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Denali Station quotes that have a nice Ring to them.

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1 hour ago, Gogigobo Fairhug said:

Love this sim title referencing an old Adam West Batman episode (if I'm not mistaken) by @Alex Forsyth


Thanks, I'm a big fan of Adam west Batman.

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From Ensign Freck, on the ease of reading Remmilian non-verbal cues, or lack thereof:


The Remilian’s face was, as usual, as easy to read as an open book…in an underground cave on a rogue planet after the heat death of the universe, which was to say, not legible at all to Freck.


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The repetition here almost made me choke on my breakfast 🤣 @Alan Letts


So he had replicated a bike kit and spent the last 2 days putting it together in his spare time. Now it was done just in time for his day off. He was stoked.


((Outside Fairbanks, Administrative district))

oO I am stoked Oo



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On 4/24/2023 at 4:36 PM, Elonat said:

The repetition here almost made me choke on my breakfast 🤣 @Alan Letts


Same! 😂

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Love this @Freck


Freck took a deep breath. Two days ago, they’d been bruised, battered, and bloodied. But hey, today was today, and they were still here. They were picking up the pieces. They were recovering. And what was more triumphant than to stand back up with your chest out after you’ve been pushed down?

That deep breath ended up turning into a yawn as Freck packed his enhancer into its case. Yeah, stand back up with your chest out and then take a nice, long nap. That sounded perfect.


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Finding the antagonism between @Alex Forsyth and @Alan Letts really amusing! 🤣


Forsyth: Just as long as we don't active or awaking something, I want to see my 44th birthday.  

As on que, Letts's impeccable timing return. 

Letts: Aw and here I thought y'all weren't a day over 30.

Alex debated shooting him but she wanted to keep her job,


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Elonat: ::quietly, to Letts:: Perhaps you may see a tunnel lion?

@Elonat I really want them to see a tunnel lion now! 🤣

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28 minutes ago, Gogigobo Fairhug said:

@Elonat I really want them to see a tunnel lion now! 🤣

@Elonat Don't give him any idea.

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A very eloquent wedding invite from Lt. Trovek 🤣 @N. Aristren aka Trovek


Trovek: Well I am also getting married, and there will be an open bar. ::to Garev, with a half-glare:: And yes, it's an invitation. Don't make it weird.


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And of course, the only thing that he could still be sure of, the fact that he needed to knock or ring before entering, was torpedoed by the fact that the door was wide open.

Poor @Kettick 🤣

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Letts looked good. He knew he looked good, always did, but especially now. He also knew he was about to be insufferable, but that was something else. Right now, he looked downright immaculate every pip in place, every wrinkle flattened, every decoration down to the micrometer was situated to regulation perfection. You could cut stone with him he looked so sharp.
If he wasn't a Starfleet recruitment poster incarnated he didn't know what was.
He laughed at himself. Alan Letts REVELED at the chance to put on his dress uniform as he did on every occasion to dress up. It was the one time in life he KNEW he looked good and it gave a massive ego. Still he guessed he ought to get a handle on it before walking in.

At least @Alan Letts isn't lacking in the self-esteem department. 

Nicolas Cage Wink GIF

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29 minutes ago, Oddas Aria said:

At least @Alan Letts isn't lacking in the self-esteem department. 

Nicolas Cage Wink GIF

meanwhile @Alex Forsyth is trying her best to be human.

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Okay, but we're completely sleeping on @Alan Letts's nervous reaction to Tomas, though. I love it. 🤣


Letts froze as he reached the doorway, seeing who the Lieutenant was talking to. 
The XO. 
Letts came to rigid attention, as he felt his soul leave his body and his grin leave his face. By the grace of some all-powerful being, he was able to hold his hand down and save himself the embarrassment of a full-blown salute in the presence of other officers.



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He was wondering why a type of radish marketed for equines was present on the table when there were no horsepeople around, when he noticed someone walking next to him.

That's about the only thing we don't have on Denali @Kettick! 😂

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He was, after all, a bright red Aurelian. Most people’s first impression was not “Whoa, that’s the chief engineer!” so much as “Whoa, that’s a BIRD!”

This was great from @Dekas

And this...


oO Whoa, that's a Bird! Oo

Was the icing on the cake from @Alan Letts 🤣👌🏻

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1 minute ago, Gogigobo Fairhug said:

This was great from @Dekas

And this...

Was the icing on the cake from @Alan Letts 🤣👌🏻

Love it when a team pulls together!

