Popular Post Rahman and Rivi Vataix Posted November 24, 2021 Popular Post Posted November 24, 2021 Let's kick off our new quotes thread with some inspiration: Quote Rivi Vataix: What is the Federation and what does it mean to individual planets and species? Here on Betazed, we have grappled with our relation to the Federation and what if any is its relation to our Betazoid identity since the end of the Dominion War and the Ohmallera attack. It becomes easy at times to think of the Federation as a distant entity, focusing only its capital lightyears away. But the Federation is not defined by a location. It is defined by a set of principles--principles that all its members share and recognize as the foundation for peaceful and prosperous relationships that transcend distance, culture, and species. It is this set of principles that we now venture forth into the Delta Quadrant, not as an Alpha Quadrant power trying to expand its reach but as a coalition of over a hundred species seeking to connect with others and learn from each other. Since the Federation’s founding over two centuries ago, we’ve shown how mutual understanding and cooperation is possible even amongst former foes. Today, we follow in the footsteps of our forebears who brought sentient lifeforms together to talk to, trade with, and help one another. It is their dream that we are so privileged to be living now, and it is our duty to continue the work. And insight: Quote Wong: Huh. That’s interesting. Well. Since I’m responsible for the health of my representatives, I reserve the right to pull them on medical grounds. Which if that ends up being the case, I volunteer to take their place in the Ritual. Carter: Mister Wong….I have made a command decision. You will either respect that decision or consider your self relieved from duty. Is that clear? Sahim looked at the two officers dealing with their conflict and began to wonder if it was a good idea to trust them when they seem to be so far apart. @Ikaia Wong, @Hannibal Parker, @Falina Suribana And of course, some out of context: Quote Aleksandrov: You can learn a lot from poo, Commander @Kamoyo Aleksandrov 6
+ Scotty Reade Posted November 24, 2021 Posted November 24, 2021 Quote Summerside: Well, it’s all true. Briori, as it is now, was founded by three hundred earthlings abducted by aliens and transported to the Delta Quadrant over 450 years ago as slave labour. There was an uprising of some sort and, well, ba-da-bing ba-da-doom, here we are. Excellent Reference to the Voyager episode @Kivik 1 1 1
Wil Ukinix Posted December 7, 2021 Posted December 7, 2021 Quote Cassian watched the pair leave and started to turn his attention back to the next item on his list to go down the protocol to keep the people of the station safe. When the reporter turned around he looked back over at him. Summerside: Last chance for a stoic quote in the article, Commander. Anything to say on the record? Iovianus: To Be Determined. Summerside: Perfect… ::Sarcastically, under his breath:: You really know how to hook a reader, Commander. When Mister Summerside turned back away Cassian offered himself the smallest hint of a smile before he headed off to work. This made me laugh @Jansen Orrey! I can't wait to see "To Be Determined" as a direct quote in Arthur Summerside's next news article @Kivik ! 2 2
+ Scotty Reade Posted January 4, 2022 Posted January 4, 2022 Quote Iko: I'M FINE! Keehani: oO She’s clearly not. Oo Over her own thoughts she “heard” Wil’s only thought. Ukinix: oO Awkies. Oo Keehani temporarily furrowed her brow. What as an “awkie”? This was funny! @Wil Ukinix 1 1
