well as any, apples come in all manner of lovely hues. And I’m sure there is a certain splendor at seeing an apple tree blossoming and preparing to bear fruit. But no one, not even you would care very much for them if they were always meant to be up there in the tree. So luscious and inviting, so full of good things, and yet...unwilling to drop. :: He held the apple up to the light gesturing with it as he spoke:: Zonhar: You see, Jen...all apples must fall, or be actively plucked from the comfort of their branches. But even in their fall it is what happens to them that makes all the difference. Apples, after all, are very valuable to most people...and whether they are eagerly plucked or quickly rescued from the ground...most don’t waste anytime at making so many wondrous things with them. It’s only the ones who stay on the ground, which never budge, that actively rot and waste away and become of no use. And you, Jen...are an apple. A very luscious apple...and it is true...that once in your life you did suffer a great fall. And you were shaken. This is true. But Jen...if you will look at your actions today..I am here to tell you, that you rose to the occasion. You have become Newton’s Inspiration...or rather...the very self same gravity that holds us all together when our lives and dreams are on the line. ::She sighed and put her apple back into the box:: Malcolm: That’s a nice story, Zohnar. ::She smiled at him::: And I appreciate what you’re saying. But, while today was hard for me, and it’s not over being hard, I’m not unhappy with the way I conducted myself. It just brought up memories that I’d rather not have to think about. But, I was able to put them aside and do my job. Zonhar: As I am sure you were. As I would have always expected you had. I actually did not come her with any intention of telling you that you did not live up to your role. Instead, I came to encourage you and say you did exemplary, you acted swiftly, delicately and decisively under circumstances that a less experienced doctor might have fumbled. But, because you did what you did...your friend is still alive and breathing because of you. It will be a difficult road ahead for him, I’m sure. But Jen...trust me when I say...anyone on board the Avandar will be very thankful to have you as Chief Medical Officer. You have definitely earned it. Malcolm: Thank you, Zonhar. ::Her eyes traveled past him out into the main area of Sickbay:: How is Ensign Gray? Zonhar: ::Zonhar cleared his throat slightly:: He is...remarkably composed. He did not appear to be as phased by it as anyone else might have been, but then again, everyone has different levels of tolerance to tragic events. I have gone ahead and cleared him for active duty, but I have also set out a regular weekly counseling session with him to monitor his progress. To say that I want to get to know the man...more properly is an understatement, but we shall see. ::She simply nodded:: ::Smiling, Zonhar spun the apple in his hand and gave it a little toss, catching it easily:: Zonhar: Now, good Doctor. I think I shall accept one of your apples as a token that I should be kept away from you for a while, and keep my long winded stories to myself ::chuckling:: You definitely have things covered here. Though that doesn’t mean my door isn’t always open...or that I wouldn’t make time for someone I wish earnestly to call a new friend. Malcolm: Thanks. And thanks for checking on me. Zonhar: You are most welcome Jen. Now it is away with me. I suppose I should check in on Li’ainea and see how she is adjusting to life aboard the ship. She’s always fancied travel, and always been raised with an education centered around diversity...among..other things ::chuckling:: But then again...this is not my counseling session now is it? ::Standing and promptly taking a big meaty bite out of his apple:: Zonhar: The Golden Ones...you simply must try. ::And with that he was off and away.:: ---------------------------------------- Lieutenant Jen Malcolm Chief Medical Officer USS Avandar & Ensign Zonhar Counselor USS Avandar
  15. ((USS Aurora: Teagan’s Quarters)) ::She felt powerless. There was that weird sensation everything is ruined and whatever life she had is now gone forever. Arielle tried to get up, but her hands were to small and too weak to support her rise.:: ::The water was falling on her face almost choking her and it was easier to slow her breathing and control the need for oxygen than to move from the flush. With time it was harder and harder to keep consciousness.:: oODo I care to stay awake? Do I care to stay alive?Oo ::Arielle was falling into the bliss of unconsciousness and toward certain death…. Then she saw Askade calling her and she felt warmth of her own tears beside the almost cold water. She saw her parents and grandparents asking why and more tears warmed her face… her life. She saw Gezelle and could feel the emptiness she would feel without her twin.:: ::Arielle cried silently. She knew she has to move, they need her and don’t want to lose her… but she lost them with one stupid move, did she? Then behind all those people another face appeared. Small face, sad and broken, one she promised to care for and never abandon.:: ::Arielle gasped and screamed crying. All the will left in her body