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Do @Alan Letts and @Tomas Falt remind anyone else of Lavelle and Riker? 😂

His suggestion came too late, another officer entering the room next to them before he'd barely finished his sentence. Despite having met the new arrival only once before, Tomas instantly recognised the still grinning face of Ensign Letts.
The Ensign spotted him almost immediately and came to rigid attention. This time he even managed to remove the grin from his face, which was an improvement.
Letts: Ah, good evening sir.
The Ensign either had an odd habit of grinning constantly when he was nervous, or he’d found Tomas funny when they’d first met. Regardless of which it was it had made for an odd first meeting between Ensign and XO. He’d go so far as to say he’d perhaps been a little hard on the man as a result… However, he doubted there were many other XO’s that would have acted differently when faced with a smirking Ensign reporting for duty so an apology wasn’t needed. He decided a more neutral tone was warranted instead.
Falt: Mister Letts. Welcome to the party.
Letts: Ah thank you sir I’m happy to be here.
Tomas and Letts were almost exactly the same height, so as he regarded his fellow human his eyes naturally met the Ensign’s for a moment. A brief silence followed as he considered his own response, but before he could provide one the newly arrived Operations officer spoke again.
Letts: Ah well sir, if you'll excuse me. I don't want to keep you
Tomas gave him a silent nod in acknowledgement and then turned back to Neshala as he left.


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This made me chuckle @Elonat 😂


Falt: How are the Skunk works coming along, sir?


Oddas: Response.


Elonat: I am confused as to why or how skunks would be involved.


They made no effort to hide the distaste wrinkling their face. Elonat had an unfortunate encounter with a skunk during their time at the Academy. Even after several rounds through the sonics, the smell seemed to haunt them.


Neshala: Response.


Falt: The term originates from Earth, North America again. Back then it was a pseudonym for an organisation designing military aircraft and completing highly classified research and development.


Elonat: I apologize, I did not know the information was classified. ::dipping their head:: If you would excuse me.


Oddas / Neshala: Response


Falt: Response


The Ensign awkwardly froze in the middle of turning to leave the group. Their wide eyes and stiff pose resembled some sort of creature attempting to hide in plain sight—As if their stillness would prevent their discovery.


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This sounds familiar from Ens. Raimor. 😬😂


He looked at his own reflection for an excuse to walk away or any form of advice. It looked back at him without offering either and the betazoid officer let out a deep sigh. 


oO You know, you could be a bit more helpful here. It’s your family too. Oo 



@Alan Letts' reaction to @Freck's heroics in the last mission had me chuckling. 😂


Letts was thoroughly impressed. If it was true, big lobes weren't the only thing the ferengi had.



An amusing intro to a sim from @Tomas Falt 😂


The last time Tomas had been aboard the Eagle the station had been attacked with redirected asteroids. The time before that a routine shakedown had been interrupted by a pirate attack. If he’d been a superstitious man he’d have suggested the captain either take the Juneau on this mission or leave him on the station. He was two for two so far, and was well aware of the old Earth saying that bad luck came in threes...  


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I just need to appreciate this sim title from @Alan Letts. It's AMAZING.


Alan Letts - Tachyon my Wayward Son


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It's official, @Tomas Falt and @Alan Letts are my new favourite double act. 🤣👌🏻


Falt: Which will give us a clear view of what going on in the system, correct? 


This time the Ensign made an odd clicking sound and then… shot him with his fingers?  Fist bumping was one thing – but imaginary phasers was something else… Although they might as well have been real phasers since the Ensigns behaviours had left him mildly stunned. 


Letts: ::Drawling:: You got it mister. ::Continuing:: With what we have, we can cut through the stuff in orbit easy. Planet-side however... If we knew the temporal variance though we could cut right through it. That said temporal anomalies are usually singular and thus have a singular variance. My fear is with all this shifting- 


First imaginary phasers, now “mister?” Tomas glared at the Ensign for a long few seconds before replying. 


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I love little touches like these from @Alex Forsyth and @Alan Letts

They walk over to the Tactical station where one of her fellow tactical officers was manning, Fairhug taps his shoulder to relieve. 

Alex gave him a wave as he went past, However he didn't acknowledge her. 
oO What up with him, He always used to say hi? Oo

Turning right he made his way to the main operations console and relieved the Ensign manning it. He knew the guy so he grinned and gave him a fistbump as they switched places. 


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