Tony, aka Rouiancet Posted June 30, 2016 Posted June 30, 2016 Quote King: ::Turning to Raav and waving his arms around the empty amphitheater.:: I’m a helmsman, not a shaman! Mandy beat me to it, but I have to throw in this gif given what Ryan said about his TOS watching.... 4
Blake Posted June 30, 2016 Posted June 30, 2016 Quote Vyrenna: =/\= Commanders, be advised that we have momentarily lost contact with Captain Kells's away team. We are reading biosignatures where they should be, but our comms are unable to reach them. =/\= Vyrenna-speak for "careful, Captain Kells might get kidnapped again". 3
+ Kamoyo Aleksandrov Posted July 5, 2016 Posted July 5, 2016 Quote Vyrenna: =/\= Sir, would you please join me on the bridge? We have lost contact with Captain Kells's away team. =/\= ::$@#%.:: ::He stood up and was already to the door as he answered.:: Washington: =/\= On my way. =/\= What really happened when Joseph got to the bridge: 3
Blake Posted July 6, 2016 Posted July 6, 2016 Quote ::Seriously? She wasn't really looking forward to playing a round of "Hide the Fleet Captain" yet again. 4
Alora DeVeau Posted July 6, 2016 Posted July 6, 2016 Quote Luna Walker's Narrative: If this were a story, a lightning bolt would have hit behind her bright pink hair.. PADD held high as she shouted "I have the power!". HAHAHA! I LOVED He-Man! Also She-Ra! 3
Rahman and Rivi Vataix Posted July 8, 2016 Author Posted July 8, 2016 Quote Rahman: I tried to warn you that it wasn't going to be like the recruitment posters… but you never listen to me anyway. Del Vedova: But apparently I listen to posters. :: And that wasn't even true, but never mind. He would stand behind her, and he would be the best at standing behind her. Yep, that's just what he would do, stand behind her. Standing. Behind. Her. I can just see Del's face as he stands there... 4
Ryan King Posted July 13, 2016 Posted July 13, 2016 (edited) Quote T’Lea: The opposing a::cough::holes. ::wheeze:: Obviously. :: The snark-master returns. She tugged on Mr. King to help her up, and with a bit of clinging, climbing and leaning on him she made it to her feet. The water bottle was gripped in one hand and a piece of Mr. King’s shoulder was in her other hand. She was stubborn, and she was about to become very annoying to the a-holes responsible for this.:: ehehehehehehehehe. Edited July 13, 2016 by Ryan King 4
Popular Post Rahman and Rivi Vataix Posted July 13, 2016 Author Popular Post Posted July 13, 2016 Quote :: It was a funny feeling, here she was probably dying and yet she was at peace with it. All her life she had fought, and struggled, and raged against the world to survive on her own terms, to live under her own rules, but now… Now it felt a little bit okay to let go, to just surrender to whatever her fate may be. Maybe she needed to stop fighting for once, and stop trying to control every aspect of her life, even if staying alive was one of those things.:: :: She wasn’t suicidal. She was just tired.:: :: Della had been right. A starship was not a safe place to raise a child -- there had been far too many times T’Sara and Gina had been put in harm’s way. And T’Lea had been wrong – she couldn’t protect any of them. Hell, she couldn’t even protect herself.:: :: So, here she sat on a rather festive tile floor, on some far away planet, in some alien home, drowning slowly in her own blood, and for no other reason than being hated for being a telepath. It almost made her laugh that she was going to die for something so pathetic and meaningless. She’d done plenty of horrific things in her lifetime, things that warranted execution, or at least a long prison sentence – betrayal and murder topped the list. But the crime of being a telepath? Now that was funny.:: Beautiful. And nominated to the Top Sims Contest! 6
TLea Posted July 14, 2016 Posted July 14, 2016 Aw shucks! Thanks. ::psst thanks for fixing the typo:: Shhh... it never happened. 3