Wil Ukinix Posted January 20, 2022 Posted January 20, 2022 (edited) Quote Rivi and Keehani turned to see the Starfleet attache and Amity's first officer approach, carrying a box. Ukinix: G’day Ms Polgonz, how are ya’, I’m Wil, First Officer. ::Opening lid of rectangular box:: Can I offer you a donut? Her cousin's words came back to her suddenly. Positive thoughts, Rivi. And send my regards to Ukinix. Vataix: oO Oh, Wil... you're so adorable. Oo And to think this man's grandfather had seduced *multiple* matriarchs of the other Noble Houses. Rivi eyed those donuts suspiciously before glancing up at Wil. Vataix: oO This one has the same potential for danger. Oo Beware of Australians bearing donuts. (Hilarious stuff @Rahman and Rivi Vataix !) Edited January 20, 2022 by Wil Ukinix 1 1
Wil Ukinix Posted February 1, 2022 Posted February 1, 2022 Quote Vataix: In my encounters with off- ahem, those not from Betazed, I've observed a curiosity and fascination especially with our customs regarding nudity as formality. Perhaps most well-known is that for instance our wedding ceremonies are conducted with all in attendance in the nude. Summerside: Ah. Yes. I, erm, had heard something about that… He remembered, briefly, the unimpressed look that Ariadust’s Betazoid noble friend had given him at the New Years Eve party as he’d… engaged in some ‘cultural speculation’ at the bar. Vataix: This practice though is not just restricted to weddings. Any major ceremony or meeting--particularly those involving the conveyance of trust--can be performed similarly. Now, I'm not suggesting we continue the rest of the interview here in the nude-- ::She looked over at Wil and John and then back at Summerside.:: --unless that is your preference. The mental gymnastics that Summerside had to do to try and evade the onslaught of unwelcome imagery following that statement was exhausting. First, he pictured the Ambassador. Wiping that from his mind, he found himself considering her husband. Recoiling from that thought, he glanced elsewhere and noticed Ukinix staring at nothing – evidently in the same boat – then he found himself imagining sitting in a boat with Ukinix, both nude! He accepted that Carter would be next. oO Ah to hell with it… Just picture everyone on the damn station naked… Oo Amity. The Federation's first nudist colony @Kivik 1 2
Robin Hopper Posted February 22, 2022 Posted February 22, 2022 I'm still thinking about this flashback that @PaarusZalbac3 wrote a few days ago, exploring Zal's feelings towards the Vidiians through the context of his history with the Cardassian occupation of Bajor. The full scene is here: Ensign Paarus Zalbac - Murder She Wrote. Note - this is fairly intense and may trigger some folks as it covers (in an appropriate manner) subjects of abuse, imprisonment, and murder: Quote Paarus: The Cardassians were much the same way with my people. They were cruel, forcing us into camps, starving us of our culture and our dignity. I will never forgive what they did. ((Flashback, Stardate 236801.19, Jalanda Labor Camp, Bajor)) Life in the camp was dirty and cold. The Cardassians had kept the barracks at a minimum of five degrees Celcius and provided no blankets, pillows, or any creature comforts. This made the sleeping barracks unbearably cold in the long southern winters. The dirt floor was crawling with slime worms that would burrow and lay eggs in your feet. Many Bajorans suffered from untreated infestations which lead to amputations in the Medical barrack. Food in the form of a single kava root stewed in a bowl of water was provided to each family twice per day. Life was grim but many Bajorans helped each other in small ways. It was Zal's fifth birthday and in spite of the dreariness of the camp, Zal was excited. His mother had promised him spice cake to mark the occasion. Zal was playing with his brother in the barracks. A few other Bajorans were resting between their shifts. Their mother was out attending to a Cardassian Lieutenant as a comfort woman. She had promised to be back by early afternoon, but it was getting late and she was not home yet. This was common as the Cardassians made sure little routine was kept in the camps. Llongan: Are you excited about your birthday, Zal? Zal: Yes! Mother says we can have spice cake! Llongan: That sounds yummy. Zal: She said