was invested in this one move and she was finally sitting away from the flush of water.:: Teagan: Computer, dry air. ::After a moment or two, or maybe whole life.:: End it. ::Arielle crawled out the shower. She watched the bed, but couldn’t make herself climbing on it. She will never again lay into that one, no way.:: ::Sitting on the floor still partially wet Arielle was trembling. Last evening she lowered the temperature in her quarters to make it more comfortable for Matthews and it was far too cold for her Vulcan blood. She wanted it warmer, but couldn’t talk, talking was too much of an effort. She just squeezed into fetal position on the floor and fell asleep.:: ::Arielle awoke not because she slept enough, but because her body needed some warmth. At least she slept long enough to be able to rise to her feet and put some clothes on. After replicating new blanket she squeezed on the couch and slept some more.:: ::Arielle awoke to alarm from the computer terminal in living room which was also set as a small office. Arielle rose and opened the important message and reading it felt a sting of pain in her stomach.:: oOWas it absolutely necessary? Poor man, I have to go and visit him.Oo ::Arielle walked to small bathroom and washed her face. The image in the mirror was so bad she figured she can’t leave the Quarters till get some work on herself. Worse, Dickens is telepathic, she had to collect herself as hard as it may be.:: ::Arielle watched the bed and moved out to office sitting on the floor.:: Teagan: Computer, rise the temperature in this room for 6 degrees. ::It was hard to get into the meditative state, but thinking of her family and people who need her as a Counsellor helped her to calm enough to reach it after half an hour of attempts. Arielle was hurt, her whole body was in pain she couldn’t understand. She was hurt before, she was ill before, but this was different and seem too much to cope with.:: ::She knew she needs calm point to hang on and main task of this meditation was to focus on something that will help her stay calm and close her tortured mind for those who can sense the pain if she don’t hide it.:: ::Several times during meditation she felt tears fall down her cheeks, but in the end she managed to cool down and be able to calmly rise into a new tasks ahead.::
  16. ((Maltabra City)) ::Chris was with the away team when the blackouthappened in the Brotherhood Bunker he looked around but he couldn’t see athing. Finally he felt someone grip on his shoulder, almost pulling him awayfrom the area. He assumed this to be someone else from the team, that was untilhe could make out the person grabbing him:: ::A man taller than himself was now pulling Chrisdown a deserted corridor. Panic rushed into his head as he began thinking ofscenarios of what was about to happen. Was he being lead to his impendingdemise? Maybe he was caught... he wasn’t really good with this undercoverbusiness at all.:: O’Hanlon: *Coughs* Umm... Where are we going? ::He tried to act calmly and as casually as hecould. Because if there was one thing he didn’t want if his cover wasn’t blown;and that was to blow it.:: Brotherhood Terrorist: We must secure the bunker. ::The man spoke in a cold and intimidating manner.This made this experience all the worse for Chris, he got separated from theothers and now he was going to have to be ‘one of the men’ with this terrorist.He wasn’t the manliest person and this made these situations difficult for him.He was about to smile at him and then suddenly stopped in his tracks andnodded.:: O’Hanlon: Yeah, sure thing. ::He tried speaking in a manly voice, it was likebeing in school again. Hopefully someday Chris would get to look back at thisexperience and laugh at the awkwardness or how a Bajoran Terrorist is remindinghim of some of his old classmates.:: ::Chris had kept his mouth shut and tried hard notto express any emotion in his face, he felt even a smirk would give him away.His palms began to heat up, as did his neck. He could feel the cold flush ashis nerves kicked in and made his body one of its natural functions and excretesome sweat. They reached the end of yet another corridor. This one broke offinto another two corridors. Chris was beginning to think if he would ever getout of here. The man stopped and looked at him, a strange look appeared acrosshis face but as soon as it appeared, it disappeared. He nodded in the directionof the corridor on Chris’ left.:: Bajoran terrorist: You take that one. I’ll watchdown here. ::Chris opened his mouth in confusion and thenclosed it, hoping the terrorist spot this. If he did, Chris probably lookedlike the biggest idiot ever. He nodded quickly and without saying a word beganwalking down the corridor nearest to him. Every so often he would look back tothe other man. He however, never looked back. Chris could tell by his actionsthat they were just meant to watch the end of the corridors. What was sosignificant about these ones though? Maybe there was an exit near by? Well ifthere was, Chris could get out and try and find a way to regroup with theothers. He knew that they couldn't possibly wait around for him.:: ::Looking behind he saw that the man was stoppedat the end of the corridor, maybe this was his chance. He peeked around thecorridor