TLea Posted July 17, 2016 Posted July 17, 2016 Quote King: ::softly:: The Kobayashi Maru has nothing on this. ::frowning and sweeping both Kells and Riverview in his eyesight.:: And no Lion King jokes. ::Ryan turned to Riverview and motioned to the surrounding forests behind them.:: Quote King: I'm thinking of calling Captain Kells ::looking quietly behind him to ensure he was out of earshot of his superior.:: Kobayashi Kells... Mr. King is fun. 3
Ryan King Posted July 20, 2016 Posted July 20, 2016 Quote Blueheart: ::nervous chuckle:: I think this is beyond our scope of expertise. ::cheesy grin:: I’m a doctor, not a hacker. Yessssss, yessssss. It is spreading! 2
Popular Post Tony, aka Rouiancet Posted July 21, 2016 Popular Post Posted July 21, 2016 Quote ((OOC: I am happy to put on some music to get you in the dancing mood. My personal choice would be this lovely number that is perfect for any wedding.)) Ryan. Ryan, no. Please, won't you think of the children? 5
Ryan King Posted July 21, 2016 Posted July 21, 2016 Quote :: What was the Vulcan phrase? Infinite diversity in infinite complications, or something like that? Well, for all that the universe was infinite, it sure liked to repeat itself. Del glanced over at Si'Cero, who was living proof: Except for the ears, they were more or less the same. Well, and the Vulcan's hemocyanin. And...well, never mind. If there was a useful connection here, Del decided he wasn't going to look twice. :: Quote Del Vedova: Oh, yeah? ::beat:: Oh--yeah? ::beat:: Well, she's just lucky I'm not Edosian, or I'd have three. :: Stunning comeback. He'd have to remember to scrub that one from the shuttle's audio recorder. He wondered if Si'Cero would note it in his logs--and, if so, what sort of clearance Del would need to quietly erase that log. :: Both of these had me laughing. Hehe. 2
AlexV Posted July 26, 2016 Posted July 26, 2016 Charming and diplomatic as ever... Quote T’Lea: ~~ Your Arc has seen fit to telepathically link all of you into one collective. Welcome to the club, deviants.~~ 4
Ryan King Posted August 1, 2016 Posted August 1, 2016 As I plow through the mound of posts I missed I found this particularly compelling from Ensign Riverview: Quote Riverview: Wait....please. ::As Ryan stood, Ceilidh knelt down and gently touched the forhead of each person. Perhaps they hadn’t been dead that long. Perhaps there was some time of memory still hanging about, just hoping to be seen. As she moved between the two adults, it was the child and the small object it clutched in its hand that held the precious feeling. It was only a few short moments, but Ceilidh mentally inhaled all that she could from that tiny memory. It was a confused one, filled with so many emotions, emotions of a child were always the hardest to bear. Standing up, Ceilidh wiped the tears from her eyes and set a face of angry determination on her face. :: Riverview: Alright. Let’s get moving. 3
Ryan King Posted August 3, 2016 Posted August 3, 2016 I liked the imagery from our guest simmer: Quote ::Sophisticated photonic projectors, intricate data baffles and a lattice of dielectric force fields, all wrapped around one of Starfleet's own probes. It was a construct that wouldn't hold up to prolonged scrutiny, but in the heat of battle and with the Syracuse's already damaged systems, the bluff worked like a charm. Titus gave a satisfied smile as he watched the little ship take evasive manoeuvres in order to avoid a collision with something that wasn't even there. Meanwhile the Serpens slipped past unnoticed, altering course to detour around the mines - which, Titus noted, was a nasty little trick worthy of any space pirate. :: 2
Ryan King Posted August 4, 2016 Posted August 4, 2016 I'm rounding the home stretch on catch up (I know I should just jump in but I hate doing that out of respect for all of the amazing writing). Quote The beef wellington was where it had started to go wrong. He'd tried to follow the directions, but the first had been very.. well was it still rare if it was bleeding? The second he'd hurried and figured on saving time by doubling the heat to decrease the time. Which, one massive amount of smoke later, he'd realized did not work quite as he'd hoped. He only hoped that the smoke was vented outside the ship, which might make it look like they were severely damaged, rather than carrying a poor cook. A great one from Counselor Walker. I have a great deal of sympathy on this one. 3