she is going to get it today. She should be home soon. Almost as if she was summoned, Zal's mother opened the barracks door with something wrapped in a dirty cloth and tucked into her sleeve. She smiled at the two boys who were sitting on one of the wooden bunks. Taking off the cloth to reveal a small piece of spice cake on a plate, Zal's mother set the plate between Zal and his brother. Mother: Happy Birthday my baby. ::with a strained smile:: Now, quickly eat this up. ::she looked over her shoulder with a worried look:: Zal split the cake between him and his brother. No sooner had he taken a mouthful of cake, when the door to the barracks was kicked in by a large Cardassian guard. He looked angry and surveyed the room. Zal's mother quickly hid the plate under the wooden bed and stood to face the guard. Mother: To what do we owe this... Before she could finish her sentence, the guard punched Zal's mother and she stumbled into one of the bunks. She was slow to get back up and the guard look around the barracks to see if anyone else was going to try to speak. Guard: Who took the plate? No one responded. Zal's mother was on all fours on the ground. Some other Bajoran's stirred and moved away from the guard. Zal and Llongan held each other's hands looking terrified and shocked. Without even asking again, the guard stepped over to one of the bunks where a sleeping Bajoran man was just beginning to stir awake from the commotion. The guard grabbed the man by the neck and dragged him out of the middle bunk and held him up by his neck. A sickening gurgle came from the Bajoran as the life was squeezed out of him. The guard tossed the body to the floor. Guard: You take from Cardassia and I will take from you. Let this be a lesson to you filthy people. ::spitting on the dead Bajoran:: With that, the Cardassian guard turned and left the barracks. ((End Flashback)) Paarus: I watched a Cardassian snuff out the life of a Bajoran over the alleged theft of a small plate. ::shaking his head:: I will never forgive what the Cardassians did to my people. Nothing justifies their cruelty to the Bajorans. I reject any justification anyone makes for the Vidiians. Just wanted to appreciate the powerful work done here! 3
Robin Hopper Posted March 8, 2022 Posted March 8, 2022 Another appreciation coming your way for this little self-deprecating conversation re: (Kivik's unique) Pronouns and Grammar from @Wil Ukinix: Quote Ukinix: =/\= Sure! Bring ‘em up with you. Ukinix out. =/\= Keehani: ::Whispering discreetly to Wil:: No, it’s “nem”. Ukinix: I said “nem”. Didn’t I? Keehani: No you didn’t- Ukinix: I did, I said- Keehani: -you said “em”. Ukinix: “Nem”. ::squinting eyes:: I did say “’em”, didn’t I. Well, it’s short for “nem”. Keehani: Say it with me Wil. “Nem”. Ukinix: I’m just - ::frustrated sigh:: - shortening. “Bring nem up.” “Bring ‘em up”. See? Same difference. Keehani blinked her eyes at her cousin a moment. Keehani: Same… “difference”. Did they not teach you Federation Standard at school? Taken from "Lt Cmdr Wil Ukinix - Let Them Eat Cake" (LINK) 1 3
Wil Ukinix Posted April 25, 2022 Posted April 25, 2022 Quote The holographic screens on the consoles flickered and strobed as data began processing. The huge map of the colony system on the wall in front of them began showing different heat maps, charts, and callouts of various important information. One of the console screens gave a warm tone to indicate a finding. Solak made his way to the console, and tapped the screen. Solak: Curious. Kivik: ::Leaning in to Tri’lea:: That’s Vulcan for “uh oh.” The Betazoid noble held in a chuckle, but sensed that Kivk was indeed right. @Kivik from now on shall be named the Vulcan whisperer. 2
Wil Ukinix Posted May 27, 2022 Posted May 27, 2022 Quote Wong: I don’t think this is an infection situation. I think this is a first contact situation. Ukinix: ::Impressed tone:: $^#@. Kivik: ::Smiling:: Looks like your new colony world has already been settled, Daughter Ascendant. Polgonz: ::Unimpressed tone:: $^#@. A piece of countering, profanity brilliance from @Kivik 1 2
