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Denali Station quotes that have a nice Ring to them.

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@John Kendrick I mean at least he's honest with himself 😆



He looked down at his glass of champagne and wondered how many languages he'd be speaking at the end of the night.


oO Probably just gibberish. Oo



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@John Kendrick I know it wasn't a literal fourth wall break, but it really bordered on it. Like I could see him looking into the metaphorical camera at everyone as he realizes what he said. 


Kendrick: Congratulations everyone! Now let's party like it's 2399. ::pauses, realizing:: Yeah I know.


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But also @TLea's reaction to Dekas and Yael is very funny. 😆



The colorful feathers and the colorful hair flew around, and honestly, T’Lea couldn’t look away.  The two were obviously having fun shaking and gyrating to the music, but T’Lea’s very Vulcan eyebrow was at the full height of “that is not logical”.


It’s not that they were dancing badly, it was simply the fact that she’d never been a witness to such a display of rhythm before.  It was fascinating, somewhat comical (seeing as how they were both clearly drunk), and slightly disturbing – yet she couldn’t look away.


But she had to look away, or at least blink before her eyes dried out.



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@Tomas Falt "an entrance to Sto-vo-kor" I literally snorted laughing. 🤣 I love it when Tomas really lets himself get sassy. Best.


Falt: ::tapping the units case:: Sorry to keep you all waiting. I figured we might need this since we’re going underground. ::mocking excitement:: Who knows what we’ll find down there? Secret tunnels? An entrance to Sto-vo-kor?


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@Jaelyne Isa This gets a mention very specifically because of the image and thought it gave me afterwards. Which was a chuckle. I'm pretty sure this grouping is going to be the most colorful team on accident. We've got Counselor Yael with his purple colors, we've got Neshala with her Orion green, and of course we've got Dekas. AKA: Rainbow Bright: Bird Edition. Like we're set. RGB crew represent. 😉


Her green skin tended to attract enough attention as it was. And besides, the Counselor’s lavender hair would make a nice contrast to her green color.


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Kettick: Do you mean the directional sonic generator, Sir? Very useful for mapping undeground spaces via echolocation, and as a deterrent for voles and various rodent and insect species as a side effect. Also highly painful to Ferengi, not that I expect an underground battle against Ferengi in the immediate future.

@Kettick says, while also playing a Ferengi MSNPC for this mission, actually, so who knows. Maybe that's hilarious foreshadowing.

But also


Kettick: I may have been partnered with Marines a mission too many, but I believe the jocular saying is “there is no such thing as overkill, just ‘open fire’ and ‘time to reload’ ”.

I'm wheezing. I love Kettick's way of existing with my entire soul. He really just says what he's thinking and it's almost always comedy gold on accident. 🤣

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@Jaelyne Isa I love Neshala. I just do. And you have to love a faulty replicator. Those things are never working the way they should, I swear. Ops and Engineering really have their work cut out for them. 😆



Neshala: Anyone thirsty? Barric, Dekas?


Dekas / Barric: Response


Neshala: I need to test it. Thought we might all enjoy a refreshing drink at the same time.


Dekas / Barric: Response


She ordered a glass of cool water for herself, along with drinks for the other two. Satisfied that it was working, though the taste test remained, she took the drinks to Barric and Dekas, then took a long swallow of her water.


It did not taste like water.


She quickly, and as politely as she could manage, returned the liquid to the glass and then looked apologetically at them both.


Neshala: Welp. Seems like I have a bit of fine tuning to do.


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@Marcus Barrick I somehow missed this one yesterday when I first read it, but upon reflection I had a very mature little giggle about this reading it again. 



Barric: ::Turning to Neshala and playfully smirked at her:: How did you know that's what I was gonna do? Though I will probably start with the beds, that seems to be the most likely place to put a 'surprise' for someone


He put the word Surprise in finger quotations, hoping that the other two would know what he meant by the finger gesture.



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Our newest Ensign, Vermillion Vox over here with the fantastic descriptions of things out the gate. "Surfboard in space" gives a good visual and a hilarious energy for the opinion about the trip to the station. Love this one already.


Now, her orders had said to jump on two transports, a small shuttle, and what she could only describe as a surfboard through space, to arrive at Denali Station. 


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@Ashley Yael I'd still bee interested in seeing that lol 🤣


Mostly he was just glad he didn't have to do an introductory dance like Earth bees did.  His dance accent would bee atrocious.


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@Kettick I love when you write things. There's always at least a small zinger somewhere. And honestly your Ferengi writing vibes are where it's at.



Yhanne: What was that?
Kaybay did his level best to look innocent, an endeavour doomed to certain failure from the start for any Ferengi worth their latinum.
Kaybay: Your guess is as good as mine. You are the local, after all.


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@Kettick is at it again with the excellent narrative humor.


Falt: I think phasers might be in order now? Set to stun first, in case it’s a sentient species…

Yes, it would be a shame to accidentally set their phasers to ‘hurt their feelings ‘. Kettick shook his head to erase the intrusive thought before concentrating on his brute-force program, trying to input some sequences by hand on a separate program to try and scrape a few seconds of so precious time.


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