Popular Post + Kamoyo Aleksandrov Posted August 6, 2016 Popular Post Posted August 6, 2016 Quote King: These ::turning his neck to each side:: are meant as a get well of sorts for Commander T’Lea. ::beat:: She got herself pretty banged up back on Adova. ::softly:: She’s a bit… explosive. Actually the entire post had me in stitches. And I get a reminder of how hilarious Ryan was right from the beginning. 5
Popular Post Blake Posted August 6, 2016 Popular Post Posted August 6, 2016 Quote ::Turning from Washington to Core, the expression on his face said only one thing.:: King: oO Daddy? Oo oO Mommy? Oo In which Core absolutely qualifies as the mum of the crew and I accept this position with great pride. 5
Popular Post + Rune Jolara Posted August 7, 2016 Popular Post Posted August 7, 2016 Quote King: Well, one is a nice forest green color and the other is, well, black, but interesting. ::beat:: Ya know, one is the color of your blood and the other ::wry smile:: your heart. ::raising hands:: KIDDING. :: She gave him flat glare.:: T’Lea: I could kill you with my pinky. 7
TLea Posted August 7, 2016 Posted August 7, 2016 Quote LtCmdr Pandora - Wetware swap. Best title EVER. 2
Rahman and Rivi Vataix Posted August 8, 2016 Author Posted August 8, 2016 On 8/3/2016 at 0:52 PM, Ryan King said: I liked the imagery from our guest simmer: ::Sophisticated photonic projectors, intricate data baffles and a lattice of dielectric force fields, all wrapped around one of Starfleet's own probes. It was a construct that wouldn't hold up to prolonged scrutiny, but in the heat of battle and with the Syracuse's already damaged systems, the bluff worked like a charm. Titus gave a satisfied smile as he watched the little ship take evasive manoeuvres in order to avoid a collision with something that wasn't even there. Meanwhile the Serpens slipped past unnoticed, altering course to detour around the mines - which, Titus noted, was a nasty little trick worthy of any space pirate. :: Well, Rahman might not be a space pirate, but she did play one before... 2
TLea Posted August 9, 2016 Posted August 9, 2016 Quote Commander Kelrod, or Dickens, he had a mind to just do the en-vogue thing and merge the names, Commander Delrod? That would be one he’d keep for use amongst his lower deck peers. Bwa-ha-ha!! Poor Mr. Dickens. That was just Evil, Ryan. Evil. Quote King: oO What’s the saying Grandma always said. ‘Do. Ask forgiveness later.’ Oo ::Yeah.:: King: oO What was it that Grandpa used to say to me? ‘Close your mouth. You talk too much.’ Oo ::Ryan frowned and pouted. Screw you, Grandpa.:: LOL BTW, that whole sim was really great. I enjoyed every morsel of it. 4
Tony, aka Rouiancet Posted August 9, 2016 Posted August 9, 2016 Quote King: oO What was it that Grandpa used to say to me? ‘Close your mouth. You talk too much.’ Oo I can't not post this again, because it was that good! 2
TLea Posted August 17, 2016 Posted August 17, 2016 It's a shame we never got to sim something between Rahman and T'Lea, Rich. I think it would have been interesting to see how that developed over time. These are great lines! Quote Del Vedova: But you're good at it. I'm not. ::Roshanara grumbled.:: Rahman: Damn it, Del, would you stop being a whiny, little %&@#$. It's weird. Quote Del Vedova: I'm not. I'm saying what's true. Rahman: No, it's not. And look, you're headed to the Za or Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah or whatever… Quote Rahman: I… I didn’t know what to think. I was afraid I had messed it up. Del Vedova: Is that it, really? :: That made her finally lose it as she felt a tear break through her composure. She laughed as she wiped it away with her other hand. :: Rahman: Yes, that’s it really. God, you’re such a [...]! 4
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