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"Don't Eat The Mushrooms" and other sage advice from the USS Oumuamua

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Dr. Toz let the sound fade into the background. It was nice but she got more out of a Klingon opera. And she didn’t like Klingon operas.

@Toz how could she? That song slaps 😂 

It's Nilsen's most played. It's at the top of his Spotify Wrapped 😂

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The first set of torpedoes had impacted with almost no effect. The second was close. The Marine Captain was doing a perfect feinting maneuver. Like a boxer ducking to the left to make their opponent think they were going for the ribs, and just when the hands drop, a right cross lands square on the jaw. The second spread hit hard on multiple power sources. The first explosions were followed quickly by secondaries trailing towards the main structure.

Not a funny, I just LOVE this description of the Winters being a boxer on tactical. @Lt Aine Olive Sherlock @Jack Kessler

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“That’s what you get when you allow humans to run things – they start doing dangerous new things in the middle of a red alert.”


@DrPsyPhi cracking me up with this one. 🤣 As a Human, I can confirm that Red Alert is the best time to start doing new dangerous stuff haha!


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On 12/3/2023 at 8:10 PM, Alora DeVeau said:





"I'm hungry."

Fascinating, Max. But we figured that after the third time you told us.

"I'm hungry"

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Posted (edited)

Highlighted by @DrPsyPhi; this lovely line highlights the shared bond between Irish and Scottish 🤣 by our ship's lovely counselor @Alexander Brodie!


  "Brodie: Exactly…mostly…collectively, we fight the English."

Edited by Josh Herrick
Adding a tag!
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Perhaps why @Erik Johnson doesn't work as a covert spy 😅


Arlill: That? Umm… Chief business, nothing important. (beat) Are you two hungry? Maybe we kick this join and grab a bite on the promenade?

That segue though 🤣

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Brzezinski: =/\= Go for Brzezinski. (beat) Wait, repeat, what kind of fracking science? =/\=

The best kind of science is fracking science @DrPsyPhi

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Teddy took a moment to consider the proposed location, he was sure that Nilsen was choosing the OC to put him in his own turf. As a trained marine it was an obvious setup and neutral ground would be preferred.

...yeah...yeah...that was the reason he picked the OC. I see the marine training is kicking in @Erik Johnson

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But – and am no saying they're bad shots – security don't hold a candle tae the Marines on the ranges.

Ooooohhh really?

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Suddenly Iljor’s face softened and a subtle smile reformed, which Wes matched with enthusiasm. Doctor V’Len Kel had taken a reassignment, meaning the ever obstinate doctor would not be here to remain a royal pain in his ass.  

Wes is just a wee bit too happy here.

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A slight smirk curled up the corners of Nilsen’s mouth, and Ithri’s silvery eyebrows shot up. Was he up to something? The man was up to something. He had to be up to something. 

Sh’shelor: That is very suspicious. 

@Lt Aine Olive Sherlockwas right, Nilsen’s up to something. 😂 @Alora DeVeau

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One of my favourite contrasts in a post from Mike:

From the sim:


And of course Dask wasn't some grubby pirate, but taking from the Federation? You could steal a starship and they wouldn't miss it. For people who claim they're above using money, they certainly had a lot of it. Easy to look down on money when you have more than your share of everything. Dilithium mines, nearly limitless energy, and a pile of latinum big enough to give the most avaricious Ferengi a stroke.

From the character signature:


Dask Cronin

Legitimate Businessman


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Arlill cut into his fish and the crispy crush crinkled and cracked under the force of his knife, he was grateful he could hold it now that only a scar remained where once a nasty gash had been.

I'm always a sucker for some good alliteration.

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Sherlock was right, this ensign was up to something.

Sounds like a confession to me @Lhandon_Nilsen

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Ithri did not speak the further thoughts that crowded through her mind, a testament to how much she had changed over the last four years.  If nothing else, her time at Ops and, yes, in the Academy, had helped her learn how to hold back certain commentary.  Sometimes.  On occasion.


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Yinn with more winners


Don't look at me! I'm a kisser, not a puncher, as you humans say

:) exactly as the humans say it! 

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9 hours ago, Lt Aine Olive Sherlock said:

Sounds like a confession to me @Lhandon_Nilsen

Ah, but he didn't say it in character. #technicalities 😛

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Before Toz convinced herself she should accompany Ensign Mr. Babble to Bajor

I wish @Toz had used this as IC dialogue so we could give Mister @Lhandon_Nilsen a new nickname.

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Dask: Well, it's your mating ritual, not mine! But yes, they're for someone special to me. You humans put such stock in rules and regulations and order. You're practically Vulcans in that respect. Dumber, weaker Vulcans. But Orions are governed by our passions! What better reason is there to travel the stars, to risk one's life, to take what you need ::he waved the phaser to indicate the crate of plants:: than love?


Dask: And, you know, money.



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Kovacs: I mean… the tables have turned. oO Note to self, trying to be cool results in not appearing cool. Oo So who exactly are you, and why do you have to steal these roses. 

Ah that's what I've been doing wrong. @Josh Herrick

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There was no change in the Vedek at the correction. The comment only half-surprised the engineer. There were many hybrids aboard, the Commodore herself a prime example, and Josh wondered what mixture Avander’s was. He was going to ask, but wondered if that was inappropriate for someone he’d really just met properly for the first time. More was added to the growing list of LCARS stalking research he was doing on the crew.

@Josh Herrick missed his calling, he should be in the intel suite with @DrPsyPhi 😂

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Two absolute gems from our very own Mike (whose forum name I forget, sorry Mike)


And yet, here he was, on his back, literally under the boot of starfleet. And now there were two of them. Playing bad-cop, cop-who-is-also-not-very-nice.

They should start a crime show together...::Movie Guy Voice:: down in the 99, Bad cop, and cop-who-is-also-not-very-nice. 😂


Kovacs: ::looking between the men:: It doesn’t hurt to have friends, or at least reformed enemies, in your phonebook.

Dask: ::to Kovacs:: What's a phone? ::to Nilsen:: What's a book?

All my contacts are stored on my phone nowadays, so...yeah I get where Dask is coming from.😂

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