Wil Ukinix Posted August 4, 2022 Posted August 4, 2022 How do you cut down independent Briori journalist Arthur Summerside with one quip? Ask Cassian Iovianus: Quote Ukinix(H): With some of the other houses breathing down their neck after Idrustix, I’m not surprised they’d be nervous. Apparently representatives of two of the houses are on their way here to fight over who gets to establish a Betazoid colony in the Delta Quadrant. Don’t ask me which houses, I can’t keep up. ::Looking at Arthur:: There you go Arty, there’s a lead for you. Summerside: Great. Noble House drama? The only people who care about that are hardcore Betazoid loyalists and nitwits who gobble up tabloid jibjab. Iovianus: A fine set of readers for you then? Glorious @Jansen Orrey 2
Robin Hopper Posted November 8, 2022 Posted November 8, 2022 This whole exchange between @Wil Ukinix @Rahman and Rivi Vataix @Cassian Iovianus @Nathan Richards @Rebecca Iko @SRaga is just hilarious to me. In particular, S'Raga came up with some very inventive Caitian Insults during this mission. Quote Rahman: =/\= Commander Ukinix, do you need our assistance? We're just about to meet with the Trenvonn. =/\= Ukinix(H): =/\= Captain, tell the Trenvonn to call off their drone, or we’re going to down it. We’ve already downed four of their other drones, and we’re going to keep going to ensure our safety. They’re not dictating terms down here like they think they might be. =/\= Rahman: =/\= We will. What's the status of your teams? =/\= Ukinix(H): =/\= Everyone is safe, in an undisclosed location which I won’t share right now in case the Trenvonn exploit it. Suffice it to say we’ve taken matters into our own hands. We also have some people being treated medically as a result of attacks by the drones and they’ll need to get to sickbay soon, so can you please tell the Trenvonn to #@%@ !#@@$ !@#$@#$ &#%$#% @#$%**# for me? That’s my diplomatic contribution for today. Thanks, Captain. =/\= Roshanara grumbled. It seemed perhaps serving under Rivi's command had allowed Wil and his Starfleet contingent to get a little lax in protocol over this past year. She'd have to have a word with him after he was no longer in danger of being shot down--and perhaps reunited in one form again. Iovianus: =/\= That is the official security opinion as well Lieutenant. =/\= Iko: =/\= ::Icily:: Understood. =/\= Rahman: =/\= We will inform the Trenvonn. =/\= Richards: =/\= Give them a nice !$#@ you from me! =/\= S'Raga: =/\= And you can tell them the Caitian thinks they're a bunch of dimple-rumpies! =/\= Rahman: =/\= Commander, I realize you and the rest of your officers are... occupied at the moment. I expect you to stay alive long enough for us to get you out of there. =/\= Ukinix: =/\= Understood. Ukinix out. =/\= Copied from Captain Roshanara Rahman: Back to Basics. 3 1
Robin Hopper Posted November 22, 2022 Posted November 22, 2022 (edited) This scene feels like it was crafted by the writers of Lower Decks. Solid comedy writing here, @Wil Ukinix! Quote from: Crewman Annamae Barberra - Rule 647 (the whole sim is hilarious, honestly!) Quote She especially loved Ninzo because they had an argument over something trivial every day, without fail. That morning it had been about the coffee, bacon, peppermint and chilli waffles Annamae had invented for breakfast. ((Flashback – Annamae’s apartment, earlier that morning)) Ninzo: IT SMELLS LIKE A KLINGON’S FART AFTER HE’S HAD NOTHING BUT GAGH FOR THREE WEEKS! While cooking over the newly installed stovetop, Annamae rolled her eyes and yelled back downstairs at her landlord. Barberra: Which is why is going to TASTE DELICIOUS YOU OLD HAG! But the Ferengi fortune teller wouldn’t stop, and yelled back up the stairs. Ninzo: WHY ARE YOU SO WEIRD CHILD! Annamae ignored Ninzo and kept cooking. Barberra: ::Roll of eyes:: Ugh. She’s so annoying. ::slight wicked smirk:: No wonder I love this place. Ninzo: WHAT DID YOU SAY? Barberra: I said, SHUT UP OLD WOMAN OR YOU’LL GET NO BREAKFAST! Ninzo: I DON’T WANT YOUR “BREAKFAST”! Barberra: YES YOU DO AND YOU’LL LIKE IT! ((End Flashback)) Edited November 22, 2022 by Robin Hopper 1 1
