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DATES: The class began on January 13, 2014 and ended on January 21, 2014.
LIST: sb118-academy3

COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander Sundassa Faranster
FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander Alex Blair
* Daniel Underwood

* Aurora James

Welcome to the community, great to have you with us! :thumbsup:


Glad to have you with us. My door is always open if you need anything!


Yay. Another James. Just what the fleet needed! :D

In all seriousness, congrats! Welcome to the group, guys. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do (but hope you leave less frequently :P)!


Thanks for the welcome everyone. I'm looking forward to getting started and congratulations to my fellow Cadet, now Ensign Aurora James!


Congratulations and welcome to the fleet!


Gratz, AJ. You'll have fun on the Thunder, I've been told there are lots of good folks there.

And to you, Ensign Underwood, welcome to the Excalibur.

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Congratulations Ensigns Underwood and James, it was a pleasure being in class with you, and I hope you have lots of fun on your new ships, you deserved it.

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Congrats and welcome! I actually almost used Aurora for my character. :)


Congrats and welcome! I actually almost used Aurora for my character. :)

Aurora/Alora/Anora, Velana/Jalana, four people with the surname James, LaVeux/Deveau/Dubeau... administrating this lot must be a nightmare. :D

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Congratulations and welcome!

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