to see yet another corridor. This one however had nothing, no door, andno exit. He sighed. This must be some safety thing, a fork in the corridor, onewhich leads to a cul-de-sac; the other lead to an exit. No wonder Chris wassent down this corridor. He would never be placed in front of a door to secureit. The big guy behind him though, looked like he could take out anyone whocrossed his path. Now what? How was Chris meant to get around a guy towering atalmost 7 feet and had shoulders as big as a bus door? He sighed. He was never goingto be able to regroup with the others. Not with this guy blocking his way.:: ::Chris began drastically looking around, hedidn’t know how long he would have but if anything was going to happen, hewould have to act quick. From where he stood there was nothing he could see. Hedidn’t have anything with him either. This whole mission has everyone messedup. He glanced at the shadowy figure now a good few feet away from him,wondering how much of a chance he stood with a guy who looked like he did pressups in his sleep. Chris paced quietly as he ransacked his brains for any ideahe could think of. Then it hit him.:: ::He remembered seeing something near where thecorridor had broke up. He turned and began to walk towards the split. His heartraced as he took slow, yet quick steps. Suddenly the man he had been watchingstepped into some light. He seemed to have been watching him this whole time.Chris could feel cold sweats come back, he was going to die down here, or so hethought. He slowed down a little and tried to do some drastic movements withhis hands pointing to the split.:: O’Hanlon: oO Oh please, let this work... Oo ‘’Ithink I heard a noise down there’’ ::He whispered while pointing.:: ::The other man quickened his step when Chrisreached the split, he made out a heavy looking brick that was on the floor. Hemotioned his head toward the corridor as the man approached. He almost flinchedwhen the man passed him. He had to be quick to; he scurried towards the brickand picked it up. Swinging around with his arm in the air he suddenly felt aforce grab his arm and then came forceful blow to the face. Chris could feelhis eyes watering up. It hurt like hell!:: O’Hanlon: oO ACT NOW, ACT NOW, ACT NOW! Oo ::It was almost as Chris’ subconscious wasscreaming at him, he tugged on the mans grip breaking free and scurried underthe mans legs. He grabbed the brick now on the floor and with all the energy hecould get out of the adrenaline now pumping through him, he swung the brick upinto the mans groin, who instantly had fallen to the floor. Chris smirked as hehit the brick of the man’s head, knocking him on conscious. He checked hispulse to double check, all was fine.:: O’Hanlon:: ::Almost laughing:: The perks of beinga doctor you ask? Knowing a Bajoran male has the same reproductive system as me. ::He laughed at how insane he must look, laughingover a terrorist Bajoran (who is now unconscious), holding a brick and talkingabout reproductive parts.:: ::Chris looked around, there wasn’t any time todeal with the body, he ran towards the corridor that the terrorist waswatching. His heart sank when he saw yet another empty corridor. This couldn’tbe possible. Why would they position us here to watch these corridors. He beganwalking down. As he got closer to the ending he could see something that lookedstrange almost like a crack. As he got closer he realised the wall was at suchan angle you wouldn’t see the exit from the other side... that meant heprobably could have left in the other corridor too. He didn’t care. He justran, still trying to keep quiet, he left the bunker. The sun almost blindinghim, he had to block his eyes quickly. Looking around he couldn’t see anyonenearby. Now what was he going to do?:: ::He ran towards a nearby bush, he hid behind itand caught his breath; now his nose really begun to hurt. He reached up hishand to touch it but all he did was hurt himself more and get blood on hishand.:: O’Hanlon: oO Great! I don't even have the medi-kitanymore! Oo ::He felt so stupid, someone must have grabbed itwhile the power went out. He felts a little dizzy, he decided it would bebetter to rest here for a moment.:: ((Awhile after)) ::Feeling weak and tired Chris could hear anexplosion nearby, it startled him a lot. He began to panic, what if the othersdidn’t make it? Now he would never get home, he had no way of contacting the Aurora. After another few moments he spotted it. Someone set off a flare. It had to have been them, it had to. His natural instinct kicked in instantly and he was sprinting towards the flare at a great speed. The adrenaline pumping inside him, never in his life had he ever thought he would be in this position and never did he think he would do anything to see the members of the USS Aurora again, and then. There they were. Right in front of him.:: O’Hanlon: Boy am I glad to see you guys again!::He said with a cheeky grin on his face.:: ::After countless thoughts of thinking he wasgoing to die here, or else be sold off as a slave. He finally felt something;he felt he was going home. Home, he never thought he would, but already he wasfeeling that the USS Aurora was his home and the crew that were there, hisfamily.::
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