Wil Ukinix Posted November 23, 2022 Posted November 23, 2022 5 hours ago, Robin Hopper said: This scene feels like it was crafted by the writers of Lower Decks. Solid comedy writing here, @Wil Ukinix! Quote from: Crewman Annamae Barberra - Rule 647 (the whole sim is hilarious, honestly!) Abridged version: Barberra: [End scene for Annamae!]] 1
Rahman and Rivi Vataix Posted December 1, 2022 Author Posted December 1, 2022 Snippet of a conversation between @Ikaia Wong and @Wil Ukinix: Quote Wong: So wait. You don’t remember our talk in the merchant district? Will tapped his chin for a moment. Ukinix: Well I can’t remember. Wong: What about the medical shotgun incident? Ukinix: Nnnnup, can’t remember that either. Of course, he had read the reports of it since his rejoining, but he couldn’t actually remember the events surrounding it that he was involved in. This time it was Wong’s turn to drum his fingers on his chin. Wong: Okaaaay…. How about his one - on Idrustix, you brought over my old hiking boots er… the ones covered in well…. "You vomit" and actually set them out for me to find at our campsite as a prank. Do you remember that? Ukinix: ::Shaking head:: Nope, not that – wait, did you make that one up? Wong: Nope. You actually did do that. Ukinix, it’s a bad thing when you can’t even remember pranking me. This is worrying. I’m worried. 2 2
Robin Hopper Posted December 8, 2022 Posted December 8, 2022 (edited) This exchange between @Rahman and Rivi Vataix, @Wil Ukinix, and @Blake Tristam Kyo Venroe is just so goofy. What's not to love? Original sim here: https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-amity/c/c_YMqSLkSdU/m/vTjOcGpGAQAJ Quote Ukinix: Hey, check it out. ::Looking up from console to window:: There’s more Stellae coming over. The two blondes looked up. Vataix: Aww… ::grinning widely:: It never gets old. Wil got up from his seat, stood with his arms crossed, just watching as the playful creatures happily moved around in circles, seemingly without a care in the galaxy. Ukinix: What a life. Nothing, but sleeping and eating, and playing around. Blake: Are you describing yourself or the creatures? A knowing smirk appeared across Wil’s face. There was no doubting he did enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Ukinix: ::Slight smirk:: And farting. Rivi scrunched her nose. Sometimes she wondered how he and the ever graceful Keehani were actually related. Evidently, her cousin caught sight of her reaction. Blake:::with a shrug:: He’s your First Officer… Vataix: Oh, I *never* forget… Wil’s smirk got bigger, proud of that exchange of conversation. About farting. With a Betazoid Noble. Edited December 8, 2022 by Robin Hopper 1 1
Rahman and Rivi Vataix Posted January 2, 2023 Author Posted January 2, 2023 From @Rebecca Iko comes this lovely prose, playing on a metaphor we've established now for Betazoids and Betazed society: Quote ((Club Avandar, Rixx, Betazed)) It wasn't common for the 2nd house daughter to participate in activities such as "clubbing", but as a noble, she represented Betazed's population - particularly that of the sciences department, and her sibling had brought up a very good point at lunch earlier that day too - "The job of a Betazed noble is to appeal to the public eye, and many nobles fail to do so properly, because they don't truly know who they must appeal to." Yes, Daughter Deexila Etraax was here for research purposes. Richards: ::smiling:: It was a pleasure. Her attention was swiftly attuned towards the vocal conversation within the club, picking it out amidst the deafening music like a rose from a thornbush. Although in this case it seemed the rose and thorn had switched places. 🌹 2
Robin Hopper Posted January 4, 2023 Posted January 4, 2023 Another @SRaga gem, featuring @Nathan Richards: Quote Richards: It’s a bit of a surprise to run into *both* of you here. S'Raga looked at Nathan with a sly smirk. He may have only known his roommate for a relatively short amount of time, but it didn't take long to learn that wherever Nathan went, attractive women seemed to magically appear. I am taking this as a compliment, BTW. 2 2
Robin Hopper Posted January 16, 2023 Posted January 16, 2023 If you’re ever wondering how things on Amity are going, just look to this quote from our sober-minded First Officer, @Wil Ukinix: Quote (Wil then left the dance group in search of booze.) 2 1
Wil Ukinix Posted January 16, 2023 Posted January 16, 2023 12 minutes ago, Robin Hopper said: If you’re ever wondering how things on Amity are going, just look to this quote from our sober-minded First Officer, @Wil Ukinix: Canonically accurate. 1
Wil Ukinix Posted January 17, 2023 Posted January 17, 2023 Pot, Kettle, Black, Ms Betazoid Noble (played by @Robin Hopper) Quote Iko: You're on the east coast because New Years Eve, like everything else, is better on the east coast then on the west. Lea glanced at Ceciri and rolled her eyes, then turned the same glance to Keehani, speaking to both of them telepathically while the two Australians argued on. Polgonz: ~~This is a silly argument, no?~~ The boat continued on its way towards a bridge, increasing very mildly in speed as it got further from the coast. Ukinix: ::Admiring bridge:: Don’t be ridiculous. We have much better stuff on the west coast. Polgonz: ::Chastising Wil:: Oh, don’t be so elitist. (Edited for brevity) 2 1
Robin Hopper Posted March 20, 2023 Posted March 20, 2023 This description of a ship being disabled in battle may be one of my favourite things I've read here, @Rebecca Iko: Quote Halsey curled up into a little metaphorical ball and refused to cooperate anymore. From: Lt. JG Rebecca Iko - Don't tease the hunter. 3
Popular Post Wil Ukinix Posted March 23, 2023 Popular Post Posted March 23, 2023 This exchange cracked me up @Nathan Richards! Quote Richards: Well, we need to think of the entire ship. ::Tilting head:: No good to have offense without defense and propulsion… Barberra: It’s not as if we’re ejecting the warp core. Unless Commander Ukinix orders it. Nathan smirked, nodding. Richards: True enough. Barberra: Do you think he’ll order it? Richards: ::Shaking head:: No, Annamae, no I don’t. 1 4
Rahman and Rivi Vataix Posted April 24, 2023 Author Posted April 24, 2023 From @Robin Hopper Quote Ukinix: *Another* bloody matriarch? They must grow on trees or something. That’s weird, Keehani didn’t tell me. Arthur turned to look at Wil conspiratorially and tipped his hat back on his head. Summerside: I don’t think she knew. I don’t think any of them knew. When I left the Ambassador’s office, they were in the middle of a meeting – then Lady Polecat (or whatever her name is) and the Queen of Betazed stroll up like they owned the place. 3 1
Rahman and Rivi Vataix Posted May 3, 2023 Author Posted May 3, 2023 From a JP by @Wil Ukinix and @Robin Hopper Quote Ukinix: Another question. Why did Rivi’s mum do it? Why is she stopping the wedding? Keehani shared a glance with Tri’lea, before looking back at Wil. Keehani: We don’t know. ::slight smirk, to Tri’lea:: Maybe she’s going through The Phase or something. Polgonz: ::Rolling her eyes:: Ugh, as if that would turn her into a duplicitous snake. More likely it’s her nature. Despite her words, Tri’lea was keenly aware of the fact that she was the one actively spitting venom. She would need to be more cautious with her thoughts in mixed company. At least here, with only Keehani and Wil, she could be honest. Ukinix: What’s “The Phase”? Keehani turned to *glare* at Wil like the off-worlder that he sometimes was. Polgonz: ::Sarcastically:: You’ll find out when you’re older. 1 1
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